Chapter [2]

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"I heard about last night." Lake said while reading a book. She leaned against a tree and listened to Branch talking.

"It doesn't matter." He lied to himself and kept thinking about it. Her words played over and over again like always.

"She was probably just tired. It was late, after all." Branch said as he gathered a few sticks around. Indeed, he found his happiness and doesn't need to worry about the Bergens, but he has missed the feeling of being protective. Besides, he considered gathering sticks a hobby and being extra careful or cautious.

"So you don't think she likes you?" She asked and raised an eyebrow. She left her bookmark on the page she was currently reading and closed the book. "There's a possibility that she might, you know?"

"We're just friends."

"That's what they all say," Lake chuckled and decided to help Branch pick up sticks. She picked them up one by one and hummed a song.

"... Do you think she really likes me?" He asked out of the blue. (A/N: literally, because they're both blue haha) Lake smiled and counted the sticks she collected. "Yep. Indeed I do, Branchie boy."

"You're lying."

"I'm not! You guys have been close since forever!" She chuckled and went to gather another pack of sticks. She found it interesting and fun. She found a little ladybug on one of the sticks and smiled at it.

"I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

"Listen," Lake stepped up to him and smiled warmly. "Poppy's amazing. You're the last guy I know who is willing to steal her heart. Are you just gonna wait around until another guy shows up to do the same?"

Branch stayed quiet but thought about what she said. Lake walked off a bit and saw another ladybug. He looked at her for a moment and sighed.

Lake saw the ladybug fly onto her finger and admired its beauty. "Why don't you call her?"

"She's busy with her tasks on being queen. I don't want to bother her." He grabbed his phone anyway and looked through the pictures of him and her together. He smiled down at them and chuckled silently.

"I'm pretty sure she's off eating candies or singing somewhere." She turned to him and held her waist. "You have to at least give her hints, Branch."

"I gotta go. I have to meet up with a friend," Lake said and handed him the stack of sticks she collected earlier. "Good luck."

Branch looked down and slightly pursed his lips. He felt his phone vibrate suddenly and looked to see the Caller ID. It was Poppy again.
A smile appeared on the troll's face.

"Poppy?" He said and held the phone to his ear. He grabbed a wooden stick and examined it carefully. Branch always makes sure the sticks he (or Lake in this particular day) chose to be healthy and alright.

"Hey Branch!" The pink troll smiled widely, swinging her leg back and forth as she was laying on a giant tree branch. Poppy held her phone close to her ear.

"Oh, hey Poppy." He said calmly and leaned back onto the trunk of a tree. His heart was beating in a rhythmic pattern like a song. He felt the fresh breeze of the wind that sent chills down in his spine for how cold it was hitting him like little bits of ice was crashing into him.

"So how's the stick hunting?" Poppy smiled and stared off into the distance where the sunset was appearing.

"Good. I had Lake with me to help. She insisted, not me." Branch grabbed another stick and examined it carefully. He was starting to feel cold from the wind. He grabbed his stitched jacket his grandma made for him when he gets older. Now was a perfect time to use it. But Branch uses the jacket for other uses as well; good and careful uses. He never wanted to ruin the precious jacket that was stitched up by the hands of his loved relative.

He put the jacket on and smiled. It felt like her arms were wrapped around him to keep him warm. He emotionally and spiritually felt her arms around him. "Sure, of course." Poppy smiled and looked down. "My my, what a nice jacket you have there."

"Thanks Pop— wait a minute." He looked up and saw Poppy laying there on a giant branch above him. The pink queen giggled and hopped off, landing in front of him.

"I've seen that jacket before." She said with a smile, reaching for it. Branch quickly backed away and shook his head no.

"No no no, I don't trust you with it. It means something to me." He said and sighed quietly. Poppy kept a calm smile and nodded under-standingly.

"I understand. I really do." She held her hips and sat down beside him. Branch slightly scooted away even though he secretly enjoyed her company.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be watching over Troll Village." He crossed his arms, realizing how late it's getting.

She really should be heading to bed.

"What? So I'm not allowed to see my main man?" She said and laughed. He rolled his eyes but smiled only a bit. He coughed awkwardly and looked away. His heart was beating faster. Lake's words replayed in his head.

"You have to at least give her hints, Branch."

He sighed. "Listen, Poppy." He stared down at the ground. He didn't want to make contact with their eyes. He thought that it'd only make him look more silly and ridiculous. "Speaking about your main man..."

He took a deep breath.

"You're gonna meet an even better man who is gonna treat you and love you right. I'm not that kind of person. I'm not your main man. I can never make such a ray of sunshine fall easily for me. You're..." He looked off into the distance and watched as the stars slowly appear. "You're a bright star. The brightest out of all the other stars. You're basically the sun, but even brighter."

"I'm nothing compared to something like that. I don't even know why you see me differently than I was a few years ago. I live under a rock, literally. You're admired by so many people, even I admire you because I... I love you." He sighed again and closed his eyes.

"You're my main woman." He mumbled under his breath and slowly crept to look at Poppy's. Instead of a reaction, he saw her sleeping. Her head leaning on his shoulder beautifully.

Branch stared at her. He thought of how such a waste of time he used to tell her how he told her almost everything; his deepest feelings for her.

He smiled. He just admired her beauty. Although, he saw her shivering from the cold breeze. He carefully took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. He didn't mind anymore. He still kind of hopes she takes care of it, though.

He looked around to see if anyone was looking. Without a single shadow lurking behind the trees, he kissed her forehead softly.

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