Chapter 17

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On the way.....

Neil's happiness knew no bounds. He was literally jumping like a monkey from inside but he had to put up a serious face in front of everyone.

He knew it won't be easy for Avni to move on. She needed time, love and care. And he was determined to give her all the happiness in this world.

Shweta(whispers): Tillu, mujhe kal ki appointment mil sakti hai?
(Can I get an appointment for tomorrow?)

Neil: Appointment, with whom?

Shweta: You!

Neil: Kyun?(why?)

Shweta: you'll get busy na. As you'll spend all your time with your lovely, beautiful wife.

Neil: Mom!! Please don't tease me.
He said pleadingly.

Shweta laughed...

Soon they reached Mehta mansion. Everyone was dancing and enjoying. They stopped after a while. They entered the mansion.
A lady from Mehta's side did Neil's aarti.
She welcomed them inside.

Ashish came forward and hugged Neil. He held his hands and said,
Remember, I told you once that you're the only one I can trust when it comes to Avni. Today, based on that trust I'm giving my daughter's hand in yours. I know you will give her all she deserves. It will be a little difficult in the beginning but I know she'll be a good wife.

Neil nodded his head.

Ashish: Come, pandit Ji is waiting.

Neil sat down in the mandap. Pandit Ji started chanting mantras and asked for the bride.

Just then, the lights dimmed and spotlight was focussed on the stage.
HIS life, his love was descending down the stairs clad in a beautiful maroon and golden lehenga. Her face had a fake smile, he could just tell that. Her skin looked pale.

He knew her inner turmoil is disturbing her. He wowed at that very moment that he'll bring  his Avu back, at any cost.

She looked at him and smiled, this time a real one. He smiled back automatically.
She sat next to him. He saw her hands were shivering. He held them and she looked at him in reflex.

Neil: Tum ye karna chahti ho na?
( You really wanna do this?)

Avni: Haan.(Yes)
She smiled a little.

Avni(POV): I might not love you Neil. But I trust you and dad. I know you'll be a good husband. I don't know whether I'd be able to fulfill my duties as a wife or not. But I'll definitely, try and make this relationship work.

They took the seven pheras around the sacred fire. He tied mangalsutra to her neck and filled sindoor in her hair partition (maang). A little bit of sindoor fell on her nose.
She tried to clean it but before she could do so Bebe stopped her.

Bebe: Avni puttar, don't wipe this. This also has an auspicious meaning. It is the significance of true love in the relationship of husband and wife.

Avni just smiled at this while Neil jumped like a monkey from inside.
With this the pandit jee declared them to be husband-wife.

Now, it was time for bidaii. Ashish was emotional but happy that his daughter was in safe hands.

Avni hugged Ashish tightly and cried bitterly. Ashish wiped her tears and gave her hand in Neil's.

Ashish: Always remember that Papa loves you a lot. Start your life afresh princess. I know it'll be hard but I know with Neil by your side, you'll make it. Remember, he'll never break your trust. I also know that one day you'll love him, true love not just an attraction or infatuation that you had previously. I want you to give me a promise. A promise that you'll put your heart into this relationship and help it grow with understanding, patience,trust and most importantly love.

Avni was by now in tears. She nodded her head. Ashish kisses her forehead and hugged Neil.

Ashish: Take care of my princess. And princess, don't trouble my boy a lot.

Avni chuckled at this.

Bebe:  I think now we should take your leave, Ashish. Its quite late now. Even, you should take rest, it was quite a day for you.
Come Neil. Chal Avni puttar.

They all left in the cars. Prakash, Shweta and Bebe in one car while, Avni and Neil in the other one.

Avni was crying badly. Neil kept his hand on hers. She looked at him. He blinked his eyes in assurance. She kept her head on his shoulder and seeped silently.

She finally felt a little calm after sometime. But she was in no mood to leave his shoulder.

She had a new life ahead. Something she never imagined.....



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