23. Suppressed Feelings!!

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Helloo.. My dear busy busy but lovely readers..

This chapter iam going to dedicate to
GowthamiRadha, kritika111, Dr_Bellatrix

and also to..

Amazon forest..

I heard that major fire accident occured in it.. Thousands of trees are getting burned.. 😭😭😭..

Deforestation is the major cause of that accident.. I hope atleast people around the world realise and stop deforestation..

But who will understand the value of greenery, when we educated fools are destroying the plants..

I hope my readers start plantation on their birthday occassion.. Or what ever memorable function happens in your life.. Its just a wish yaar.. Cant i wish so??

So.. Dedications apart.. Lets go back to our story..


Rakesh pov.

Priya, vikranth and varun arranged a get-together party.

They asked me and swetha to come.. I dont know what to tell.. She might be hurt.. She will not come with me.. I shouted at her last time for asking me to accompany her to her friends home.. Now how can i ask her? .. She looked at me.. And said she will come..

How can she agree?? She do have a lot of patience.. How can she forgive everytime i hurt her.. Why dont she move on from me?? Why does she care me?? What have i ever done to her to get this much care and love from her..? She should hate me to move on, isnt it so??

On the day of party, i and vikranth are waiting in living room. Priya and swetha came..

Swetha looked beautiful , just with simple makeover.. Her hairstyling made her look different.. I wanted to look at her more.. She looked at me..

No.. Rakesh.. Control.. Start chanting vaishali.. I diverted my eyes..

We went to party... I dont want to come here.. But i came for the sake of my friends.. I sat at the corner to avoid most.. Swetha sat on another table.. But varun went over to her.. To give company to her.

Sid came and tapped on my shoulder.. Every one gave sympathetic smile.. Making me remember i lost vaishali..

I hate these looks.. I know.. I lost her.. You people dont need to give such looks..

I was talking to two of my classmates when someone patted my shoulder. I turned to look at nams.. I was shocked and felt happy.. I miss us and our friendship.. I stopped talking to nams too.. She started telling about how her life is.. She said she fell in love with a guy in her office.. His name is Alex Stawmen.. She kept on talking about how he proposed.. How she thought he is stealing her bag when he tried keep greeting card in her bag.. I laughed at how she described..

I felt like its been years since i last laughed.. Nams really knows how to make me smile.. She didnt show any sympathy.. Thats what made me feel at ease with her..

She kept on saying all the silly incidents they had..

We were talking and laughing at her funny incidents, when vikranth called me..

"Rakesh..!! swetha.. " vikranth said. Suddenly i felt nervous.. Did anything happened to her..?

I looked at her to see.. Varun and swetha hugging each other..

I dont know.. I dont like that picture.. I dragged her out of his hold..

"Raakeeshhh jjiii.." swetha said but her voice was slurry.. Damn it.. She is drunk!!

"Onee raakesshhh and.. Twoo raakeesshhh.. " she said pointing at me and varun..

"Sorry rakesh.. I didnt mean to.. Its just she is too drunk. I tried to make her not to fall" varun tried to explain

"Its k varun. I think its better for me to leave. " i said.. But didnt like that even one bit.. How can she think varun as me??

"Nooo... I waaantt to drinkkk waaat.. rr" she refused to come.. i literally dragged her towards our car..

i pushed her in passenger seat and sat in driver seat.

While iam trying to lock her seat belt.. "Raakeeshh jjiii.. U smellll too goodd u knoww" she kissed my cheek suddenly.. I felt shivers.. It was unexpected.. I locked the seat belt avoiding everything coming in to my mind.

"Heeyyy.. Awwww soo cutttee... " she patted on my shoulder to look at road. . I looked through the corner of my eyes and returned to driving.

" wahh.. Fasttt fasttt.." she kept on shouting talking..

"Shhh.. Silent" i ordered. She pouted and closed her mouth but still talking. I tried alot to control the smile and i succeeded.

I parked the car and opened the door to passenger seat.. She came out but she is unable to walk properly.. I lifted her in bridal style and took her to bed room.. I went to lock the main door.

When i came back to our room.. I was shocked to see her without saree.. I tried to cover her.. But she kept on removing.. Then i switchon the airconditioner.. So that cool temperature can make her cover her body..

I went to change my clothes and came back to sleep on my side of bed.

She removed the pillows between us and moved closer to me..

I turned.. She started touching my forehead, eye brows, eyes, nose and cheeks and ...

I stopped her hand before it reaches my lips.. Already its so difficult for me to control.. She is making much more difficult for me..

"Raakesshhh.. Ppleeaasee.. I waantt to kisss youu" she moved close to me to kiss me at my lips.. But before they reach mine.. I turned my head..

I dont want to cheat on vaishali.. I will be a one women man..

"Whyyy dontt youu likee mee?? Doo youu hatee mee soo mucch.. Do youu haatee myy touchh thatt muchhh.. " she started crying..

She took my right hand and kept it on her neck region.. Touching her warm smooth skin making me feel tingles run down the spine..

"Iam waitingg forr yourr touchh raakeesshh.. " she cried..

I left her and ran out of room before i do something which i shouldnt do..

Why am i feeling this way today for swetha when iam in love with vaishali?? I havent felt like this with anyone.. Why now with swetha.. I havent felt this difficut to control myself when iam with vaishali.. But with swetha.. Whats happening to me.. May be its all because of hormones.. Stupid hormones!!

I went to have a cold bath.. And came to look at her sleeping form.. I covered her with duvet and went to another bed room to sleep.

Next day morning i wokeup to see her still sleeping.. I kept ecospirin tablet on table beside the bed.. I can guess how horrible her headache wouldbe.. I wrote a slip and kept it over there..

I got ready and went to office..

I need to avoid spending alone time with her.. To make my sanity in line..

I went to home with all my friends to avoid dealing with her alone when she is sober..

I went inside bedroom.. Swetha came with me.. To tell something.. I need to avoid talking about yesterday incident.. So i came out not listening to her..

When nams said about goa program.. I said okay.. So that i can spend more time with my friends rather than with swetha.. Till goa, i will spend more time in office.. Yess!! thats perfect..

On reaching goa, at hotel when they placed mine and swetha luggage in single room.. I looked seriously at her.. I felt helpless.. My plan became reversed.. I mean.. I wanted to avoid swetha.. But here.. I have to share room with her.. Now i cant even go to other room also..

"Stop oogling at each other. " priya interrupted our stare.

"Priya.. Why dont you and vikranth share a room..? " i asked

"Then what you want namitha and varun to share a room?" priya asked seriuosly.

Namitha laughed.

"No.. I and varun will share a room. " i said like its a wonderful idea.

"Rakesh.. Swetha is new here.. That too she doesnt know much about nams.. She will get bored.. I dont want to make her feel odd man out. " priya said

"Yes.. She is right.. That too you too are newly married.. So its better this way" vikranth said.

Ahh!! these dumbheads.. Why dont they understand my situation..??

"Vikranth.. Its been 5 months " i tried to explain but was cut off by priya..

"Vikky.. Stop talking with him. Go and freshup.. We have lot of schedule. " priya ordered. And everyone went inside to their corresponding rooms leaving me and swetha..

We went inside helpless..

I asked her to wait outside till i get ready.. She said okay.. After that i waited in the lobby while she is getting ready..

When vikranth and varun kept on appraising, i looked at swetha.. She do really look gorgeous.. In that black frock or what ever they call that dress..

These girls use different names for each dress.. I dont know how they remember all those names.. All look same for me..

But this dress looks great on her..

I looked away from her to control unwanted feelings..

We went to beach.. We all started enjoying.. Swetha said she is afraid of water.. So she sat on the seashore.. We were playing with waves.. When i looked at swetha, she is no more at that place.. I was in an alerted mode.. I felt anxious.. I asked varun and namitha to go to one side, vikranth and priya to other side.. I kept on roaming that area like mad man..

I felt like something bad is going to happen to her.. While searching, i came back to the area she first sat.. There she stood closing her face with palms and taking deep breaths.. I felt relieved looking at her in safe form..

I placed my hand on her shoulder.. She panicked and turned.. But upon looking at me her face relaxed and she hugged me tightly.. I was shocked but later i too returned it..

"I.. I went to drink friut juice.. Then.. Theyy.. They.. " she started crying.

"Who?? What happened??" i felt furious..

They?? What did they do to my wife.

"Hmm.. Itss.. Itss.. Nothing." . She said moving away. I know she lied.. I suddenly felt i lost the warmth..

Vikranth yelled at her.. He yelled because he is worried about her safety.. She kept on crying..

I rubbed her shoulder "its okay.. Next time becareful."

She nodded wiping her tears.

In the room i havent said anything.. she too didnt but she seems to be fine..

Why am i over reacting??

No.. Its just.. She is my responsibility.. I explained to my raising heart to keep it calm..

Next day..

At waterfalls, i dont want to leave her alone.. So i sat near her.. But priya and namitha took both of us to waterfalls.. I stood with namitha but my thoughts were on swetha.. She is too afraid of water.. Priya started playing with swetha.. Suddenly priya pushed her in water.. Before i stop her from falling in to water.. Varun hold her.. She hugged him.. I yelled at priya for the first time.. How can she push her like that.. What if something happens to her?? How can i live without her??

Cant i live without her?? But what about vaishali?? Dont you think swetha deserve someone better??

I should stop thinking like that.. I looked at swetha.. That wet jeans and top hugged her body enhancing her curves.. Her physique making me want to pass my hand along the places..

Ahh.. Stupid mind.. Stupid mind.. No.. No rakesh.. Vaishali.. Vaishali.. I avoided looking at her by going with nams..

We reached hotel.. And slept..
Namitha made me awaken.. As usual i got freshup and waited outside in lobby..

Swetha came.. She looked awesome.. That dress with mustard top.. gave glow to her complexion..

When varun said i need to protect her from all guys.. I was like.. I need to protect myself from her..

Its a long night.. I need to take care of my self.. For that i must not look at her.. I need namitha's help to deviate myself from her..


So... Thats a long night for rakesh and a long wait for us.. Till next tuesday..

Did you like today's chapter??

I know that.. you all know about these chapters already.. But We dont know what is running in his stupid mind right.. So Iam giving in detail.. 2 more chapters to all those who are getting bored of the same past.. Just bear with it..

In last chapter, lot of readers knocked rakesh head with rod.. He is complaining that there is head injury because of me as i gave you all that idea.. 🙄🙄🙄..

Do you still want to knock his head?? 😁😁😁

lets give u a general question unrelated to story..

Do u sing well?? 🎸🎸🎤🎤🎤

Which type of songs do you like most..?

I love melodies..🎼🎶🎼 It gives me peace..

K.. Guys.. Catch you in next update..

Bye bye.. ❤️❤️❤️🙋🙋🙋

Love you all💖💖💖

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