007 | haze

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THE TRIBUTE PARADE PASSES by in flashes of hot light, streams of technicolour, and a veneer of unwavering confidence masking the anxiety hidden deep down in Evie's gut. None of these victors really want to return to the arena, but for the sake of the cameras and the Capitol's citizens, and especially the President standing tall at the end of the City Circle, they must act not just proud to represent their District once more, but as if it's completely beneath them at this point.

     Before they entered the view of the cameras, Finnick had his hand on Evie's back, helping to keep her steady without her cane — which had been passed off to Orion moments before climbing aboard. The instant the sunlight hit their horses' faces, Finnick's hand dropped to his side, and his other hand raised to wave to the spectators. Evie did no such thing. She held onto the front of the carriage, knuckles turning white with the effort to keep herself from faltering on her bad leg. That wouldn't be a good look for the sponsors — a tribute who can't even stand.

The hot sun reflects shimmers of blue light off her collarbones and arms, glimmering in little star shapes on the screens to either side of the road. Using the screens, Evie has a clear view of how each of her fellow tributes are playing it — some proud, some smiley, some like this is absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, like this is just something to get through before getting home for a coffee. She decides to play it confident, lightly shaking her head like a lion his mane, allowing her dark hair to fan out behind her in the breeze, making her presence seem larger.

When the chariots arrive before the President, Evie makes a point of paying absolutely no attention. It will, no doubt, be the same speech he gives every year, and she's already heard it enough to last her forty lifetimes. It's not long until the horses are turning back and returning to the refurbished training centre, its gaping mouth swallowing them whole.

Orion is at the side of the chariot the second it arrives, handing Evie her simple hazelwood cane as soon as Finnick has helped her onto solid ground. Her fingers grip its familiar handle, the only not-so-simple part about it — sculpted to look like a bird's head with small blue gems embedded in either side for the eyes. She runs her thumb over one of the gems, feeling each of its defined edges. It eases some of the tension in her shoulders, this little piece of home.

Standing at Orion's side is Icarus, his curly hair still a little damp. He had arrived moments before the horses set off, clearly fresh from the showers. Dillan isn't with him, likely lounging around in District 4's living room. Evie can see her now — lying down on a couch, a cup of Posca in one hand, a cookie in the other. Unable to stop loving the luxuries the Capitol has to offer, even though her mind tells her not to. It is her first time here, after all — Fallon had kept her far, far away. Oscar is also missing, understandably. He's almost certainly holed up in his room, doing everything he can to keep himself from completely losing it.

A hand brushes Evie's hip, thumb grazing a patch of exposed skin above her skirt. She looks up, meeting Finnick's eyes. He says, not with his words but with a look, that he's going to hang around down here for a bit. Probably going to peacock a little for the fans and chat with Icarus. Evie nods and gestures to the elevators, telling him, I'm going up, without saying it aloud. They've crafted a language made entirely out of looks, of jerks of the head, scrunches of the nose, of winks and blinks and eye rolls. With the President breathing down Finnick's neck, the constant threat of the disappearing of the Odair clan if he refuses to comply, a non-verbal mode of communication had made itself known.

     No longer worried about messing up her sparkles, she gives Orion a gracious one-armed hug before setting off toward the wall of elevators. Most of the other tributes are mulling around, chatting with each other or with their mentors or stylists. District 6 — Mercury and Titania — are slumped against the side of their carriage, an Avox delicately sidestepping them to unbridle their horses. Both Districts 1 and 2 have congregated between their carriages — already talking strategy, it seems, with District 4 not being included. Not yet, anyway. None of them had allied with District 4 during their respective games, perhaps that was making them forget Finnick and Evie's existence for the moment.

Aside from Evie herself, the only people actively leaving the hall are Johanna from 7 and Katniss and Peeta. The pair from 12 are much closer to the lifts, exiting a conversation with Chaff and Seeder from 11, and are being led by Haymitch.

     Johanna sidles up next to Evie. In perfect tandem, the girls look each other up and down. While Johanna was in her carriage, Evie had assumed her costume was a black bark-style corseted dress over a green mesh top, but now she can see that the green mesh is a bodysuit covering her entire figure, the black bark only on her torso. "You look cute," Evie teases, catching Johanna's envious gaze stuck on her pearled bodice.

     The younger girl sneers. "Shut up." She gives Evie a light shove which, if she hadn't been anticipating it, may have made her stumble and trip over. Fortunately, she knows Johanna well enough to know how she'll react to her sisterlike barbs.

     Ahead of them, the doors to the elevator that 12 has piled into begin to slide shut. Johanna grabs Evie's wrist and pulls her with her, slipping in just in the nick of time. She punches the buttons for the residential floors for Districts 4 and 7, then takes a long look at Katniss and Peeta. "You guys look amazing," she comments. She glances sidelong at Evie, extending the statement to her as well. Evie knows that for her she's being genuine. She has no idea what game she's playing with the teenagers.

     Katniss accepts the compliment without much question, and for the record, Evie does think the pair of them look wonderful. Johanna turns back to face the doors of the elevator and reaches up to start unpinning her hair, while Evie leans against the wall, careful not to put weight on her bodice lest the pearls break under the pressure and expose her in front of these kids.

"My stylist is such an idiot," Johanna mutters, moving on to remove her bracelet cuffs. "District 7. Lumber. Trees. Ugh, I'd love to put my axe in her face." At that, Katniss's jaw drops, eyes widening with surprise. That kind of comment is tame for Johanna, but the District 12 girl wouldn't know that yet. Evie holds back her laugh and locks eyes with Haymitch. He's pressed into the back corner of the elevator, holding back his own laugh. "So, what do you think? Now that the whole world wants to sleep with you."

Katniss' brows furrow. "I don't think that the whole world—"

Johanna spins on her heel to face the younger girl. "I wasn't talking to you," she snaps.

On the train, Finnick had mentioned something about Katniss being too stiff, taking herself too seriously. Seems this is the way that her fellow victors have decided to break her out of her shell. It's not unusual for the previous victors to mess with the newest member of the club when they get like this — in Evie's time as a Victor alone, she's already witnessed it twice. The first was with Dexter from 10, when he won the year after she did. She didn't join in then, it felt mean.

The second was Hunter from 2, who won the year after Johanna. Hunter had thrived, a Capitol favourite from the very beginning, but the second those cameras weren't on him, he sank into himself like an anchor. He'd hide behind his mop of ash-brown hair, slink away into the corner. By the end of his first year mentoring, in which he came out with a winning tribute, he'd come to understand that the joking and pestering was all in good fun. Sure, he was still introverted, but that was never going to change. He realised, though, that these victors are his friends now — the only people who understand exactly what he's going through.

     "Okay..." Katniss mutters.

     Only time will tell if Katniss' walls can be felled by their pestering. It's clearly not working yet, but it's only day one.

     The elevator comes to a slow stop, doors sliding open in the hallway of the District 4 residential floor. Johanna pays them no attention, stepping toward Peeta and turning back around. "Can you unzip?" she asks.

     Evie catches Katniss' expression — a mix of disgust and disbelief — and this time, can't hold back a small smirk. She steps out into the carpeted hall, looking over her shoulder to bid everyone farewell with a mock salute. "Sorry to miss out on the orgy," she says, watching the way Katniss' eyes somehow manage to open wider, and how Haymitch has to try even harder not to laugh, nearly throwing himself into the wall with the way his body is convulsing.

     The doors slide shut, leaving Evie alone for the first time since the bathroom on the train.



life has been ABSOLUTELY insane recently. i had covid, then went right back to rehearsals and performances for the show i was in, then immediately got insane post-covid symptoms and at that point, writing was the furthest thing from my mind.

but i'm finally back, freed up, (mostly) healthy. i'm so happy to get back to my girl <3 and to slip in some more of the insane hunger games lore i created forever ago (dexter and hunter, lomls)

published : april 15, 2024
word count : 1.7k

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