Can't Love You

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Can't Love You...

What happens when you're in love with your best friend's girlfriend?

And even after 3 years you still do...

And the day you come back it's their wedding...

Will you sit back and watch...

Or will you object?...But how can you...

When you're best friend's

Your only...



I’ve gone too far to turn back…

I know it’s wrong but I can’t help it…

Every smile, every touch you gave me…

Those empty “I love you” you always said to me…what do they mean to you?

I want you to turn back and look at me…look at me just once…

I know I’m being selfish but I can’t help it…

It’s too late to turn back…

Even your voice…those tender shoulders…and even those eyes…

Aren’t mine…

No matter how close I am with you…

You’re someone whom I shouldn’t love…

You’re someone whom I cannot love…

I want to embrace you…but…

You aren’t mine…

Even though I love you to the extend it hurts…

I want to love you…but…

I shouldn’t love you…cause…

You’re my…best friend’s girlfriend and my…

My only…


Chapter 1: Wedding preparations and long awaited return

In the dressing room, there was a stunningly beautiful lady with shoulder length black hair in a short knee length white wedding dress which had frails at the bottom half, a strapless top and a wedding veil attached to her hair, the designs on the wedding dress was fairly simple. Her fringe was pushed to the side revealing her forehead and her hair naturally let down. She was sitting in front of the mirror getting her make-up done.

“What do you think, Jessi?” asked the bride.

“Fany-ah, you look great. Don’t worry too much.” assured the long light brown haired girl.

“But…” protested the black haired girl.

“No more buts. Fany-ah, I need my sleep, I know you asked me to be your maid of honour but I haven’t even slept for 14 hours yet.” complained the girl who was dressed in a v-neck cut knee length white dress with a black waist belt tied to her waist with a ribbon at the side.

“How can you be so relaxed and sleep at a time like this?” sighed the bride in frustration.

“Fany-ah~ you look perfectly fine~ I’m sure Yuri can’t wait to see you in a wedding dress.” assured the light brown haired girl once again.

“That’s the problem, Jessi! Yuri’s not here yet!”

“WH…Wha…WHAT?!” exclaimed the light brown haired girl in shock.

“I thought she was in the other dressing room with Sooyoung and Yunho oppa?” asked the long and straight light brown haired girl.

“That’s the problem, Jessi. She isn’t, Yunho oppa informed me that she still hasn’t arrived yet.” explained the black haired girl in frustration.

“Oh and by the way, where’s your sister, has her flight arrived yet? Shouldn’t we go to the airport to pick her up?” asked the light brown haired girl.

“She says there isn’t a need to…”

“But…that’s not the important thing! The important thing is that the groom hasn’t arrived yet!”

“Should we check with Yunho oppa again?” suggested the light brown haired girl.

“Yea…I think we should…” agreed the black haired girl.

The light brown haired girl walked over to her handbag which was on the dressing table and dug out her hand phone. She dialled in Yunho’s number, the line connected and a deep voice answered the call.

“Hi! Yunho oppa? Has Yuri arrived yet?” asked the light brown haired girl.

“Not yet. Aish! Where’s that girl?” said Yunho in frustration.

“Yunho oppa, can you please inform us once Yuri has arrived?”

“No problem, Jessica.”


“Bye.” and the line went dead.

“So? Is there any news of her?” asked Tiffany eyeing her best friend.

The girl just starred at the bride with a defeated expression.

-In the other dressing room-

“Urghh!” grunted a fairly dark skinned tall and handsome young man in a black suit with a white collared shirt and a black bow tie.

“Calm down~Yunho oppa.” said a girl with short dark brown hair although she was a girl she dressed in a similar suit to the tall young man.

“How can I calm down when my sister hasn’t even arrived and my future sister-in-law is nervously waiting in the dressing room, waiting for news of my sister?”

“Yunho oppa~ just take it easy~ I’m sure Yuri will be here any minute’s time.” assured the short haired girl.

“When she comes I’ll be sure to break her spine!” threatened the tall young man with dark brownish hair touching his collar his fringe pulled back and his hair gelled and spiked up a little.

“Yunho oppa, please stop using those threats anymore! Their really scary, no wonder Yuri’s always afraid of going home.”

“If she doesn’t want to hear those threats from her precious brother then she’ll have to act more responsible.”

“Yunho oppa, have you tried contacting her?” asked the short haired girl.

“I have, but the problem is…she doesn’t answer!” said Yunho in anger as he gripped his phone tightly.

-At a busy street in Seoul-

Maan~ why are there so many vehicles around today?

The motorist glanced at her rolex watch and looked at the time.

****! It’s already 10:45 a.m. and the wedding starts at 11:30 a.m.! I can’t believe my luck! Why is there a traffic jam at this time of the day! And it’s Saturday! I wonder if she’ll make it on time though…

The black MV-Augusta F4CC swerved in between cars and trucks receiving the occasional honks from the drivers who were already frustrated that they were stuck in the middle of the road. The black MV-Augusta F4CC began to pick up speed as the motorist swerved in and out of the busy traffic until she finally left the busy traffic behind and began speeding her way to the church.

Hehe…you did a great job there Kwon Yuri! Maybe you should get a reward for your excellent driving skills!

-In an airplane-

Air France, S.A. one of the world’s largest airlines, a girl with mid length dark brownish hair and fringe parting towards the left was sitting at a window seat and starring out the window. She turned her head back to the plane and rested her head on the seat. She was dressed in a white v-neck long sleeved shirt revealing most of her shoulders and the sleeve was long enough to cover half of her hand revealing her fingers only. She wore baggy light brownish long pants with a pair of white and blue adidas sneakers. She wore a plain white cap which was similar to that of a painter’s cap. She was exhausted from the long hours in the plane even though she was sitting on first-class.

Hello passengers, we will arrive in Seoul, Korea shortly. Please put on your seatbelts and have a nice day and thank you for riding with us on Air France, S.A.

The announcement could be heard over the loudspeakers as the passengers slowly put on their seatbelts and awaited for the plane to land. After a while the plane landed at Incheon Airport and the some of the passengers got up to take their baggage from the compartment upstairs where they kept their luggage during the flight. The petite girl asked the tall young man who was sitting beside her to help take down her bag for her as she was too short to reach it. The young man took down her bag for her and handled it to her she bowed and thanked him as she carried her large backpack which looked much larger when it was on her and slung it over her right shoulder and walked out of the plane.

After going through airport security she glanced at her light silver Armani watch and looked at the time it read 10:55. She closed her eyes and breathes in the air she had not breathed for nearly 3 years. Opening her eyes, she takes out her hand phone and presses the number 1 and a line was connected. She puts the phone to her ear and the person on the other line answered.



“Hello? Are you there? Who is this anyways? Look, it seems like you have the wrong number! I’m really frustrated right now so if you don’t mind, I’m hanging up!” scolded the voice in frustration.

Silence filled in as the caller finally spoke.

“Hi…this is the greeting I get after coming back after nearly 3 years?”

“Who…are you?” asked the receiver finding the voice familiar.

“You don’t even recognise your own sister’s voice now?” questioned the caller.

“Ahhh! TAEYEON?! You’re back?!” screamed the person on the other line.

“Haha…you’re just as loud as ever, so has the wedding started yet? I wouldn’t want to miss my little sister’s wedding for the world.”

“The wedding hasn’t started cause you’re best friend hasn’t arrived yet!” complained Tiffany on the other line.

“Fany-ah, calm down. You know how she’s like right? I’m pretty sure she’ll turn up anytime soon in that precious motorcycle of hers.” assured Taeyeon.

“I sometimes wonder who she loves more, me or that motorcycle of hers! And how can I calm down if the groom isn’t even here yet?”


“YA! HWANG TAEYEON! HOW CAN YOU LAUGH AT A TIME LIKE THIS?!” scolded the girl really loudly.

“I’ll see you there, bye.” said Taeyeon as she hung up.

-In the dressing room-

“She hung up again.” mumbled Tiffany to herself as she sighed.

Suddenly the door to the dressing room opened, Tiffany thinking it was news about her groom immediately stood up only to be disappointed when she spotted her friends at the door. They were all dressed in pretty knee length dresses with simple designs and each wore different colours.

The short one that entered the room first wore a plain yellow knee length dress it had a flower on the top left hand corner of the dress and had frails at the bottom. She had long straight dark brownish hair her fringe pushed to the side. The second one that followed behind her wore a modest and simple light blue dress she had straight long hair with a center parting revealing her forehead and was much taller.

“Hi~.” the short one greeted happily.

“Unni, you look beautiful.” complimented the taller one.

Tiffany looked really frustrated and couldn’t be bothered to greet them and just gave them a light hearted smile.

The two of them looked over at the light brown haired girl and she just looked at them with a defeated expression. The two understanding the look in her eyes just sighed.

The motorist was still speeding she finally reached the church and just parked her motorcycle at a random parking lot. Taking off her helmet she shook her head as her hair messily flowed down to its original position. She rushed to her dressing room only to be greeted by her angry brother.

“YA! Yuri! Where have you been?” questioned Yunho.

“Ermm…ermm…o…o…oppa….calm down….” stammered the motorist.

“Since it’s your big day, I’ll let you off this one time.” said Yunho while starring at Yuri with an I-will-kill-you-the-next-time-I-have-the-chance-to look.


gulped as she saw her brother walk over to the couch and sat down, sighing in frustration.

Sooyoung her close friend just shook her head and sighed at the two siblings.

The door swung open as two guys dressed in a plain black suit with a bow tie entered the room. One was tall with long black messy hair he had fair skin and had a smirk on his face. The other was quite short had a neat flat hair his fringe touching his eyebrows parting towards the left and he had a sweet smile.

“Yuri~” the two guys called out.

“Oh hi, Yoochun oppa, hi, Donghae oppa.” greeted the tanned girl.

“What’s with the long face?” asked Donghae.

“Hey cheer up~ I found a new nightclub that just open not too long ago but they have great service and the girls there are a killer.” said Yoochun trying to cheer the girl up.

“Yoochun oppa~ I’m done with nightclubs already and my oppa will never allow me to ever visit a nightclub again.”

“Aww~ that’s too bad.”

“So, who’s your target this time oppa?”

Yoochun just gave a smile and Yuri understood what it meant.

“Oh and Yuri, you look hideous right now maybe you should tidy yourself

up first.” suggested Donghae.


She sat down in front of the mirror and began combing her hair trying to make it as neat as possible. She wore a white tuxedo with a black v-neck cut vest inside and a black bow tie to accompany it.

-In the other dressing room-

“Ah yes, bye.” said the shorter girl as she hung up.

“Sooyoung just called to inform that Yuri has arrived.” informed Sunny.

“So, she’s finally here huh?” remarked Tiffany sarcastically.

“Cheer up, Fany-ah. She is your to-be-husband or wife or however you want to call it, you know?”

“Yea I know…but sometimes I wished she would act more responsible…”

“Well…you chose her, so there’s no turning back now.” reminded Sunny.

-At the taxis stand near the airport-

The petite girl got into the taxi with her huge backpack and gave the driver the address and told him to drive as fast as possible. When she arrived at the church she paid the driver the money and got out. The taxi drove off as she looked at the church outside breathing in the fresh air she sighed and headed for the dressing room.

Taeyeon…it’s been nearly 3 years already…

She walked towards the dressing she opened the door lightly making sure no one could hear her. She looked at everyone in the room they were looking exhausted or frustrated and were lazing around on the couch.

“Is this the kind of greeting I get, coming back after nearly 3 years?” asked the petite girl.

The bride stood up from her seat at the dressing table and rushes towards the petite girl standing at the door and pulled her in for a hug. The petite girl let the huge backpack which was loosely hung on her right shoulder drop to the floor as she returned the hug.

“You’ve grown taller, sigh, I feel so short now, haha.” joked the petite girl.

“I’ve missed you so much, Taetae.” confessed the black haired girl as she sobbed a little.

“Hey, you don’t want to ruin that pretty face of yours right? Haha.” joked Taeyeon.

“YA!” shouted the taller girl as she jokingly slap the shorter girl’s arm.

“Haha, I’m just kidding. I’ve missed you as well.” said the petite girl completing her sentence as she gave a dorky grin.

I’ve missed you until the extend that I’m losing myself.

“Aww~ you look so cute, Taetae.” squealed Tiffany showing her eye-smile.

“Sigh~ I’m gone for nearly 3 years and people still think I look like a kid.” said Taeyeon looking defeated.

“And, you! I’m your older sister, show some manners!” reprimanded

Taeyeon in a joking manner.

“Hi, Sica, Sunny and Seohyun.” greeted Taeyeon.

They all gave her a smile.

“You’re finally back huh? After suddenly disappearing?” remarked the light brown haired girl sarcastically.

“Hehe.” Taeyeon gave a small laugh along with a sheepish smile.

“Glad to have you back!” exclaimed the shorter girl.

“Unni how was France?” asked the younger girl.

“As much as I would love to sit down and tell you, I have to go visit Yuri.” replied Taeyeon.



She picks up her backpack and headed for the other dressing room. When the door finally closes, she leans against the wall and sighed as she touch her padlock necklace.

Why…why can’t I forget you…I should have never loved you…I’ve fallen too deep to come out…why did I ever fall for my own sister, why did I ever fall in love with my best friend’s girlfriend?

Chapter 2: Is it a sin to love?

The guest were slowly arriving one by one as they settled down and sat down waiting for announcements of when the wedding would start.

-In the female dressing room-

Knock… Knock…

Sunny went to open the door only to be greeted by a rather tall guy with neat rather short black hair with fringe parted towards the left. He was dressed in a black tuxedo with a white collared shirt and black bow tie like most of the other males.

“Ju…Ju…Jun…Junsu oppa? What are you doing here? Aren’t you suppose to be in the male dressing room?” asked Sunny stammering.

“I know but I need to talk with my sister for a short while its urgent business!” explained Junsu sounding as if it was really very serious.

“Ok, I’ll go and inform Seohyun about it.” said Sunny as she went back into the dressing room.

-In the dressing room-

“Seohyun-ah, you’re oppa’s here to see you. He says its urgent business.” informed Sunny.

“Ok, thanks Sunny unni.” said Seohyun as she went out of the dressing room.

When Seohyun stepped out of the dressing room she saw her brother pacing back and forth.

“What’s the urgent matter, oppa?” asked Seohyun.

“It’s eomeoni! She got into an accident! She lost a lot of blood and is in the intensive care unit right now! But we need to rush to the hospital and Seohyun, you need to donate your blood cause you have blood type O which is the same as eomeoni’s.” informed Junsu.

“W...WH…WH…What?!” exclaimed Seohyun.

“Where is abeoji?” asked Seohyun with a cold-hearted voice.

“He’s in America…” informed Junsu.

“Doesn’t he care about umma? All he can think about is business!”

“I’m sure he’ll rush back to Korea as soon as possible…” reassured Junsu with uncertainty in his voice.

“Oppa…don’t try to comfort me…I can tell through your voice you’re uncertain.” said Seohyun as she sighed.

“Haha…you know me so well. Looks like my baby sister has all grown up!” said Junsu with a dorky grin.

“Oppa! I’m not a baby anymore!” exclaimed Seohyun.


“Bye oppa.”


They both bid each other goodbye as they headed back to the female and male dressing rooms respectively.

-In the female dressing room-

“So…what was it?” asked Sunny.

“Oppa said that umma was involve in a car accident and I had to rush right after the wedding to donate blood cause she lost quite a lot of blood.” explained Seohyun.

“What?! Ajumeoni got into a car accident?!” exclaimed Sunny.

“Yea…so, Tiffany unni…I won’t be able to stay with you guys after the wedding…Sorry to ruin your happy mood though…” apologised the younger one.

“It’s ok. You didn’t mean for it to happen anyways.” reassured Tiffany with a smile.

-In the male dressing room-

A guy who was rather tall had fair skin and had a pretty face with neat and flat but rather long hair touching the collar his side burns covering most of his ears from the front view and his fringe nearly touching his eyes parting towards the left. Like all the other males, he wore a similar tuxedo with a black bow tie. He had been pacing back and forth in the dressing room ever since he came.

“Jaejoong oppa, calm down…I’m sure Sica would love to see you in a tuxedo hehe.” teased Yuri.

“Do I look okay? Is my hair neat enough? Do I look good in this suit?” Jaejoong asked bombarding Yuri with questions.

“Oppa…I’m sure you do. Don’t worry too much, we all know how much of a crush you have on Sica since high school.” assured Yuri with a smile.

Jaejoong look down at the floor embarrassed.

“There’s nothing to be shy about oppa, hehe.” teased Yuri again.

“Yuri-ah, stop teasing my cousin…look at how much he’s blushing already, haha.” joked Junsu.

“Junsu oppa…you’re here! I heard about the news of Ajumeoni…sorry to hear about that…”

“It’s okay no one meant for it to happen anyways.” assured Junsu with a dorky grin.

“Sometimes I feel like you have the same dorky smile as Taeng, you two could be siblings.” commented Yuri.

“Taeyeon and I? Siblings? As much as I love Taeyeon to be my younger sister but I’m satisfied with Seohyun, no one can replace my baby sister.”

The door slowly opened as a petite girl with her huge backpack loosely slung over her right shoulder entered the room.

“Hi guys~” she greeted.







The people in the room all exclaimed, they rushed up to her bombarding her with loads of questions.

“Taeng, you’ve finally decide to come back after nearly 3years huh?”

“Yea…what’s with you suddenly disappearing like that?” asked Jaejoong.

“Yea…kiddo…I missed you so much. I need someone to treat me nice food you know.” said Sooyoung.

“Taeyeon-ah, glad to have you back!” welcomed Yoochun with a big smile.

“How was France?” asked Yunho in a serious tone.

“It was great!” exclaimed the petite girl.

“Isn’t there any other ways you can describe your stay there? You stayed there for nearly 3 years you know?” said Yuri sarcastically.

“Hehe…” laughed Taeyeon slightly with a sheepish smile.

~naega babo gataseo…barabol su bakkeman eopnun geon (Because I am a fool, I can only look at you from the distance) ~

The voice sang with much emotion as Taeyeon took out her phone to answer her call.

“Yeobeoseyo.” she greeted.

“Hwang Taeyeon! Don’t mess around with me!” shouted the caller.

Taeyeon covered the phone with her hand and informed everyone that she’ll go out and answer the call.

When she stepped out of the dressing room she went to someplace private where no one would hear her.

“Hi! Kim seonsaengnim! How have you been?” asked Taeyeon in a cheery manner.

“Enough of the greetings!” shouted the caller.

“What is it Hyoyeon?” asked Taeyeon suddenly with a serious tone.

“Dad asked me to call you, when are you going to take the surgery?” asked the caller.


“Hwang Taeyeon! Are you hearing what I’m saying?!”

“Yea…Hyo, you don’t have to shout I know perfectly well…”

“Then why don’t you want to take the surgery?”

“There are still so many things for me to see and besides…it’s not certain I’ll cure fully right?”

“But…isn’t it better if you take the surgery first?”

“Aren’t you forgetting about my other condition, Hyo? I don’t think I’ll be able to handle the fact that I may not be able to see again…and are you forgetting? My sister and I have no parents…how can we afford the money to pay for both my surgeries…and besides I wouldn’t want to ask my best friend for money again, she’s already provided money for my stay in France and my airplane ticket.”


“No buts, Hyo. I’d rather see the things that I need to see now and then go into a world of darkness rather than not see it and regret it and be in a world of light.”

“Ok…But I’ll give you just a few months…”


“Just take care, kiddo.”

“I will, Hyo.”


“Bye.” and the line went dead.

Taeyeon closed her phone and put it back into her pants pocket thinking that no one was there she sighed and walked out only to be greeted by a certain light brown haired girl.

“What do you mean by surgeries? And what did you mean by going into a world of darkness?” questioned Jessica.

Taeyeon walk towards Jessica and whispered to her ear.

“I’m warning you not to tell anyone what you just heard.” she said in a serious voice much too serious for the happy-go-lucky wanderer that everyone knew as.

She walked away only to stop in her footsteps when she heard Jessica say something.

“Taengoo…you like Fany don’t you?” asked Jessica.

“You like her, don’t you?”


“How did you know?” questioned Taeyeon.

“Remember the day you got drunk 6 years ago? The day you confess to her thinking that I was her?”

“Don’t tell her about anything, I don’t want to ruin her marriage.”

“But aren’t you scared to let her get taken away?”

“I am but it’s a sin to love her, she’s my best friend’s girlfriend and my only sister, she’s the only family I have left.”

Taeyeon walks further away from Jessica only to be stop in her tracks by Jessica hugging her from behind.

“If it’s such a sin, why don’t you just let go?”

“I can’t…I’ve fallen too deep into a hole…a hole I can never get out of…”

“I’ll help you…”

“It’s too late…even if I did let you help me, would you really be happy when my heart is somewhere else?”

“It’s okay Taengoo, just cry it out don’t bottle it up…”


“We’ve both fallen for someone we should never have, only to realise that we’ve fallen too deep to get out…and we just end up getting back at square one…”


“We’re merely using each other…to hide our feelings…it’s wrong yet so right.”

“Sica-ya…what do you mean by that?” asked Taeyeon.

Jessica only hugged Taeyeon tighter whispering into her ear.

“I think I’m in love with my best friend’s girlfriend…”

She rested herself on Taeyeon’s back, both of them standing still as if time had stopped.

“Let me make you love me, because you love someone you can’t…”

“And let me love you, because I too want to escape from this harsh reality…”

“We’re not committing a crime…we’re simply escaping…escaping from the fact that we’re cowards…”

“Taengoo…let me heal those wounds you bore all these years, let me be the one your heart calls out for…people may say we’re just using each other but I don’t mind…”

“Taengoo-ah let me be the one to…love you…”

They were frozen in time not thinking of anything else, Taeyeon was too shock to think of the consequences and merely nodded. But little did they know someone had come out from the male dressing room he had pale skin, a pretty face and rather long neat hair and he had witnessed the scene and only heard the very last part of the conversation as he hid behind a wall those words went through his mind like a broken tape recorder and walked to where all the guests were right now.

Let me be the one to… love you… Let me be the one to… love you… Let me be the one to…lo…u…

Chapter 3: Can’t you love me, the way I love you?

-At the wedding hall-

The seats were filled with guests as they entered and settled down at their seats. Tiffany and Yuri’s friends and family were sitting right in the front row. Jaejoong walked to his seat looking lifeless as if his soul was drained out of him.

Why…why couldn’t it be him? He tried everything but nothing worked…he loved her…but why couldn’t she notice him?...

Junsu who was sitting beside Seohyun noticed his cousin, Jaejoong looked different from usual and asked,

"What’s wrong?” said Junsu in a concern tone.

“Nothing…” Jaejoong coldly replied.

“Oh alright…if there’s anything just inform me.”

Yuri’s parents were sitting like any other business man and business woman, they emitted a strong aura around them. They had serious but blank expressions and showed no signs of happiness. It was to be expected since Yuri’s parents had tried to forcefully object to the marriage, thinking that Tiffany was not enough for Yuri. It was already bad enough that her status could not match up to Yuri’s and that was not all she was an orphan with only an older sister to support her and Yuri’s mother did not think highly of that and had therefore tried countless of times to convince Yuri to marry a more appropriate woman. But no matter how much the older woman tried it was no use, Yuri’s eyes were already fixated on Tiffany.

Even though Yuri’s mother did not like the fact that Tiffany was poor but she had to admit that she was probably the only girl who liked her daughter for who she was and not her money. All the other guys and girls would pounce onto her daughter without a care in the world as long as they could rip off her daughter’s money. Even though Yuri’s mother showed no concern in their marriage on the outside she actually was glad that Yuri found someone like Tiffany on the inside. Although she wished that her status was better but who was she to complain when this was her daughter’s love of life. Yuri’s mother however had a liking to her daughter’s best friend, Taeyeon a lot. She felt that Yuri should learn more from Taeyeon and was fairly upset when Taeyeon left without a word for nearly 3 years.

-In the male dressing room-

“Taeng, get dressed I prepared your suit for you.” informed Yuri.

“Oh ok…”

Taeyeon went behind the curtains inside the dressing room, as she stripped off her clothes and changed into a smart looking tuxedo. She opened the curtains as she stepped out. She looked at the mirror and fixed her hair trying to look her best but inside she was confused and angry at the same time.

What did Sica mean by all that just now?

Yuri was starring at Taeyeon dumbfounded and then her lips curved up into a smile.

“You know…if you dressed as a guy I would have totally thought you were one of those popular flower boys in those animes…” commented Yuri.

“No wonder why my mom favours you so much, I wonder who she loves more?”

“I’m sure she loves you more, Yul and besides…I don’t think I’d want to have another mother lols.” joked Taeyeon.

Yuri knew all too well that Taeyeon was just covering up her sadness, even though she did not mention it, she knew how much Taeyeon was scarred from that accident. She knew that Taeyeon had always blamed herself for her parents’ death, but Yuri always tried to comfort her best friend saying that she was too young to know. Despite that, all Taeyeon said was that she was never too young to know, she could have prevented it but she did not have the power to that was what made her so angry at herself. Yuri could still remember vividly what Taeyeon had told her about the accident, the fear in Taeyeon’s voice as she still remembered how her parents were killed right in front of her, Tiffany who had an ear infection that time had stayed home in care of their next-door neighbour.

-20 years ago-

Taeyeon and her mother were waiting for her father to end work and was sitting at the cafeteria of the company. They had both come to fetch him home from work and it was nearly an everyday routine. Taeyeon was not from a well-off family, but they were contented and happy with their lives. Even though at times she and her sister were made fun of at school, her parents would always try to get the best for their daughters but Taeyeon had always insisted that they spent the money on Tiffany instead. Her father worked as a delivery man, delivering the goods from the company that was going to be shipped to many different other countries. Despite her father’s low status, he had a lot of influence amongst the workers and they thought highly of him as he was not someone who just followed orders blindly, he actually gave a second thought to everything. Her father worked for one of the largest corporations in Korea, Kim Corporations and had business ranging from hotels, beauty parlours, shipping of goods and others.

Taeyeon was drawing with some used crayons on her sketchbook, she always had a talent for art despite her young age but knew that it would cost a lot and had therefore decide not to pursue it despite her parents asking her to. It was late evening and her father would usually end work around 6:30pm-7:00pm unless there was extra work to do. They would always drive back home in the company’s van that the company loaned to her father. Her father was working slightly later than usual and informed her mother but they told him that they could wait.

Her mother who got up to buy some food for the two of them told Taeyeon to stay and behave herself and not wander around. Taeyeon was busy drawing when she spotted someone suspicious at first she just shrugged it off but the person was walking towards what looked like one of the company’s vans, Taeyeon was unsure if it was her fathers’ but she had this uneasy feeling, she wanted to go out there and question the guy but remembering what her mother said she just continued drawing. After a while, her mother came back with two bowls of red bean soup, they sat there eating quietly and after they had eaten finished her father had just arrived back from delivering goods from outside and parked the delivery van at the car park.

He walked towards the cafeteria knowing that his wife and his eldest daughter would be waiting for him there. His daughter rushed up to greet him and he lifted her up onto his shoulders as they walked towards the van. They got into the van and drove off, they were in the highway and it was quite late therefore there were not as much vehicles. It was drizzling but the van drove at a constant speed not too fast and not too slow.

The van was reaching midway to home and the rain began to pour down even more. But as the van drove it was reaching a traffic light and it was reaching red light and her father was about to press the break pedal to stop but it did not. They were panicking slightly feeling uneasy, her father continued stepping on the pedal but it was not working. The road was slippery and there was a car in front of them, trying to avoid the crash her father swerve the van to the left as it hit the some sort of metal bar on the side. The van toppled over and during that time, her mother protected her daughter from the impact. The van was upside down the windows smashed and the door crushed. Taeyeon was trembling in fear, she did not know what to do.

Taeyeon saw her mother on her left, blood trickling down her mother’s head and she knew that it was too late, her mother was long gone. Taeyeon tried to turn her head to see if her father was alright but all she could see was blood.

She did not know what to do, she was terrified, she had just witnessed both her parents pass away right before her eyes. She no longer had any strength left to stay awake as she drifted off into darkness briefly hearing the sounds of sirens from the ambulance truck.

The hospital informed the house and the neighbour brought Tiffany along to the hospital waiting outside the emergency room. The relatives were informed but since they did not have many not many turned up or could not be bothered to. Yuri received the news and rushed to see her best friend. Taeyeon was hospitalised for about three weeks but somehow she could not speak for a long time. The doctors said that it was probably due to the shock from the accident.

When they attended their funeral, they saw certain faces that were unfamiliar.

Taeyeon spotted the same guy who had sneaked around her father’s van that night, he was talking to what she knew as the President of Kim Corporations.

He seemed to be informing something to him, he walked away and drove off.

Taeyeon remembered what the police had told her and she was beginning to feel suspicious. She starred at the family with vengeance in her eyes, she had this feeling that the accident was caused by that great president of Kim Corporations.

The police said that they had died because they were driving at a speed higher than they should when it was raining, therefore resulting in the van swerving out of the road.

But thinking back, Taeyeon remembered that they were driving at the appropriate speed and It seemed like that the break pedal was not working.

One by one, some of their parents’ friends and relatives and co-workers gave their condolences to them. The court had to decide who was to take custody of the two sisters but they did not have any relatives that were willing to and most likely they would be sent to an orphanage. Yuri had asked her parents’ for permission to allow them to bunk in their house and serve as their maids when they were old enough and when they were of legal age they could move out and live on their own. Her mother was reluctant at first but finally gave in, Yuri brought the two sisters to their new home and new life but she could see the fear and hatred in Taeyeon’s eyes every time her parents were mentioned even for a little. But she slowly opened up and soon began to start speaking again, Yuri felt relieved that her best friend was back but she knew that she was scarred for life.


She looked at Taeyeon and sighed and gave a pat on her best friend’s shoulder.

“So are you ready, Taeng?”

Taeyeon simply nodded, she opened the door and walked down the aisle with her best friend and her future sister-in-law. She stood beside the groom and smiled at her best friend.

Tiffany was at the entrance as she began to walk in slowly, step by step with Jessica following right behind music started to play and when they both arrived at the destination, Jessica stepped to one side as the priest read out the wedding vows, the two looked at each other with happiness in their eyes not giving a care in the world not knowing that they were hurting their two best friends. Yuri flipped open Tiffany’s wedding veil and kissed her on the lips as she slipped the wedding ring onto Tiffany’s ring finger, Tiffany did the same and the audience stood up and clapped for the now official couple. Everyone began to settle down as it was time for the congratulatory song. Taeyeon and Jessica walked up to the small stage prepared for her as the music began to play.

Junsu and Seohyun informed them they were leaving first as they left for the hospital.

The soft voice filled the room as the light brown haired started the song.

eonjeyeotdeongeonji gieoknajin ana

Don’t remember from when it was

jakku nae meoriga neoro eojireopdeon sijak

That I started to keep thinking about you

han dubeonssik ddeo-oreudeon saenggak

The thoughts would appear about twice

jakku neureogaseo jogeum danghwangseureoun i maeum

They kept expanding and I felt a bit surprised

Soon another voice started to fill the room as everyone began to finally settle down.

byeorili anil su itdago sasohan maeum irago

I kept thinking to myself that it was nothing

naega nege jakku mareul haneunge eosaekhangeol

But it was awkward when I talked to you

Both voices started to fill the room as the words in the song conveyed what the newly wed couple felt like right now.

sarangingayo geudae nawa gatdamyeon sijakingayo

Is it love? If you’re thinking the same thing then is it a start for us?

mami jakku geudael saranghandaeyo

My heart keeps loving you

on sesangi deutdorok sorichineyo

Its screaming for the whole world to hear

wae ijeya deulrijyo u~

Why is it that I only hear now?

seorol mannagi wihae ijeya sarang chajatdago

I’ve found love now that I’ve found you

jigeum nae maeumeul seolmyeongharyeo haedo

Even if I try to explain my heart

niga naega dwe-eo mameul neukkineun bangbeop ppuninde

The only way you would know is if you had my heart

imi nan ni ane itneun geol

I’m already inside you

nae ane niga itdeusi

Just how you’re in my heart

urin seoroege (seoroege)

imi gildeuryeojinji molla

We might already be inside each other’s heart

sarangingayo geudae nawa gatdamyeon sijakingayo

Is it love? If you’re thinking the same thing then is it a start for us?

mami jakku geudael saranghandaeyo

My heart keeps loving you

on sesangi deutdorok sorichineyo

Its screaming for the whole world to hear

wae ijeya deulrijyo u~

Why is it that I only hear now?

seorol mannagi wihae ijeya sarang chajatdago

I’ve found love now that I’ve found you

saenggakhaebomyeon maneun sungansoge

eolmana maneun seolleim isseotneunji

Now that I think about it, there were so many moments of fluttering

jogeum neujeun geu mankeum nan deo jalhae julkkeyo

I’ll make up for all the time lost

hamkke halkkeyo chueoki dwel gieokman seomulhalkkeyo

I’ll be with you and give you only good memories,

dasin naegyeoteseo ddeonaji mayo

so in return you can’t leave me

jjalbeun sunganjochado buranhan geolyo

Even the slightest moments make me feel uneasy

naege meomulleojweoyo u~

Stay with me

geudael ireoke mani (geutorok mani)

I'm loving you (till then)

saranghago isseoyo (geudae hanaman) imi

like this (only you) already

The two voices blended well with each other as the song came to an end and the guests stood up to clap and cheer. They step off the stage to be greeted by their two best friends respectively with a wide grin on their faces.

“Aww~ Taetae you did amazing out there~.” complimented Tiffany.

“You two look really good together, maybe you guys should get together someday haha.” joked Yuri.

Taeyeon and Jessica just plastered a smile on their faces but inside they were confused and angry all at the same time, it was all too much for them to handle.

Will you ever look my way? If we weren’t sisters…would you love me, the way I love you?

Don’t you ever notice how I feel towards you…ever since that day…we made that promise…what happened to it? I know I shouldn’t be selfish because Tiffany’s the love of your life…

Chapter 4: Is love really all that?

The guests were chatting happily with each other while eating. Most of Yuri’s friends’ parents went up to Yuri’s parents to congratulate them.

Yuri and Tiffany were clinging onto each other arm to arm as they sat next to Yuri’s parents. They were openly flirting with each other and that caused Mrs Kwon to feel uncomfortable at her daughter’s openness.


’s father had been informed by his personal secretary about something during the wedding and had already left. Leaving only Yuri’s mother, Yuri and Tiffany at the table, Jessica and Taeyeon went to get food while Yunho was talking with his friends.

“-Cough- Ahem. Would you two ladies behave more appropriately.” reminded Mrs Kwon.

“Sorry, umma.” apologised Yuri.

“Sigh~, why can’t you act more like Taeyeon?” asked Mrs Kwon.

“Umma!” shouted Yuri as she flushed.

“Anyways, Tiffany is your sister coming over to join us? I haven’t seen her for very long and I’ve a lot of catching up to do with her.” asked Mrs Kwon.

“I’m not sure, Mother. But, during her stay in France we totally lost contact with her. She never once called home.” explained Tiffany.

“She never once called?” questioned Mrs Kwon.

Tiffany just simply nodded her head.

Jessica was sitting at the same table eating quietly not wanting to bother about the happy couple in front of her. Just then, Taeyeon came back with the food and sat down next to Jessica.

“Long time no see, jageun samonim.” greeted Taeyeon.

“Long time no see as well, Taeyeon.” Mrs Kwon greeted back.

“So, how was France?” asked Mrs Kwon.

“It was great, I definitely learnt a lot of new things when I was there.” said Taeyeon.

“Glad to hear that.” replied Mrs Kwon.

“Yuri-ah” Taeyeon called.

“Yes?” she answered.

“Can I let down my hair? This tux is really suffocating hehe.” Taeyeon joked.

“You can let down your hair but there’s no way I’m letting you get out of that tux.” teased Yuri.

“And besides, umma loves it right?” asked Yuri.

Mrs Kwon blushed at that sentence and said,

“Yuri-ah, behave yourself. Taeyeon-ah, don’t mind her, she’s always like that. I wished she was more like you.”

“It’s ok, I’m used to it, aren’t I?” assured Taeyeon with a smile.

Mrs Kwon was taken aback by that smile and in her mind it had struck her.

That smile…it’s exactly like Mrs Kim’s smile when she was Taeyeon’s age…but…their totally not related…and Taeyeon…it’s almost like she’s the splitting image of Mrs Kim…

They all quietly ate their meals, well not really quietly as Yuri was busy feeding Tiffany. Taeyeon tried to calm herself down by indulging herself in the food but everything came out bland It was as if she was just eating water.

Jessica noticed that and immediately took her spoon and fed Taeyeon the soup she was having. Taeyeon just silently opened her mouth as she swallowed down the contents of the soup like a little kid.

“Aww~ you’re still as adorable as last time.” commented Tiffany.

“Fany-ah, aren’t I adorable as well?” asked Yuri as she gave a pout.

“Yuri-ah, you’re not and besides I like you for a different reason.” explained Tiffany.

Yuri just gave Tiffany a big smile.

“And…anyways, when did you and Jessi get together?” asked Tiffany.

They both blushed at that sentence.

“Don’t have to be shy.” said Yuri.

“We’re not toge-“Taeyeon reasoned but before she could complete her sentence, Jessica held onto Taeyeon’s hand as she completed her sentence for her.

“We are an item, but we like to keep it on the down low. Taengoo wanted that, that was why I kept it from you guys.” explained Jessica.

“Ohhh~ the two lovebirds are already so romantic, making promises with each other.” jeered Yuri teasingly.

“Aww~ I’m going to miss Taetae cooking for me only, now I have to share her cooking with my future sister-in-law.” complained Tiffany.

“Fany-ah~ you know I can always cook for you right?” reminded Yuri as she leaned on Tiffany’s shoulder.

“Haha, Yuri-ah, you can’t be jealous of my sister right?” asked Tiffany.

Yuri just pouted as she snuggled closer to Tiffany. Jessica and Taeyeon flinched at that gesture while Jessica took the initiative and pulled Taeyeon closer to her,

“Now you know how I feel right?” questioned Tiffany.

“But…both of you are always the number one person in my heart.” reasoned Yuri.

“No buts choose one. Either it’s me or that motorcycle.”

“Of course I’ll choose you.” said Yuri flirting.

“Ahem! Yuri-ah, when are you going to come and help out?” asked Mrs Kwon as she coughed.

“It’s about time you step inside, there are many things you can help out for your father since he’s been so stressed out lately. Your oppa can help you with your work, you can’t be forever living off our money right?”


got up as she now faced her mother.

“Umma~ you know I’m not cut out for those things right?” whined Yuri.

“I’ll see to it.”


“Your father plans on giving you the rights to take over the company, even though I don’t understand why, because, your oppa is the perfect candidate to be the heir.”

“Then why don’t you just stop appa from putting me into that company, you know how I’m like right, umma? I can’t stand being punctual and I definitely can’t stand being trapped in an office with four walls.” complained Yuri.

“I want you to attend the Kim’s party two weeks from now.” instructed Mrs Kwon.

“We are planning to sign a contract with them and it would be helpful if you could be there at the party as well.”

“Alright~ but I’m bringing Fany along as well.”

“Fine…” Yuri’s mother succumbed to Yuri’s favour.

-On the other hand-

Junsu, Seohyun and Jaejoong were on their way to the hospital. Junsu and Seohyun were panicking while Jaejoong was still in a trance.

“Driver Yoon, can you drive faster?” asked Junsu.

“Young master, I’m already going at a really fast speed.” reasoned the chauffeur.

“I knew I should have driven my sports car.” mumbled Junsu.

“Oppa, calm down…I’m sure umma is alright.” said Seohyun trying to calm Junsu down.

When they finally arrived at the hospital, Junsu and Seohyun rushed into the hospital.

“Where is she?!” shouted Junsu at the receptionist.

“WH…WH…what do you mean, she?” stammered the receptionist.

“My mom!”

“Could you kindly tell me her name?”

“Mrs Kim Jaehee.”

“Hold on for a moment, sir.” said the receptionist as she began to search for the name on the computer.

When she was done, Junsu immediately bombarded her with questions.

“So, which room number is she? Can I go see her right now?”

“She…she’s in room number 309, on the third floor and yes, you may go visit her now.”

“Thank you very much.” said Junsu and Seohyun as they rushed up.

Jaejoong mindlessly bowed and left with his two cousins.

When they arrived at the third floor they rushed to find room number, 309. And then, they saw a doctor stepping out of that room.

“Seonsaengnim how is my umma?” asked Junsu.

“She is really lucky that we were able to give her enough blood as she suffered from blood loss.” explained the doctor.

“Seonsaengnim who donated the blood to my umma?” asked Seohyun.

“No one really…we had sufficient amount of blood.”

“She’ll be awake in a while, I’ll be taking my leave then.” informed the doctor.

“Thank you very much, seonsaengnim.” said Seohyun as she thanked the doctor, Junsu did the same.

After the doctor left, Junsu, Seohyun and Jaejoong stepped into the room, relieved to find their mother alive and kicking. Jaejoong wanted to get some fresh air and informed them that he was leaving first. Jaejoong opened the door and stepped out, he mindlessly walked out of the hospital and instead of taking the car he decided to walk instead.

Why…why couldn’t it be him? I’m the one who was always by her side… Taeyeon wasn’t even there for her…she just disappeared 3 years ago…for no apparent reason…

He walked aimlessly until he stumbled upon a pub. It was the same one Yoochun had mentioned, Jaejoong did not bother about anything and just stepped inside. He walked over to the bartender and ordered a bottle of tequila, he poured the drink into the one shot glass cup as he drank bitterly from it. At that point of time, he didn’t have any thoughts at all, everything was blank. Jaejoong was a lost soul not knowing where to go and in the end like everyone else, he succumbed to alcohol to drown his sorrows.

Jaejoong was always well-mannered and polite as one would say the perfect boyfriend, handsome, tall, well-built, nice, humorous, and gentlemanly and the list could go on and on. He was never the type of guy who would get himself drunk, especially in the middle of the day. But like every other human being, he had his flaws and of course he wanted to hide away from the pain he was having right now. It wasn’t visible to the human eye, but it hurt a hundred no, a thousand times more. His heart was aching and he was lost, lost in the cruel world of reality. As he drank glass after glass there was almost no life in his eyes any longer. As he drank glass after glass the words kept replaying through his mind.

Let me be the one to love you…let me be the one to love you…

He was angered at that thought, he knew he was selfish but he couldn’t help feel jealous. As people say, love is blind and can make you do the craziest things. Jaejoong gripped his half filled glass tightly until it shattered in his palm, the glass cut his hand as the blood dripped down. But, Jaejoong by then was already drunk, he felt no pain at all, absolutely nothing, until his mind went completely blank and he passed out at the pub.

Love…the word so powerful yet so weak…it can turn you into something you never wanted to be…is it worth fighting for it? Is It even worth it? Why is it that even if people love, their still hurt? What exactly is the love I’m looking for? Is Jessica really… Is she really…the one for me?

Chapter 5: Drown in sobers…

-Later that night-

-At the Kim’s mansion-

-Living room-

“Man, why hasn’t Jaejoong come back yet? It’s already 11:30 p.m.!” exclaimed Junsu frustrated at the fact that his cousin has yet to arrive.

“Oppa calm down, I’m sure Jaejoong oppa had something on.” assured Seohyun.

“But…he’s not one who would not inform us that he’s coming back late…” protested Junsu.

“Maybe it just slipped his mind?” said Seohyun.

“Maybe you’re right…” Junsu succumbed but was still extremely worried about his cousin.

Just then a voice started to sing.

You are always gonna be my love

Even if I fall in love with someone else someday

Itsuka dareka to mata koi ni ochitemo

I'll remember to love, you taught me how…(Ringtone used-First Love by: Utada Hikaru



The voice got cut off after Junsu answered the call.

“Yeoboseyo, who am I speaking to?” he asked.

“Junsu, it’s me Yoochun! There’s an emergency! Jaejoong…” Yoochun began over the phone panicking.

“Calm down, Yoochun…what’s wrong?” asked Junsu.

“Ok…I found Jaejoong at the nightclub I had mentioned earlier in the dressing room…” he explained.

“Wait…WHAT?! Jaejoong in a nightclub, are you serious?!” questioned Junsu.

“Yes, I am. A hundred percent…anyways, he looked pretty bad…and I noticed his hand was bleeding and there was a broken glass cup in his hand so I took him to the hospital…” he explained.

“Thanks for the help…” thanked Junsu.

“No need to thank me, I’m just wondering why he even came to this place?” asked Yoochun.

“Beats me.” shrugged Junsu.

“According to the bartender he was there since afternoon…” informed Yoochun.

“Afternoon?” questioned Junsu.

It means he was there after he left the hospital? What’s wrong with him? He was never so irresponsible…

“I’m coming over right now, which hospital is he in?” informed Junsu.

“Err…Seoul St. Mary’s hospital…” said Yoochun.



They both hung up and the line went dead. Junsu shoved the phone into his pocket and quickly grabbed his jacket.

“Seohyun, Jaejoong is in the hospital we have to leave.” informed Junsu.

“Wait, oppa…I’ll go get my jacket.”

After Seohyun got her jacket she and Junsu hopped into Junsu’s yellow Lamborghini Murcielago. Junsu sped off to the hospital, when he arrived at the hospital. He rushed out along with Seohyun who calmly followed behind. Junsu tried to calm himself down as he asked the receptionist politely.

“May I know which room is Kim Jaejoong staying in?”

“Let me check.” said the nurse as she began typing onto the computer keyboard.

“Ah! Kim Jaejoong-ssi? He’s staying at Room 205, walk straight turn left and you’ll find the room.” explained the nurse.

“Kamsahamnida.” they both thanked as they both quickly shuffled their feet to Jaejoong’s ward.

When they entered they could see that Jaejoong looked like he was in bad shape like what Yoochun mentioned through the phone. Junsu looked at the lying man on the bed. To Junsu, Jaejoong was not just a cousin, he was something more than just that. He was like a brother, a best friend and to him like a soul mate.

“Don’t worry too much oppa.” assured Seohyun.

“What am I going to do now, Seohyun-ah?” he asked.

“I promised Jaejoong’s parents to take good care of him before they passed away but look what’s happening? I even failed to notice that he was suffering…”

“It’s okay, oppa. Everything will be fine.” assured Seohyun once again as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

Junsu turned to face his sister and smiled.

“You know…I may not say this out loud often but I’m glad that you were my sister…If it wasn’t for you I don’t know how I’m going to go through all these ordeals.” confessed Junsu.

“What are siblings for, oppa?” said Seohyun.

“Yea…” Junsu agreed.


-Earlier this evening-

After the wedding had come to an end, Tiffany, Yuri and Taeyeon went back to the Kwon’s mansion. Jessica tagged along with Taeyeon but she told Jessica that she would be fine and Jessica left after which. The Rolls Royce limousine drove into the mansion as the automatic gates opened wide for them. The house had a detector system which allowed any of the cars to be identified, only the authorised ones were allowed to enter the mansion. Yuri’s mother had some business to attend to and had therefore left beforehand.

Tiffany and Yuri took off their shoes and stepped into the house, Taeyeon followed behind. There wasn’t really a need for the newlywed couple to buy a new house since Tiffany had been staying here for almost all her life as Yuri’s personal maid but as of now she was officially her wife. They had already prepared a newlywed room beforehand clearing out their old stuff from the previous room and moving it to their new room. They also brought a new bed and certain new accessories.

Taeyeon walked towards the room she used to stay in three years ago, she twisted the door knob and stepped inside. As she turn the switch on, the lights flickered on to reveal a neatly arranged room. It was exactly how it was left 3 years ago, nothing was touched or moved. Taeyeon closed the door and locked it, she walked towards the dressing table and lifted up a photo stand back to its standing up position. It was a picture of the once happy family of four Taeyeon once had but all was shattered after that certain accident. She lifted another photo stand which showed the smiling face of Tiffany three years ago.

“I’ve missed you so much, Fany-ah…” confessed Taeyeon to the eye-smiling girl in the photo.

Taeyeon closed the photo stand again and stood up, she looked around the room. Nothing had changed at all, everything was the same. Just then, there was a knock on the door and Taeyeon walked over to open it.

“Taetae ah…” Tiffany called out.

“What is it, Fany-ah? Aren’t you going to accompany your seobang?” asked Taeyeon with a smile.

“Ya~ anyways, come down and have dinner with us.” informed Tiffany.

“You didn’t step into the kitchen right?” asked Taeyeon.

“And if I did?” questioned Tiffany.

“I think I’d die if I eat your cooking…tell mom and dad their eldest daughter is meeting them in heaven soon…” Taeyeon joked.

“Ya~ my cooking isn’t that bad~ Yuri even ate my cooking before, even you did as well in the past.” she protested.

“That’s because I’m your sister and Yuri’s your seobang.” reminded Taeyeon.

“Hmph, never mind…just come down and have dinner.” said Tiffany as she walked off with a pout.

Taeyeon just smiled and followed her sister down.

-At the dining table-

“I’m glad you didn’t let her cook, Yul.” thanked Taeyeon.

“After what I experienced the last time…I doubt I’m ever going to let her be near the kitchen.” agreed Yuri.

“Ya~ you two~ how can you guys tease me like that?” whined Tiffany as she pouted.

“Aww~ someone’s upset huh?” asked Yuri.


“Ok…I’m sorry~ Fany-ah~ jagi~” Yuri tried to calm her wife down.

“You two sure are lovey dovey, things sure have changed after my departure…” commented Taeyeon.

“Yea…things did change, Taeng…and by the way you haven’t told us why you left last time.” reminded Yuri.

“I thought you knew? I went to France because I got an offer to work there.” questioned Taeyeon.

“I know about that part but…you left so suddenly…we didn’t even get to say our farewells to you…” reminded Yuri.

“Oh~ ahahaha… I forgot to tell you guys the details of my flight, hehe…” Taeyeon joked with a sheepish laugh.

“Forgot? How can you forget something like that?” asked Tiffany slightly angry.

“Well…it slipped my mind?” said Taeyeon.

“Sigh~ just stops wandering around the world next time. “ Tiffany succumbed at the answer.

“I’ll try…”

“Anyways, Taeng…when did you and Sica get together?” asked Yuri in a playful manner.

“Yea, Taetae…you haven’t told us yet…” reminded Tiffany with a smile.

“Err…it just sort of happened?”

“Who confessed first?” inquired Yuri.

“Err…Sica did…” answered Taeyeon.

“Aww~ I didn’t know Sica could be so brave.” commented Yuri.

“She’s braver than you think she is though.” defended Taeyeon.

“Aww~ taking sides with your girlfriend now huh?” teased Yuri.

“Am not!” argued Taeyeon.

“Hehe…as if… anyways…” Yuri began but was cut off as the door clicked open.

A tall young man took off his shoes and placed them neatly by the shoe rack as he stepped into the house and walked towards the dining table.

“Hi, jesussi.” greeted Yunho.

“Ah~ ajubeoni, annyeonghaseyo…” greeted Tiffany as she stood up to greet Yunho.

“Haha…please sit down, no need to be so formal, Yunho oppa will do.” said Yunho as he gestured for Tiffany to sit down.

Tiffany took a seat and Yunho sat down as well.

“So…Taeng, where are you staying? Have you found a place yet?” asked Yuri.

“No…not yet but I’m looking around.” she answered.

“Why don’t you stay with us like you always did?” suggested Yunho.

“Yea…I’m sure umma has no problem with it, and besides, it’ll be troublesome to find a new place as well.” agreed Yuri.

“Oh alright then…” succumbed Taeyeon.

They ate dinner in peace, with the occasional laughter that could be heard here and there. After which, they headed to do their own things.

Taeyeon had gone back to her room and took out some of the paintings she had drawn when she was in France. She laid them by the wall as she took out an empty canvas from the cupboard and started to set up. She begins to paint something and was enjoying herself with it until late night.

-At the hospital-

Junsu and Seohyun had fallen asleep, sitting on the chairs near Jaejoong’s bed. Jaejoong had awoken to find himself in the hospital, he got up, his head feeling pain due to the hangover but he shook it off as he walked over to the bathroom to wash his face.

Kim Jaejoong! What is wrong with you?! Getting drunk like that!

He reprimanded himself inside his mind as he continued to splash the water against his face. His face was and his fringe was now dripping with water, as he took the towel to wipe the water off he starred long and hard into the mirror. Despising the way he looked right now, and despising the fact that he was making his cousins worry.

Why…? Why do I feel so much pain? No matter how long or how many times I try to drown myself in alcohol…I just can’t…just can’t get you out off my mind…Those words keep replaying in my mind like a broken recorder, I can’t get out…but I want to get out… Is the only way for my heart to be back in one piece…to torture the one you love? But that way…will I really be happy? Will you really be happy? And most importantly…will we really be happy?

Chapter 6: Confrontation and the truth

-At the Kwon’s mansion-

-Taeyeon’s room-


The alarm went off as she slowly opened her eyes, Taeyeon drag her feet to the bathroom and started washing up. After about thirty minutes, she came out looking fresh, as she stared at the full length mirror she sighed and kissed her padlock necklace.

Just bear with it…you can do it…


You have 4 new voicemail.


“Taengoo-ah, I know you asked me to leave first but…I was really worried about you so I called but you didn’t pick up...anything the matter? Don’t keep everything to yourself and please get the surgery done soon…I know the chances are extremely low and all but…there is a possibility right? Anyways, feel free to call me anytime…”

-Sica (Your healer)-

Taeyeon smiled bitterly at the nickname.


“Kiddo, answer your bloody phone! I know I said I’d give you a few months to consider about the surgery and all but I’m afraid we can’t delay any longer… Appa said I can give you at most only 3 months to think about…”



“YA! Kiddo! Are you even hearing what I’m saying? Answer your bloody phone, you pabo!”



“Yeoboseyo, how are you, unni? It’s me Yoona…I know it’s been a long time since I greeted you, you must be wandering why I didn’t call Yuri unni instead right? Well…the truth is after you left for France, I sort of ran away from home…so...And anyways…in case you didn’t know I just got back from America…And unni, another thing…I know your not particularly close with them but…is Seohyun doing well? I’ll arrange to meet you soon…Bye unni…”


Yoona left the house huh? I guess it was expected, considering the fact she was already having troubles because of that arranged marriage that was supposed to be for Yuri. Jageun samonim must be really angry.

And aish! That Hyoyeon…must she keep reminding me…I’m fully aware of the fact how much longer I’m left with…

Taeyeon deleted the voicemails and headed down to have her breakfast. As she walked down the flight of stairs she saw Yuri’s grandmother, mother and father. When she reached the dining table, she bowed to the three of them.

“Annyeonghashyeosseoyo, Hwejangnim.” she greeted Yuri’s father.

“Annyeonghaseyo, jageun samonim.” she greeted.

“Annyeonghashyeosseoyo, keun samonim, oraenmanimnida.” she greeted Yuri’s grandmother with a smile.

“Ah...Keurae…oraenmanida…anjeuseyo.” she replied as she offered a seat for Taeyeon.

Taeyeon took a sit and began to eat the breakfast that was prepared by the personal chefs.

“So, Taeyeon-ah…how was your stay in France?” asked Yuri’s grandmother.

“I learned a great deal of things, keun samonim.”

“Oh~ like what?”

“About my life mostly…”

“Oh, so…have you learn anything from your stay there?” she questioned.

“I most certainly have…” replied Taeyeon with utmost confidence in her voice as she smiled.

The painful truth that I’m more aware of than anything else…

“I see…”

“By the way, keun samonim…where is Yoona? I haven’t seen her recently?” she asked curious to find out how they would react.

They fell silent at the mention of Yoona’s name before Yuri’s grandmother finally spoke up.

“Don’t speak of that unruly child…and let’s continue with our meal, and Taeyeon-ah, have you decided where you want to work yet?” she asked.

“I’ve decided to work as a freelance artist.” she replied.

“Oh…is that so?” she questioned.

Taeyeon just simply nodded and smiled.

Just then, Butler Han came walking in and bent down to whisper into Mr Kwon’s ears.

“I’ll be taking my leave now, eomeoni.” he informed.


He followed Butler Han out as his chauffeur drove him off to the office.

“Jal meogeotseumnida, keun samonim, jageun samonim.” she informed as she stood up to leave.

“Taeyeon-ah, can you please call Yuri and Tiffany down. The maids tried knocking on their door but to no avail.” requested Mrs Kwon.

“Ok, I’ll try…”

Taeyeon walked back up and walked towards their room, she stood behind the door and breathe in.


“Who is it?” asked the voice from inside the room.

“It’s me, jageun samonim asked you two to head down for breakfast.”

informed Taeyeon.

“Oh ok…we’ll get ready in 5 minutes.” replied Yuri.

-After 10 minutes-

The door opened, Tiffany and Yuri stepped out of their room to be greeted by a smiling Taeyeon leaning against the wall.

“Sure took you guys long…” remarked Taeyeon with a cheeky smile.

“Hehe…yea…” said Yuri with a sheepish smile.

“Good morning, Taetae.” greeted Tiffany as she hug her older sister.

“Good morning as well, klutz.” she greeted back as she let go of the embrace.

“Ya~ don’t tease me like that~” whined Tiffany as she pouted.

“Haha ok, let’s head down.”

The three head down to the dining table. Tiffany and Yuri greeted the two elders before taking a seat and having their breakfast.

“Where’s oppa?” asked Yuri not seeing her elder brother anywhere.

“He went to work.” informed Mrs Kwon.

“Yuri-ah, you should start work soon.”

“Umma~ can you stop pestering me about that? Don’t we have oppa to take over the company?” asked Yuri.

“I know but we can’t deny the truth that your oppa is just an adopted son, your father might not approve him of being the successor.” reasoned Mrs Kwon.

“What if one day, his parents come knocking on the door for money?” asked Mrs Kwon.

“Alright, fine~” succumbed Yuri.

~naega babo gataseo…barabol su bakkeman eopnun geon (Because I am a fool, I can only look at you from the distance) ~

“Excuse me, but I’ll go answer the call.” informed Taeyeon.

She stood up and walked to the living room to take the call.

“Yeoboseyo?” she answered.

“Taengoo-ah, bad news…Yunho oppa just informed me that Junsu called him to say that Jaejoong oppa is in the hospital…” informed Jessica.

“What happened?” she asked concern.

“I don’t know the details but Junsu said Yoochun found him drunk at a nightclub and his hand was bleeding.”

“Sica, we’re talking about Jaejoong oppa here you know?” she reminded.

“Yes I know but it’s the truth.”

“But he never gets drunk, he’s always responsible for his own actions…I wonder what happened?”

“That’s what I was thinking as well…”

“Anyways, can you come to my apartment?” asked Jessica.

“You don’t live with your parents anymore?” Taeyeon questioned.

“I moved out, lots of things have changed ever since you left Taengoo.” she reminded.

“Ahaha…I guess so…”

“I’ll send you the address later…” informed Jessica.

“Oh ok…oh wait, Sica-ah…hold on I have a second line…” informed Taeyeon.

“Oh ok…”

Taeyeon answered the second line putting Jessica on hold.

“Yeoboseyo, who is it?” she asked.

“Unni, it’s me, Yoona! I know it’s inconvenient for you but would you like to meet up some time?” asked Yoona.

“Err…I have something on today how about tomorrow?” she asked.

“Oh ok…I’ll see you then…”

“Bye, unni…”


She hung up and put Jessica back on the line.

“Who was it?” asked Jessica.


“She came back from America already?”

“Yea, apparently…”

“Oh ok, meet you later, bye.”


Taeyeon hung up and shoved the phone back into her pocket.

A lot of things sure have changed while I was gone…

Taeyeon went to sit down on the sofa as she lazed around. Just then Yuri came and sat down beside her.

“I heard it, it was a call from Sica right?” teased Yuri.

“You two are so lovey dovey right now, I’ve never seen Sica take the initiative to call this early.” said Yuri teasingly.

“Yea…I’ve never seen her wake up this early as well on a Sunday before…” agreed Tiffany as she sat down beside Yuri.

“She must sure like you a lot…” commented Yuri.

“Yea…” she absentmindedly replied.

You don’t know the half of it…

“Oh Yuri-ah, your sister’s back…” informed Taeyeon.

“Oh is that so? Where is she staying?” asked Yuri.

“I don’t know but I’m meeting her tomorrow…would you like to come along?” asked Taeyeon.

“Nah~ I’ll pass…I’ll meet up with her some other time…”

“Oh alright then, I’ll be taking my leave.” informed Taeyeon.

“Hehe…can’t wait to see your girlfriend huh?” teased Yuri.

“Haha…yea…” Taeyeon played along.



Taeyeon put on her shoes and left the house, she walked to the nearest bus stop and took the bus that headed to Jessica’s apartment.

-At the hospital-

“Where’s Jaejoong? He’s in not state to be out!” said Junsu in frustration as he woke up to find his cousin not lying on the hospital bed.

“Calm down, oppa…I’m sure Jaejoong oppa knows what he’s doing…” assured Seohyun.

“Fine…” Junsu succumbed.

They both step out of the ward as they headed out of the hospital and back home.

Jaejoong headed to Jessica’s apartment. When he arrived there he looked up and sighed.

Is this really the right thing to do? Is it right to hurt Taeyeon this way?

Just then the bus had arrived, Taeyeon step out. Jaejoong hid behind the wall.

Sica must have invited her…I’m sorry Taeyeon but I just can’t control myself…no hard feelings right? As they say all is fair in love and war…

Taeyeon told the security guard she was here to see her friend and showed him the address. The security guard kindly told her where to go and she thanked him in return.

She took the lift and headed up to Jessica’s apartment. When she reached she rang the doorbell.

Diing Dong~

The door clicked opened and Taeyeon stepped into the apartment. It was pretty big with a flat screen TV and a comfortable sofa in the living room. There were three rooms and it was simple and made you feel at home.

“So…why you called me here for?” asked Taeyeon.

“Just take a seat first.” offered Jessica as she plopped herself onto the sofa.

Taeyeon did the same.

“I got your medical reports from the hospital you were in when you were in France.” informed Jessica looking really serious.

“Oh…is that so?”

“It’s serious Taengoo…you should seriously seek help…”

“Just wait a little while longer, Sica-ah…I have unattended business I need to attend to…”

“But Taengoo-ah…” she protested.

“I know fairly well…Sica-ya…”

“But…” she tried to protest again just then the doorbell rang.

“I’ll go get answer.” she informed as she stood up.

She clicked a button and a face appeared on the screen.

“Oh hi oppa, what are you doing here?” asked Jessica.

“Ah hi Jessica, I know it’s inconvenient but can you let me in?” asked Jaejoong.

“Oh ok…” she replied as she off the screen and opened the door.

Jaejoong took off his shoes and headed inside.

“Oppa what did you come here for?” asked Jessica.

“Nothing much, just had something to talk to Taeyeon with…”

“Me?” Taeyeon asked.


Jaejoong took a seat on the couch, Jessica offered a glass of water for the two of them and plopped down beside Taeyeon.

“I thought you were supposed to be in the hospital, oppa?” asked Jessica.

“Yea…I was but I got discharged already…”

“Oh…that’s good, your hand okay now?” Taeyeon asked.

“It’s fine…”

“Taeyeon-ah…” he called out his voice sounding really serious.

“Yes? What is it, oppa?” she asked.

“I know you and Jessica are an item right now but…I’m serious about this…I love Jessica and I’d do anything to take her away from you.” he said looking really serious.

Taeyeon and Jessica were both in shock not knowing what to do.

“Jessica, I’m serious about you…that’s why I came here…I needed to confront the two of you in a calm manner otherwise I’d wouldn’t know what I might do…” he confessed.

“Jaejoong oppa, I’m sorry but I only saw you as an elder brother…” said Jessica.

“I know but…I’ve been trying to make myself calm down and be rational about this instead of letting another side of me take over and hurt either of you two…” informed Jaejoong.

“It’s really hard for me, to even face you two like this…don’t make me lose myself any more…” he pleaded.


“Just give me a chance…”

“But Taengoo needs me the most right now…”

“I know but…”

Taeyeon sat there in silence not knowing what to say. Just then her heart started to tightened and she felt a stinging pain in her chest.

“Jessica, please…I’m begging you…I don’t think I can let you go again…it hurts me seeing you with another person…I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself…I seriously don’t want to hurt any of you…”

“But oppa, I’m sorry I just can’t leave Taengoo…”

“Can’t you give it a shot?” he asked.

“I can’t…”

Just then Taeyeon gripped her chest, she was feeling pain.

Man…its acting up again…I thought Hyoyeon said that the medication would help…

Jessica noticed Taeyeon’s strange behaviour and immediately went to her aid.

“Taengoo-ah, what’s wrong?” she asked concern.

“Nothing…” she replied ignoring the pain.

“Don’t lie to me! There’s something seriously wrong!” she shouted.

“Don’t worry it’s nothing…” Taeyeon replied with a smile.

Jaejoong did not know what to do or say as he watched the couple in front of him with bitter eyes.

Just then the pain felt even worse, she began to sweat profusely and finally she blacked out.

“Taengoo…Taengoo…don’t scare me like that…”

“Wake up!” she shouted as she shook the petite girl’s body.

Jaejoong was shocked at what happened, he came here to reason things out but he did not expect things to turn out this way.

“I’ll carry her to your room.” he offered.

“Thanks oppa.”

He lifted the petite girl up and put her down gently onto Jessica’s bed.

“What happened?” asked Jaejoong concern for his friend despite that she was his love rival.

“It’s nothing oppa…”

“Don’t lie to me! There’s something wrong with her right?”

“You promise you won’t tell anyone?” she asked.

“Fine…I promise I won’t…” he succumbed.

“She has a heart condition, but apparently too stubborn to take surgery and doesn’t have the money to…”

“What?! Why?”

“She said she had unattended business to attend to…I don’t know but if this goes on any longer…”

“I’m sorry for coming down here today…I’ll take my leave first…” he informed as he left the apartment and took the elevator down in a hurry.

Jessica didn’t even say a proper farewell to him and just sat down on her bed looking at the petite girl.

Pabo-ah…why do you have to be so stubborn…

Jaejoong walked to the bus stop, dragging his feet along, guilt written all over his face.

How can I fight for you now…when she’s in pain…how can I make her suffer when you’re already suffering seeing her like this…it’s not fair to fight like this…why isn’t the world ever fair? Why…?

Chapter 7: Questions answered and an unexpected return?

-The next day-

-At the Kwon’s mansion-

-In Yuri and Tiffany’s room-

“Yuri-ah~ why didn’t Taetae come back home last night?” she asked.

“Maybe she spent the night over at Sica’s place?”

“Taetae must really like her huh? I’ve never seen her so open to anyone other than you and me before…”

“Yea…but isn’t It better that way? I don’t want her to go back to the past again…she seems happy now…”


“And lazy bum get ready and get dress, you’ll be late for work soon.”

“Aww man~ fany-ah, jagi~ umma already said I should start work soon… not today…” she whined.

“But…” she tried to protest but Yuri silenced her by embracing her as they went back to sleep.

-At Jessica’s apartment-

-In Jessica’s room-

Jessica was lying beside Taeyeon when Taeyeon had woken up in the morning.

I’m still in Sica’s place huh? I must have blacked out…wasn’t Jaejoong oppa here yesterday?

Taeyeon tried to move but couldn’t she turn to face Sica who was sleeping soundly. As she struggled to get out of Jessica’s embrace, Jessica pulled her in even tighter.

“Just sleep Taengoo-ah~ I already told the staff I won’t be going to work today…” she said with her eyes close.

“Sica-ah…you’re awake?” she asked.

“Mmm…so just stay still and sleep for a little while longer…”

“Oh ok…” she succumbed.

After a while Taeyeon fell back asleep again, until it was late morning. She awoke at the sound of her ringtone.

“Yeoboseyo, who is it?”

“Kiddo, it’s me Hyo! I just arrived in Korea!” she informed.

“WH…WH…WHAT?!” Taeyeon exclaimed loudly as she bolted up from the bed.


woke up to the loud noise as well to see that Taeyeon was on the phone.

“Kiddo, I’m seriously worried about you ok? That’s why I asked appa to let me come here, I’m going to rent an apartment…I’ll be staying here long term, kiddo.” she informed.

“What? You never told me about this before…”

“Well…I wanted to surprise you, anyways, just take care and remember to eat your medication…” reminded Hyoyeon.

“Ok fine…”

“Bye, kiddo…”


Taeyeon hung up she sighed, Jessica looked at her with concern eyes.

“Is there anything wrong?”

“Hyoyeon just came to Korea.” she informed.

“Who is she?” Jessica asked.

“She’s the daughter of the doctor who is in charge of me in the hospital in France.” explained Taeyeon.



You have 1 new message.

-Unni, it’s me Yoona…I know it’s a little earlier than expected but I seriously need to meet up with you right now…can you spare a little time for me if you’re not busy? Thanks, and I’ll meet you at Soshi café at 2:15 sharp.-


She closed the phone shut after reading the message.

“Who was it?” Jessica asked.

“Yoona…she says she wants to meet me at Soshi café at 2:15.” informed Taeyeon.

“There’s still plenty of time…let’s eat first shall we?”


“So Sica-ah…you have anything to eat besides cereal for breakfast?” asked Taeyeon.

“Taengoo-ah, you know perfectly well I can’t cook right?” reminded Jessica.

“Haha…I forgot about that…”

“I’ll cook then…”

“Really?” asked Jessica her eyes brightened up.

“Why are you looking at me that way?”

“Well…I haven’t eaten a home-cooked meal in a long time.”


“Just sit down and wait at the living room, I’ll call you when it’s ready.”

“Oh ok…”

-After 30 minutes-

“Food’s ready!” Taeyeon announced from the kitchen.


walked over to the kitchen and sat down at the dining table. In front of her was a well laid out breakfast. Rice, steam egg and soup, even though it was packet soup.

“Sorry, your house didn’t have many ingredients so that was all I could make.”

“It’s ok…”

They quietly began to eat in peace, not wanting to disturb the other until Jessica broke the silence by saying.

“Taengoo-ah, I know that you have unattended business to attend to but can’t you take your surgery first?”


“No buts, Taengoo-ah…are you forgetting about your other condition…Do you want me to worry about you so much all the time? I won’t be here everyday you know, what if one day…you black out again and nobody’s around to take care of you!”

“I’m sorry…I’ll go take the surgery then…I’m sure Hyo won’t stop pestering me about it…”

“And another thing, Taengoo-ah…can you move in with me instead? I think it’s going to be harder for you to hide the fact about your other condition from Fany any longer…”

“I’ll inform them about it…”

“And Taengoo-ah, if you’re worried about the money…I can pay for you first…don’t be stubborn about it…”

“Fine…” Taeyeon succumbed.

“So…Sica-ah…can you fill me in on what happened when I left? I don’t know it just seems that everything has changed…” asked Taeyeon

“Oh ok…”

“First off, I left my house…I couldn’t stand eomeoni any longer…I know I’m an illegitimate child and all but I have my rights and all…appa gave me that coffee shop a few blocks away from my apartment to manage the business, he also gave me this apartment.” explained Jessica.

“Oh…how is Krystal by the way?”

“She’s fine…eomeoni arranged to have her married to some heir to some big corporation forgot his name though.”

“But she’s just 20 this year!” argued Taeyeon emphasizing on the word twenty.

“I know but…eomeoni wants her to marry, apparently to expand the business I don’t know…”

“But doesn’t she like that tomboy girl Amber?” asked Taeyeon.

“Yea…she does but…eomeoni doesn’t approve of it…not only is Amber a girl she’s poor…and well…she can’t exactly support Krystal…” said Jessica.

“And what about Yoona, I know one of the many reasons why she left was because of that arranged marriage but there’s something more to it right?” questioned Taeyeon.

“Yea…she had a big fight with Yuri’s grandmother and got chased out or ran away…she got drunk and then…it all went downhill…”

“What happened?” asked Taeyeon.

“She ran away…she was going to confess to Seohyun on that day they announced to her about the arranged marriage…but she got drunk and went back to the dorm she was staying with Seohyun in, in a sober state. And you should know what happened…Seohyun could never forgive her for what she did and went back to staying in her own house instead of the dorms any more. After a while, Yoona left without a word to America.” explained Jessica.

“Oh…I didn’t know about that…”

“Oh and Sunny and Sooyoung got married.” informed Jessica.

“The two of them got together?” Taeyeon questioned.

Jessica just simply nodded.

“You could say they’re the only happy couple out there…sometimes I envy them even though they fight all the time…” opinionated Jessica.

“And Seohyun’s dating Changmin now…Changmin confessed to her after Yoona left but I don’t think Seohyun’s heart is really with him…” commented Jessica.

“Now…that’s a surprise…” remarked Taeyeon.

“Yoochun oppa and Yuri were engaged but Yuri could no longer stand it so she finally decided to oppose to the marriage.”

“They were engaged?” asked Taeyeon looking shock.

Jessica just simply nodded.

“Oh and Junsu oppa, he started working for his father’s company right after he graduated. He’s stressing himself out everyday as you can see…he even broke off with Bora unni because of work…”

“He broke off with Bora unni? But they seemed so happy together…”

“Yea…I know…somehow I felt that it had to do something with his dad…”

“Seohyun’s been helping him out recently to lessen his burden but he seems to be frustrated…especially with his mother now in hospital and all…”

“Oh and Junsu oppa and his father had a huge argument.” informed Jessica. “Oh really?” asked Taeyeon.

“Yea…I don’t know what was it about exactly but it was something to do with your parents’ death…apparently…Junsu oppa somehow found out about it…he’s fighting about it with his dad all the time but he doesn’t have the evidence to prove that his dad was in the wrong…and well his dad basically forced him to keep his mouth shut and let bygones be bygones…”

“I didn’t know Junsu oppa cared so much…”

“Well…he said you kept reminding him of his other sister that he never got to love…”

“He had another sister?”

“Yea…apparently she died immediately after she was born due to a heart condition…”

“Oh…I didn’t know about that…if his sister were alive she’ll be the same age as us…and she has the exact same birthday as you, the two of you were even born in the same hospital…who knows if she were alive, we could have been great friends, maybe?” said Jessica.

“That sure is a major coincidence…” commented Taeyeon.

“Yea…it sure is, and I heard Mrs Kim wanted to name her daughter Taeyeon even…born on the same day, same hospital with the same name? It’s too bad she passed away early…”


They continued with their meals, after they had finished, Jessica offered to wash the dishes while Taeyeon sat down on the sofa in the living room watching TV.

“Sica-ah.” she called out.

“Yes? What is it, Taengoo?”

“Can I borrow your clothes?”



Taeyeon took Jessica’s clothes from her wardrobe and proceeded off to take a shower. After about 10 minutes she came out looking fresh and clean, she blow dried her hair and combed it before preparing to head out.

“I’m leaving.” she informed.

“Ok…and tell Yoona she should talk things out with Seohyun soon…I’m sure deep down Seohyun already forgives her, she’s just too stubborn like you to admit it…”

“Ya~ didn’t I say I’d take the surgery already?”

“Yea…only for that what about your other condition?” retorted Jessica.

Taeyeon fell silent at that remark and quickly shoved it off by smiling.

“I don’t know…bye, Sica-ah~”

“Bye, Taengoo~”

Taeyeon opened the door and left. Seeing her leaving from behind, Jessica sighed and went back to watching TV.

You pabo-ya…why must you always take the blame on yourself…

Taeyeon took the elevator down and walked to the bus-stop, she took the bus to Soshi café. She entered wondering where Yoona was until a shoulder length auburn haired girl waved to her. She walked over and was greeted by the girl’s bowing.

“Annyeonghaseyo, unni…oraenmanida…”

“Yea…oraenmanida…Yoona-ya…” she greeted.

They both took a seat.

“So…what did you want to talk to me about?” asked Taeyeon.

“Unni…I know that you’ve probably heard from them about my situation with my family and my situation with Seohyun right?” asked Yoona.

“Yea…what happened? You were never so irresponsible like that before…”

“I don’t know what got over me…ever since Yuri unni announced she was going to marry Tiffany the whole house turned topsy turvy. Halmeoni and umma forced the marriage on me instead, this time with some heir called Taecyeon and I haven’t even met him before. They were already arranging the marriage, engagement, everything and they announced it to me on the day I was going to ask Seohyun to be my girlfriend. I just couldn’t stand it…so you could say I ran out…and got drunk and then you know what happened right?”

Taeyeon just simply nodded.

“Seohyun doesn’t ever answer my calls when I’m in America, I called her almost everyday but to no avail…I don’t think she’ll ever forgive me…I don’t know what should I do unni…I heard Seohyun’s dating Changmin oppa now and they’re really happy together…”

“Yoona-ya…Seohyun might be with Changmin right now but you can’t deny the fact that deep down I’m sure Seohyun still feels something for you, it’s just…she’s too stubborn to admit it…”

Just like how I’m too stubborn to admit that I might never be able to see you again…

“And unni…Is oppa and unni doing well?” asked Yoona.

“Yea…they’re doing fine…although jageun samonim is forcing Yuri to work in the company which I doubt she can last…” remarked Taeyeon.

“Haha yea…unni hates punctuality remember?” reminded Yoona.

“Haha yea…I remember…she was always late for class and got so many detentions, luckily because of her family background the principal didn’t expel her…” said Taeyeon reminiscing the past.

“I heard from Sica, that Krystal is getting married?” asked Taeyeon.

“Yea…to some guy called Minho, apparently the same age as Seohyun…so I don’t know how things will work out though…” admitted Yoona.

“But I thought Krystal liked Amber? And I know Amber isn’t exactly rich and all but…she really knows how to take care of Krystal and most important she truly loves her…”

“Yea…I know but Krystal isn’t the type to rebel against her parents ever since Jessica unni left the house…the atmosphere in that house has become so tensed…”

“Yea…I heard about that…”

“So…why did you run to America?” asked Taeyeon.

“I don’t know…I just felt like running away from my problems…” confessed Yoona.

“What about you, unni? Why did you leave for France without a word?” asked Yoona.

“I guess I’m on the same boat as you…I decided to run away from my problems instead of facing them but now…I guess I’m slowly trying to face them…” confessed Taeyeon.

“Yoona-ya…don’t make the same mistake I did…face your problems head on…don’t ever think of running away again like I did…” advised Taeyeon.

“But unni…what if she doesn’t ever want to see me again?”

“You wouldn’t know until you actually go and try to talk to her right?”

“Yea…I guess you’re right…unni…”

“Oh and by the way, Taeyeon unni…could you tell unni and oppa not to worry so much about me? Tell them that their little sister is doing fine and is surviving well on her own.” informed Yoona.

“Yea…I will…I’ll be taking my leave then…” said Taeyeon as she stood up to leave.

“Bye unni…”

“Bye, Yoona and don’t forget what I said today…” reminded Taeyeon.

Taeyeon walked out of the café and looked at the time, just then she saw something on her hand phone screen.


You have 1 new message.

-To: Kiddo-

-YA! Kiddo, you didn’t even pick me up at the airport huh? Never mind, anyways are you going to take the surgery soon? Fine…I won’t pester about your other condition but you better get your heart treated first…-


Taeyeon began typing a message in return.

To: Hyoraengi

-Stop calling me kiddo when you’re just as short! And yea…I’ll do the surgery when is the fastest you can get the procedures done? I want it to be a secret from my family so try to keep it confidential…you can request for me to get an operation without any guardian or family’s signature for approval right? And sorry for not picking you up the airport but I thought you said not to pick you up? Oh and do you want to meet up soon? And don’t worry I know perfectly well how much longer I have left…-


Taeyeon walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive, when the bus arrived she boarded the bus and went to sit near the back of the bus.


You have I new message.

-To: Kiddo-

-First off you are a kiddo and secondly I’m glad you want to take the surgery, I can arranged it for you tomorrow, the fastest it’s done the faster I’ll have lesser worries and probably gain back some sleep because I’m always worrying about you Cheer up ^^ the world hasn’t end yet, I know it’ll be tough to accept it at first but there’s no choice…Anyways about your art works, I showed some of them to some of the art museums, some of my friends have connections with them and they said their keen on seeing your other works. They’re willing to pay a reasonable price for your paintings if you really want it I can ask them for a favour. But they’ll probably want 10% of the profit but that’s okay with you right? Loads of people want more than 30% of the profit but their offering you at this, I think it’s better to accept before they change their mind. Sorry for being long winded again, kiddo…I can already hear you scolding me an ajumma haha^_^ <3-


Taeyeon smiled at Hyoyeon’s message and began to sigh. Hyoyeon was always a great friend, someone who looked out for her, cared for her. She knew that Hyoyeon may be fierce and scary at times but she genuinely cares for her. Especially during her stay in France when she was all alone and was down, Hyoyeon was the first person who would comfort her and she was the first person who would actually not pester her into talking about her problems, she would just comfort her like a friend. A simple hug to others meant a lot to Taeyeon when it came to Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon was more than just a friend or the daughter of her doctor, she was someone whom she could trust completely, someone who helped her in times of need and most importantly, someone who loves her from deep within her heart.

Chapter 8: It’s more than just words…

The bus turned in and soon, Taeyeon reached the Kwon’s mansion which was a few blocks down. Taeyeon walked towards the Kwon’s mansion and rang the doorbell, the gate opened automatically as she stepped inside and the gate began to close back again. She opened the door and stepped into the house.

“Ah, you’re back?” asked Yuri who was sitting on the sofa with Tiffany.

“Yea…” Taeyeon answered with a plastered smile.

“You were at Sica’s place last night right?” Yuri pried.

“Yea…sorry for not informing you guys and making you worried.” she apologised.

“It’s okay…besides I’m sure you want to have more time with your girlfriend right?” questioned Yuri.

Taeyeon just sheepishly smiled back as she took a seat on the couch.

“Anyways, Sica asked me to stay at her place.” informed Taeyeon.

“What?!” exclaimed Tiffany.

“Is there a problem?” asked Taeyeon.

“It’s nothing just that…it’s boring without you…” admitted Tiffany.

“Ya~ don’t you have your gorgeous Kwon seobang with you?” whined Yuri.

“But you and Taetae are totally different you know~” complained Tiffany.

“How I wish sometimes you and her can just be one person, and then I’ll be so content.” commented Tiffany.

“Ya~ you love only me right?” questioned Yuri with puppy eyes and a pout.

“Haha…are you jealous of my own sister? You’re so cute~”

Yuri just huffed and leaned her head on Tiffany’s shoulder. Taeyeon looked at them bearing her own self from tearing the two apart.

“So…when are you moving?” asked Tiffany.

“By today.” stated Taeyeon.

“Today?! You should have informed us before hand.” scolded Tiffany.

“Sorry…but Sica wants me to move in as fast as possible, no delays at all.”

“Hehe…I bet you two can’t wait to get married, that’s why you guys want to stay together~” teased Yuri.

“No, we just thought that it’ll be uncomfortable for you newlyweds to live in a house with so many people.” stated Taeyeon.

“Haha as if we’ll believe that.” mocked Yuri.

“Anyways I’ll go up and pack my bags and then I’ll leave.” informed Taeyeon.

“So fast?” asked Tiffany with a pout.

“Haha…it’s not like I’m going to leave forever and you could always visit me anytime.” reminded Taeyeon.

“Oh ok.” said Tiffany with her signature eye smile.

“Oh and try not to visit me these few days, I probably won’t be at Sica’s place cause my friend in France got an offer for me to sell my artworks at the art museum. I’ll need to think of new ideas and such so I’ll probably wander around some places. And Sica will probably be busy with the café.” informed Taeyeon.

“Oh alright then…” succumbed Tiffany.

Taeyeon walked up to the second floor and packed her luggage as she carried that huge haversack bag and brought along that art stand along with her.

“Take care of yourself and don’t overwork.” reminded Tiffany.

“Haha you sound as if you’re my wife.” remarked Taeyeon jokingly.

“Haha very funny, Kim Taeyeon…you’re sister is my wife and anyways remember to take care of Sica as well.” reminded Yuri as she laughed sarcastically at Taeyeon’s remark.

“Don’t worry about that.” assured Taeyeon.

“I’ll miss you and remember to always call back.” reminded Tiffany.

“Haha…we’re not even living miles apart.” laughed Taeyeon.

“Ya~ who knows you might leave without a word again.” remarked Tiffany with a sad face.

“I’m sorry, I promise I won’t do that again…” apologised Taeyeon.

“Taeng, take care and we’ll come and visit you soon.” said Yuri.

“Sure…if you don’t treat my sis well I’ll make sure you don’t live to see tomorrow.” threatened Taeyeon with a smile.

“You know that smile scares the hell out of me.” admitted Yuri.

“Haha…I was just kidding with you…” Taeyeon joked.

“Bye, Taeng…we’ll come visit soon although I doubt I can since I’m starting work soon.” said Yuri as she hugged her best friend.

“Yea…don’t slack off work…” reminded Taeyeon as she returned the hug.

“Bye, Taetae…you know I’ll miss you a lot right?” said Tiffany as she hugged her sister.

“I know…” said Taeyeon softly as she returned the hug with only one hand just like how she always does.

Tiffany used to it just held onto her sister a little while longer. They let go of each other and Taeyeon smiled at her before she began to wear her shoes and walk out.

“Would you like a ride?” asked Yuri.

“Nah~ if it’s on your precious motorcycle, I’d rather not want to.” joked Taeyeon.

“Alright then, bye~”

“Bye~” she said as she slung the haversack over her shoulders and walked out of the house and towards the bus stop again and back to Jessica’s place.

The bus came and she boarded the bus, when she finally arrived at Jessica’s place. She rang the doorbell and Jessica let her in. Jessica helped Taeyeon with her baggage and placed it on the floor near the couch.

“Make yourself at home.” said Jessica as she went into the kitchen to grab a drink for her.

Taeyeon plopped herself on the couch looking exhausted. She closes her eyes trying to get some rest just then Jessica came with a glass of water and sat beside her.

“What’s on your mind?” asked Jessica.

“Nothing really…” she answered still with her eyes closed.

“So…when are you going to do the surgery?” asked Jessica.

“Soon…probably by today or tomorrow I guess.”

“That’s good…we should overcome this ordeal first then face on with the other.”


You have 1 new message.

-To: Kiddo-

-Ya kiddo! How have you been? Anyways, I’m renting a place at some couple’s house apparently my friend’s close with them but their so opposite of each other it makes me laugh^_^ and one of my tenants is a total shikshin, can you believe she eats more than 3 meals a day?! I wonder how her wife survives with her though…anyways I’ve send your medical reports to the hospital in Korea and they said they could arrange for the surgery to be done tomorrow 3:45 p.m. Oh and I’m outside right now, where are you? Can we meet up?-


After reading the message Taeyeon sent one back.

-To: Hyoraengi-

-How many times I’ve told you I’m not a kiddo! Anyways, I’m at Sica’s place right now…I’ll ask her if she can give you the address…-


She placed the phone aside and turned to Jessica.

“Who was it that you were text messaging?” asked Jessica.

“Hyoyeon, the girl I told you about.”


“She says she wants to meet up, is it okay if I give her your address?”

“Sure…no problem with that but why doesn’t she want to meet up outside?” questioned Jessica.

“Well…I’m kinda tired so I told her to meet us here.”

“Oh ok then…”

Taeyeon began typing the address and sent it to Hyoyeon. The two began to laze around on the couch not doing anything.

“Don’t you have work today?” asked Taeyeon.

“On certain days I work from home.”


“What about you? I heard that you got offers for your paintings, so you’re not going to paint anything new?”

“I’m a freelance artist so there isn’t really any deadlines for such things and besides isn’t it better that way? That way, you weren’t be so lonely alone at home.” stated Taeyeon.

“Haha…you’re so full of yourself but I guess that’s what makes you a great friend.” said Jessica with a smile.

Why is my heart beating faster? Have I fallen for Taengoo? Nah~ Sica-ya you think too much…

“Ya~ I’m so not full of myself~” whined Taeyeon.

“Haha…you’re so cute~ just like a puppy.” remarked Jessica.

“Sigh~ why do I have to be the pet when you’re the one who’s younger.” said Taeyeon in defeat.

“Well…that’s cause you look younger than me.”

“No fair…”

“Haha…you can’t choose your looks can you?”

Taeyeon just remained silent instead of arguing back. After pretending to be Jessica’s girlfriend for the past few days she started to slowly feel more comfortable with the latter. She could confide to the girl with any problems she had, Jessica was now to her a really close friend, someone who could almost replace Tiffany in her heart. But unfortunately, she would always remain at second.

Diing Dong~

Just then the doorbell rang. Jessica stood up to answer it when she saw the stranger standing outside she asked to see if it was that Hyoyeon girl Taeyeon was talking about. After confirming, she opened the door for the girl outside and the short girl walked in.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Hyoyeon.” greeted Hyoyeon.

“Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Jessica.” greeted Jessica back.

Hyoyeon walked towards Taeyeon and gave her a hug.

“How have you been kiddo?”

“I’m not a kiddo! And anyways, how’s life like in your new house?”

“Really fun but sometimes its scary when they fight though…”

“They sound really familiar though…” commented Taeyeon.

“Haha who knows, but I’m having fun with those two weirdoes though…”

Hyoyeon took a seat on the couch with Taeyeon and Jessica. The awkwardness between the two was still inevitable.

“So…that’s your girlfriend huh? Really pretty.” complimented Hyoyeon.

“Yea…she is isn’t she?”

“I know your just using her as an escape right?” whispered Hyoyeon.

“Yea…kinda…” admitted Taeyeon.

“So…Hyoyeon ssi, how old are you by the way?” asked Jessica.

“Drop the formalities I’m the same age with you guys probably younger I guess.”

“Oh ok, then Hyoyeon it shall be then…please take care of this stubborn dork over here.”

“I will don’t worry about it…I don’t know where she gets her stubbornness from though…” assured Hyoyeon.

“Ya~ you two, I’m still here.” stated Taeyeon.

“Haha I’m sorry.” apologised Hyoyeon light heartedly.

“There’s no need to say sorry, because you are a stubborn dork.” stated Jessica defending Hyoyeon.

“I knew that I shouldn’t have invited Hyo to come here, I bet you guys planned this before hand right?” questioned Taeyeon suspiciously.

“Taengoo, stop being delusional, we just met like 10 minutes ago.” scolded Jessica light-heartedly.

Taeyeon just remained silent and Jessica turned her attention to Hyoyeon.

“So, Hyoyeon…has the procedures for the surgery been finalised yet?” asked Jessica.

“Yea…it’s pretty much completed…”

“I’d actually like to discuss about her other condition instead of this one…” Jessica began sounding really serious.

“Yea me too…”

“Is there a possibility for surgery?” asked Jessica.

“There is but…the chances are extremely low…there’s no way to say that we can hope for a miracle.” stated Hyoyeon bluntly.

“How low are the chances?” asked Jessica.

“About 5-10 percent, I’d definitely want her to take the surgery for her eyes but…I just can’t take the risk…” said Hyoyeon contemplating.

“Yea…I understand what you mean…especially since Fany will be so worked up after she finds out what happens to her sister.” agreed Jessica.

They both sighed not knowing what to do to help the petite girl.

“Err…guys?” she called out trying to get their attention.

“Yes, Taengoo-ah, what is it?” Jessica responded.

“Yea…what is it, kiddo?”

“I know you guys are worried and all but you don’t have to…” assured Taeyeon.

“And besides…living in a world of darkness might not be so bad after all… at least its better than living in a world of hell…”


“So…you two stop being so sad as if it’s the end of the world.” reprimanded Taeyeon.


“Because for all I know is that it’s just the beginning to a new chapter…” said Taeyeon as she smiled carefree.

Jessica and Hyoyeon just sat there stuck to their spots not knowing what to say to the always smiling wanderer. And they just succumbed, smiling back to the petite girl as well, but their smiles almost all too bitterly.

Chapter 9: There is a reason and there isn’t a reason behind everything

-Kwangmu Trading Corporation-

-Director’s office (Junsu’s office)-

The once dorky happy-go-lucky fellow was no longer seen, his face filled with stress and pressure from work. The amount of paper work he had was stack in the mountains, the harsh reality of being the successor of a big corporation like this.

Did he really want to do all this? If he had to answer truthfully without lying, the answer would most definitely be no. He missed the times where it was just his mom, Seohyun and Jaejoong together playing around without a care in the world. Not that he wanted to exclude his dad out but he was never one to be close to his father, after he found out some harsh rumours about an unforgettable incident. He knew he had to get to the bottom of it, no matter whether his father told him not to.

-20 years ago-

Junsu was just seven at that time and Seohyun was just four, they accompanied their father to attend one of his worker’s and his wife’s funeral. Junsu saw the family the two daughters that were there and felt really sorry for them.

He noticed that one of the company workers was whispering into his father’s ears secretly not wanting to be noticed. Junsu just shrugged it off but when he noticed that one of the daughter’s was starring at his father, eyes filled with hatred. He knew all too well that he would be caught in an intangible fate with that family.

Even after the years passed, and what made him surprise was the fact that how much that young girl resembled his mother. He knew it was just a coincidence but anyone could have seen the resemblance. The young girl’s eyes had sadness in them but most importantly she was starring at his father as if wanting revenge. She seems to know the hidden truth behind this whole accident that caused her parents death.

Junsu knew all too well that having come along to this funeral instead of staying at home playing computer games would change his fate completely and for once he wished he was wrong about it. Because after they had paid their condolences and left, he looked back one last time and then turning back and headed to the limousine that was parked there.


Thinking back to the past, he could still remember vividly at how Taeyeon starred at their family filled with vengeance. He knew all too well that his father was definitely hiding something, an ugly truth that he wanted to keep a secret and be taken to his grave but Junsu felt that he could not let his father get away with a crime. If the cause of Taeyeon’s parents’ death was really his father’s fault, no matter what means used, he would put his father to justice.

Every time he asked himself why he was trying so hard for the supposed enemy, he could only think of one reason. It was a simplistic and probably idiotic reason.

Taeyeon reminded him of his mother a lot not just in appearance but probably personality as well. He knows it’s not possible since Seohyun’s his sister and all but Seohyun just differed too much and sometimes he began to wonder if there were any other secrets that lay within the family.

That was not the only reason, she reminded him of her dead sister, a sister that he never got to love due to the fact she died immediately after she was born. Junsu had always thought fate had brought him to Taeyeon, if not, how would he find someone who had the same birthday, born in the same hospital and the same name as his deceased sister. It was just too much of a coincidence but Junsu knew that he would not dwell on the fact that his sister was dead and long gone.

He continued to look through the files and occasionally calling his secretary in for a cup of coffee. He decided to take a break for a while before getting back into the mountain pile of work stack for him. For once he wished that he could lead a normal life and not be a robot of someone like a puppet controlled by the strings. Only moving when instructed and not being able to have any freedom.

Not only had he had to worry about his work at the company but also his older cousin, Jaejoong. After his disappearance from the hospital, he was no where to be found. He had tried contacting Jaejoong all this while but to no avail. He did not know what to do to help his cousin, he was feeling incompetent for not being able to notice that his cousin was in misery. He was always thankful that his younger sister, Seohyun was always by his side, supporting him and helping him otherwise he would have gone insane a long time ago. Seohyun was one of the main reasons that kept his sanity.

Could he say that he was happy with his current life? He could not answer that, no matter how many times people asked this simple yet complicated question.

Because as humans no matter how happy we try to be, we get greedy and want for more. So asking someone if they’re truly happy is just a lie, a bluff to hide the ugly truth. But of course there are people who are satisfied with what they have and are truly happy. But not everyone in the world are like those few people, although it’s harsh but in reality there isn’t really a world where everything is fair and that princes will come and save you when you’re in danger. It doesn’t work that way in the real world, in the real world, sacrifices are made, battles are fought, wars are started and the winner takes it all, the loser just falls into a pit of darkness.

There is never a place where everyone can be happy because if one is happy the other is bound to be sad and Junsu knew all too well that the sacrifice he had made would cause not just harm to himself but also harm to others.

He touched the necklace that had a ring attached to it and sighed. He knew he would regret his decision but still he holds strong feelings for her and missed her greatly, always wanting to ask if she was doing well or not. But being a coward, he dares not ask and can only stare at the phone for hours every time he finally decides to make a call.

-At a certain eatery-

Jaejoong was dressed in his waiter’s uniform. He felt the need to get some alone time and get his act together again before he could start work again. He was just in too much stress to think about work at the office and he knew he wasn’t ready to face his cousins yet. He was thankful for his old university sunbae for renting him the apartment. Jaejoong even began working as a waiter at the nearby eatery, not wanting to receive help from his cousins as he felt that they had already much trouble in their hands.

Is running away from the problems really the right way? But…that way…I’ll be able to forget about Jessica more easily right? Yea…

His train of thoughts were cut off when someone called for him, he rushed over and took their order, giving off a plastered smile to every customer and then delivering the order to them. With a job like this, he felt that it could help him pay not just the rental but also help him forget about Jessica more easily. Having had a crush on her since high school just made it much worser. He still remembered how he fell for her at first sight when he was introduced to her by Yunho since Yuri was a close friend of hers.

After long hours of working, his shift was finally ending and he headed back to his comparatively small bed. After washing himself up he immediately plopped himself onto bed, due to the fatigue he got from work he fell asleep immediately.

-On the other hand-

It was afternoon and Taeyeon was finally getting the surgery done for her heart condition. Before heading into the operation room, Jessica spoke to Taeyeon for a while.

“Taengoo-ah, I know that we’re just using each other but…can you really promise that we won’t fall for each other?” she asked.

“Sica-ya…I can’t be sure about that but I don’t think feelings change that fast right?”

“But Taengoo-ah…” she protested.

“Sica…I still remember when I met you in the first year of high school… you’ve always felt something special for my best friend but only stepped back because she was dating my sister and your best friend right?” questioned Taeyeon.

“I guess you could say that…”

“But Taengoo…how can you be sure that we won’t fall for each other?” she asked.

“Sica…I know because…deep inside your heart there’s Yuri and for me there’s always only Tiffany…” replied Taeyeon.

“Taengoo-ah, promise me something…”

“What is it, Sica-ya?”

“Promise me that…you’ll get out of the surgery safe and that…you won’t make me fall for you…”

“I can promise you the first thing but I’m not really sure about the second one…”

Soon after Taeyeon was fully dressed in the hospital clothes, Hyoyeon spoke to her for a short while before moving out of the way to allow the petite girl to be pushed into the operation room.

“Kiddo, good luck in there and don’t lose spirit! The doctors operating on you are very professional and I’m sure they’ll succeed.” assured Hyoyeon.

Taeyeon just smiled at her friend assuring her that she was alright. Hyoyeon left the doctors to do their business and waited outside of the operation room. Taeyeon was pushed inside, she was put to sleep first and soon the operation was about to begin.

Jessica was waiting outside along with Hyoyeon and there was an awkward silence but Hyoyeon finally spoke up.

“So…I heard from kiddo that you’ve got a crush on her best friend?” asked Hyoyeon.

“Yea…” Jessica admitted with uncertainty.

“Why do you sound so uncertain?” asked Hyoyeon.

“I don’t know…” answered Jessica.

“Are you falling for kiddo, hehe…” teased Hyoyeon trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

“I don’t know…” answered Jessica seriously.

Hyoyeon suddenly turned serious as well.

“Is it possible to like two people at once?” asked Jessica.

“I doubt so though…”

“I know that when we promised to help each other out we would not fall for each other but now…I’m not too sure about it…deep in my heart Yuri’s still there but…but…” Jessica began.

“But…your heart is telling you that kiddo has already stepped into your heart?” Hyoyeon said completing her sentence for her.

“Yea…” Jessica admitted.

“You know…I wouldn’t try to deny your feelings too much if I were you…” advised Hyoyeon.

“What do you mean by that?” asked Jessica.

“You’ll understand soon enough…” answered Hyoyeon.

The dead silence soon arrived again and this time Jessica broke the silence by asking.

“So, how’s life in your new apartment?” asked Jessica.

“Haha…interesting…although the couple are a bunch of weirdoes.

Especially that shikshin.” commented Hyoyeon.

“Haha…they do sound really familiar…”

The operation light was still on and the two began to wonder when the operation would be done. They were getting hungry and decided to go eat first.

-In a certain apartment-

“Say ahh~ Young-ie~” said a short girl with aegyo filled voice.

“Ahh~” the taller girl with short hair did as she was told but as she was about to bite into her wife’s homemade fried rice she turned around and suddenly sneezed.


“Are you alright, Young-ie? Are you catching the cold?” asked the short girl worriedly.

“No I’m fine, Sunny bunny…but it seems someone’s talking bad about me.” assured the taller girl.

“Haha…it’s because you eat too much, shikshin~” teased Sunny.

“What did you say, shorty?” questioned the shikshin.

“I said you eat too much…I mean this is your third bowl already…”

complained the shorter girl.

“Don’t think that just because you’re my wife I’ll let you go so easily…” threatened the taller girl finally standing up.

Sunny stood up as well and looked at the taller girl without feeling intimidated at all.

“Try me…”

“It’s not my fault that my stomach calls for food you know!” Sooyoung argued.

“Well…it also isn’t my fault that we are running out of food supplies due to you, this giant shikshin!” retorted Sunny.

“Fine…I’ll go out to eat then!” Sooyoung argued back she grabbed her jacket and began to leave the apartment.

“Yea… leave all you want! You’ll have to find your own meal and don’t expect me to let you enter the room!” Sunny retorted back as well.

“Hmph…” the taller girl scoffed and walked off sticking out her tongue at her wife along the way out.


And the door slammed shut.

“Choi Sooyoung! You better get your butt back here or else!” the shorter girl threatened but to no avail.

Chapter 10: Strange happenings…

Changmin was waiting outside of Seohyun’s university, Korea University Business School. She was at her final year of her four year business course, not only did she have to work extra hard for the final year examinations but also the company.

Changmin had been waiting outside for quite some time now and when he spotted Seohyun walking towards him with a polite smile, he smiled back and asked.

“So, where do you want to go?”

“I don’t know oppa…” she replied.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

“Yea…” she admitted not having eaten a real proper meal these past few days or even weeks.

Changmin walked over to his car and opened the door for Seohyun then stepped into the driver’s seat to drive to their destination.

The whole ride was pretty quiet except for the usual questions which were answered by roughly the same answers.

Changmin was used to it, he knew that no matter how much he tried or what he did, nothing mattered to Seohyun because her heart already belonged to Yoona. He knew Seohyun was just using him as an escape, Seohyun can be really stubborn at times.

Changmin knew all too well that once Yoona manages to win Seohyun’s heart back again, he stood no chance at all.

Because in Seohyun’s heart, Yoona would always be first no matter what, he could only remain a meagre second for life, no matter what he did.

“We’ve arrived.” informed Changmin as the car pulled to a stop and parked at the nearby car park.

Seohyun snapped out from her trance and opened the car door and stepped out of it.

They walked into the restaurant together and were directed to a two people’s table. Seohyun and Changmin sat opposite of each other, they settled down and looked at the menu ordering what they wanted.

As usual, Changmin ordered a lot, caring more about quantity than quality. Silence filled them when they were eating, as usual they just had their one man conversation, with Changmin mostly asking the questions and Seohyun simply replying to them.

Sometimes Changmin felt as if this relationship is really just for a show which he admitted was, but sometimes he felt that Seohyun could work harder on the relationship with him. They walked back to the car and Changmin drove Seohyun home, she thanked her and he welcomed in return and then headed off back to his own apartment.

-At the hospital-

Jessica was staring at the unconscious figure lying on the hospital bed with the iv drip attached to her body. The doctor said she’d wake up soon but Jessica felt that it was better to stay by Taeyeon’s side, so that she’d be the first to see her when she wakes up.

Just then the door opened and Hyoyeon stepped into the room, she had bought some snacks for Jessica as she felt the girl probably hadn’t been eating properly. Just as they were laying the food on the table, Taeyeon’s eyes slowly opened adjusting herself to her surroundings. Hyoyeon called for the doctor and the doctor did his usual check-up, making sure there were no side effects or any of that sorts. After the check-up he instructed Hyoyeon what to do and she nodded her head in response, and the doctor left the room.

“So what did the doctor say?” asked Taeyeon.

“You’ll be resting kiddo, until you’re better.”

“Oh…” Taeyeon succumbed.

“Don’t worry kiddo, it’s just temporary. You’ll be discharged soon.” assured Hyoyeon.

“And besides you’ll have us.” said Hyoyeon trying to brighten up the atmosphere.

“Where’s Sica?” asked Taeyeon as she looked around noticed that the brown haired girl had vanished into thin air.

“She went to eat lunch.” informed Hyoyeon.

“You know, you shouldn’t treat people so nicely at times…” warned Hyoyeon.

“Why? Is there anything wrong with being nice?” questioned Taeyeon clueless.

“No, nothing wrong with that just that…being nice…has its disadvantages and so on…” explained Hyoyeon making no sense at all.

“You know you sound kind of weird…” commented Taeyeon.

“Haha…it’s nothing kiddo, you think too much.” assured Hyoyeon with a forced smile.

“Really?” she questioned.

“Yes…” nodded Hyoyeon.

“I’m going to find Jessica so kiddo, just stay here and rest.” reminded Hyoyeon.

“All right…” Taeyeon succumbed.

Hyoyeon shuts the door behind her and walks towards the cafeteria, Jessica was sitting at the seat near the window and was spacing out, deep in thoughts. Hyoyeon walked over to Jessica and sat down.

“So, what’s on your mind?” asked Hyoyeon snapping the girl out of her train of thoughts.

“Nothing much…”

“So how is she?” asked Jessica concerned.

“Fine…she’ll be discharged soon.” informed Hyoyeon.

“That’s good then…you know Jessica, although it may be rude to say this but…”

“If you seriously do not want to get hurt, I suggest you stay away from kiddo.” warned Hyoyeon with absolutely no ill intentions.

“Don’t worry about me Hyoyeon, I know perfectly well what I’m doing.” assured Jessica.

“And besides, now that I’m in…you can’t possibly ask me to get out so easily right?” asked Jessica not looking at Hyoyeon but instead gazing out the window.

-Kwon’s mansion-

-In the morning-

-At the dining table-

-Having breakfast-

“So, Taeyeon has decided to live on her own?” asked Mrs Kwon.

“Yes, umma.” replied Yuri.

“Well…is she going to visit?”

“I’m pretty sure about that, since Fany’s living here as well.”

“Speaking about your wife, where is she?”

“Oh…she went to work.”

“And what about you?” questions Mrs Kwon.

“Hehe…I’m leaving soon?” states Yuri as she got up and runs out of the house in a rush completely forgetting her documents as well.

“Sigh…that child is always so hasty.” mumbles Mrs Kwon to herself as she sighed.

Mrs Kwon stood up from the dining table, she got dressed and called for the maids. The maids did as what was instructed and bowed in respect.

The butler escorted Mrs Kwon to the limousine and opened the door for her, the chauffeur drove out of the mansion as usual like a daily routine and heading to the Kwon Corporation. She stepped out of the limousine and entered the building, pushing past the revolving doors. Anybody who saw her immediately bowed in respect, she pressed the lift button and headed to Yuri’s office.

When she arrived, the employees recognising her immediately stood up and bowed in respect. Mrs Kwon headed towards Yuri’s office and entered. Yuri who was searching everywhere for the documents that were needed for the meeting later was extremely frustrated that she didn’t even notice her mother standing there.

“Yuri?” her mother called out.

“Not now, I’m busy…”

“Kwon Yuri.” called her mother once again with a much serious tone.

Yuri looked up to find her mother standing in front of her with a stern look.

“Oh, hi umma!” greeted Yuri with a sheepish grin.

“Have you forgotten something?” questioned Mrs Kwon.

“Oh nothing at all, umma.” denied Yuri.

“What did I say about calling me umma when you’re in the company?” reminded Mrs Kwon.

“Sorry…” apologised Yuri.

“And you haven’t answered my question, are you forgetting something?” asked Mrs Kwon.

“Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure I left it here.” assured Yuri.

“Left what here?” questioned Mrs Kwon.

“The documents…”

Mrs Kwon took out a folder from her handbag.

“Are you looking for this?” asked Mrs Kwon.

“Ah, yes! Umma, how did you find it?” asked Yuri as she exclaimed.

“You left it at home after you rush out.”

“Oh, haha…I must have forgotten about it.” Yuri laughed it off.

“Try to be less forgetful next time.” reprimanded Mrs Kwon.


“Anyways I’ll be leaving first, don’t forget that the meeting starts at 3:15 p.m. later.” informed Mrs Kwon.

“Don’t worry, besides Secretary Ko can remind me about it.” assured Yuri.

“Don’t slack off work.”

“I won’t.”


-At late evening-

“Ok, take 5!” shouted the camera director.

The model finally got to take a break after such long hours. She sat down at the chair provided for her just then a short girl walked over to her.

“Young-ie, how is it?” asked the short girl.

“Tiring, Sunny bunny when I get back home I want a reward.” requested Sooyoung.

“Anything for you, and I’m sorry for teasing you.” apologised Sunny.

“Me too.” admitted Sooyoung.

“So, are you going to have a big break soon?” asked Sunny curiously.

“I’m not sure but I’m going to appear on the front cover of that magazine.” informed Sooyoung as she pointed to the magazine at the display shelf.

“That’s good, Young-ie, I’m working really hard as well, the boss just gave me a promotion!” announced Sunny happily.

“Really?” asked Sooyoung.

“Yes.” nodded Sunny.

“Congratulations!” Sooyoung congratulated her wife and pulled her in for a hug.

“Ok everybody gets back to work!” shouted the camera director.

“I’ll meet you later, Sunny bunny.” said Sooyoung as she stood up heading back to the set.

“Sure thing, Young-ie, see you later.”

After long hours

“Thank you for the hard work, everyone!” thanked the camera director.

The staff bowed to each other and headed for the door to leave. Sunny who had been waiting for her wife at the couch fell asleep. Sooyoung walked over to Sunny looking at her wife’s sleeping face made her smile.

“Sunny bunny time to wake up, it’s over.”

Sunny rubbed her eyes and smiled when she saw Sooyoung in front of her.

“Is it over yet?”

“Yea…let’s go home and have dinner.” smiled Sooyoung.

They both got out of the studio and headed to their car that was parked at the multi-storey car park. They got into their car and drove back to their apartment.

-At the Jung’s mansion-

-After dinner time-

“So, Krystal how was the date with Minho?” asked Mrs Jung.

“Fine…umma.” replied Krystal with no sense of excitement.

“Just fine?” questioned Mrs Jung.

“Yea…after school we went shopping and had a meal.” states Krystal.

“Krystal darling you have to understand that Minho is an important figure in the Trading industry of tableware.” reminded Mrs Jung.

“I understand umma…”

“That’s good dear, anyways we’ll announce the engagement as soon as possible and when you graduate from school, the wedding will commence straight away.” informed Mrs Jung.

“Isn’t that a little too fast?” questioned Krystal.

“It is never too fast, Krystal.”

“Wait, are you still meeting her?” asked Mrs Jung sternly.

“No umma, what makes you think that?” asked Krystal.

“Because I feel that you’re having doubts and besides there is no where I’m allowing my daughter to marry someone like that. It’s a disgrace to the Jung’s name.”

“If I ever catch you having any contact with that girl, I’ll personally see to it.” warned Mrs Jung.

“Yea, umma.” succumbed Krystal.

“Don’t forget that your phone is being tabbed 24 hours a day and that you are being watched all the time.” reminded Mrs Jung.

“Yea…umma I know about that.”

“Ok good…you can go back to your room now.”

“Goodnight umma.”


And Krystal head back upstairs and back to her room, the king sized bed that was big enough to fit at least three people was extremely empty as she headed to the bathroom and washed up, after which, she climbed onto her bed and drifted off to sleep.

I’m sorry Amber but I just can’t defy umma…not when the family is like that right now…I just can’t…you may think I’m weak and a coward which I am but…it’s more complicated than you think it is…

-At a construction site-

A tomboyish girl was carrying the poles on her shoulder with a helmet on her head and wearing white gloves, she was sweating profusely.

“Break time!” announced one of the workers.

She sat down somewhere, eating the packet lunch provided.

“So, how’s the work?” asked one of the workers.

“Tiring…” she answered.

“So, why did you decide to work here, it must be tough for a girl.”

“I don’t think people should discriminate between boys and girls and besides I think I can do a much better job than most of the male workers here.”

“Haha…don’t need to be so uptight, Amber.”

“Oh sorry…”

“It’s alright…anyways remembered to eat everything, we wouldn’t want to waste food and besides you’ll need the energy as well.”

“Thanks, sunbae.”

“No problem, Amber.”

Krystal…I know your parents would never accept us especially your mother but…is it really that hard to defy them just once…just once can you stop being a goody two shoes? And fight for your own happiness? You wouldn’t want to marry that Minho right? I know you wouldn’t want to…please tell me it’s a no… even if it’s just a lie…For you, I’d do anything…just tell me one thing…do you even feel the same way as me?

-At Junsu’s office-

Junsu had just finished attending a meeting and was now sitting in his office, sorting out the documents and such. He decided to work overtime to complete what was necessary, he called home first to inform Seohyun in case he made her worry.

Junsu was obviously in much stress and was extremely fatigue. He lost a lot of weight and still hasn’t received any news about his cousin but he knew that Jaejoong was someone who knew how to take care of himself so he wasn’t particularly worried.

The paperwork just begins to pile up more and more every time his secretary comes in. He doesn’t even know why he’s working so hard, is it because of the company? He seriously doubted that, but what was it that he was trying to prove wrong? His father?

Junsu just sighed and continued typing on his laptop, not even knowing when he’ll stop to have a break.

-At the hospital-

Jessica and Hyoyeon decided to head back home first and would visit Taeyeon tomorrow morning. Jessica had took several days off work to accompany Taeyeon and luckily for her, her café was doing well in business so she didn’t have to worry. Especially under that family’s name, anybody is bound to enter her shop.

Hyoyeon on the other hand, didn’t work. So she had a lot of free time on her hands, she headed back to the apartment she rented a room in as she keyed in the number the door clicked open and she took off her shoes and after washing up, headed to her room and plopped herself onto bed, completely drifting off to sleep.

-Kwon’s mansion-

Tiffany had arrived from work and went upstairs to her room to wash up and just plop herself onto her comfortable bed and fall asleep. She absolutely had no energy to wait for Yuri at all. Just as she was about to close her eyes she received a message.


You have 1 new message.

-To: My mushroom wifey-

-Jagi-ah, you haven’t slept yet right? Anyways I’ll be back a bit late so you can go to sleep first^_^-

-From: Love, Kwon Seobang-

Tiffany smiled at Yuri’s message and shut her eye lids slowly drifting off into a deep sleep. It was already past midnight but Yuri was still no where to be seen in the house. But Tiffany knew more than to worry, but what made her anxious wasn’t because Yuri wasn’t at home but the weird dream she was having.

Tiffany shot up from her bed panicking.

No…Tiffany…it’s just a dream…you think too much…

Tiffany reminded herself in her mind as she got up to get some water from the kitchen. She walked down to the kitchen with heavy steps, it didn’t help that the house was so big and that everyone was already sleeping, it was quieter than ever.

She took her cup out from the cupboard and poured the water in. Her hands shaking a bit as she took a sip from the cup.

Wait…why did such a dream ever occur? Don’t tell me something bad happen to Yuri?

Nah…that can’t be…

She convinced her own self inside her mind.

As she took another sip of water she felt more relaxed and decided to stay and wait for Yuri to come back home.

Tiffany placed the cup on the table but just as she was about to go to the living room, she accidentally knocked over the cup and it dropped onto the floor, shattering into pieces.

She bent down trying to clean up the mess with her bare hands but got a cut from the glass instead. She searched for the medical kit and helped herself to the wound, although clumsily wrapped it was still better than nothing. She went to the sofa to sit down, deep in thoughts, not sure why she was feeling this way.

What is this feeling? I feel as if something bad is going to happen…

-At the same time-

-In the hospital-

Taeyeon who had got up as she felt restless lying on the hospital bed for too long, as she pushed the iv drip along with her out of her ward. She walked to the garden just outside the hospital and sat down on one of the benches enjoying the cool breeze. Her hair was flying and she was enjoying nature instead of being cooped up in four walls. But just as she was about to stand up and head back to her ward, least expecting a small crack on the ground, she tripped over and fell, spraining her wrist a little.


What is this feeling? I have a weird feeling something is going to happen… Tiffany?

Taeyeon shrugged it off and headed back to her ward. She didn’t know what to do with her slightly sprain wrist and didn’t want to disturb the doctors about it so she decided to use the most common knowledge for treating slightly sprained wrist like this.

-At Jessica’s apartment-

The sleepyhead had just woken up after having a weird dream and decided to make a cup of coffee to drink. Despite being the owner of a café, Jessica had definitely learned the ropes of a barista and perfectly knew how to use the coffee machine.

But decided that using hot water was enough to satisfy her right now, just as she was about to pour the hot water, something made her miscalculate the angle and she accidentally scaled herself instead.

“Ah!” she flinched in pain.

Jessica took out the medicine kit and treated her scalded finger instead.

I’ve never been so careless before…what’s wrong? And what is this strange feeling I’m getting?

After bandaging the scalded finger, Jessica dragged her feet back into her room and fell asleep, hoping that she didn’t encounter the same dream again.

-Yuri’s office-

Sigh it’s already 11:40 p.m. and I still can’t go back… I wonder why umma’s so strict… I seriously need to finish all this? I wonder when I can go back though…ahh~ maybe I should make myself a glass of ma juice. Does the company even have the ingredients for ma juice? Sigh…I doubt so…I’ll just pour myself a cup of mixed berry juice instead.

Yuri walked to the refrigerator and opened the door taking out a carton of mixed berry juiced which she poured into her personal mug. Yuri took a whole gulp of the drink in one shot, satisfying her. After she washed the mug at the sink, she wanted to place it at where all the cups and mugs were but, something was stopping her from doing so. She had this strange feeling and she didn’t know what it was. Yuri just quickly placed the mug and walked away. Just as she walked away her fingers brushed against something sharp that was lying at the edge of the table.

“Ah!” Yuri flinched in pain.

What was that? A pair of scissors…what is it doing there?

Yuri went to search for the medicine kit in the office and treated her wound first, she sighed wondering what a pair of scissors was doing there in the first place.

Something does not feel right…don’t tell me something’s happening to Tiffany? Wait, nah~ nothing can happen…right?

Yuri shrugged off the odd feeling and just headed back to her office, completing her remaining stack of documents as fast as possible, so that she can cuddle her wife to sleep instead of being in a boring office with four walls and dull colours.

That very night, the four felt something but just decided to shrug it off instead. But little did they know, something was going to happen in the near future. Their lives would be caught in a web of lies and deceit more than they’ve experienced. Fate was bringing them back to one another no matter how many times they tried to escape. That very night, four people’s fate would change, for the better or the worse, nobody knew. But one thing was for sure, the four of them were about to be caught in an ill-fated meeting the next time round…

Chapter 11: Is it that hard to look at me?

The very next day when Jessica and Hyoyeon came to visit Taeyeon at the hospital they noticed that her wrist was bandaged up.

“What happen to you?” Hyoyeon asked.

“I fell?”

“Be more careful next time alright, kiddo?”

“Yea sure…”

Noticing the plaster on Jessica’s finger even though Jessica was clearly hiding it and staring off into space.

“So, what happened to you, Sica?” asked Taeyeon.

Still in her own world, Hyoyeon snapped her fingers causing her to go back to reality.

“Ah yes, Taengoo, what is it?”

“I was just asking what happened to you.” repeated Taeyeon.

“Oh nothing happened.” she smiled casually.

“Then how do you explained that plaster?” questioned Taeyeon.

“Erm…I scalded myself?”

“Can you try to be more careful next times will you?”

“I’ll try…”

“Anyways kiddo, I just talked to the doctor and he said that you’ll be discharged today but no vigorous activities such as running and such for at least a month.” informed Hyoyeon.

“Oh and another thing, I’ll tell the dealers to give you more time to paint, since well your wrist is injured right now.”


“Taengoo-ah…” Jessica called out.


“Can I talk to you in private for a while?” she asked.


Taeyeon looked at Hyoyeon, Hyoyeon understanding what her friend meant immediately left the room and headed to the cafeteria to get a drink.


…sighs…I seriously don’t know what to do with you…I’ve clearly warned you but I guess you won’t take my advice huh? And kiddo…what did I say about treating people too nicely? It’ll only hurt people in the end…

-In Taeyeon’s ward-

“So…Sica, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“Erm…Taengoo-ah, did something weird happen to you last night?” she asked.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Like something that can’t be explained in words…”

“Yea…” Taeyeon admitted.

“So…that’s the reason why you sprained your wrist huh?”

“I guess so… that’s also the reason why you scalded yourself right?” questions Taeyeon.

Jessica just simply nods her head.

-Kwon’s mansion-

Yuri was lying on her bed and woke up due to the sunlight that was shining into the room. She stirred in her bed for a while and saw Tiffany sitting at the dressing table, all dressed up and was now putting on make-up. Yuri walked over to Tiffany and back hugged her.

“Do you have to go to work that early?” Yuri asked.

“I have to Yuri…”

“But we barely get any time together…” complains Yuri.

“Neither do I since you always work until so late.” reminded Tiffany.

“I’ll try to come back early tonight, alright?”

Tiffany turns around and gives an eye smile at Yuri, then turns back to face the mirror to get her makeup done. Yuri went back to sit on the bed, as Tiffany was putting on her earrings, she noticed that there was a plaster on Tiffany’s finger.

“What happened to you?” asked Yuri worriedly.

“Oh, I got careless and cut myself.” assured Tiffany.

“Seriously Fany-ah…what exactly happened to you?” probed Yuri.

“Ok…I had this weird dream and I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water but as I was about to go back to the room I accidentally knocked the glass over and tried picking the scraps up.” explained Tiffany.

“Why didn’t you just call the maids to clean the mess up?” questions Yuri.

“They were sleeping.” reasons Tiffany.

“Well…what happened to you?” asked Tiffany.

“Oh, this?” asked Yuri as she raises her hand to show the plaster on her finger.


“I got cut by a pair of scissors that was carelessly left lying around.”

“Ok, back to the main point…what weird dream did you have?” asked Yuri.

Tiffany walks to the bed Yuri was on and sits on the edge of it.

“Seriously Yuri…I think something’s going to happen to Taetae…”

“Why’s that so?” asked Yuri.

“I don’t know just a feeling, Yuri…because I’ve never had this dream since 3 years ago…”

“I don’t know Yuri…I’m just worried the same thing 3 years ago will happen again, that Taetae would suddenly disappear again…”

“Don’t worry she won’t.” assures Yuri.

“But…” Tiffany protested.

“No buts… and besides, Sica won’t let her leave…”

“Yuri-ah, can I tell you something?” asked Tiffany.

“Sure but won’t you be late for work?”

“I’ll just ask the chauffeur to send me to work today.”


“I haven’t really told anyone about this but…I felt the need to…” says Tiffany contemplating.

“Remember 20 years ago when my parents got into that accident…”


“I had an ear infection and had to stay at home but that wasn’t all…the ear infection part was true but I had the feeling something was going to happen to them that night.”

“What do you mean?”

“Because I had the very same dream I had 3 years ago, 20 years ago…”

“You mean-"

“Yes, 3 years ago…I had that dream and the next day Taetae left for France without a word, and 20 years ago…I had that exact same dream and the next day, umma appa and Taetae got into that accident.”

“I know I was just 4 at that time but…maybe if I had protested and whined, just maybe…my parents would have been alive by now?”

“You can’t blame yourself…nobody would have thought that something like that could happen…” comforts Yuri as she hugs her wife.

“But I’m scared, Yuri-ah…”

“I’m scared something might happen to Taetae, I can’t think straight every time I have that dream…it feels like the people close to me will one by one slip out of my reach…”

“It’s okay…” assures Yuri.

“Anyways don’t think too much, I’ll meet you downstairs to have breakfast.”

“I’ll go wash up first and don’t cry…you’ll ruin that pretty face of yours.”

“Ok...” succumbs Tiffany.

Yuri enters the bathroom and looks at the mirror unsure of what to say.

Fany-ah…have you unconsciously fallen for your own sister without your knowing?

Nah…that can’t happen…but…why is it that she seems to worry about her more than me?

Fany-ah…I really don’t know what to say…have you actually fallen for Taeng but just chose me as your substitute because you know that you and Taeng can’t be together?

Kwon Yuri…why are you thinking so much? She chose you, not Taeng…and besides it’s perfectly normal for sisters to worry about each other…or is it not?

Yuri sighs in frustration, she heads to the bathtub and turns on the shower head letting her soaked in the water. After a while she comes out of the bathroom, fresh and clean. She picks an outfit out of the wardrobe and puts it on before heading down to have breakfast. When she saw that only Tiffany was there she asked the main and the main informed them that the others left for work already.

The two of them ate breakfast in silence. Yuri just simply didn’t know what to say to Tiffany.

“I’m leaving.” informs Tiffany as she stands up.

“Fany-ah waits up!” Yuri calls out.

“What is it, Yuri-ah?”

“Erm…try not to think so much about what we talked about just now…I’m sure everything will be fine.” assures Yuri.

“Don’t worry Yuri, I’ll try not to think too much about it.” Tiffany assures her as well with a smile.

And heads out of the house and to the place she works in.

-At the hospital-

Taeyeon had already changed into her own clothes and was getting ready to discharge.

“Sigh…because of you I can’t even go to work.” complains Jessica.

“Hey, when did you ever go to work?” retorts Taeyeon.

“I do to…I work from home.” argues Jessica.

“Haha…I was just kidding…” laughs Taeyeon.

Jessica just crossed her arms and pouted.

“Aren’t you going to help me carry my bag?”

“You’re perfectly fine to do that, only your wrist is injured your shoulders perfectly fine.”

“Sica-ya…don’t be like that…” whines Taeyeon.

Jessica continued ignoring the petite girl and was about to walk out of the ward when Taeyeon called out.

“Ok fine, I’m sorry…” she apologised.

“Now that’s better…” smiles Jessica.

“Let’s go, shall we?” asks Jessica as she helps the petite girl carry her bag for her.

-Outside a school-

The tall black haired girl stepped out of the school gates to be greeted by her fiancé.

“Hi, Minho oppa.” she greeted with a plastered smile.

“Let’s go shall we?” he asked and escorted her to his car.

-At an eatery-

“Waiter!” one of the customers called out.

The rather long haired pretty boy walked up to the customer and jotted down his order. He pasted the note at the kitchen and the cooks began preparing the order. The eatery was rather small and sold Chinese food but it was always packed with regular customers and had a nice homey atmosphere to it.

Jaejoong had worked here for over a week now and was getting the hang of it. Just then the owner of the eatery’s daughter came in. She had her hair cut shoulder length and had a tomboyish look. She dressed in a tank top and ripped jeans with certain accessories on her wrist and fingers. If one didn’t know, they would have thought she was in a punk rock band or something like that.

It was lunch time when she had entered and the workers were resting, Jaejoong was having his meal peacefully until he heard her enter.

“Appa~ I got fired~” he heard her complain.

The boss or head chef as usual ignoring her and concentrated on preparing for their dinner shift.

“Appa~” she called out some more this time her voice sounded frustrated.

“What is it?” he asked calmly.

“I got fired.”


“That’s all you could say?” she asked in defeat.

“Lina dear, I have no time right now for you.” he states bluntly.

She huffs and walks out of the kitchen, spotting the pretty boy who was pretty much new here she walked over to him.

“Hi, I’m Lina the boss’s daughter.” she greets as she extends her hand out.

“Hi, I’m Jaejoong a new worker here.” he introduces himself as he stands up to bow.

“No need to be so formal.” she chuckled.

“Oh sure...”

“By the way, how old are you?” she asked.


“Oh that means I’m your nuna then.” she concludes with a smile showing her dimples.

“And don’t ask me to reveal my age, it’ll make me feel like an old Hag.” she says laughing.

Jaejoong laughs along as well before continuing his meal and the shoulder length haired girl walked up the stairs to the second floor, which was her bedroom.

-At a 5 star restaurant-

“So, do you like the food?” the short cut haired boy asked.

“It was good.” Krystal states with not much interest.

He didn’t really know what to say to the girl in front of him and just sighed as she didn’t even look at him when she was replying. She was just staring out the window the whole time, looking dazed.

Minho signalled for the waiter to come over and he ordered the chef’s recommended dessert. When their desserts arrived, Krystal just ate in silence with not much care in the world.

She was deep in her own thoughts not even bothering to acknowledge her fiancé that was sitting right in front of her, dressed in a smart suit.

“So, what are you cooking?” Krystal asks as she wakes up from her sleep and walks over to the kitchen.

“Miso soup.” answers the tomboyish girl.

“Smells delicious.” compliments Krystal.


Krystal walks over to her girlfriend and back hugs her.

“Is it done yet, I’m hungry.” she states.

“Krystal-ah, I just started not long ago…and if you keep hugging me, how do you expect me to cook?” the short haired girl asked.

“But can’t we just order delivery?” suggests Krystal.

“No, there’s no way in hell am I ever letting you eat those atrocious take out foods again.” Amber states firmly.

“Hmph, no fair…” Krystal huffs and releases the embrace.

After a while food was served and Krystal was eating in silence, Amber who was bothered by the fact that she wasn’t responding at all finally spoke.

“I’m sorry, ok? Will you just eat?” she asked apologising.

“But it doesn’t taste nice.” states Krystal.

“Why so?” asked Amber as she took a bite of Krystal’s plate.

“It tastes the same as mine, and it’s perfectly alright.”

“Not that, I just don’t feel like eating.” says Krystal.

Amber knew what she meant by that and just fed the younger girl instead. A smile slowly crept onto the younger girl’s lips as the older girl fed her scoop by scoop.

“Haha, I knew it, you wanted me to feed you right?” asked Amber teasingly as she plops herself down onto the couch next to Krystal after washing the dishes.

Krystal not wanting to admit just continued to pretend being angry at the older girl.

“Aww~ don’t be like that~” whines the older girl trying to get the younger girl’s attention.

Still being ignored, the short haired girl sighed and mumbled to herself.

“I guess I have no choice.”

She began tickling the younger girl, tackling her weak points.

“Hahahaha…stop it!” pleaded Krystal, a single tear drop flowed from her eye from all the laughing.

“So, do you want me to stop now?” asked Amber smiling.

“Yes…Hahahaha…” she pleaded again.

Amber let go off the younger girl and smiled at her, the younger girl felt flushed and moved further away. She starts to panic and rushes to the bathroom to collect her thoughts.

Ok…stay calm…it’s nothing…

She mentally assures herself as she steps out of the bathroom, to be greeted by a smiling short haired girl.

“Krystal I need to talk to you.” Amber says in a serious tone.

They both go to the bedroom and climbed onto the bed, hugging each other.

“So what is it you want to tell me?” Krystal asked.

“Let’s break up.” she states.

Krystal smiles bitterly at that memory, she knew all too well when Amber said those words it was all a lie yet she didn’t stop her. All she could do was blame herself for being such an ignorant and selfish brat at that time.

Minho noticed the sadness in Krystal’s eyes worried about her he asked,

“Is there anything wrong?”

“Nothing.” she replied putting on a fake smile.

Krystal…when are you ever going to look my way? Am I that invisible to you? Is that Amber girl really that great?

The two finished their meal in silence and Minho drove Krystal back to her mansion. She thanked him for the ride and entered the house looking really tired. She didn’t even acknowledge her mother and just headed straight up to her room and fell asleep.

-In the evening-

-Jessica’s apartment-

Taeyeon was preparing a meal for Jessica despite her injured wrist without Jessica’s knowledge. After her surgery she felt more energetic than ever, but as she was stirring the soup that was boiling. She took the bowls and laid it out on the dining table. When the soup was ready she turns off the gas stove and also takes the rice scooper to scoop out the rice from the rice cooker. When she was putting down the plates of the other dishes, her vision started to turn blur slightly but slowly reverted back to normal.

What is this? Has it started acting up already? But didn’t Hyo say…

The dining table was now filled with dishes, Taeyeon sat down and waits for Jessica to arrive home. After about a minute or two, Jessica steps in, smelling the food coming from the kitchen she walks over to see the petite girl waiting for her.

“Did you prepare this?” she asked worried about the petite girl.

“Yes, and not to worry I cooked dishes that need not require too much effort.” she assures.

“Alright, let’s eat shall we? I’m hungry.” states Jessica.


They both ate in silence but when Taeyeon was about to grab the piece of meat, she missed it slightly. Her vision was slightly blurring again and she shrugged it off.

“What’s wrong?” asked Jessica noticing the petite girl’s strange behaviour.

“Nothing.” she assures with a smile.

“You sure?” she questions.


Taeyeon walked over to the couch and sits down, while Jessica stays in the kitchen to wash the dishes. After washing the dishes, she walks over to the living room. She lazily plops herself down onto the couch, next to the petite girl. Leaning against the older girl’s shoulder she sighs.

“Is anything the matter?” Taeyeon asked.

“Nothing…just tired from work.” states Jessica her eyes shut.

“Do you want to go back to your room and sleep first?” asked Taeyeon.

“No…just stay here…” she mumbles.

“Fine…” the petite girl succumbs.

After quite some time, Taeyeon was getting tired and wanted to head back to the room to sleep. But realising that Jessica was still leaning on her shoulder, she woke the younger girl up to go wash up.

Jessica headed for the bathroom and after which, so did Taeyeon. Taeyeon turned off the lights and climbed onto the bed, Jessica was fast asleep by now and she too slowly closed her eyes and slept. When she was sleeping she could feel someone holding onto her, knowing it was Jessica she just smiled and succumbed to that habit of hers.

-At an apartment-

The auburn haired girl stared at the ceiling not knowing what to do, she stared at her hand phone, the contact list stopped at the name Seohyun. She was contemplating whether to call the girl after all these years but she was afraid.

Is it really that hard to forgive me? I know I was in the wrong but…ahh~ every time I look at the phone and it stops at your name, I don’t even know whether to call you or not… Seohyun-ah, what should I do? Will you please tell me the answer?

The doe-eyed girl just sighed and tossed to the side, closing her eyes shut and falling asleep.

-At another apartment-

The couple were making quite a ruckus in their room causing their tenant to wake up from all the noise.

-Hyoyeon’s room-

Kiddo…that’s why I say you shouldn’t be too nice…I bet Jessica is already falling for you…what are you going to do now? And…urghh…why are they so noisy?!

The short girl lay on her bed finally about to close her eyes and sleep when she heard her landlord screamed. Frustrated she got out of bed and headed to their door. When she arrived outside, the short girl knocked hard onto the door.

-Landlord’s room-

There was a knock on the door and the taller girl started to get worried.

“I told you to quieten down didn’t I?” warned Sooyoung.

“Hey, it’s not my fault the enemy’s attacking my territory.” retorts Sunny.

“Who knows we might lose this tenant, it’s hard to pay the bills already.” complains Sooyoung.

“Is it my fault again?” asked Sunny putting down the control and focusing her attention onto her wife.

“Of course it is, what you expect?” questions Sooyoung.

“It’s the middle of the night, and you’re fighting a war on the PS3.” states Sooyoung in defeat.

Sunny picks back up her control and screams in defeat.

“Look what you made me do! Now the enemy has infiltrated my territory!” blames Sunny.

“Urghh…never mind…” sighs Sooyoung and heads over to open the door.

As the door knob turns she opens the door to reveal a grumpy looking tenant.

“Could you two quieten down the volume, you could wake up a whole neighbourhood.” reminded Hyoyeon yawning.

“Ok we’ll try to quieten down the volume.” says Sooyoung with a smile and she stares at her short wife who was busy playing the game.

“Thanks, I’d appreciate it.”

“No problem, go to sleep.”

Sooyoung bowed to the tenant and closes the door shut. Hyoyeon walks back to her room and sighs in defeat.

Man…why did I have to live with two weirdoes? Life sure is difficult…

-Soosun’s room-

“You see, it’s your entire fault!” complains Sooyoung.

Sunny just ignored the girl completely, focusing on the game more. Sooyoung sighs in frustration as she heads over and turns off the main switch. The television screen went blank.

“Hey, what did you just do? I was in the midst of the game and was about to win!” complains Sunny.

“We need to sleep.” states Sooyoung.

“Hmph…” Sunny huffs and climbs onto the bed.

“Aww don’t be like that~” whines Sooyoung as she climbs onto the bed as well and tries to hug the shorter girl.

“Leave me alone, Sooyoung.” states the shorter girl firmly.

“Aww~ Sunny bunny~ you know that I’m just tired from all the photo shoots right?” asked Sooyoung hoping that the shorter girl would give in.

“Just leave me alone~”

“Aww~ don’t be like that~” Sooyoung whines some more.

A smile crept upon the shorter girl’s lips.

“Hahaha…” the shorter girl bursts out laughing.

The taller girl’s lips slowly turned into a frown.

“Were you messing with me just now?” she questions.

“Haha and I got you fooled.”

“No fair!” complains Sooyoung.

“All’s fair in love and games.” states Sunny.

“Don’t you mean love and war?” asked Sooyoung.

“Haha…it’s still the same…”

“Let’s just go to sleep and stop quarrelling shall we?” suggests Sunny.

“I’m with you on that.” agrees Sooyoung as she snuggles under the blanket with the shorter girl.

“Good night, Young-ie.”

“Good night, Sunny bunny.”

-Kwon’s mansion-

-Yulti’s room-

Tiffany was lying on her bed waiting for the tanned woman as usual. She sighed in defeat wondering how her sister was doing. She was getting worried as she didn’t receive any news from her.

Just then the tanned woman arrived at the front gate and walked up to her room dead beat. As soon as she steps inside she went to wash up and change into comfortable clothes first before climbing onto the bed.

“Tired?” asked Tiffany.

“Mmph.” mumbles Yuri.

“Good night, jagi-ah.” states Yuri.

“Just go to sleep.” says Tiffany shutting her eyes and hugging the taller girl.

Both were deep in their sleep but Tiffany was shifting here and there.

She was in the same dark room that held absolute nothing, there was just a door. Just then, her parents figure came out walking towards the door with a smile. She called out to them but to no avail. And her parents soon vanished into the air. Then she saw a familiar face smiling and walking towards that same door. Realising who it was she immediately screamed.

“Taetae don’t! Don’t leave me behind alone!” she pleaded.

The figure just turned around and smiled at her and the door opened revealing a blinding light. Tiffany tried to block the rays of light but it was too strong, just then, Taeyeon had already walked into that blinding light disappearing from Tiffany’s sight. The door closed and she was left in nothingness again.

“Taetae don’t leave me behind! Not like this!” she cried out but to no avail.

Tiffany woke up from the nightmare panicking, sweat rolling down. Yuri who got awoken by Tiffany rubbed her eyes and looked at her wife worriedly.

“Had a bad dream?” she asked.

Tiffany just simply nodded.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a dream, just go to sleep.” assures Yuri.

“Mmph…” Tiffany succumbs as she snuggles back under the blanket, hugging Yuri even more.

-At Kim’s mansion-

-Junsu’s room-

The young man was dead beat, he lay flat down on his king sized bed after washing up. He sighed and closes his eyes trying to get some sleep, he never really hard a good night’s rest at all. And for once he would defy his father and his decision was final.

Abeoji, I know your hiding something…I just know it… 20 years ago, at that funeral, Taeyeon the way she looked at us…For once, I’m going to defy you, so don’t blame me later on when I find out what ugly truth you’ve been hiding…

-Seohyun’s room-

The tall girl was lying on her bed reading a self-improvement book, after stopping at a certain page she placed her bookmark there and closes the book shut and places it on the table next to the bed. She then switches off the table lamp, causing the room to be in entire darkness. Closing her eyes shut, she tried to get some sleep but just can’t seem to.

Why is it I can’t fully accept Changmin oppa? I mean he’s always been there for me, caring for me and all…Ahh~ this is just too complicated~ is it true when they say love is blind? But how can I ever get you out of my head?

The long haired girl just tossed around here and there on the bed until she finally fell asleep.

-Jung’s mansion-

The young Jung got out of the car Minho drove her back in. She bid her farewell and the car sped off, she lazily dragged her feet into the huge mansion which was as usual pretty much empty. She dragged her feet to the second floor and to her room, after washing up she lazily plops onto her bed. She stares at the ceiling and sighs in defeat. As she shuts her eyes the same words appear in her mind again.

“Let’s break up…”

Amber, did umma do something to you for you to say those words? I know you loved me too much to suggest a break up right? Why is it that parents have to meddle in their child’s love affair…Unni already left the house and was disowned by umma, I don’t want that to happen to me as well… Is it that hard for me to grasp my own happiness?

-At an apartment-

A tomboyish short haired girl was lying on her rusty single bed and looked at the ring she got for Krystal.

We could have been happy, why…just why did I have to fall for you when I know that we’re worlds apart… You know I didn’t mean those words right? When I said I wanted to break up, it was just a lie…you know that right, Krystal?

-Jessica’s apartment-

The petite girl woke up wanting to get a glass of water, she removed the hands that wrapped around her carefully, trying her best not to wake the younger girl up. She walked over to the kitchen and took a cup and was about to pour the jug of water into the cup when her vision started blurring again.

No…it’s acting up again…

She shook her head and regains back her vision, she holds the cup firmly and pours the water into the cup. Carefully putting the jug of water back, she drinks the water with much uneasiness. She puts the cup in the basin and walks back to the room. But as she was about to quietly turn the door knob to enter the room, her vision started to blur again causing her to open the door with a loud thud. Her knees fell weak and knelt down at the door.

Jessica who was sleeping peacefully stirred around in bed when she heard the noise, she opens her eyes to see the petite girl not next to you. She jolts up from the bed and looks around the dim room when she spots the petite girl at the door. She gets out of bed and walks over to the petite girl.

“What’s wrong, Taengoo?” she asked worried.

“Nothing…” Taeyeon faces her giving the younger girl a smile to assure her.

“You sure?” she questions.


Jessica reaches her hand out, Taeyeon was about to grasp onto that hand when her vision started to blur slightly again and she missed the hand by a bit. She recovered her mistake and grasp onto the hand and the younger girl pulled the petite girl up. They both climbed back to the bed, about to fall asleep again.

“What happened there?” asked Jessica.

“Nothing…” assures Taeyeon with a smile.

“Don’t lie to me, there’s something isn’t there?” she questions this time with a sterner look.

“I don’t know what’s happening, Sica-ya…things just keep becoming a blur suddenly at random moments…Hyo said that it wouldn’t act up so fast but I didn’t expect it to be so early…” confessed Taeyeon her voice trembling.

“It’s okay…” she assured the petite girl hugging her.

“Sica-ya…to tell you the truth…I’m scared…” she admitted.

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to see again…not able to see Tiffany again…”

“It’s okay…I’m sure it’s nothing…” she assures stroking the petite girl to sleep.

The long slightly wavy haired girl shuts her eyes and sighs.

Maybe I should have listened to Hyo instead…Taengoo-ah, when will you stop having Fany in your mind…can’t you turn around and look at me instead?

Just then Jessica sees the bracelet and heaves another sigh.

Why am I being confused? Do I love Yuri or Taengoo? Every time I come to an answer, I hesitate again…who exactly do I want?

The bracelet that shone in the dim room brought back memories for Jessica and a bitter smile crept across her face.

-9 years ago-

On her sixteen birthday, the huge mansion was decorated and many guests were attending the party just to mingle with each other for more business deals. The sixteen year old Jessica just sat in one corner not bothering to even join in the fun. Birthdays were just used for her parents own used to get more business deals, nothing else and the rich kid’s presents were all useless to her.

Just then her classmate Yuri walked over to her with her usual smile.

“Hi, Sica~ what are you doing here alone?” she asked and sits beside the birthday girl.

“Leave me alone.” Jessica states firmly.

“Aww~ don’t be like that~ this could be our last year together as classmates if we don’t go to the same high school.” reminded Yuri.

“Then why should I care?” Jessica questions.

“Man~ you’re suppose to be the birthday girl and you’re spoiling the mood~” complains Yuri.

Just then the music changed into slow dance music.

“Come on, don’t be lazy, and let’s go!” Yuri says grabbing the girl’s hand and forcing her to the main hall.

The hundreds of guests were grabbing their partners to dance, Yuri bows and asked.

“May I have this dance, princess?”

A smile crept upon the girl’s lips and she answered.

“Of course…”

The two dance as if they were the only two ones here, Jessica felt happy being in Yuri’s embrace and when the music stopped. They both walked over to someplace quiet.

“That was fun…” admitted Jessica.

“See, that’s why you need to enjoy yourself more.”

“So, where’s my present?” asked Jessica.

Yuri took out something from her pocket and lets the present dangle in front of Jessica.

“It’s beautiful.”

“I purposely took up part time just to get money to buy this.”

“Thanks, Yuri-ah!” Jessica exclaims hugging the tan girl.

“No problem, Sica…”

“But why is it the moon?” she questions.

“Because even though the moon doesn’t emit any light, it shines brightly in the night sky…and that’s what you are…” explains Yuri with a smile.

“Thanks, I love it!”

“Want me to put it on for you?” asked Yuri.


Yuri takes Jessica’s wrist and puts on the bracelet for the birthday girl.

“Happy birthday, Sica…” congratulates Yuri.

“Thanks to you, I feel like a birthday girl now…” confessed Jessica shyly.

“Enjoy yourself, Sica…oh and wish me good luck tomorrow!” reminded Yuri.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because I’m going to confess to your best friend, Tiffany…I’ve always liked her and I’m finally going to risk it and go confess.” she explains.

“Oh…” said Jessica disappointed.

“Anyways I’ll go and mingle around with the guest, bye.” she informed.

Jessica just saw the back view of Yuri disappear into the crowd. She walks back to the main hall with heavy steps. She sighs and takes in a deep breath giving a fake smile to anyone who looks her way.

Jessica Jung, 16…

The old clock struck midnight causing it to ‘ding’ for quite a bit.

Jessica Jung Soo Yeon, 16…and back to being a normal girl…the day as a princess has just passed by…

Recalling that bitter memory she smiles sadly.

Should I have been selfish back then? I guess you could say I have Taengoo now…am I asking for too much? Will I be able to turn into a princess again without the help of the fairy god mother?

The light brown wavy haired girl just sighed and closes her eyes shut.

Chapter 12 : In that same darkness

Taeyeon opened her eyes to see Jessica’s hand on her waist. She gave the girl a light peck on the forehead and the girl stirred a little. The light brown haired girl shuffled in bed a little before slowly opening her eyes to a smiling Taeyeon.

“You’re finally awake?”


Jessica wanted to lie in the shorter girl’s embrace for a longer time but the shorter girl seemed to be refusing.

“Sica-yah, you have to get up and go to work.” reminded Taeyeon.

The taller girl just succumbed and slowly got up and walked over to the bathroom to wash up. Taeyeon on the other hand, walked over to the kitchen to prepare a simple breakfast, cereal and milk.

Due to her sprained wrist, it was pretty difficult to prepare a decent meal. She opened the cabinet, taking out the cereal box and then walking over to the fridge, she takes the cold carton of milk out.

She takes the two cereal bowls and pours in the cereals in both. But just as she was about to pour in the milk, again, her vision started to waver a little. She shook it off and it turned back to normal, she poured in the milk and grabbed two spoons, leaving it next to the cereal bowls on the dining table.

Jessica who was in the bathroom showering much longer than usual, the water from the shower head was hitting down on her hard. From head to toe she was completely wet and there was no doubt about that.

Kwon Yuri, Hwang Taeyeon, Kwon Yuri, Hwang Taeyeon, Kwon Yuri, Hwang Taeyeon...who is it that I really want? Why is it that the people I fall for always have to love someone else? And not just someone else...but my best friend, Tiffany Hwang... Mi Young...

Jessica sighs and turns off the shower head, she steps out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her own self and starts changing. She steps out of her room to be greeted by a smiling dork waiting for her at the dining table already starting on her meal. Jessica sat down and picked up the spoon, enjoying the cold milk and cereal as well.

“Taengoo-ah, do you think you should visit a doctor?” asked Jessica.

“Don’t worry about me Sica, I’m fine...and besides didn’t Hyo say that the chances are extremely low?” reminded Taeyeon.

“But still...” the taller girl tried to protest.

“Don’t worry too much, Sica-yah.” assured the petite girl.

“Anyways, I’m going to go visit my sister and Yuri today.” informed Taeyeon.

“Oh alright, just be careful.”

“Don’t need to worry, Sica-yah...” assured the petite girl once again.

Taeyeon walked over to the sink and placed her cereal bowl there and headed off to the bathroom to shower. As she turn on the shower head and let the water beat down on her thoughts began to run through her mind.

Should I stay there for long? But what if it starts to act up and they start noticing? But...I haven’t been able to see Fany that often ever since I came back from France... what should I do?

Turning off the shower head she steps out and changes, removing the plastic bag that kept her bandage dry. She dumped the plastic bag into the trash can and headed back to the living room.

Jessica was watching the news and she silently sat beside her. It was reporting on some new rising model who was going to appear on the front cover of some fashion magazine and that she’d make her debut stage on an upcoming fashion runway soon. But none of this really mattered to Taeyeon at all, as honestly she wondered how long she could last before she finally starts losing sight.

“Up and coming model, Choi Sooyoung will be on the front covers of STYLE and she’ll be the main model for Italian designer, Cosimo Lombardi’s spring collection.” The announcer reported.

Hearing that name, Taeyeon and Jessica both looked at each other wide eyed and in shock.

“Did I just hear Sooyoung’s name on TV?” asked Taeyeon.

“Haha...we must be hearing things.” laughed Jessica.

Just then Taeyeon’s phone rang and she answered it.

“Yeoboseyo, Hyo what is it?”

“Oh kiddo, did you see the news?”

“Ah yes...but why? Is there anything wrong?”

“My landlord, she’s that model you know the weird couple I always tell you about?”

“Wait...she’s your landlord?”

“Ah yea...I didn’t think that she’d make it big though...”

“Wait, Hyo...what’s your other landlord’s name?”

“Lee Sunkyu or she’d prefer Sunny...apparently its taboo to call her by her real name.”

“Oh haha...”

“They’re one odd couple is so tall and the other is so short, one moment they’re fighting the next they’re happy again...”

“Haha, I can understand...”

“Anyways I’ll hang up first be sure to rest well.”

“Yea sure...bye, Hyo...”

“Bye, kiddo.”

She ended the call and turned to face Jessica.

“Apparently, Hyo’s landlord, the upcoming model and the Sooyoung we know are all the same people.” stated Taeyeon.

“Soo...Soo...Sooyoung...are you sure?” questions Jessica.

Taeyeon just simply nods her head, not able to believe it as well. Just then Jessica’s phone rings as well.

“Yeoboseyo, who is it?”

“Oh, Sica-ah, it’s me, Sunny!”

“Oh Sunny, what is it?”

“Did you see the news?”


“I’m so proud of my wife!”

“Haha...I’m sure you are...”

“Oh, Sica-ah...when are you going to marry Taeyeon?”


“Hey~ don’t need to be shy~”

“Haha...” Jessica laughed stiffly.

“Anyways, after Young-ie finishes with the photo shoot and runway, I plan on holding a celebration for Young-ie at my place, want to come?” she offered.

“Ah...sure, no problem...”

“But we have a tenant so it might be a bit bothersome for her...”

“Err...Sunny what’s your tenant’s name?”

“Kim Hyoyeon.”

“Oh haha...”

“Do you know her?”

“Not really but apparently she’s close friends with Taengoo...”

“Oh haha what coincidence, then I’m sure she won’t mind about the party.”

“Bye, Sica.”

“Bye, Sunny.”

And she ends the call with the touch of a button.

“ really is Sooyoung.”

“ that’s a surprise.” commented Taeyeon.

“Well...I have to leave for work now.” informs Jessica.


“Yes, what is it, Taengoo?”

“Can I borrow your car?”


“Thanks!” the petite girl exclaims and gives her a dorky grin.

“Haha...” she chuckled.


“Bye, see you at night.”

The door clicks shut as the light brown haired girl heads off to the café. Taeyeon lazes around on the couch again and picks up her phone dialling Tiffany.

“Yeoboseyo, who is it?” the receiver asked sleepily.

“’re still sleeping at this hour?”

“Taetae, is that you?”

“Haha...yea it’s me, you don’t have work today right?”

“No...Why, what is it?”

“Let’s meet up.”

“Sure, I’ll ask Yuri whether she’s free as well. Hold on for a while.”


“Yuri-ah...” Tiffany called out.

“Ahh~ what is it, jagi-ah?”

“Taetae wants to hang out, do you have to work today?”

“Taeng?” questions Yuri as she sits up from bed.


“Sure, I’m’s tiring anyways, sitting in that boring office trapped in all four walls.”

“Where does she want to go?” asked Yuri.

“Not sure, I haven’t asked yet...”

“Oh ok...wake me up later...” says Yuri as she plops herself back onto the bed.

“Ah sorry for the long wait, Taetae...Yuri says she’s free so where do you want to hang out?”

“How about the usual place, at Jackson’s...?”

“Ah...sure, no problem, what time are we meeting?”

“Erm...maybe about lunchtime, I guess...”

“Ah ok, bye, Taetae...”

“Bye, Fany-ah...”

The line goes dead and the petite girl walks back to the room and plops herself onto the bed. Starring into the ceiling upstairs, she heaves a sigh.



The tall long haired girl was sitting at the front row and listening attentively to the lecture unlike some others who were lazing around or couldn’t be bothered at all.

Everyone couldn’t wait for the lecture to end, but that particular girl was still listening attentively as if she was watching her favourite TV program. Jotting down notes, occasional questions for the lecturer and such were a basic daily routine already.

Her phone vibrated, she had received probably a few messages but she didn’t even bother once to look at it as she was too busy listening to the boring but educational lecture.

After long hours, everyone was packing their bags ready to head home. Seohyun did the same and walked out of the school. As she walked towards the main gate, a tall young man was leaning over his car waiting for her as usual to pick her up.

“Changmin oppa, what are you doing here?” she asked calling out to her boyfriend.

“To fetch you of course.” he replied.

“ want to go and have lunch or you want me to send you back home?” he asked politely.

“Ermm...lunch sounds good, oppa.” she said agreeing to his suggestions.

“Sure, no problem...”

The tall young man opens the car door for his girlfriend and she steps in, he shuts the door and heads over to the other door and steps into the driver’s seat. As Changmin was driving, as usual the mood was pretty silence just usual topics here and there.


“What is it, oppa?”

“Err...haha...nothing much...” he said laughing it off.

“Oppa, are you sure? Do you have something to tell me?” she questions.

“Err...did you get my message?” he asked.

“Yea but sorry oppa I was too busy I forgot to reply to them.” she apologised.

“Haha...don’t worry about that, I only wanted to inform you about something.”

“Oh...what is it about, oppa?”

“Sooyoung appeared on the news, she’s going to be the main model for some Italian designer’s spring collection and is going to be on the main cover of STYLE magazine.” he informed.

“Wow~ that’s so cool oppa! Sunny unni must be so proud!” exclaimed Seohyun.

“Err...and another thing...” he said contemplating whether to say this or not.

“What is it, oppa?”

“Sunny’s hosting a congratulations party for Sooyoung, she asks if you wanted to come as well.” he informed.

“Sure, oppa! No problem at all.”

The drive was pretty short but maybe it was due to the fact that they were conversing more than usual. Changmin stopped by at an eatery where he was recommended by Sooyoung to have really good food.

They stepped in and both of them walked over to their seats. The eatery was small but it held a feeling of being at home, Changmin smiled as the smell of the food reach his nose, he definitely admits that his cousin always had good taste in food.

“Haha...oppa are you enjoying the aroma of the food here?” Seohyun asked chuckling.

“Haha...sorry Seohyun, I guess I got too caught up in the moment.” he apologised.

“Its okay oppa.” assures Seohyun.

Changmin calls for the waiter and a pretty young man comes along, as the waiter walked towards them and greeted them with a bow as soon as Changmin and Seohyun were done ordering and the waiter was done taking down their orders they looked up to see a familiar face.

“Jaejoong oppa what are you doing here?” asked Seohyun in shock.

“Err...I’ll explain later ok, Seohyun?” he said.

“Oh alright, oppa...” she succumbed.

Jaejoong walked over and placed the order, the chefs began working on it and after a while it was served. The both of them ate their meals in peace although Changmin was a bit noisy but still it was bearable.

After they finished their meal, Seohyun told Changmin to go back first and that she had something to talk to Jaejoong. He reluctantly succumbs to it and heads off first. Jaejoong requested permission from the owner to take a break for a while and he agreed to let him do so.

“Jaejoong oppa why are you working here?” she asked.

“Sorry Seohyun-ah for not informing you and Junsu.” he apologises.

“Jaejoong oppa, you know that oppa is really worried about you right?” she asked.

“Yea...I know but I had to sort out my feelings first.” he said contemplating whether to tell Seohyun.

“Oppa is this because of Jessica unni?” she asked knowing all too well.

Jaejoong slightly taken aback at how well Seohyun read his mind immediately, and he simply just nodded.

“Don’t be upset oppa, I’m sure there are plenty of other girls out there.” she assures.

“I know it’s going to be hard to let her go but should start facing up to your problems like a real man, Jaejoong oppa!” she scolds.

“Haha...I’m glad that I’ve got a cousin like you.” he said chuckling.

“Anyways oppa...are you coming to the congratulatory party as well?” she asked.

“I’m not sure...”

“Aww man~ oppa~ you’ll have to face Jessica unni sooner or later.” she whines.

“Ok fine...” he succumbs.

“Anyways how’s the work here?” Seohyun asked.

“Good, the boss treats me well.” he says.

“Oh and I met this weird girl.” he said suddenly recalling.

“Oppa who is it?” asked Seohyun curiously.

“The owner’s daughter.” he informs.

“She came in suddenly complaining about getting fired and all hahas...” he laughed recalling that day.

“Oh hahas oppa, glad you are enjoying yourself here.” she says smiling.

“’s Junsu doing?” Jaejoong asked.

“Working as know I agree with Junsu oppa...” she began.

“What do you mean?”

“That Taeyeon unni might actually be our sister...”

“’s kinda impossible isn’t it?” he questions.

“I know but...there’s just this feeling, oppa...”

“Anyways oppa, it was nice talking to you but I have to leave first.” she informs.

“You’re leaving already? But we haven’t even chatted for long.” he complains.

“Haha don’t worry oppa, I’ll come visit again oh and another thing oppa.” she says suddenly recalling.

“Oh what is it Seohyun-ah?”

“Come back to the company soon, Junsu oppa needs your help!” she exclaims as she exits the eatery by the back door which was used by the workers.

Jaejoong heads back into the eatery thinking hard on what Seohyun had just said. Honestly, he could not find any answers yet, just then the owner’s daughter came down from upstairs with her usual lazed attitude.

He had always thought the girl was rather peculiar in a good way. She had her own style and views and definitely showed it that way. She didn’t seem to care what others would think of her and was definitely close with everyone in the eatery.

Having worked in the eatery helped a lot, not only did he slowly suppress his feelings for Jessica, he was beginning to feel attraction towards Lina, which was a good thing. If Jessica decided to see him just as a close oppa, he thought that maybe he should be able to do it as well.

And besides, fully knowing her heart never once belonged to him, it was pointless fighting for her and Jaejoong didn’t want to lose the friendship he shared with Jessica.

He was glad that Jessica didn’t cut off their ties as close oppa dongsaeng, and who knows, maybe when he gets married he’ll ask Jessica to be the bridesmaid.

-At Jackson’s-

Jackson Hole was its full name and it was a pretty small place with a cowboy bar setting. Tiffany and Yuri had already arrived before hand and were sitting at seat near the window. Just then Taeyeon came walking down the stairs and entering the place, Tiffany and Yuri who spotted her waved to her and she walked over to them.

“It somehow feels I haven’t seen you for so long, Taeng.” commented Yuri.

“Yea me too, Taetae...” agreed Tiffany.

“ guys...I’ve only been away for one to two weeks not like I’ve been gone for years.”

“ were gone for practically 3 whole years.” protested Tiffany.

“Alright...I’m sorry, ok?”

“So...what do you guys want to eat?” asked Yuri.

“Jackson burger!” all three exclaimed at the same time.

“Hahaha...I guess we’re all ordering the same thing.” said Yuri bursting out in laughter.

“Haha...I guess...”

They ordered their Jackson burger and soon after their order arrived. The three of them begin to dig in and sighed at the taste, it was still as delicious as ever. After finishing their meal they sat down for a while and ordered beer, drinking and talking like old times.

“So how you doing at Sica’s place?” asked Tiffany.

“We’re getting along well.”

“Just well?” asked Tiffany.

“ I suppose to give a different answer?” questioned Taeyeon.

“Haha no but you and Sica’s sudden announcement in dating was pretty much a shocker.” stated Yuri laughing.

“Oh...haha...I guess it was...” agreed Taeyeon.

“So...why you called us out, Taeng?” asked Yuri.

“’s boring to stay at home and I can’t paint because of my sprained wrist.” explained Taeyeon.

“Oh yea...that’s right...your wrist...”

“Taetae, you know you need to be more careful next time!” reprimanded Tiffany.

“Haha sure...I will...”

“Oh and another thing, Sunny’s inviting us to her apartment for a congratulatory party for Sooyoung.” informed Taeyeon.

“Oh yea...Sunny called to inform us about that as well.” said Tiffany suddenly recalling.

“So Taetae are you going to attend the party?” asked Tiffany


“Wow Taeng, you’re attending a party? You hardly ever do...”

“ wouldn’t hurt once in a while and besides I have to introduce you guys to my friend, Hyoyeon.”

“Who’s she?” asked Tiffany.

“Oh...a friend who let me stay at her house when I was in France and also the Soosun’s couple’s tenant...” stated Taeyeon lying to them a little.

“Oh haha...your friend must sure have it tough, having to deal with the two weirdoes.” commented Yuri.

“Haha...I totally agree with that...” said Taeyeon laughing.

“You know Taetae...we should do this more’s been ages since we actually sat down and have a good nice talk.” suggested Tiffany.

“Yea Taeng, I agree with Jagi...” agreed Yuri.

“Oh ok...” succumbed Taeyeon.

“Maybe we should invite Sica the next time round.” suggested Yuri.

“Yea...Jessi must feel lonely if her girlfriend’s not accompanying her.” agreed Tiffany.

“Haha I’m sure she has her hands full with the café already.”

“But still it wouldn’t hurt once in a while to hang out as a foursome again.” stated Yuri.

“Alright then...” Taeyeon succumbed.

“So how’s Yoona doing?” asked Yuri.

“The last time I met her she was pretty alright, I guess she’s doing well.” replied Taeyeon lying.

“You want to go see her?” asked Taeyeon.

“Nah...I’m pretty sure she’s grown up enough to handle things herself. She’s no longer the immature maknae of the Kwons' anymore.” said Yuri.


“Anyways, about Sica...” Taeyeon began.

“Exactly why did she leave her house?” asked Taeyeon.

“ really want to know?” asked Yuri contemplating on whether to tell her best friend or not.


“ could say the main reason was because of her mother and that arranged marriage. I mean you know how her mother and her relationship is like...they were never on good terms at all...considering the fact that she’s their illegitimate child...” explained Yuri.

“She was forced to go on lots of blind dates just to meet the heirs to a huge corporation... usually she’d go without defying since she was uninterested in any of them and it was just blind dates...but...”

“But what happen?”

“Her mother set up an arranged marriage without her knowing and not only that, it was to someone whom we all know very well...”

“Who was that person?”

“Jaejoong oppa...”

Taeyeon choked a little on her glass of beer but regained back her composure soon enough.

“Jae...Jae...Jaejoong oppa?” she questioned.

“But...he only recently just confessed to Sica not long ago...”

“Yea but at that time Sica just left abruptly during the arranged meeting between the two families, no one really had a chance to speak at all.”

“And after which, she left the house...her dad provided her the apartment and one of his cafés for her to manage.”

“And then the arranged marriage was forced onto Krystal, but of course to a different person.”

“Seriously Jessi’s mom is a really dominating person, she’ll do anything to crush those who get in the word. The way I see she treats poor people like insects who need to be trampled on.” warned Tiffany.

“Yea I’s going to be hard for you Taeng, if you ever decide to marry Sica you have to be prepared.” agreed Yuri.

“There were lots of rumours circling around on why Amber was the first to initiate the break up. Some said that Sica’s mom forced Amber into it, I’m not too sure about the details but Taeng, be careful...she’s one scary woman and very dominating, she’ll do anything in her power to get rid of anything that stands in her way.” warned Yuri.

“I’ll try to be careful...” assured Taeyeon.

“Oh and Taeng, I know you’ve been trying to find out about your parents true cause of death...”

“So have you found out about anything yet?”

“Ok it’s definitely true that the brakes were tampered with but they’re denying that fact of course.”

“I’ve gotten information from outside sources that Kwangmu Corporations aren’t just an ordinary trading corporation. It’s true that they do export loads of goods but apparently your dad found out a secret within the company.”

“What was that?” asked Tiffany.

“I think in some of their goods they actually had drugs called ecstasy. They sell it to the big bosses of mafias, yakuzas, and triads. Those people then sell it to the teenagers, they’re making a lot of money out of it, its outrageous!” exclaimed Yuri.

“They export the drugs all over the world and seriously they have a silent agreement between those who sell them the drugs and those whom they sell the drugs to, that’s why they’re never caught.” explained Yuri.

“But doesn’t anybody report to the police?” asked Tiffany.

“That’s the problem, they’re too afraid to do that...”

“One word to the police and the next day you’ll find your whole family dead and after that you yourself will be dead.” explained Yuri.

“It’s a really terrifying thought...but I think your dad discovered about this when he was delivering the goods and considering the sources they have, they probably hired someone to mess with the brakes.”

“They intended on killing all of you guys but I guess you two were lucky...”

“Yea I guess we were...” agreed Taeyeon.

“But does Junsu oppa and Seohyun know anything of this?” asked Taeyeon.

“No...Not at all, their dad may be cold hearted towards them but he still treats them like his children but Junsu oppa is beginning to have his doubts though...” explained Yuri.

“No wonder he seems different from the Junsu oppa before...” commented Taeyeon.

“I think Seohyun may have her doubts but I don’t think she suspects anything yet...”

“It’s dangerous to go up against them alone, Taeng...Kwangmu Corporation is not one to be messed with...” warned Yuri.

“Don’t worry, Yuri...I know what to do and besides I won’t act on impulse...” assured Taeyeon.

“Taetae, if you need help just ask us...don’t always do it on your own.” offered Tiffany.

“ problem...” said Taeyeon accepting her offer.

“So what’s Amber doing now?” asked Taeyeon.

“I heard she’s working at a construction site...she probably wants to return every single cent Krystal’s mom gave her when she forced them to break up.” explained Yuri.


The three of them drank but not too much as they still had to drive home, by the time they left Jackson Hole, it was already late evening and the sun was beginning to set. Taeyeon headed over to Jessica’s car and Yuri and Tiffany to her motorcycle, they bid their farewells and left the place going off in different directions.

Taeyeon was driving at a constant speed and was heading towards Jessica’s café to fetch her home. She had already sent a message that she’d be arriving soon and asked Jessica not to take the bus.

Just as the traffic light turned red her vision blurred a little and she came to an abrupt stop. She shook it off and continued driving but when she turned at a corner, her vision started to blur again and a huge van was heading to her direction. By the time she shook off the blurriness it was a bit too late, she had to get out of the way in time.

She swerved the steering wheel to the left, avoiding to crash with the van and the car banged into a nearby lamppost. Her head fell forward onto the steering wheel, blood was flowing down. The front of the car was dented badly and the windows were damaged at the front.

The driver of the van parked at one side of the road and got out of the van, he walked over to the car and checked if the driver was okay. Seeing no movement from the driver he immediately dialled the ambulance.

-At the café-

Jessica was last to leave as usual as she cleaned the place, she decided to make herself a cup of cappuccino as Taeyeon wouldn’t be arriving just yet. But after she made that cup of cappuccino, she brought the cup out and her hands slipped and the cup dropped to the floor making a ‘clang’ sound as it hit the cold floor. Coffee spilled all over the floor and the porcelain cup shattered into pieces. She stood there shocked at what had just happened, the clock struck 8 and Taeyeon still hadn’t arrived yet.

Did something happen? Nah...Sica you think too much...Taengoo will be here any minute now...

Jessica assured herself in her mind, getting rid of all the possibilities of something bad happening.

-At the same time-

Dii~ doo~ dii~ doo~

The sound of the ambulance grew louder as it reached the scene, they laid the petite girl carefully onto the stretcher and lifted her into the ambulance truck. The unconscious girl was still bleeding, the paramedics were doing the necessary precautions to make it stop. Her heart rate was decreasing slowly and was probably slipping into a coma.

Dii~ doo~ dii~ doo~

The sound of the ambulance truck rang throughout the night sky as it headed towards the hospital as fast as possible.

-At the café-

It was already 8:30 and Taeyeon still had yet to arrive, Jessica decided to close up the shop, she looked at the shattered porcelain pieces in the rubbish bin and wondered if Taeyeon was really okay or not. She headed out and took the bus back home, as she opened the door to her apartment she found that Taeyeon was no where to be found.

Maybe she’s still out with Tiff and Yuri?

She decided to think of it as that way and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower, after washing up she headed to her room and was about to fall asleep when her hand phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number.

“Yeoboseyo, who is this?” she answered slightly annoyed.

“Yeoboseyo am I speaking to Miss Jessica Jung?” the caller asked politely.

“Yes, you are. May I know who this is?” she asked once again irritated.

“This is Seoul General Hospital, we are calling to inform that Miss Hwang Taeyeon has gotten into an accident and currently in surgery right now. We need you to come down to sign some necessary papers tomorrow. We have been requested to do so as it is stated in her medical folder that her sister, Miss Tiffany Hwang is not to be...” explained the nurse but was cut off.

“ accident...?” asked Jessica stammering only able to comprehend two words in her head.

“Yes, Miss...Can you come by tomorrow?” she asked.

“” she said stuttering.

“Thank you very much, Miss Jung.” thanked the nurse and the line was dead.

Jessica didn’t even bother to end the call, the phone slowly slipped out of her grip and it fell onto the soft bed hardly making any noise at all.

Ca...Ca...Car accident....? What happened to you, Taengoo? I shouldn’t have let you borrow my car in the first place...none of this would have happened anyways...

Ahh~ it’s too late to regret about that...should I inform Hyoyeon about this?

She dialled for Hyoyeon’s number and waited for someone to pick up.

-At Soosun’s apartment-

-Hyoyeon’s room-

The girl was dancing and was sweating profusely with the music blasting loudly, her phone rang and she groaned in frustration. She walked over and answered the call frustrated at the fact that the person was disturbing her dance practise.

“Who is this?” she asked annoyed.

The caller was not saying anything making her even more annoyed.

“Hello? May I know who this is?” she asked.

“Hyo...Hyo...Hyoyeon...” the girl on the other line stammered.

“Jessica? What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” she asked finally recognising who the caller was.

“Tae...Tae...Taeyeon...” she began.

“What happened to kiddo?” she asked not understanding the situation yet.

“ accident...” Jessica said in between her sobs.

Hyoyeon who was in shock didn’t even speak, all she could hear was the sounds of Jessica’s cries on the other line. She didn’t even try comforting the other girl, the phone slip out of her hand and the phone hit the cold hard floor. The cover, battery and such all came out. Now the phone was in separate parts, spread out across the floor. The line went dead and she stood there still in shock.

Kiddo...don’t tell me her vision is already affecting her? But...appa said it wouldn’t occur so fast...didn’t he?

What am I going to do now? I promised to take care of kiddo and look at what happen...

Hyoyeon stood still at the same spot for quite some time before finally slowly heading to the bathroom to wash up.

-At the Kwon’s mansion-

Yuri and Tiffany were snuggled underneath the blanket sleeping peacefully but Tiffany was tossing around slightly.

“No~ Taetae! Don’t leave, don’t leave me behind!” she shouted but nothing came out.

“No~ don’t go to where umma and appa are! You can’t leave me behind like this!” she shouted again but the petite girl just looked back and her and smiled.

Soon the whole place was filled with darkness again, she was left alone again as usual every time this dream occurred.

Tiffany bolted up and realised that it was just another nightmare again. Yuri rubbed her eyes and sat up as well.

“Had another bad dream?” she asked Tiffany.

The shoulder length haired girl just simply nodded her head.

“Yuri-ah, I think that something bad is happening to Taetae...”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure Taeng is at Sica’s need to worry...” assured Yuri.

“No Yuri...this time it’s different...” she protested.

“Sister’s instincts I guess...I don’t know Yuri...I don’t know at all...I just feel something bad is going to happen...”

“Don’t worry...I’m sure nothing happened...” comforted Yuri as she gave her wife a back hug.

Yuri slowly made the girl lie back down onto the bed to sleep and she hugged the girl even tighter this time. But into the late night, even in Yuri’s embrace she was still tossing and turning. The same dream was occurring again and again no matter how many times she closed her eyes. That same room, same door, same smile...same dream, same nightmare kept repeating. And Tiffany couldn’t seem to wake up from it at all.

It was like the devil was playing mind games on her, that same darkness spread across the room once again and once again she was alone no matter how many times she cried out for Taeyeon in her dream, it was useless. No one answered to her prayers and again she was in a room of darkness, a room of loneliness...

Chapter 13: Taking the first step...

Taeyeon woke up to find herself in the unfamiliar room but one thing she noticed was the light brown haired girl who had been waiting on the chair beside her bed. The familiar scent of coffee ran up her nose and she immediately knew it was Jessica. Jessica stirred a little before waking up to see a smiling Taeyeon.

“Good morning.” the petite girl smiled.

The taller girl didn’t give a reply but seemed rather angry.

“What’s wrong?” asked the shorter girl.

Jessica didn’t feel like talking so she stood up and left the room before the older girl had any room to talk.

She was here the whole night for that fact, if Hyoyeon hadn’t been here she was sure she’d have gone insane. Luckily enough, Taeyeon only suffered a rather large cut on the forehead and just some stitching would do. But hearing news of the petite girl in the hospital did not do her any good and she definitely might have been on the verge of breaking down if it wasn’t for Hyoyeon.

Jessica could never explain her feelings for Taeyeon. Was it love? Or was it just concern? Either that or she had some sort of weird attraction towards the shorter girl. Every time she thinks she loves Yuri, Taeyeon starts to pop up in her mind. The light brown haired girl was definitely confused and that was just the best way to describe her feelings for both of them.

Jessica had always felt that Taeyeon was the idealistic, okay, maybe not but around there...girlfriend one could have. Having been best friends with Tiffany since elementary school when she moved to their school, she somehow knew that even though Tiffany chose Yuri, she could feel that Tiffany definitely had romantic feelings for her own sister without her knowing. And the reason why Taeyeon chose to step back was not because Tiffany was her sister. But at the very fact that Yuri was her best friend and not just any best friend, someone who had been there when her parents died.

One never really understood the friendship Yuri and Taeyeon had, Jessica felt that they had a close bond it was unbreakable yet so fragile at the same time. The reason why they rarely fought was because Taeyeon always gave in. Whenever Yuri and Tiffany had a lovers spat, she would always be the one to listen and obviously hurting inside.

Being the thoughtful person the petite girl was, she was definitely popular in school. Jessica saw Taeyeon as someone who was really good at dealing with other people’s issues but surprisingly not her own. The petite girl clicked well with everybody. With that dorky smile, calm nature, thoughtfulness and being a good listener it was hard not to want the petite girl.

Jessica had seen many girls in school gossiping, saying that they’d dump their boyfriends just to be with Taeyeon. And surprisingly she wasn’t the enemy of those girls’ boyfriends as well. The petite girl actually clicked well with them and when they had girl trouble they would actually come to her for advice.

Jessica was still confused at what kind of relationship she and Taeyeon shared. Was it friendship? Was it love? She didn’t know the answer, but she definitely admits she must have some kind of feelings for the petite girl.

She still remembers the day Taeyeon left without a word, 3 years ago to France. She doesn’t know why but she felt alone again despite having loads of friends.

Things were never good at her house to begin with. Being the illegitimate child she was, she could never please her mother no matter how many times she did. She remembered the times when she was 10 and got second place in school, her mother was so furious at her not only did she beat her with that cane, she locked her up in the cold attic for hours.

Jessica had always feared being alone in a dark room for a long period of time, because she feels abandoned every time someone leaves her. She remembers living in that dimly lit apartment with her birth mom when she was 8, her mom left her alone in that house like any other day to go to work.

But there was once, there was a black out and she couldn’t do anything but cower in a corner with her arms wrapped around her legs. The next day she woke up to receive a call that her mom had passed away.

Surprisingly she wasn’t sent to the orphanage but was brought to an unfamiliar mansion. Her step mother never grew to accept her and was always harsh on her. Jessica used to fear her a lot but as time grew she learnt how to stand her ground.

There were times, she had wanted to fight back but couldn’t, however, surprisingly, she got along pretty well with her step sister, Krystal. Maybe because Krystal was just different from her mom, her mom had always a strong sense of dominance and power but even though Krystal felt cold and distant she was still warm at heart. Her father however, couldn’t be explained. He cared for her yet didn’t care for her enough at the same time. True he got her the apartment and the café but was it really because of love?

The light brown haired girl sighed and headed back into the room. She sat on the edge of the bed and look into the petite girl’s dark brown orbs.

“Look, Taeyeon. I’m sorry for being angry at you earlier but...I just...wasn’t in the right mood...” she apologised.

As expected being the thoughtful person she was, all the petite girl did was smile and assure her that it was alright.

“Anyways, Sica-yah...did Hyo say when I can be discharged?”

“Well...since your injury wasn’t that serious, you can be discharged by today.” informs the younger girl.

“Oh ok...”

“Taengoo-ah...” she called out.


“Promise me you won’t abandon me again.”

“ sure are weird, why would I do that and besides I’m living with you aren’t I?” the petite girl chuckled.

“I’m being serious this time, Taengoo... just promise that you won’t leave...”


No words were needed as the light brown haired girl hugged the petite girl, the shorter girl returned the hug and they stayed like that for a while.

“Taengoo-ah...I’m afraid...I know I act strong and put on a brave front but...I’m scared...” she confessed.

“You know...when eomeoni used to beat me up and lock me in that attic...all I could think about was umma...” the girl trembled as she said every line.

“Don’t’s all over now...” the older girl assured the younger girl.

Jessica let go of the hug and looked into the older girl’s eyes once more.

“Taengoo-ah...I really can’t explain this but...”

“What is it, Sica-yah?”

“Every time I feel I love Yuri, you start to pop up...”

“What do you mean by that?”

“What I mean is...” she began.

“I think I’m starting to fall-“

Just as she was about to say her sentence, Hyoyeon came interrupting. Seeing the two of them, she was about to leave when the petite girl called out to her.

“So, Hyo, when can I leave?”

“Don’t worry kiddo, you can leave in a while’s time.”


“I shall take my leave then.” informed Hyoyeon.

“Leaving so soon?”

“Haha yea...”



The door closed shut as Hyoyeon walked out of the hospital.

“So, what was it that you wanted to say?” asked the petite girl.

“It’s nothing...” she lied smiling.

“You sure you have nothing to say to me?”

The light brown haired girl simply nodded.

“So, how’s your car?” asked the petite girl feeling guilty.

“Don’t worries it’s under repair and the next time you ask me for my car, I’ll remember to reject.”

“Hey~ it was just a little accident~”

“Accident?! You could have gotten yourself killed back there!” shouted the light brown haired girl.

The petite girl cowered in fear as this was probably the first time Jessica ever got this angry at her.

Seeing the older girl, she couldn’t help but sigh in defeat as she muttered a ‘sorry’ under her breath.

-Later in the afternoon-

The petite girl had already changed back into her own clothes and was ready to leave the hospital with Jessica.

They flagged a taxi and went back to the apartment, when they entered the house, Jessica dropped her handbag on the couch and plopped herself down, Taeyeon quietly sat beside her. The whole ride back home was quiet and stiff, both of them didn’t speak and couldn’t find the right words.

“So, you’re not going to work?”

Jessica just simply nodded her head.

“So, does Fany know about this?” asked Taeyeon.

“No, so you don’t have to worry.” assured Jessica.

Silence filled the room and the only thing that was talking was the drama airing on TV.

“How’s your wrist?” asked Jessica randomly.

“Fine...the doctor said that I can remove the cast by next week.” informed Taeyeon.


“Sica-yah, can I ask you something?”

“What is it, Taengoo?”

“Have you like...fallen for me...?” she asked cautiously.

Jessica just stared at the TV blankly, those words were like a wake up call in her head.

“Taengoo-ah, if I said I have...what would you do?” she asked.

The petite girl shrugged, not knowing what to say or do.

Jessica turned to face the shorter girl, staring into those dark brown orbs, she broke the tense atmosphere surrounding them.

“Never mind...just pretend that I didn’t say anything...”

As the light brown haired girl was about to stand up and head to the kitchen, Taeyeon forced her back down onto the couch.

“Taengoo-ah...” she called out the petite girl’s name.

Not knowing why, she leaned over and planted a kiss on the younger girl’s lips.

Jessica sat there shocked, but slowly gave in to temptation as she closed her eyes and enjoyed this moment. But it was short lived as Taeyeon quickly backed away, looking away from Jessica she muttered a ‘sorry’.

The two of them just sat in silence, not even bothering to watch the drama that had been airing for the past hour.

-At a photo shoot-

The staff began to pack up as they took a few more shots before wrapping up. The model thanked everyone, she went into the dressing room and they helped removed her make-up and she changed back into her own clothes. She drove back to her apartment dead beat. The music was still blasting and she immediately knew it was her tenant dancing again. She went into her room and plopped onto the bed, the shorter but older woman looked at her concerned.

“Tough time?”

Sooyoung just simply nodded.

“Don’t worry too much, Young-ie...I’m sure all this will be over soon and I’m preparing a party for you so just stay strong...”


Just as she was about to kiss the shorter girl, the blasting music irritated her ears and she stood up walked over to the tenant’s room and knocked hard on the door.

The door opened in a matter of seconds as the shorter girl looked up to see a frustrated Sooyoung.

“Look, Hyoyeon right? I’m dead beat from my work and you’ve probably seen the news so you know what it is. So, I’d appreciate it if you lower down the volume and why have you been blasting music so loudly the past week?”

“Oops! Sorry about that...I just got a job at a nearby dance studio as a dance instructor and was coming up with some moves for the students.” she informed.

“Alright, but keep it down the next time...we wouldn’t want to disturb the neighbours won’t we?”

“But I thought your wife, Sunny made the house soundproof already?”

“Ok wouldn’t want to disturb your landlord right?”

“Well...I guess so...”

“Good. And wait! You’re a dance instructor?” questioned Sooyoung suspiciously.

“Yea...why? Is anything the problem?” she asked cocking a brow at the question.

“No, it’s just that I thought I saw medical books in your room and all.”

“Oh...yea, I did study medicine when I was in university.”

“Then why aren’t you a doctor?”

“Never liked it.” she stated with a hint of sadness in her voice.

“So...why did you even bother going through years of studying it?” she questioned finding it suspicious.

“Look. I don’t really want to talk about my personal life here and I’m sure you want to rest don’t you?”

“Fine...” succumbed the taller girl as she headed back to her room.

“So how’d it go?” asked Sunny.

“The girl’s weird...” commented Sooyoung.

“She seems nice and isn’t she Taeyeon’s friend?”

“She’s Taeyeon’s friend?!” exclaimed Sooyoung.

Sunny just simply nodded her head.

“Wow, I know Taeyeon clicked well with everybody but still...” remarked Sooyoung.

“Aww~ don’t be like that~ I’m sure she’s just tired...”

“Well...she should still treat us with more respect since she’s staying in our apartment.”

“But...we are making good money from her, so still we should try to treat her better...”

“Maybe she really doesn’t want to tell about her personal life?”

“You heard?” asked the taller girl.

Sunny just simply nodded.

“Let’s go to sleep, shall we?” suggested the shorter girl.

“Yea...I still have another photo shoot tomorrow and I’m already so tired...” agreed Sooyoung as she climbed onto the bed.

-In Hyoyeon’s room-

She was sweating like mad and she didn’t bother, dancing made her forget about any problems she had and she felt happy.

When she heard about the news of Taeyeon getting into a car accident she was panicking frantically. Although she was the one who told Jessica to calm down. Just after she left the hospital she received a call from her father asking her when she would return to France.

-Earlier in the afternoon-

She received a call as she walked out of the hospital and stopped to answer it.

“Hi, sweetie, it’s me.” said the voice over the phone.

“Oh hi, appa...what are you doing calling me?”

“I was wondering when you would return to France?”

“Appa, I already told you...I have no intentions of following in your footsteps...”

“But Hyo, darling, you have to understand that dancing isn’t an appropriate choice for you...”

“Then what is, appa?” she said with much spite.

“Don’t be like this, Hyo.”

“Appa, I already told you...I’ve no intention of becoming a doctor, sure I did well in university and went to med school according to your wishes but I just don’t...”

“Hyo, can we not bring this up?”

“You see, appa! That’s the problem! You never want to listen to me!”

“I’ve been the good daughter always, even though I did dance behind your back I still scored well in school and even studied medicine in university just to please you!”


“Appa! Just let me do what I want now...please, I beg you!”

“And besides, Taeyeon needs me...”

“Is it because of her, that’s why you won’t come home?”

“No, don’t misunderstand...there’s nothing going on between her and me and besides appa, I like guys but that isn’t the point...”

“The point is please just let me do what I want... I don’t want to fight with you about this but really I need you to give me support...”

“I’m sorry Hyo but I’m still going to have to protest and have you reconsider having dancing as a professional career.”

“Look,’re probably tired so let’s just hang up, ok?”

“Alright, but just try to reconsider, ok?”

“I’ll try...bye, appa.”

“Bye, sweetie.”

Hyoyeon lay on the floor, sweat trickling down the side of her forehead as she looked up at the ceiling sighing in defeat.

She wondered why was it she felt she had to stay by Taeyeon’s side. Was it because they were friends? Because she cared for her? Or because she felt somehow the girl was similar to her?

Despite being brought up in a rather rich family, with a loving father despite his busy schedule. Although she didn’t have a mother but still she was content with whatever she had.

Taeyeon grew up without parents and could sort of understand how Hyoyeon felt without a mother but she didn’t understand the pain Hyoyeon felt because her parents had passed away, loved her when they were alive but Hyoyeon’s mom was different.

She was alive, well and kicking but she never once came to find Hyoyeon. Her dad coped well with it but she couldn’t, she remembered the time when she was just 5 when her parents were on the verge of breaking up. Her mom took her and they both lived in a tiny apartment, but her mom never bothered about her and frequently left her at home by herself. Soon, her mother began to find her a nuisance as she was getting in the way of her love life.

One day, she stood at the door step of the apartment as her mom bent down to give her a kiss on the forehead.

Stay here and be a good girl, I’ll be back soon...

Those were the last words she heard of her. Hyoyeon waited in the house alone in the cold winter but nobody returned. Despite being at a young age, she definitely knew what it was. She had just been abandoned by her mother and she knew it was harsh but it was the truth. Her father managed to find out where she was living and took legal custody over her, he nurtured her into a fine young adult and she was grateful for that.

Hyoyeon had always feared the word of abandonment and therefore could never get into a serious relationship. Sure she had one or two boyfriends in the past but they were never deeply romantically involved. Because she didn’t want to have the feeling of abandonment when her boyfriend decided to end their relationship. Until now her mom’s back view as she left that tiny apartment was still vivid in her mind.

Hyoyeon hit the shower and after she was fresh and clean, she lay on her single bed. Trying to close her eyes to sleep.

I always thought that I had to stand by my beliefs and stood by my ground no matter how strong the current was. But you know...sometimes its okay to go with the flow once in a long as it kept me moving forward... But there was always something I was beginning to feel afraid of...and that was relying on others...I’m scared and I can’t seem to move forward... You know, kiddo...sometimes its okay to rely on others...but the thing that scares me is when I start to depend on them...

-At Kwangmu Corporations-

Junsu was in one of the cubicles and he had a terrible stomach ache.

I knew I shouldn’t have eaten those brownies...

Just then he overheard some of the workers talking. Not meaning to eavesdrop, but he had no choice but to stay in the cubicle due to his aching stomach. However he found the topic they were discussing rather interesting, from the sound of the voices it was probably those delivery ajussis who have had worked here for many years.

“Hey, you think Kwangmu is still secretly exporting drugs?”

“Shh! Don’t talk about it so freely! its taboo remember?”

“Oh yeah...Hwang got killed because of it wasn’t he?”

“Yea...and his wife got caught in it as well...I feel pity for their daughters though...”

Drugs?! Was this what abeoji was hiding from us all this time? Wait! Then... at that time, the man at the it was abeoji who stage Mr and Mrs Hwang’s death?

“But...have you ever wondered why the police still haven’t arrested hwejangnim?”

“You really think they can? You’ve been working here for over 30 years, you should know how powerful Kwangmu corporations is...”

“Well...I guess so...”

“Hopefully, they’ll stop...”

Those were the last words Junsu heard as the two workers footsteps could be heard walking out of the toilet. Junsu finished doing his business and stepped out of the cubicle, washing his hands he stared at the mirror wondering whether he was really working for a rightful company.

He headed back to his office to finish his paperwork but his mind seemed to be somewhere else as he didn’t even notice his sister who had come to visit after school.

“Oppa...” she called out.

Only after a while then he realised someone was calling him and he answered.


“Oppa, is something the matter? You look lost in your thoughts.”

He closed the door to make sure their conversation wasn’t heard by any of the staff.

“Seohyun, I think Taeyeon’s parents were killed because of abeoji.”

“I know he isn’t the best of a dad but still...”

“No Seohyun, really! I overheard some of the deliver ajussis in the toilet... they said Mr Hwang was killed because he found out abeoji was shipping drugs and apparently wanted to report about it secretly.”

Seohyun gasped not knowing what to say.

“It perfectly makes sense don’t you think, Seo?”

“That man at the funeral, Taeyeon staring at we all as if we did something wrong.”

“Now that I think about it, it is coming back to place, oppa.”

“But wait! Oppa...that still doesn’t conclude our assumptions of Taeyeon unni being our sister!”

“But don’t you think it’s too much of a coincidence she was born on the exact same day, date as our Taeyeon!”

“And...our sister died of a heart condition, have you forgotten, Seo? Although Taeyeon kept it a secret, but we did managed to find out secretly later that she was born with a heart condition but it was never in her medical report. Her medical reports state that she’s a healthy child...” reminded Junsu.

“Then do you think that maybe...there was just one Taeyeon, oppa?”

“I think so too...just maybe, our sister isn’t exactly dead and Taeyeon just happens to be her.”

“But wait! Oppa, Mrs Hwang was pregnant at that time and if I recall umma said that she gave birth to a healthy baby girl and umma even asked her to use the name Taeyeon, after the news of unni being dead came to her.” reminded Seohyun.

“Abeoji has made a lot of enemies in the past...I’m sure of it...there is no way that man has always stayed faithful to umma...Perhaps there was something more to it than we think...Seo...”

“Taeyeon just resembles umma too much not to be our sister! How can one resemble so much in terms of personality, looks and traits?! It’s just impossible, Seo...”

“I know oppa, but Taeyeon you really think she’ll accept the fact that she might be the daughter of the man who staged Tiffany unni’s parents’death?” reminded Seohyun.

“That’s why’s so frustrating...I just can’t seem to think straight but at least we got another piece to the puzzle...”

“Oppa, don’t worry too much...we’ll bring Kwangmu corporations down once we have the evidence...and I’m sure you and Jaejoong oppa can together with me, your loving sister into the best trading corporation in the whole of South Korea and perhaps the whole wide world without it dealing with illegal activities...”

“Thanks, Seo...”

“Hey, what are siblings for?”

“Haha...I like that...”

Seohyun just laugh along with her brother as well.

“So how’s Jaejoong doing? He good?”

“Yea...he says he still needs more time but don’t worry oppa I’m sure he’ll do fine...” assured his sister.

“I’m not exactly worried about Jaejoong, I’m more worried about you, Seo...”

“You know, should really learn how to forgive and forget...”

“What are you talking about, oppa?” she asked pretending to be clueless.

“You’re a smart kid, should know what I’m talking about...”

“Can’t you give her another chance?”

“I already lost my chance with Sunday back then...I don’t want you to end up like me...”

“Oppa, let’s just drop the topic I don’t want to talk about it and besides I have a date with Changmin oppa so I’m leaving first.” she informed as she grabbed her bag and was about to open the door when her brother said something that made her stay rooted to the ground.

“Seohyun-ah, do you really love Changmin?”

“Do you actually love him, or are you just deceiving yourself?”

Seohyun stood there shocked not knowing what to say, her brothers words was like a shot to the heart.

“You love her, don’t you? Despite ignoring her, you still love her don’t you?” he questions again.

Without turning her head to face her brother she spoke.

“The day she decided to leave instead of staying by my side, was the day she broke off our relationship, our friendship with each other...”

“The string has already been cut and you know it, oppa...”

“Two broken glasses just can’t be mended back together again...”

“True...but two broken glasses can be replaced with new ones, Seo...”

“Maybe...oppa...” she muttered under her breath as she left the office and took the elevator down as she walked over to Changmin who had been waiting.

Giving her usual pretend smile to the tall boy, guilt was crawling on her and she didn’t know what to do. The date was as usual dinner and she enjoyed it but was constantly looking away thinking of the words her brother said just now.

Did she really still love Yoona? She herself didn’t know...and has she really forgiven her?

Changmin noticed Seohyun’s behaviour throughout and thought it was time to make a decision. They drove to a beach and sat down at the bench, watching the sun set.

“Beautiful isn’t it?” he asked trying to start a conversation.

“Yea...” she said looking at it without much interest.

“Seohyun-ah...” he said seriously.

“Yes, oppa?”

“Look at me...”

The chubby cheek girl turned to face the taller boy and he summed up all of his courage.

“I don’t think this is working out, Seohyun...”


“Let’s break’s best for both of us, isn’t it?”

“Oppa, are you sure about this?”

Changmin looked away from the girl and stared at the setting sun.

“You still love her don’t you?”

That sentence poked Seohyun right through the heart again.

“To be honest, Seohyun...I’ve known, for the past 3 years you’ve dated me sure but we were just friends...your heart never once belonged to me, it never did...”

“You were constantly thinking of her, weren’t you?”

Seohyun remained silent not knowing what to say.

“You know Seohyun, sometimes...people make mistakes and you have to learn how to forgive them...She was probably too afraid to say sorry because of fear of rejection...perhaps, if you gave a chance...things would work out?”

“But’s easier said than done...”

“I know but it never hurts to take the first step, doesn’t it?”

“I guess so, oppa...”

The taller boy hugged her and she hugged back this time with feelings, because this was the last time she knew the taller boy would hug her this way.

“Always know that I loved you, and that’s why I’m letting you go even if it hurts so badly...”

“But you know Seohyun, they say love can’t be matter how much flaws that person has you always think he or she is perfect...”

“I know Changmin oppa...and I hope we can still be good friends...”

“I hope so too...”

They release the embrace and Changmin offered to drive her back home. When they arrive at the gate, Changmin opened the door for Seohyun as usual and waited for her to walk into the house.

“Remember Seohyun! It always takes the bigger person to forgive!”

“Don’t worry oppa, I’ll try to!” she assured.

“Always remember, open your heart and learn to face new challenges in life, with that I’m sure you’ll be able to move forward!”

“I’ll try, oppa!”

The tall boy hopped back into his car and drove off holding back the tears he had been holding all this while.

Just like what Seohyun said it was easier said than done. And Seohyun had an important place in his heart.

I love you, Seohyun...that’s why I’m letting you go...because it’ll be easier that way...I just feel that maybe, just maybe it wouldn’t hurt so much...

Seohyun went to wash up and change as she lay down on her huge bed thinking of what Changmin oppa had just said just now.

Is it really that easy to forgive someone? I just don’t know...I can’t seem to find the right answers anymore like in exams...

In there really a right or wrong?

The long haired girl sighed as she lay on her bed, looking up at her bedroom’s ceiling.

-Late evening-

-At a bar-

Tiffany was next up in the line up, when it was her turn the usual regular customers gave her a warm applause as she walked towards the center of the stage. She tapped the microphone a few times making sure it was working.

“Good evening.” she greeted with her usual eye smile and husky voice.

“I hope everyone can enjoy this wonderful night and thank you for coming.”

The music started playing and her voice started to fill the bar, people were listening and relaxing at the same time. The bar provided a good atmosphere to do so and that was why it was well liked.

Chikai no yubi wa

The rings we vowed on,

Futari no akai ito

The red string that binds us

Ima WA mienai

I can't see them now,

Yakusoku mo nai kedo

Not that we made any promises, but

Tsunaida te wo hanasanaide

Please don't let go of my hand,

shinjitsu nara kanashii dake

the truth only holds sadness,

kono mama

at this rate...

Trust in me

tatoe hodoketemo

even if we were to become untied

kioku wa kizuna wo kesenai

our memories and our bond won't fade

Will you trust in me?

yubisaki de tadoru hoshi mieru deshou

the star we reached for with our fingertips - you can see it can't you?

me wo sorasazu ni

We always try to hide,

hajimete tsutaeyou

for the first time, let's tell them

hitomi ni utsuru

anata ga sono hito

The person reflected in my eyes

is you

kono ayaguena sekai sae

koete yukeru to shinjiru dake

anata to

You just have to believe that

we can surpass this critical world,

if we're together

Trust in me

betsubetsu na sora ni

under different skies

otozureru yoake no naka de

we meet the break of day

Will you trust in me?

yume no naka nando demo aeru deshou?

in our dreams we can meet however many times we want right?

Trust in me

tatoe hodoketemo

even if we were to become untied

kioku wa kizuna wo kesenai

our memories and our bond won't fade

Will you trust in me?

yubisaki de tadoru hoshi mieru deshou

the star we reached for with our fingertips - you can see it can't you?

(-Song used: Shadow of Love by Olivia Lufkin, from anime: NANA-)

The music came to an end and the audience applauded loudly for her. She bowed and thanked them as she walked off the stage. Having sang and danced to quite a few songs she was dead beat and flagged a taxi back home. When she got out and entered the huge mansion, she took out her phone from her handbag to check for any new messages.


You have I new message.

-I’ll be home early today, text me once you reach home-

-Love, Kwon Seobang-

Tiffany went upstairs and removed her jacket as she plopped herself down onto the king sized bed too worn out to think about changing. She didn’t even bother to text Yuri and didn’t know why. Yuri arrived home a while later and immediately rushed up to her room to see if her wife had return home or not. Relieved that she was there, she walked over to the wardrobe and changed into comfortable clothes as she took off her jacket suit. She climbed onto the bed, noticing that the girl was still hadn’t changed.

“How was work?”


Both of them just lay on the bed as silence wrapped around them. Yuri slowly started to creep onto Tiffany and began planting kisses down the side of her neck.

“Not now, Yuri...” she states with her eyes closed.

“I’m tired and I’m just not in the mood today...”

Not bothering she continued and began kissing her deeply, Tiffany wanted to retaliate but just gave in losing the mental battle of dominance. As Yuri began to kiss her deeply the tanned woman slowly removed the belt Tiffany had on. The night was long and they were enjoying each other’s comfort. But soon they grew tired and just decided to sleep instead. Yuri was sound asleep but Tiffany wasn’t, she didn’t know why but she had this weird unexplainable feeling.

Here she was, on her bed with Yuri sleeping by her side but somehow she doesn’t didn’t feel anything. Like when they kissed just now, somehow, just somehow she couldn’t feel that she wanted more.

Her mind tells her she’s supposed to love Yuri but somehow her heart is telling her otherwise. She doesn’t know the reason why at all but all she could think about was her sister, Taeyeon that night as she closed her eyes and drifted off to a deep sleep.

You know...saying that I was careless, that I was tired, or that I just wasn’t in the mood...I just couldn’t find any more excuses like these. What was it I really wanted when I was confused, alone, lost...who I wanted to be with by my side... Wasn’t Yuri...

Chapter 14: A fight that leads to misfortunes…

-Nearly 3 weeks later-

-Soosun’s apartment-

The apartment was dimly lid, the various colour lights from the disco ball surrounded the room. The music from the stereo was playing at a reasonable volume, everyone was sitting at the long dining table and was eating a well made home cooked meal by Sunny. In the living room there was a huge banner that printed the words.

Congratulations Sooyoung! 1st debut project, a success~!

The couples, family were seated near each other, when they finally finished the meal. Everyone urged Sooyoung to make a toast, being the guest of honour, but at that time, the doorbell rang.

Sunny knowing who it was, rushed to open the door, when the person step in a lot were in shock at the person’s appearance.

“Err...Hi?” she greeted awkwardly.

“Let’s go and have a seat first, Yoona.” suggested Sunny leading the doe-eyed girl to the dining table.

Everyone settled down and Sooyoung began making her speech.

“Ok...I don’t really know what to say but...oh wells~” she began fidgeting.

“First off, I’d like to thank everyone for the support you’ve given me and I know at times I can be hot tempered and I’m sorry for that.”

“At times?” Hyoyeon questioned cocking a brow.

Upon hearing that remark, they started chuckling.

“Fine~ a lot of times.” admitted Sooyoung reluctantly.

“I’m the guest of honour you know, Hyo?” reminded Sooyoung.

“Sorry for ruining your speech, just thought you needed a little help easing the tension.” said Hyoyeon slightly chuckling.

“Take it easy, Sooyoung.” assured Changmin.

“ where we were?” she asked directing the question at nobody.

“About how hot tempered you are?” remarked Yuri causing laughter.

“Hey! Guys~ stop it ok? Fine, let’s continue.”

“I’ll just cut it short and say that I love and thank everyone, especially my bunny.” she concluded the speech and sat down.

“You’re supposed to make a toast, remember?” reminded Hyoyeon.

“Oh yeah~ I forgot about that.”

Laughter filled the house again with Sooyoung’s forgetful mind.

“Cheers, everyone!” she exclaimed.

“Cheers!” everyone followed along and their glasses made a ‘clank’ sound when they hit each other.

After the dinner, Sunny, Seohyun, Taeyeon stayed to wash the dishes while the others were either lazing at the couch or dancing to the music.

Jessica went to the balcony where it was quiet and peaceful and sat there, enjoying the night view. Just then, Hyoyeon came by and tapped her on the shoulder causing for the light brown haired woman to turn around. The shorter woman sat down besides her offering her a can of beer and the taller woman gladly accepted it.

“So, what you doing out here?” asked Hyoyeon.

“Just needed some fresh air.”


“So, that’s the famous Tiffany huh?” asked Hyoyeon looking at the shoulder length black haired girl sitting beside Yuri on the couch.

Jessica just simply nodded.

“I guess I can see why people would want her so much.” remarked Hyoyeon.

“Yea...I guess so...” agreed Jessica.

“Pretty, sexy, smart, lead singer in the choir club in middle and high school, captain of the cheerleading team in high school, prom queen for both middle and high school, helpful, caring...” said Jessica as she began listing out the list of good points her best friend had.

“Wow, that’s a lot!” exclaimed Hyoyeon.

“ sure is.” agreed Jessica laughing slightly.

“But you know, Jessica. There’s one thing she can’t exactly win you at.”

“And what’s that?” the older woman questioned looking at the shorter woman for the first time throughout their conversation.

“Your heart, Jessica...the heart...”

Placing a hand over her left chest and feeling her beating heart, she didn’t really understand what the shorter woman was implying.

“What do you mean by that?” questioned the light brown haired girl.

“You’ve fallen for kiddo, haven’t you?”

“I don’t know...”

“Listen to your heart,’ve fallen too deep into kiddo.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’ve fallen too deep to come’ve just been lured into the spider’s web without even knowing it.”

“But...” the older woman tried to find an excuse but couldn’t.

Hyoyeon stood up and looked at the back of the light brown haired woman feeling sorry for her but still she had to be harsh.

“That’s why I warned you didn’t I? Not to fall too deep for kiddo, you’ll never know when she’ll like you back!”

“I know, Hyo...I know...”

“Then why did you get yourself into this mess?!”

“I don’t know’s confusing...and complicated...”

“Never’s really not my business anyways...I shouldn’t meddle around too much, sorry.” she apologised.

“No, there’s no need to apologise, you were right.” admits Jessica.

Looking at her pretend girlfriend, smiling and talking with Tiffany and Yuri happily, she smiled bitterly.

“I guess...some things...just can’t be helped huh?” she commented with a bitter smile.


-In the kitchen-

Changmin came to help the girls out and Taeyeon left first. Even though they had broken up, the two were still close friends and the chubby cheeked girl could tell almost anything to the really tall man.

“Oppa, why is Yoona here?”

“I don’t know.”

“So, have you tried forgiving?” he asked.

“She hasn’t tried apologising.”

“Don’t be stubborn, Seohyun...just go to her.”

“But-“she tried to protest but failed, after finishing the dishes her taller friend pushed her to the doe-eyed girl, giving a signal.

She took in a deep breath and approaches her.

“Hi, Yoo-Yoo-Yoona…unni…” she greeted nervously.

“Lo-lo-long time n-n-n-no sees, Seohyun...” the latter greeted in the same manner.

“Look, I have something to say to you.” said the chubby cheeked girl taking the initiative.

“I’m sorry for ignoring you all these years and well...I was just afraid ok?”

“Well...I should be the one to apologise, at that time it was just too much to handle. They pushed down all the responsibility onto me, I just couldn’t handle it.” explained Yoona.

“Haha...I guess we’re both sorry then, unni?” laughed Seohyun.

“Haha...I guess again?” asked Yoona.

“Friends.” stated Seohyun smiling.

There was an awkward silence that wrapped around the two of them and they didn’t know what to talk about.

“So, how are you and Changmin oppa?” asked Yoona taking the initiative.

“Err...unni, we broke up recently...” she informed.

“Oh...sorry about that.” she apologised.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t really feel anything...besides me and oppa dating was well...kind of faked...” she admitted.

“ feels so awkward talking now...” Yoona blurted out letting out a nervous laughter.

“Ahaha...I guess so...” agrees Seohyun nervously laughing as well.

“Let’s go sit down first.” suggested Yoona.

“Fine by me, unni.” agreed Seohyun.

The two walked over to the chairs nearby to catch up on what they had missed for the past years.

-At the couch-

Hyoyeon had just arrived at the couch after her encounter with Jessica. The couple stood up to greet her and she shook their hand.

“I heard that you’ve been helping Taeng when she was in France.” commented Yuri.

“It was my pleasure and besides kiddo here is nice to hang out with, you really do have a great sis.” complimented Hyoyeon.

“T-t-thanks...” Tiffany thanked the shorter but seemingly fiercer woman.

“Haha...Fany-ah, don’t need to be so worked up, Hyo won’t eat you.” assured Taeyeon laughing.

“Haha yea...I’m not a tigress and I can assure you I don’t eat people up.” agreed Hyoyeon laughing.

“Hyo, your nickname is a tigress remembers?” reminded the petite girl sitting beside her.

“Ahahaha...” laughed Hyoyeon out loud nervously.

“You better watch your mouth, kiddo.” she warned whispering into her ears.

“Ok...sorry about that, where’s Sica?” she asked.



“Well...I’ll go and find Sica first.” informed Taeyeon as she stands up.

“Oh yeah~ I forgot, sorry for taking away time from your girlfriend.” teased Yuri.

“Don’t worry, have fun with Hyo, hope you three can become good friends.”

“We hope so too.” commented Yuri.

Taeyeon walked over to the balcony while Yuri sat back down next to her wife.

“You two seem really close.” remarked Hyoyeon.

“Haha and Taeng have known each other since we were young.” explained Yuri.

“Oh...I’ve heard about that, but weren’t you afraid when you chose to marry Tiffany?” asked Hyoyeon.

“Why would she?” questioned Tiffany.

“Haha wells...kiddo is really protective over you.” remarked Hyoyeon.

“Ahaha...yea...she is really protective over my jagi but it’s all good.” replied Yuri smiling but with uncertainty in her voice.

“ did you and my sis meet?” asked Tiffany curiously.

“In the hospital.” replied Hyoyeon honestly.

“Ho-ho-ho-hospital?!” exclaimed Tiffany choking on her drink.

Yuri gave her wife some water to drink and Tiffany managed to calm down.

“Sorry for surprising you like that.” apologised Hyoyeon.

“What do you mean by the hospital?” questioned Tiffany.

“Well...she was in a pretty bad accident at that time but its all okay, so you don’t have to worry.” assured Hyoyeon.

“A-a-accident?! When? How?” Tiffany bombarded with questions.

“Well...I can’t exactly remember but it was about 2 years ago?” said Hyoyeon trying to recall.

“Jagi-ah, it’s ok now...Taeng’s fine so there’s nothing to be worried about.” comforted Yuri hugging her wife.

“Yea...kiddo’s completely fine.” agreed Hyoyeon lying.

-In the kitchen-

Sunny finished cleaning up the place, just then her much taller wife came into the kitchen and gave her a back hug.

“Thanks for the food, bunny.”

“Only the food?” questions the shorter woman.

“Fine~ everything.” succumbed Sooyoung.

“That’s better.” smiled Sunny.

Sunny turned around to face her taller wife before giving a cheeky smile.

“Let’s ditch the party and go to our room.” suggested Sunny.

“What are you trying to imply?” questioned Sooyoung.

“Hehe...just something...”

“Anything’s fine by me!”

Despite being the guest of honour, the two of them stealthily and quietly headed for their room, remembering to close the door.


Jaejoong spotted Seohyun and walked over to them to say hi.

“So, have you settled things with Sica unni?” asked Seohyun.

“Not really but...I think I’ve gotten over her already.”

“What are you guys talking about?” asked Yoona cutting in.

“Some stuff.” explained Seohyun smiling.

“So, you and Yoona...are you two okay now?” asked Jaejoong whispering to Seohyun.

“Yes oppa...”

“Glad to hear that.” smiled Jaejoong.

Just then Jaejoong received a message and smiled.

“Ya~ what are you two talking about~ not even telling me~” whined Yoona.

“Hahaha...looks like you’ve got quite the jealous girlfriend.” teased Jaejoong still smiling as he stood up from his seat and was about to leave.

“She’s not my girlfriend, oppa!” retorted Seohyun causing Jaejoong to chuckle.

Seohyun sat back down in a huff but found herself unable to properly talk to Yoona.

“Sorry about that...Jaejoong oppa is a bit mischievous at times...” apologised Seohyun.

“’s okay...” assures Yoona letting out a nervous laughter.

Gah~ why I feel so nervous right now...okay...just calm down Im Yoona...calm down...

“Is there anything wrong, unni?” asked Seohyun worriedly seeing that the doe-eyed girl didn’t seem like her usual self.

“Err...nothing, Seohyun...haha...nothing at all...” she laughed nervously.

“So, where’s Junsu oppa by the way?” asked Yoona.

“Oh...oppa left after he received a call.” informed Yoona

“Oh okay then...want to go dance?” suggested Yoona.

“My pleasure!”

The two of them got up and started grooving to the beat.

-At the balcony-

The petite girl just silently sat beside the taller girl unsure of what to say. Seeing the empty beer cans she was worried about the light brown haired girl but decided to let her be for the time being and accompany her drinking.

Taeyeon opened a beer can, causing the can to make a slight fizzy sound. She drunk the beer and relieved out a sigh.

“So, what are you doing here?” asked Taeyeon feeling it was alright to speak.

“Just wanted some quietness.” replied Jessica.

“Anyways, I’m sorry about the kiss yesterday.” apologised Taeyeon.

“It’s okay...” assured Jessica.

“I haven’t seen Krystal anywhere.” commented Taeyeon trying to strike a conversation.

“She didn’t come...eomeoni didn’t allow.” informed Jessica.


The atmosphere was awkward and nobody really knew what to say to each other. Jessica just continued to drink and so did Taeyeon, feeling that it was going to be hard to stop the light brown haired girl.

-In Soosun’s room-

The two were making a ruckus, not even bothering to go out.

“Are you sure it’s okay to be here?” asked Sooyoung nervously.

But unfortunately she got no reply from her shorter wife.

“YA LEE SUNKYU ARE YOU LISTENING?!” she screamed at the top of her voice.

“Yea...yea...I am...I am...just keep it down...” Sunny said trying to shush the taller woman, not even bothering about the fact that the younger woman had just used her real name.

“But what if they find out?” asked Sooyoung nervously.

“About what?” not even bothering to look at the younger woman, she asked.

Sooyoung let out a sigh and took in a deep breath, seeing her older wife she didn’t know what to do at all and she was at a loss cause.


“Hey, you didn’t have to shout, my ears are going to go deaf soon~” complained Sunny.

“Well...SORRY ABOUT THAT!” apologised Sooyoung sarcastically.

“And why are you so worried, they’ll just think that we needed some alone time together.” assured Sunny.

“Not when you’re making weird noises.” remarked Sooyoung letting out a frustrated sigh.

“What do you mean?” asked Sunny clueless.

“What do I mean?” questioned Sooyoung to herself.

“Yea...” said Sunny still concentrating on something else.


“Hey, what did I say about shouting?” questioned Sunny.

“That’s not the point Sunny!” she exclaimed frustrated at her wife.

“Then what is- oh sh*t! I nearly got caught by the enemy...” cursed Sunny.

“See! This is what I mean!”

“What is it?” asked Sunny still concentrating on the TV screen.

Sooyoung took in a deep breath and sighed in defeat.


“Oh h-huh? Young-ie, firstly, it isn’t a war game, and secondly, I’m playing on the PS- Wait! Oh man~ what the f*ckin hell! That’s totally cheating man! Why you-“Sunny cursed once again forgetting about the younger woman’s outburst.

“Man~ I give up~” sighed Sooyoung in defeat.

The room began to fill with sounds of machine guns, explosions and such.

-At the balcony-

“Why do you care so much, Taengoo?” she questioned.

“Because I’m your friend and I care about you.”

“Ha...friend...” she uttered out the word bitterly.

“Yea...just a friend...huh?” she asked to no one particular.

“Sica, what are you trying to say?” the petite girl questioned.

“Just drink up, Taengoo...” she suggested.

The petite girl could only oblige to it unable to decline.

By now, it was getting late and everyone was ready to cut the cake but they couldn’t find Sooyoung or Sunny anywhere.

Seohyun and Yoona called for Jessica and Taeyeon to the living room while Hyoyeon and Yuri went to the room to knock on their door.

“We know you’re in there, so just come out!” shouted Hyoyeon from outside.

“You two aren’t doing anything perverted right?” questioned Yuri.

Just then the door opens revealing a frustrated guest of honour.

“Did you have a lover’s spat?” asked Yuri.

“I don’t want to talk about it...” Sooyoung shrugged Yuri off.

“Why? You two fought?” questioned Yuri.

“Fought?! She doesn’t even have the time to fight! For bloody sake! Look at what the hell she’s doing!” exclaimed Sooyoung in a huge outburst.

The two newfound friends peaked into the room to see the short woman staring into the TV screen, holding the PS2 or 3 controller and shooting tons of people with guns, rifles and occasionally bombs here and there.

The two of them stepped out and smiled, patting Sooyoung’s shoulder and shake their heads controlling their laughter.

“Hahahaha...I thought you two went inside for alone time, but...but...I never expected this...” Yuri laughed out loud.

“Ahahaha...being your tenant sure has it’s ups and least I know I have a full time comedy couple at home...” said Hyoyeon bursting out in laughter.

“Man~ you guys~ stop laughing already~ I’m already so frustrated!” complained Sooyoung sighing.

“Well...everyone’s waiting for you to cut the cake.” informed Hyoyeon.

“Just hold on for a sec, guys~” pleaded Sooyoung.

“Ok...” they both agreed.

Leaving the door wide open the taller woman rushes back into the room and heads towards the plug.

“Oh yea...yes! I got you now...let’s see what your going to do now huh?”

“Not such a big shot eh?”

Sooyoung took out the plug shutting down the TV completely.

“Oh yes! Wait! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON!” Sunny screamed.

“CHOI SOOYOUNG! DID YOU TAKE OUT THE PLUG AGAIN?!” she questioned in a huge outburst.

“Just go cut the cake...” Sooyoung muttered not wanting to fight with her wife on a happy occasion.

“WHAT?! WHAT DID YOU SAY?” asked Sunny who’s hearing had been affected a little throughout Sooyoung’s outburst and the game.

“I SAID, GO TO THE BLOODY HELL LIVING ROOM AND CUT THE CAKE!” shouted Sooyoung in frustration.

“Man~ what are you shouting for~?” whined Sunny and stood up.

The shorter woman greets the two friends by the door with a smile and walks over to the living room. Sooyoung just sits there unsure of what to say at all.

“Haha...I guess that’s what makes them the weirdo couple huh?” commented Yuri.

“Haha, I guess so...” agreed Hyoyeon.

The taller woman stood up and walked over to the living room with a grumpy face, ignoring her two friends by the door. Yuri and Hyoyeon just shrugged walking back, chuckling slightly.

“Aren’t you going to cut the cake?” asked Sunny nudging her wife.

“WELL...SORRY FOR TAKING SUCH A LOOONG~ TIME!” screamed Sooyoung sarcastically back at her.

“Do you really want to continue this?” the shorter woman questioned.

“Just cut the cake, Young-ie...” she warned with a smile.

The taller woman didn’t budge, not even bothering to grab the cake knife. Everyone was staring at the couple, unsure of what to say.

“You really aren’t going to cut the cake huh?” questioned Sunny with a warning tone.

Sooyoung just ignored her and looked away.

“If that’s what you want...then I have no choice...” Sunny mumbled under her breath.

Sunny grabbed the cake and smashes it straight into Sooyoung’s face. Everyone wanted to burst into laughter but somehow had to control themselves. Sooyoung’s face was now filled with whipped cream, chocolate and loads of other ingredients.

“Congrats! Young-ie...ahahaha...can’t believe you got fooled so easily...” exclaimed Sunny bursting out in laughter.

Everyone else in the room did and the taller woman looked at everyone confusingly.

“We purposefully made you angry.” explained Hyoyeon.

“When?” questioned Sooyoung.

“Before the whole party started....hahahaha...” said Yuri bursting out in laughter unable to control.

Seohyun and Yoona popped open the party poppers and smiled at their flabbergasted unni.

“Man~ why do you guys always have to do that?” complained Sooyoung.

“Haha...because it’s fun to tease you, Young-ie.”

“Ya~” whined Sooyoung.

“Ahahaha...don’t worry Sooyoung unni, the cake is baked by Sunny unni so...” assured Yoona but couldn’t control her laughter.


“What is it, Sooyoung? Anything the matter?” asked the petite girl.

Sooyoung went silent and nobody dared to speak up, afraid that the tall shikshin would burst out in a rage.

“Don’t worry, Young-ie I can always bake you another.” comforted Sunny.

The taller woman couldn’t control her laughter and bursted out in laughter.

“Ahahahaha...I can’t believe you guys got fooled!”

“ you guys really think I’ll just sit back doing nothing?” asked Sooyoung.

Noticing that there wasn’t any change in expression, Sooyoung stopped finding the atmosphere weird.

“Ya, what the hell is going on?” she questioned but no one came with a response.

Just then, Hyoyeon walked over with the ‘real’ congratulatory cake, with candles on it. Everyone started clapping and saying ‘chukhahae’ – Congrats.

“Wait! What the hell?! Did I just get tricked again?” complained Sooyoung flabbergasted.

“Haha...yea...sorry about that, Young-ie...” apologised Sunny nervously.

“Sorry?! Just sorry?!” questioned Sooyoung with anger.

“Ok fine, don’t be like that Young-ie~” pleaded the shorter woman.

“Come on, Sooyoung don’t be like that.” comforted Taeyeon.

“ was fun teasing you...” agreed Yuri controlling her laughter.

“And yea...haha...the look on your face was just priceless.” remarked Hyoyeon laughing.

“At least you know that we all love you.” comforted Jessica.

“Haha yea...” agreed Tiffany chuckling at the sight of her friend’s face.

“Ahahahaha...I guess you guys are right...” laughed Sooyoung out loud.

“Unni, aren’t you going to cut the cake?” reminded Seohyun.

“Oh yea...I nearly forgot.” remarked Sooyoung.

“Hahahaha...” they all laughed at the taller woman’s forgetful mind again.

After the cake was cut and everyone ate it, they all went in their small groups and chatted.

“So, Yoona unni...where are you staying now?” asked the chubby cheeked girl.

“Some apartment, the rent is pretty cheap.” replied the doe-eyed girl.

“You can always stay with me.” offered Changmin.

“Oh yea...that’s right! Changmin oppa has a spare room.” agreed Seohyun recalling.

“But...” protested Yoona.

“If you’re worried about the rent, don’t worry you don’t have to pay.” assured the taller man.

“Really?” asked Yoona with her eyes beaming.

“ feels so weird that I’m going to live with my ex’s girlfriend.” commented Changmin.

“Oppa...why do you and Jaejoong oppa keep teasing me?” ask Seohyun with her face slightly turning red.

“Oh haha...sorry about that...” the taller man apologised.

“Err...oppa...” called out the doe-eyed girl.

“Yes? What is it, Yoona?”

“Do you still have feelings for Seohyun?” she asked nervously.

“Oh haha....well it will be a lie if I say I don’t but can’t be helped that she likes you.” remarked Changmin laughing it off.

“Oppa!” exclaimed Seohyun embarrassed.

“What do you mean by that Changmin oppa?” questions Yoona.

“She was always thinking about you throughout the 3 years we are dating.” stated Changmin truthfully.

“Seohyun is that true?” asked Yoona slightly taken aback.

The chubby cheeked girl just shyly nodded.

“Well, anyways, when you two want to go home, just call me. I’ll send you girls’ home.” offered Changmin.

“Thanks oppa.” the two of them thanked the taller man.

“But wait! When am I moving into your house, oppa?” asked Yoona.

“You can move in by tomorrow, I’ll ask some of my hyungs to help you with your stuff.”

“Thanks, oppa...”

“Promise you two, won’t fight?” reminded Seohyun.

“’re so innocent, why in the world would we fight? That’s so childish and immature.” remarked Yoona.

“Haha yea...” agreed Changmin.

“Well...I’ll go talk to other people, just call me when you two want to leave.” he informed and stood up.

“Changmin oppa sure is nice.” commented Yoona.

“Huh? Yea...he is...” agreed Seohyun.

“I wonder why you didn’t choose him?” wondered Yoona.

“Let’s just say...there was already someone in my heart...” admitted Seohyun shyly.

“Is that me?” asked Yoona with a mischievous smile.

“ if...aren’t you getting a bit too full of yourself, unni?” asked Seohyun shrugging it off.

“Well...your oppas seem to acknowledge that you love me a lot~” teased Yoona.

“Haha...unni, aren’t you the same?” reminded Seohyun.

“W-wh-wh-wh-when d-d-d-did I-I-I-I ever say I l-li-li-li-liked you?” stammered Yoona.

“Haha unni...” laughed Seohyun.

“Ya~ don’t laugh~” whined Yoona.

“Alright...” Seohyun succumbed.

Taeyeon and Jessica sat beside each other opposite of where Tiffany and Yuri were sitting, Hyoyeon sat at one of the chairs in-between the two couples.

“Taetae…can I ask you something?” asked Tiffany contemplating.

“Yes, what is it?”

“Were you in an accident in France?” she asked worriedly.

“Oh…Hyo, told you about it?” she said recalling.


“Don’t worry it was nothing that serious anyways.” assured Taeyeon with a smile.

“That’s a relief…” Tiffany sighed.

“See? I told you everything would be fine…” assured Yuri whispering to her wife.

The light brown haired girl just sat there deep in thoughts, unsure of how to strike a conversation with her friends.

Accident? When and how? Wait! Why didn’t I even know about this? Ahh~ what are you getting so worked up for, Jung Soo Yeon!

The five started chatting happily until Jaejoong came by to inform that he’d be leaving first.

“Jaejoong oppa…looks like you’ve gotten over Sica huh?” remarked Yuri.

“Haha yea…” admitted Jaejoong.

“So, who’s the lucky lady?” questioned Taeyeon.

“Err…haha…there isn’t anyone…” he laughed nervously.

“Hey~ don’t be shy~ I heard from Seohyun it’s the owner of that eatery you were working in, his daughter.” said Yuri recalling.

Man…that girl…sprouting nonsense again…I’ll have to talk to her about it later…

“Oh haha…she’s just a friend…”

“Oppa, don’t need to be shy…” assured Tiffany.

“Yea…Jaejoong oppa.” agreed Jessica.

“I already said she’s just a friend.”

“Hey~ don’t be like that~” teased Yuri.

“So, is she older?” asked Yuri curiously.

“Err…yes…” admitted Jaejoong.

“Wow~ hitting on older woman now huh? Oppa…” remarked Yuri.

“Taeyeon-ah, help me shut your best friend’s mouth up.” pleaded Jaejoong.

“Yuri-ah, let’s stop…look at how red oppa’s face is already…”


“Well…I’ll be leaving first, help me thank Sunny for the food later she seems to be busy with her games.” informed Jaejoong.

“Don’t worry we’ll be sure too.” assured Taeyeon.

“Thanks! See you next time!”

“Bye, oppa~” they waved goodbye and the tall pretty boy walked out of the apartment.

The five of them started to drink and chat about almost anything, occasionally there was laughter here and there.

Seohyun and Yoona decided to leave first and Changmin informed them that he’d be sending them back home.

“Yoona-ah…” Yuri called out to her sister.

“Yes, unni?”

“Try to visit home sometime.”

“I’ll try…”

“Umma and halmeoni aren’t exactly angry at you, you know that right?”

“Yea…I know…”

“And besides halmeoni really misses you, she always sees your picture before she sleeps, she just acts cold and harsh on the outside only.”

“I know unni…so…how’s oppa doing?”

“Fine…he couldn’t come because of the business deal in Jeju Island but he sends his greetings to you.” informed Yuri.

“Haha…oppa, is always busy huh?” questioned Yoona.

“Yea…I guess so…” agreed Yuri.

“Well…we’ll be leaving first, bye unnis~” the doe-eyed girl waved goodbye.

“Bye, Yoona, it was nice meeting you again.” commented Tiffany.

“Goodbye unnis and I hope we can gather up again.” bowed Seohyun in respect and the three of them left the apartment.

The five went for another round of drinks, unfortunately because Yuri had to drive she only drank one shot. It was getting late and so Hyoyeon assured them that they would inform Sunny and Sooyoung about it.

The four took the elevator down, three of them tipsy but not drunk at all. Yuri told them to wait for her as she went to go take the car. Jessica said that she needed to follow along as she left her sweater in her car.

Taeyeon and Tiffany sat down beside each other, as they waited for their respective partners.

“You know it feels weird being alone like this, right?” asked Taeyeon.

“Yea…” agreed Tiffany.

“We used to do everything together but now I guess there’s Yuri huh?”

“Yea…I guess so…” replied Tiffany looking elsewhere.

Taeyeon stared at Tiffany’s side profile, her face still visible in the dim moonlight. Somehow unable to control herself, probably due to the alcohol, she leaned in and planted a kiss. Knowing that it was wrong but somehow couldn’t find the strength to push the petite girl away.

When Taeyeon broke off the kiss she looked into the younger girl’s eyes seriously.

“Miyoung-ah…” she called out her sister’s Korean name only when it was serious.

“Taetae-ah…what did that kiss mean?” she asked unsure of her feelings towards the petite girl.

“I’m about to go crazy here…save me…” begged Taeyeon.

Just as the black haired woman was about to say something, Yuri came storming up to them grabbing the petite girl’s collar she sent a punch flying towards Taeyeon’s face causing her to fall hard onto the concrete floor.

Tiffany stood up shocked at what her wife had just did, Taeyeon brushed off the blood on her lips and stood up, sending a punch to her taller best friend in return, causing the tanned woman to fall hard onto the ground as well.

“What are you doing, Taeng?!” she questioned.

“Fany’s my wife! No, she’s YOUR sister!” reminded Yuri.

“What do you want me to do huh?!” Taeyeon retorted.

“Just be good to Sica, that’s enough.” warned the tanned woman.

“Why are you so concerned huh?” questioned the petite girl.

“Because she’s an important friend and I don’t want to see her get hurt!” reasoned Yuri.

“Ha, you’re not just saying that because you’re jealous of the kiss I gave your wife just now?” taunted Taeyeon.

Unable to control her anger she sent another punch, causing her shorter best friend to give a punch back in return as well.

“Stop it! Stop…please! Just…stop…” begged Tiffany tears falling out, unable to take sides with anybody.

The light brown haired girl stepped out of the car and cut in, trying to stop the fight, however her efforts were almost futile.

The two best friends continued to send punches to each other, once in a while falling to the hard floor and wiping of the blood with their bare hand.

“Why? Huh? Why must it be Fany?!” asked Yuri almost begging trying to contain her tears.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to ask myself…” admitted Taeyeon.

“Then why?! Isn’t she your sister?!” she screamed back.

“Then do you even know how much I was hurting?!” the shorter woman argued back.

“Every time you two fought, I had to be the one you guys turned to… I had to comfort her…Do you even know how I felt?!” the shorter woman said taunting her best friend.

“Isn’t that the same for me?” she questioned.

“What do you mean by that?” the shorter woman questioned unable to comprehend.

Yuri wiped off the blood at her mouth and stood up straight.

“Don’t you know Taeng? Fany, she always had feelings for you without even realising!”

The petite woman stood there stunned unable to comprehend what she just had heard.

“I always thought it was just sisterly love but NO! It never was!” Yuri screamed in defeat.

“Fany had always loved you…I was always second no matter how much I tried!”

“Even so…do you know how hard it is to love someone you never could have?!” questioned the shorter woman.

“Do you even know how hard it was for me to see her walking down the aisle?!”

The petite woman wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth as well and stood up straight, trying to clear her head.

“No matter what was it I always gave in to you, Yul…and do you even know why?”

Yuri stood there in silence unable to answer the petite woman’s question.

“I didn’t give up on Fany because she was my sister…I gave up because you, Kwon Yuri was my best friend!”

“Because of the very fact that you were my best friend…just that fact alone…nothing else…”

“Then why? What was with that kiss just now?” the taller woman questioned.

“I don’t know…” admitted the shorter woman confused.

“Then what was Sica?” questioned Yuri.

This time it was her turn to remain silent.

“Did you ever love her?” Yuri questioned again.

“Answer me Taeng! Did you ever love her?!”

“I don’t know…I can’t seem to understand how I feel for her at all…” admitted Taeyeon.

“Sica…was always someone important but…”

“But what?! If you weren’t sure why did you even agree to date her?!” questioned Yuri in a fit.

“I don’t know…stop asking…I just don’t know…” said Taeyeon confused.

The tanned woman walked up to the confused shorter woman and grabbed her by the collar, sending a heavy punch right across, causing the petite woman to fall hard onto the ground.

“If you’re so unsure, then don’t agree!”

“You and your sister are the same! If you two are so unsure of your feelings why do you even agree in the first place?!” she asked raising her anger.

Taeyeon remained on the floor, unable to argue back. At the same time, Tiffany was also sitting on the floor, trembling with fear unable to move at all. Yuri walked over to her trembling wife and tried to assure her everything was fine, but unfortunately it didn’t work.

Yuri still managed to get Tiffany up and into the car, driving home. Not wanting to mention this dreadful night again. This was the night, things were going to change. Her friendship with Taeyeon, Tiffany’s uncertain love for both her and Taeyeon and also whether she could last in this marriage.

On the other hand, worried about her pretend girlfriend, Jessica rushed up to her to see if she was alright.

“Taengoo, you okay?” she asked but got no reply from the petite woman.

“Taengoo? Can you hear me? I’m asking you if you’re okay.”

Again she got no response and was beginning to feel scared.

“Ya, Hwang Taeyeon…don’t scare me like that!”

“Sica-ah…” the petite woman called out in a soft whisper.

“Is anything wrong?”

“Sica-ah…” she called out again this time with uncertainty in her voice, it was trembling with fear.

“What’s the matter, Taengoo? What’s wrong with you?” she asked obviously panicking.

“I-I-I’m scared…Sica-yah…Not too long ago…somehow…I-I-I wasn’t a-a-able to see clearly…everything was a blur…and not ju-ju-just that…”

“It was worse than…than…last time…” admitted Taeyeon trembling with fear.

Hugging the frightened petite woman in her arms, she tried to calm her pretend girlfriend down.

“It’s okay…I’m sure nothing will happen…” she lied.

“I don’t know why but…but…I always thought…I was okay with losing my sight but…but…”

“It’s happening too soon…I just can’t…not when all this just happened…”

“Don’t worry…I’m sure everything will be fine…”

“Sica-yah…” Taeyeon called out releasing the embrace.

“Yes, Taengoo?”

“I don’t know anymore…I really don’t know…”

“Sica-yah…should we stop this?” asked the petite woman weakly.

“Taengoo-ah…why? Is there anything wrong?” the light brown haired woman asked, concerned.

“I can’t think…straight…anymore…” confessed Taeyeon.

“Why? Does it have something to do with the fight just now?”

“No…it’s none of that…”

“Then what?! What is wrong, Taengoo?!” she questioned raising her volume.

The petite woman stood up weakly, the light brown haired woman stood up as well facing the back of her pretend girlfriend.

“I don’t know anymore…Sica…”

“What do you mean you don’t know?!”

“Whether this…this relationship is fake or real…I don’t know anymore… it’s confusing…”


Turning to face the light brown haired woman she looked at her with pleading eyes.

“Let’s…just stop…Sica-yah…”

“Taengoo-ah…must it really be like this?” Jessica questions.

“I don’t know anymore…Sica-yah…” admitted Taeyeon completely confused.

“My love for Tiffany, my friendship with Yuri and most importantly…my relationship with you…I just can’t understand anymore…”

“Then don’t try to understand…Taengoo-ah please…just don’t leave, you promised you wouldn’t!” she begged.

“I know but…but…I can’t…Sica…I can’t…”

“Why? Why not?!”

“Because…I don’t know if…just maybe…just maybe…this relationship of ours…”

“Might not be…as fake as we think…it is…” the petite woman admitted weakly before fully blacking out.

The last thing she saw was the crying face of her pretend girlfriend, Jessica in a blur before falling to the ground, fortunately, caught by the light brown haired woman’s arms.

And the next thing, the sound of the ambulance truck arriving. Taking her away, leaving yet again a confused, hurt and vulnerable Jessica hopping into the ambulance truck.

You know…Taengoo-ah…I always thought that maybe…if I had fallen for you right from the start instead of Yuri…would it have hurt less? I can never understand my feelings towards you…and I don’t think I ever will…

When you left…3 years ago…I don’t know why but…I felt hurt…scared… unable to move forward…they always said that once you lose someone, you start to realise how much they meant to you…

At that time…I obviously didn’t know…truly, what that meant? But now I think I do…just maybe… I’m starting to find the answers to this endless puzzle…

Love comes with pain and pain comes with love… This phrase…true to its words…it definitely hurt, being with you…It was unexplainable…the feelings I harboured for you…I could never comprehend it…

You were always like a puzzle that I could never complete, even if I was to be given a lifetime…

…but what scared me the most when I’m around you is when…I start to fall too deep for you…

…Because I know…it’ll only bring pain in the end…

Is there anyone out there…

…to save me…?

Chapter 15: No one can decide…but everything comes with a price…

- 2 years ago-

-France, Paris-

The gurney or trolley was being pushed out of the ambulance truck, heading towards the operation room. The young lady on the gurney was definitely unconscious and had an oxygen mask on, there was blood, especially at the back of her head.

The doctors all rushed to the moving gurney and quickly tried to push her to the operation room without any mishaps. There was an auburn haired woman who was in a mess, her clothes drenched from the rain, her hair soaking wet but that did not stop her from wanting news from her already unconscious friend.

-In the operation room-

There was too much blood flowing and the doctors were trying their best to stop it. Just then the cardiac monitor reading was off, the doctors were trying to keep calm. There was still blood gushing out, one of the doctors quickly unbuttoned the young woman’s blouse and used the AED after futile attempts of chest pumps.

The operation lasted for hours and the drenched auburn haired was still waiting outside. Most of the people in the hospital knew who she was, she was the daughter of one of the best Neurological surgeons in this hospital and everyone was expecting her to follow in her father’s footsteps. And everyone knew that she could do it, especially with the fact she was always one of the top students.

When the doctor came out of the operation room she asked if her friend was alright but unfortunately, bad news was brought upon her as the doctor had informed her that they’ll have to do a scan first before they confirm anything.

The doctor walked off with the usual stoic expression and tended to the other patients. Hyoyeon just remained there, watching her friend from outside the glass window.

Her friend, Hwang Taeyeon, she obviously had a liking for the girl but not in a romantic way. She just felt that she actually found someone who actually accepted for who she really was and not because she was the daughter of some famous surgeon. People tended to be prejudice and given the situation, Hyoyeon would be pretty okay with it but with all the constant pressure she just couldn’t take it.

She met Taeyeon when she was admitted to the hospital for one of her attacks again and the doctor had advised her to do the surgery but all she did was just shrugged them off and said that she didn’t have the money to do so.

Throughout the two years, Hyoyeon had been listening to Taeyeon’s problems, acting as a counsellor and a friend at the same time. At the same time, Taeyeon was also helping Hyoyeon with her problems despite being unaware of it. The two grow to be really close friends and even though her father did not specialise in her condition, her father’s best friend did and her dad had always constantly reminded Taeyeon to take her medication.

Hyoyeon could not help but blame herself for the state Taeyeon was in right now but nothing could change the fact that her friend was lying in the room, unconscious.


-3 months after the party-

-Soosun’s apartment-

Hyoyeon woke up from the nightmare she had of that accident and immediately went to the bathroom to wash herself up, trying her best to clear her thoughts. Just as she steps out of the bathroom she spots her tenants door open and wonders why.

Although, not wanting to be a busybody she couldn’t help that every time she passes by their room she starts to hear sobs. There was once she found the shorter woman, wrapping herself up in a ball crying.

She heads over to the room and lightly pushes the already opened door, the door creaks as she enters. Hyoyeon noticed that the shorter woman had been deprived from sleep and was constantly tired from her sleep. After the congratulations party, due to the countless calls to Sooyoung’s agency and wanting to hire her for all the covers of the famous magazines, her company decided to send her away for a few months perhaps even a year or two.

Hyoyeon knew that this affected Sunny greatly not only because it was her ‘Young-ie’ but there were loads of women and men out there in the world, and humans make mistakes and one mistake alone could actually break someone’s trust in someone, the bond they shared in just a matter of seconds.

Hyoyeon hugs the shorter woman from behind like how she has been doing for the past month. Sunny silently accepted the equally short woman’s embrace and felt relieved in her arms. Hyoyeon however felt differently from Sunny, she feels her face flushed every time she faces the shorter woman and her heart beating faster when she comforts her to sleep. Hyoyeon knew she was doing a terrible mistake by falling in love with her landlord or other landlord’s wife but how was she to know she’ll develop all these feelings?

There was one night, Sunny had ended work but hadn’t come out and Hyoyeon got really worried about her, searching the neighbourhood for her but eventually Sunny did return home, drunk. And that was the very night, Sunny had kissed her, mistaking her for Sooyoung.

Every time Hyoyeon comforts the shorter woman to sleep she could heart the occasional sobs and Sooyoung’s name being called out. She couldn’t help but feel her heart aching every time she heard that but decided to put that all off if she was ever going to stay in this house.

During that period, lots of things had happened. Jessica was forced to visit back the mansion leaving Taeyeon alone in her apartment, even though she did came back at night. No one was free enough to visit the petite girl and especially not her best friend, Yuri.

Hyoyeon had to juggle two shorties at the same time, one being upset about her wife’s long departure, this being the first time she’s coping with it. And another being traumatised about the fact she might go blind anytime soon.

There were times when Hyoyeon finds broken glasses when she enters Jessica’s apartment and a worn out Taeyeon with messy hair, curdling up in a ball at a corner of the room.

Hyoyeon had tried contacting Yuri, Tiffany and Jessica but none picked up. Yuri obviously was avoiding the petite girl after the conflict. Tiffany, probably was trying to avoid conflict between her wife and her sister and Jessica, well…she was probably cut off all contacts since she’s living with the demon now.

But even though all these misfortunate things are happening, Hyoyeon was glad to hear some good news. Seohyun and Yoona had become the best of friends again, they decided to take thing slow, along with Changmin which was oddly weird but still cute. Changmin had found a girlfriend called Dana and the four pretty much hanged around each other all the time. Although there were times Yoona and Changmin tended to be too overprotective over Seohyun, for Changmin’s case it was more of a brother-sister thing now.

Jaejoong, on the other hand, finally decided to confess to Lina but unfortunately was rejected. Lina thought of him more as a younger brother and didn’t want to ruin that friendship they had, so she asked for more time to think about things.

Junsu was away on business trip again and like what Seohyun had told her, in promise that she would not tell anyone. That girl could be so innocent sometimes…Everyone already had their suspicions on Junsu’s dad being the cause of Taeyeon’s dad all along. Although one thing came of a surprise to her is when she asked her to get a strand of Taeyeon’s hair, not that it was difficult. Seohyun finally told Hyoyeon the truth and said that they had suspicions of Taeyeon being their sister and with the DNA test they had confirmed it. The chubby cheeked woman also admits that Taeyeon had too much of a resemblance to their mom not to be their sister.

Hyoyeon as promised decided to keep this secret until they found out why was Taeyeon claim to be dead the minute she was born and as to why she ended up in the Hwang family. Hyoyeon had wondered if she should tell the kiddo about this but decides to keep this secret and not do so.

-Jessica’s apartment-

Hyoyeon, who already knows the password to the apartment, enters with two bags of take-out foods to eat with the petite girl. She notices that the apartment was rather empty and the mess from the past weeks had been packed neatly. She noticed the door of the spare room, which was turned into a work space for Taeyeon to paint, opened.

Hyoyeon puts down the two bags onto the coffee table and walks over to the room. She creaks open the door fully only to find the place in a mess. The art stand was on the floor, brushes rolling all over the floor. The pieces of uncompleted artwork, thrown across the room, scattered all over the floor.

But one thing that concerned Hyoyeon more was that the petite girl was curdled up in a ball, in a corner of the room in a mess.

She quickly helps the petite woman up and supports her to the room.

It wasn’t exactly the first time she’s seen Taeyeon in this mess, but never once it was as serious as this. Ever since her fight with Yuri, her isolation from Tiffany and the absence of Jessica, the artist had been very emotionally unstable which also had triggered something in her to make her see things more blurry more often than usual. There were times even if it was just a split second, where she would experience total blackness like a black out.

Hyoyeon lets the petite woman sleep as much as she can. She forces her to take the medication before going to bed and after she has done so, she walks over to the spare room and cleans up the mess. Just then she notices something, the necklace Taeyeon had meant to give Tiffany but gave Jessica instead. It was lying on the coffee table, as if it was discarded there. At that moment, Hyoyeon knew what had happened and that this fake relationship might not be as one-sided as they thought it was.

Hyoyeon heats up the porridge she bought and carries the bowl over to where Taeyeon is. She wakes her up and in an attempt to feed the petite girl but fails horribly. She puts down the bowl and spoon and faces Taeyeon in a serious expression.

“Do you remember, two years ago when you got into that accident because of me that caused you to be in this state?”

“I couldn’t forgive myself at that time and you assured me with a smile and said that everything would be alright.”

“I know your facing problems now but isn’t it time to let the dorky kiddo to take over again?”

Taeyeon lifts herself up and turns to face Hyoyeon but starts to see things in a blur again. She shrugs it off to assure the tigress that she was okay.

“So what’s with that necklace you gave her?” questions Hyoyeon.

“She came just now before you came.” informs Taeyeon.

“What did she say?” asked Hyoyeon cautiously.

“She wanted to break up…she said I could use this apartment all I wanted, she was going to stay in that mansion again.”

“She’s staying with the demon?!” exclaims Hyoyeon.

Taeyeon simply nods.

“What the hell is that girl thinking?” exclaims Hyoyeon in defeat not knowing what’s going through anybody’s mind.

Just then, her hand phone rings and she picks up, only to hear sobs on the other line.

“Sunny?” she answers.

“Are you crying? What happened?”

“Soo…Soo…Sooyoung…she…” she tried to speak in between the sobs.

“Just calm down and try to say something okay?”

“She…she…slept with…someone…someone…else…” revealed Sunny on the other line.

“What do you mean by that, Sunny? She loves you very much, you know that right?” reminded Hyoyeon baffled at the new piece of information that was sinking in.

“I…don’t know anymore Hyo…they sent pictures…and…everything…”

“Do you know who sent them?”

“It was anonymous…”

“I…don’t know what to do…anymore… Save…me, Hyo…” pleaded the shorter woman on the line.

“Just breathe in and out and make sure you’re still alive when I get back.” warned Hyoyeon.

Sunny gave her a sadistic chuckle and all Hyoyeon could do was just sigh and hang up.

Taeyeon gave her a nod, assuring her that she’ll be fine by herself and quickly asked her to rush to the other shorty. But before Hyoyeon quickly grabbed her stuff and reminding Taeyeon to take her medicine, she felt a tug on her blouse.

“You’re falling for her, aren’t you?” asked Taeyeon seriously.

“I don’t know kiddo…” said Hyoyeon unsure of herself.

“I know…you’re never paranoid, you’re always like what I call you, a tigress.”

“But Hyo, I’m warning you, don’t get too involved with her.” warns Taeyeon as she gets out from bed to face the fierce looking woman.

“Kiddo…you can’t stop love, can’t you?”

“No…but you can stop before you make a mistake like I did, Tigress.” reminded Taeyeon.

“Go along then…you don’t want to see a troubled wife committing suicide in the bathtub don’t we?”

Hyoyeon quickly rushes out, sloppily putting on her shoes as she slams the door in the process.

Taeyeon turns back to the bed only to find it looking blurry again and struggles to maintain focus. She climbs back onto the bed and drifts off to sleep.

-At Jung’s mansion-

Jessica walks back to her room, after taking a shower. Her hair still dripping wet as she lets the towel fall off her body and puts some clothes on. She heads over to the study table and sighs, looking at the desktop background on her laptop.

The only reason why Jessica was forced to move back was all because of Krystal’s mom. Apparently, Krystal had abandon this home and called off the engagement with Minho and declared her love for Amber. Amber on the other hand, couldn’t help but relieve everything and told Krystal the truth and they’ve been since staying together in Amber’s apartment. The money Krystal’s mom gave Amber for her dad’s surgery was being paid back in instalments and so they really had nothing to worry about unless the demon had something up her sleeve.

Jessica felt guilty about breaking off with Taeyeon even though it was just a fake relationship. She knows she loves the girl and would do anything to get her back but she had to, especially not when the demon threatened to use Krystal against her.

Jessica looks at the desktop’s background again, four teenagers smiling happily as if there was no care in the world. She wishes she could go back to the times when they were actually happy and not with all these angst and drama to deal with.

Everything’s all just messed up huh? Isn’t it? Why can’t anything just be simple again? Why can’t we all make up with a handshake and ice-cream?

Why is it that bonds are so fragile now and that trust is a word so distant?

Nobody’s ever going to know…ever…

Unless…someone decides to speak up…

-10 years ago-

(Note: Taeyeon, Yuri and Jessica are 15, Tiffany is 14)

The foursome had gone out into the woods, like camping with Yunho being the driver. They brought their sleeping bags along and everything. Yunho helped set up the tents and told the girls to enjoy themselves as he has to go back home, he informs them that he’ll be back in the morning only to get himself shooed away for spoiling the fun.

They blasted on the music and had a great laugh, talking, playing and so on. They decided to play tag and Taeyeon was ‘it’, so they quickly avoided her. Tiffany ran away from her sister as fast as possible, but not looking where she was going she tripped and fell into the freezing lake.

Tiffany playfully pulled Taeyeon in along with her, they both laughed.

“You’re ‘it’ you know?” whispered Taeyeon to Tiffany.

“But…” she tried to protest.

“You did touch me, Fany so no turning back okay?”

“Fine…” the younger girl succumbed.

“So, are we going to get out or not? It’s freezing…”

“I think we should go up, Taetae.” agreed Tiffany

They both got out of the freezing lake as fast as possible but just then Taeyeon noticed that her sister was shivering like mad and immediately took off her jacket, wrapping it around the younger woman.

“I…feel…c-c-cold…” stammers Tiffany.

“Don’t worry okay? I’ll call for an ambulance and inform Yuri and Jessica.” informs Taeyeon.



Yuri and Jessica on the other hand, far from that area were panting, not even realising they were holding hands in the process. They quickly shifted away from each other and Jessica stood up to see that the coast was clear.

“So…we’re alone huh?” states Jessica trying to start of a conversation.

“Yea…alone…” agrees Yuri.

They both let out a nervous chuckle only to laugh at themselves again for the awkwardness.

The mood became serious when Jessica stopped laughing and faced Yuri.

“Yuri…” she called out.


“What would you do if I was ‘it’?”

“I’d run away from you isn’t that obvious?”

“I suppose so…”

“So why do you ask?” questions Yuri.

“No reason…” states Jessica shrugging it off.

“You like Tiff, don’t you?” asked Jessica taking Yuri by surprise.

“How do yo-“

“Everyone knows about it, you are bloody obvious.” interrupted Jessica.

“Well…everyone except for the girl herself.” reminded Yuri.

“Tiff can be a little dense at times…” agreed Jessica.

They both laughed it off again and Jessica faces Yuri, her heart beating a million beats.



“Have you ever wondered what if you love someone you’re not supposed to?”


“Have you?” asked Yuri.

“It’s a secret.” states Jessica running away from Yuri.

“Hey~ I’m not ‘it’ you know~?” reminds Yuri as she chases after the brunette.

As Jessica runs away from the taller girl, feeling that the younger but taller girl was gaining on her she quickly quickens up her pace. Not noticing the fallen tree branch in front of her, she trips over it along with Yuri who tried to grab her hand to prevent her from falling.

The two crashed onto the ground, filled with leaves. Yuri lands on top of Jessica and immediately lifts herself off of her feeling embarrassed.

“Sorry…” she apologises.

Jessica remains silent staring into Yuri’s dark orbs, feeling the older girl staring at her so intensely she nervously cracks a smile.

“Err…Sica? What are you staring at?”

“You know what I said about earlier…about loving someone you’re not supposed to?” she reminded.

“Yea…what about it?” the younger girl asked.

“You know…maybe Cinderella’s stepsister…just wants to be love…” she states as she gets up from lying down.

“What do you mean?” asked Yuri dumbfounded.

Jessica leans in towards Yuri and gives the wavy black haired a light peck on the lips before standing up and walking away. Yuri sits there confused, questions in her head left unanswered.

Just maybe…the outcast stepsister… needed some…love as well…


-Back at the camping site-

“T-T-Taetae?” Tiffany calls out.

“Yes, Fany-ah?” the shorter girl answers.

“I can’t think s-s-straight…everything is all just m-m-mess up…”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“My mind is just spinning…I don’t know…nothing’s making any sense at all…”

“Don’t worry okay? The ambulance is on its way.” assured Taeyeon.

Jessica walks back to see the petite girl tending to a really cold Tiffany, both of them their clothes wet. She rushes over only to find that Tiffany is shivering like mad.

“I think she’s probably suffering from Hypothermia right now.” informs Taeyeon.

“Have you phoned the ambulance?” asked Jessica.

“Yea…where’s Yuri by the way?”

“She’s coming…”

Just then Yuri comes by only to find Jessica with the rest, still confused as to what Jessica did and said just now.

What does she mean by that Cinderella’s stepsister wants to be loved? The stepsister was evil? Wasn’t she?

Yuri mindlessly walks towards the group, finally realising that something was off she quickly changed her attention to the shivering girl in front.

“What’s wrong with your sis, Taeng?”

“I suspect she’s suffering from Hypothermia, the lake was really cold.” informs Taeyeon.

“What?!” exclaims Yuri, worried.

“Don’t worry, the ambulance is coming.”



After the ambulance arrived and took Tiffany away on the stretcher, they packed up. Yunho came and drove them to the hospital as instructed.

-At the hospital-

The doctor had informed them that Tiffany had indeed suffer Hypothermia, causing her core temperature to drop lower than that of the required temperature needed for normal metabolism and body functioning. But she could be discharged probably by the end of today, possibly.

The three thanked the doctor and entered the ward. They looked at the younger girl lying on the hospital bed, no one knew what to say to break the ice.

“Fany-ah…” Taeyeon called out first.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to speak. I understand.” she says, giving her an assuring nod.

Yuri and Jessica just stood there, looking away from each other. There were times Yuri quickly stole a glance at Jessica but immediately shifted away.

Man…what the hell does she mean by that? Is something going on at her house again? Sigh…can’t she open up a bit more, how would I know why maybe the stepsister needs more love?!

Yuri was struggling mentally in her head and Jessica who was probably the only one who noticed it sighed.

You’re never going to know, aren’t you? Why the stepsister needs love…

Just maybe…if you look in the direction other than where Cinderella is… just maybe…

Under that mask of the stepsister…hides someone just as beautiful…

I’m always going to be the stepsister, aren’t I? Is it that hard? To be… Cinderella?

-End of flashback-


-Soosun’s apartment-

Hyoyeon rushes back to see the short woman worn out from all the crying she did in that period of time she was away. She walks over to her, sitting beside her on the floor and hugs her like what she always does. But this time Sunny reciprocates the favour and hugs the equally short woman back, at the same time, drenching the fierce woman’s jacket with her constant sobs.

“I-I-I never though…s-s-she’d do t-t-this to me…” stammers Sunny, still on the verge of tears.

“It’s okay…” comforts Hyoyeon in a whisper, her usual demeanour gone in an instant.

After making sure the crying had died down, Hyoyeon lets go of the embrace and looks at Sunny in the eyes, assuring her that everything will be fine.

Hyoyeon cleans up the mess the shorter woman has made and had noticed the scattered pictures of Sooyoung’s affair and she must admit that she couldn’t believe the tall shikshin would ever do such a thing. Considering the fact that she loved the shorty too much to even consider cheating. But what surprised her even more was how well the pictures were taken. There were only two possibilities, either they had a really good camera or that the tall shikshin was set up.

Hyoyeon quickly puts the photos back into the envelop, where it first came from and puts them aside. She helps Sunny to her room, making sure the shorter woman was well covered by the blanket. Just as she was about to leave, she felt the shorter woman hold onto her hand, preventing her from leaving.

“Hyo?” she weakly called out.

“Stay with me tonight…okay?” suggested Sunny.

Hyoyeon wanted to resist all urges of any forms of cheating with the shorter woman but her body would just not listen to her. The fierce woman complied and went under the covers, sleeping beside the shorter woman. She swallowed her own saliva, realising how nervous she was she shifted her position a bit so that her back was facing the shorter woman. But it only became worse when she felt a pair of hands on her waist.


“Are you asleep?”

“No…” mumbles Hyoyeon.

“Thanks for everything…”

“No problem…”

Hyoyeon felt that the clock was ticking slower than ever, it was as if time had completely gone bonkers. She could feel the cold sweat running down her sides only to feel the gap between her and Sunny closer.

“You know Hyo…I’m glad you’re my tenant…otherwise I would’ve died.”

Hyoyeon just kept silent, not wanting to interrupt the shorter woman.

“I’m not sure if I’m ever ready to forgive Sooyoung again…I just feel betrayed, lost and unwanted now…”

“But I’m glad that I have you as a friend…” admits Sunny.

Tightening her grip around Hyoyeon’s waist as she leans onto the fierce woman’s back.

“You like me, don’t you?” asked Sunny causing for Hyoyeon to be shocked at the sudden question.

“You don’t have to answer…I know…”

“How you’ve always complied to everything I say or do, the way you treat me and especially the way you look at me.”

“But you know…it’s all just wrong…”

Hyoyeon turns to face the shorter woman, only to see her about to be on the verge of tears again.

“Why does everything have to be so fragile huh, Hyo?”

“Is love just meaningful when only the other party is there?”

“I know Sooyoung may have cheated without her own knowing but…I’m definitely not going to stoop down that low and cheat with you…”

“But what I really want is for you to promise me one thing…”

“What is it?” asked Hyoyeon, finally speaking up.

“That you’ll still remain our friend, no matter what happens. Even if it’s a lie…”

“Sure…” Hyoyeon agreed, complying to the shorter woman’s request as usual.

Sunny leans in towards Hyoyeon’s lips, planting a light kiss which lasted much longer than it was supposed to be. Sunny broke away only to nervously let out an inaudible chuckle.

“Sorry…” she apologises.

“It’s okay…just friendship appreciation…” assures Hyoyeon.

“Sorry…” she repeats again.

Hyoyeon leans in and gives the shorter woman a light kiss on the lips.

“Like I said, it’s okay…just friendship appreciation…”

“Yea…” agrees Sunny as they both turn, their backs facing each other now instead.

Sigh…I guess we’ll never be more than friendship appreciation huh? It’s all just wrong but…I can’t help it…it’s driving me mad, just being here with you…

Love never came to a problem to me since I was always too concentrated on dancing and living up to dad’s expectations. But just maybe now…I want to be loved again…

Just maybe I want to get over that feeling of abandonment…but everything comes with a price and needing this love, will probably cost me a lot more than I’d think…

But what is scaring me right now has got nothing to do with dad’s expectations on me, worrying about kiddo’s condition or about me falling for you. It’s none of that at all…

What’s scaring me now is that…just maybe…I want to be loved again…

Just maybe…I don’t want to go back to the time to the abandoned young girl again…

Just maybe…I’m too afraid to feel loved…again…

Chapter 16: Love makes us weak…go mad to the point…of…

-I week later-

-Private lodge-

Yuri had brought Tiffany to her family’s private lodge to get away from everyone. They had spent their days here for the past months or so, Tiffany did not know how to face Yuri anymore she was feeling a sense of guilt and somehow just felt something was going terribly wrong.

Yuri acted as if everything was going to be alright, she didn’t scream, go mad or anything of those sorts. It was almost as if the fight at that time never happened, she was still the cheerful Yuri but Tiffany knew something was up. She may appear like the same but everything has changed and this is definitely not the Yuri she knows.

Tiffany sits on her bed, covered underneath the covers feeling the warm breeze. The private lodge was facing the sea which was actually a good thing. She turns her head to look out the window, to see the waves undulate in a rhythmic pattern. Yuri enters the room, drenched in sweat from her everyday morning jog. She grabs a bottle of mineral water from the fridge and gulps it down. She quickly grabs her towel and a change of clothes and heads to the bathroom.

Tiffany looks at her wife worriedly; she wonders if she was actually looking at the same Yuri she knew for years. It was as if she was talking to a complete stranger and she does not understand anymore.

After Yuri had taken a nice shower, she comes out of the bathroom in a black singlet and blue jeans that complimented her figure extremely well. She heads over to the kitchen to prepare lunch for the two of them.

The two ate at the dining table with absolute silence other than the sound of the forks and spoons clanging onto the plates and bowls. Tiffany was almost reaching her limit and she did not know what to do with Yuri anymore.

“Yuri?” she calls out.

“Yuri?” she calls out again.


The tanned woman continues to ignore her wife as she eats her meal.

“Yuri, do you want to tell me something?” Tiffany asked concerned.

“Nothing’s wrong, just eat the food.” assures Yuri without even looking Tiffany in the eye.

Tiffany slams her palm on the dining table causing the plates and bowls to rattle slightly.

“Look Yuri! We both know something’s up alright?! So don’t you dare say nothing’s wrong!” screams Tiffany in defeat.

“If you know it was not right, why in the world did you accept my proposal in the first place huh?!” Yuri asked raising her volume.

Tiffany felt guilt taking over her as she could not open her mouth to say the words she wished she said right now.

“I knew I would always be second and I was coping with that the whole time…”

“If we weren’t going to work out in the first place, why didn’t you just go to Taeyeon?” asked Yuri releasing her bottled up emotions.

“It’s just wrong…Yuri, me and Taetae is just wrong…”

“And you were never second, Taetae and I…we’re forever going to be sister to sister love…nothing more…even if she wasn’t my sis, it still doesn’t change anything…”

Yuri stands up and walks over to her now teary eyed wife as she places her hand on her shoulders.

“I really love you ok? I love you so much…it’s killing me…” confesses Yuri trying to hold back her tears.

“So don’t just leave me like that…”

The tanned woman leans in and gives a heartfelt kiss on the latter’s lips.


-Jung’s mansion-

Jessica sits down at the dining table, eating the food prepared by the chefs. It looked appetising but Jessica could not bring herself to eat the food. She misses the petite woman’s cooking and definitely enjoyed it when she fed her.

Jessica’s stepmom sat there drinking her cup of tea, she could still feel her hairs standing. Her stepmom omitted a presence that felt as if everything was in the palm of her hands. No one defied against Mrs Jung, and no one was going to succeed in doing so. She knew what she wanted and definitely would do anything in her power to get what she wanted, no matter what the cost was.

“Jessica.” she calls out.

“Yes, eomeoni?” she answers as politely as possible.

“You’ve broken up with that Taeyeon girl right?”

“Yes, as you’ve instructed.”

“Good. Don’t forget that pack we made.”

“Yes eomeoni, I won’t.”

“Good. We wouldn’t want anything bad happening won’t we?” asked Mrs Jung as if to challenge Jessica.

Jessica simply nods her head, understanding fully.

After the meal, Jessica heads back upstairs to her room. The room she has not been sleeping in for the past years. Everything felt so surreal and she was not used to sleeping in that comfortable king sized bed.

Jessica leans against the bed frame as she takes out her book to read. The translated of La Nausée by Jean-Paul Sartre in English, a book about existentialism and defining oneself.

She flips through page by page of the book, her eyes scanning through the words that were being pictured in her mind. After a good few hours of reading, she puts her book down and marks the page with a bookmark. She sighs as she drinks her glass of water.

“Don’t do anything to Krystal please…I beg you…”

“Just move back and break off with that girl.”

“I can’t…I love her…”

“Love, just another useless emotion…Look where it has bought your sister to.”

“No it’s not; I think she did the right thing.”

“What foolishness, now Jessica sweetheart…we wouldn’t want anything bad happening to Krystal or that girl, Taeyeon right?”

“What are you going to do?”

“Nothing at all, just comply with my rules and we’ll play the game safe okay?”

“Defy anything and you’ll find yourself being eaten alive and find yourself witnessing something you never wished you had seen…we wouldn’t want that right, Jessica?”

Jessica nods her head, Mrs Jung smiles but it did not seem all too friendly at all.

“You’re a smart girl, Jessica. A really smart one in fact.” complimented Mrs Jung.

Was this the right thing to do? Was it really worth it at all?


-Kim’s mansion-

Junsu and Seohyun with the help of certain people, throughout these months of investigating they were finally able to get enough evidence to put their father behind bars. They decided to show all this to the court, despite being family they were not going to show their father any mercy at all. The court had settled the case very professionally and Mr Kim was being sentenced in prison for god knows how long. All the drug dealings were gone and the company was back to being normal like how Junsu’s grandfather would want it to be.

Junsu took over his father’s position as the existing chairman but felt nervous as he felt he was too complacent to even uphold such a position. But Seohyun assured her brother as usual that everything would be alright and nothing was going to go wrong.

Unfortunately as some sides of their investigations went well, others were not going too good. The two still had not managed to find out why Taeyeon had even ended up in the Hwang family but somehow had a strange feeling that their father had to do something with it.

Seohyun had contacted Hyoyeon a few times and told them the details and such, Hyoyeon was slightly taken aback but nonetheless still helped the two siblings out. She envies how Junsu and Seohyun had each other’s back no matter how tough the going gets and she wished she could have siblings like the both of them. She feels Taeyeon would be in safe hands with these two and perhaps maybe it was time to reveal everything to the wrecked girl.


-Jessica’s apartment-

Taeyeon was sitting on the couch sketching on her sketchbook trying to pass time until Hyoyeon had arrived with her lunch. Hyoyeon had strictly forbidden her to cook any longer after certain experiences of her cutting herself while trying to pick up the broken plates and bowls. Or even accidentally scalding herself due to her sudden loss in vision.

Hyoyeon arrived on time as usual and places the food out on the dining table; Taeyeon walks over and inhales the aroma of the food.

“You finally stopped being stingy and giving me real food eh?” jokes Taeyeon.

“Haha very funny.” laughs Hyoyeon sarcastically.

“Well tigress let’s get digging shall we?”

“Yea sure, kiddo.” Hyoyeon smiles at the equally short woman.

As Hyoyeon heads over to the kitchen to bring the utensils to the dining table, Taeyeon sits down and waits for her friend before they start eating.

“Glad to have you back, kiddo.”

“Glad to be back as well, Tigress.”

They both ate in silence; Hyoyeon felt that she need not worry about Taeyeon too much now. The artist was getting back up on her feet soon and Hyoyeon felt a heavy load off her shoulders.

After finishing their meal, Hyoyeon proceed to wash the dishes as Taeyeon waits for her to finish on the couch. After washing the dishes, Hyoyeon heads over to the couch and plops beside her friend.

“Like I said before, I have something to tell you.”

“Is this about Sunny again?”


“Oh…then what is it Hyo?”

“What if I were to tell you now, you’re not related to Tiffany in anyway?”

“What are you getting at Hyo?”

“Are you going to just break them apart or are you going to win Jessica back?”

“I don’t know Hyo…but what’s all this about me not being Fany’s sister?”

“They had a DNA test and it was confirmed.”

“DNA test with whom?”

“It’s confirmed you’re the middle child of the Kim family.”

“Kim family? As in Junsu and Seohyun?”

Hyoyeon simply nods her head.

“You’ve got to be kidding right?”

“Do I look like I’m kidding?”

“All this while I’ve been trying to avenge who I thought was my dad and all along my real dad turns out to be my dad’s murderer?”

“I know it’s hard on you kiddo but Junsu and Seohyun are nice people.”

“Yea, I know they are…”

“Good. So are you going to decide kiddo?” asked Hyoyeon again.

“It’s either Tiffany or Jessica; you’ve got to choose kiddo.”

“I know but…”

“No buts kiddo, look. I’ll give you some time to think about it alright?”

“Oh and before I leave, Seohyun asked me to ask if you wanted to move in with them?”

“If you don’t wish to, it’s okay as well.”

“I’ll think about it…”

Hyoyeon gets off the couch and heads over to the door, wearing her shoes in the process. After wearing her shoes, she stands up to open the door.

“Remember kiddo you’ve only got one chance…so don’t regret it alright?” reminded Hyoyeon as she exits the apartment.


-Private Lodge-

Tiffany and Yuri were sleeping in their lingerie under the covers cuddled up but somehow Tiffany could not help but feel as if she was going to go mad. She was going mental, bonkers and no one could come and save her. She just did not know what to do anymore.

“Yuri-ah?” she calls out.


“Let’s go back home.”

“Alright…” Yuri complied.

They both got out of bed and put on their clothes as they slipped on their jeans, tee shirt and packed their belongings as well.

Yuri drove her red Ferrari Enzo instead for travelling purposes; they both got in the car and drove away from the private lodge and back home to where certain things were still being unsettled.

Upon arriving at the Kwon’s mansion gates, the gates automatically opens as they enter. The maids immediately step out to help as they enter the house; Yuri’s mom looked at the two of them with a stern look but decided to let this one pass.

“Yuri, you have a lot of work to catch up.” reminded Mrs Kwon.

“Yes, eomeoni…”

“But first things first, come and eat.”

“You too, Tiffany…”


They both walked over to the dining table to have their late lunch spread out in front of them. The both of them dug in as they savoured the food in a gentle and calm manner. Mrs Kwon was reading the papers and that was when Tiffany noticed something odd.

She puts down her spoon and reads the headlines.

Chairman of Kwangmu Corporations has been charged for drug dealings, son, Kim Junsu has taken over

But that was not what gathered her attention; it was a small little article there. She would not have mistaken that person anywhere no matter what. The heading was rather small but still visible enough.

Freelance artist, Hwang Taeyeon rumoured to be Chairman of Kwangmu Corporations daughter, Kim Taeyeon

Tiffany was taken aback she could not believe what she was seeing. She managed to remain calm and politely asked her mother-in-law for the newspaper. Upon reading it up close she still could not believe what the newspaper was saying.

“Fany-ah, you alright?” asked Yuri concerned.


“What about her?”

“Read this Yuri…”

Yuri takes the newspaper and reads, at first all she is the big headlines of Junsu’s father being charged and behind bars and she was genuinely happy that Tiffany’s parents were sort of being avenged but as she scrolls down she sees a small article which was quite an eye-opener as well.

It was Taeyeon, and she was rumoured to be Chairman of Kwangmu Corporations daughter. Yuri could not believe what she was reading and felt that her eyes were playing tricks on her. She read the small article further for how they actually came up with such a story.

“Freelance artist, Hwang Taeyeon is believed to be Kim Taeyeon middle child of Chairman of Kwangmu Corporations.

Pictures of ex-model, Kim Jaehee have surfaced once again and freelance artist, Hwang Taeyeon bared an uncanny resemblance to her.

Not only that but investigations have been shown that current Chairman Kim Junsu and sister, Kim Seohyun were investigating on certain matters related to Taeyeon but are careful enough not to reveal much to the public yet.



’s parents have been known to have been murdered indirectly in an accident that was regarded by the police as not wearing seatbelts but in actual fact the breaks were being tampered with…”

Yuri puts away the paper not feeling like reading it anymore, she was fed up with the whole situation right now and decided Junsu and Seohyun were the best options for answers right now. She grabs her jacket and rushes out and walks over to her park motorcycle and puts her helmet on. She starts the engine as she speeds out of the Kwon mansion, heading towards Kwangmu Corporations.


-Kwangmu Corporations-

-Chairman’s office-

Junsu was sitting on the black leather sofa with Seohyun sitting on the black leather chair across him. He sighed as he saw the newspaper and could not help but think where they had accidentally made a slip up.

“Oppa don’t worry, I’m sure it’s the media making a big fuss.”

“I mean they are getting their hands on a good scoop and everyone wants it.”


“Don’t worry too much okay? I’m sure everything will work out find.”

“I just hope those nasty reporters don’t mess around with Taeyeon too much.”

“Yea, me too…”

Yuri upon arriving at Kwangmu Corporation immediately barged in as the automatic sliding doors allowed her to pass through unfortunately all she managed to get to was the receptionist. In an angered state, she ordered to see Kim Junsu but all she got was the standard procedure of reply.

Feeling frustrated she tries to rush pass security, causing a bit of a ruckus. One of the staff immediately reported this to Junsu in his office and he quickly rushed down to see what was going on.

Upon seeing Yuri he ordered the guards to let go off her as he brings her to his office with Seohyun following along.

“You’ve come here about the article haven’t you?”

“Yes, what’s going on Junsu oppa?!” she demanded wanting answers from him.

“Yes, it’s true that Taeyeon’s our sister but…we never disclosed it to the public, I don’t know how this got out…”

“So…not everything in that article was a lie huh?”


“Then how in the world did she end up in the Hwang family huh?!”

“That’s what we don’t know…we’re investigating but nothing!” Junsu sighed in frustration.

“We believe that it has something to do with my father…”


“I’m sure he’s had couple of affairs before…somehow I feel it’s just connected.”

“Are you saying Taeyeon’s like an affair’s child?”

“No that’s impossible…we did DNA test and it was confirmed that she’s related to both of them.” explained Seohyun.

“So, how in the world did this happen huh?”

“Do you even know how much Tiffany Is suffering from this?”

“We went away for three months to start afresh and come back…only to receive news like this.”

“I’m sorry…” Junsu and Seohyun apologised.

“It’s not your fault, I think one of these days we’ll have to pay your dad a visit.” reminded Yuri.

“I need answers soon and just try to make sure none of this leak out anymore.” warned Yuri.

“Yes, we’ll try our best…”

Yuri walks out of the office and out of Kwangmu Corporations in a huff as she rides the motorcycle back to the Kwon’s mansion.


-In the Kwon mansion-

Tiffany looked as if she had no life left in her as she informed her mother-in-law she was going back to bed as she felt tired. Locking the door, she climbs onto the bed to try to get some sleep despite the sun still beating down on her. She closes all the windows, curtains and turns off the light to try and prevent any sunlight from entering the now dimly lit or should I say rather dark room.

She gets under the covers as she tries to close her eyes to sleep but that same nightmare was happening again just that this time with a twist.

The Taeyeon who had smiled warmly at her was turning into someone she had never met before. The sinister smile on her supposed sister’s lips were scaring her and she wanted to get out.

She felt the hands grip her neck tightly and she opens her eyes to see someone but it was not Taeyeon at all. She could not breathe; she was suffocating as she heard the laughter from the figure before her. She sounded exactly like Taeyeon but she was not.

Tiffany was sweating profusely as she struggles to breathe just like in her dream; the voices in her head were sending her a message far worse than death. Nothing seemed to be real anymore, she was falling into a bottomless pit and no one was there to save her, absolutely no one at all.


Yuri arrives and immediately rushes back to their room, she has a strange feeling that something bad might happen and she did not like the feeling of it at all.

As she reaches her door, she turns the door knob only to find that it was locked. She tries turning the knob several times but nothing was working. She tries to find the keys to her room but remembers that she left it inside the room.

Yuri bangs on the door hard trying to get Tiffany’s attention but unfortunately it was not working.

“Fany-ah, open the door!” shouts Yuri banging the door even harder.

“Open the door, please…I beg you!” the tanned woman begs as the tears began to flow down her cheek.

“Just open…open the door…please…” she begs even more to the point of desperation.

-Inside the room-

Tiffany felt her breath was constricted and felt the grip on her neck growing tighter; all the sounds from the outside world were all mute. She tried to fight a mental battle with the voices in her head but it was not working at all. The more she tried to fight, the more she felt her breath being drawn away from her.

Eventually acting on impulse she did what her unconscious mind and body was telling her. She tried to fight against the voices but nothing was working, she got out of bed and found a sharp object, slitting her wrist in the process. The voices in her head were gone but all that left of her was a cut wrist with blood flowing out of the cut, staining the floor. Her back leans against the bed as lets her eyes closed shut.

-Outside the room-

Yuri could not help but feel something was up; she immediately rushes to find the maids for a spare key. She rushes back upon finding the spare key and the door clicks open. As she twists the door knob and enters her room the first thing she sees is an unconscious Tiffany and immediately cries out for her name. The maids who heard the cries rushed to see what was going on. Yuri ordered them to phone for the ambulance immediately. The sounds of the sirens filled the streets as it arrived at the Kwon’s mansion; the paramedics took Tiffany away as Yuri hopped on insisting on following.


-Jessica’s apartment-

Taeyeon had read the small article and could not help but feel that something was going to happen to Tiffany if she read this. She wondered if Yuri and Tiffany were back and if they were had they read it yet.

Everything seemed to be a blur as she gets up, trying to hate to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water despite Hyoyeon’s warnings. Taeyeon felt a stinging pain in her head, she grabs the side of her head, only to see the sight before her being blurred. She tries to shake it off but nothing was working, her vision was getting more blurry than usual until she hits total blackness, feeling everything being drained from her, her petite body collapses to the cold floor as she lies there with no one to hear her cries for help.

The sketchbook lies on the table opened with a sketch of Tiffany smiling brightly but as the page turns back and forth from the sketch of Tiffany to a different sketch, the rough features could be clearly seen and a certain light brown haired girl’s features could be shown briefly.

The page decides to flip to the unfinished sketch as the sun shines upon it; the lighting gave the sketch a sort of glow that complimented well with the unfinished sketch.

The certain light brown haired girl’s features were drawn out in perfect detail, from the eyes to the nose to the mouth to everything. But somehow something was just missing from the sketch and under the strong sunlight nothing could be made out.

The unfinished sketch of Jessica smiling showed more as the light from the sun started shifting slightly. To reveal something that was blocked earlier at the bottom corner of the page, small but visible words.

I love you…


-Soosun’s apartment-

Sunny had been back to normal but Hyoyeon still felt worried for the shorter girl feeling as if she might do something bad.

“You know Hyo, you don’t have to worry too much you know?” assured Sunny.

“Look, I can’t help but feel worried for the both of you all the time.”

“Who else are you worried about?”

“Kiddo, obviously…”


“Hyo?” Sunny calls out.

“You’re not going to move out right?”


“No matter what happens, don’t move out okay? No matter what Young-ie might say…”

“I promise, now let’s just eat our dinner alright?”

“Yea sure…”


After finishing their meal, Hyoyeon offers to wash the dishes in case Sunny decided to cut herself and the latter just scolded her for being over paranoid. She laughed it off and told her to go sit on the couch and watch TV or play her PS3.

After finishing the dishes, she plops beside Sunny on the couch to see her watching some K-drama that was re-airing on TV. She stares at the flat screen TV and soon feels that it was pointless to stare at the images any further. Just then she receives a text from Yuri.

To: Hyoyeon

-Tiffany’s in the hospital! Tell Taeng about this ASAP!

From: Yuri

Hyoyeon immediately turns to Sunny looking worried, Sunny noticing the dancer’s gaze on her she turns her attention towards the latter instead.

“What’s wrong?”

“Tiffany’s in the hospital…”

“What?! We better inform Taeyeon about this!” screamed Sunny as she started panicking.

“Okay, you’ll go to the hospital first and I’ll go call Taeyeon.” instructed Hyoyeon.

“Yea sure, meet you there Hyo, bye.” says Sunny rushing out as she plants a kiss on Hyoyeon.

Hyoyeon could feel her face flushed as she sees the short woman disappearing into the corridors and towards the lift.

Hyoyeon quickly grabs her hand phone and dials the apartment’s house phone but there was no answer. She texts Taeyeon and dials her hand phone several times but still no one picked up. She was getting frustrated and kept repeating in her head for Taeyeon to pick up but to no avail.

She grabs her jacket and heads out to the hospital first, and deems that maybe Taeyeon was bathing or was too busy to answer the call at the moment. She would read her text later and would come rushing to the hospital.


-Jung mansion-

Jessica upon hearing the news of Tiffany being in the hospital immediately droves off to see her best friend. Speeding all the way to the hospital, recklessly driving but nonetheless still save when she arrived.


-At the hospital-

Jaejoong, Changmin, Yunho, Sunny, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Seohyun, Yoona, Junsu even Yoochun, Donghae, Krystal and Amber were all there at the hospital. Jessica arrives to see them all looking melancholy especially Yuri. In a fit of anger she walks over to Yuri and demands to know what happened.

“Yuri what in the world happened?!”

“Is this because of that newspaper article?”


continues ignoring the light brown haired girl’s questions.

Jessica grabs her by the collar and looks straight into her eyes.

“Kwon Yuri! Answer me alright? What happened to my best friend?!”

“Are you going to answer or what?!” Jessica screams in defeat.

The girls tried to break her away from Yuri as they waited for the doctor. Jessica noticing that Taeyeon was still not there suddenly felt worried.

“Where’s Taeyeon?” she asked using the petite woman’s real name instead of the usual pet name she gave her.

Everyone shook their heads, Hyoyeon informs Jessica she had tried to call Taeyeon several times but she just won’t pick up.

Jessica feels something is up and somehow just feels that Taeyeon was in trouble, she just somehow feels that something bad is going to happen.

She immediately rushes out of the hospital hopping back into her car and speeds back to her old apartment. Along the way she ignores all the car honks and cussing here and there. When she finally reaches her apartment block, she parks her car and heads to the lift and waits for it, as she gets more impatient and wanting to rush in to check if the petite girl was alright, she decides to take the flight of stairs instead.

Jessica climbs up hurriedly the heels of her shoes echoed a thud sound as it made contact with the steps. She was perspiring by the time she got to the 7th floor and unfortunately she lived all the way at the 17th floor. When she finally reaches her level, she opens the door. Sweat was rolling down her sides and soaked the back of her shirt but nonetheless she still managed to gain balance. As she walks over to her apartment door she could not help to think what Tiffany was going through and how Taeyeon would take this news.

You better be alright…How could I forgive myself if something were to happen…Please just be alright…

Jessica prayed hard in her heart unfortunately as she arrives at her door and opens it, she enters to see the hall brightly lit and wonders where Taeyeon was. She heads over to the kitchen to see the petite girl unconscious and lying on the cold floor.

“Taeyeon!” she cries out.

“Taengoo-ah!” she cries out multiple times trying to shake the petite woman awake.

Taeyeon managed to open her eyes but despite being happy to hear Jessica’s voice, all she could see was blurry images of the latter.

“Taengoo-ah…Fany’s in the hospital…we need to get there fast.”

Taeyeon upon hearing the news immediately tries to get up but in a weak state, Jessica supports her instead. As the door opens, the sketchbook page flips again and there was another sketch that was unfinished. The words at the bottom of the page however carried such vague but deep meaning.

Where are you?

I need you now…

The world’s getting darker by the seconds…

Where are you?

I need you…it’s killing me…


Jessica drives back to the hospital, supporting Taeyeon when they arrived. Taeyeon knew that something bad would happen. It was a sort of connection she build with Tiffany just somehow she knows when her supposed sister is in trouble.

Jessica supports her to the chair and lets her sit down to get some rest, Hyoyeon sits beside the petite woman to make sure the kiddo was alright. She figured that it was best to ask why she never answered her calls later. They all stood there wondering when the doctor would come out.

-Few hours later-

The doctor finally steps out and Yuri was the first to pounce on him, luckily the doctor remained calm and with a stoic face assured that she was alright just a lot of blood loss but unfortunately seemed to be going through some kind of depression. Yuri told the others to leave first and suggested that only Jessica and Taeyeon stay behind. The rest complied with Yuri’s wishes while Hyoyeon decided to wait elsewhere, she feels that something was up with Taeyeon and it was not a good feeling at all.

Tiffany was attached to an IV drip as she slowly opens her eyes to face the three of them. Upon facing her best friend she smiles to ensure the light brown haired that everything would be alright. However upon facing the other two, she could not make out what to say or to put on a smile. The voices in her head were going stronger and she could feel them taking over again.

“Jessi, tell them to get out.” pleads Tiffany.

“Tell them to get out…get out!” she begs as she cries helplessly.

Yuri and Taeyeon decide to leave Tiffany in the room alone for now; Taeyeon sits beside Yuri wondering if their friendship could ever be patched up again.

“What happened?”

“She tried to commit suicide after reading that article of yours…”

“It’s true isn’t it?”

Taeyeon just simply nods her head, feeling helpless.

“So now that she’s not your sis, you’re gonna take her away?”


“Yul, Tiffany needs you…not me…and I need someone but she’s definitely not Tiffany…”


“I don’t know, Yul…”

“Everything’s getting blurry and dark now…and I can’t make out what’s right and what’s real anymore…”

“Taeng, go for it okay? Don’t regret it…if you don’t act now, Sica will just be manipulated in the hands of that demon…you wouldn’t want that right?”

“I don’t know anymore Yul…she broke off with me…”

“Look, no turning back okay? Love her with all your heart…”

Yuri stands up and grabs Taeyeon by the collar and pushes her to the wall.

“Look, Kim Taeyeon…don’t think too much and just treat Sica well okay?!” warns Yuri.

“Just forget Tiffany ever happened…it was all sister love okay?” begs Yuri as she lets go off her grip on Taeyeon’s collar.

Yuri turns away from Taeyeon not daring to face the petite girl in her state. Taeyeon feels her vision getting blurry as she watches Yuri trying to get the words out.

“I freaking hell…love her…okay?” confesses Yuri.

“So just please…please…just forget and take it as sister love…” pleads Yuri.

Taeyeon tries to shake it off and fortunately enough her vision was getting back to normal. Yuri turns back to face the petite woman, teary eyed, holding onto Taeyeon’s shoulders she looks into her pupils with helplessness in her eyes.

“Please…I beg you…”

“I really love her…and…it’s killing me, Taeng…it’s killing me…” confesses Yuri not in a heart-warming way but rather in a desperate state as if she was begging for a second chance in life.

Taeyeon could see the helplessness in Yuri’s eyes as she begs for her to forget about her one-sided love for Tiffany in the past but Taeyeon could only feel her vision getting more blurred by the minutes. Everything seemed to be turning dark and she did not like it at all, not one bit.

-In the ward-

Jessica held Tiffany’s hand, trying to ensure that everything was going to be okay. When Tiffany finally falls asleep she heads out of the room to see a dazed Taeyeon and a worn out and helpless Yuri. She could not help but feel something was up and she did not like the looks of it.

“Get out! Get out!” the shoulder length black haired woman screamed further.

“It’s okay, Tiff…they’re gone, okay?”

“Ahh~! No~! No~! Get out! Get out!” she screams even louder.

“They’re gone okay?! Gone! It’s alright, everything will be alright…” comforts Jessica.

“I can’t fight…they’re taking over me…I can’t fight back…”

“What’s happening Tiffany, there’s no one here!”

“I can’t…I can’t…their taking over…” Tiffany cries out in despair.

“Tiff, no one’s here!”

“No…I can’t….”


“Ahh~! Get out! Get out!”

“Tiff! You alright? Do you want me to get the doctor?”

“No…no…I can’t fight them anymore Jessi…I can’t fight them anymore…”

“Tiff, there’s no one here okay?” assures Jessica.

“She made me weak…I can’t fight them anymore…she made me weak…”

“What are you talking about, Tiff?” demands Jessica.

“Yuri…she’s making me weak…she made me weak…I just can’t fight them any longer…”

“Everything’s gonna be alright, okay? I promise…” comforts Jessica giving her best friend a nice warm hug.


“Is she okay?” asked Yuri.

“Hell no she isn’t!”

“What have you done to her?!”

“I don’t know…I don’t know okay...”

“She seems to be hallucinating…fighting some kind of imaginary creature… and she says you’ve made her weak and she can’t fight back anymore…”

“What in the world have you done, to my best friend?” asked Jessica demanding for answers.

“Sica…I really don’t know…”

“Then save her! Okay?! You better freaking hell save her from all this!” threatened Jessica.

“I’ll try…okay?! I’ll try…”

“Don’t try! You have to save her! You have to!” demands Jessica.

“I don’t know how to save her…Sica-yah…how in the world do I do that?”

“Look I don’t know either but you’re the only one who can help her…no one can okay?”

“Sica-yah…I really love her but…I don’t know what to do anymore…”

“I love her till the point of madness…and I’m at the edge of the cliff already…” Yuri admits feeling despaired


-Park just outside the hospital building-

Taeyeon walks away to find Hyoyeon at the park bench, she sits down beside her but her movements seemed to be wavered. Hyoyeon notices it and begins to feel that something is up with the petite girl.

“You alright, kiddo?” asked Hyoyeon worriedly.

Taeyeon turns a death ear to that question but instead wraps her arms around Hyoyeon instead.

“Is something the matter?”

“I need her Hyo…I need her so bad…”

“Kiddo, what’s happening to you?”

“Hyo…please…I seriously need her…make her come back…”

“Who are you talking about?”

“I don’t know…Hyo…not anymore…everything’s just getting darker by the minute…”

“Kiddo…are you-“ Hyoyeon paused what she was going to say next fearing the worse.

“Hyo…please just make her come back…tell her to come back…” begs Taeyeon.

“I really need her…I need her so bad…I’m going bonkers…”

“I need her…I need Sica to the point it’s…going to kill me…”

“You okay, kiddo? Do you want to go home?” asked Hyoyeon getting even more worried on the actions the petite girl was displaying right now.

“I don’t know what to do anymore, Hyo…I love her…and I need her so badly…” confesses Taeyeon as if she was begging for life.

“Everything’s going to be okay, kiddo…” assures Hyoyeon.

“The world’s getting darker by the seconds…the clock just seems to be running faster…”

“Taeyeon…” Hyoyeon calls out.

“I need her, Hyo…I need her…” begs Taeyeon with tears rolling down her cheek, her breath felt as if it were constricted.

She feels her vision getting even blurrier, everything was turning dull and the next thing she knows. Darkness hits her without a warning at all.

Chapter 17: There’s always more than meets the eye…

-2 weeks later-

Tiffany got discharged from the hospital with no mishaps whatsoever but one thing that was worrying the others was the fact that she was cooped up in her room. Refusing to take a step out and they feared the same thing might happen again.

Yuri came in with the tray of food, trying to get Tiffany to eat as usual but as usual the fatigue girl would not listen. The wavy haired was devastated; she did not know what to do anymore.

Save her? How in the world am I supposed to do that?!

Yuri just leaves the tray of food there leaving it to cool and pointlessly hoping her dejected wife would even bother looking at it. She slowly walks out, closing the door shut behind her; looking at her wife with such powerless eyes.


-2 weeks ago-

The day after Tiffany got admitted to the hospital; news began to spread like wild fire. Reporters, journalists and the press were all surrounding the hospital Tiffany was staying in. Wanting to get some big scoop, making up rumours of unhappy marriage, bombarding anyone who visited her with questions. All this began to take a toll on Tiffany and the voices in her head just continued to taunt her even more.


That night after Hyoyeon took Taeyeon back to Jessica’s apartment; she could not help but feel sorry for the girl. She laid Taeyeon down onto the bed and began preparing some breakfast for the petite woman to eat when she woke up.

After preparing the meals, she decided to organise the place a little and clean it up. That’s when she notices the opened sketchbook and the unfinished sketches. She flips to the very first page of the sketchbook, it was a simple sketch of Taeyeon, Tiffany, Yuri and Jessica when they were all young and naïve. The time where everything was sweet and nothing could break them apart. Hyoyeon smiled at how carefree they appear to be and wondered what it’ll be like if she met them earlier.

However, as she smiled at the picture her smile turned into a frown as she read the little message at the bottom of the sketch. It was so contradicting to the sketch she drew and pondered on whether the petite girl was trying to be ironic.

Naïve, innocent…everything seems to be sweet…

those things never last…

…don’t they?

Hyoyeon sat down on the couch; slowly flipping the pages every page had a sketch and a message to it. Ironic it may seem, but somehow all of it was seemingly true. Hyoyeon could not help to think twice as to how well the petite girl saw the world and the world around her despite appearing to be carefree.

As Hyoyeon continued to turn the pages slowly, she immediately notices this sketchbook was about the four of them. They were the main characters in this sketchbook and somehow Hyoyeon felt that this was exactly what Taeyeon was trying to convey.

It started off with the four of them in a sketch playing around at a park but as the pages flip open the sketches began to change; the people inside began to slowly drift apart.

Hyoyeon flipped again and she stumbled upon a sketch that she could not quite comprehend. It was a sketch of Tiffany and Yuri seemingly looking like a happy couple, but as she looks closer she could see the helplessness in Yuri’s eyes that the artist drew and the frightened look Tiffany seemed to be portraying. The faces were not separated and seemed to be joined together like they were supposed to be one but somehow was forced to split apart.

But what Hyoyeon found even more intriguing was how well Taeyeon seemed to connect with her sister despite having not seen her for nearly 3 years. At the bottom of the sketch another message was conveyed and Hyoyeon wondered if Taeyeon had foreshadowed Tiffany’s outcome.

Happiness…is just another word…

The real world lies here…Love…

…love is…just an emotion…

But…look at what it can do to you…

makes you helpless to the point…


Hyoyeon flipped and flipped again, Taeyeon was somehow trying to tell a story through these sketches. They were all from her point of view but somehow she seemed to get into their skin and become them when she sketches these sketches.

As she continued turning over the pages, that was when she reached the unfinished sketch of Jessica and three small but simple words there. But as she turned again, she sees an unfinished sketch of both Tiffany and Jessica, both facing in the opposite direction somehow combined together and looking at the distance. Their eyes seemed to have drifted off far into a land that the petite girl was not in. There she saw that message that made her ponder once again if the petite woman really needed Jessica and still wondered once more if just maybe she still had not forgotten Tiffany yet.

And that was when she turned to the next sketch where it was completed but looked unfinished. The sketch of Jessica that was so blurry to the point that you could almost not make out it was her.

Time is ticking…the clock is running…

But…I’m still standing at the same place…

Nothing seems to be right anymore…

Nothing seems to be wrong as well…

All that lies ahead of me is darkness…

…and I fully am aware of that but…

Why does it hurt? Hurt till the extend…

…the extend…that I just…

Can’t lose you anymore…

Hyoyeon feels her heart had just gone through a rollercoaster ride; the dorky petite carefree artist was definitely one of a kind. There was no one in the world that could understand these sketches better than Taeyeon herself.

The more one tried to understand Taeyeon the more confused they got. The girl was like the wind prancing around, wrapping herself gently around you without you noticing. But the next minute she goes off again and you start to miss her more than you ever could. She was like an uncompleted jigsaw puzzle that no one could finish, no matter how many years given to them. The closer you get to deciphering her, the further you get from what she really is.

And the one person who entered her life that managed to find the one piece that was hidden for eternity, held a great impact on the petite woman’s life. This was as far a person could get to complete her puzzle, but the one person who somehow managed to do more than that. Made Taeyeon let her guards down and stay rooted to the spot.

The reason why she was like the wind was because she never stayed rooted to the ground. She would always fly away the next minute, the words she gave; were so undeniably true to the core. No one wanted to admit it but it was indeed the truth, there were loads to uncover the girl but no one tried or no one seemed to have tried. Because like the wind, she’ll just breeze past your life eventually like a fleeting moment.

Hyoyeon places the sketchbook down onto the coffee table and heads back to the room where the petite girl was now laying sound asleep. She stared at the baby-faced artist before sitting down on the floor her back facing the bed. Her knees tugging in and her arms wrapping around them. And that was when it had struck Hyoyeon, Taeyeon had known all along; even though not from the very beginning but the girl had known all along.

The seemingly clueless artist had known all along, she was not Tiffany’s sister. She had known that when news broke out; she would commit suicide but she chose not to do anything. And Hyoyeon perfectly knew why; Yuri. Taeyeon had known all along but she chose to give Yuri the job of saving her supposed sister. She knew all along she had to give in, if not she would lose both of them in the end without realising it.

“Pabo…” Hyoyeon said to no one in particular, in an inaudible whisper.

Hyoyeon began to think harder if she had missed any missing clues and that was when she caught onto something. The girl had known, what would become of her eyes that very two years ago. She always knew; she had always known, all along. And just maybe that was why the petite girl would never stay rooted to the ground; maybe that was why she chose not to get attached. Because she knew that if she got too attached it would just scare her to think what would become of her if she were to fly away again.

Kiddo…I don’t think I can ever understand you…and I think I’ll have it remain that way…

But…stop running off again because this time…there are people who need you here desperately no matter how well they seem to be living without you.


-The next morning-

Taeyeon had woken up finding herself back at Jessica’s apartment; she walked over to the bathroom and washes up first before heading to the kitchen seeing the food already laid out on the table for her.

She sat down and ate the meal with much gratitude to the particular person, after she had finished her meal she placed it in the sink and left it there. Perhaps, fearing what the certain someone might do to her if she were to touch anything.

She lazed around on the couch and picks up the sketchbook, there was still the sketches that were left unfinished. She sits there for a good hour and finally completes them, and then she proceeds to turn to the very last page and sketches the very last sketch that completed the whole story. The ending, outcome of what was to become of her and perhaps the other three but mainly, just her alone.

After a good hour or so of sketching, she closes the book and places it back onto the coffee table like how it was. She rested on the couch feeling her vision somehow did not deteriorate since last night and somehow seemed to have gotten much better. But she knew, calm before the storm and that was exactly what she was experiencing right now.

After about half an hour of watching TV she got bored and switched it off, but then she heard a knock on her door. Wondering who it was she goes up to the door and presses a button; the screen lights on and there were two reporters with cameras standing outside her door.

“Kim Taeyeon-ssi, open the door!” they called out from outside.

“Open the door; we would like to ask you a few questions!”

“Are you really the daughter of Kwangmu Corporations?”

“Is it true you were separated at birth?”

“When did you find out about this?!”

“Will you remain as a freelance artist or help with your brother and sister to take over the company?!”

Questions came and went as more reporters and press arrived at the scene, the petite girl refused to open the door. Her back leaning against the wall, she wanted to just get out but she could not. Not when all that ruckus was happening, just maybe they would give up after a while. More questions were being fired at her, especially to open the door to let those money hungry grubbers in trying to get some big scoop.

After a whole hour or so with all the questions bombarding her, it began to feel quiet and she wondered if the reporters had left and somehow she knew they had not but someone had definitely come and somehow managed to get the reporters and press to flee the scene.

-Outside the door-

Hyoyeon came immediately after seeing the early morning news, the moment she saw what they were filming she rushed out of Sunny’s apartment immediately waking the short girl up in the process.

The moment she arrived, the cameras were filming her as well but that did not bother her one minute she gave them all a menacing glare that sent chills down their spine but still that did not work. They were asking her to try and help them get in, what her relation was with Taeyeon and so on. She knew all too well she had to save the petite girl and if doing this would allow that she would just have to go along with it.

Hyoyeon grabs one of the reporters collar and shot him a glare.

“Go away now before I punch you so bad you would not even recognise who you are tomorrow.” she warned.

When the reporter refused to budge thinking what she said was an empty threat she did it, she gave him a blow to the face. Knocking him down onto the hard concrete floor; the cameras had captured the whole scene and was broadcasted live. Hyoyeon stared at the camera and pushed it aside; she enters the apartment after the reporters had decided to flee the scene.

-Inside the apartment-

Hyoyeon enters to see Taeyeon crouched in a corner, wrapping her arms around herself just hoping that they would go away.

“Kiddo, their gone.” informs Hyoyeon.

Taeyeon does not even bother looking up; she does not even bother to step out of that position. That was when Hyoyeon knew, that was when it struck her. This might be the last time she was ever going to see the petite woman; this was her last chance. But last chance at doing what? Hyoyeon tried to think of an answer but they all seem inadequate right now. Hyoyeon glances back at the crouching figure once more and slowly moves towards her.

Absolutely no words were exchanged at all as they sat side by side each other, not even bothering to look at the other party. Hyoyeon knew, Taeyeon knew that this would probably the last time they saw of each other. But no one had the courage to speak up. No one dared to try and change the course of things. Even though they both knew perfectly well, but it was a mutual agreement they made without having to even open their mouths.

They sat there for hours, no words exchanged. Just the mutual trust they built as friends coming to use now. They dared not utter a word for all they knew one wrong word could lead them to an outcome no one could foresee.


-2 weeks later-

-Jung Mansion-

The light brown haired girl had not heard a single news from the certain petite woman, but her hands were already full with dealing with the company and furthermore her best friend, Tiffany.

She walks over to the desk and begins going through the documents in the study room; her workplace from home. She much preferred to work from home, gave her some kind of comfort as she still was not use to the big shots in the company yet. The workload piled on her as the time went by, soon enough she found herself dwelling on work that she had no time for other things on her mind.

She decides to take a break and make herself a cup of coffee, she steps out of the study room and heads down to the kitchen. Where she finds her stepmother sitting down by the dining table with such poise. The aura that loomed the older woman was undeniably threatening and just looking at her somehow the memories of her past begin to unlock.

“Is work going well?” asked the older woman, it was not a question; it was more of a demand.

“Yes.” Jessica just simply gave the standard answer.

She proceeds to making her coffee, hoping to get out of the demon’s sight as quick as possible.

“You’ve finished things with that girl right?”

“Yes, eomeoni.”

“Good. I’ll have you know she’s left the country. Came out in newspapers everywhere.” informs the stern woman.

Jessica was taken aback a little but remained her composure, she smiled and turns to face her stepmother.

“Oh~ is that so?” she asked as if trying to mock her stepmom.

“Hmm…seems like you’ve gotten over her fairly well…”

“But remember Jessica, I’m still watching your every move. Never forget that, I was the one who took you in after what happen to your mother. That filthy pest.” her stepmother reminded her with utter disgust at the mention of her birth mother.

“Eomeoni I really appreciate it.” thanked Jessica with smiles that were too fake.

She walks over to the dining table where her stepmother was with the cup of hot mocha in one hand.

“Don’t ever say anything about my umma like that, alright?” It was not a question, it was a warning.

The old stern woman did not even flinch one bit, she turns to face Jessica and looks at her seriously.

“Go back to your work, Jessica. Clients cannot be kept waiting.” It was an order and Jessica knew than to fight back.

She heads back upstairs and continues typing away, occasionally sipping the cup of now warm mocha.


-Soosun’s apartment-

Sooyoung had arrived a week before from a one month break the company was giving her. Sunny dared not ask a word and Sooyoung never mentioned anything. Everything was seemingly backed to normal. But Sooyoung knew all too well, her wife seemed to be hiding something and it definitely concerned her. She also noticed that the tenant was not in sight the past week.

“Where’s Hyoyeon?” asked the tall model.

“Out.” Once again with the short one word answers.

“Sunny, is there anything wrong?” asked the much taller girl.


“Then would you stop cutting me off with one word answers?!” screams Sooyoung in defeat as she climbs out of bed.

“I’m going to get a drink outside, not like you care!”

Sunny’s back still faces her beloved one but the tears seemed to have welled up. She was about to tear up but refused to let it out. She refused to succumb to being a coward, refused to succumb to forgiveness that easily.

Sunny could hear the wardrobe door open and close as the sounds of the hanger off the hanging rod. The taller woman got dressed, changing into a simple yet trendy looking outfit. She puts on some light make-up, nothing too heavy or over the top; just some foundation would do the trick and perhaps lip gloss as well. She grabs her coat by the coat hanger and puts it on. Facing the full length mirror, she sighs as she notices the distant back still facing her.

She turns to face her shorter wife and somehow she could not help but feel that she was going to lose her any moment. With just one wrong move and that would be the end of her. Ever since she got back, everything had changed drastically. She did not want to lose Sunny in the same way Yuri lost Tiffany in a way.

“Look, I don’t know what you’re on about but don’t just avoid it okay?”

“Even If you don’t wish to speak or listen to me, it’s fine!”

“But just don’t ignore me, don’t just leave me hanging on a question mark!” Sooyoung’s voice grows louder with each statement.

She inhales in even more and lets out a noticeable sigh. Plucking up all her courage to say the words she would never dreamt of saying.

“I love you, okay?” she confesses heartily.

“I could be like…dying somewhere…and…and you wouldn’t even know it…” she confesses as she chokes on her words, the tears well up her eyes.

Sunny hears the click off the boots walking out of the apartment and heading out of their apartment. She lifts herself off bed and begins to think once again.

“You aren’t the only one dying…” she mutters under her breath as she brings her knees close to her face, back leaning against the bed frame. Tears slowly pouring down, without permission.


-Kwon Mansion-

Yuri had got back from work and immediately rushed to check on Tiffany, the tanned woman had barely gotten enough sleep and it was taking a toll on her. No one seemed to be able to help and Taeyeon’s departure on the news just made it even worse on the black haired girl. Yuri was desperate to the point she could just kill Tiffany and keep her all to herself. Nothing in her mind was rational, nothing seemed to be going well.

She forces Tiffany to take her medicine, all the counselling in the world did not seem to help. Nothing seem to matter any longer for Tiffany, Yuri called for all the psychologist in Korea she could find that could help cure Tiffany. Her psychotic depression may have gotten far worse than expected.

Jessica had come to visit when she was free and Tiffany still talked to Jessica but it just was not the same bubbly girl any longer. Tiffany did not even acknowledged Jessica’s presence and that was when Yuri knew she had to do something before she loses the person she loved the most.


-Kim Mansion-

Junsu and Seohyun had just visited their father for the past week, trying to get answers from him but the old man was not giving anything away. They always left the prison in such a fit of anger that Seohyun would be the one to calm her older brother down in case he did anything irrational.

Junsu’s mother knocked on the door, entering with a gentle and warm hearted smile. She was in her fifties but yet still possessed such undeniable beauty. She seems so fragile from a far but Junsu and Seohyun knew more to their mother than she appeared to be. Taeyeon was almost an exact replica of their mother and somehow they knew it would not end well.

Junsu’s mother took a seat as her two children sat right opposite on her, they drank some warm cocoa and pondered on how to ask their mom certain things.

“I know you want to ask me about Taeyeon…”


“Honestly, when I heard she died I didn’t quite believe it…”

“Then when I asked to see the baby, I knew she hadn’t died…”

“She was different, different from the baby I held when she was first born…too different to be exact.”

“And that’s when I knew…somehow, your sister was exchanged and brought up in the Hwang family. I don’t know how, but I reckon it has something to do with your father.” explains Mrs Kim.

“But…why didn’t you tell us or her?” asked Junsu.

“Do you really think I could?” she questions.

The both of them thought hard and immediately knew why.

“But there are some things I’ve never said not even to your father.”

“Seohyun, darling. What was your blood type again?”

“O?” answered Seohyun with uncertainty thinking that it may have been a trick question.

“Precisely, dear…you’re blood type is A.”

“But…” rebutted Seohyun.

“You mean…” and that was when both Seohyun and Junsu knew.

The sister he had known all along, was never his sister to begin with. But somehow with Seohyun he knows things would work out fine for once. Somehow things would just miraculously turn out alright.


-At a pub-

Sooyoung had decided to drown her hearts out, not bothering if she was drunk or not. Just then the familiar wavy haired girl came in sight, she sat down beside the tall model and ordered a martini.

“Oh…it’s you~” greeted Sooyoung in her drunken state.

“Should you really be drinking out in the open like this?”

“Who cares, my wife doesn’t care, no one cares!”

“I care.”

“Pfft…as if…”

“Well even if you choose not to believe, I do”

Soon enough Sooyoung was being led into the wavy haired woman’s car in her drunken state. Not knowing what would lie ahead of her but somehow the only person that crossed her mind now was the certain short gamer/chef.


-Jessica’s apartment-

Ever since Taeyeon had fled from the country once again, Hyoyeon began occupying Jessica’s apartment. Especially with Sooyoung’s return, she just feels that she might not be able to control herself any longer. Every minute and second alone with Sunny with driving her to the edge of the cliff and she could not help but feel guilty despite not having done anything.

Hyoyeon somehow just could not help but feel that Sooyoung might have been set up however, the trust that was built was shattered in minutes and that was how weak things were. Relationships could be torn within seconds with just the wrong move, and somehow even if the broken pieces were glued back; somehow it just was not the same. Nothing could amend it, nothing could help it turn back to its original structure.

Hyoyeon texted the petite artist for the umpteenth time and wondered if the petite woman even bothered checking her phone or even bothered turning it on at all. Hyoyeon was missing her greatly, even though she knew her departure was inevitable; somehow she just knew that very two weeks ago. But she just could not stop her, could she?

-2 weeks ago-

The day after the annoying pest had come to visit Taeyeon, Hyoyeon headed back to Jessica’s apartment with no hopes at all. She was feeling an odd sense of nervousness, just somehow she could not quite grasp what it was but there was something eerie about the door handle before her.

She stepped into the empty apartment and that was when she knew her intuition was right all this while. The petite girl had made her move faster than she had thought, she walks over to the coffee table and sees the sketchbook along with a note left there.

To: Hyoraengi

-I know you’ve probably seen the sketchbook while I was asleep. So you probably know why I’m doing this right now. I’m cutting off all connection so you can call or text but I probably won’t even bother replying. You can stay here if you like; I wouldn’t want her house to feel so empty. Don’t ask me why I’m leaving, why I’m choosing to run away. Frankly speaking, I’m not and I’m sure you fairly know why I’m doing this and you’re probably the one person who understands what I’m trying to do right now.

P.S: Don’t ever feel afraid to be loved again, because under that façade I can see through you.-

From: Kiddo

Hyoyeon could feel a stinging pain while reading the rather short but impactful note the petite woman had left for her and probably her only.

She could not help but clutch onto the piece of paper tightly, tears seemed to have welled up. The tiny droplets wet the piece of paper as the ink began to smudge.

Why…why do you always have to get up and leave?

Why…must you always…say things that are true to the core?

Hyoyeon allows the tears to fall slowly, not even bothering to hold back anymore. She poured all emotions out that very day.

Sometimes I begin to wonder…if you had never stepped into my life…what would have become of me?

Somehow our meeting was fated…somehow I just feel we were meant to meet and be friends…

You may think of it as a joke but…just maybe…fate wanted us to be all tied together…in an invisible thread so strong yet so fragile…

Just maybe fate wanted us to be tied together on this mere thread…just maybe…it wanted you to stop…stop fleeing…

…and just stay in one spot…


-Jung Mansion-

That very night, Jessica could not sleep. She looked at her phone countless of times, the picture she took of the petite woman when the latter was asleep. The number flashed right in front yet somehow she chooses not to dial.

Just somehow Jessica feels that she’s slowly starting to lose what was becoming precious to her. Be it physically or mentally, there was no doubt. They all seemed to be moving further away from her, no matter how near or reachable they appear to be.

10 years ago I was Cinderella’s stepsister hoping for someone to notice me… someone to even bother looking to my direction…

10 years later I’m still Cinderella’s stepsister…waiting to be loved…just waiting and waiting endlessly…

But…this time…it’s different, I can’t wait anymore…this time…I have to take the initiative, but exactly how?

I’m still...pondering, waiting helplessly for the glass slipper that would never fit me…

…not even in a million years…

Chapter 18: Everyone has something to hide…

-In an apartment-

The short haired model woke up to find herself in a black vest and jean shorts revealing quite a bit of her slim figure. The blanket that was covering was wrinkled and messy. The short haired woman felt a stinging pain in her head as she got up, feeling that the place had a sense of unfamiliarity she immediately got up.

“You’re finally awake?” asked the voice.

Sooyoung pondered as to who it was but thinking back last night she roughly guessed it.

“What am I doing at your apartment?” asked the tall model.

“Because you got drunk and I happen to have kindly brought you home.” informed the wavy haired woman with much sarcasm.

“Heh, you didn’t do anything to me when I was drunk right?” scoffed Sooyoung.

“No not at all, except change you.” smiled the wavy haired woman.

“What for?” questions Sooyoung.

“The smell, you vomited, it was horrid. I had to send your clothes to the dry cleaning and I had my whole apartment air freshened.” complained the wavy haired woman.

“Well thanks for not ‘raping’ me.”

“You’re welcome, coffee or tea?” asked the wavy haired woman.

“You should know better.” replied Sooyoung

“Milkshake it is then.” answered the wavy haired woman.

Sooyoung got out of the comfortable bed and walked over to the couch, her head still feeling as if it had been swallowed in whole and spat out.

“The medicine is on the table.” informs the wavy haired woman over the loud sounds of the blender.


Sooyoung pops in the hangover medicine in her mouth and gulps it down. She ponders on whether she should call Sunny but decides not to; due to her being stubborn as usual.

The wavy haired woman walks in, dressed in a sleeveless shirt covered with white hoodie and a pair of shorts. She walked with much grace and poise; she sat down next to the tall model and placed the mug of milkshake on the coffee table gently.

“So, had a fight with your wife again?” asked the wavy haired woman taking a sip of mocha frappuccino with whipped cream.

Sooyoung just simply nods, feeling slightly guilty while she continues sipping her milkshake with the straw.

“You know, maybe all that fighting is just cause you two haven’t talk things over. Relationship needs to be build on trust, have you in any way betrayed that trust?” questions the wavy haired woman.

“Not that I know of.”

“Hmm…then it means you have betrayed that trust.” concluded the wavy haired woman.

“Look, Gyul! I’m as frustrated as it is so I’d appreciate it if you stop with the psycho analysing thing you’re doing as of right now!”

“Correction, it’s Gyuri. Choi Sooyoung-ssi.” corrected Gyuri.

“I know you’re meant to be helping me but I’d appreciate it you do it the normal way.”

“By normal you mean like ask you how are you and you’ll reply by saying I’m fine when you’re actually not?” retorts Gyuri.

“Yea~ you know about me so well~” states Sooyoung with much sarcasm.

“I know you Sooyoung and I definitely know you better than you know yourself.” states Gyuri.

“You see?! There you go again with the whole mind thingy!” exclaims Sooyoung.

“It’s my profession.” argues Gyuri.

“Yea but you don’t have to do it 24/7!” retorts Sooyoung.

“Well…I love my job.”

“Good for you, who knows one day instead of psycho analysing humans you can do that with animals!” joked Sooyoung sarcastically.

“Haha…maybe I’ll do just that.” laughed Gyuri.

“Enough with the small talk let’s cut to the chase.” said Gyuri.

“What did you do this time?”

“What do you mean?” asked Sooyoung still sipping on her mug of milkshake.

“You should know.”

“Fine~” Sooyoung gave in.

“I think I may have betrayed Sunny when I was in London.”

“You think?” questions Gyuri.

“Okay fine~ maybe I had but I don’t remember a thing!”

“Does that really make a difference?” asked Gyuri.

“You see! Again with the whole psycho analysing!” shouts Sooyoung in frustration.

“Don’t avoid the topic Sooyoung, answer the question.”


“Good. Then what should you do now?” asked Gyuri.

“That’s the point I don’t know!”

“You can start by apologising, I’m sure you’re wife is forgiving enough.”

“That’s the point! She won’t even hear what I say!”

“Now let’s calm down and talk things over shall we?” suggested Gyuri as she took another sip of her mocha frappuccino.

“So, you basically woke up in bed with her?”


“Were you?”


“Then it means you didn’t sleep with her.”

“But…it just feels you know…”

“Yea I know, you feel like you’re betraying your beloved wife who loves you oh so much by getting into the same bed with a foreign woman you have never met in your whole life.” summarises Gyuri.

“Could you please stop doing that!” pleads Sooyoung.

“Can’t promise.”

“Never mind…”

“So how did you end up in the same hotel room with this unknown stranger?” questions Gyuri once more.

“I don’t know…”

“Think back, did she give you anything?”

“Yea…since you mentioned it I think she did!”

“She was talking in a language I couldn’t comprehend but somehow she gave me these things in powder form and it made me go high as if all the problems had faded.”

“I think I saw someone buy it from her but I guess was lucky enough to get it for free or should I say unlucky.”

“Well…it was my first time tasting something like that and well let’s just say my head was spinning and I couldn’t make out what was what.”

“Hmm…” pondered Gyuri.

“I think she may have given you MDMA.”

“What?!” exclaims Sooyoung in shock.

“But the question isn’t that, how did Sunny-ssi found out about this?”

“That’s the problem, I don’t know! But somehow I reckon that just maybe someone might have taken pictures as a set up.”

“And by that who?”

“I don’t know, perhaps someone that knows me.”

“The staff?”


“Look, Gyuri thanks for all the help but I just don’t think it’ll work out.”

“Glad to help as always.”

“Oh and if you like to psycho analyse people so much you can do that by helping my friend.”

“What’s happen?”

“She got hospitalised about a week or two ago for cutting her wrist.”

“Attempting of suicide huh? Was she going through psychotic depression?”

“Yea…how did you-“

“Never mind…I’ll just leave it at that.”

“Unfortunately, Sooyoung I can’t help.”

“Why? You love doing crazy stuff to people’s minds…this is a one in a lifetime opportunity for you to do so.”

“I’m a psychologist not a psychiatrist.” informs Gyuri.


“I’m not a medical doctor, Sooyoung.”

“Yea but you’re qualified to treat patients.”

“I have a PhD.” answers Gyuri.


“I’m incompetent.”

“You seem competent enough.” retorts Sooyoung.

“Maybe I can refer your friend to this hospital, my friend works there.”

“What kind of hospital?” Sooyoung asked.

“The kind that deals with patients like her.” answers Gyuri calmly.

“You mean?”

“Yes, mental people.” answers Gyuri.

“Hey! You don’t have to be so harsh!”

“Life is harsh…” states Gyuri.

“Never mind…”

“I’ve always wanted to ask you this.” started Sooyoung.

“What is it?”

“Why do you always ask if I want coffee or tea?”

“Isn’t that the standard procedure?”

“But you know perfectly well.”

“That you want milkshake?” questions Gyuri.

“Yes! Precisely!”

“That’s the point.”

“What is? If I asked you if you want milkshake or milk tea who knows you might choose milk tea. But the chances of you choosing milkshake over milk tea if I asked if you want coffee or tea is higher, I’d say probably about a ninety-five percent chance.” explained Gyuri.

“Yea…you and all your mental psycho calculations.” retorts Sooyoung.

The two continued sipping their drink while watching the news on television.

“Their really having it tough huh?” asked Sooyoung.

“You mean Japan?”

“Yea, with the recent earthquake and all.”

“Yea…I agree but honestly what can we do other than to donate?”

“I guess you’re right.”

“Honestly if you ask me the news is always full of crap.” opinionated Gyuri.

“Why so?” asked Sooyoung.

“The media is always trying to hide something, I mean sure they report on news and it’s true with footages and all. But have you ever wondered, just maybe the numbers and figures they show are more than meets the eye?” questions Gyuri, explaining.


“I mean, all these news just maybe it’s different from how it’s being portrayed. Have you ever wondered if the media is just airing all this just purely because they want viewership ratings?”

“No matter how small or big the scale is, as long as there is news people are concerned over, broadcasting companies would want to be the first to get their hands on the first scoop.”

“I think I get what you are trying to say.”

“Nobody’s ever genuinely concerned over reporting the news anymore; it’s all just a standard procedure.”

“What are you trying to get at?” asked Sooyoung.

“I’m just saying, I just wish that for once someone can be genuine about something.”

“Wow~ and that’s coming from the oh so lovely psychologist~” remarked Sooyoung sarcastically.

“Haha yea…I guess it may come off as a bit ironic especially coming from a psychologist like myself.”

Gyuri gently lifts herself off the couch and heads to the shower before she does that she grabs her towel and informs Sooyoung.

“Eat your medicine.”

“I already ate your hangover medicine.”

“Not that, the one you’re supposed to take.”

“I’m totally fine.”

“No, you’re not. You haven’t taken it for very long haven’t you?”

“Are you a stalker?” joked Sooyoung.

“Look, it’s a really serious matter alright?”

“Fine, fine you don’t have to nag~”

Sooyoung takes the pills and pops it in her mouth and gulps it down whole, drinking water instead.

“Good.” smiled Gyuri.

“Oh and Sooyoung, stop eating those pills.”


“You’re only meant to eat pills you’re supposed to eat.”

“But it’s for the company.”

“Well, if you’re really concerned over your own health, you wouldn’t sacrifice that for a sh*t company like that.” reminded Gyuri in a harsh tone.

“Fine, I’ll try…”

The wavy haired woman enters the bathroom, soaking herself in the bathtub, the water lukewarm. She pours the petals and allows the petals slowly float on top, the fragrance slowly reaching her nose. Drenching herself in full comfort, unfortunately she could not help but worry over the tall model.

Sooyoung sat there the pills still in her hand, she tricked Gyuri into thinking she had taken them it was all an optical illusion. Most would say magic, the tall model knew it would come into handy someday when she learned magic back in high school.

She knew all too well the pills were supposed to help her but she knew better than anyone else that no matter how many of these miracle pills she takes the result would still be the same. She shoves the pills into her pocket, instead of the jean shorts she was wearing right now.


-At the police station-

Junsu and Seohyun had come to visit their father to interrogate him once more, the old man seemed to look worn out and weary. They sat face to face, looking at him intensely trying to force the answers out of him.

“Look abeoji, I don’t have time did you do anything?” questions Junsu.

“How would I know.” retort Mr Kim.

“Then how in the world would Taeyeon get swapped?”

“Someone definitely must have been trying to get back at you!”

“There are loads of people who hate me how am I supposed to know which one?”

“Fine! That isn’t a surprise but what about in the hospital department?”

“I think there could be someone.”


“It was a young nurse at that time, I got her pregnant but I needed your grandfather’s trust in having me take over the company one day. So I told her to scram and abort the child, which she did.”

“You b*stard!” cursed Junsu.

“I knew it was you all along, nothing would have ever gone wrong! If Taeyeon was in our family right from the start!”

“You can’t blame me that the nurse wanted to have revenge.” argued Mr Kim.

“Well…she had every right to do so!” retorted Junsu.

Seohyun tried to calm her now foster brother down as she looks at her now foster father with spiteful eyes.

Junsu and Seohyun both stand up and left the police station, Seohyun places her hand on Junsu’s shoulder trying to calm the latter down.

“It’s all my fault…”

“Oppa it’s not so stop blaming yourself.”

“I could’ve protected her…save her from all that mess…”

“Oppa, snap out of it!”

“What’s done is done, you can’t turn back time.” reminded Seohyun.

“Yea…I guess you’re right.”

“Let’s go home, yeah?”

“Yea…” agreed Junsu feeling lethargic.

Just as they were about to step into their limousine, a woman in her late 20s walked pass the two of them. In that moment Junsu vaguely saw the woman’s face but immediately seemed to know who it was.

“Sunday?” he said to no one in peculiar.

“Oppa, let’s get in.”

“Yea…” I must have been imagining things.

She’s gone Junsu…she was killed in the earthquake, you received the call.


-The next day-

-At the hospital-

Yuri brought Tiffany to the hospital that Sooyoung recommended, they gave the name card to the front desk and were immediately referred. They took the stairs and spotted the psychiatrist, she was young had short hair and somehow reminded Yuri of a cheerful yet serious Tiffany.

“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Nicole.”

“I’m Yuri and that’s my wife, Tiffany.”

“So can we start the session today? Because there seriously is no time to waste.”

“Unfortunately I won’t be taking over your wife, Gyuri informed me last minute and I already have too many patients in the line up but I did recommend this counsellor for you.”

“Is he or she any good?”

“I’m personally not too sure but I supposed he is, he did graduate with a honours and such, even had his masters degree.” informs Nicole.

“Well none of those matters anymore, I just wish someone could save her.”

“Yea I understand how you feel.”

“No you don’t…” mumbled Yuri.

“I tried to save my best friend who went into psychotic depression.”

“What happened?”

“I couldn’t save her…”

“She died, walked into the middle of the busy road and got knocked over by a truck.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, I’m sure she’s happy up there.”

“But I’m warning you, it’s going to be hard to save.” whispered Nicole.

“How so?” asked Yuri.

“Really hard to the point, it might not be your wife that needs the saving but you instead.” warns Nicole.

“I’m willing to take the chances.”

“I guess as much…” smiled Nicole.

“And this best friend of yours, were you two like?” asked Yuri.

“Unfortunately no, she had a boyfriend but you could say I liked her more than a best friend at one point in my life.”

“Now enough with the chitchat and let’s meet the counsellor shall we?”

“Yea sure.”

The short haired psychiatrist escorts them to the counsellor’s room and knocks on the door waiting for the instructions to enter. Nicole enters first and informs about Tiffany’s condition and takes her leave.

Yuri enters with Tiffany and sees a man in his thirties even though he looked more like he was in his forties. The counsellor instructed for Tiffany to take a seat and asked for Yuri to leave. Yuri did as she was told and waited outside, uncertain of whether this counsellor would be of help at all.

-2 weeks later-

Yuri had brought Tiffany to the counsellor for the pass two weeks but she still did not know how they were progressing all she could do was hope that everything went better.

-In the counselling room-

“…and then when I woke up, I knew I would never see my parents again.”

“Very good, Tiffany. It took you nearly 2 weeks to tell me that.”

“Now I want you to go back to that memory and erase it, remove it and replace it with a happy memory.”

“Now open your eyes.”

“So how was it?”

“A lot better.” smiled Tiffany.

“And this is the first time you took to smile like that.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll see you again, Tiffany.”

“Sure, I hope so too, Doctor Park.”

Tiffany steps out the room and gives a small smile to Yuri, Yuri hugs the latter feeling over the moon.

“You really alright?” asked Yuri.

“Yea…the sessions helped a lot.”

“Good, let’s go eat shall we? We can call Sica if you want.”

“Yea sure.”


-Jackson Hole-

The three sat there eating the mouth watery Jackson burgers, Jessica looked at her best friend once more and is relieved to see that she seems to be alright.

“So, had any contact with Taeng?”

“No, she’s completely disappeared.”

“Don’t worry Jessi, I’m sure Taetae will come back eventually.”

“Yea…” smiled Jessica. If only you knew…

“Let’s not talk about all this, alright?”

“Let’s all just eat and enjoy!” suggested Yuri.

“Yea…we’ll do just that.” agrees the two of them.


-Soosun’s apartment-

Sooyoung arrived in the afternoon only to come home to an empty house since Sunny had already left for work. She saw a note and saw the lunchbox on the table, she heated it up in the microwave and ate it.

Maybe Gyuri’s right…I really need to say sorry and I need to sound absolutely sincere about it but will she even listen?

The door clicks open, thinking it’s Sunny Sooyoung immediately jumps off the couch rushing to the door only to be greeted by her tenant, Hyoyeon. Sooyoung’s face immediately turned into a frown upon seeing the short tenant. Hyoyeon eyed her suspiciously but just walked passed her after taking off her shoes. Sooyoung looked at the fierce woman once more and could not help but feel that the short woman was really drained, she looked haggard.

“You okay?” asked Sooyoung, concerned.

“I’ll be fine…”

“Look, if you aren’t fine just say so!” screamed Sooyoung in defeat.

“I don’t want to be kept in the dark anymore! I hate all of this! Why?! Why?! Why can’t we all be like last time?!” rambled Sooyoung.

“Everything was happy wasn’t it?!” asked Sooyoung, her tears began to well up.

“Yea…it was…” agreed Hyoyeon.

“But nothing ever last…”

“Hyo…just please…stop keeping me in the dark anymore…” begs Sooyoung as she reaches out for the shorter woman’s hand.

“If I don’t keep you in the dark…in the end…I’ll just lose the both of you…”

“What do you mean?”

“I…” Hyoyeon paused pondering whether she should continue what she wanted to confess.

“I…I think I like Sunny…” admitted Hyoyeon, with much guilt in her heart.

Sooyoung let go off Hyoyeon’s hand and forced Hyoyeon to face her. Looking at her with pleading eyes as if telling her to back away.

“Please tell me it’s not true…”

Hyoyeon could only look away in shame.

“Out of all the people in the world, you just had to fall for her?!” screams Sooyoung in defeat.

“I told you didn’t I?! Some things are just better left kept in the dark!” snapped Hyoyeon.

“Why…why…why?” asked Sooyoung repeatedly.

“Why does it have to be her…”

“I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry…I’ll move out if you want…I’ll get out of your sight…” apologised Hyoyeon.

“Just please…don’t stop me from seeing her…” begs Hyoyeon.

Sooyoung collapses, her breathing seems strangled. Blood seemed to have seep out of her ears. Hyoyeon bends down in utter shock and horror.

“Soo! Sooyoung?!” she helplessly calls out.

“I’m going to call the ambulance okay? They’ll be right here!” Hyoyeon informs, panicking.

The sirens of the ambulance soon fill the busy streets, the paramedics rushed to the apartment and carries Sooyoung to the ambulance truck. Hyoyeon tags along, she takes out her phone. A missed call but she doesn’t bother.


-At the hospital-

Hyoyeon stares in the room where Sooyoung is still there lying unconscious, attached to all those funny looking machines. Seeing her in this state Hyoyeon could not help but blame herself. She reads Sooyoung’s medical reports over and over again, umpteenth of times.

No one is ever honest with themselves or the people around them anymore…

Everyone always has a secret to hide…no matter how small or how big it is…

I just wish…for once…The truth wouldn’t be that harsh…like reality…

Hyoyeon walks out of the hospital takes out her hand phone and switches it on. The first thing that comes to the display screen is the five missed calls she had.

-You have 5 missed calls-





-Unknown number

Hyoyeon stares at her phone one last time, and questions the unknown number. Not knowing who it was she just ignored it, Sunny’s name fill her call register as she contemplates whether to give the short girl a call. But for all she knows, Sooyoung would not want the aegyo-filled woman to find out about her condition. No, she would be so pissed that Hyoyeon would have to face undesirable consequences all by herself. She could not sacrifice the chances she had, no, she had absolutely no chance to waste at all.

I’m sorry but secrets are meant to be kept as secrets…Aren’t they? No one ever knows everything about anyone…not even the person whom you think loves you the most…

Everyone’s always ready to hide something…no one’s ever going to reveal it and the person who is always last to know their deep darkest secrets are always the ones…they love the most…


-Later that night-

Sunny opens the door to come home to an empty house, feeling as if all of her body has been drained out. She had absolutely no energy left as she drags her feet to the couch and takes out her phone once again. No new messages or calls, absolutely none at all.

Hyo…why aren’t you answering…

Sunny drags herself to her room, she sees Sooyoung’s jeans laying messily on the floor or crumpled. She fishes out her pockets and that’s when she saw the pills. Examining them over and over again, she doesn’t get what the tall model was taking them for.

Sunny quickly rushes to Sooyoung’s handbag and removes all her stuff inside. Make up, jewellery, perfumes, tissue packets, health supplements, new products by the company she has never seen. But what caught the short girl’s attention more were the bottles of pills that were before her eyes.

No matter how happy we seem…everyone always has…something to hide…Don’t they?

The same goes for the both of us…we’re never honest with ourselves...I can never know…what’s going through your mind anymore…

Just maybe…we should stop…keeping secrets from each other…

Sunny sits on the floor her back facing the bed, as her head leans back onto it partially. One leg close to her chin, the other stretched out. Her eyes seemed to be swollen, her face seemed to be even more drained out. As she closes her eyes, the tears begin to roll down slowly.


-Changmin’s apartment-

Seohyun rings the doorbell to be greeted by Dana, Changmin’s now fiancé. The tall fair skinned woman immediately gestured for Seohyun to come in. Seohyun knocks on Yoona’s door only to be shooed away.

“Oppa if it’s you I’m not answering the door!” Yoona shouts from inside the room.

“I have no mood in helping you pick what to wear for what date!”

Hearing no answer from outside Yoona gets up and opens the door only to face the one she had longed to see.


“Hi, unni…so you want me to go away?”

“N-n-no…come on in…”

Seohyun enters the room as Yoona closes the door behind her, locking the door.

“I’m spending the night here, unni.”

“Why all of a sudden?”

“You don’t want me to?”

“N-n-no…not at all.” smiles Yoona.

“I’m tired, let’s just go to bed okay?”


The two snuggle up in the single bed their bodies closely attached to each other, Yoona places her hand gently on Seohyun’s waist.

“Unni…have you ever thought why secrets exist?”

“No…why do you ask, Hyunnie?”

“I don’t know…just because…”

“Well in my opinion, secrets are secrets because everyone has something to hide don’t they?” answers Yoona.

“But isn’t it better to be honest?” questions Seohyun.

“Yea that’s true, honesty is the best policy.” agrees Yoona.

“But…what if…just what if people always have something to hide, because they want to protect the ones they love…”

“From what?” asked Seohyun, curious.

“From the dreadful truth, everyone wants to deny…” explains Yoona.

“That’s deep, unni…”

“Haha…maybe when you really have that irreplaceable person in your heart you’ll understand…” laughs Yoona.

“Maybe…” agrees Seohyun.

“Let’s go to sleep yeah?” suggested Yoona.

“Yea…goodnight, unni.”

“Goodnight, Hyunnie…”

Secrets are always meant to be kept huh? But why not say it out…isn’t it better that way than to find out about it later?


-Jessica’s apartment-

The empty apartment was still neat and tidy as usual, everything was all in order and in place. In the room, on the bed sat a girl weeping; clutching on to the necklace once more.

The light brown haired woman silently stares at the sketchbook once again. Not even uttering a word, the tears just begin to flow down. She stares hard at the sketchbook and the story that was about to come to an end. She dared not move her fingers to turn to the next page, where the outcome had been drawn. The light brown haired woman pushes the sketchbook off the bed.

Tugging her legs close to her body, her back leaning against the bed frame. Her head resting on her knee. The tears begin to roll down, soaking the bed in the process. The hand phone switched on and laying there mindlessly on the bed, with the missed calls still there.

-5 Missed Calls:






Somehow Jessica just had a feeling of who it was, just somehow she seemed to know who it would be. But she was too afraid to call back, she didn’t dare call back. The memories of the past began to taunt her once more, she was not able to take a step forward; she did not have the guts to.

No matter how much of a brave front I put in front of others…I’m still a scaredy cat who can’t seem to break out of the four walls that imprison me…

No matter how much I long for the day to be rescued…it just won’t happen…

The key to find me…has already been thrown away long ago…It is no where to be found…

Just maybe…I need someone to confide to…just maybe…maybe…I need someone…

To save me…

-Chapter 19: Nothing ever ends good…it always is bad…-

-At the hospital-

“What is wrong with her?” asked Sunny on the verge of tears as she looks into the room.

“Hyo, tell me what’s wrong with her?” she begs one more time.

“She’s been taking pills…” says Hyoyeon.

“What pills, Hyo? She always takes them for her company.”

“Not those kind…the kind you’re supposed to take.”

“Why? What pills? Why is she supposed to take them?” questions Sunny sounding even more worried.

“The kind that you need to take…cause there’s something seriously wrong with you…” informs Hyoyeon.

Something seems to be off in the room and the nurses were quickly doing their thing. Feeling as if a thousand arrows had pierced her heart, Sunny rushes into the room demanding to know what was wrong with her wife.

“What’s wrong with her?” she asked panicking.

“Premeds, she’ll be out soon so you can talk to her now.” informs the doctor.

“Young-ie?” she calls out.

“Nothing…nothing’s the same is it?” she says in a weak voice.

“What pills are you exactly taking?” Sunny questions once again.

“Everything my company…asks me to take…” answers Sooyoung weakly.

“I need to know what kind, Sooyoung.” she demands.

“It’s a…secret…nobody knows about it…” she answers smiling weakly.

“Young-ie…I need to know…” she demands once more feeling as if she could throw up all her insides.

“And…don’t tell Sunny about it…” she says as if the person she was talking to the whole time was not her beloved wife.

“Because then…then…she’d want to leave me…” she says her last sentence.

“Young-ie…I love you…know that, alright?” she confesses

Sunny goes outside to talk to the nurse, she could not comprehend what was wrong with her wife and she needed to know answers.

“What is wrong with her? Why’s she like that?” she asks, worriedly.

“It’s probably a mixture of the premeds for the operation.” the nurse informs making no sense to Sunny.

“Why does she need an operation?” she questions.

“The swelling on her brain caused by the clot…is definitely not doing her any good…” she explains making Sunny even more confused.

“We’ve decided to keep him under until…” the nurse stops midway.

“Didn’t the doctor explain all this to you already?”

“It was marked as wife spoke to doctor.” informs the nurse.

“You knew about this all along…due to the hereditary aspect…”

Sunny looks at her even more confused, still unable to comprehend what was going on with her wife.

“The sister…she died of the same thing…”

Just then the nurses come into the room, they were taking him away. Sunny immediately questions as to what was wrong, in a frantic state she rushes into the room only to be stopped by the nurses. She sees Sooyoung being pushed away in the distant; she follows along as she breaks free from the nurses’ grasps.

She walks along side the gurney as she tries to hold back her tears, calling out her name once more.


“Any chance of having…a chicken parmigiana?” asked Sooyoung in a weak manner, randomly.

“Sooyoung…” she calls out her name once more.

The gurney gets rolled further away into the distant as Sunny stands there still perplexed at the whole situation.


-Last night-

-Soosun’s apartment-

Sunny looks through Sooyoung’s contacts in hopes of finding someone that actually knows what was wrong with her. She scrolls down a list of contacts until she finds a one that catches her attention.

Gyuri (Doc.)

Seeing the word doc. probably a short form for doctor beside the girl’s name she dials the number in hopes the unknown stranger would pick up.

“Yeoboseyo?” the receiver answers.

“Sooyoung?” she asked.

“Is this Gyuri?” Sunny asked.

“Yes, who are you?”

“I’m Sunny, her wife…”

“Ah~ yes…I’ve heard so much about you.”

“I’m sorry but I need to know something…” Sunny says sounding extremely serious.

“What is it?”

“What are you to Sooyoung?”

“Someone who helps her.”

“Are you a doctor?”

“Nah…I have a PhD but no I’m not a doctor…psychologist.”

“Then can you tell me is there anything wrong with her?”

“If I told you…wouldn’t that mean I’m betraying her?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m sure you’ve had something to hide yourself don’t you?”

“I’m sorry Miss Gyuri but could you please stop playing mind games with me…I need to know…”

“Gyuri is fine…tell you what…”

“Why don’t you nip down to the hospital and find out for yourself…” suggested Gyuri.

“Thank you…”

-Gyuri’s apartment-

Gyuri stares at her phone once more, the answer she had just gave everything seems to be going like how she had predicted.

Everyone has secrets don’t they? It’s just a matter if you’re willing to share them…

But some of those secrets hurt…the truth is always scary…no matter how calculative I may seem to be…

…I definitely may have a few secrets of my own…


-Counselling room-

“I want you to open your eyes once more Tiffany and see that the world is full of light…” says the counsellor in a hypnotising voice.

“How was it?” he asked as she blinks her eyes open.

“Great…everything seems better.”

“Thanks Doctor Park.”

“No problem.” smiles the counsellor, the light shines as it shows his nameplate on his desk; Park Jinyoung.

Tiffany takes a cab home upon arriving Yuri quickly rushes to her and places a light peck on her lips.

“How was it?”

“Good, I feel like I’m getting much better.” informs Tiffany.

“Great, since I’ve taken a whole month break why don’t we spend time together huh?” suggested Yuri.

“I don’t know…I still have my sessions…”

“It’s not like you’re going to have these sessions everyday…”

“I guess you’re right…” Tiffany admits.


-2 days later-

-Soosun’s apartment-

There were visitors visiting all the time but she could not bother she was too weak to even see their faces. The short yet fierce woman was beside her the whole time reading a book, which vaguely entered her head.

When she woke up she could see her tenant smiling at her, Sooyoung slides herself up. Looks beside her and wonders where all her strawberries have gone to.

“Hey, where did all my strawberries went?”

“Tiffany ate them.”

“Oh well she does have a craving for strawberries…”

“Was my bunny here?”

“She was but she left…” informs Hyoyeon.


“When you were all sleepy.” states Hyoyeon.

“To where did she go to?”

“The restaurant called her…saying something about a promotion or being appointed to some other branch.”

“Is she leaving?”

“No she won’t Sooyoung…she loves you, remember?”

“Yea…she does.” smiles Sooyoung cheekily.

“Sunny knows how to change the dressing right?” asked Sooyoung.

“I didn’t dare watch when the doctors were doing it…”

“Shouldn’t you have stayed in the hospital?” asked Hyoyeon.

“Nah…I needed to get home…”

Sooyoung takes the bottle of pills on the nightstand as she pops two of those into her mouth.

“Are you allowed those pills?” questions Hyoyeon.

“What do you mean allowed?” asks Sooyoung sounding baffled.

“I know they’re for your company but you were dead.” reminded Hyoyeon.

“Yup, I was definitely properly dead for three whole minutes.” Sooyoung proudly acclaimed.

“Well if you can survive that…I’m sure all the pills in the world wouldn’t hurt, would it?” says Sooyoung with a cheeky grin.

Sooyoung shifts uncomfortably sensing there was something wrong Hyoyeon’s medical instincts start to arise. She changes the dressing, Sooyoung thanks her for that.

“Could you tell me about Sunny at the hospital?”

“She was sitting beside you the whole time…never left you…”

“Not even to pee?”

“No, she had to.” chuckles Hyoyeon.

“Well yea…she does love me, sorry but I guess I won.” smiles Sooyoung.

“Hey, it’s alright not like I was going to steal her anyways.” chuckles Hyoyeon.

“Well I guess you’re right…love does conquer doesn’t it?”

“It does I guess…”

“I bet it could even conquer a genetically acquired subarachnoid haemorrhage.”

“Yea…it would…”

“You know, Hyo…I should’ve told her sooner then kept it…”

“They had warned when unni died, they said to be prepared for the worst.”

“And if anything went wrong they could fix it…”

“But why did you choose to keep it a secret then?” asked Hyoyeon.

“Well didn’t I tell you and well Gyuri found out about it…”

“Sunny! Her, why didn’t you inform her?” asks Hyoyeon raising her volume slightly.

“I did take those blood pressure pills they gave me…said it would stop it.” reminded Sooyoung.

“You take lots of pills Sooyoung.” reminded Hyoyeon.

“Well I couldn’t help it…it was for the company…”

“Just try to stop keeping secrets, alright?” asked Hyoyeon.


“You should never be hiding something, Sooyoung.”

“Because we love each other?” asks Sooyoung.

“Yes, because you two love each other.” answers Hyoyeon smiling.


-In the morning-

Gyuri had come to visit when the other two were out, she looked at Sooyoung once again but unlike others her eyes were not that of sympathy but rather of irritation.

“I told you to stop taking those pills didn’t I?” she reprimanded.

“Yea…but I can’t help it…”

“Yea…they’re for the company…enough with that excuse you secretly take more than you should take.”

“I like pills alright?” argued Sooyoung.

“Well they aren’t good for you so stop eating them.”

“Old habits die hard.” retorted Sooyoung.


“Did I ever tell you about Soojin unni?” asked Sooyoung.

“You may have or may not.”

“My head’s already in a mess so stop playing mind games with me.” joked Sooyoung.

“But well…I’ll tell you anyways…”

“I remember when I was just about 10 or so…I was so thin to the point the teacher’s thought I was anorexic.”

“The students loved to tease me and then one day…she just stood up and banged the table. Walked over to that group of students and reprimanded them calmly.”

“That was honestly the best day of my life…and I still remember it till today…”

“Why was it the best day? Weren’t there others which were happier?”

“My dad left us for another woman and my mom…she left after unni died…”

“No one ever…cared for me that way…”

“No one ever stood up for me like that before…she was the one person that did…”

“You must really love your sister huh?” asks Gyuri.

“You bet I do.” smiles Sooyoung with a wide grin, tears welling up ready to fall out any moment.

Have you ever had someone…you admired so greatly that when they passed away their memory would always be engraved in your heart no matter how long time has passed…?

I just wish…I could become that person, a person who would be missed and that their memory of me would always remain in their hearts forever…

I know I might sound selfish but I just wish…they would never forget about me not even for a second…because I would know…that…I was once precious to them…maybe even…forever…for eternity…


-Jung’s mansion-

The light brown haired girl pulls her luggage out as she walks down the stairs only to be stopped by her stepmom.

“Where are you going?”


“You know you can’t do that right?”

“No but I still will…I’m sick and tired of being trapped like a mouse cornered by a cat.”

“Are you really ready to abandon the people you care about?” taunts her stepmom.


“Then why leave?”

“Cause I know if I don’t…they’ll abandon me instead…”

“Goodbye eomeoni…”

“Well goodbye then but remember you will regret it.”

“No…I don’t think so, the only thing I’ll regret is ever having to move in with you.” states Jessica clearly.

She closes the door behind her leaving her stepmom all alone in the big empty mansion. Just then a tall young man steps into the house by the back door just after Jessica had left.

“Samonim.” he greets.

“You can call me eomeoni from now on.”

“No, samonim.”


“Yes, samonim?”

“Welcome to your new home…”

“Much appreciated, samonim but I’m leaving soon.”

“Why? You don’t like your new home?”

“Honestly I don’t, I preferred it much better when I was a Kwon and not a Jung.”

“You’ll regret it, being a boy you’re immediately entitled the company.”

“I’ll still stick to where I grew up.”

“You know you won’t get anything if you leave now right?”

“I’m pretty sure I won’t…”

“Don’t regret it.”

“I have a family…and that bond is too hard to break, I was thrown away 25 years ago what makes you think I’d come back?”

“Because you want to know your birth parents…isn’t that why you came here today?”

“I did but unfortunately after seeing you…I’ve changed my mind long ago, if I knew you were my birth mom I wouldn’t have been waiting for new of my mom for years already.”

“I shall take my leave then, samonim.” informs Yunho as he exits by the same way he came in.


She walks out and flags for a cab, giving instructions to the taxi driver. Upon arriving at her apartment she quickly rushes up.

She enters to see the place still as neat as ever just the way it had been. Nothing seems to have changed, nothing at all until she notices the room the door was opened. She steps inside to see the canvas on the floor the brushes all spread out everywhere and the petite woman sitting there in one corner; looking like her soul had just been drained out.

“Taengoo?” she calls out.

The petite woman does not respond to the call. Jessica walks up to her and looks at her girlfriend once more. Feeling that something was terribly wrong with her.

“Taengoo? You alright?” she asked.

“Sica? Is that you?” asked Taeyeon uncertain.

“Yes…it’s me…”

“You’ve…” Jessica stopped midway; she knew and decided not to ask.

“Come closer…” Taeyeon calls out.

Jessica did as she was told, sitting beside the petite woman. Everything seemed to be in a mess right now. But none of that mattered, all that mattered was the fact that the girl was here once again. Taeyeon leans over to Jessica as she tries to feel the latter’s face, tracing every detail; delicately. Jessica leans forward and places a kiss on the artist’s dried lips.

“Everything’s going to be alright isn’t it?” asked Jessica.

“I don’t know…I don’t know…” answers Taeyeon.


-Few days later-

-Jessica’s apartment-

The three sat facing each other, not knowing what to say to each other. The tension was eating them up; engulfing them in silence.

“This is good isn’t it?” says Yuri breaking the ice.

“Yea…it is…” agrees Jessica.

“Let’s eat shall we?” asks Yuri.

“Sure…” agrees the two of them.

Jessica feeds Taeyeon knowing that she would not be able to do it by her own until she got used to it. Somehow seeing the petite girl in this state, Yuri could not help but feel sympathy for her best friend. Perhaps she should have paid more attention to her; just maybe none of this would have happened.

“You alright, Taeng?”

“Other than the fact it’s hard to distinguish but yea…still in top shape…”

“So how are you and Fany?” asked Taeyeon.

“Good. She’s been to the counsellor.”

“Is it any good?” asked Taeyeon.

“I don’t know…she just seems so different…”

Just then Tiffany enters the apartment to join the dinner that Yuri had prepared for the four of them. Hoping to get back to normal just like how they were back in the past. She takes off her heels but upon seeing the petite woman’s face once again she could not handle it. It was like someone trapped in a box had found its way out ready to torment her once more.

“Get out! Get out!” she screams frantically.


rushes over to Tiffany wondering what was wrong with her again.

“No…no…get out!” screams Tiffany grabbing onto her head again.

“What’s wrong?” asked Yuri.

“Nothing…no…just get out! You’re not supposed to be here…no!”

“It happened but it never happened…believe or don’t believe?” Tiffany repeats making absolutely no sense.

Jessica gets up and rushes to her best friend’s side as well. Taeyeon could hear the sounds of her supposed sister’s drastic voice. And that was when she knew all along; the outcome, the very last drawing was more than meets the eye.

Jessica quickly tells Yuri to send Tiffany home and makes sure she does nothing to harm herself again. Yuri carries Tiffany, bridal style and droves off in her car. Quickly speeding off hoping that she could just tell her everything was going to be okay.

-Kwon’s mansion-

Yuri carries Tiffany back to their room and informs the maid to keep a watch out for her. She quickly fishes out the contacts from Tiffany’s handbag; the name cards she stores, addresses and such. Yuri finally finds the one she’s looking for, instructing the maid once again to not ever leave Tiffany’s side. She grabs her helmet and speeds off to the address stated there.

She arrives at the apartment building and heads down, to the basement. She rings the doorbell to find the counsellor in front of her. His usual stoic expression towards others just creep the hell out of her.

“I want you to stop helping her.” demanded Yuri.

“I can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“She is my patient and I’ll see it through…”

“You haven’t been helping her at all for god’s sake!”

“In fact…she’s gotten even worse so I’d like you to stop.”

“Can’t do that.”

“Do you not understand a single word I’m saying?”

“You are going to stop helping her and that is final.”

“I’m sorry but I won’t…”

“I don’t think you’ve got it into your head don’t you?”

“I said stop the session we don’t need your help anymore.”

“Well the same goes for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know about you, Yuri-ssi…I know you…”

“No you don’t and you never will, you’re just a psycho counsellor who seems to be acting like an obsessive freak.”

“You’re no good for her…”

“What do you mean no good? I can save her better than you ever can; all you do is just make her worse. She changed! Changed so much I can’t even recognise her anymore!”

“You know what, I’m leaving since it’s not like anything is going into your head right now.” informs Yuri.

She walks towards the door wanting to get out but the door was locked, she turns the knob countless of times but it would not budge. She turns back to see the counsellor waiting there with the same stoic expression, with a baseball bat in one hand. Yuri feels the sweat trickling down her back as she frantically tries to open the door once more. The counsellor slowly walks towards her, calm as ever. He raises the bat that was in his hand and hits her hard on the head, knocking her out onto the cold hard concrete. He quickly lands another blow causing her to scream in pain, repeating his actions; the scream becomes more desperate each time until the screaming stops and all that is left is just the crimson fluid flowing out of the injured body, the blood splattered all over.


-Jessica’s apartment-

Jessica had cleared their plates and the table while she asked Taeyeon to sit on the couch first. Jessica went to accompany the older woman a while later, she sits beside her still worried if something was going to happen then Taeyeon spoke.

“It’s always going to be like that doesn’t it?”

“Everything always has to come to an end…”

“Nothing ever ends well, nothing it all has to end badly…”

“But it doesn’t does it? We can change it right?”

“Nothing ever lasts forever…it all has to end…”

“Taengoo…what do you mean?”

“Everything always ends badly…that’s reality, that’s the truth…”

“Taengoo…” she calls out the petite girl’s name once more.

“What is the last…drawing…of your sketchbook.” she asks slowly making her point clear.

“I need to know…what is the last drawing…”

“Everyone knows it, Sica…everyone knows the ending…it always is bad…but it’s inevitable, no one can stop it.”

“Taengoo, I need to know…what is the ending, what is it?” asks Jessica demanding for answers.

Taeyeon turns to face Jessica, her vision unexpectedly allows her to view her face once more. Not in a blurry state but something clear, she looks at her and smiles.

“It’s…a…” Taeyeon says dragging the answer.

“…a…secret…” she says in a whisper.

“What do you mean by that, Taengoo? I really need to know…”

“No one ever knows…no one should know…it’s all going to end anyways…”


At that moment she feels a stinging pain in her head once again, grabbing on the side she struggles as her vision starts to go haywire; it was so messed up to the point she could not make out what was what the colours were mixing and everything seemed to be in a blur. And then darkness hit her; she knew then it would always happen. She closes her eyes and the last person she ever saw was Jessica.

Jessica helps Taeyeon to the bed and picks up the sketchbook one last time; she flips over to the last page slowly turning it. She stares at it for a long time and still does not budge; unable to hide how she felt the tears just rolled down continuously. she looks at the petite woman lying on the bed once more and plants a kiss on the latter’s cheek.

Nothing is ever the same is it? We can always pretend like everything is okay but is it really? No…it never is never will be…

There’s always something to hide…always something to keep but I just I could say this to you one more time…I just wish I could save you first before saving myself…


-Kwon’s mansion-

Tiffany had fallen asleep, the maid did as she was told and accompanied her throughout knowing that she would get into trouble if she dared leave her side for even just a second. She looked at the clock and wandered why Agassi was still not at home. But she still remains at her station watching over Tiffany just as she was instructed to.


-Soosun’s apartment-

Sunny had arrived home after work and they ate their meal, Sooyoung had gone to sleep first while Hyoyeon and Sunny ate together. Sunny had brought back some leftover food from the restaurant.

“I’m going away.” informs Sunny.

“Have you told her about it yet?” asks Hyoyeon.

“Not yet…”

“Well you should tell her…”

“Yea I will…”

“You two going to celebrate your anniversary soon?”

“I don’t know…”

“So, you’re going to Italy huh?”


“You know…I’m glad that you two were my landlords.”


“Much appreciated.” smiles Hyoyeon.

Hyoyeon helps wash the dishes as she urges Sunny to go tell Sooyoung about her transfer. She looks at Sunny and sighed, the short girl was contemplating whether to knock on the door or not.

Hyoyeon walks over and calls out for Sooyoung, Sooyoung opens the door to see Sunny before her; feeling ecstatic she embraces the shorter woman in a hug.

“Everything alright?” she asked the shorter woman.


“Just wanted to tell you something…”

“I’ll be leaving soon…”

“To where?”

Hyoyeon quickly passes the bag to Sooyoung and heads back to her room to leave the two some time alone. Sooyoung turns her attention to the bag and quickly picks it up.

“What’s in the bag?”

“Well our anniversary is coming up so….”

“What is it?” asked Sunny.

“Ta-da!” exclaims Sooyoung with a bright expression as she takes out two bunny plush dolls.

“Wow~ I love it!” exclaims Sunny hugging her wife once more.

“Bunny…what’s your name?” asks Sooyoung.

“Haha…stop messing around with me, you know it.” chuckles Sunny.

“No seriously, what’s your name again?”

“Sooyoung?” Sunny says out her name feeling something was not right.

She calls for Hyoyeon and quickly dials for the ambulance, Hyoyeon comes out and wonders what was wrong. She rushes to the room to see Sooyoung lying on the bed, her breathing constricted like she was being strangled. Sunny frantically tries to press the buttons trying to get through, and in her panic state informs the hospital that she needs help.

Hyoyeon looks at Sooyoung, taken aback by the sight of her landlord, she could not comprehend what was going on since she did not specialise in this particular field. She hears Sooyoung say one last thing, her breathing still constricted and a lot of the crimson fluid was flowing out of her nostrils.

“I…I…got it…” she says weakly.

“Sunny…” she says the name for perhaps the last time.

“Her name…”

“I got it…”

“Sunny…” she says the name again in her last breath before passing out.

Hyoyeon remains there shocked as to what has just happened unable to comprehend what was going on anymore. She steps out of the room in a shocked mode as her legs gave way to her. She drops her knees to the floor as she sees Sunny still panicking.

“Sunny?” she calls out.

“She’s gone…”

“What do you mean gone?”

“She just is…” informs Hyoyeon.

Sunny heads to her room not believing a word Hyoyeon had said and enters only to face the true horrors of what happened to her wife. The crimson fluid had dampened the sheets and the blood still trickling down the latter’s face. Sunny looked at her wife not in shock but of sorrow.

Have you ever had…that one time in your life…You wished you had told someone about your secrets earlier but was too scared to do so? Because you’re afraid what might happen to the person?

That was what went through my mind when I knew that my time was going to be up sooner or later. I knew at that very moment…I could no longer keep it a secret anymore…

Because not only would it hurt her…it would hurt me as well but most importantly it would break everything apart…Nothing would ever be the same again and I would not be there anymore to fix it.

There’s always something someone will regret…but I’m glad I didn’t…and I was honestly relieved I was able to recall her name even for just that moment, I was sincerely satisfied.

Because at that point of time…remembering her name…

…Was all that mattered…

-Chapter 20: The end…must it always end like this?-

-At the hospital-

Tiffany was resting on her bed recovering from the recent incident she had encountered. They decided to pull her out from the whole counselling and Jessica just thought that guy, Park Jinyoung was a real creeper even though Tiffany seemingly thought he was a nice man.

Tiffany was admitted to this hospital for well mental patients; since she practically was one but now all she could think about was Yuri. The woman who had every control over her, the woman she loved and still loves, the woman who makes her go crazy and more importantly the woman she wishes to see once more.

Jessica entered the room while Tiffany just greeted her with a small smile, behind Jessica was someone all too familiar and Tiffany held her breath for a second longer than usual. The petite woman came in a stick in her hand, trying to get to where they were with just her senses. That was when Tiffany knew, her supposed sister could no longer see; completely losing her sight. She felt so guilty she could punch herself so hard; but like what Taeyeon had always say there was no point dwelling over the past.

Jessica helped Taeyeon get a chair and the petite girl sat down, Tiffany looked at Taeyeon she could not help but feel so lost and all the events that had happened to her. Nothing seemed to be making sense anymore but just as she felt the tears well up and soon after rolling down her cheeks. She could feel a pair of wavering hands unaware of where they were supposed to be cupped her face and wipe away those tears.

Jessica left the room for the two to be alone together for the very first time in months; Jessica went out and dialled a number. Waiting for the reply but all she got was the latter’s voicemail.

Where are you? Tiff needs you so bad right now…Answer the phone will ya?!

Tiffany looks straight into Taeyeon past the shades that covers her eyes, Taeyeon remained silent until she feels a pair of lips gently on hers, strawberry flavoured just like how she had always liked it. It was just a light kiss but soon turned into something deeper and Taeyeon just went along with it with the guidance of the younger girl leading. Tiffany broke free and stared at Taeyeon once more.

“This is the first and last kiss I’m giving you…” announced Tiffany.

“And from this day onward…we’re no longer sisters.” says Taeyeon completing the sentence.

Tiffany just simply nods and Taeyeon could sense that the latter agreed with her.

“So…still not able to reach Yul?” asked Taeyeon worried.


“We’ll find her…”

Tiffany just simply smiled knowing that she could trust Taeyeon no matter what she felt so stupid trying to erase those memories with happy ones. Now she knows memories would always come with happy and sad ones, even the ones we want to forget is ever so precious.

“You’re much prettier when you smile.” complimented Taeyeon.

“How did-“

“I wasn’t your sister for nothing.” smiled Taeyeon answering her unsaid question for her.

“You know Taetae…I don’t really know much about you at all…” admitted Tiffany.

“You don’t have to…”


“What is the point anyways?” asks Taeyeon.

“I guess you’re right.”

Just then Jessica enters and smiles knowing that the two had fully patched up and that there was nothing to worry about. But as she sees Taeyeon shift slightly to avoid Tiffany she sees past that demeanour and immediately feels uncomfortable. She helps Taeyeon and informs Tiffany that they would be leaving first.

Jessica helps Taeyeon to her car as she droves off they all sat in silence and they arrived at Jessica’s apartment once again. Where everything had started and possibly ended.

Taeyeon feels around as she sits on the couch and takes off her shades, feeling uncomfortable with it on. Jessica plops herself next to the petite woman and looks at the blind woman directly.

“Taengoo?” she calls out.


“That ending you drew…what does it mean?”

“Nothing…it just means the end…”

“Then what exactly is the end?”

“I’ve already told you it’s a secret that’s meant to be kept…”

“Look! I can’t play games anymore Taeyeon! I’m sick and tired of playing games so just tell me will ya?!” screams Jessica feeling the tears well up as she begs the petite woman.

“I’m sorry but I can’t tell you…”


“Because…not even I know…not even I know what will happen…”

“Everything just has to end…don’t they?”

“But it doesn’t all have to be bad, don’t they?”

“It always does…Sica…it always ends badly…”

“Life isn’t fairy tales you don’t get what you want…you never get what you want…”

“Maybe not but…we can always make our life a story; a fairytale can’t we?”

“Maybe…but it won’t last…would it?”

Jessica just simply shrugs unable to answer that question.


-Soosun’s apartment-

Ding Dong~

The doorbell rings loudly, as it wakes Hyoyeon up and she wipes her tired eyes and walks to open the door. She sees a woman in possibly her 40s or 50s studying her she immediately questions as to who this mysterious woman might be.

“You are?”

The woman just remains silent until she finally decides to open her pursed lips.

“Are you Sunny?”

“No…I’m not…”

Just then Hyoyeon realises who it was and she could not help but see the similarities between the tall shikshin and the woman.

“You’re her…aren’t you? You’re Sooyoung’s mom…”

The woman just simply nodded.

“I would like it if you didn’t attend the funeral…”


“I’m having relatives flying in from other countries and I want to keep that happy bright image of Sooyoung in their minds…”

“Plus her father is attending as well…I’d like that the image of us being happy remained there…”

Just then Sunny steps out looking tired as ever until she sees Hyoyeon standing by the door wondering who she was talking to she walks over.

“You’re Sunny, right?” asked the older woman.


“I’d like it if you and all your friends would not attend the funeral.”


“You heard me.”

“Hey, you can’t do this she’s the girl your daughter loves!” Hyoyeon shouts at the older woman.

“Yes, she’s also the girl…that ruined Sooyoung altogether…”

“Hey, you can’t blame her you know her condition was hereditary.”

“I know! Don’t think I didn’t know a thing!” shouts the older woman back.

“You didn’t think for one second that was why I left her?! I couldn’t bear to see it, I just couldn’t stand it…Soojin died! I just couldn’t bear to see Sooyoung die of the same thing!”

“I’m sorry Ajumeoni but…”

“You will not attend the funeral is that clear?”

“But…” Hyoyeon tried to protest but it was too late, the older woman had already walked off.

Hyoyeon closes the door behind her to see Sunny lying on the couch, feeling defeated.

“We’ll have our own goodbye.” suggested Hyoyeon.

“Yea…sure…” agrees Sunny.


-At the hospital-

The wavy haired woman enters and Tiffany looked puzzled, not knowing who the stranger was she just simply smiled.

“Hi, sorry for intruding like this I’m Park Gyuri, psychologist.”

“Sooyoung’s friend.” she completed her introduction.


“I’m sorry…”

“I was the one who recommended Nicole to you…she is a really great psychiatrist unfortunately she was not able to attend to you.”

“Its okay, the counsellor Park Jinyoung helped didn’t he?”

“About that…I have to apologise, didn’t think he’d be that psychotic…”

“What do you mean? He seems pretty alright…”

“To you that is…”

“He wasn’t really helping you at all was he?” questions Gyuri.


just simply nodded in agreement.


-Kwon’s Mansion-

Yunho had dialled Yuri’s number over and over again. And all his calls were transferred to her voicemail. The tanned woman was not picking up at all and it caused him to be worried sick. Ever since he got back from his business trip everything was going haywire. He already informed Yuri’s parents about the whole missing case and they assured him they would do something about it but somehow he just had a feeling. That something bad was happening and he was not there to stop it.

Man… pick up the phone! I promise I won’t threaten you…just pick up the phone, Kwon Yuri!

He enters Yuri’s secret 'shed', the room Yuri held all her secrets in not even Tiffany knew about this room. He had made the room for Yuri and that was how he had always known about it.

There was a diary that unknowingly caught his attention, he flipped through the pages and was shocked to see what was written in there. He quickly puts the diary in his bag.

I’m sorry…Yul…I was incompetent, I wasn’t there to protect you….

Yunho received a call and immediately drove to the destination; Soosun’s apartment.


-Soosun’s apartment-

Everyone had gathered here at this very apartment, silence engulfed them as no one knew what to say to Sunny. They all held a sympathetic look and somehow Sunny just felt that it was not right. Just not right at all.

“We can’t attend the funeral, what do you suggest we do?” asked Yoona.

“Why don’t we steal the coffin and have our own funeral?” suggested Junsu.

“Oppa! That’s ridiculous and against the law!” Seohyun reprimanded.

“Sorry…” the latter apologised.

“Why don’t we just respect their decision and visit the grave later?” suggested Seohyun.

“No, no way in hell am I doing that!” Changmin said, denying the whole suggestion. His usually calm demeanour was long gone.

“She’s my cousin and yet I’m not even allowed to attend her funeral. And Sunny…she…she’s the one Sooyoung loves!”

“Calm down oppa…but how can we say our goodbyes then?” asked Seohyun.

“Why don’t we say goodbye the way Sooyoung would have wanted us to?” suggested Jaejoong.

“And that is?”

“I think Sunny would know perfectly well.”

They all turned to Sunny and she just simply shrugged.

“By the way, I haven’t seen Yuri unni lately.” commented Yoona.


“I don’t know but I feel that something’s wrong with her…” Yunho agreed.

“Then it’s settled then…later in the evening we’ll have our own goodbye.” concluded Jaejoong.

“Yea…” everyone agreed rather much lifelessly.

Everyone had stood up to leave since they wanted to give Sunny some alone time to think through things thoroughly with no disturbance. They all looked at her worriedly before leaving. Jessica helped Taeyeon up, they were both silent throughout Jessica still could not help but question Taeyeon’s last drawing.

Yunho walked over to them and stopped them in their tracks.

“Is anything the matter, oppa?”

“Jessica. I’d like to speak to you in private.”


looks at Taeyeon and Taeyeon just simply nods.

“I can manage.”

“You sure?”


They left the apartment altogether and bid their farewells for now, Yunho and Jessica walked to someplace quiet and Jessica could feel the intensity in Yunho’s eyes.

“Where is she?” he demanded.

“I don’t know oppa, I really don’t know…I can’t reach her…”

“She’s gone oppa…she’s gone…”

“Don’t tell me assumptions like that!” he raised his volume.

“I’m sorry oppa but…”

He grabs her shoulders and forces her to look straight into his eyes, the eyes that begged.

“You find my sister alright?! You find her and tell me she’s alright!”


“I really f**king love her alright? She’s the only sister I’ll ever love…I love her more than that wife of hers, Tiffany ever did!” admitted Yunho.

“So you better find her alright?! I’ll do anything…I’ll even abandon Kwon and take over Jung for you!”

“O-oppa…what do you mean?”

“The long lost brother….that’s…me…”

“How did-“

“Enough with that! You better find my sister even if it kills you, alright?!” he raises his volume once again, begging her.

Yunho takes out a diary from his bag, it was old and the pages looked crumpled but nonetheless, Jessica took it.

“Read it.” ordered Yunho and he left Jessica standing there.

With trembling hands she flips open the pages, and in the diary filled with pages. With the same words repeatedly over and over again.

I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her I love her


Park Jinyoung wants to hurt her…

The words were written there big and clear, and somehow Jessica got the message. The tears began to well up as it soaked the page a bit.

“I know…Yuri…I know…” she said to no one in particular as the tears just continued to roll down.


-Later that evening-

They all gathered at the hill top where they could see the funeral taking place from above. They all wore the same expression and could not help but feel sad at the lost of their dear friend. Tiffany had gotten permission from the hospital to be discharged and she too had attended the funeral.

Down below were the complete number of strangers the relatives they never knew let alone Sooyoung ever knew. The priest was reading out something long winded and they all seemed to be wearing the same emotionless expression.

Up there Sunny breathed in and talked softly first but soon her voice became louder and louder.

“I’ve been contemplating on what to say today…what Sooyoung would have wanted me to say and you know what? What the hell, Bunny…What the hell?”

“These people there are talking long winded crap all about me…tell them about something different!”

“And that was why I decided to share a little something about Sooyoung’s hero and one and only sister, Choi Soojin!”

“Despite never seeing her once in my entire life…I knew Sooyoung held tremendous amount of admiration and respect for her…Because she knew that even when her sister was nearing death…she risked it, she risked everything to save Sooyoung no matter what the consequences were…”

“Once…Sooyoung fell off the edge of the cliff on a camping trip…with only a rope secured to her belt and the rope tied to a tree that seemed unstable, she jumped off the cliff…”

“Not because she wanted to experience fear but because she wanted to rescue her family…and that was why Sooyoung had always looked up to her!”

“Because she always puts family before herself…even when she was near her death…she was willing to sacrifice it for the people she loves!”

“And that was how Sooyoung was…she always puts her love ones before and that was why she was the bravest…girl…woman I ever knew!” Sunny ended her speech trying to suppress her tears.

Down there the priest stopped for a moment hearing Sunny’s voice but Sooyoung’s mother just told the priest to ignore and continue with it.

Just then they pressed the stereo button and the music began to come on. The fireworks blasted into the slightly dimmed sky, the sun had just set. The fireworks brightened up the late evening sky and the music just begins to play through the stereo speakers.

And I could never tell as a kid

What that window door went to

Only told to stay away

I almost had an accident age 6

When I found the key in the attic

And now the smell of these wood frames

Is the only sense I've left

So as you pull me from the bed

Tell me I look stunning and cadaverous

And since you are my friend

I would ask that you lower me down slow

And tell the man in the black cloak

He doesn't need to trouble his good soul

With those Latin conjugations

And if it's all the same to them

You should tell your gathering friends

Please not to purse their faces grim

On such a lovely Sunday

Don't fix my smile, life is long enough

We will put this flesh into the ground again

Don't fix my smile, life is long enough

We will put this flesh into the ground again

Don't fix my smile, life is long enough

We will put this flesh into the ground again

Don't fix my smile, life is long enough

We will put this flesh into the ground again

Don't fix my smile, life is long enough

We will put this flesh into the ground again

Don't fix my smile, life is long enough

We will put this flesh into the ground again…

The music slowly but surely was coming to an end, and down there, the relatives slowly seemed to dispersed the priest was soon walking away. All there was, was Sooyoung’s family squatting by the grave. They all stood there not knowing what to say to comfort the short girl. The short woman just simply smiled hoping not to worry her friends. They all gathered around in a circle, and decided to share one secret about themselves just like they had promised.

“Ok…me first…” said Gyuri.

“Actually…I really hate my job…it’s really tiring but I can’t help it now since it’s already second nature to me…”

“You know I’ve always wanted to be loved but was afraid to but now I think…I just might be able to do it…” admits Hyoyeon.

One by one they began revealing things that somehow everyone had looked pass it and never saw through the naked eye.

Just then everyone had turned their attention to Taeyeon the very last speaker, she didn’t stand up. Her shades covering her eyes as usual.

“I’ve held too many secrets…for as long as I can remember…”

“No one really knew who I was…whether I was…Taetae…Taeng… Taeyeon…Hwang Taeyeon or Kim Taeyeon…”

“But for once I decided I’ll stop being the wind…and stay rooted to one spot…for now…”

“It always seems so hard…when you know…you just know everything has to end…”

“But what was more terrifying to bear…was that someone…that certain someone seemed to have found the important piece to the puzzle…”

“The puzzle that no one could ever solve…and never will solve…”

“But somehow just that one piece…she found…had a great impact on me…”

“I was scared…defenceless and I knew right from that point…I just couldn’t help it anymore…”

“The sketch I drew…the ending…it…”

“To be honest…the ending differs for everyone…and that was what the last sketch really meant…”

“The ending we expect is all different but yet…there always will be an ending…sad, happy or even monotonous…there will always be an ending for each and everyone of us here…”


-The next day-

They all had gathered at Yuri’s secret room that no one had seemed to know about except Yunho. They decided to throw Yuri’s birthday party for her without the birthday girl. Hoping to say their last goodbyes before everyone moved on with their life.

Sunny was going to Italy right after this ended, Hyoyeon decided to head back to France, Tiffany was now getting her session from Nicole, Gyuri decided to leave for the time being get away from her job, Changmin and Dana were leaving soon for their unplanned marriage and honeymoon, Jaejoong and Lina were trying to get pass that awkward boyfriend girlfriend status. Everyone just had about something they were going to do after this, and it just seemed like the best way to part; happily.

They were drinking and eating Yuri’s favourite cake and they laughed heartedly not some forced smile that everyone seemed to be doing these days. They seemed to have let everything go and just then Jessica spotted a shadow lurking somewhere nearby. She got curious and walked out, the others were too busy to notice her. Taeyeon sensed that Jessica was leaving somewhere and decided to follow her despite her handicap right now.

She followed the mysterious man and just then she walks through the same door Yuri had been, she quickly looks through the dimly lit room and sees the blood soaked clothes all wrapped up in plastic sheet. She was shocked and horrified, she could not help but feel disgusted at it. But she knew then, that Yuri as much as she hoped did not; was dead.

Just then the lights flickered on and she heard someone’s footsteps.

“You’re Park Jinyoung…” Jessica spat with much disgust.

“You killed her didn’t you?”

“I’m afraid so…and I’m afraid I’ll have to do that to you too.”

“You’re all no good for her…”



“You’re insane!”

“Maybe I am…but what can you do? You’re just a weakling…I know about you Jessica…I know all about you…” he taunted.

“I’m not a weakling!”

“Oh yea?” he challenged, laughing hysterically.

“Stay away from my best friend, got it?”


“I don’t think you’ve gotten it into your head, madman…”

“I said stay-away-from-Tiffany-“ Jessica threatened enunciating every single word and she meant what she said.

“Hahahaha a weakling like you? Stop me?!” he laughed even harder.

“You all don’t deserve her, well I do…and I’ll tell you why…because she’s special…”

“Ewww….no way in hell am I letting my best friend get manipulated by a psycho freak like you!” Jessica screamed in disgust.

“You leave me no choice…”

Jessica stands there in horror as she sees him take out a knife, pointing it straight at her.

“One more step, and you’re dead…” he taunted as he laughed again.

“Stay away from her, got it?” Jessica tried to threaten once again not wanting to back down from this fight.

“You’re no good for her…no one is…”

“Says you, who’s made her far worse than she ever was!” screams Jessica, rebutting him.


Jessica could feel the cold sweat trickling down her back, she could feel her feet go numb as the older man approached her with heavy steps.

“I told you all! You’re all no good for her!” he bellows as he pierces the knife straight; to the heart.

Jessica closed her eyes, fearing what were to happen next. Just then she opens to see the petite body standing before her, she slowly collapses but Jessica caught hold of her. Not caring if the blood stained her blouse any longer, all she could do was cry the ambulance would take far too long. Park Jinyoung turned and ran but Jessica did not bother chasing after him at all. All that matter to her right now was the shorter but older woman now lying in her arms, covered in that detestable crimson fluid that was oozing out from the deep wound.

She was bleeding so profusely she could barely stay conscious, being blind all she saw was darkness but somehow her senses told her Jessica was crying for her and somehow she smiled at the thought of it.

“The ending…” she says weakly.

“Taengoo…” Jessica calls out her name choking on the words.

“It always has to end…”

“It always ends badly…”


“I love you…” the latter confesses for perhaps the first time ever; sincerely and whole-heartedly.

Jessica feels the tears roll down her cheeks as she hugs the petite girl tightly, giving the now cold lips one last kiss before she said goodbye.

When I said…you found that last missing piece…I was so scared I didn’t dare face you…and so I did what I did best…I ran away…

But love always comes with pain…and no matter how happy anyone is… they’re always suffering…on the inside…and it’s killing them yet no one knows…

I was always afraid whenever someone got just a step closer…to deciphering the puzzle that held my secrets…because…no one had ever gotten that close before…

Because I knew I would have to stay in the same spot…and that was what scared me so bad…because I wouldn’t know what to do…

But then I came to realisation…that just maybe…I needed to stop running…

But it wasn’t just as simple as that…because…

…I fell in love with you…and I was honestly scared of that fact…

That one word ‘love’ so weak yet so powerful…had total control over me… and I was scared to think what would happen to me…

…But now I know…my time was up…and that was when I finally got the courage to say those three words to you…

…No matter how much I may seem like I don’t care…

There will never be anything like you…ever…and you’re the first and last person to find that important piece of the puzzle that deciphers me…

…The piece I had kept hidden for years…

The piece…




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