the actual End

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kinda long, hehe.


''woah Jackson look! we're here!'' her legs dropped form the caravan's front dashboard with a thud before she hurriedly edged away from her seat while pointing forward to the camping's entrance sign. Now that he had made sure she was well rested, fed and loved, she carried all the excitement in the world and it warmed his heart in so many ways.

''yup, I see it'' he chuckled pulling over by the reception to get their spot number and sign a few papers for agreements or whatever, to then quickly come back as soon as he left with the confirmation that everything was set and hopefully ready for them. 

Jackson was praying with his whole heart that the leaflets and Yugyeom were reliable enough to give him honest reviews on the site. By what the youngest had told him, this was a populated zone with no weird events happening in the past or anything that would make it hard for him to sleep at night. In fact, Yugyeom had once come here to stay over for three days by himself and the only bad thing he said he found were the bugs, which right now were not a big problem because they're still half way through February. He prayed the trust he gave these sources was enough to not disappoint himself. 

I mean, it's a camping site, nothing can be luxurious or extremely bad about it.

It was just the fact that this trip had suddenly become a pre-official engagement honeymoon type of thing and all he wanted was for it to be good enough for them to spend some quality time together with the idea in mind that they would be married hopefully... soon.

"this place looks, um... nice" said Irene trying really hard not to sound too disappointed at her first impression of the spot they would be staying in overnight.

So here's the thing. By what he had said over the phone, despite it being winter the area looked beautiful and colourful as the snow covered the ground and the trees kept their leaves to give it a nice and warm contrast as the immense lake peeked at them by the side.

The place the caravan was currently parking at did not look like the description he gave her at all. Maybe the snow was accurate, but that was pretty much it.

It all came down to Jackson and only Jackson because he planned everything alone, so she had only him to blame.

Now, what happened was that while looking at the booking slots, he found a really nice area that in fact matched the wonderful, full of expectation description he had given, but as he looked over the site, he made the hard decision to rent an area with a so-so view to the field and lake purely because that was the closest one to the showers and he knew he would be worried if Irene had to walk back in this cold weather with wet hair and the thin pyjamas she always wore so sleep. 

He's a whipped boyfriend, what can he do.

So the only problem left for him was that he wanted everything ready before even telling Irene because he knew that the moment he told her about sleeping in a caravan in the middle of nothing but winter, she would immediately hang up the phone on his face, which she did, and never bring up the topic again. 

However, Jackson was persistent in making sure the couple spent a lot of time together while doing things out of their bubble because it was fun and wholesome and he was at the edge of beating Mark up every time he came back bragging about another memorable and life-changing trip with Seungwan. So, he did the impossible and convinced her by revealing the time and money he spent renting everything, and maybe, only maybe, lying about the place he got at the end. It was a petty move, definitely. But it works every time and he's doing her a favour so she lives a vivacious and exciting life to later get stories out of to tell their grandchildren.

Something he didn't know was that in fact, Irene had noticed there was something off every time he suggested a trip like this one right after her middle group member came back from a vacation with her boyfriend. But, she chose to ignore it and let her man's pride alone, otherwise he gets sad and clingy and acts like a baby which can sometimes become quite bothersome if he calls every hour while she's at work. Besides, she enjoys the trips regardless because he's there, so she gets a double happy Jackson with one little lie.

"it was the only place they had left" he lied as one hand turned the leathered steering wheel while the other extended over Irene's seat so he could look where he was parking the caravan.

''so you basically tricked me''

''um, no I didn't'' he took one final look back and pulled up the brake handle getting the caravan to ultimately stop before looking at her with intertwined eyebrows and a fake confused look.

There was no way in hell he was letting her know the reason. She would literally murder him because he's always worrying about her too much.

''um, yes you did. You told me about the amazing and beautiful place right after ''booking'' it, but apparently I might just have a very good imagination—'' Irene had been staring at him with a pout until he suddenly got too close with no prior notice and he swore she was having a mini heart attack as he purposely got closer than he needed to.


''what? I thought you were complaining, why did you stop?'' and he was more than glad she stopped.

''I wasn't complaining. I was just about to tell you how I'll beat you up when we get back home'' 

''uh-oh, Mrs. Wang is scary now'' she had this urge to kick the grin away from his face while he acted so tough as if she had never done it before.

Right after, he moved to the back escaping the situation and picked up some bags to take the stuff they would be needing outside, but when he walked back in Irene was still resting on the co-pilot seat, staring as he worked alone.

''come on baby, we're parked and everything''

''I'm still tired...'' he could tell straight away she was faking and was perfectly fine from one, the way she was hiding half her face because she was probably laughing and two, the way she spent half the journey singing along, very loudly, to every single song they put on the radio.

''come here or I'm throwing you on the snow'' something about the look he gave her made her think he would actually do it, but she knew it was highly unlikely. She knew, he knew she was just getting back at him for lying at her so he would soon come over and probably apologise. 

''but I'm tired~~~'' her arms stretched over her head as she whined, backing it with a fake yawn. 

''let's get this outside and then we can eat and be lazy for as long as you want, hm. How does that sound?'' one eyebrow raised and a half smirk to the right side of his face was all he needed to get Irene to agree, or that's what he thought. 

''that sounds good... but I still want to hear something else''

''that I'm sorry? because if that's what it is you know I am. It was the only way to make you come with me. I know you hate being cold but I'll be by your side with a hug ready to get you warm anytime you want, okay?'' 

Awe, that's sweet.

''okay'' she smiled as she stared back at the hazel eyes just a few inches away "but have I ever told you I still get nervous when you get too close?"

"oh... you do?" his eyebrows raised with a smirk and he got even closer to leave a lingering kiss on her lips only for her to act back and slightly bite his lower lip with a mischievous giggle.

''yes I do'' and she was wrong all along. Yes, he did mean it when he said he would throw her on the snow, and she only realised the moment his shocked face disappeared and he got back on track to slide nearer and whisper in her ear,

''that's it, you asked for it'' 

In the next 10 seconds Jackson had dropped everything on his hands, placed Irene over his shoulder and ran outside with her screaming at him.

''YOU IDIOT, LET ME GO!!!'' she wiggled her body in hopes she would brake free but nothing worked.

''too late for that, noona. Hold on tight, I'm counting to three alright. 1... 2... 3!'' with one swift movement she went from laying over his shoulder like a potato bag, to being held over his arms like a princess, to buried under the snow with her supposed prince laughing by her feet.

''I hate you!'' 


The day for them proceeded very well actually. In the morning they talked and laughed over some BBQ because they both missed eating filling meals that make you feel like a button or two might rip out and fly across the table.

Then, they walked around to digest the food and on their way to visit the infamous frozen lake, they found a small farm cultivating carrots that apparently allowed you to harvest them yourself for 10,000won if you stayed below a certain weight, so they gave it a go. They ended up paying 50,000 because it was fun and they lost count the moment Jackson tried to get one that seemed big, but only got laughed at for bruising his butt the moment he fell after abruptly pulling out the tiniest carrot in the world.

Right now they laid over a heating mat Jackson placed by the caravan so they could appreciate the stars they weren't able to see from the city as their sore feet tangled together to get them warmed up after the long ice skating session they had on the frozen lake. Irene wasn't willing to join at first because she was scared and had never done it before but he eventually convinced her and was 100% glad he did as he glanced over to see his smiling fiancée tucked over his side with a fluffy blanket wrapped around her shivering body while she stared at the night sky with reddened cheeks and a nose that looked like Rudolf's.

''thanks for coming with me'' a smile as broad as a kid's who has just received the birthday present of a life time beamed on his face as she looked back at him equal joy.

''thanks for lying at me to make me come with you''

''ugh, stop it already!'' she laughed loving his reactions every time she mentioned it.

''sorry, sorry...'' their voices slowly died down as they comfortable enjoyed each other's warmness until Jackson spoke up again.

''oh, by the way... I'm sorry about the sudden proposal as well'' he knew they had talked about it before and she looked forward to the day he would go on one knee and slide whatever beautiful ring he had chosen over her finger.

''now that I think of it... that was a weird way to propose—'' he instantly sat up looking guilty as he squeezed her hand.

''oh god no, what have I done. Joohyun, I'm so so so sorry, I don't even know what I was thinking to tell you this way. I was panicking and that's the only thing I could think of—''

''woah Jackson slow down, you didn't let me finish'' laughed the angel whose hand had now reached over to hold his other with a tight grip as she sat up next to him ''it wasn't weird... I shouldn't have said it like that. It was original and sudden and I really wasn't expecting it in any way which is the whole point. Right then I was confused and happy and overwhelmed, but now that I can think about it... Jackson-'' her eyes stared at his with such warmness that his entire being had started to burn ''I love you and nothing can change that. Not the proposal, not the ring, literally nothing. If someone has to apologise it has to be me because of what happened on the way here. I ruined the mood so badly"

"baby, it's okay" the way he looked at her now made all the cold become warm and nice and fluffy "over the years I figured you tend to think and worry a lot when you're sleep deprived and hungry" he chuckled remembering the many times this has happened before.

"I...- do that?" her head tilted to the side with genuine surprise on her face.

"yeah" he stifled a laugh "all the time. You're always saying how you're not good enough but you are so perfect and it's so infuriating that you don't realise" she stayed quiet thinking over what he said.

"oh god... I do, do that" by now, she had her head between her hands while quietly mumbling things to herself.

"you're not cursing me out, are you?" he joked to break the ice but soon noticed it didn't work too well when irene looked up to him with teary eyes "baby WHAT— why are you crying?! don't— I was just jOKING-"

''I'm so sorry it's just that— you make me feel so good about myself and I love how supporting you are of me even when I do bad. Sometimes I just feel like I could do better, you know? but you're always there to tell me how important it is to praise myself as much, and more as I criticise myself"

''awe baby come here'' he kissed her head and pulled her over for a tight embrace ''you do the same to me ALL the time as well. Remember that time I called you very late at night but you still picked up and talked to me until I wasn't feeling nervous any more. Or that other time when you literally came all the way to the dance studio because I was tired and anxious about the new choreo. Or that other time—''

''yes, I remember all of them'' she covered his mouth with a giggle because he could go over and over non stop.

''that's the smile I like seeing'' he smiled back too ''I love you as much as you love me and probably way more. I love the way you sing on stage, the way you act in movies, the way you dance— oh right! and I still don't know why you think your dance is not good enough. You literally danced your way into my heart"

"huh? Jackson stop being so cheesy" she groaned annoyed.

"what? no, like you literally stepped on the tiniest crush I had on Seulgi the moment I saw you dance like there was no tomorrow back in 2014—"

"WAIT, HOLD YOUR HORSES! YOU— hAd a cRuSh oN Seulgi?!!!" the utter expression on her face, the shock, the hand over her mouth trying to cover the little amused smirk it carried 100% ready to tease the hell out of him... he had said more than he should've once again.

How can she go from being all cute and sad, to this teasing monster that haunts my dreams in a matter of seconds?

"I SAID TINY!" he dodged the look she gave him pretty well but she wasn't going to give up.

"and what... initiated this crush??"

"it was LITERALLY just because she was my partner in the Moves Like Jagger performance... I could tell she was a good dancer and she was pretty too...-"

"I'm not believing this!" for a moment Jackson thought she would be angry or jealous in some way or degree but regretted ever feeling the guilt he was showing because she was now quite literally on the floor cackling herself up like she had just awakened from a dose of anaesthesia "I... have to tell... Seulgi about this" she said as she calmed down holding her stomach and wiping a few happy tears that reached down to her chin.

"don't you dare—"

"and you tell me 7 years later?!" she laughed amused.

"because I knew you would put that face! there! see! that face of 'I will engrave this in my head and will never forget about it so I can use it against you for the rest of my life' "

''well yes! I obviously have to! you had a crush on a member from my group who is now dating a member from your group...— OMG! what will Jaebeom say about this?! will he be mad, or will he laugh? Jackson please I need to tell them— hey! where did you go?'' when she turned back to catch a glimpse of his expression to know if to stop or continue, she found nothing but a pile of snow as he had already walked away and rushed into the caravan where he stared back at her through the window.

''YOU'RE SLEEPING OUTSIDE!'' he shouted to make sure she got the message.

''AND YOU'RE CRAZY'' she screamed back dismissing whatever none sense he spoke before falling back on the mat for a quick inhale of the fresh air.


''whatever!'' just then this horrifying feeling washed over her existence the moment she heard the sound of something closing right behind her head ''Jackson...?'' she turned back and found the door shut while her child like fiancé waved and blew some kisses and winks her way from the window.



''stop joking, I'm getting cold now!'' 

''YOU SHOULD'VE STOPPED TEASING ME EARLIER THEN'' his voice yelled behind the closed door.




I hope it wasn't too confusing or random. I kinda just threw a bunch of stuff in there and hoped it works (°_o)

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