Chapter One

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"Don't hurt me, ok, I swear I didn't say anything!" I plead trying to get away from him. He was always blaming me for things I didn't do.

"Really then how do the cops know where we are?" He asks raising his voice.

"I-I don't know, I promise," I whisper trying to stand, but he kicks me again. I cried out, but no one came, no one ever comes. I was ready to scream again but then he throws his flashlight at me and everything around me spills before the familiar darkness welcomes me in.


When I wake up there were lights, very bright white lights shining down at me, a doctor staring at me from my left, and two cops at the foot of my bed.

"Hi, How are you feeling Annabelle?" The doctor asks grabbing my attention and knocking me out of my dazed state.

"How did I get here, he's going to hurt me, you have to let me go, he will hurt someone to get to me, please!" I cry trying to get out of the bed, but the cops are in front of me and the doctor's trying to get me calm down by talking to me, but I can't hear him, I'm only worried about him hurting someone else, someone who doesn't deserve it.

"Your fine Annabelle, you're safe here. He can't hurt you." The doctor keeps saying.

"You don't know him like I do, and don't call me Annabelle." I hate the name, Annabelle. My real parents gave it to me, and where are they? Don't care.

"Ok, then what would you liked to be called?"

"Anna, I go by Anna. When can I leave here?" I ask trying not to panic even more that in the next second he would be walking in and talking his way out of it.

"You have two broken ribs and a lot of bruises and cuts that we have to heal, your head also has some trama. We are going to have to keep you here for a few weeks." The doctor says sitting back down in one of those circle chairs.

"No, I can't I have to leave, get away from here," I say panic overtaking my body.

"Your safe here, he can't get you."

"That's what you people said the last time and look where that got me," I angry reply remembering the time I got to the hospital, I was so happy. Happy to be away from him, but then, of course, he found me and started the cycle all over again.

"That's not going to happen, I promise." The doctor says as if he can control the beast. He must have been smart enough to have read my files or he would not know who I'm talking about. "These cops would like to talk to you. Would you mind talking to them?" The doctor says waving the cops forward. They take slow steps towards her, but she knows this trick. They try and make you feel like they aren't going to hurt you, but in the end they always do.

"Ok, I will, just don't hurt me ok, I- I'll talk." I stutter moving away from them. They were really intimidating and the closer they got the more nervous I became.

"We won't hurt you, we just want to talk okay?" One of the cops says. He was the taller one, with dark blonde hair and brown eyes, very dark brown eyes.


8 months later after counseling, paperwork, questions, and everything else a person can think of, I got new foster parents because my other ones obviously didn't care about me and didn't want to pay for the counseling and medical bills. Love, right? Well now back to living another life.

The first day of school always sucks. "Would you like to tell us something about your self Annabelle?" The teacher asks in that sweet voice like they always do, now normally they wouldn't do this because the professors never do it, but my foster parents decided to tell my professors a good portion of the bad parts of my life. Now they all pity me and are going to try and get to know me. 

"I go by Anna and I'm from Colorado. " I say and take a seat way in the back of the classroom. I got weird looks, but I didn't care, not like I haven't seen them before. I remember when I wanted to go to college, but now that I'm here I don't want to be.

"Hey." A girl says next to me. I didn't realize she even sat down.

"Hi," I say bored.

"My name's Rosalind, but I go by Rosie," she says extending her hand out. I was still nervous about people touching me, but I shook her hand anyway. I had to act normal.

"Can I see your schedule to see what periods we have together?" She asks looking at my hands because that is my schedule was.

"Sure," I say handing it over. 

"We have four classes together, looks like we have Stats, World Language, Counseling, and Drama together," she says handing me my schedule back. I just nodded my head and looked back at the board.

I know a little rough, new to this, but thanks for reading!

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