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Not that many people read my book, but here's an epilogue hope you like it!:D

"Hey baby we promised Jake we would bring him to the park today," I say and take a drink of my fake coffee.

"Oh yeah." Matt says looking up at me. "When should we go?"

"Around 10:00 I guess."

"K." He said smiling. "Heyyyy?"

"Whatttt?" I said mocking him.

"Can I have a drink?"

"Nooo, but you can make your own," I say smiling at him.

"You're so mean." He says playfully and gets up to make his own. I shake my head and finish my drink. After I rinse out my cup I go and read my book. "Whatcha reading?" He says and I jump.

"Don't do that," I say and lightly hit him.

"Sorry, sorry, but what ya reading?"

"Mortal Instruments."

"Still?" He asks surprised.

"She writes a ton of books, I'm on The City Of Heavenly Fire. It's the sixth book and they have around 500 some pages." I said defending myself

"Ohh, right." He says and winks at me.

"(gasp) oh no, you didn't." I said smiling at him. He nods and runs. "You're dead," I say and put my book down and run. He thinks I read slow, we'll see should that.

"This isn't fair I have socks on." He says and runs around the table again, but slides and falls.

"Haha, karma," I say laughing. "Here," I say and extend my hand to him. He grabs my hand and pulls me in for a kiss. Bring, bring. I break away and grab my phone. "Heyo." I say and laugh at Matt because he pouts. "Ya, we can head out now, just have to get Jake from his room."..."K, see you there, bye." I say and hang up.

"Rosie and Zach want us to join them at the park. Do you want to get the little man?" I ask and put my phone in my pocket.

"Sure," Matt says and heads to Jake's room. Then I hear "Ya!" Matt must have told him we were going early. I laugh at him a little.

Once we get to the park he runs out to go and play with Emma. "There so cute," I say and grab Matt's hand as we walk over to Rosie and Zach. "Hey, guys," I say and sit next to Rosie.

"Hey, how's it been goin?"

"Good. Jake wants to start school already."

"Really?" Rosie says surprised. I nod my head. "Emma doesn't she's scared."

"Well her and Jake should be in the same class, so she'll know someone at least," I said watching them play.

"Ya, I guess there just so big now," Rosie said tearing up.

"I know I feel the same way," I said giving her a hug. Then Emma comes up to me and tags me. "Oh, I'll get you back," I said and chase after her.

After we were hungry and tired we all went to my house. "How about some sandwiches?" I said and look into the fridge. I hear mumbles of ya's coming from the living room. Matt comes in.

"Need some help?" He asks grabbing the bread.

"Sure, can you grab the lettuce, mayo, mustard, and bologna," I say and start grabbing plates and cups. After we make a ton of sandwiches and fill all the cups we bring everything out.

"They look, yummy mommy," Jake says. I smile at him and say thank you and give him the first sandwich. Once everyone has a sandwich I sit down on the floor because the couch is full. We start watching Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, it was one of my favorite movies as the child, so I showed it to Jake and he loves it. After I get comfortable on the floor, Matt grabs a beanie chair picks me up and sets me on his lap. I simile at him and give him a kiss and we finish watching the movie.

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