12. Hug

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Helloo.. Dear busy busy but lovely eagerly waiting readers..

I know today is not tuesday but... This is a surprize chapter for you all guys.. 😊😊😊

But dont expect surprizes always.. Enjoy just today😉😉😉

So this chapter iam going to dedicate to my most eagerly waiting readers.. varshaojha and kirthimaheshnagpal

So lets get back to story.. U know.. Italic means flash back..


Next day evening..

"Sweth.. Iam on my way to orean mall.. I will reach in 1 hr" avi said on call.

"Yah.. I will start then.." i said.

"K. Bye.. come soon."

"Bye" i cut the call.

I went to check whether i switched off all lights and fans. I closed all doors and came out locking the main door.

I tried to call him.. To inform that iam going out but he didnt lift my call so i just messaged him..

May be he is in meeting..

After that incident he havent talked to me.. I too didnt try..

I already said sorry.. But he is not listening.. Or may be avoiding.. Its too embarrassing for me to talk about that..

I begged for his touch.. Godd..

He might have thought iam too eager for it.. May be that is why he is avoiding me.

Finally reached orean mall..

I called avi..

"Avi.. Iam at the entrance.. Where are you??"

"Yah coming.. Just went to iskon temple in the mean time.." avi said.

"Ok.. I will wait here.. "

"K.. " she cut the call.

She might be modern but she always believe in god.. Goes to temple regularly.

I too used to go to temple regularly.. But after marriage.. No..

Not because i became an atheist but i lost interest as my only wish didnt came true..

I came out of thoughts by sudden tap on my shoulder.

I turned to look at priya surprisingly..

"Heyy.. Swetha..!! Surprise..!! " priya hugged me.

I returned the hug.. Beside her, there stood namitha with plain expressionless face.

Upon watching me looking at her.. She just said " hi"

"Hi.. " i smiled.

Even if she had no manners.. I have..

"So.. Swetha.. I dont know you are coming here.. Otherwise i might have called you.." priya said

I just smiled.

"U came alone??" namitha asked looking suspicious.

"Yah.. Actually.. My friend is coming" i said.

"Friend..??" priya asked surprised.

"Yah.. My best friend avika.. There she is.." i said pointing to avika who wore orange top with dark blue long skirt..

"Oh.. "

"Hey.. Is it too long for you to wait.. " avi asked.

"No.. " i smiled at her.

"Okay.. Lets get inside.. " she said.

She didnt look at the people beside me.. She is always like that..

"By the way.. Avi.. They are priya and namitha.. Rakesh friends."

"Who??" She looked surprised and realised "ohh.. Sorry i havent seen you.. Iam avika.. Avikaprateesh.. Sweth's best friend. " avi extended her hand winking at me.

"Hi.. Nice to meet swetha's bestfriend.." priya said with genuine smile.

"Hi" namitha said for formality.

"Okay lets get inside.. Before some one kicks us out" avi said.

"Who will?? " i asked confused.

"You.. Dumbhead.. Iam just kidding.. Lets go.. Its will take long time to select for you" avi snapped my head.

"Aah.. " i pouted.

"U really are besties.. No doubt.. " priya laughed at us. Namitha too laughed.

We went to western wear section.

"Swetha.. U said you are not comfortable with westernwear.." priya asked doubtfully.

"She loves to wear.. But she is afraid that some one will mock at her.." avi said.

"Why some one will bully you? " priya asked.

I became silent..

"Thats the problem.. She feels so inferior and insecure.. What she doesnt know is she has good curves.. " i glared at avi.

"Stop.. Glaring.. U have to try what you like.. Its your money.. Your body.. Your taste.. If u like it go ahead.. If you dont, leave it.. Dont compromise for others taste.. Be confident in your self.." avi said.

I lowered my head.

"Yes.. What avika said is correct.. You have to be confident about yourself.. You are beautiful in your own way.." priya said.

"Never ever feel insecure about your color.. Dont feel bad about something you dont have.. Feel great about something you have.. You have a great heart. Looks might change and who love you by looks might leave you over time.. But those who loves your character will stay with you forever. " avi said seriously.

" I know.. I know.. I heard u lot of times" I raised my hands to my ears.

" So.. Lets stop lecturing.. And get in to shopping.." namitha said.

After so many trails.. I baught 4 pairs.. Priya baught 6 pairs.. Namitha 6pairs.

We then went to parlour..

" U have nice smooth skin madam.." i smiled.

"She dont need to shape her eyebrows too.." other girl said.

Yess. Thats what people used to say since childhood..  My eyebrows are at perfect shape, My lips are like carved in perfect heart shape  and with straight optimal nose. Skin so smooth without acne.. But along with all these, they used to add 'if she was fair complexed.. She might be the beautiful girl'.

People are just like that.. They will praise something about your greatness but before you feel greatful they will make a blind comment which will make you feel awful.

After that we all went back to our home.

2 weeks went away just like that.. In those 2 weeks priya called me multiple times about our plans and all.

So finally the time to goa.

Rakesh is busy with work during those 2 weeks.. To obtain leave.. Same for varun and vikranth.

Everything is planned by priya and namitha.. From flight tickets, hotel stay, places to visit.. Everything..

Its just they used to inform to vikranth and they will finalise.. Or if needed they will advise for changes. Thats How it happened..

I packed everything for us. Infact i havent gone to long tours till now.. This is the first time so i dont know what to pack.. Priya and avi advised me for packing luggage.

Rakesh didnt say anything.. He just checked his luggage and closed.

Finally we went to goa at 11am.

We went to hotel through cab.

" welcome to grand hyatt sir.. how can i help you? " the hotel receptionist smiled widely at us.

"Hello.. We booked 3 rooms in the name of vikranth sinha" priya said.

"Just wait a minute madam..  Can you tell me where you are from.."

"We came from bangalore"

"Okay.. Can you show me your identity cards madam"

"Yah sure" priya opened her bag and took identity cards to receptionist.

"So can you tell me names of people staying in and please submit identity cards of eachperson"

We all gave our cards to priya.

"Priya sinha, namitha rathore, Varun bhatia, rakesh patil and swetha patil"

Okay mam thank you for your cooperation.

"Your rooms are 104,105,108 our helper will guide you mam.. Welcome to goa.. Have a nice stay", she smiled widely giving keys to priya

We went towards our corridor.

Priya opened 104 room and asked helper to keep bag of varun and vikranth inside.

Then opened 105 room asked helper to keep namitha and priya luggage inside.

Then opened 108 room which was opposite to 105 room and asked  helper to keep luggage of rakesh and mine inside.

I was shocked. Rakesh looked seriously at me.

What do i do.. I mean.. Is it my fault if she keeps luggage of us in that room.

"Stop oogling at each other. " priya interrupted our stare.

"Priya.. Why dont you and vikranth share a room..  " rakesh said finally.

"Then what you want namitha and varun to share a room?" priya asked seriuosly.

Namitha laughed.

"No..  I and varun will share a room. " rakesh explained.

Do i have to share room with namitha??

"Rakesh.. Swetha is new here.. That too she doesnt know much about nams.. She will get bored.. I dont want to make her feel odd man out. " priya explained.

Even if i stay with him.. Then also i will feel the same..

"Yes.. She is right.. That too you too are newly married.. So its better this way" vikranth said.

"Vikranth.. Its been 5 months " rakesh tried to explain but was cut off by priya..

"Vikky.. Stop talking with him. Go and freshup.. We have lots of schedule. " priya ordered.

"Yes wifey.. " vikranth nodded just like a small boy infront of mother.

I laughed at them.

All went to their corresponding rooms and closed their doors, leaving me and rakesh.

We looked at each other then he heaved a sigh.. And went inside.

Its such a beautiful room..  Classy.. 
Beside that room there is balcony from which swimming pool is visible.

Rakesh went to freshup. I opened my luggage thinking whichone to wear.

There was a click sound.. I opened the door to see... house keeping.

They came and gave welcome snacks for us.

"Do you want anything madam?? " he asked.

"No.. Thank you" i said smiling.

"You are welcome madam.. Have a nice stay.. Feel free to ask anything we are at your service. " he said.

I nodded.

He bended and went away.

Rakesh came from washroom in bathrobe. I looked here and there except him.

He opened his luggage and stood there.


For what??

I looked at him.

He signelled me to go outside.

Ohh.. I went outside.

The door opened revealing rakesh fully dressed.

Rakesh wore grey coloured shirt with black jeans. He looked as handsome as always.

He went outside giving privacy for me.

After bathing i finally decided to wear black floral dress with red flowers on it. Its sleeveless. But comfortable..

I opened my door. But rakesh is nowhere to be seen. I knocked on to priya door.

She opened it.. "Woww.. Its looking too good on you dear"

I blushed.

"Wait... I will do ur hairstyle and makeup by the time our nams comes out."

She made me sit for sometime.. And done few things to me..

"Perfect" she said allowing me to look into muirror.

She made puff at the top and made wavy curls to my hair.

She did little makeup.. It made me look different.

I am in deep Thinking whether rakesh likes it or not..

Some guys love their wives to be traditional. Is rakesh too same?

Just because of avi's force i baught them.. But what if he doesnt like?.

After they got ready we went out of room. There all three men waiting like they are waiting since a lifetime.

"Heyy.. Swetha.. You look great.. "vikranth said.

" Actually western wear looks great on you " varun said. I smiled.

I then looked at rakesh.

Rakesh looked at me. He didnt say anything.. But from his looks what i understood is.. He dont care what ever i wear.

From there we went to palolem beach..

Varun, vikranth, priya and namitha  went for swimming. I dont know swimming so i stayed at shore.

Rakesh too didnt went to swim..

He too didnt know swimming??

After some time.. Namitha came and said something to rakesh. Rakesh shaked his head horizantally but she asked with pleading eyes.

He nodded. Went to change his dress into swim suit.

He also went to swim. They all enjoyed well.. Laughing and playing..

I loved watching them like that.. But what i didnt like is.. Namitha always being close with my husband.. She is always around him. He too is enjoying her company.

What can you do?? U are nothing to him.. May be she will replace the place of vaishali.. You can never be in that place swetha..

Ahh.. Shuttup.. Iam his wife.. Ok.. Iam his wife.

Not vaishali not namitha.. Its swetha.. Its swetha patil wife of rakesh patil.

After i felt bored of sitting like that i went to drink fruitjuice. Because of experience.. I have this fear of drinking even water outside.

While iam coming back.. Two men stopped me from moving..

"Excuse me.. " i said.

"Can i buy you a drink babe" one guy said.

"No.. I will buy you.. " other one said.

I felt suffocated.

One tried to hold my hand but i slapped him and kicked the other guy with my knee and started running.

By the time i came to my usual place.. No one is seen visible.

Sweat started dribbling.. Fear occupied my mind.. Palpitations started.. I stood  there closing my eyes and taking deep breaths to control my racing heart..

Suddenly a hand on my shoulder. My heart stopped..  With widened eyes i turned to look..

There he is..


I immeadiately hugged him.. And cried.

He stiffened with my sudden hug.

"Its okay.. Its okay.. We are here" he hugged me and started rubbing my back.

I tightened my hug to control my tears.

"I thought i lost you all.. " i said panting.

"When we looked at you.. You are not there.. So we went to search you.. " he said.

"I.. I went to drink friut juice.. Then.. Theyy.. They.. " i started crying.

"Who?? What happened??" he asked seriously..

Suddenly i realised.. What iam saying.. This is not our place..

We will just go in 1 wk.. Why to make issue here.. So i dont want any struggles to face again. So i changed the topic.

"Hmm.. Itss.. Itss.. Nothing." . I said wiping my tears and moved away.

"Haahh.. Thank god.. You are here only.." varun said panting.

"Swetha you should have told us before going anywhere" vikranth yelled angrily.

"Shh.. Its okay vikky.. " priya tried to control him.

"No.. Priya.. She is not a child.." vikranth looked at me " this is not our place.. This is goa you have to be careful.." he warned me with anger evident on his face.

I cried sobbing

Its my mistake only.. I should have said them. What if those two men attacked me..?

Rakesh kept his hand on my shoulder and said.. "its okay.. Next time becareful."

I nodded wiping my tears.

"Okay.. Lets go to our rooms.. Enough " namitha said.

We went back to our rooms.. No one said anything because.. Vikranth is damn serious today..

I havent thought such friendly attitude of vikranth can become deadly serious in seconds.

In our room.. Rakesh didnt said anything. But.. First time he comforted me.. He hugged me..

Replaying those happy moments.. I went in to sleep.


Guys.. seriously I have a big doubt.. Why dont you find any mistakes in my story.. I mean.. Any grammer mistakes and all.. Is it my writing ability improved that u are unable find mistakes or is it full of mistakes that correcting is too difficult for you??


This is it..

How do you feel about todays chapter??

Do you think  vikranth's anger is understandable.?

Have you ever been to goa?

First time rakesh hugged swetha.. What do you think about it.?

Keep voting and commenting..

Love you all.

Meet you next tuesday..


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