48. Bad Omen!!!

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Helloo.. Dear busy busy but lovely readers..

Merry christmas in advance..

I forgot that its tuesday.. So finally when i get to know about that, i checked to publish.

What is ur expectation as per title of this chapter?

Anyways lets move to our story..

Swetha pov.

Next day.. I woke up and looked beside to see vaishali still asleep. I went to wash room to get ready.

I came out wearing a blue colour chiffon saree. Its easy to carry a light weight saree for going out..

Today, i and rakesh were allotted to buy a gift for namitha and alex..

So we have to go out. Just we.. Me and my husband. Isnt that wonderful..?

As priya has to be there with namitha' With Big doubt on Varun and vikranth's selection.. rakesh asked me to accompany him.

I asked vaishali to come along with us.. But she said That She is instructed not to travel unnecessarily.. As she cant miss namitha wedding, She came taking risk.. After that, she will stay here in india at bangalore till her delivery.. Her husband had a house at hubli area.. So she will stay there with her parents till her delivery..

So atlast, i and rakesh got the oppurtunity to select the gift.

He wore light blue colour shirt with sleeves folded till mid forearm.. Paired with dark blue jeans.. Its like we matched it though it happened unexpectedly.

"Shall we go.. " he asked me..

"Yes.. " i said..

We came out.. Walked till the end of the street..

He is trying to stop the auto..

But i held his hand and said "no" shaking my head horizontally..

"Why?? " he asked confused

"We will go in public transport " i said.

"Why to take that struggle..? " he said knitting his eye brows.

"no.. If we go by auto or cab.. We dont even know about the area.. But if we go by RTC then we will get to see alot of city and we will get to know alot of places" i said..

"ur wish is my command madam ji" he said smiling.. I too laughed.

As we were going walking along the the main road, rakesh asked me.. "But what do we buy? ". We stopped walking and started thinking about gift.

"How about  couple rings?? " i said after thinking for few seconds..

"Hmm okay.. " he nodded and took his mobile and typing something on it.

Is he busy in chatting?? With whom?? I waited for few minutes. But he is too busy in mobile not even took a look at me.

"So.. Where do we have to go..? " i asked him finally with frustration. .

"Iam searching that only.." he said looking at his mobile.

"Ohh.. " stupid mind.. I yelled at my negative mind. It always is so judgemental making my husband villain .

"I think its better if we go to viman nagar.. Around 5 jewellary shops are there.." he said showing google maps in his mobile. I came out of thoughts.

"Ohh k.." i said.

"Let me search for buses" he said taking his mobile back.

"Hmm.." I waited for him to search.. He is too busy in searching.. I was watchimg here and there looking at the surroundings..

"Yah.. Got it.." he said smiling.

"First lets go to near by bustop.." he said and took hold of my right wrist with his left hand.

With that went to near by bustop..

"We have to take two buses for us to reach viman nagar road." he said while we were waiting for bus.

Finally we got in to bus. After reaching a stop. We went down. I was looking at surroundings while he is busy in asking some one about details where to reach for that bus.

Then we crossed the road and took left turn to reach another bustop. Then entered another bus. Finally we reached the bustop of viman nagar.

"See.. There  in that line.."  He guided the route after checking at google maps. I just followed him enjoying the view by looking at surroundings.

"Phoenix market city is near by too.." He said.

"Ohh.. " I said looking at huge buildings..

"First lets shop for the gift.. Then you can look at surroundings" he said.

I looked at him pouted..

"Okay.. Enough with that look.. Lets go.. " he chuckled.

"Hmm" I said and went along with him..

He is just walking but its like running for me. Still iam unable to reach him. He is about few feet ahead of me then he stopped.

"Why are you so slow in walking??" He asked after turning towards me.

"Huh!! Try walking wearing saree.. Then you will understand my problem.. " i said irritated.

"okay.. Okay.. I will walk slowly" he said holding my hand and then walked in the same pace as me.

"Thanks for understanding " i smiled.

we went to three jewellery shops.. In first two shops.. Designs were good but felt like too much cost.. So we left there.. In third shop, I like a ring very much.. But there is no couple ring for it.. So.. We left it.. Then we selected couple rings, Which are simple yet beautiful appropriate for our budget.. We asked them to gift pack..

"Do you want anything for you?" he asked me.

"No... " i said smiling.. He, asking me to buy something for me is enough. I dont need anything him being with me forever is enough.

I was looking at shop while he is busy in paying.

"Want to use wash room?? " he asked me.

"hmm.." i nodded looking down feeling shy..

"excuse me.. Where can we find ladies washroom??" he asked one of the worker over there..

"Its on first floor just right to steps.." He said pointing towards the steps.

I looked at rakesh and said "thank you" he smiled at me..

"U go.. I will wait here till you come" he said taking back my hand bag..

I nodded and went upstairs to go to washroom.. After completing my work, I came..

He stood there holding my hand bag looking at designs of gold chains..

I went near him..

"Shall we go?? " i asked him..

"yeah.." he said.

"where is the gift??" i asked him

"Its in your bag" he said.

I opened the bag and looked at the cover then closed the bag.

We came out side and started walking then stopped at one bustop.

Rakesh was checking for bus numbers to go back to our home.

I was looking at the surroundings and the people walking on the roads..

I feel everywhere people are same.. I didnt feel anything different here. After all its all india.

I was looking across the street..

A guy with beard looking so lost in his own world, was walking to the opposite road..

Wait.. Is it sriram..??

I started walking towards him..

"SWETHA... " A sudden pull made me fall on road..  I was shocked.. A bus crossed me with loud horn.. I looked beside to see rakesh fell on road along with me..

I looked at him then at the moving bus and then at the place where i saw sriram.. Suddenly darkness occupied me..


I felt rain drops falling on me..

"Swetha.. U okay?? " i heard rakesh tense voice..

"I think she is getting conscious " i heard some one's voice..

I slowly opened my eyes.. Rakesh was looking at me with concern. His eyes were wet with tears.

He suddenly hugged me.

"I thought i might loose you" his voice was trembling.. Fear of loosing me is evident..

I looked at surroundings, Lot of people were surrounding me. They are looking at me like iam some sort of museum.

"Better take her to hospital." Someone said..

"There is one hospital in near by.." Some one said stopped an auto and helped me and rakesh to get in to that auto..

We went to that hospital casuality..

They cleaned the abrasions with antiseptic solution and gave injections for pain relief and tetanus vaccine..

I looked at rakesh.. He too got abrasions, But he is more worried about me..

After that, doctor checked for movements and all.. Later he gave prescription.. We baught medicines and went back to namitha's home in cab..

As soon as we came out of cab, Varun looked ta us with bandages and all..

"Heyy.. What happened to you both?? " he asked worried.

"Nothing.. Just a minor accident.. Nothing much.. " rakesh said.

"u should have called us rakesh" varun face filled with worry.

"its okay.. Chill.. No major injuries.. Just superficial abrasions nothing else.. Why to worry you all??" rakesh said.

Just as we entered the entrance..  Namitha's paternal uncle saw us..

"What happened..?? Please take them to the rooms.. " he said..

Then We went to our respective rooms..

Vaishali was shocked looking at me.. I explained her that its a minor accident.

"where is rakesh?? How is he??" she asked with worry..

"He is in opposite room.." i said.

She immediately ran to look at him..

I sat on bed.. With alot of wierd thoughts..

Is it really sriram??

Or I am getting illusions..??

What happened to me..??

Why iam behind that guy who rejected me??

Whats my problem?? What ever happens to me.. Its not my responsibilty to look after him..

See what happened now.. Because of me, Rakesh got injured.. Namitha will be having a bad memory in her marriage because of me. May be iam a bad omen to every one.. Yes.. Iam a bad omen..

"Swetha!! U okay?? " namitha and priya ran to me along with vikranth ..

I gave a fake smile.. I am not okay.. Because i can never be okay.. Or may be i will make everything not okay..

"thank godd.. Nothing major happened." priya said.

"thats why i said.. i wont come.. I am a bad omen to all of you" i said and started crying..

Namitha hugged me "no swetha.. You are not.."

"no.. I am .. Please leave me.. Leave me alone" i shouted and started crying..

Rakesh came inside the room running hearing my shouting may be..

He came near me and hugged me.. "Its okay.. Its okay.. "

"No.. Rakesh.. Nothing is okay" i said sobbing..

"Swetha.. " priya is about to say but was cut off by rakesh..

"Just give us few minutes.. Please" he said..

Every one went out closing the door leaving us two alone..

He hugged me tightly and kissed my head.. "its okay.. Everything will be okay"

"No rakesh... Nothing is.. See.. Because of me you got injured.. Because of me in this marriage there is sadness" i said and closed my face with palms sobbing.

"why do you think like that?? See.. Look at me" he said holding chin and lifting my head with one hand and removed my palms from my face with his other hand.

"because of you.. Iam happy.. See.. If i havent married you.. I might have been living alone with all the past memories.. I might have never be in touch with my best friends" he said looking at me.

"Do you think namitha will be happy in her marriage without me.. Iam her best friend.. She will fell bad life long that i never came to her wedding.. Just like iam feeling bad.. " he said with sadness.

I looked at him shocked.. "Yess.. Swetha
. I regret that i havent married you like all do.. I made it an emergency wedding.. I know.. U missed all these things.. "

"every girl dreams of how to have her marriage.. But because of me you lost all of it.. If u say, u are a bad omen.. No.. Iam the bad omen in you life" rakesh said wiping tears on my cheeks.

I placed my hand on his mouth to stop him from talking like that.. I shaked my head horizantally.. " please dont say anything like that.. You are the best thing that i got in my life" i said.

He hugged me tightly.. "please swetha never get such negative thoughts occupy ur mind.. Please.."

"hmm" i nodded wiping my tears.

he kissed my forehead and said.. "now smile"

I smiled a little..

"Okay.. Its a promise on me that you should never say that you are a bad omen" he said..

I looked at him shocked..

"a promise is a promise.." he said..

I nodded..

"Thats good.". He said brushing his hand on my hair.

"Okay.. Take rest.. I will come after some time" he said and went..

Just as namitha and priya are entering the room.. "let her sleep.. We will talk later" he said to them. They too went away..

Yess.. I should stop negative thoughts.. I have to.. Saying that multiple times i went into sleep.


I woke up to the sound of door opening.. rakesh came with dinner plate..  I sat on bed.. He placed it in my hand asked me to eat.. "Had your dinner ??" i asked him.

"I will after you" He said..

"No.. You eat first.." i said

"Okay we both will eat together then.." Saying that he went out and came back after few minutes with another plate..

We both ate our dinner.. He took both plates back while i cleaned my hands..

I again sat on my bed.. He came back again.. "do you want me to sleep here??" he asked me..

I looked at him.. Yes i want him to.. But what about vaishali..??

"dont worry about vaishali.. Namitha arranged the room for her" he said..

I nodded my head.. He smiled..

He went and closed the door and came back to lie beside me.. He hugged me.. I too hugged him.. Just like our lifes depend on eachother.. I felt the warmth i ever wanted.. There is peace.. There is no fear for me.. When he is holding me like that.. We both looked into eachothers eyes for a long time.. No words were spoken yet its like we talked alot with eachother.. I dont know When my eyes were closed, i just went into slumber unknowingly..

Hmm.. In last update, I expected answer from lot of people.. But.. Not happened..

So I am not going to ask you any question today..

Enjoy holiday (for those who have holiday.. If u are in work.. Try enjoing it by having fun with colleagues)

Meet u in next update..

Till then bye..

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