50. Nervous!!

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Hellooo.. My dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

Hope u are continuing your resolutions..

Lets move to our story..

Swetha pov..

The next two days went on just like that with all marriage related work.

Finally namitha married her love alex.. Thank god.. Nothing bad happened.. Everything went well.. After that.. We all started to go back to our home...

There is some peace and happiness.. We all went back to bangalore on train except vaishali and abhinav.. She too wanted to come with us.. But abhinav said its not good to have journey on train.. So she too agreed when abhinav said that we all can meet as she is going to stay at bangalore till delivery in hubli with her parents..

So we started in our train.. The whole journey was full of fun.. It felt like again we went back to childhood days..

First we played dumbshell arts.. I dont have not much knowledge on movies and am very bad in guessing.. .. Still they divided us in to two groups with i and rakesh in one group.. Varun, priya and vikranth were in another group..

In the first two rounds i failed to guess and act..

"Guys.. Give her something easy yaar.. "rakesh said with frustration..

Its rakesh turn to act.. Rakesh went near varun to hear the word.. He whispered something.. Then he smiled looking at me..

All started smiling looking at me..

I dont know what is happening..

I raised my eye brows looking at rakesh..

He is still smiling with a smirk..

What the hell?? He and i both are in one group.. Here he is smirking at me..

"Comeon dude.. Your time starts now".vikranth said looking at his watch..

I asked rakesh "how many words??"

He showed 3 fingers..

"Okay .. "

He pointed the finger to himself.. And placed his both hands on his heart.. Then pointed it towards me..

"Mera.. dil.. tumhere?? " I said.

He repeated.. "Maine pyar kiya..? " i said.

He shaked his head horizontally..

Then rotated his right hand in circles indicating its some how another form..

"Is it hindi movie..? "  i asked him for that He nodded doubtfully.

"Is it hindi word?? " i asked again.

He shaked it horizantally.. And moved his hand in rotatory motion..

"Is it in english..?? "

"You have just 30 seconds.. " vikranth said.

He nodded repeating the same..

"All the three words in english??"  i asked to clear my doubt.

He fell on his one knee and took pin from his pocked and showed it to me looking at my eyes..

"will you marry me" i said doubtfully.

He face palmed himself and again showed his heart.. Then to me..

"10... 9.. 8.." vikranth and priya started counting


He nodded his head fastly with encouraging expression..

" 7.. 6.." varun too joined them.

" I.. Love you"  i said..

All clapped.. "Correct..finally" priya said in excitement.

"I didnt hear you." rakesh said with a smirk..

Priya and vikranth laughed..

"what.!! They heard me.." i said with confusion. As he is more nearer to me than them.

"but i didnt" he said pulling me to sit beside him..

"I.. " i started blushing..

"anyways.. They need to hear.. Not you.." i said and looked at them " please yaar.. I cant play this game.. This is very difficult for me" i said with pleading eyes..

"Hmm.. What to do.. Next.. " priya said thinking

"What about ram seetha chits game.. " i gave an idea.

"Okay.. "

Every one agreed and we started playing.

Every one took the slips.. I got the slip.. Ram in first round.. So i have to identify who is seetha among all the 4 members..

I was looking at each of them keenly.. But i failed.. Every one is busy smiling and looking in to my eyes.. But rakesh.. He is looking at me and then at vikranth.. Again and again..

Is it rakesh??

Or he is helping me by saying its vikranth??

He is doing it when ever i look at rakesh..

Finally with trust on my husband  i whispered doubtfully . "its.. Vikranth"

"ohh Nooo.. How did you found that" he whined like a child.. I smiled at rakesh.. " Dont sya you both cheated.. " vikranth yelled looking at me and rakesh..

Priya gave a tap on his head.. "they are not like you" and continued our game for few more rounds..

Now i got seetha.. Who cant it be.. Ram..

Rakesh said " i got ram.. "

"Hmm.. Find your seetha" varun said..

He is looking at every one.. I looked at him and blinked my eyes and gave a slight nod.

He turned his gave away..

He didnt understood my signal..

Now i pointed my finger at me secretly while adjusting my hair..

He now observed it..

"seetha is.. Swetha" he said.. I smiled at him..

How beautiful it felt that rakesh as ram and iam his seetha..

After few rounds.. We stopped the game.. Then they started saying about their college days..

"Only.. Varun is left.. When will you marry varun? " vikranth asked him..

"when i get a girl like swetha" varun said smiling at me..

I smiled at him.. But i felt rakesh holding my hand.. I looked ta him.. He felt a little tensed looking at varun..

"why like swetha??" priya asked him meking rakesh more tense.

"i dont know.. When i saw her for the first time in jewellery shop.. I liked her.. Then after looking at her love and patience towards rakesh.. I felt like i too want a girl like her for me" he said smiling..

Rakesh tightened his hold.. I placed my hand on him..

"if she is not married, then definitely you might have proposed her right?" priya asked him making the situation worst..

"i dont have any problem with marriage.. If rakesh leaves her with his stupid attitude.. Iam ready to marry swetha.. If she agrees." varun said looking at rakesh.

"varun" i mumbled.. But i can feel that rakesh is getting anger over varun..

Why varun said like that.. Oh god.. Iam ruining this happiness again..

"varun.. Mind your words.. You are talking about my wife.. Keep that in your mind.. She is mine" rakesh yelled at varun gritting his teeth..

Suddenly priya, vikranth and varun started laughing..

I looked at them confused.. But rakesh is still in his angry mode.

"he is kidding rakesh.." priya said.

Rakesh looked at priya and varun Alternately

"we just wanted to know how much you love your wife" vikranth said.

"stop kididng.. Its not funny" rakesh said with irritated look.

"aww.  Jealousy.." priya started taunting rakesh.

"Dony worry rakesh.. She is safe.." varun said then he looked at me "sorry swetha if u felt uncomfortable.. I dont have any wrong feelings for you.. I know the values.. And i like some one"

"who??" we all asked spontaneously at the same time.

"but i know i cant get her.." he said disappointed.

"why??" priya asked

"because she cant love me.." varun said..

"why??" this time rakesh asked him.

"anyways leave it its complicated.. I dont want to discuss it right now. I will marry someone whom my parents will chose for me.. " varun said and gave us all a little smile.

Then every one went in to silent sleep.

Next day early morning we reached bangalore railway station.. From there we went to our homes seperately..

There is a difference in me before pune and after pune.. Like there is some nervousness when ever rakesh is nearer to me.. When ever i felt him touch my hand.. It gave goose bumps to me.. The more i try to escape his touch.. The more he is coming nearer to me.. Iam trying to acclimatise to his touch..

One night.. As i was sleeping.. I felt a hand on my waist and kiss on my cheek.. I jerked instantly and pushed him with fear.. I felt sweats all over my body with paltitations and my breath became rapid..

He looked at me with sad eyes and said.. "iam sorry.. I shouldnt have done it.. " and went to another bed room.

Then i realised what have i done.. I pushed my husband away.. I hurt my husband..

You stupid.. How long will you push him?? He too is a man not a saint.. He has the every right on you.. Still he is waiting patiently for you.. Here you are pushing him away not understanding his needs..

I went to give apology. He sat on the sofa placing his hand on his head closing his eyes.. I stood infront of him

"Sorry rakesh.." he opened his eyes and looked at me "I shouldnt have done like that.. Its just.. It was unexpected that during sleep.. I pushed you because it came as a reflex.. I didnt want to hurt you.. Its just i was afraid during sleep.. "i looked down with guilt.

He stood in front of me and lifted my chin with his right hand.." no.. Its me who did wrong.. I can understand you... I will wait patiently till u are comfortable.. So dont worry go back to ur sleep.. Sorry for the disturbance i gave you.."

"Dont you come? " i asked him.

"i will come after some time.. Dont worry.. U go and sleep" he said smiling.

I nodded and went back to our room. I felt myself so lucky to have such an understanding husband..

Next few days went like that.. I was busy with preparations of his coming birthday. I know u might wonder how i know when is his birthday, i asked varun when we were at namitha marriage.

Then came his birthday.. I woke up early that day.. After prayer, i made gulabjamoon and went to wake him up.. As its saturday, He had no office.. So he didnt woke up early..

"Rakesh.. " i called him.. He opened his eyes and smiled at me..

"happy birthday rakesh" i said smiling..

"thank you swetha"

"Get ready fast.. Its 10am already.. Surprise is waiting for you"  i said..

"woww.. Really??"he is super excited.

"yes.. Come on.. Move" i ordered him.. He smiled.

He got up and went to washroom.. I folded the duvet and arranged bedsheet neatly.. And placed his new dress and towel on bed ready for him to wear.

I was busy with cooking..

He came after getting ready and asked "where is the surprize?"

"i just lied so that you will move fastly" i said..

"what!!??" he exclaimed opening his mouth.. I kept gulabjamoon in his mouth and said happy bday.. He gulped it.. Took hold of spoon and placed another jamoon near my mouth.. I opened my mouth and ate it..

"Go and visit temple.. " i said while busy waoking in kitchen.

"Dont you want to come?? " he asked me.

"see.. I am busy with cooking.. All are coming so i have to prepare lunch and dinner for all.." i said taking a plate from utensil stand.

"All who..? " rakesh asked.

"Who else.. Ur friends.. Varun, vikranth.. " i said while filling water into the bowl.. suddenly i realised that iam revealing the surprize..  I bite my tongue.. "ohh noo" i exclaimed..

"Really.. All are coming" he said excited..

"Yah. But first you go to temple.. It will be closed if you dont go now.. Its already late" i said.

"Okay.. Okay." . With that he went out and came back.

After some time, Rakesh came to kitchen and said "why to do all these.. We can order right??"

"why?? Dont u like my handmade food??" i said disappointed..

"no.. I mean.. It will be a hectic work for you.. I dont want you to take stress" he said..

"i love doing it.. So it will not cause me any stress.. Only doing those things which we dont like can cause stress" i said smiling..

"You are something special swetha" he said. I smiled..

'Tutututtu..  Open the door please'

"May be they came. I spoiled the surprize.." i said pouting..

"Dont worry i will manage.." He said with a smile.

He went to open the door.. I went behind him..

Priya.. Vikranth, varun and vaishu were waiting out side..

"Heyy.. Wow..!! You all came?? " he said placing both hands son his cheeks.. Giving a fake surprize.. He is acting too much..

All wished him birthday wishes..

Priya came inside to help me.. Vaishu too wanted to help me.. But we rejected her and ordered her not to enter..

we all had our lunch together.. Then started chitchatting..

Rakesh asked vaishali.." By the way.. where is abhinav?? You should have come with him too"

"He and my parents went to a marriage function .. I dont want to miss your birthday. So i didnt go.. They will come tomorrow.. So iam staying in priya house.. " she said.

After that.. The cake which i ordered came.. After cake cutting.. Every one gave their gifts to him..

" Guys.. I want to tell you all a good news" suddenly out of nowhere priya announced..

We all are looking at priya.. Vikranth held her hand and smiled at her..

"we are becoming.. Parents.." vikranth said..

"ohh.. Wow" .." Congrats to both of you"  we all wished them..

"did you go for checkup??" vaishali asked her.

"yeah its confirmed last week.. But i just wanted to tell this good news to all of you at once as we are meeting today" priya said

After that.. Vaishu said about few tips on how to deal with morning sickness and all..

Time fled with happiness.. Its really a memorable day..

Thats it for today..

Meet u on next tuesday..

Before that.. Our random question..

Do u like to travel??

If so.. What type of touristic places do u like most??

Ok then.. Bybye.. 💖💖💖

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