58. Positivity!

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Hellooo dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

Seems there is good vibe from the title right??

Well that we have to see..

Lets go..

Rakesh pov.

I went to have bath..

After i came back.. I went near to shelf and took my night wear.. After wearing the night dress, i went out to look for swetha.

She is not in kitchen.. I went to check for vaishali..

Vaishali sat on bed with her back supporting on wall and she is deep in her thoughts.

"Vaishu..!! " i called her.

She turned to me and gave me a small smile.

"do you want to eat anything??" i asked her.

She shaked her head horizantally..

"How are you feeling now?? "

"just a little weakness" she said flexing her legs in an indian style.

"have you taken medicines..? " i asked her sitting on a chair beside her bed...

"i have to take them after dinner" she said

"if you need anything or if feel low at any time.. Dont even think.. Come to us.. I and swetha will be there for you.."

She nodded.

" vaishu.. "

" hmm"

"please never do such things again.. I cant see you like that" i said.

"sorry rakesh.. I made such a huge scene.. I made swetha worry too" she lowered her head feeling ashamed about her stupidity..

"no vaishali.. Dont say like that" swetha said while coming with a plate of cutpieces of fresh fruits..

"where are you swetha.. I haven't seen you in kitchen.." i asked her..

"i Forgot to water the plants today.. So i went outside" she said giving two plates containing cutpieces of fruits, one to vaishali and one to me..

She sat on bed beside vaishu.

"dont u want to eat??" i asked her..

"i dont have appetite.." she said.. She looked so dull.. Her voice too is low..

"atleast share with me" i said showing an apple piece near to her mouth.

But she moved away and took it in her hand.

"Ahhhhu.!! . Ahhhuu..!! " vaishali started coughing suddenly..

"Heyy.. Are u okay?? Eat slowly.. Why are u eating like some one is chasing you?? " i said tapping on vaishali head..

Swetha stood and kept the piece of apple i gave to her back in my plate and ran out. After few seconds she came with a glass of water and placed it in my hand.

I gave it to vaishali.. She took it and drank..

" thank you swetha" vaishu said.

"you both continue talking, i will go and prepare dinner" saying that swetha went.

"do you want any books ?? It will be boring to just sleep all the time" i said.

"okay.. Anything is fine" she said.

"try spend time with us vaishu.. Dont live alone in your own world.. In This phase, you should not live in depression.. It will effect the psychological state of baby.. Come out and be free.." i said looking at the cut on her hand.

"dont worry rakesh.. I acted like a stupid by comitting suicide.. Now i realised.. I will take care.. I wont do such things again" she said placing her right palm covering the wound area.

"Thats the vaishu i know" i said.

She smiled at me and looked at my face with out blinking.

"What?? " i asked her.

"May be for this.. We were together at that time.. For you to save me and support me.. If its not you then i dont know where i will be now" she said..

"everything is fine vaishu.. You and the baby both are fine.. Thats what it matters now.."

She nodded.

"Want to sleep for some time..?? " i asked her.

"No.. I think i will go and involve myself in some work helping swetha.. That will help me deviate my mind from negativity"

"okay.. Go ahead.. But dont stress ur self much.. Take care.. I will go and do the work which is pending" i said standing then went to my room.

I was busy with my work.

"rakesh.. Dinner.." i heard swetha voice.

"yah will come.. You both start having it" i said without turning my head.

After few seconds, she came again "vaishali said that she wont eat if you dont come"

"she is same stubborn like previously" i said smiling and closed the laptop to hibernation mode then went to have dinner.

Vaishali looked alot better than previously.

Thank god.. She is trying to come out.. Otherwise i dont know its eating me looking at her like that.

I looked at swetha.. She is already looking at me. Then she looked down. She is drawing circles on the plate thinking something which i dont understand.

"Swetha.. Are you okay?? You look so weak.. " i said placing my left hand on her forehead checking her temperature.

She looked at me and smiled removing my hand on her fore head with her left hand. .. "iam good"

"why are you not eating anything properly??" i asked. She isnt eating anything well.

"i dont know.. Iam not feeling like eating anything now" she kept a small amount of food in her mouth. Her way of chewing itself is saying she is not at all interested to eat. She suddenly started coughing. I poured water in an empty glass and She gulped it.

"do u want to go to doctor?" i asked her placing my left hand on her shoulder.

"no.. May be.. Its just.. I was too shocked" she said looking at her plate.

"sorry swetha" vaishali said with sad voice.

"no.. Vaishali.. Its okay.. I will eat dont worry or i will drink milk " she said.

She ate half of rice placed on plate with difficulty..

"its okay swetha.. Eat some fruits and drink milk.. Dont stress yourself" i said. She nodded and went to kitchen.

After having dinner.. I kept all the utensils in the kitchen..

Swetha looked at me with wide eyes.. "heyy.. Why did you take all those utensils.. I might have taken them"

"Its okay.. Swetha.. U too are weak.. Let me help u atleast now" i said and started washing the utensils.. She too joined me..

"swetha.." i said applying dishwash liquid to a plate

"hmm" swetha said while washing the plate with water under tap.

"dont worry... Everything is fine now.. Dont think too much" i said..

"hmm" she hummed.

After cleaning.. I was about to go but turned back and said " dont miss drinking milk".

"iam already boiling it" she said with a little smile.

I nodded and went towards vaishali room.. "Have you taken medicines?? "

"Yeah just now.. " vaishu said looking at me.

"okay.. Sleep well.. If you need anything just give me a call.." i said.

She nodded.. I covered her with the duvet and went inside our room.

After some time.. Swetha came and took night wear then went to washroom to have bath. She came out and took a duvet from the shelf and started walking out.

" Where are you going?? " i asked her confused.

She came back and sat beside me still holding the duvet.

"i think it would be better if i stay with vaishali.. She might need me.. U know.. Some times she might not be able to say if we both stay here.. She is in her late pregnancy right.. Someone should be with her all the time" she said.

I dont know how she knows all those things about pregnancy and all.. She sure will be a good mother for my children.. Just that thought itself made me happy.

"You are right.. Take care" i said.

Swetha went out.

I think I am so lucky.. Because no wife will take care of a girl who is an ex girlfriend of her husband.. But my swetha is something beyond.. Mature, caring and understanding..

Days went like that..

Swetha spent most of the time with vaishu.. I know i shouldnt feel like that but i want swetha to spare some of her time for me too.. But i consoled my self that vaishu needs her more than me.

The best thing happened is vaishu came out of depression.. She is getting regular checkups and medicines.. She is taking very good care of her and her baby.. She is not living alone.. Infact both swetha and vaishu became good friends..

One day when i was in office, i got a call from swetha.

"Hello.. Swetha" i said.

"rakesh.. Rakesh..!!" her voice is tense filled with fear..

Please god.. it should not be another attempt of suicide.. She is fine even in the morning..

"rakesh.. I think vaishu needs to be taken to hospital.. May be she is going to get delivered"

"what!! Doctor said 1 more month is there for her due date." i asked her.

"no rakesh.. Some times delivery can happen right.. I mean some people will be born at 7 months like that.. Rakesh.. Vaishu's water broke.. I think she needs to be taken to hospital immediately.."

"ohh.. Okay.. Can u be able to take her to hospital because it will be late for me to come over there" i asked her.

"i will call the hospital to send the ambulance if possible.. Other wise i will book a cab and go there.. You come directly to the hospital" she said

"okay.. Just take care" i said and she cut the call.

I asked permission from my manager and went to hospital.

I called swetha upon reaching the hospital.

She came out and said "they said amniotic fluid started leaking.. They are giving some injections for baby's lung development as baby is premature"

"how is vaishali" i asked her.

"She is fine.. Pains not yet started. Doctor did scan and said that we can wait for spontaneous onset of pains for sometime.. If not then they will induce.. Incase any emergency then they will do surgery."

"Ohh.. Okay.. " i said hoping every thing will go smoothly with out complications.

"i will go and stay with vaishu." swetha said.

"Yah.. Go go.. " i said showing my hand towards the door.

I remembered vikranth, priya and varun.. I immediately called them..

They came after some time.

Priya went inside to check on vaishu.. At that time swetha came back. As the hospital administration wont allow more than one person to enter inside.

Swetha went inside to send priya out as priya also needs rest as she too is pregnant . Vikranth dropped priya at home even she is not willing to go, we forced her to u o and take rest.

After few hours, i heard some loud shoutings, i dont know how women bear all that pain when iam unable bear just their shoutings. then after sometime i heard baby cry. Vaishu stopped shouting.

"Finally.. Thank god.." i mumbled and looked at varun and vikranth. They too are happy and smiled.

After few minutes, nurse came with a small cute pink coloured baby. Its moving both hands and legs continously..

She gave the baby to me...

"its a girl child sir.." nurse said..

I took it.. All our friends came and touched her small hands.. Small legs.. Cute cheeks..

"sir.. If u dont mind.. Baby should be given breastfeeding within half an hour.. I just gave the baby to show u.. So can u please give me the baby.."

I gave the baby back to nurse..

After 2 hours, vaishu was shifted to a seperate room.

When i entered inside, The scene that is visible infront of me is swetha holding the baby..

I got a wish looking at that beautiful image, I really want swetha to hold our baby.. I wish it will happen in near future..

So.. Finally  a girl child delivered with out any complications..

Seems rakesh forgot about sriram loving swetha.. 😅😅😅

Anyways.. I completed writing story i mean the main story.. I need to add few emotions to it.. So i cant give daily updates.. But i will give you surprise updates when ever i feel like along with our regular updates.. Total number of chapers are 69.. I thought of giving 73 chapters atleast.. But i felt like it will become boring.. So i cut it short to 69.. Hope u will enjoy the remaining chapters with patience like always..

Randam question:

Which name do u like to give me😜??

Thats for today..

Meet u in next update..

Thank u all for reading voting and commenting..

Bubye.. ❤️

Have a heartful smile always😊

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