Chapter Nineteen

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I start to run. Where to go? Where to go? I can hear him coming after me. I make a sharp turn, it takes him a while before he catches up, but then he's behind me. I was going to scream for help but he grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth. "You should have learned by now not to run." He says and pushes me to walk forward. I try to get out of his grasp, but it doesn't work.

 Then if feel something cold on my skin. It's a knife. I immediately stopped struggling and started walking normally. Once we are outside he throws me in a van. I try to get to the door, but he closes it to fast. The van is really big, so hopefully, it's easy to find. When we were walking out I saw one kid saw that he was kidnapping me. Please, Please, Please, go and tell a teacher, I think to my self. 

Once John gets in the car he climbs in the back. He grabs my hands, I slap him as hard as I can, but he just gets mad. "Looks like I'm going to have to break you again." He says and punches me in the stomach. "I don't want to hurt you, but if you're going to be mean, I will." All the memories of him hurting me come back and I start to cry, I try really hard for the tears to stop but it doesn't work. He ties my hands behind my back. "You remember what happens when you cry." I just look at him. I start to be able to contain the tears. When I stop crying, he smiles. "That's my girl." He says and wipes the tears from my eyes, I flinch away from him. "I won't hurt you unless I need to." He says and kisses me, I try to pull back, but he has me pinned against the van so I can't do anything.

Matt's P.O.V.

Ray comes in running. The teacher gives him a glare. "The new girl, what's her name?" He asks the teacher.

I but in. "Anna. Why?" I ask confused. She's not really the new girl though, not anymore. 

"Some guy grabbed her and took her in a van." The teacher grabs the phone, I look outside the window and see a van pulling away. No, no ,no, no. I look at Rosie from the back but she has her headphones in. Other people in the room are all staring at the teacher. What should I do? What should I do? Bring. I look at my phone.

John: Told you, you would regret something. She's mine, she will never love you.

I read. Wait, wait, wait. He's, he's her kidnapper. This makes no sense. Then 2 cops come in. "Who's saw her last, and talked to her last." Everyone was now looking at the cops or me and Ray.

The teacher says "Ray saw her last and Matthew was probably the last one to talk to her."

"K. You two come outside." He says and walks out of the room. "When did you see her last?"

"She was getting pulled by this guy and he had a knife to her back, it was about 5 minutes ago."

I was going to burst "Why don't you have people out there following the van?" I ask after Ray is done talking.

"We do son, but if either of you can help narrow it down that would be better."

"I know who the kidnapper is." Both heads of the cops whip towards me. "His name is John, John Margate." The cops pull out their notepad and start writing things down. Then they send Ray back to class, but they want to ask me more questions.

"Did you see the van?"

"Ya, it was gray, there weren't any license-plates on it That's about it." They write more on the notepads.

"Do you know anything about the victim?" The cop says still writing on the notepad.

"Ya, this has happened to her before, her name is Anna Greenwell." They look at me when I say her name.

"We've been on a case like this before, she came into the hospital really bad." The girl cop says. "Ok, do you know any more info on the kidnapper or the victim?"

"No, but I want to be there when she's found. I can help calm her down." I say to the cops, they shake there heads no.

"Sorry, but we can't put your life endanger." Bling.

John: The cops can't help you

"He just messaged me," I say and show them the phone. She takes the phone from and hand.

"We might be able to trace it." She says and walks to there car. I jog to catch up. "Got him, let's go." I see the address on the phone. "You'll be notified when we find her." He says and speeds away. If only you new. That was too easy, he's smarter than that. What's by there, I say to myself. There's the old machine place. I run to my truck and start driving.

Anna's P.O.V. 

He grabs me and pulls me out of the car. I try to break free but he slaps me. "Stop struggling or your going to make it worse for your self."

"The cops will find me." I spit out.

"No, they won't because they're going to the wrong place." He says and shoves me into a room. What if no one finds me? I can't go through this again. I run to a corner and curling into a ball. I can't go through this again, I can't go through this again. I kept saying to myself.

Matt's P.O.V.

I pull up to the old building. I can hear the cops a few miles away. How could they think it was so easy? I get out of my truck and run into the building. "Anna?" I yell. There's no response. Where could she be? 

"Hey cousin, how are you?" I freeze in my tracks.

"Where is she?" I ask and turn around to see my cousin standing there. Who could he be so cruel to her?

"She's fine." He says stepping forward.

"How could you hurt her like that?" I ask trying to get closer to him.

"She brought it on her self. If she would just liste-"

"No, you never hurt someone to get your way," I say getting angrier.

"If you only knew." He says and swings a punch at me and I block it easily. He forgot I was also taught how to fight. "Nice block let's see if you remember everything we were taught."

"I have, trust me."

Anna's P.O.V

I hear noises. I think people are fighting. I want to run, but I'm stuck in this spot. Then I hear his voice. Matt. What's he doing here? Anna get up, go help, but I can't, I can't. My body won't work to matter how hard I try to stand.

Matt's P.O.V.

I get up and grab a poll. He swings at me, but I move back and then slam the poll on his head. He falls to the floor. I throw the metal poll on the ground and yell for Anna. I text the police and then hear crying. I run trying to figure out where she is. I turn one more corner I see her in a ball at the corner saying she can't do it. "Anna," I whisper. She doesn't move. I pick her up and start walking out of the building when the police come running in. They go past me and to John. I knocked him out pretty good though, they're going to have to wait to talk to him.

"Kid, come here." I hear the cops voice. "Didn't we tell you not to go and try to help."

"Yes, but she's my friend and-"

The girl cop interrupts me. "We know, just bring her to the ambulance." She says pushing me to move. Once we get into the ambulance they take her from my arms and put her on the bed.

"Excuse me, sir, can you look at me and tell me where you got hurt?" One of them asks. I didn't realize the blood on my shirt and face or the pain that I have in three places until she says that.

"Oh, um. My head, ribs, and my left shoulder." I say not removing my eyes from Anna. They load both him and her into the ambulance, which he was surprised about, but he's more worried about Anna. She looks completely blank, nothing in her eyes.

 After about 10 minutes we get to the hospital. They bring us both in, but Anna is now unconscious because he drugged her with something. My grandparents were notified and are on there way right now.

"Do you know any of her family to contact?" The nurse questions and walks in. They wanted me to stay in another room because of my head, but I said I was fine and I was not leaving Anna.

"She doesn't have any family to contact." The nurse looks at me confused but doesn't ask anything. "But she has a friend, could I contact her." They don't want anyone in the room except family, but since she doesn't have family they said I could stay, but there was no way I would have left her anyway. They would have had to drag me out. 

"Yes." She says and I grab my phone and get Rosie's phone number up.

"Hello?" She asks I don't think she saw the caller id.

"Hey, can you come to the hospital Anna's here."

"Oh my gosh, thank god. Ok, I'm on my way." She hangs up.

I grab Anna's hand and then hear the door open. It's my grandparents. "Oh my gosh." My grandmother says and comes running to hug me. My grandpa joins in. There killing my ribs and shoulder but I don't care. "Are you ok? How are you feeling?" Mr grandmother asks grabbing my face.

"Fine Ma. I just got in a fight with John." I say they both look at me confused. I start to tell them, but then Rosie comes running in. She hugs me and then sits next to me and stares at me waiting to tell her everything. I restart the story and tell them everything that's happened and what John has done to her before. When I'm done everyone is silent.

"That poor girl." My grandma says staring at Anna. After a while, Rosie has to leave but says I have to tell her anything that happens. She's going to tell Zach about everything and update him. "When she wakes up and can leave the hospital, bring her to the house ok."

"I will Ma. Love you both." I say and hug them again. My grandpa is a really quiet person, but he's one of the nicest people in the world.

"She's a handful son, but I'm glad you meet her." He says and leaves. I smile at that and turn back to Anna. It's around 8:00 now and she still hasn't woken up, but the doctor says that it's normal because of all the adrenaline, stress, and what he put in the drug that he gave to her. I end up falling asleep because my head is pounding.

I hear Anna's voice, she's crying, she must be having a nightmare. "Anna it's fine. You're safe. I'm here." I keep saying to her. She opens her eyes scared, but then she calms down.

"Oh my gosh, what happened to your face." She says bringing her hands to my head.

"I got my head rammed into a metal machine," I say looking at her, but she's looking at my head. "I'm fine," I say and grab her hands.

"You don't look fine, your face is pale, you're sitting funny so something happened with back or ribs and your shoulder is bandaged up. I don't consider that fine." She says looking at me.

"My head will be fine, my ribs and shoulder are just bruised, I'll be fine. Look at you, your head has a bruise and two of your ribs are sprained. That's way worse than me."

"Ok let's not compare how much were bruised ok." She laughs a little.

"Deal." I say laughing a little.

"Hey, what time is it?" She asks looking at my phone.


"That explains why I'm hungry." She says. Then the nurse walks in.

"How are you feeling and tell me the truth or I make ya stay here longer?" She says as she walks.

"A light headache, but other than that I'm fine."

"K, you're going on the right track, but I want to see if you can walk." She says and walks next to me. "Ok. Mr.boyfriend when she puts her feet on the ground stay right next to her because she might not be able to hold her weight, got it?" I blush a little when she bluntly called me boyfriend but nod my head. "K, try to stand." Anna sits up, she winces as she does it and I have to restrain myself not to help her. When she's in the sitting position with her legs hang off of the bed I watch carefully making sure I'll catch if she falls. She puts both feet down and stands.

"Ow. Ow. I can but it hurts." She says grabbing her side.

"That's expected, but try to walk." The nurse says. Anna looks like she wants to punch the nurse but she starts to walk anyways. "Ok, I think you are ok to leave, but you can't do a lot of walking and be very careful when you sit up." The nurse says to Anna. Then she turns to me. "Make sure she doesn't overdo it." I nod. "I'll be back with some papers and then you can leave." Anna nods.

"K I'm just going to stand here and wait." She says and turns to me.

"Would you like some help?"

"No, no I'm just fine." She says and puts a hand up to stop me. I can see her knees shaking though. I pick her up and set her on the bed carefully. "I was fine." She says and pouts a little.

"Sure you were," I say and she sticks her tongue out at me. I'm lucky my ribs aren't that bad or I wouldn't be able to help her. After she signs all the paperwork we can finally leave. We walk really slowly. He wonders how she got so hurt but knows that his cousin has always been rough. He probably threw her into the ground. 

"Stairs." She says and I look forward.

"Let's use the elevator," I say and turn around.

"Not happening. There really small and nope not happening." She says and takes one step on the stairs. I see her wince as she does it.

"Here," I say and pick her up carefully not to hurt her ribs.

"I could have done it." She says childishly.

"Ya, but I don't want to be here for another three hours," I say going down the last few stairs.

"Hey, it wouldn't take me that long." She says and hits me playfully.

"Right." I wink at her. She just ignores me.

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