CHAPTER TWELVE, search and rescue

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After a few hours, Alaina and Nico were standing in the same corner they were earlier, talking and laughing. They were enjoying the night and the time they were spending together. Suddenly, Alaina spotted him.

"Oh my gosh, there he is." She whispers, pointing at the tall man who had black hair. "I gotta tell Lahela." She mumbles, pulling her phone out of her leather black jacket she wore. She pulled up Lahela's contact and texted him where Max was at. She was surprised though when she texted back saying she wasn't there and that she was actually looking for Kayden, who had run off for some reason and Walter was with her looking for him. Alaina had seen Walter at the gala earlier and overheard he was called to play piano since the guy playing piano couldn't. But she was surprised to find out he was helping Lahela look for Kayden. 

"Oh, no." She murmured worriedly.

"What is it?" Nico asked softly, glancing at her with concern. Alaina then showed him the texts from Lahela, worry clear in her eyes.

"Do you think they're okay?" Alaina wondered.

"They're probably fine." Nico replies, trying to ease her worries. "I'm sure they'll find Kayden soon and everything will be alright. You can call her and see if we need to help out." He suggested, knowing she wouldn't stop worrying about it until they knew they were okay.

"Okay." Alaina nods and dialed Lahela's number, hoping Lahela picked up. Lahela answers the phone immediately. "Lahela, have you guys found Kayden yet?"

"No, we haven't and I'm so worried. I haven't heard from him in a few days, I asked his parents if they've seen him and they haven't since a couple days ago. They said he had told them he was going camping, claiming he needed some time to clear his head and that he would be back soon. just feel like something bad happened to him. I've been trying to reach him, but he's not replying to me." Lahela's voice sounded panicked and worried, causing Alaina's heart to sink. She hated knowing her friend was like this, and she couldn't help but feel anxious herself.

"Lahela, hey. It's okay, we'll find him." Alaina tries to reassure her, trying to calm her down. "Nico and I can help look for him too if you want."

"That would help a lot, thank you. We've started looking at places I figured he would be, but he's not there. He's not at the campsite he said he would be at either. I just... I'm really worried about him." Lahela confessed, her voice wavering.

"I understand, Lahela. We'll do everything we can to help find him. Just try to stay calm, okay?" Alaina said, her own heart racing with worry for their friend. "We'll start looking for him right away. Just keep me updated, okay?"

"Okay, I will." Lahela promises, her voice sounding a little calmer. "Thanks again for your help, Ali."

"Of course, Lahela. We'll find him." Alaina reassures her, hanging up the phone. She looks at Nico, her eyes full of worry. "Come on, we gotta go help them find Kayden. Lahela said she hasn't heard from him in a few days, so we gotta hurry. Something must've happened to him." She rambled, starting to head towards the exit. She had a bad feeling and she didn't like it. Nico quickly followed her, keeping up with her quick pace.

"Okay, don't worry. We'll find him." Nico spoke softly, putting his arm around her waist.

"I hope so." Alaina murmured, her stomach in knots. She was worried and scared. She couldn't help but feel something terrible had happened to Kayden. She just hoped and prayed they would find him and that he would be okay.


After Alaina got the keys from her parents once she explained to them what was going on, she and Nico used the car to search for Kayden. They kept calling Lahela and Walter to keep them updated, but no luck so far. The two of them had been searching for almost an hour now, but still no sign of him. Alaina couldn't stop the thoughts running through her mind, and her heart felt heavy. She didn't know Kayden that well, but she knew Kayden meant a lot to Lahela and she couldn't stand the thought of something happening to him.

"Hey, come here." Nico murmurs softly, sensing her worry and distress. He pulls her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her. "Everything will be okay, sunshine. We'll find him." He assured her, resting his chin on the top of her head. Alaina relaxed in his embrace, feeling safe and comforted.

"I hope so. I can't stop thinking about the worst case scenarios." Alaina confesses, her voice shaky. She hated how anxious and worried she was. She wanted to be optimistic, but she couldn't help but feel scared for Kayden. "Maybe we should try to look around the campsite he went to again. I don't know, maybe we missed something."

"Sure, we can try that." Nico nods, starting the car. "Just try not to worry too much, okay? We'll find him, and he'll be okay." He reassured her, squeezing her hand gently. Alaina felt a small sense of comfort at his words, but she was still worried. She hoped and prayed he was right, and that they would find Kayden and that he would be okay.

They eventually make it back to the camp site Kayden stayed at. As soon as Alaina got out of the car, she immediately felt uneasy. There was something in the air that made her skin crawl and her hair stand on end. Nico noticed the shift in her mood and put a hand on her back, giving her a gentle squeeze. He felt the same way, he had to admit, but he didn't want to let Alaina know that. He didn't want her to worry even more.

As they searched around the campsite, Alaina couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that seemed to grow with each passing minute. Every rustle of leaves or snapping twig made her jump, her nerves on edge. Nico stayed close by her side, his presence a source of comfort amidst the unsettling atmosphere.

They meticulously combed through the area, scanning every nook and cranny for any sign of Kayden. Yet, despite their efforts, there was no trace of him. The sun had started to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows that seemed to stretch out like accusing fingers in the fading light. Alaina's phone buzzed, breaking the tense silence. It was a message from Lahela, asking if they had found any leads. Alaina's heart sank as she typed out a reply, informing Lahela of their fruitless search so far. She felt a pang of guilt knowing how worried Lahela must be, and she wished desperately for some good news to share. Nico noticed the troubled expression on Alaina's face as she finished typing her response. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, offering her a reassuring smile despite the gnawing worry in his own chest.

"We'll keep searching," He said softly, his voice laced with determination. "We won't give up until we find him."

Alaina nodded, grateful for his unwavering support. With renewed resolve, they continued their search, determined to bring Kayden back safely no matter what it took.


It was getting late and dark, they had to use their flashlights on their phones now, but they kept looking for Kayden. They were starting to think they needed to head back since it was getting late and they didn't want to get lost themselves, but just as they were about to call it a night and head back, Alaina spotted something near the shore of a nearby river.

"Nico, look." She gasps, pointing at the object. It was a familiar looking bag. The two of them rushed over, and sure enough, it was Kayden's bag. It had his name written on it. "He has to be around here somewhere." She muttered, her gaze scanning the area. She looked at the river, hoping he hadn't fell in or something. Nico's heart pounded in his chest as they searched the area, their flashlights cutting through the darkness. 

Suddenly, they heard a faint sound coming from further downstream. Without hesitation, they followed the noise, their hearts racing with anticipation and fear. As they approached the source of the sound, their flashlights illuminated a figure lying on the ground near the riverbank. It was Kayden, unconscious and barely breathing. Alaina's heart clenched at the sight, and she felt a rush of relief and fear wash over her simultaneously. She and Nico rushed over to him, their hands shaking slightly as they assessed his condition.

"Oh my gosh." Alaina gasps, her eyes welling up with tears. "Kayden." She said worriedly. Kayden had some wounds and scratches, and she was concerned he might've hit his head or something. Nico checked his pulse, his brow furrowing with concern.

"His pulse is weak, but he's still alive." He muttered, his eyes darting between Kayden and the surrounding area. He looks back at where his bag had been, trying to figure out how he had gotten down stream. There was a small cliff near where his bag was, maybe he fell in and couldn't get himself out until he got to this point. He looked back at Alaina, who had already pulled her phone out and was calling Lahela. She quickly filled her in on the situation, her voice trembling slightly.

"Lahela, we found him. He's hurt and needs help. I'm sending the location to you right now." She spoke, her voice filled with urgency and fear. She hung up the phone and sent her the location of the river. "She's on her way. We need to keep him stable and try to wake him up." She told him, her hands still trembling.

"Alright, let's do that." Nico nodded. The two of them carefully moved Kayden, propping him up against a tree. His breathing was shallow and his eyes were closed, but his heartbeat remained steady. Alaina did her best to stay calm and focused, though her anxiety was rising with each passing minute. Nico tried his best to comfort her and reassure her that everything would be okay, but even he couldn't hide the fear and worry that plagued his mind.

"Please, just hang in there, Kayden." Alaina whispered, her hand squeezing his gently.

They waited for what felt like an eternity, but finally they saw the headlights of Walter's car in the distance. The sound of the tires crunching on the gravel road echoed in the otherwise silent night, and Alaina breathed a sigh of relief. Soon Walter and Lahela are seen running over to them, their faces etched with worry and fear.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much for finding him." Lahela cries, wrapping her arms around Alaina tightly. She was beyond relieved and grateful that they had found him. "You have no idea how worried I was. We looked everywhere for him."

"Of course. We had to make sure he was okay." Alaina responded, returning the hug. She pulled away from the hug, letting Lahela move over to Kayden, who was still unconscious.

"Kayden." Lahela says quietly, kneeling beside him and pulls his upper body onto her lap. "Kayden, can you hear me? It's Lahela." She said, brushing his hair back gently. "Please, wake up. Please, Kayden." Her voice was shaky, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. She had left things on a sour note with him when they talked before he left, and she had regretted it ever since. If something happened to him and she didn't get to see him one last time to apologize and fix things... The thought alone was enough to make her chest ache. She swallowed hard, her lips trembling as she fought back the tears.

Walter was standing next to Lahela, watching her closely. He was worried for Kayden's safety, but he also knew that Lahela was hurting. He placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it gently in a comforting gesture. "Hey, it's gonna be alright." He reassures her, his voice soft. Lahela didn't respond, her gaze fixed on Kayden, but she did appreciate Walter for comforting her. She glances up at him with a small sad smile and watery eyes before looking back down at Kayden. Walter then turns to Alaina and Nico, his expression somber. "Thanks for helping us find him. We owe you big time." He said gratefully.

"Of course. We were glad we could help." Nico replied, a faint smile on his lips.

"We have to get him to the hospital, now." Lahela speaks up, her voice laced with urgency. "The longer we wait, the more likely he is to..." Her voice trailed off, unable to finish her sentence. She blinked her eyes a few times to try to hold back the tears. 

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. Let's take him back to my car and we'll take him to the hospital." Walter offers. He then asked Nico for help with picking Kayden up and bringing him over to his car. Lahela grabs Kayden's bag and when they went past the campsite he stayed at, she and Alaina packed up everything else that had been out before they went up to where the two cars were parked. Nico and Walter put Kayden in the back of Walter's jeep. Lahela climbed into the back and sat next to Kayden. Walter looks at Nico and Alaina. "I'll take him to the hospital. You guys are welcome to follow me if you want or you can also head back to the gala." He reassured them.

After sharing a look with Nico, Alaina nods. "We'll follow you there. We wanna make sure he's okay." Walter nodded in response and then in his jeep while Alaina and Nico got in her parent's car. Nico drove, knowing how worried Alaina was. He knew she probably wouldn't want to drive right now. He was more steady than her anyway, so he wanted her to not have to worry about that right now. 

They followed Walter's jeep to the hospital, both of their minds racing with questions and concerns. Alaina had texted her parents to let them know what had happened and that they would be back later. As they drove to the hospital, Alaina couldn't shake off the feeling of anxiety that gripped her heart like a vice. Her mind was flooded with worry for Kayden and concern for Lahela. She glanced at Nico, grateful for his steady presence beside her. His reassuring presence helped to anchor her amidst the sea of emotions swirling inside her.

Nico notices the tension in Alaina's posture and reaches out to gently squeeze her hand, offering her a supportive smile. "We'll make sure Kayden gets the help he needs," He said softly, his voice filled with reassurance. "And Lahela will be right there with him."

Alaina nods, her grip on Nico's hand tightening slightly. She took comfort in his words, drawing strength from his unwavering support. "I just hope he's going to be okay." She murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Me too, Ali." Nico sighed, squeezing her hand as he turned his gaze back to the road while he kept driving. 

As they arrived at the hospital, they followed Walter's car to the emergency entrance. Walter quickly got out and ran inside to get some help for Kayden. Nico parked the car and him and Alaina ran inside after him while Lahela stayed with Kayden. Kayden had woke up slightly, he kept going in and out of consciousness, but he was able to tell Lahela was with him. 

"Kayden!" Lahela gasps, her heart racing. She gently places a hand on his cheek, her eyes searching his face. "Oh my gosh, I was so worried about you." She whispers, her voice cracking slightly. "What happened?"

"I'm sorry." Kayden murmurs, his voice hoarse. "I just... I needed some time to myself. With everything going on with us and then with my family, I felt like everything was falling apart. I had to get away for a bit, to clear my head. But...Things didn't go as planned." He stammered. 

Things have been difficult with his family after it had been discovered his dad had been having an affair and that he and his mom were getting divorced. He was upset, angry, and most of all, hurt. He didn't want to drag Lahela into his family issues, so he decided to leave, to give himself some time and space to process everything and figure out what to do. But before he left, Lahela had came to check on him since he had been distant the past few days and she was worried about him. She had caught him packing, and in his anger and frustration, he had yelled at her, saying he needed some space and didn't want to talk about it. He immediately regretted it, and after she left, he tried to call her and apologize, but she never answered his calls or texts. He knew she was probably mad at him and hurt, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to her, to see the disappointment and sadness in her eyes. So he had left, hoping to give her some space and to work through his own issues on his own.

But he should've known better than to go hiking by himself, especially during a storm. He was trying to get back to his car, but the storm had gotten worse and a landslide had caused him to fall into a ditch. His leg had been caught between two large boulders and he couldn't free himself. He tried calling for help, but the storm was too strong and no one could hear him. He must've passed out from exhaustion and pain, and he didn't remember how long he was stuck there for. Luckily, Nico and Alaina had been out looking for him and they managed to find him and save him. His leg hurt, his whole body ached, but he was alive and safe, thanks to them.

Lahela was overcome with a mix of emotions; relief, worry, guilt, sadness. She had been so angry and hurt by what Kayden had said to her that day, that she couldn't bring herself to forgive him yet. But now, seeing him injured and hurt, she realized that her anger and hurt didn't matter, not anymore. All that mattered was that he was safe and alive. She leaned down, pressing her forehead against his.

"It's okay, Kayden. I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." She whispered, her voice laced with love and affection. Lately, she had been having trouble with her feelings. Who she loves and cares for more, Kayden and Walter. But now in this moment, she's starting to realize that it's always been Kayden that she loves more. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him, and seeing him lying there, vulnerable and in pain, made her realize just how much he meant to her. 

"I'm so sorry for everything, Kayden. I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed me, and for making you feel like you had to deal with this alone. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." She murmured, her voice cracking. She had tears rolling down her cheeks as she held him close, her heart aching with regret and sorrow.

Kayden's heart clenched at the sight and the sound of Lahela's voice, filled with emotion and pain. He knew it wasn't her fault, it was his fault for not talking to her and letting her know what was going on with him. He reaches a hand up to cup her face and wipes the tears from her cheek. "There's nothing to forgive, Lahela. You have nothing to be sorry for...It's my fault, for-for yelling at you and pushing you away." Kayden's voice was filled with remorse and regret, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. 

He realized now how much he had hurt Lahela, and he hated himself for it. He vowed to himself that he would never make that mistake again, that he would always communicate with her and be there for her, just as she had always been there for him. Kayden was starting to have more trouble with staying awake, he had hit his head on the rocks pretty bad when he fell and his whole body hurt. Especially his right leg that had gotten crushed and pinned. He was in pain, but he didn't want to worry Lahela more. She was already worried sick about him. He didn't want to be taken away yet, he just wanted to stay with her, for as long as he could.

Lahela's heart broke at Kayden's words, at the pain and regret that laced his voice. She shakes her head in disbelief, her tears falling freely now. "No, Kayden, it's not your fault. I should've been there for you, I should've listened to you and tried to understand what you were going through. I'm so sorry. You were just trying to protect yourself, and I understand that now. I should've tried harder, should've done more." She whispered, her voice choked with emotion. She leaned into his touch, her heart aching with love and sorrow. She wanted to stay by his side, to never let him go. She wiped her tears away with her free hand as she sniffled.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Lahela. You're here now, and that's all that matters." Kayden murmured, his voice growing weaker. He was starting to lose consciousness, his eyes struggling to stay open. He felt so tired and weak, but he wanted to stay awake, to stay with Lahela. He could faintly hear loud commotion coming to the jeep and saw many people, he figured they were coming to take him to the ER and treat him. Lahela sensed the commotion, too, but she just held onto Kayden's hand tighter and kept her focus on him. She could see the fear and uncertainty in Kayden's eyes, and her heart broke at the sight. She knew he was scared, and she wanted nothing more than to comfort him and ease his worries.

"It's okay, Kayden. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I'll be with you the whole time." Lahela reassured him, her voice soft and soothing. "You're going to be okay. Just stay with me, okay? Stay with me." She whispered, her eyes brimming with tears as she heard the doors to the back of the jeep open. She didn't want him to leave, but she knew he needed to. She helped him on a stretcher and she walked alongside them to the ER. She went to get changed since she still wore her dress from the gala, and when she was done she immediately went to the ER.

Meanwhile, Alaina, Nico, and Walter waited in the waiting room. Alaina had called Kayden's parents to inform them what was going on and not soon after, his parents came rushing into the waiting room. Alaina had left to go pick her parents up and brought them here so they could be there too. Alaina was so anxious and worried about Kayden, she just wanted to make sure he was okay. Nico kept an arm around her shoulders and a hand on her leg to comfort her and calm her down.

"He's gonna be okay, I'm sure of it." He whispered, squeezing her shoulder gently.

"I hope so." She replied, her voice trembling. She laid her head on his shoulder, taking deep breaths to try and calm her nerves. 

The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow, and each second felt like an eternity. She couldn't stop her mind from imagining the worst, from playing out all the horrible possibilities of what could be happening behind those closed doors. Her anxiety and worry was building up inside her, threatening to overwhelm her at any moment. She couldn't even imagine what Lahela was feeling though. She was in the ER, working on him, she was probably the most stressed out of all of them. Alaina just hoped and prayed that Kayden would be okay. She then glanced over at Walter, checking in on him to make sure he was okay as well. She found it sweet he came with Lahela and helped her find Kayden. It showed how much he cared for her and she knew Lahela cared for him too, but she also cared for Kayden as well. Alaina knew Lahela was having trouble deciding between the two. She had a feeling the events that had happened tonight would help Lahela realize who she wants to be with.

She glanced over at her parents, seeing them holding hands and praying for Kayden's recovery. Her dad noticed her gaze and gave her a reassuring smile.

"He's a strong kid. I'm sure he'll pull through just fine." He assured he, reaching over to gently squeeze her arm.

"Yeah, I hope so." Alaina murmured, nodding her head. She then looked over at Nico, who gave her a small, warm smile. She returned the smile, grateful to have him by her side. His presence and support was comforting, and it helped to ease her worries, if only a little.

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