Training the next Successor and a confession

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(Y/n) POV

It's been a week since the important meeting with some of the other top heroes, they told me everything about All For One, the top villain in Japan, and I have to say, I hate him, All-Might told me that he wants to rule the world as a demon lord, and due to his ability to take other peoples quirks away, he was considered as a high threat and the Global National Hero Commission, has issued for his death which I understand seeing as this guy has lived for a very long time and how powerful his quirk is, they also allowed me to have a warrant to kill him which I'm fine with, because one I think that this old bag of bones has to die, but for some reason All-Might wanted to tell me something in private at a beach which is very confusing. It was early in the morning and I was flying to the beach, I then see the beach and it a bit of trash on it, I then see All-Might watching some green haired kid clean up the trash, I land 20 feet away so that I can transform and walk to him.

(Y/n) : "Morning All-Might."

All-Might : "Ah, good morning Young (L/n), how are you." *starts to steam up*

(Y/n) : "Good, so why did I have to get up at six in the mornin-" *sees All-Might steaming up* "Uh are you ok?"

All-Might : *turns into skinny might* "Ok, now let me explain-"

(Y/n) : *eyes narrowing* "Yeah you better explain what the hell is going on."

All-Might : "Straights to the point huh... I can respect that. Give me one second." *grabs his phone and starts texting someone, then put it down once he sent it* "Alright, lets start with something easy, I'll explain why I'm like this." 

He then removes his shirt, showing that the left side of his stomach, which was completely damaged, I nearly gagged at the sight.

All-Might : "Gross huh?"

(Y/n) : "So... your stomach... it's... it's messed up."

All-Might : "I know, All For One did this to me in our last battle, it damaged me so much that I had to under go many surgeries and because of that, plus the side effects I basically became this. My stomach is destroyed by this point and what's worse is that I have a time limit for how long I can stay as my muscle form."

(Y/n) : "Jesus... and back then I was scared of you. A lot of villains including myself feared you, when they meet you face to face, I can't imagine what they would think now. But wait thinking about it, is it the reason why you kept this a secret, cause people would see you differently?"

All-Might : "Correct but... there's more to it. The reason why I keep this a secret is because the world needs a symbol of peace they can rely on. If everyone finds out that the symbol of peace is really a skinny guys that's slowly losing power day by day, then I can't imagine what would happen. I keep the crime rate low because of my existence and if everybody finds out... then well..."

(Y/n) : "Society would crumble. Your the pillar that holds society up and if you break apart then pretty much society would too."

All-Might then puts his shirt back on.

All-Might : "Exactly, the world needs a hero that can give them hope. Do you ever wonder why I always smile? It's to show hope, to show them things will be ok. If they find out who I really am then... yeah..."

(Y/n) : "So what do you plan on doing when your old or lose all your power an retire? Once your gone society will pretty much fall, either you keep doing your job or not."

All-Might : "Well I already planned that out, thats where that boy comes in you see him?" *All-Might points at the boy on the beach and (Y/n) nods* "Do you know what my quirk is?"

(Y/n) : "No. What is it?"

All-Might : "It is called One For All. Let me tell you what it is. It's a stock piling power that the user can release and punch a massive blow. It's a power that has been passed down from generation to generation. My master passed it down to me and so I will pass it on to Young Midoriya there, he has the heart to have One For All and be a great hero, It'll take some time for him to master it when he has it, but I'm sure he'll get the hang of it."

I stood there, dumbfounded at what I heard. This boy was All-Might' successor, and it was the boy that was clean the beach, I looked at the boy who had noticed me at all and I looked back at All-Might who smiled at me.

(Y/n) : "That's... a lot to take in."

All-Might : "I know but you see, there is a other reason why I wanted you to come here."

(Y/n) : "What's that?"

All-Might : "I want your help in training Young Midoriya."

(Y/n) : "What! Why me?!"

All-Might : "Because I could not think of anyone better, due to your experience over the last three years, you could teach him, because to be honest this teaching thing, is all new to me, and teaching for you... you know how to teach people, because you have experienced the bad side of society, you know the darkness, you've been in the darkness and still returned to the light. But please can you keep this a secret."

(Y/n) : "I'm not a stranger to the dark, but when you put it like that. Alright fine I'll help you train him and keep your secret."

All-Might : "Thank you."

(Y/n) : "How will introduce him to the Skrill?"

All-Might : "I'll deal with that. Young Midoriya!!!"

Midoriya stops what he is doing and looks at us.

Midoriya : "Yeah!!"

All-Might : "Have a break and come here for a sec!! I have someone here you have to meet!!"

Midoriya : "Coming!!"

He then starts to run over to us, he then sits down taking some deep breaths.

All-Might : "Young Midoriya, this is (Y/n) (L/n) a friend of mine."

Midoriya : "It's nice to meet you. I'm Izuku Midoriya." *smiles and hold you his hand, you smile back and shake it, he then starts drinking some water*

(Y/n) : "A pleasure to meet you too, successor of All-Might." *smiles*

Izuku : *spits out the water and looks at All-Might with worry*

All-Might : "Before you say anything, yes... I did tell him about One For All."

Izuku : "Why?"

All-Might : "Because I trust him. Do you want to tell him?"

Izuku : "Tell me what?" *starts to drink again*

(Y/n) : "That I'm the Skrill."

Izuku : *spits water out again* "Your the what!?"

(Y/n) : "SSSSHHHH!!"

Izuku : "Sorry... your the Skrill."

(Y/n) : "Yes, I'm the Skrill, the one thing that villains fear more than All-Might. All-Might called me here because he wanted me to help train you."

Izuku : *looks at All-Might* "Why?"

All-Might : "Because he could be a great teacher for you, and he can teach you important lessons."

Izuku : "Ok, but can I ask you something?"

(Y/n) : "Sure."

Izuku : "Why did you torment and attack villains the way you did?"

(Y/n) : *sits down* "Alright let me start from the beginning."

I then start telling Izuku about my past and how I found Amelia after her family abandoned her for being 'impure'. After I was done telling him about my past and what happened a month ago, Izuku had wide eyes.

(Y/n) : "There you have it, my story."

Izuku : "Ok... I wasn't expecting that. So when will we start training?"

(Y/n) : "Right now, were going to be working on you fighting style because one, you can't just use All-Might's."

Izuku : "Why not?"

(Y/n) : "Because if you only take his it won't work so well... think about it like this if you only learn about a culture from your side the knowledge, it becomes rigid and incomplete, but if you learn about the culture from the other side and other places a people, you can then have the full picture."

All-Might and Izuku both stare at me, in shock from my very inspirational advice.

All-Might : "You know he has a point, taking moves and different fighting styles and turning it into your own unique one is a very good idea, because you can be unique in your own way."

Izuku : "Oh, I get it."

(Y/n) : "Good come on."

I then start walking down to the beach, Izuku stops a few feet away from me, and I turn to face him, I then take of my black jacket and grey shirt of making me revealing a lot of scars on my body from the past few years when fighting villains. Shocking both All-Might and Izuku.

Izuku : "Whoa!"

(Y/n) : "Yeah... these scars are proof of my fighting experience, the pain I endured, but I turned that pain into power. So you ready?"

Izuku : "Yeah!"

(Y/n) : "Well then come on take your best shot!"

Izuku then runs at me trying to land a punch, but I simply counter it and knock him to the ground, he winces and looks at me.

(Y/n) : "Up."

*Time-Skip* Day before the Entrance Exam

For the past few weeks I have been training Izuku the next wielder of One For All and it's been going well. All-Might transferred One For All a week ago to Izuku, and since then I helped him activate it and helped him harness 5% of the power, but I told him not strain his body or he might hurt himself, due to him not being used to the power yet, which means he has to build up to it, which might take a while but I don't mind and neither does All-Might or Izuku. I was currently waiting for my new hero costume to arrive because since I didn't need to take the Entrance Exam, Nezu invited me to observe how the Entrance Exam would go. Nezu also said that I was allowed to wear my hero costume during school or wear the uniform. It was currently 7:00 pm at night, and I was sitting on the couch in Ryuko's home, she had invited some other heroes over so that they could all have a night to relax from doing hero work and the heroes that she invited were, Hawks, Edgeshot, Mt. Lady, Mirko, Lady Nagant, Kamui Woods, and Best Jeanist. They were currently talking to each other while I was relaxing on the sofa, then Amelia came up to me, carrying her favorite book, The Book of Dragons.

Amelia : "Hey dad could read my favorite book please. I can't get to sleep."

(Y/n) : "Alright come here."

She then sits next to me and I was about to begin reading until the others stopped talking and looked at me, and I looked at them.

(Y/n) : "What?"

Mirko : "Well, we just want to hear what you read to your daughter."

(Y/n) : "Alright, but be prepared."

Mt. Lady : "What do you mean?"

(Y/n) : *smiles* "You'll see, right lets start."

I then open the book and start reading. (It's the same thing like in the first chapter). After I finished reading the book and closed it, I look to see Amelia fast asleep, I then look to the others to see surprise and shock on their face.

(Y/n) : "What?"

Ryuko : *quietly* "Ok... so let me get this straight that's what you read to her, a dragon book that tells you how a certain species can kill you."

(Y/n) : "Well yeah."

Mt. Lady : "How is Amelia not traumatized by that book."

(Y/n) : "How should I know, maybe it's because she lived with a person that had the quirk of one of the most dangerous dragons species in the world."

Mt. Lady : "Oh... right."

(Y/n) : "I'll take her up to bed."

While I take Amelia to her bedroom, the other heroes continue talking to each other, until Mirko asks Ryuko a very interesting question.

Mirko : "So... Ryuko, can I ask you a question?"

Ryuko : "Sure go ahead."

Mirko : "Do... you have a crush on (Y/n)?"

Ryuko : *blushing and embarrassed* "What n-no, o-of course not, why would you think that?"

Mirko : "Because one your blushing, and two your stuttering, clear signs that you have a crush on the Skrill boy."

Ryuko : "Alright fine yes I have a crush on him, why wouldn't I, he's nice, kind, caring and protective of his daughter. He's cared for her when no one else would, those are things I can admire, but I still can't believe Amelia likes a book like that."

Best Jeanist : "Same here."

Mt. Lady : "You have to tell how you feel."

Ryuko : "Well, how do I know he feels the same."

Mirko : "Oh he does feel the same, I asked him the same question, he blushed like crazy." *smiles* 

Ryuko : "Wait he does feel the same?!"

Lady Nagant : "Well, yeah it's obvious... try confessing to him tonight."

Ryuko : "Ok fine! I'll do it when you all leave."

Mirko : "Alright fair enough."

I then come back down stairs 

(Y/n) : "Hey guys, I'm back."


After everyone left, I was in the kitchen leaning on the counter top while drinking a glass of mountain dew, Ryuko went up stairs to get into bed so it was just me. But Ryuko was at the base of the stairs looking at me, while I was facing away.

Ryuko : 'Ok Ryuko you can do this confess... con... fess'

Ryuko then begins to walk slowly towards me from and started speaking.

Ryuko : "Hey (Y/n)... can I talk to you."

(Y/n) : "Sure, what do you want to talk abo-"

I had turned round and saw Ryuko right in front of me wearing my Pajamas, and I have to say they were tight on her, because I could see her breasts through the shirt very easily.

 I look away with a dark blush on my face, she realized what I was doing and why I was doing it and her slitted golden eyes narrowed and a sly smirk made its way onto her face, she then slowly wrapped her arms around my waist a pulled me closer to her and my blush deepened and I slowly turn to face her while she still had that smirk on her face.

Ryuko : *smirking showing her sharp teeth* "You I've always wanted to this."

(Y/n) : *blushing dark red* "A-always w-wanted to do w-what?"

She then did something I did not expect from her. Her arms that she wrapped around me, one of them went onto my back and the other one went onto my head and then she then slammed her lips against mine pressing me against the countertop, I quickly melted into the kiss and placed my around her lower back roughly pulling her closer to me. We broke the kiss after a few minutes to catch a breath leaving a trail of saliva between our mouths, she was grinning and I was as well. Neither of us said a word so we connected our lips once again but this time it became more passionate and heated, I also started pushing her backwards until her back hit a wall, she then wrapped her arms around my neck, not letting me break away from her grasp, I then felt her tongue graze lips asking for entry, and I simply complied and let her in our tongues were locked in a fight for dominance as we pressed our bodies against each other's. She started to try and break away but I kept her in place as we kept making out, but after few minutes we then separated gasping for a trail of saliva still connecting us, she smiled at me and I smiled at her.

Ryuko : *panting* "(Y/n) I love you."

(Y/n) : *panting as well* "I love you too."

We then reconnect out lips and begin making out again but this time more roughly, out tongue wrestled for dominance, she then wrapped her legs around my waist, while keeping her arms around my neck, I then start to carry her up stairs while continuing to make out with her, we then enter her room and both down onto it. We continue to roughly make out for the next ten minutes, after that we separated gasping for air, she then laid on top of me, she looked up at me and I looked at her our eyes meeting, we smiles at the other, she then started to snuggle up to me while I hold her close we then begin to drift off to sleep, happy that we confessed our feeling for each other.

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