Chapter 23

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Everything is ready and in place, Hobbs knows his job and has Elena along side him, Logan is riding with Dom as Brian is in the other charger, it all starts right here and right now, their ticket to a new life.

Hobbs turns his truck into the police impound, Hobbs' truck did exactly what Logan wanted and it took down all barriers in their way and got all the attention allowing them to slip passed un harmed.

Hobbs took the lead and lead the way into the underground car park, Hobbs drove straight into the wall  that lead to the evidence lock up  where the safe was located, by this time Reyes would have been warned while Hobbs reversed out the hole in the wall allowing Dom and Brian to line the cars up.

Logan and Brian got out the cars and pulled the cables, they ran to the safe and secured it as Logan turned to Brian.

Logan: Ready for this buster?

Brian laughed to him and they both ran back to their cars while Hobbs and Elena held  the cops back, Dom and Brian put their feet down but it didn't do anything, the two put their feet into the floor and the vault eventually gave out and they dragged the giant metal box out the building and throw the underground car park.

In this situation team work is key as they have to turn at the same time, break and the same time and change gears at the same time, Logan picked up the radio and pressed the button so he can talk to the girls behind the screen.

Logan: Talk to me ladies.

Logan let go of the radio as Dom and Brain focused on driving.

Mia: You've got a straight shot for two blocks. 

Dom and Brian did what was told and Kathrine spoke.

Katherine: Go right.

Mia has the map to where they need to get to and Katherine has a police scanner showing where the cops are waiting for them.

 Logan: Go it.

Dom and Brian did what was instructed as everyone was ready and waiting for their part to play, Logan  watched as Dom and Brain took  a hard right making the vault drift wide and take out a lamp post but bounce of a tree.

Logan: This is gonna cost some money. If only they had a vault with over $120 million in.

Logan said sitting back around, Dom chuckled as the cops are one their asses as the entire city of Rio watch from the streets.

Kathrine: Well, the plan is working. You guys have every corrupt cop in Rio on your tail. You have to move fast.

Logan enjoyed the ride while the cops kept the pace behind them all while they dragged $120 Million down the road.

Brain: What's the best route?

Mai: Okay, keep going straight another half-mile onto Rua Fonseca, and then go left.

They did what they were told but the police blocked the left side and layed spikes a head,

Dom: That ain't gonna work.

Brian: Spikes ahead, Dom. We got spikes!

Logan looked around and to the right, there were cop cars there but not as many.

Logan: Go right.

Brian: It's to tight we're not gonna fit.

Logan: No other option! Do it!

Logan braced himself for a crash as Dom and Brian turned right, they left it last second and made it without a scratch the vault however...

Mia: Guys, we're hearing all this chatter. Did you just take out a bank?

 Logan looked back to see the bank has in fact been destroyed by the vault, Logan looked back ahead and picked up  the radio.

Logan: We just made a small withdraw, nothing to serious.

Logan put the radio down as they all shared a chuckle to the joke, but it wasn't over as two cop cars were coming right for them.

Dom: Two inbound!

Mia pressed a few buttons trying to find  them a new route and she found one.

Mia: All right, there's an alley coming up on your left.

Brain: Yeah, I got it.

Logan braced for another impact but Dom and Brain shared an idea, Brian turned right as Dom turned left into the alley, the vault stooped when it smashed into the cop cars probably killing them but that was the last thing on their mind as Brian reversed into the vault and Dom drove allowing them to still move the vault.

Brian had a bot of trouble with a couple of bikes but dealt with them easily by sending them into nearby cars.

Brian: Little bastards!

Dom and Brian continued to move the vault as they got back  onto a main road allowing Brian to do a 180 and join Logan and Dom back up front.

Brian: All right, good job, Dom. Right hander, right here, right hander.

They both took the corner smoothly not taking out any lamps of banks.

Mia: Guys, there's a big group coming at you from the south. You have to do something now!

Logan: Is going north an option?

Brian: Hey, go wide.

Dom did as Brain suggested everyone ignoring Logan's joke as the cable started taking out all kinds of things dotted around, from info stands to lamp posts.

Logan: Great, now we can add vandalism to the criminal record.

Dom chuckled but Brian's plan worked as the cable started to bring down the lamp posts, the  posts fell into the road taking out a fair few of the cars chasing them, Logan shrugged and gave Brian a thumbs up when he joined them again.

Now there is only a few cars behind them and it seemed like a smooth ride to the end till Brian got shot at, Logan and Dom looked to see Brain's rear window gone, they worked together to knock the cops onto the pavements making the cops get a side sight on Brian and shooting, Brian turned slightly making the safe hit a parked car knocking it into the path of the cop taking them out the chase.

Dom grinned at Brian as Logan laughed and cheered while they continued their way till a cop came alongside Dom, the cop was about to shoot a shotgun till Han came up behind him in a cop car and knocked the cop off balance making it spine out and crash out the chase.

Han hit the brakes taking out another cop on the left.

Han: All clear on the left.

Logan and Dom smiled as Roman took car of the right.

Roman: Good afternoon, officer!

Roman turned into the right making a cop car crashing into a concrete block taking him out the chase.

Roman: Licence and registration, please!

Roman turned to the left into another cop making him drive into a parked truck making him take out another cop as the car spun back into the middle of the road.

Roman: Yeah! This is big boy stuff! We clear on the right!

Roman told in the radio, Roman and Han  drove along side them for a moment till it was time for them to split up.

Logan: Thanks, guys

Han: Any time.

Roman: See you on the other side.

Kathrine: You guys just carved out a 10 second window, make it count!

Han and Roman took their leave as Brain and Dom continued, while a small group of cops went up the street they just left behind passing all the destroyed cop cars along the way.

Reyes and his own personal jerk-offs saw them speed passed them and they followed as Logan, Dom and Brian got closure and closure to their freedom.

Meanwhile Dom and Brian drove under a bridge and passed a simple trash truck, they then pulled onto the main bridge and Logan saw that the cops are catching up to them.

Brain: Hey, there's too many of them. We're not going to make it.

Dom looked back and saw this, he sat back forward and turned to Logan.

Dom: Ride or die.

Logan nodded as he had a back up plan that would lead to this, the only thing he regrets is not riding with Brian.

Logan: Ride or die.

Logan picked up the radio and looked across to Brain.

Logan: You're right, we aren't. You are.

Brian: What are you talking about?

Mia: Just let the vault go. Get out of there.

Logan: You're father now, Brain.

Logan said looking down as he knows, but that didn't matter as Kathrine's voice came over the radio.

Katherine: So are you. You need to come back. To me. To us.

Logan pressed the button making Brain tack off and allowing Dom to spin on the spot.

Logan: I know. I've known for a while, just do me a favour.

Katherine: What?

Logan: Don't give him a stupid name like Paul or something, go for Nathan, Nathans a good name, brilliant in fact.

Katherine: You can name him that when you get here...

Logan shut the radio off and removed the battery cutting Kathrine off, Dom pressed the NOS making them speed towards the cops, Dom swerved the car making them drive into the safe and some cars go over the bridge, either  way Logan braced himself for a crash as Dom wiped  out the entire bridge but the last one Dom spun the car and safe making the safe roll and wipe out one of Reyes' cars, not the one he's in though.

The car got wiped off the bridge as the safe pulled the charger, both Logan and Dom dived out the car as it flow through the air and into the car with Reyes sat in.

Logan and Dom stood up as Logan looked to Dom and they both started to laugh, the laughing stopped though when Zizi came out from behind the bar as the safe hung on the edge of the bridge.

Zizi had a gun in hand as Dom and Logan were unarmed.

Dom and Logan watched as Zizi pointed his gun to them and shots were heard, but Zizi hit the deck, Dom and Logan turned to see Brian pointing a gun in his direction.

Logan and Dom smiled to Brian as Brian joined them, they were about to leave before Hobbs arrived, Hobbs and Elena got out his truck as Reyes fell out the broken SUV, Hobbs walked passed him and pulled out his gun and put two shots in the man.

Hobbs: That's for my team, you son of a bitch.

Logan walked towards Hobbs as Dom and Brian stayed back.

Hobbs: It's a hell of a mess.

Logan looked around as Hobbs has a point.

Logan: True. I'm not sure who did it though, I think I did this bit.

Logan picked up a piece of rubble and throw it over the bridge.

Logan: There you go. I've cleaned up my mess.

Dom and Brian smiled to his behaviour, even Hobbs cracked a smile.

Hobbs: You know I can't let you go. I ain't made that way. The way I see it, you've earned yourselves 24 hours. The money stays, though. If I were you, I'd use the time. Make peace with whatever demons you got left. Because come tomorrow, I will find you.

Logan nodded as he took a step forward.

Logan: If you were me, you'd be ruggishly handsome and be able to fight.

Hobbs: Oh it's like that huh?

Logan nodded as Hobbs took a step them both now pretty much face to face.

Hobbs: Not bad for a to bit criminal.

Logan smiled.

Logan: Not bad for a cop.

Logan held his right hand out as Hobbs looked down to it and then to him.

Logan: You know I didn't do it.

Hobbs nodded as he took Logan's hand and they shook hands making peace for the past, Logan turned away and walked towards the car, Brain climbed into the backseat and Dom into  the passenger seat while Logan walked to the drivers side.

Logan opened the door and was about to get in.

Hobbs: Kenway!

Logan looked to Hobbs as Hobbs grinned.

Hobbs: I'll see you soon.

Logan smiled.

Logan: No, you won't.

Logan got into the car and drove off as Hobbs watched them go, he then thought that they gave up the money real easy and walked over to the safe, Hobbs opened the vault door to see it empty, they switched the vault when the passed the trash truck.

Hobbs couldn't help but laugh as he watched the dodge charger slowly fade into the distance...


Everyone know sat around in the warehouse, Dom standing front and centre as Tej works on opening the safe, Logan is sat on a nearby chair whit Katherine on his lap and they all hear the safe beep meaning Tej got  the combo.

The then took a deep breath and used the hand scanner, everyone held their breaths until the safe unlocked making everyone perk up a little.

Tej opened the vault making some money fall out allowing everyone to smile in pride as Katherine hugged Logan as Logan just crossed the checkered flag, no more for the man, it's a family life for him here on out...


Logan, Dom and Brain are sat on the porch to Brain's new home, as Mia, Katherine and Elena sit on the beach, Katherine has a small baby boy in her arms as Mia is near her due date.

Dom is leaning on the railing while Brian and Logan are sat on a bench with beers in their hands.

Dom: This is the happiest I've ever seen my sister.

Brain: It's 'cause we're free.

The duo of Dom and Logan agreed as Brain looked over to his  GTR, Dom's Dodge and Logan's new Toyota Supra...

... Brian then came up with an idea as he continued to look at the cars.

Brian: I wan' another shot.

Logan looked to him as Dom slowly spun around to face Brain, both Logan and Dom looked to the cars and liked the idea.

Brian: No wagers, nobody else. Just us three, once and for all.

Dom: Sure you can handle the disappointment?

Logan looked from Dom to the car's he's already made up his mind and so have they.

Brian: Are you?

Logan smiled to Brian as he took one last sip of the beer.

Logan: I'm in.

Dom smiled to Logan and Brian as Brian smiled to them.

Dom: Alright, O'Conner. Let's see what you got.

They all got into their cars as Logan thought his finish line just got that little bit further away...


(To Be Continued)

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