39. Best Friend!!

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Helloo dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

Welcome back

About my question on what do you do if you are in bad mood.. Thanks to all for ur replies.. I loved the comment.. Dance..  most.

Most said music and eating.. Yah music good.. But..

Those who said eating when in bad mood..  Sorry if you are hurt.. But its not healthy in long run.. Why dont you try doing excercise instead of eating.. Its healthy too..

Who said about sleep.. Well i wonder.. are you able to sleep? .. Like lots of thoughts will be running in your mind.. So is it possible to sleep for you?? For me i cant.. May be thats a good choice to escape the bad mood.. But i cant..

My questions are just for fun and to interact with u all.. So dont feel bad if i hurt you in any way at anywhere..

Anyways lets go back to the story..

Swetha pov.

I woke up to the ringing alarm.

I turn off that alarm and looked at sleeping rakesh.

I went to have bath and came back to start prayer.

I dont know why I am feeling so lonely now a days. Rakesh is talking with me but there is guilt.. I too am feeling guilty.. I need to share my disturbing thoughts to someone.

Can i call avika..?

I really miss her.

I never lifted her call. She too stopped calling me since 1 month.

May be i should call her.. I have hurted her alot.

I took my mobile and called avika.

"hello.." she said lifting the call..

"hello.." i whispered.

"hello.. Who is this??" her words hurt me alot.

"avi??" i asked with tears.

"sorry.. I dont like strangers calling me avi" she said seriously.

"avi.." i mumbled.

"how many times do i need to say you madam.." she said with irritation.

"avi.. Its me.. Swetha" i said with sadness..

How can she delete my number like that??

"swetha?? Who?? I dont know any one by that name" i can hear the anger in her voice.

"avika..!!" i said with shock.

"seriously.. Avi.. Please" i begged..

Yes i made her hate me.. Iam responsible for everything..

"see madam.. Sorry.. You have mistaken me for someone" she said.

"i know my avi.. Please.. Avi.. Sorry for all my stubbornness " i started crying.

"now.. You remember your avi?? Where have you gone all these days huh??" she said.. I know she is crying over there.

"I am sorry avi.. I am really sorry." i said.

"do you know how much i cried missing you?" avi started crying.

"i know.. I too miss you avi.. Sorry" i said wiping my tears.

"how are you sweth??" she asked gently

"i want to meet you avi" i said..

"yah sure.. Where do you want me to meet you?" avi asked.

Today afternoon at 4 pm at mcD in your area..

"Okay... See you soon. "

I waited in Mcdonald. She came and looked for me.. I raised my hand. She looked at me with smile and came near to me..

"idiot.. Do you know how much i worried about u.?" she said with tears in her eyes.

"I am sorry avi.." i mumbled.

"How are you sweth?? " she asked me.

I dont know what to say..

I mean I am happy about the way rakesh is with me and I am sad that i became distant to my inlaws and the reason for that is making me worry too much.. At the same time I am frustrated about the negative thoughts and the fear iam getting.. Iam hating myself that because of me my Inlaws and rakesh are suffering.

"what should i say?" i said faking a smile.

"what happened sweth? I already told you but u wont listen to me.. Its all because of that stupid husband of yours right??" she asked.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at her seriously.. "no.."

"you wont change.. Its waste of time to argue with you" she said and looked beside.

"its true avi.. He changed.. But the problem is not him. Its me." i said.

"stop supporting your hubby atleast once" she said with irritation.

"you dont know what happened since last 2 months.." i started saying how there is change in his behaviour since he came from london.. How my inlaws accepted me.. How happy iam with him at my inlaws home.. His care when iam sick.. Everything..

She heard everything with out interrupting me even for a second.

"Everything is fine till that person came " i said.

"who??" she asked.

"mallika aunty.." i said. Tears started forming.

"who is she??" avi asked with confusion.

"mother of one guy who came to see me for marriage and then rejected me" i said looking down.

"what did she do?" avi asked.

"she.. She said that.." i tried to control my tears but no.. They act on their own falling on my cheeks.

"swetha.. Its okay.. Control.. Control" avi side hugged me.

"she said that they rejected me because i have an affair" i bursted in to tears and started sobbing..

"what!!!" she shouted..

"she said that to my mother in law. She is so close to them it seems. She is wondering how they come in to my trap" i said wiping my tears.

"what the hell!!! From where did she get that false info that you had an affair." she is damn angry.

"i.. I dont know" i said still sobbing.

"but swetha.. You should have opposed her.." she said.

"i couldnt " i said looking down.

"you should have opposed that false accusation instead of crying swetha" she said.

"i cant oppose them" i said looking away from her.

"why??" she asked

"because.. Its the truth" i murmered looking at her with sadness.

"what?? Swetha..!!" she was shocked.

"yess.. Avi.. Iam sorry.. I didnt say it to you.. Infact no one knows my feeling for him even my parents.." i said

"then why did you marry rakesh?" she asked.

"because i loved him.. But he didnt.. He just saw me as a friend" i said.

"is that sriram??" she asked.

I looked at her and nodded.

"Swetha.. You should have said to me.. I might have talked with him.. He likes you.. I can see that in his eyes. I thought u are not interested in love and all.." she said but was cut off by me.

"sorry.. Avi.. I kept secrets from you" i said.

"did you said your feelings for him??" she asked. I nodded.

"then what happened?"

"he didnt loved me avi.. Its all just one sided.." i said remembering the moment i conveyed my feelings for him.

"no swetha.. I may not be so close to him.. But i am sure he loves you.." she said.

"no avi.. I dont want to think about that incident again.. I am a fool to think friendship as love and i regret saying that to him.. Now i lost his friendship too" i said.

"what did he say?" she asked.

"He never thought about me in that way avi.. Iam stupid to think that someone can love the ugly me" i said.

"Swetha... "

"now thats not the problem avi.. Nothing can be done because iam the culprit.. Its my fault to love a person without getting married" i said.

"for gods sake swetha come to ur senses.. Leave it.. Its not a sin to have feelings for a guy before marriage.. Its not considered as affair" she yelled at me "but one thing i dont understand is.."

I looked at her.

"iam ur best friend.. I dont know that u had feelings for him.. Ur parents dont know.. You didnt tell about ur love to anyone.. Then how come that lady.. Mallika or whatever gets to know that.. And who is she to blame your feelings as an affair?" she asked.

" i dont know avi.. May be me always being friendly with him. People who ever saw us spread that information" i said feeling guilty.

"does rakesh know about this??" she asked me.

"Yes.. She shouted at her and sent her away.. Then he took me to bangalore. He said that he is okay with it " i said.

"i still doubt that jerk of a husband of yours.. He is having some mental issues i think" avi said angrily..

"avi!!" i yelled at her.

"sorry swetha.. But my opinion wont change.. How come he become so good all of sudden..?" she asked.

"i too dont understand that.. But as far as he cares for me.. Even as a friend iam happy with that." i took the tissues to wipe the tears

"may be something happened at his project meeting? " she said placing her fingers on her chin.

"I dont know" i said shrugging my shoulders.

"so.. Rakesh dont feel anything bad about you for that rumour.. Then whats the problem yaar" she asked showing her right hand

"its me.." i said crumpling the tissue paper.

"what again?" she asked

"iam having this fear that he is trying to forget vaishali but unable to do so.. He is trying to love me out of sympathy.." i said.

"What ever the reason atleast he is trying to love you right? " she holding her hands

"iam afraid of physical intimacy.. That iam getting bad dreams of such night in goa." i said looking down.

"is he forcing himself on you ??" she asked worried.

"No.. No.. He never did anything causing discomfort to me.. Its just me who is making things worst by always remembering that worst night " i said.

"Its okay.. Sweth.. No need to worry about that.. May be if he truly is trying to love you.. He will wait patiently... Time heals everything" she said.
I nodded.

"Can i ask you one thing?? " avi asked with hesitation.

"do you still love sriram..?? I mean you loved him right.. Have you met him after marriage..? When he didnt came to ur marriage i thought, he failed to express his love and he didnt have guts to come to ur marriage.." avi said remembering the past..

"he dont know i got married.. I met him accidentally when rakesh went out of state"

"what did he say when you met him?" avi asked with curiosity

"he said iam not the swetha he knows. I changed."

"then??" she asked

"nothing i left from there. I dont want to meet him behind my husband.. So i left from there."i said

"hmm" she said still thinking something.

"Avi.. " i called her..

"avi.." i called her a little louder.

"huh!!" she got startled.

"what are you thinking??"

"hmm?? Nothing.. Just.. Anyways.. Leave it.. Dont overthink about anything.. Let the time heal you.. I hope your stupid husband start loving you and iam waiting for you to be in dreamland with your husband" she said shaking her head.

"i still feel that he deserves someone better" i said .

"as you said god made you both together.. So you both are made for each other. Dont think too much.. lets order something.. I am hungry" she pouted.

I smiled at her and went to order.

Well so.. Finally friends were back to normal..

Well dont u think her happy days are starting??

Lets see..

About dedication part..






Dont you guys think swetha's best friend avika needs dedication for this part.. Lets dedicate it to the person with her name i.e., @Avika3

Now random question

Have you ever done forgery of signature 😜😜😜? (can say if done even in school progress report)

See u in next update...

Love you all

Bybye.. ❤️❤️❤️

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