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Helloo.. Everyone..

Last but not least .. Hope u will like this too..

3rd person pov.

An auto came infront of the house.

A highschool girl was sobbing. Behind her a small boy was looking at her sister by holding her hand tightly. Not knowing why his sister was crying.

Upon opening the door, swetha looked at crying girl and ran towards her " neha!! What happened??"

Neha showed away swetha's hands and  Cried loudly and ran inside her room.

Swetha looked at crying neha.. Not knowing anything and looked at the boy.

"tinku.. What happened to ur sister? Anything happened in school?" swetha asked tinku removing bag from his shoulders and box from his hand.

He shaked his head and ran inside to where his sister went.

Swetha went inside the room to see neha crying on bed. Tinku is looking at his sister.

Swetha went and placed her hand on her hair. " neha.. What happened dear?"

"go away.. Ammi.. Go.. No one likes me.. No one.. " neha cried aloud.

Swetha got afraid looking at her like that. Not knowing what to do.. She called rakesh to come early.

"Rakesh.. Neha is not talking with me.. She is crying.. Not eating anything rakesh. I dont know what happened. She is like that since she came from school." swetha said crying.

"Its okay.. dont worry.. I will come as soon as possible" rakesh said from the other side.

After some time, rakesh came and pressed calling bell..

Swetha opened the door, rakesh entered.

"Where is she?" Rakesh asked keeping the bag on sofa.

"Inside kids room. " swetha said with worried voice.

"dont worry.. I will check on her mean while u prepare milk for them." rakesh said keeping his hand on swetha's shoulder. Swetha nodded.

Rakesh went inside to look at neha.. She is lying on bed in prone postion hugging pillow.

Tinku who is tearing the paper in to small pieces looked at rakesh and came running to him.

Rakesh lifted tinku and went near neha.

"Neha.. " rakesh called gently..

"she is not talking to me too appa" tinku said to his father.

"Neha dear.." rakesh called a little louder yet gently.

Upon hering her father voice, neha sat and looked at him and started crying again.

Rakesh dropped tinku  " tinku go after ur mother" tinku went out towards swetha.

"Neha.. Why are you crying sweety?" rakesh asked sitting on bed beside neha rubbing her head gently.

"Appa.. Why am i dark?? Tinku is fair u too are fair why am i dark??" neha asked with anger and sadness.. She crying continuously.

"Neha.." rakesh is trying to stop her from crying. But neha hugged his father.

"My friends are bullying me that iam dark.. Calling me darky.. Blacky and all.. No one likes me.. Appa" neha hugged her father tightly and sobbing.

"Neha.. Look at me.." rakesh lifted her chin to look at him.

"Do u love ur mother??" rakesh asked her.

"I do.." she nodded wiping her tears.

"Do u think i and ur brother dont love ur mother and u?" rakesh asked.

"U do.." neha said still sobbing.

"See.. Not every one in this world like every one.. But sure u will be loved by someone like me ur mother ur brother." rakesh is trying to explain gently to her.

"Appa.. I dont look good see.. Iam dark.. Iam not pretty" neha said pushing his fathers hands away.

"Who said dark is not beautiful??" rakesh asked neha with serious look.

"In every fairy tale, all girls are beautiful with fair skin. Not like me." neha said pouting.

"Have u ever heard about draupadhi..?" rakesh asked him

"Who is she..?" neha looked at his father with pouting eyes upturned lips.

"The most beautiful women in mahabharata.. She is dark. She is considered the most beautiful women." rakesh said placing his hand on her cheeks

"Is it??" neha stopped sobbing. Her eyes widened with excitement.

"Hmm.. Neha let me show u some.." rakesh said and took his mobile out from his pant pocket.

Rakesh searched few pics in google and downloaded them.

picture of lava from volcanic eruption, picture of the ocean, picture of forest, pucture of cloudy sky, picture of waterfall, picture of lake filled with algae and lotus flowers.

"Which one do u like most?" rakesh asked her showing all the pictures to neha.

"Everything is looking good." neha said scrolling all the pictures multiple times.

"All these are parts of nature neha.. U, me every one are parts on nature. Try to look at the beauty of nature" rakesh said.

Neha was looking at her father not understanding.

"Never let immature minds degrade ur positivity.. Embrace the beauty in everything.. Love yourself then the whole world will love you." rakesh said. Neha was looking at his father.

"Do u understand?" rakesh asked not knowing whether neha is able to understand what he is saying.

"Yes. Appa.." neha said.

"There are no standards for beauty. The real beauty is appreciated only by the beautiful hearts.. So dont get disheartened by people. Instead make them realise and let them develop good attitude." rakesh explained

She nodded.

"what did u understand?" rakesh asked

"if i love myself, every one will love me.. " neha said and repeated what ever she understood.

"what if they say they dont like u?" rakesh asked raising his brows.

Neha looked at his father with sad face.

"that means they are not good people.. Only good people can love you" rakesh said.

Neha nodded.

"If some one says.. I dont like u because you are dark.. What will u do?" rakesh asked neha looking at her eyes.

" but.. Appa.. I love me na.." neha said.

"Good girl.. Go and get freshup." rakesh said and kissed neha forehead.

Neha went out and hugged her mother.

Swetha too hugged her and gave milk to neha. Tinku already was eating fruits which swetha gave to him. Then they both went out for playing.

Then she took snacks on a plate and gave them to rakesh.

"rakesh.. What happened?" swetha asked while sitting next to rakesh. He kept the plate on table and looked at swetha.

"just as u worried, people started bullying."

Swetha's face turned sad.

"but dont worry. She will overcome.. But we need to motivate her daily. We need to boost her self confidence."

"can i be able to?" swetha asked doubting.

"u can swetha.. U can mend any heart with ur love" rakesh hugged swetha. Swetha too hugged rakesh.


Few years later...

Neha was walking from college to hostel.

She was stopped by two guys  and one of them showed a letter to her " can give this to your roomate please" he asked.

She looked at him from top to bottom and shaked her head horizontally and started to move forward.

"Heyy.. Please.. Neha.. Help me make her fall for me" he started begging.

"i wont" neha said and was about to move some more distance.

"why neha.. Why dont u want to help me?" he asked.

"if ur love is true.. It wont need any one's help.. If she is not showing interest in you means she wont fall for u even if i support u. But i dont want to push her into something which she dont want" neha said and looked at him.

"neha please" he continued his pleasing but neha shaked her head and started moving.

"heyy tarun.. Leave it.. She is just jealous that no one likes her. Look at her.. She is dark and ugly.. Even if she is the last girl, i wont like her" the other guy said smiling.

Neha stopped her walk and turned to the other guy and smiled.. "Thank u so much for not liking me. Because i dont want to be liked by immature idiotic imbeciles like u. Iam more worthy. So back off."

Her smile never left her lips instead her eyes started smiling looking at the guy who bullied her "Infact iam lucky that iam dark, because i will not have any psycho's surrounding in the name of love.. Infact i will be loved by my character which can never change. So i will be able to love the beautiful heart.. Not the ugly one's like u.."

Both the guys looked at neha in shock.

" I hope u got clear understanding.. Still u havent understood?" neha asked clapping infront of them to make them come to present world.

" If u didnt.. Then i got pretty clear understanding of how ugly u are.." Saying that neha smirked at them turned away from them with full of confidence.

The guy who called her with names looked at her like a dumb.. No words to say..

"raj.. U should not have talked like that.. See what happened.. How can u say like that.." tarun said irritated.

" sorry.. I.. I just wanted to taunt her so that she will help u.." raj said. But tarun sighed disappointingly

" i.. I didnt mean it tarun" raj said feeling hurt.

"i never thought u are that immature" saying that tarun left.

Raj looked at his friend and then at Neha who is far away from him.. He ran towards neha and said " neha.. Iam sorry.. I didnt mean to hurt u.. I.. I just wanted to taunt u so that u will help him"

Neha stopped and looked at him and smiled.. " as long as  u realise ur mistake, u are getting matured.. U will develop a beautiful heart dont worry.."

"Thank u for forgiving me" raj said.

"who am i to forgive u?? And Forgive..?? For what?? Iam not hurt with ur words.. Infact iam happy that i make u realise what maturity is and real beauty is.." neha winked at him and waved him "bye.."

Raj looked at her wondering with wide open mouth.




I dont know.. Where should i actually keep end.. In last chapter or after epilogue so.. I kept in both chappies..

Hope u liked epilogue..

I want to thank all readers..

All those who voted.

Especially those who constantly motivated me through comments..

I really want to thank the haters too.. Because it made me to write more like how i want to.

To all those who waited regularly for tuesday for my story update.. I dont know how happy i felt with ur ❤️ for the story..

All those pm i got that they loved my story..  I was like.. Is it true?? Are they really talking about my story? I never ever thought i can get response like this..

Finally i completed one story.. Yahooo!!!

Sorry i couldnt be able to dedicate my chappies to all of u..

But i want to thank all of u for ur patience reading..

A question i said i will answer at last.

"How the story plot came in to my mind?

- there are lots of people who love someone else before marriage and get married to other one because of circumstances.. But do they really love their partner?"

Love doesnt happen in an instant.. Its a gradual process..

All the charactors in the story have faults.. But All are good.. For eg. Rakesh mother.. She is good at heart but can be easily manipulated.. No one can change that attitude.. Only closed ones should understand that weakness and adjust with that.

Swetha.. She had so much patience.. But she is so insecure and has constant negative feelings which need reassurance..

Rakesh.. His love is pure.. He is full of positive thoughts.. But his fault is he is late in realisation..

Like that.. Every one have their own faults..

One thing i want to say..

The confidence should be buildup from childhood itself.. For that parents should play a major role..

Last Random question for this story..

How u found this story?


I would have been the most happiest if u correct my english u know🙄🙄🙄

Once again thank u so much..

Meet u in next story..

Ofcourse thats after 1 yr..

Have a heartful smile always.. Hope will meet u all again..

With love



Dated: 8th april 2020

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