10. Drunken!!

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Hello.. Dear readers..

Im back with my update..

Today's update iam going to dedicate it to... Sasanka54

Onemore thing.. This is all flashback..

So lets get back to story


I couldnt take my eyes from him talking to that beautiful girl.

I dont know her. But the pair looked so better for each other.

The way rakesh smiles at her. It shows the care he had for her. I am waiting for that smile because of me.. He looked so good with smile.

I felt so jealous.. I cant make him smile. Even if i try 100 other ways, its just i cant get his love.

My throat got constricted. Mouth felt so dry.

I went to counter but it is surrounded by lot of men. I looked over the table beside. I went and took the glass of water over there and drank it in one gulp.

"Aawww" why this water is so tasteless. I took another glass and drank to decrease my thirst.

After 3 glasses of water. I took another glass to drink. But a hand stopped me from drinking by holding the glass.

"Heyy.. Swetha ji.. No this is not for you." he said.

But it looks so blurr.

"U cant drink this" he said.

"Ra... Raaakeeesh... Jjjii.. Itsss jussssttttt.. Waaaatt.. Errr..." i said holding it back.

"Oh my godd. How many glasses have you took? " he sound surprised.

" Itss jusssttt.. Onee... Tto twooo... Thhreee... " i said counting fingers.i felt the earth is shaking and moving. Iam about to fall. But i found hands around my waist to support me. I fell on him.

"Oh.. Noo.. Vikranth.. Look here. She mistook of drink as water. " he said.

"Ohh shitt.. ok varun.. just handle her. I will go get rakesh here" vikranth said.

"Raa.. Keessshh jii.. Eaaartthh quaaakeee ahhh?? Im.. Affraidd.. " i clutched to him tightly. He stiffened.

"Swetha ji. Iam not rakesh.. Iam varun. And its not earthquake dont worry." he said still holding me.

"Vaaarunn.. !! Runnn runn.. Varunnn" i mumbled. He chuckled.

"Buttt.. Who... Iss. Varunn.. Raakeesh ji " i asked.. I felt so unstable i hugged him tightly by placing my hands around his shoulders.

"Ok.. First u sit there. I will tell you who varun is. " he said unclutching me. I tightened my grip.

"Wwhyy.. Raaakeesshh ji.. Whhy do youuu haaatte mee soo muchhh,?  Cantt i evenn huggg you?? Pppleaase... lett mee staay likee thhisss just forr todaayy... " tears started falling i tightened my hug and placed my head in crook of his neck. He stiffened. I wet his shirt with my tears.

" VARUNN!!"  vikranth shouted.

Someone dragged me from his hold. I am about to fall but he stopped by placing his hands around my waist. I tried to get out of his hold but his smell felt familiar and i stopped fighting and raised my head to look at his face.

" Raakeeshhh jjiii.." I looked beside to see another rakesh.

"Onee raakesshhh and.. Twoo raakeesshhh.. " i pointed my finger to him and beside one.

"Sorry rakesh.. I didnt mean to.. Its just she is too drunk. I tried to make her not to fall" other rakesh explained to him.

"Its k varun. I think its better for me to leave. " rakesh who is holding me said and  started moving out of club by dragging me along with him.

"Nooo... I waaantt to drinkkk waaat.. rr"i refused to go but he dragged me.

We went to car parking area. He opened the car door and i pushed me in passenger seat. He sat in driver seat and locked his seat belt. He turned to me and bended to reach for my seat belt.

"Raakeeshh jjiii.. U smellll too goodd u knoww" i said and kissed his cheek. He stiffened and took hold of my seat belt and locked it. I laughed.

He started driving. It was silent.

I looked out side.. "Heeyyy.. Awwww soo cutttee... " i patted his shoulder to look at the cute baby walking with his parents. He looked through the corner of his eyes and returned to driving.

I clapped my hands " wahh.. Fasttt fasttt.."

"Shhh.. Silent" he ordered. I pouted.

I kept a hand on my mouth. But made little sounds through out the way.

After reaching home. He parked the vehicle in parking lot. He opened the door to passenger seat and unlocked my seat belt.

I tried to get up to fall again. He forwarded his hand for help. I smiled at him and grasped his hand and fell on him. But he balanced his position.

Tried to walk with me along. But with fail he lifted me in bridal style after unlocking the door. After reaching our bed room he kept me on bed.

He went out to lock the door.

I felt so hot inside bedroom. I removed my saree to get air. He came with a glass and looked at me and lowered his head

I smiled. He forwarded the glass and took it and drank.

He took the glass and kept it on bedside table. He switched on airconditioner.

He went to bath room to freshup.
He came out in towel with water droplets falling on the chest.

My mouth filled with saliva. He looked at me and shifted his gaze away. Walked towards closet to take his night wear. I watched his every move.

I wore that night wear and occupied his side of bed with back facing towards me.

I removed the pillows beside me and moved closer to him.

He turned to face me. I placed my hand on his face. I touched his forehead, eye brows, eyes, nose and cheeks and lips...

He widened his eyes and stopped my hand.

"Raakesshhh.. Ppleeaasee.. I waantt to kisss youu" i moved my head to reach his lips. But he moved his head away and sat.

"Whyyy dontt youu likee mee?? Doo youu hatee mee soo mucch.. Do youu haatee myy touchh thatt muchhh.. " tears formed in my eyes. He lowered his head.

I took hold of his right hand and placed it over my neck.

"Iam waitingg forr yourr touchh raakeesshh.. " i cried. He stiffened

He removed his hand from me and stoodup to go out of the room.

I cried and slept.

Next morning when i wokeup. I found a bedsheet covering me. My head is hurting. I tried to get up but i felt like some one  kept 100kgs weight over my head.

I looked over bedside table to see glass of water. I reached for water under that i found a slip and a tablet.

I took that sleep and  tried to read.. It felt difficult to read due to my severe head ache but i tried. It showed.
'Take that tablet it will be better for headache. '

How does he  know that i have head ache.??

Well he do care for me.. I tried to smile.. "Ahh.. " its better if take that tablet. I gulped it with glass  of water and fell on bed again.

I  wokeup to the ring of my mobile. I looked to see avi calling..

"Heyy.. Avi.. " i said.

"Sweth.. Are you okay.? Why is your voice like that? "

"Yah.. Iam sleeping"

"Whatt..?? Still sleepping? Is it really my sweth? You know what time it is? " she asked surprised.

"What time? " i asked sleeppily.

"Its 12pm baby.. " she said.

"Whattt!! " i woke suddenly.. I looked my surroundings.. I realised i slept after taking tablet.

"Its just headache. But now iam fine." i said

"Are you sure? Do u want me to come?"

"No avi.. Iam fine. K i will call you later"

"K.. First eat something. Call u later.. Bye" she cut the call.

How can i sleep like that.. Iamm becoming lazy day by day.

I got up from bed by removing the bedsheet covering me.

I screamed realising i didnt wore saree.. My saree was far from my bed.

I tried to remember what happened last night..

We went to night club then namitha.. Aah.. That girl.. Iam so jealous..

"Ohh godd.. How can i.. Ohh no.. What will he think of me." i mumbled

He will think that iam characterless. Ohh noo.. Varunn.. Oh god.. It will be good if the earth swallow me at this moment.

How can i think varun as rakesh?

Its too disgusting..

Ohh.. Noo.. I kissed rakesh..

He is your husband swetha..

But still.. What will he think? Will he think iam taking advantage..

Let him think so. But he didnt say anything . So why to worry ??

I smiled remembering how rakesh lifted me in bridal style.

Ohho.. I cried infront of him.. He will think that iam desperate for s*x.. Godd..


But how i can be so irresponsible? How can i  not control my self? How can i not differentiate varun and rakesh?

How it happened?

Yess.. It happened after drinking water.. But how??

My eyes widened realising..

Ohhh noo.. Am i in drunken state??

How can i face him??


So this is another chapter guys.

What do u think of todays chapter?

Does rakesh feel anything for swetha?

What do you think about drunken swetha?

Do you think swetha is desperate?

Thank you all for your votes annd lovely comments.

I alsoo thank those silent readers too.

Meet you on next tuesday..

Love you all..


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