14. Slap!!!

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Helloo.. Busy busy but lovely readers..

Here iam back..

Today i will be too busy.. So i thought i might forget as time goes on.. So here iam updating early..

This chapter  'SLAP!!!' ...

To whom iam going to dedicate are...

Taniksha2003, ramavahi, shinuanuchand... Thank you all

Lets get back to story..


We came to hotel back. Priya, vikranth and varun wanted to spend sometime in lobby. But I went towards our room.

Iam about to open the door but before that it opened revealing namitha.. My heartbeat stopped for a second.

I looked inside, he was sleeping on bed without shirt mumbling something.

I dont know what to feel. He is my husband only as per papers. But we are strangers. But why dont i take it like that.. Why do my heart hurts.?

Tears welled looking at him.. But on seeing namitha.. I dont know.. I felt so angry.. Anger visible on my eyes.. I tried to control but no.. Its beyond my capability..

Whether you call it posessiveness or jealousy.. I might give him to vaishali.. But not to her.. Because.. Vaishali is his true love.. Who is his first.. But she came in middle.

What do u do?? If he wants her??

If he already fell in love with her..

Tears started flowing..

I cant stay here.. I dont want to look weak especially infront of her..

I turned to go.. But a hand stopped me. I looked back to see sympathy..??

Sympathy in namitha's eyes??

What does she want now??

After taking away my husband what is the role of sympathy now..??

Ohh so that i can think its not her fault..

I wriggled my hand forcefully and walked fast..

"Swetha.. " namitha followed whispering..

"Wait.. Its not what you think.. " i didnt even stop..

I cant hear anything.. I dont want to..

"Dont you want rakesh?? " namitha asked me louder.

I stood rooted.

"Dont you want rakesh?? " she whispered with tears.

"I want him.. I want him for myself?" i haven't realised i yelled at her.

Tears rolled down on its own.

"But i know.. I cant get him.." i mumbled and looked at her with hatred.

Suddenly namitha hugged me..

I wriggled to let go.. But she whispered "its not what you think"

I stopped my struggle.

She unheld me and looked at me in the eye with same emotion sympathy.

"Iam missing my rakesh. My in the sense.. friend.. My best friend." she said.

I looked confused.

"I know.. U might me thinking iam trapping him.. But no.." i took a deep breath

"When i conveyed my feelings for him in the past.. He said.. 'u are great in everything nams.. But i cant see u as girlfriend.. U really are my best friend.. I dont want to hurt you.. I love you but as a friend.. Even if i try, that will make you hurt in long run.. I dont want our friendship to be broken'..for few days i havent talked with him after that.. He didnt left me alone.. He was always around me taking care of me in every way possible.. Thats when vaishali came in to his life.. Even he loved vaishali.. He didnt left us. After looking at his love for vaishali.. I understood my love for him is nothing more than friendship.. Because i didnt feel jealous looking at them. I felt proud of him as best friend"

"After i went to USA.. I got to know what happened in his life.. I tried to contact him. But he closed all routes of contacts.. He made him self in a cage. Then recently.. Vikranth said about ur marriage"

"I wanted to see him.. So i made this get together. At first i thought you too are happy.. But That day at party i heard you talking to varun thinking its rakesh in drunken state. You said 'why do you hate me rakesh..' Then i started observing you too.. "

I raised my head looking at her.

" First i thought its a forced marriage for him.. But later i realised he himself wanted this marriage. I know you love him more than yourself.. Anyone can say it just looking at you how you admire him. But yesterday at beach i saw his care for you.."

"I tried my best for him to change.. But he is not moving on with his life.."

"I really wish to see both of you as happy couple. " i relaxed.

Can i believe her??

Ofcourse what else you can do?

"Can you do,Something which i will say.? I know it really works." she said wiping my tears. I nodded.

"What..?? " i asked with enthusiasm.

"Just wait here. " she went to her room came back with a perfume.

"What is this..?" i asked her.

But instead of answering she sprayed it on me and sniffed it.. I moved back..

"I think.. Its good enough" she said smiling.

"What?? " i asked inhaling the perfume.. Its good but what does it have to do anything with him.

"Dont ask any questions just do as i say.. Go and lock your room.. Sleep close to him after turning off all the lights."

"Why?? " i asked confused.

"Just do as i say.. " she said pushing me towards our room.

I did as she said. I locked the door and turned off all the lights. I slept on bed.. Moving closer to him..

Smell of alcohol surrounded him. I moved closer to him.. His face few inches away from my face. His breath touching my face. I felt butterflies in my stomach inhaling his natural cologne..

He suddenly moved closer to me.. Placing his left hand around my waist.

As its crop top.. His hand came directly in contact with my skin.. Sudden wave of shiver ran down my spine.. Its not disgusting type.. I liked this feeling.

He moved still closer. Placed his face in the crook of neck.. He inhaled as i was his favourate flavour. My heartbeat raced.

He came on top of me.. His left hand still on my waist but moved it there up and down touching more skin.. Making me feel unknown pleasure. He placed his right hand on my neck moving it back wards to my head.

He moved his head downwards and placed it on my neck.. His lips touching my collarbone.. I released a long breath.. I dont know that i held my breath till now.

He placed feathery kisses on my collarbone. I moaned unknowingly..

My hands started moving on its own to the back of his head and my fingers started pulling his hair.

He moaned..

He raised his head and moved it on to my chin, Started placing kisses over there.

"Call mm my mmnamme " he whispered inbetween  kisses.

"Whattt.. " i asked confused.. My mind is not in proper. He moved his lips on to my lips.

"Call my name" he whispered louder and bited my lower lip..

"Raaa..keshh.. " i said with difficulty.

He started kissing my lips like its his favourite chewing gum.

I dont even know kissing is this much pleasurable.. His touch made me experience new sensations of my body which i dont even know whether they are present.

He moved his lip to my left ear and started kissing there.. I felt tingling sensations.

" Call my name... Vaishali"

I breath stopped.. My hands loosened from his head.. It felt like the whole world stopped..

"Call my name vaishali.. " he said once again.

All the sensations i felt till now suddenly became disgusting.

I tried pushing him away. But he pulled me by tightening his grip on my waist..

"Leave me.. " i yelled.

"I love you vaishali.. Dont go.. " he pushed me more closer to him placing his right hand on my back.

I used all my strength to push him.. He fell to side.. I moved to side to turn on the light but he pulled me by holding my left hand.. Instantly involuntarily my right hand came in contact with something hard.

Loud sound came..

His grip on my left hand loosened.. I ran and turn on the light.

I turned to see.. He placed his left hand on his left cheek.. Shock was evident in his eyes.

Did.. I slapped him?

I had a mixture of emotions.

Sadness.. He thought me as vaishali

Hurt.. He doesnt like me as me.

Hatred for me.. As i slapped him

He removed his hand.. I went to check how i damaged his face..

"I.. Iam sorry.. It happened involuntarily" i tried to explain touching his injured cheek.

Suddenly he pushed me on to bed and started moving upon me..

"Leave me.. Iam not vaishali.. Iam swetha.. " i shouted for him to gather his conciousness.

But he didnt budge.. He kept my hands over my head. I tried with my full effort to push him away..

"Please.. Dont.. Dont touch me.. Iam not vaishali.. Iam swetha.. Your wife swetha.." i cried.

"Please.. Dont.. " i begged

He didnt listen.. He moved his head downwards on to my lips.. I took a long breath and I pushed him hard with full force. He fell on to the side.. I sat and slapped him with full force..

Loud sound heard..

My palm burned with pain..

This time i voluntarily slapped him..

I ran to open the door.

Upon opening the door there stood varun and vikranth.. Shock was evident in their faces.

I cried looking at them.. Vikranth looked inside to see rakesh with bruise of my palm on his cheek.

"Whats wrong with you??" he asked looking furious.

"Its not me.. Its your friend.. He thought i was vaishali.. He tried to.." i sobbed hugging my body.

"So what?? Isnt he your husband?? Its his physical need cant you care for him?? " vikranth looked as if i have done some crime.

"IAM NOT A PROSTITUTE" i yelled furious.

"Why dont you get it swetha.. S*x will improve your relation with him. " he said like iam an imbecile.

"I wanted him to make love to me not s*x.. " i said looking eye to eye with vikranth with tears full of anger falling down the cheeks.

"Swe-" he is about to say something with harsh voice.. But i didnt want to hear any thing.

I ran from them to swimming pool area and sat at the edge..

Why godd?? Why..??

Do you hate me that much..??

I have done a thing which i never ever in my dream i thought of doing..

How can i slap him?

He will never ever like me from now onwards.

Its all my mistake.. Will he remember all these things tomorrow?

How can we face each other??

I felt a hand on my shoulder.. I suddenly jerked with fear.

"Its me.. Swetha.. " namitha's voice made me relax a bit.

"What happened? " she asked..

"He.. He.. " i cried.

"Shh.. Its okay.. Take a long breath" i did just as she said.

"He thought of me as vaishali and he.. He.. I cant say" i said with shaking head and i hugged my self.

"You know the perfume i sprayed, its his favourate which he always used to buy for vaishali.. So he thought of you as vaishali on inhaling that scent.. "

"Why did you do that?? " i asked with anger evident on my face.

"Atleast in that way.. Seeing vaishali in you can make him at ease" namitha said as if she had done a great thing.

"Are you out of your mind.. Sorry if you are hurt.. But what you have done is not correct" i felt so guilty

"I dont want him to see vaishali in me.. I want him to see swetha in me.. I want him to love swetha in me.." i place my hand on my heart.. Its paining thinking he can never like me as myself.

"I dont want to become a replica..  If he doesnt like my own self then.. Its okay for me even if he hates me.. If i change myself duplicating another then it means iam dead.. " i said taking an deep breath.

" Iam sorry swetha.. I haven't thought like that.. I tried to talk with him.. But as you saw he didnt listen.. He is wasting his life..  He should move on.." namitha holded my hands with guilt in her eyes.

" May be he might move on from vaishali, If he gets the best one.. Not the ugly one like me.. May be its better if i give divorce to him." i sobbed.


So guys..

About today's chapter.. Iam sorry guys.. if you dont like this chapter. I mean this is the first time writing intimate scene.. As everything is first time.. Hope you will adjust..

So.. What did you thought looking at chapter heading 'slap'?? Did you thought about

A. Rakesh slapping swetha
B. Swetha slapping namitha
C. Swetha slapping rakesh
D. None of the above

Choose the answer which you thought.. If its option D. Comment what you thought.

Divorce word from swetha??

How many of you support swetha that she slapping rakesh is correct?

By the way.. Dear readers.. I want to ask you one thing.. Which point of view do you want me to write?? Rakesh's or third person point of view?? I will try to choose the majority option if at all you people comment..


Thats it for this week.

Meet you on next update.. i.e., well you all know its on TUESDAY..

Iam loving all your wonderful comments.. Actually its a great relief from the stress iam getting through work.

Love you all

Bye bye...

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