Chapter 3

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Brian's driving his red truck down the streets of LA till a cop car pulls him over, Brian is confused as to why he's being stopped as the cops got out their car and one of them pulled his gun out and aimed it towards Brian as the other got on the speaker.

Tanner: Show me your hands. 

Brian does as he holds his arms out the window.

Tanner: Very good. Now open the door.

Brian does as instructed.

Tanner: Put your hands on your head. Behind your head.

He tells Brian as Brian steps out the truck and does as he's told.

Tanner: Face the front of the vehicle, walk backwords towards the rear.

Brian again did what he was told as the cop with is gun drawn starts to make his way towards Brian.

Tanner: Take two step to your right. 

Brian followed his instructions.

Tanner: Stop right there.

Brian stopped as the cop with his gun drawn puts it away and starts to search him.

Brian: What I'd do?

Muse: Shut up. He's clean, Sarge.

Muse then slaps the cuffs on Brian as they put him in the back of their car leaving Brian's truck out in the open.


Muse drove the car to a temporary base for the police as Tanner, Brian and Muse get's out, Brian get's Muse to take the cuffs off.

Brian: Damn! Muse, will you take these things off? Shit. You put them on so tight.

Muse: I like realism.

Brian and Muse chuckled as Tanner walked past them.

Tanner: You never know who's watching, Brian.

Brian and Muse then followed Tanner through a metal gate and across a small moat to get to the really nice looking home in the Los Angeles area.

Brian: Nice crib, Sergeant. It's a lot nicer than the last place you confiscated.

Tanner: Ain't it? Eddie Fisher built this house for Elizabeth Taylor in the '50s.

Brian then looks behind him to see Muse following them.

Brian: You see, even the cops are Hollywood in Hollywood.

They enter the house to see a large operation heart set on trying to find the people who keep robbing the trucks full of equipment, there's even a bunch of pictures pinned onto a wall that can be seen from pretty much anywhere in the large space, dead centre of these picture are Dominic Toretto and Logan Kenway, but not else is next to Logan's name except a message that reads 'Night Rider?'. 

Brian, Tanner and Muse then make their presents known.

Tanner: Okay, here he is, fresh from Toretto's hot rod heaven.

As soon as Brian enters the room he starts to get grilled by Bilkins.

Bilkins: That was an $80,000 vehicle, Officer.

Brian then looked to Tanner who was still next to him.

Brian: You told him what happened?

Tanner: He knows.

Brian then looked to Bilkins.

Brian: You know what, why don't you send the bill to Johnny Tran.

Bilkins: The kid's giving me attitude? It doesn't speak well for police/FBI relations, Tanner.

Brian: I walk in the door and the guy's already--

Tanner: All right, all right.

He says trying to cool the situation down.

Tanner: We'll talk, okay? Let's talk about it. Muse, why don't you make us four iced cappuccinos, please?

Tanner then gently pushes Brian towards the met room, as Muse asks.

Muse: Regular or decaf, Sarge?

Tanner let's Brian walk a bit ahead as he turns to Muse.

Tanner: Decaf, I think.

Brian and Tanner are now sat around a table as Bilkins gives them the run down.

Bilkins: Four hijackings in two months, and we have nothing. The DVD players and digital cameras are worth $1.2 million... which brings the grand total to $6 million plus.

Tanner: We're in the political crosshairs now, Brian. That's why you're undercover. We need to to find out who did this and help us prove that Logan Kenway is the Night Rider.

Brian looked like he was about to say something but he was interrupted by someone interrupting the meeting.

Katherine: He's not your guy.

Brian, Tanner, Bilkins and Muse looked to see Detective Katherine Thompson standing their in casual clothes, Tanner looked a little pissed as Brian went wide eyed as he recognised her from the race last night.

Tanner: Your sure?

Katherine nodded making the Sergeant curse under his breath, he then looked at Katherine.

Tanner: Good work Detective.

Katherine: Before I leave Sergeant, can I have a word.

Tanner excused himself from Brian and Bilkins as he followed Katherine into a private room.

Tanner: What's the problem detective.

Katherine: I need to be taken off the case.

Tanner: Why's that? Your the best undercover detective we have, if anyone can find the identity of the Night Rider then it's you.

Katherine looked down a little in shame but she wasn't ashamed of this, she just wanted to make it look like she is.

Katherine: I've been... compromised.

She said in a certain way which made Tanner nod in understanding.

Tanner: So what is it you want me to do?

Katherine: I want to go back to England?

Tanner nodded and the two shook hands.

Tanner: It will be sad to see you leave, but I understand you want to go home...

Katherine then left for her apartment to get her things ready to leave for London as Tanner went back into the meeting with Bilkins and Brian...


Katherine arrived back at her apartment, it wasn't a overly expensive one for LA but it was nice and nobody in the surrounding area has ever been robbed so it's a plus, Katherine pulled her car in to the apartment complex's car park and she parked in her spot, she actually had two spots, one was currently occupying her undercover street race car...

This is the car she picked Logan up in, he defiantly didn't expect her to tell him she is a undercover cop, she smiled at his reaction as she got out her car and made her way to her apartment, she got out the lift and walked to her door, she opened it and walked inside and took a nice long look at her LA apartment for one of the last times...

Katherine liked her apartment, yes she was happy to be going back to London but she wanted to do it on her own choice not because of Logan...

She entered her kitchen and made two cups of coffee and then headed up stairs to her bedroom...

She looked to see that Logan was still asleep, she smiled at his sleeping face as she tried to be mad at him for compromising her mission, but Logan changed her last night and she cant bring herself to put the cuffs on this man and send him away, she sat one cup on the bedside table as she sat on the edge of the bed as she watched Logan sleep peacefully, probably for the last time for a while, she then looked to her bedside table to see the keys to her Porsche GT3 RS, she got up and wrote a note and left it beside Logan along with the keys to the car, she kissed his forehead and then packed her stuff and left for London before Logan awoke from his slumber... 


A few hours later Logan awoke along and looked around in panic as he half expected to wake up in a prison cell, he then noticed his shirt was off but he wasn't naked, which means he didn't willingly get in this bed as he normal sleeps naked or in just his boxers, but he's wearing the jeans he wore last night, he then looked around properly as he thought.

Logan: If this is a prison cell, it's the nicest one I've seen.

Logan then jumped out the bed as he noticed his shirt and trainers ion a nearby chair, he put his shirt on and then slipped on his DC trainers, as he tied the laces he noticed a note of the bed side table with his name on it standing next to a set of car keys, he finished getting dressed and opened the note as it read.

Katherine: Thanks for the help last night, I'll see you soon Tiger.

Logan smirked as he remembered the events from last night, he then continued to red the P.S.

Katherine: You'll need this more then I will... Stay safe.

Logan was confused as he picked up the car keys, so he just shrugged it off and went to leave the room till he noticed that the wardrobe and dresser had been emptied, he then ran and jumped down the stairs to see that a nearly all the personal passions that most people would have around their home, like pictures and ornaments, were all gone, he sighed as he looked around and the still furnished but somehow empty apartment, he then left and made his way to the car park down stairs.

Once he arrived he smiled when he spotted her Porsche GT3 RS not to far away from himself, he unlocked the car and instantly opened the hood and started to remove the tracker that the LA PD put in there, he found it and pulled it out and looked at it.

Logan: You think I was born yesterday.

He then smirked sadly as he throw it to the floor and crushed it undeath his trainer, he then shut the hood and got in the car and started the engine, but before he could leave a song came on the radio that made him stare off into the distance as he thought about Katherine.

Logan listened to the hole song as he just stared at the car park wall, he couldn't help but feel Katherine taking over his mind, but once the song stopped Logan seemed to snap out of it and drive towards Dom's workshop, Johnny destroyed his pride and joy, Logan's got a surprise for him for Race Wars...


Logan pulled up to Dom's workshop to see a transport truck with a peace of crap on the back with Brian standing in front of it, Dom, Brian, Mia, Letty and Jesse heard the roar of Logan's new car and looked to see the Porsche pull into the garage.

Everyone was confused till Brian and Dom realised that it was the car that picked Logan up last night, he then got out the car and stood near Dom as the looked at the piece of crap Brian just brought.

Dom: All right, what the hell is this? What do you got there?

Brian then looked proud and smiled at Logan.

Brian: This is your car.

Logan: My car? Oh no, that's his car.

Logan said pointing to Dom, Dom was also confused and laughing a lot as was every one else, Jesse then give it the whole MOT by giving it a good manly hit as Logan climbed onto the truck and looked it over, he's seen enough scrap cars to know that sometimes they hold gold.

Dom: My car? I said a 10-second car, not a 10-minute car.

Jesse: You could push this across the finish line, or tow it.

Logan: He'll, if you ask Johnny nicely he may even let you flintstone it. Yabba dabba do.

Every shared another chuckle as they tried to understand what Brian was thinking, Logan was not standing on the hood of the car with his hands in his pockets.

Dom: You couldn't even tow that across the finish line.

Brian: No faith.

Logan: Be fair mate, you've brought a piece of crap.

He said as he grabbed a wide mirror only for it to come off in his hand with out him even pulling it off, they all chuckled again as Logan tossed the mirror in the car seat.

Dom: I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard. This is a garage. I mean Logan brought back a Porsche and you bring this.

Brain: Pop the hood.

They all looked at Brian.

Dom: Pop the hood?

Brian: Pop the hood.

They all looked at Logan as he shrugged and jumped off the hood and lifted it only for it top fall off in the prosses, every shared another chuckle at that as Logan looked at the engine and stopped laughing then looked at Dom.

Logan: You gotta see this.

So they all got the car into the garage as Dom, Jesse, Brian and Logan looked over the engine.

Logan: 2JZ engine.

Jesse: No shit.

Jesse said as he started to tinker a little with it.

Brian: And what did I tell you?

Dom: I retract me previous statement.

Jesse then started to use a crowbar as he was measuring the engine like it was a painting.

Jesse: You know what? This will decimate all after you put about $15,000 in it. or more, if we have to overnight parts from Japan.

Dom: Put it on my tab at Harry's. 

Jesse: Yes!

Jesse then got excited as he started to tinker around with the car even more, Dom then looked to Logan as Logan seemed to be lost in thought.

Dom: Yo, Lo... you need gear for your ride?

Dom said nodding towards Logan's new Porsche, Logan seemed to be brought back as he looked and waited to think about what he wanted to do with it, he does want to keep it but he will need to get every single piece of police equipment out of there, he removed the tracker so it's fine that the car's here, but they can probably still deactivate the car or something like that, he then thought about his car for Race Wars then looked to Dom.

Logan: Oh yeah.

He said nodding.

Dom: Ok, you to.

Dom then started to walk off as Logan took his jacket off leaving him in just his white T.

Dom: I gotta get you racing again so I can make some money off your ass. There's a show down in the desert called Race Wars. That's where you'll do it. Unless you race Logan, I which case your screwed.

Logan smiled at them as they chuckled but Dom had one more thing to say before he left them to work.

Dom: I tell you what. When you're not working at Harry's you're working here. If you can't find the right tool in this garage, Mr. Arizona... you don't belong near a car.

Dom then left as Brian went back to the car as Mia walked past him.

Mia: He owns you now.

Mia then left as Brian watched her leave, Logan just went to the Porsche as he looked it over inside and out trying to picture what it will become, and once he get's this out the way, he can then focus on his present for Johnny at Race Wars...


(To Be Continued)

(I know I have been neglecting my other stories lately but I'm loving writing this story and I hope you are all enjoying reading as I am to writing it)

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