25. Mistake!!!

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Helloo dear busy busy but lovely readers..

Sorry yaar.. Even i too want to give multiple updates.. But iam not such a great writer like those who can give twice or thrice weekly updates..

As u all know.. Iam a lot poor in english.. So i need more time to write..

So please understand and adjust

This chapter iam going to dedicate it to

ugiyana, namyajain, kanchantu, Kalpana04

"Trust is something which is difficult to gain yet easy to loose"

Just random thoughts..

Okay.. No irrelevant talks or speeches today.. Coming to our story..

Rakesh pov..

I went inside the room.. She is sobbing at the corner.. I reached her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

'Rakesh... He... He.. ' she said with eyes full of tears..

I couldnt be able to look at her in such a devastated state.

The shining smile she always used to have is gone..

'Vaishu.. What happened..?? ' i asked worried.

'Abhinav.. He assaulted me rakesh.. He doesnt respect me.. He treats me like.. his slave.. He.. He.. beats me everyday.. ' she cried loud. Looking at her crying figure i felt like it will be better if i die at that moment.

she captured my collar and looked in to my eyes.. Her eyes are full of red with congestion.. They are asking me many questions.. 'Why.. Rakesh.. Why you left me?? Why didnt you chose me? Why did you marry her..??'

'Vaishali.. ' i held both of her hand..

'I miss you rakesh.. I still love you.. I can never be happy without you.. Please take me with you.. ' she said leaving my collar taking a step away..

'Vaishali' i said trying to hold her hand..

'Hold me rakesh like you always wanted to' she moved a little closer and placed her head on my chest.. I embraced her.

I closed my eyes.. There is blankness.. She left me.. i opened my eyes still there is blankness..

The fragrance of vaishali accumulated in my nostrils.. I moved closer to her.. And placed my hand on her small waist..

Her smooth warm skin.. Makes me want to touch her more.. Vaishali didnt even refused me..

I moved closer inhaling the fresh fragrance.. But this fragrance is more addictive than the one she always used to have..

I moved on top of her and placed one hand on her waist and other hand rubbing the smooth skin over her neck.. I stabilised her head preventing it to move away from me.. I lowered my head and placed soft kiss on her collar bone.. She took a long breath.. I can feel her raised heart beat.. Its becoming louder like mine.. Iam feeling vibrations all over body..

I kissed more on her collarbone with soft kisses.. She moaned involuntarily by pulling my hair with her soft hands... It increased my pleasure..

I started kissing over her chin whispering "Call mm my mmnamme"

"Whattt.. " she asked confused.. I moved my kisses towards her lips..

"Call my name" i whispered louder biting her lip.

My first ever kiss finally With the girl i love..

"Raaa..keshh.. " she said moaning..

I continued kissing her lips.. They are so soft like floral petals.. The more i taste them the more iam getting addicted to..

I wanted to hear my name with her sweet voice.. I moved closer to her ear and said

" Call my name... Vaishali" biting her ear lobe..

She stopped pulling my hair and removed her hands..

"Call my name vaishali.. " i asked her again kissing her neck..

She started pushing me but i tightened my grip.

"Leave me.. " she yelled..

I felt like my whole world stopped.. Did she misunderstood me?? Is she angry that i kissed her.. Will she leave me again..

"I love you vaishali.. Dont go." i said pulling her more closer to me..

But she pushed me strongly and trying to go away.. I held her wrist but she slapped me.. Burning pain over my cheek made me loose my grip over her.

She ran and turned on the lights..

I was shocked with wide eyes..


There is a strong force in her eyes.. Which makes me want to hold her tightly and never leave her.

She came near to me and placed her hand on my cheek.. Her touch gave me shivers in my spine..

"I.. Iam sorry.. It happened involuntarily" she said with her sweet voice looking directly in to my eyes with all worry and love..

I wanted to took away all the worry she had with the love i can give her..

I pushed her on bed and moved on top of her.

"Leave me.. Iam not vaishali.. Iam swetha.. " she shouted..

I dont know.. What happened to me.. Even vaishali's name couldnt stop me from doing the things my mind asking me to do..

I held her both hand above her head with one hand and kept another hand on her waist..

"Please.. Dont.. Dont touch me.. Iam not vaishali.. Iam swetha.. Your wife swetha.."

"Please.. Dont.. " she said crying..

Yes.. You are my wife.. I thought..

Her lips are too addictive.. I moved closer to kiss her again.. But she pushed with alot of force.. And slapped me again and ran to open the door..

I became sober suddenly.. All the things happened replayed..

Ohh godd.. Shitt.. How can i do such mistake ..?? How can i not control myself..

I have never misbehaved with vaishali during all those years.. Not even once.. But why now.. That too with swetha..

Damn.. All of this is because of that drink.. Ahhh..

I pulled my hair with my right hand to relieve the frustration iam getting..

How can i force myself on her??

Because she too wants me.. She loves me??

But.. that doesnt explain my behaviour..

"Whats wrong with you??" vikranth furious voice came..

I looked to the door side.. There stood vikranth looking at her seriously.. While varun looking at her with soft emotion..

"Its not me.. Its your friend.. He thought i was vaishali.. He tried to.." swetha said sobbing

"So what?? Isnt he your husband?? Its his physical need cant you care for him?" vikranth said..

Am i?? Did i ever treated her as a husband should take care..

"IAM NOT A PROSTITUTE" she yelled furious.

That one word is enough to describe how i misbehaved with her..

I became a monster now.. That's her drunken state which made her do such things that day.. It means She doesnt want me to touch her..

"Why dont you get it swetha.. S*x will improve your relation with him. " vikranth said..

"I wanted him to make love to me not s*x.. " swetha shouted at him and ran outside..

Swetha.. Shouting.. For the first time.. Its all because of me..

Well great job rakesh.. Now she will think that iam a s*x maniac..

Now she will hate me for sure..

Isnt that what i want?? For her to hate me..??

Yess.. But that thought itself causing pain in my heart..

What happened to me??

It should make me feel less burdened.. Isnt it so??

The thought of swetha in place of vaishali??.. Noo... No way..

I should not think like that..

My love and life is for vaishali..

"Rakesh.. " vikranth's voice made me come out of my thoughts..

I dont know what to say..

I felt like a useless fellow..

"Rakesh.. We know everything.. Namitha explained us everything" varun said.

I looked at him with shock..

"What man..?? Why dont you move on from her..?? " vikranth asked irritated..

I looked down.. Feeling sad..

"For god's sake.. Rakesh.. Be in your senses.. She is gone.. She is married.. And you too are.. She left you for that asshole.. She didnt love you like you love her.. She do have lot of trust issues rakesh.. Since from start she is like that.. You know what.. Vaishali is not the one for you.. The one you married is the best one for you.. "

I got irritated at his words..

" Enough.. Vikranth.. I know well about vaishali.." i stood up from the bed..

" No.. You dont.. She prefers herself first than you.. She never agreed for the marriage.." vikranth said.

" thats because she wants to achieve her goals.. I understand her.. I dont need anyone to understand our love?? "i said with frustration..

" Why dont you understand love of your wife?? " varun asked

" She doesnt love me.. She is doing everything because she got married to me.. There is no love between us" i tried reasoning..

Yes my mind is trying to give reasons to my heart..

"Cant you see the way she looks at you?? Cant you understand how she feels about you ?? Dont you know how she cares for you?? " varun asked.

"I know damn it.. I know.. She cares for me.. But.. its.. not love.. She is.. doing it as a part of.. wifely duty.. " i said with hesitation

"Yess.. You can only see the care not love of swetha.. Because your mind is filled with that selfish vaishali.. " vikranth said sarcastically with irritation..

"Vikranth.. Dont.. " i yelled at him..

How can he call my vaishali as selfish..?

"Whatt?? Its the fact.. Vaishali thinks more about herself.. If she really is in love with you.. She would have said no to the marriage with abhinav.. She did because she didnt love you.." vikranth yelled at me..

"I know about my vaishali.. I dont need to explain it to everyone.. I know she have lot of trust issues.. But still she trusted me to live with me in same house.. Isnt that enough for me to understand her love towards me.. She married abhinav.. Because of my fault.. I left her.. She asked me to come.. But i left her.. The fact is.. I didnt love her like she loved me.. She trusted me.. But i lost it.. I left her.. " i felt sudden weakness in the whole body.. I sat down and pressed my fore head..

" Rakesh.. " vikranth said..

" Just get out.. Leave me alone.." i shouted..

" You will never give happiness to the one who loves you.." with those words vikranth left harshly..

"Rakesh.. Leave what vikranth said.. Just try to understand what we are saying.. We want you to have a happy life.. That's it" varun said..

I didnt say anything..

He waited for my response..

"Rakesh.. " he said after a while..

I didnt gave any response..

He heaved a long sigh..

"Take care.. " with that varun left me alone..

The room felt so empty..

I looked around.. The more i look at the room.. The more iam remembering what happened.. The way i forced myself at swetha..

I stood and went inside washroom.. I looked in to the mirror..

I looked at The pink bruise of slap mark over my cheek.. I touched it..

'Leave me.. Iam not vaishali.. Iam swetha..'

'Please.. Dont.. Dont touch me.. Iam not vaishali.. Iam swetha.. Your wife swetha..'

I closed my eyes tightly.. Clenched my jaw and fist..

Her crying face appeared.. Its making me want to punish myself..


'I wanted him to make love to me not s*x..'

I opened my eyes..

I can never be able to love her.. How can i love swetha, when i already love vaishali..?

The feeling which i have towards swetha is not love.. Its lust..

I hate myself even more now..

I went inside the room and sat down on the bed..

'You will never give happiness to the one who loves you'

Yes.. What he said is correct.. No one should love me.. I will snatch happiness from those.. That time vaishali.. now its swetha..

I need to make swetha hate me..
Then only she can be happy..

I need to avoid her.. I need to ignore her existence.. She may not hate me suddenly.. But gradually she will.. Not just for her.. But for myself too..

So.. Guys..

now you understood both pov in detail... so.. Share your thoughts on each charector..

A) rakesh

B) varun

C) vikranth

D) namitha

E) vaishali

F) sriram

G) avika

H) swetha..

Thank u all for ur patience..

Thanks for liking, voting and commenting..

Meet u on next tuesday..


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