Chapter 26

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They continued to follow whatever Shaw is driving while on the other side of town, Brian is alone chasing down the rest of his crew and clearly being out number.

Brian: Dom! Tej and Roman are out! Where you at?

Logan picked up the radio as Dom drifted into place nicely behind Brian in the same type of BMW are their in.

Logan: Right behind you. Why'd you miss us? We missed you too Brian.

Logan made a kissing sound over the radio enjoying this more then the others did but Brian chuckled and punched the metal to the floor.

Brian: Cocky bastard.

Brian looked a head back to Shaw's crew as Hobb's just cut across the roundabout not caring about the law, Brian though took the lead following the two flip vehicles and rover into an underground tunnel all of them dodging and weaving as they went.

Logan: Look...

Logan pointed out as Shaw made a left turn splitting up from the group clearly this is some kind of back up plan.

Hobbs: Boys, I got eyes on Shaw. He just made a left.

Brian: I got right.

Hobbs: Toretto, make that left!

Logan braced himself as Dom made a tight left just making it in time to make the turn, Hobbs followed them leaving Brian alone to take on the rover and the second flip vehicle, Logan watched as Dom followed Shaw out of the tunnel and back out into the London streets.

Shaw lead them down to foot path but Dom was heart set on stopping him from getting away, Dom stuck to the back of Shaw's vehicle like drug allegations to a drummer, turns out though the BMW is faster then Shaw's vehicle and after on sharp right turn left Dom alone on Shaw's left side.

Hobbs though took the opportunity to catch up coming up beside his right, Dom steered hard to the right squeezing Owen between the BMW and Hobb's truck, it seemed to be slowing Shaw down that was until Logan's side of the car was collided into by an old school muscle car, it was Letty.

Dom: Letty...

The hold on Shaw was let go of as Hobbs was forced onto a over head pass making Dom make the choice between following the women he loves and a big part of their family or the most wanted man in Europe right now.

Dom went after Letty as soon as they split up and Logan didn't argue, he would have if Dom went after Shaw, Letty's their priority, so as Hobb's followed Shaw from the overpass, Dom followed Letty before he was able to pit her forcing her to spin out.

Dom stopped the car and they both got out, Logan has an apology to make but he stood by the door one foot still in the car, right hand leaning on the car and left arm resting on the top of the door.

Logan watched as Letty got out her car and looked at Dom like she didn't know who he is.

Dom: Letty.

Dom walked towards her but she quickly pulled out a gun and put a round in his right shoulder, Letty aimed at Logan but he held his hands up showing he's no threat, more out of surprise she just shot Dom then anything else.

Dom fell onto the hood of the car while she slipped back in hers and drove off like nothing happened, Dom got up and they both shared a look of not knowing whats going on, they both got back in the car and made their way back to their hideout in London not saying a word both processing what just happened...


Roman and Tej made it back to the hideout in one piece while Logan looked out the window to the city of London, phone in hand, he's trying to decide if calling Katherine is the right thing to do right now or not, Logan toyed with that for a while before hearing Brian speak with Dom.

Brian: She definitely saw it was you?

Dom: She looked dead at us, Brian.

Logan looked over his right shoulder to them while Dom just pulled the bullet out of his shoulder allowing him to hear what their saying better.

Brian: Maybe the Letty we once knew is gone, Dom. Even though she's alive, maybe she's gone.

Logan deep down was also wondering this but what Dom said next will stick with him for a long time.

Dom: You don't turn your back on family. Even when they do.

Logan thought about what he just said, for years Logan wanted to kill his sister for what she did but maybe he should try to bring her back, other then Katherine and their son, Nathan, she's the only true family he has left.

It's something for Logan to think about while they work on getting Letty back and stopping Owen Shaw from whatever he plans on doing, Logan was knocked out his trail of thoughts by Roman once again shouting his mouth off.

Roman: ... Hey, Brain!

Everyone looked over to him as he was standing by a set of screens with all of Shaw's crew on, Logan walked closure towards them slipping his phone back into his pocket.

Roman: When did you do this photoshoot?

Logan chuckled to Roman as he pointed to the blonde on the screen, Brian chuckled to him while flipping him off as everyone is dotted around do their own thing all waiting for Hobbs to come back.

Roman: I'm just playing, man. You know you're the prettiest blonde around here.

Logan smiled to the friendly banter leaning on a wall just as Hobbs' truck pulled into the room drawing everyone's attention to the big guy.

Hobbs: Alright, lock it up. We got two things...

Hobbs and Riley walked towards the table in the middle of the room after parking the truck near the now destroyed BMW's, everyone also followed their actions except Logan, Logan stayed put.

Hobbs: ... First off, this is the worst damn city in the world to commit crime. They got cameras on every street corner. I got video footage from CCTV of the raid...

Hobbs handed a drive of some sorts to Tej after walking past him sat at the little computer section they set up for him to play with is new toys.

Hobbs: ... Let's track that, see where it leads us. And secondly, we just got confirmation on what Shaw's crew grabbed from Interpol...

Dom and Brian walked past Logan and not wanting to be suspicious he followed them joining the teams little circle.

Hobbs: ... They ripped off the database of every location that the final component that they need.

Brian: So where are they at?

Riley: There are over two dozen of them around Europe.

Hobbs: But the list is only good for 96 hours. Which means, wherever Shaw's crew is going to hit next, it's going to happen within the next four days. They got a window, and so do we. We gotta move.

Logan stepped forward joining Brian by his side as this is where they do what they do best, plan.

Dom: Hobbs is right. So let's break this down. You met him. What do we know?

Tej: We know they have to be running custom engines. You heard that flip car going through those gears.

Logan: Sequential transmission.

Gisele: That didn't sound like a normal engine.

Brian: That was a turbo diesel. It sounded like something you hear at Le Mans.

Tej: Did you see it take all those hits and still stay flat in the corners?

Roman: Yeah, hydraulics.

Logan: Or magnetic suspension.

Han: Who not only has access to the components, but can fabricate something lie that?

Han asked as the team bounced off each other making Hobbs look to Riley raising his eye brows as they proved why he brought them in to help him out with this task.

Brian: Maybe a handful of shops in London.

Logan: Regular tuner shops aren't going to be an option in this one.

Dom: We're going to have to dig deeper than that. Han, Gisele, Roman, You're up. We find the guy who made that car, we find Shaw.

Hobbs looked honestly a little impressed while Gisele put a clip into her gun pulling the chamber walking past Roman and Han.

Gisele: Let's go.

Riley: I'll help.

Logan thought that was a little weird she volunteered like that but that's only because he doesn't trust her, something's off about her and he's not sure what it is.

Hobbs: Roger that.

Hobbs clearly trust her so who it Logan to say anything, the four of them went to get ready to leave, now leaving Logan, Brian, Dom, Hobbs and Tej alone.

Dom: Tej, we're gonna need cars without computer chips that can be overridden. Make sure they're fast.

Brian and Logan gave out a chuckle while Tej stayed sat at his computers.

Tej: I got this.

Hobbs: I'm already on it, Dom. I've contacted R&D at DSS.

Tej: Hobbs...

Everyone looked from Hobbs to Tej as Tej looked up to Hobbs while Hobbs looked over to Tej.

Tej: ... I said I got this.

Dom: This should be interesting.

That it will be as the very next day everyone went about doing their tasks while Logan sat nearby Dom still trying to rake up the courage to call Katherine, he loves her to pieces but she wasn't very happy about him coming back into this life.

Brian: What you're looking at is a 5.45 by 18 FMJ spitzer bullet.

Logan turned around and saw Brian walking over to Dom who hasn't put that bullet down since he pulled it out of him, Logan slipped his cellphone back into his pocket looking for a distraction.

Brian: It's specific to one handgun, the PSM. Given that handguns are illegal in the United Kingdom, there's very few people that have access to that firearm. So if somebody wanted to, say, track down where it came from, it wouldn't be too hard.

Brian walked over to Dom handing him a piece of paper as Logan moved towards them, Dom handing him the paper after he saw what he wanted to see.

Logan: Look at you, not just a pretty blonde after all.

Logan joked giving the paper back to him as Brian chuckled continuing with what he was talking about.

Brian: I was a cop for a lot of years. Some habits die hard.

Dom: A pawn shop.

Brian, Dom and Logan went to leave but Dom stopped Logan pressing his hand across his chest.

Dom: Not you. You have a phone call to make.

Logan hated Dom for that but he just chuckled and walked out the room with Brian both having a lot of fun at his expense, Logan knew it was true though and once again pulled his phone out going to Katherine's name.

Logan took a deep breath before pressing call and waiting for her to pick up the phone and after a few rings she did.

Katherine: Hello?

Logan smiled to the fact she answered the phone while thinking about what to say.

Logan: You're right. London's beautiful.

Logan's pretty sure he heard her sigh on the other side of the phone, what Logan didn't know was she saw what happened in London the other night and was worried he got hurt, Logan never thought about that.

Katherine: What took you so long to call? I got worried.

Logan: I know, I'm sorry. It's something Dom said that's got me thinking...

Logan walked over to the large window showing them the entire city of London for their view, easy to say it's an upgrade from the run down warehouse.

Katherine: What did he say?

She asked over the phone as she and Nathan is staying with Mia and Jack to keep them company while their over her in the UK, Logan was thankful they both have each others backs as it takes on thing of his mind.

Logan: ... Dom said about never turning your back on family even if they had and it made me think about my sister.

Logan thought about her again, maybe there is more behind this then he thinks, he kind of just jumped to conclusions about it and assumed she killed their parents but surely a child can't kill her parents no matter how jealous she was, surely she just got scared and ran, right?

Katherine: Well, maybe you should. I'm sure the Kenway's will be great partners in crime. Beside's I'm sure Nate would love to meet her, maybe she can help you guys.

Logan thought about it and other then the jealousy thing she was nice and kind hearted, so Logan picked up his search for his sister one last time...


(To Be Continued)

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