Chapter 17

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The next morning, Brian, Dom, Logan, Mia and Katherine look over the equipment that Vince messed with as they try to find out what it is that Reyes want's, Brian puts the chip in unaware that Hobbs and his team are closing in on their location.

Brian presses the power button as the machine starts up.

Mia: what do you think?

Brian: Well, it's defiantly a custom chip...

He say as both Mia and Kathrine watch over Brian's shoulder.

Brian: ... Look at all these side menus here for data entry. Let's check this one out.

Brian says as he presses a tab labeled 'Ultima Locals' the screen shows a lot on info as both girls continue to watch as Dom and Logan make their way over to the small group.

Brian: Look at that. Same building, same order every week.

Logan: It's a delivery schedule.

The three of them turn to see that Dom and Logan have joined them, Logan puts his arm over Kathrine's shoulder as Hobbs pulls up just at the base of where Vince's friends hang out.

Mia: What's this? 

Mia asks as she presses a button on the screen.

Mia: Drugs?

Mia once again asks as 7 different named objects appear on screen and they all have a certain kilo weight to them.

Kathrine: No. That's a dealer pack.

Brain: Yeah, most major players they weigh their money so they don't have to constantly count it. Right there, that's 49 kilos.

Kathrine: 49 kilos is a million in twenties.

Both former government officers work off each other as they work to explain what it on the screen to each of them.

Mia: You're saying that each one of these shipments is worth 10 million dollars?

Brian: Yeah.

Meanwhile Hobbs and his team got out their vehicles and started to make their way up the stairs to where to where the most wanted are hiding out, but as they made their way up a few steps a few guys stepped out with guns armed and ready but not pointing at them, Hobbs and his team keeps on moving till a few guys step in his way, Hobbs stops and looks for a second till he pulls out his python and cocks it making sure it had a bullet ready to go, Hobbs' team cocked and aimed their guns at the surrounding guys as the path before Hobbs clears.

Hobbs: I thought so.

Hobbs and his team keep on going as Brian, Logan, Dom, Mia and Kathrine are still unaware of the danger about to knock on the door.

Brian: So what is that? A 100 million plus cash houses?

Brian says looking to Dom who's leaning on something watching them all go through what ever this is.

Dom: That's how he keeps off the grid.

Brian: I think it's safe to say that Reyes is smart to want this back. It's his whole network right there, just laid out on a chip.

They all then heard a noise just outside the warehouse, Brian, Mia and Kathrine jumped out the window as Dom and Logan stayed back and took a few of them out, it turns out it's Reyes' guys wanting the chip back, but nearby Hobbs and his team heard the gun fire that Reyes' guys let off.

Hobbs: Wilkes, Fusco, up the middle. Mac, Chato, flank north.

Elena: What about me?

Hobbs looks to her and thinks for a second.

Hobbs: Stay here.

Hobbs then takes off to where his hunch is telling him to go as Dom and Logan manage to get out of the warehouse, I would love to say it was unharmed but Logan managed to get grazed in his arm, Logan then ran as quick as he can but then he came to a set of stairs and stopped in his tracks as someone he didn't want to see right now was staring back at him.

Logan: For fuck sake.

Hobbs stared at him till he started to chase him, Logan took off running as he climbed onto a nearby roof and started to run across the roof tops, Hobbs was destined to make sure Logan didn't get away from him this time as Hobbs started to run through peoples home's, Logan jumped from one roof to another but once he landed he heard glass smash and turned to see that Hobbs jumped through a window and landed a few feet away from him.

Logan: You know, that looked expensive.

Hobbs: Always with the jokes.

Logan: Well how about this, you're looking a little chubby, so how about we go for a little run.

Logan then jumped from that roof to another as he looked to Hobbs.

Logan: Catch me if you can.

Logan sang to Hobbs, Hobbs watched as Logan took off running and chased him as Brian, Mia and Kathrine came to their onw trouble, but Brian and Kathrine got rid of them before any of them could get a chance to harm them, Logan then jumped down to the path but ran into a few of Reyes' guys, Logan took one out and kicked another down the stairs taking the others out for a moment, Logan then ran the opposite way as Hobbs came down off the roof and easily took out the other guys that Logan left behind, once they were dealt with Hobbs ran after Logan again. 

Brian, Kathrine and Mia ran into more trouble but Brian dealt with it as the girls continued to run, Dom continued running but knocked down a trash can as he went, this caught the attention of Elena as she spotted him and took off after him, Brian, Mia and Kathrine managed to get to the roof tops as they tried to get away from Reyes' guys, but they ended up coming to a big drop, but seeing no other way out, Brian and Mia held hands as the three of them jumped and went through the ceiling.

Dom was running down the path till he was greeted by the gun that belonged to Elena, Dom stopped in his tracks.

Elena: Get on the ground.

Dom didn't move as Elena grabbed her radio.

Elena: I got Toretto. Four blocks north of your...

Dom then heard shouting to his left, he looked to see four of Reyes' guys coming down the steps, Dom pushed Elena out the way as the guys opened fire, Dom stayed with Elena in cover till Logan dropped from the roof and snapped one of the guys' necks, Logan grabbed the gun and killed the others, but he was unaware of Zizi disappearing around the corner as his team get killed, Logan dropped the gun as he saw they were all dead and went around the wall to see Dom and Elena pressed against the wall, Logan was about to make a joke till he heard Hobbs and his team coming their way.

Logan: Come on, let's get out of here.

Dom: Thanks.

Dom said as he and Logan took off down towards the base of the favela, Hobbs then stepped around the corner with his gun drawn obviously on guard from the gunfire Logan just made, Hobbs then looked to see his team appear on the roof, Hobbs dismissed his team as he approached Elena.

Hobbs: You okay here?

Elena: Yeah. I'm good. Thank you.

She responded obviously shaken by the shoot out that just happened in front of her, Hobbs excepted the answer tho as his urge to catch Logan drove him to walk away from the scene leaving Elena on her own, Elena looked to the ground as she took a deep breath, but something caught her eyes, Elena picked it up and it was Dom's cross, that he never took off unless it was to give to Letty.

At the base of the Favela, Brian, Mia, Kathrine, Logan and Dom climbed out of a waste pipe, Logan and Dom took point as Kathrine and Mia sat down on a nearby boulder sticking out the ground.

Dom: They're going to be looking for the five of us together now. We need to split up.

Logan: You girls go with Brian head south, Dom and I will lead them away.

Mia: No.

Kathrine: No way. 

She said hugged Logan's side and not letting go easily.

Brian: Their right. Look how lucky we just got. What happens next time? We have no choice but to split up.

Mia: I'm pregnant.

Logan stopped trying to get out of Kathrine's jaws of life and just looked at Mia in shock as did everyone else.

Logan: Plot twist.

Mia: I already lost my family once.

She said looking to Dom and Logan.

Mia: I'm not going through that again.

(I just realised that she's talking about Jakob in this part, holy buckets I didn't notice that before)

Brian: Are you kidding me?

Mia: No.

The two then shared a kiss as Kathrine finally let go of Logan and hugged Mia, Logan was next as he hugged both the girls, they pulled away but stayed in a little group hug, Mia and Kathrine in the centre as Brian is to Mi's left and Logan's to Kathrine's right.

Mia: Dom? Promise me well stick together.

Dom then seemed to take a while to think till he let out a small smile.

Dom: I promise.

Dom then joined them as they all went into a giant group hug.

Dom: The family just got bigger.

Later that night Hobbs and his team set up in the warehouse that the others hid out in, as they also inspected the GT40 trying to find out what is so special about this car, Hobbs walks around as Elena looks through Dom and Logan's file.

Elena: Something doesn't add up. Toretto, Kenway and O'Conner. They stay when they're supposed to run, they steal gas then give it away? Now they're killing federal agents? It doesn't make sense.

Hobbs: Here's what makes sense.

Hobbs says making his way over to her, he holds his hand out for the file, Elena hands it to him thinking he will explain it to her so she can understand why Dom and Logan have gone to such drastic measures to be free men, but Hobbs just throws the file across the room.

Hobbs: All these guys are is names on a list. They come up, we take them down. Not a phone call more not a bullet less.

Elena: Well, what about Kenway? You seem to have a personal agenda with him.

Hobbs looks around the room as apparently his team wanted to know what was up with that as well.

Hobbs: Kenway was only a child when he lost his parents in a house fire, his sister disappeared, no one has seen her since, but there was one guy that the police thought was behind the fire, it was an arsonist named Michael Rivers, Logan Kenway some how found out that he was the prime suspect and hunted him down and killed him on the spot. He was never arrested because he covered his tracks and the Toretto's always gave him an alibi. That is why I want him in hand cuffs, because Micheal Rivers did not kill the Kenway, Logan Kenway killed a man in cold blood.

Hobbs' team were surprised at this as none of them have ever heard about this, but Hobbs didn't care for their questions as he looked to his his team.

Hobbs: Wilkes, we got anything?

Wilkes snapped out of it and picked up a file on his lap and walked towards Hobbs.

Wilkes: Standard forensics. Shoe prints. Hair and fiber. Prints are all over the car.

Hobbs: Anything else?

Hobbs asks taking the file.

Wilkes: Yeah, we tracked the owner off the vehicle ID. There are a couple of shell companies in between, but we finally traced it back to a corporation owned by an investor down here named Hernan Reyes.

Elena lifted her eyebrows when she heard the name.

Elena: Investor? If there's anything illegal happening in Rio, Reyes is involved. 

Hobbs: Okay, then so are we. If he could get us any closer to our guys, I want everything on him. Chato, your on the roof, I want you on overwatch in case somebody comes back for something. Mac, give me a cross-check on Reyes, full specs. If he goes to the john, I want to know how many times he shakes it.

Mac: You got it, boss.

Mac agrees to Hobbs' order as he and Chato go and do what they were told.

Hobbs: Wilkes, Fusco! Let's put all this mess back together.

Both Fusco and Wilkes looked at each other.

Fusco: That's going to take a while.

Hobbs: Then you better get started. They were taking this car apart for a reason. Let's put it back together and find out what's missing.

They all got to work as Dom, Logan, Kathrine, Brian and Mia broke into a unused building and set up camp for the night, the girls fell asleep as Brian made sure they were okay, then he joined Logan and Dom out on the balcony as they all had a beer in hand, Logan also had a bandage as he was covering the bullet graze he got earlier in the day.

Brian: Hey, guys, what do you remember about your father's?

Brian asked the two of them, Dom and Logan shared a look as to who should go first and Dom indicated for Logan to take the lead.

Logan: Well, mine died when I was a kid, but I remember he would do anything for anyone, he was a elementary school teacher, everyone loved him and he loved everyone, that's all I really remember. You're turn big guy.

Logan said to Dom as Dom lent on a railing nearby.

Dom: My father. He used to... He used to have a barbecue every Sunday after church. For anybody in the neighbourhood...

Logan smiled along remembering everything about Dom's father that he could, it was bad to Logan, that he remembered more about Dom's father then he did his own, but Logan will find out who burned the house down that night an he will get his revenge.

Dom: ... If you didn't go to church, you didn't get any barbecue. Every single day he was in the shop, and every single night, he was at the kitchen table with Mia, helping her with her homework. Even after she went to sleep, he'd stay up for a few more hours so he could learn the next chapter and help her the next day. I remember everything about my father. Everything.

Logan: Don't forget that he took a beaten down kid into his home and treated him like his own son.

Dom patted Logan's back as they both smiled at the memorise.

Brian: That's just it. I don't remember shit about my dad. I don't remember him yelling.I don't remember him smiling. To be honest with you, I don't even remember what the hell he looked like. I don't remember. He just... He was just never there.

Dom: You ain't going to be like that, Brian.

They all then looked inside the room to see both the girls still asleep, Logan smiled as he finally found someone that can handle all the bullshit, he was never one to sleep around and wake up to a new face every morning, he always wanted what he has right now, someone to keep him pushing when he can't anymore.

Brian: We can't keep running, guys. We gotta get out. We gotta get out now.

Dom: You're right.

Dom then pulled out the computer chip that he managed to swipe before he left the warehouse as Logan finished bandaging his arm up.

Dom: Here's how we're going to do it. We're going to use this.

Dom says showing both Logan and Brian the chip.

Dom: We're going do one last job. We're going to take all of Reyes' money. Every dime of it, and disappear. Forever.

Dom said putting the chip onto a nearby table, Logan looked to both Brian and Dom with a smirk.

Brian: New passports. New lives with no more looking over our shoulder. And we're just going to buy our freedom.

Dom: That's right.

Logan: You realize we're talking about going up against the most powerful; guy in all of Rio?

Dom: Yes, we are.

Brian: Then we're gonna need a team.


(To Be Continued)

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