Chapter Five

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Once I got home I ran to my room. Why, why did he have to see me break, now he's going to act weird and start asking questions. Well, I won't budge, I can't budge. Grr, it's almost 3:00, have to get homework done and then off to work. 

"Here you go, thanks for coming," I say to one of the last customers.

"Oh, excuse me, can you help me with this dress?" A customer asks with the zipper, not all the way zipped. I walk over with sore feet. 

"Ya. There, it looks perfect." I say the dress did look really good on her. It seemed to help her thin body look kinda curvy. 

"Do you really mean that or are you just saying that to make me buy it?" She asks with a smile. 

"No, I really do like it on you," I say truthfully.

"Ok, you're right I love it." I just smile and let her admire her dress.

"Thanks for your help before." She says as she comes up to pay for it.

"No problem," I say as I scanned the price. "24.99 is your total," I replie, she gave me her card and I recognized the name. I think she was in one of my classes. "Here you go," I hand her her card back and gave her the dress.


"Have a nice night." After cleaning the store and locking everything up, I went to leave, but I heard a noise in the back. "Clink." I heard something again. I slowly made my way back to the end of the store. I saw something. What was back ther- "Ahhhh." I scream as a rat runs towards me. It was a rat, just a rat Anna. I shivered nasty creatures.

After I locked the front door I headed out of the mall. Some stores lights were still on, but other than that a few it was pretty quiet. Once I got outside I realized that I forgot my jacket. Grrr. I'm going to have to get it tomorrow because the keys are already with Jojo. She's the boss and I see her car pulling out of the parking lot. Great, I only have one jacket and it's in the store. I get into my car and drive home. Once I walk in I went right to sleep.


Bring, bring, bring. "Ohm, shut up," I throw one of the pillows. My alarm is in my room though. I slowly got up and went to my room to turn off the damn alarm. At least it's Friday, everyone loves Friday. After 45 minutes I'm ready to go to school. I just hope I don't have to deal with Nate. I start walking to school because it's only a few blocks but halfway there I get cold because I don't have my jacket. With my arms tight around me I practically run to school. 

Once I get to school my hopes are already ruined. I see him and his group and they start walking over to me. Great, not. "Just leave me alone," I plead trying to go around them. So, not in the mood to deal with his ass. 

"Or what? You going to get your boyfriend to stand up for you," Nate says mockingly, what was he talking about a boyfriend? I just got to the school and I only hang out with one person, Rosie. 

"What are you talking about?" I ask more confused than anything.

"What do you not know?" Nate asks laughing a little.

"Know what?" I ask, getting annoyed that he wasn't telling me. He loves knowing things that other's don't.

"Your boyfriend Matthew, ring a bell in that small mind of yours."

"He's not my boyfriend and at least I have a small mind instead of no mind like you," I say grinning a little as his friends a looked at him waiting for him to say something back.

"How would you know if I had a small mind or not?" He says grinning. So he wants to play, he was on.

"Because if you did, you wouldn't need people to do projects for you, you then take the credit for it," I say remembering yesterday. I really need to know when to shut up though because he started walking towards me and once again he looked really pissed. "Let's go." A familiar voice says. It was Rosie. She pushes me forward and we go to our lockers.

"Are you trying to die?" She asks me closing her locker loudly.

"No," I closing mine.

"Then why did you just talk smack to Nate?" She asks staring at me with those wide light brown eyes that pop out because of her purple hair. She likes to stand out. 

"Because he has way too big of an ego and he was getting on my nerves," I say staring right back at her. 

"Well unless you are some great ninja fighter don't talk back to him because if it weren't for me you'd be dead." She says as she starts walking to our first period.

"I know I have a big mouth ok, but thanks for stepping in," I say as we walked into our class.

"Well, I didn't feel like watching my friend get beat up, so you're welcome." We take our seats and get our books out ready to listen to the boring professor.

"I really don't want to go to biology," I say to Anna as we were packing up.

"Why? Mr. H isn't that bad of a teacher," Anna says trying to get the rest of the notes down.

"I don't know, I just don't like science I guess," I said even though it was mainly because of Matthew.

"Oh, I love science." She says finishing her notes. 

"How can you love science, there's so many different theories and this and that?" I ask confused.

"I just like it." I shake my head at her and start going to science. The halls don't seem as big anymore, I'm learning where I need to go. 

"Hey," Matthew asks with another smile. Always a smile on his face.

"Hi, did you get any more of the project done?" I ask before he can say anything else.

"Oh, uh, just a little I had a lot to do yesterday." He says, he looked uncomfortable, probably because of me yesterday. "Did you get any of the project done?"

"Ya, I got most of it, but I still have to cite my sources and do a few more facts, but I can get it done by tomorrow," I say taking out my notebook to start working on it. He just stares at me. "What?" I ask annoyed.

"Um, can I ask you a question?" He asks fidgeting with his pen. And here we go. 

"Sure." His face brightened, "But if it's about yesterday no." His face wasn't so bright anymore.

"Why, not?" He questions putting his pencil down onto the desk. 

"Because I don't want to talk about it and it's none of your business," I say writing info in my notebook.

"It kinda is my business." He says like he was stating a fact. He got my attention now. 

"How so?" I say, stopping what I was writing and looked up at him.

"Well, it did interfere with the project and my plans." He says and I huff. Really, going to play that card? 

"I got what was needed to be done and you said you were free so that's on you. " I say and start writing again.

"Well if you could have helped me with the question I wouldn't be so far behind, so I want to know why you couldn't help me." Grr, he was getting annoying. He was good at playing this little game, I will give him that. 

"Well sorry, I said we can reschedule."

"Fine, today then." He says like he was winning something.

"Fine," I say still writing. After looking at me once more he started working. Then I remembered that he had a question on the project and that's what the whole spiel was about."Oh, what was the question for the project you didn't understand?"

"I got it now." He smirks.  I glared at him, the argument was completely pointless. He was just using it to make sure I rescheduled on his terms.

"Anna." The teacher says. I walk up nervously unsure of what I could have done. " Since you weren't here for unit 3 and it's a big unit that is in final I want you to stay after school at least two times a week and work on it with a student."

"Ok, which student will I be working with?" I look at the class to see who looked smart in science and found a smart looking girl, I was probably with her. 

"Matthew he's a reall-"

I cut the teacher off, "That Matthew?" I ask and pointed to the front desk. He was grinning. Why that little-

"Yes, he's very good at it and you seem to be working with him fine on this project. So it's a win win." I just look at the teacher and he smiles giving me a big book and packet. Great, so much for just one project.

"Would you stop grinning?" I practically growl turning towards him.

"No, it was pretty funny seeing your face when he told you that I was going to have to work with you." He says still grinning.

"You could have said no."

"Why, so I could miss seeing your face when he told you, not a chance." He says looking up from his paper.

"Oh, glad you think this is funny," I state and start writing. This was going to be a long rest of the term. The bell rang and Matthew says, "See you at the library today." Yup, I definitely needed to learn this unit fast.

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