59. Naming

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Helloo dear busy busy yet lovely readers..

I wont say surprise to u.. Because u all know iam going to give updates other than tuesday right..

So lets go..




Before going into the chapter.. Create the baby name. (U know.. Vaishali daughter) and also describe it before why u want to keep that name..

No cheating..

And the name which i like most will get dedication in next chapter.. No matter previously u got dedication or not..


If commenting the name is over..

Lets go to story.

Rakesh pov.

While swetha is taking care of vaishali at hospital, i went home to have a nap.

I woke up to the calling bell.

Who can it be??

I went to open the door lazily.

"Sir.. Are u mr. Rakesh patil??" a courier boy asked while holding an envelop and paper for signature 

"Yes.."  i showed my hand.

"Sir.. This one is for you." he gave thr envelop and also the paper and pen for my signature.

I signed the paper and gave back to him. Then he went away.

After checking the document, i thought of keeping that in locker.

I went to open the shelf then i opened the locker to keep the documents inside. As I am removing the file in which i always keep important documents, a greeting card and a letter fell down.

"Whose card can it be??" mumbling i bent down to take the card and letter.

I dont remember any greeting card keeping there like that.

I opened the card.. Its full of love symbols..

Sudden pang occupied when i saw the name of swetha on it.

Secret admirer.

Who can it be??

Is that sriram??

May be that card came before marriage. But why did she keep it in locker??

I opened the letter.

'Dear swetha,

How is the bangle? I know u loved the moment you saw that bangle. I know you are married but i also know that your marriage is just a legal setup nothing more to it. So you are still a miss to me. When ever i see red roses i remember the smile on your lips. I always want to see the smile on those beautiful lips of you. That is why iam sending these roses for you.

Secret admirer. '

Reading every line, i felt like huge weight was fell upon me. Just the line which made me feel tense was ' your marriage is a legal setup nothing more to it'

And bangle?? Roses?? Since when it happened??

What the hell is going on behind my back..

No.. No.. No way.. May be he is trying to take swetha away from me.. But my swetha wont leave me.. She will not.

I saw a jewellery box and i opened to see it.

This bangle.. This was given by him.. I think that sriram tried to trap my wife with this bangle.. Just because sometime ago she loved that bangle.. By giving all this, he thought she might fell for him.. But my swetha is not a gold digger.. She is pure..

"Sriram.. U cant snatch my wife." i murmered angrily.

But why did she kept all this secretly.

He Never mentioned his name.. Why??

Why sriram loves my swetha secretly.. Not disclosing his identity. Why??

Did swetha already fell for his tricks??

I dont even know when all these came??

Its just bangle and roses or more than that?

Are those that important for her, That she kept them secretly in locker??

Can i ask her?

I took my mobile to call swetha.

Shutup.. Shutup.. What am i thinking..?

What if she takes that to heart and gets hurt? Now only it felt like every thing got back to place.. If i ask such stupid questions, she will start thinking negatively again and our relationship will be withered instead of blossoming.

May be there might be some reason for her to not to explain about all these. I believe her. I believe my swetha. If i dont believe her then who will?

I took a deep breath and kept all of them back.

"May be she will explain all of them some day." i murmured consoling myself.

After getting ready, i went back to hospital.

When i entered inside the room, bed was empty and baby is crying. Where did they went leaving the baby alone??

I went and lifted the baby with my both hands and placed it on my left shoulder and held it carefully with my both hands.

Swetha and vaishu both came out of washroom. Swetha is helping vaishu to come near bed.

I went near them and i tried to help them but vaishu said " its okay i can manage.. Swetha is there right.."

I nodded and smiled looking at swetha. She is not looking at me.. She is seriously involved in supporting vaishu carefully.

After vaishu laid down," i will be back in few minutes. Meanwhile both of you just talk" swetha said and was about to go.

"Where are you going? " i asked her.

"just.. Hmm.. For fresh air.." she said nervously looking down.

"Oh.. " i said.. I dont know why iam feeling like she is lying.

Is this all negative feeling because of those letters?

"Let her go rakesh.. Even i too want to go out of this room.. Its suffocating here.. Atleast let her have some fresh air" vaishu said smiling.

I nodded. Swetha went out without even looking at me.

We both talked for some time about how she is feeling.

Later i started playing with the baby by squeesing her cheeks. When ever i place my finger near to her mouth, baby is trying to keep my finger inside her mouth by moving her head. I smiled looking at the baby and then turned to vaishu. Vaishu is looking at her baby with so much love.


So guys..

Today chapter iam going to dedicate it to..

Haha.. Finally after long gap..

This update dedication has special mention.. Because that person requestion for this pov..

So its to..


And also to the person with the name..


When i asked u a question last time i expected lots of creative names or different names.. I loved this most 'Chiku' short and different u know.. So this chapter is also dedicated to harshita4289

So.. I hope u will enjoy this pov too..


Vaishali pov:

No one can guess how life will turn at which moment. My life turned many times.. Some turns are good some are bad.. First when i loved rakesh, then living together with rakesh. All those days were happy days then leaving rakesh that time i was sad but i never thought of ending my life.

When my paremts arranged marriage with abhinav, i was disappointed but with no option available i thought of concentrating myself on my career to achieve something big than personal life.

But abhinav.. He changed my life.. He changed my thinking. His love made me forget my goals and all about myself. May be that was all due to that sacred bond associated with marriage. All the memories of rakesh faded into sweet memories. My life was surrounded by abhi. He became my everything.

But life turned again.. Again the bad phase. I lost my parents and abhi at a time. I never thought or imagined my life to twist in this way. When i lost abhi, i lost myself. I felt like i lost the most important part in me. Nothing can get back my abhi for me. That minute i started thinking of leaving this life. But i tried to live for the baby. But when that rogue, i dont know what to call him. Animals are far better than him. When he called me with such names and he blaming abhi, i felt like i cant live. I wanted to save my baby from this cruel world. So i thought the best way to save was to kill both of us. But iam afraid to die. I cried calling priya. But unable to forget all the bad things that happened in my life. I dont know how my thoughts became so depressive and at one peak momwnt.. finally i got the courage to end my life. But life turned again. God didnt plan to end my life. Swetha looked at my semiconscious state. Everything happened with out my conscious.

Rakesh.. I dont know what might have happened to me, if i dont know him. With out him, i might not have become close with his friends. After abhi death, only these people became my support.

One thing is for sure. Money might give you things but not loving people. U need people to help u, support you in need not just the money. I do have money, but no relatives to look after me. If not these friends, then i might have died already.

Then swetha.. I dont even know how to repay her. She took a great care of me like a mother, own sister. Even i might not help anyone like her. I didnt want to interrupt their relation, so i went to that rascal's house. But finally they became my saviours. I cant repay with anything.. Only thing i can do for them is to wish god that they should live happily together with healthy kids.

"So which name will this beauty will get? " rakesh said smiling at my sleeping baby

"Abhi already decided names for baby. He said vaibhav if its a boy as it includes vaishali and abhinav.."

"So its vaibhavi then?? "

"no.. "


I remembered that day when we both faught with eachother for the names.


I was sleeping on bed placing my hands on my small tummy.

Abhi came from after having bath.

He came and lifted my top uncovering my abdomen then kissed my small tummy.

"good night my angel " abhi said rubbing the bump gently.

I chuckled. "So u decided to call it by angel?? " i asked raising my eye brows.


"ohh then what do u call??" i said covering my abdomen by replacing the top in its position.

He came neared to my head and gave a peck on my lips " i havent decided yet.. So its just for temporary"

"what name do u want to give to it??" i asked him.

"hmmm.. Vaibhav?" he uttered by sitting on bed


"it starts with your name and it includes mine too" he said holding my hand. I too sat and moved backwards to support by back with pillow.

"but i dont like a name starting with v. It will make your roll number last in school and college. I dont like it" i whined.

"if its a, then he or she will sure scold us in their heart as their roll number will be at start" abhi said and i started laughing.

"Why are u laughing?" He asked me.

"so.. You always scolded ur parents??" i asked him raising my eyebrow

"hmm.. Ofcourse who wont??" abhi shrugged his hands.

"but i like it if its in start.." my lips went straight.

"u really are studious vaishu. I want my child to enjoy everything" abhi said

"okay.. Lets make it a deal."  i said with a wonderful idea.

"what??" he asked with enthusiasm.

"if its a boy then its vaibhav" i said and gave a little pause.

"if its a girl??" he asked looking into my eyes.

"its abhinaya" i said hoping he will accept

" But ur name will not be there in that name" he pouted.

"u and me are not different abhi.." i said placing my head on his chest.

He placed his hand on me and hugged me gently " u have ur own way of winning"

I chuckled

"ok.. Deal..?? " i asked lifting my head away from his chest.

"hmm.. Deal.. But iam rethinking of my wish to have a girl baby" with seriousness on his face he said looking straightly to a wall.

"heyy.. Thats cheating" i said slapping on his chest.

"haha.. Iam just kidding.. I too love that name. " he said laughing and kissed my forehead by holding my both cheeks.


"Its abhinaya" i said missing abhi.

He looked at me with a sad look.

Tears started in my eyes but i took deep breath and gulped to release tightening of my throat due to sadness.

"vaishu" he stood and came near me.

"dont worry rakesh. As i said i wont do stupid things again. Now i have my responsibilty to look after my baby"

"be strong vaishu"

I nodded.

He stood and came near to the bed and placed my baby beside me. I touched the baby cheek and kissed it.

"what are ur next plans?" he asked me then suddenly his face became worrisome " i didnt ask that for u to go away from us vaishu.. I mean that u should do something because i heard abhinav buisiness falling down. Its undercontrol of next major share holder. But he is unable to keep up the profits, instead he is making it into losses. U should do something about it vaishu. Because its all abhi's hardwork. Think about it"

I looked at him with wide eyes.. " how can i rakesh??"

"u can vaishu.. U are very strong intelligent women. U can do anything with strong will power." he said trying to motivate me.

"think about it vaishu.. Nothing is impossible.. I believe ur ability.. U used to be very ambitious. I know you vaishu.." he said placing his hand on my head rubbing it gently.

I nodded.

"I will try to think about it" i said

"good girl" he said smiling looking into my eyes with his hand still on my head.

There was a sound of door opening. We both looked at the door to see swetha coming inside and looked at us. "ohh.. Shit.. I forgot again" she slapped her forehead and smiled at us" i will be back again.. " saying that she went

Rakesh turned immediately following swetha.

I smiled looking at them. They both deserve eachother.

I looked at my baby.

May be what rakesh said is true. I need to take responsibility of abhi's business. Its his hard work. I need to protect it. Not just for me.. For my baby and also all the employees in the company.

I decided to do take care of abhi's business for that i will learn what ever it is needed for it.

May be this is what my life is for. Bad things do happen in life but analysing the good in bad makes your life peaceful. I will look at my life in a positive way from now onwards.. Because if i cant, how can i make my baby to develop optimism?

I looked at the sleeping baby "abhinaya.. Love you angel" kissed her closing my eyes. Imagining that my abhi is beside me looking at both of us with a smile on his face.

So thats for today..

Do u like abhinaya??

Do u like ur name to be in first or last??

Meet u in next update..

Before that

Random question:

For this u need to close ur eyes.. The question is.. Tell me the first thought or first person or any thing that u see in ur thought when u close ur eyes.. U know just for fun.. So now close ur eyes and then comment it..

Dont say ur mobile screen.. If its ur answer.. Retry..

The answer which i like most is going to get dedication.. In next chappie..

Ofcourse u might think what's so great about getting dedication.. Well its from my heart.. Its ur wish if u want to answer or not..


For now bubye.. 🙋‍♀️

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