Wars of Espareio, Prologue

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When I woke up in my egg, I could already sense the less than holy aura in the room in which my egg was placed, but knew that there was a loving mother, and a prideful father waiting for me out there, and I had to get out if I ever wanted to see them. I scratched and banged on the interior of the shell when eventually I cracked my egg. I redoubled my efforts to break free, until finally it shattered, but I was not met with my parents, I was in a dark room, the air full of smoke making it hard to breath, there was splinters of wood across the floor, and ash smoldering in the corners, I violently started coughing, and making my towards the door, once I finally got out of the room and into the next room, the coughing subsided, but it smelt of burning flesh, and there was a dragon on the floor, her scales torched, and her exposed flesh burning. I ran as fast as I could towards her, hoping somehow, someway I could save her, but she was long dead when I got there, she was my mother I could tell by the blue scales along her jaw line just like mine, by the time I noticed this, the stench was unbearable, and I started to crawl away, keeping my head low so I could breath the less smoky air, trying to find the nearest exit.

When I did find it, I also found a horrific sight, of a large male dragon, presumably my father, being held up in the air by another dragon, one who was covered in shadow, with glowing red eyes peeking through the darkness. It kept repeating one line, in its deep, powerful voice, laced with malice, "Where is the egg, Flarieus!" and my father responded with a growl and the dragon squeezed harder on Flarieus's neck, causing him to choke and struggle to breath. Where is it you maggot! I will kill you if you do not answer this time!

Never, assassin, my father choked out. The dragon growled in frustration, and crushed my father's neck like it was twig, and dropped him to the ground.

"Worthless" he whispered. I let out a little gasp, and tears came, I didn't even know my parents, here I am not even an hour old, and having to see my mother dead, and my father killed before me, I started to sob, I collapsed, weeping. The assassin as my father called him, snapped his head towards me, and said, his voice giving off a malicious hiss, "there you are..." and he rushed towards me. I tried to run away but I didn't have the strength too. He grabbed me by the tail and lifted me up. I tried to fight back but I couldn't put any strength behind my claws.

"Oh, trying to fight back, but you don't seem to have any strength, are you enjoying it?" I couldn't even produce words. "Good, it's part of my magic, to sap the strength out of every foe, your lucky I am only using a quarter... of... my-" and then I passed out.

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