Chapter 9

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Today's the day... Letty's funeral, Logan is ready in his suit as Katherine and Mia are ready to head to the services, Logan's know's that Dom will be there... how he's not to sure but he will be there and Logan will be keeping his eye out for Dom as Logan knows that Dom is going after the guys that did this and Logan doesn't want to sit by and watch.

Logan pulled up to the funeral in his new mustang that he brought back with him to add to his small collection of cars, Kathrine is in the passenger seat as Mia is just behind them in the back seat, both are obviously sad as Letty was their friend, yes Logan's sad but he's more mad that he couldn't help Letty.

It didn't take long for the service to start as Mia and Katherine sat down with Logan standing just behind them looking around for Dom to show up...

Priest: We have gathered here to pay our final respects to Letty Ortiz...

Logan continued to look around till he spotted a small band of FBI agents standing by obviously waiting for Dom to show up so they can slap the cuffs on him in front of Letty's resting place, Logan turned a little pissed when he locked eyes with the rising FBI agent Brian O'Conner.

Priest: Let us reflect on her journey...

Logan and Brian stared at each other for a short amount of time as Logan was no longer a wanted man as the evidence against him 'disappeared' Katherine still hasn't told him how she did it but it allows them to live without looking over their shoulders.

Priest: 'The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down...'

Mia started to sob as Katherine pulled her into a side hug making Mia smile slightly at the fact that Logan and Katherine are there for her during this time, Logan then got this feeling of being watched as he looked behind him to see a oil pump working away in the distance, but he then spotted a bold man with sunglasses on, Logan looked over to Brian and the other FBI agents with a smile on his face as this is basically Dom saying a big 'Fuck you', but eventually the service ended as Logan looked to Mia and Katherine as the went towards his car.

Logan: Wait for me... I need to talk to someone.

Kathrine nodded as she took his keys so they can get in the car and wait as Logan undid his suit jacket and made his way to Brian, who also met him half way.

Logan: You were going to do it here... of all places.

Brian looked at Logan for a second as he didn't really know a response as Brian wasn't to sure what he'll do, Logan got bored of waiting for a response.

Logan: You knew he wont let this down... 

Brian looked down knowing that Logan was speaking the truth.

Logan: ... And neither will I.

Brian looked back to Logan in surprise as he's the one that did Kathrine the favour and got Hobbs off his back, if Logan gets involved there's no going back for him.

Brian: Don't be stupid... leave it along and live your life.

Logan: Do they know?

Brian didn't answer as he was referring to the fact that Logan knew that Letty became Brian's informant, Logan knows this as Brian asked him first.

Logan: If you think I don't need to do this then your even more of an idiot then I thought.

Brian continued to look into Logan's eyes as he still wore the sunglasses.

Logan: Letty would still be here if I took the offer.

Logan then started to step back as he turned and made his way to his car to take Mia and Katherine home, but not before giving Brian one more message.

Logan: Letty's and everyone else's blood that's spilt from this point is on you Brian!

Logan shouted over his shoulder as he got in his car and drove off, Brian only watched as Logan's blue mustang drove out the graveyard as Lett'y coffin was slowly lowered into the ground...


Logan, Katherine and Mia are back home as they are putting Letty's stuff in the garage, Logan put a box inside as he came out to see a cop car sat waiting, Logan entered the house to grab the last box, but Mia was already walking out with it.

Logan: It's okay, I got it.

Mia: No, it's fine... plus I think, Kat's tired. you two rest, it's been a long day.

Mia said sadly, Logan nodded as Mia went past him and entered the garage as Logan took one last look at the cop car then made his way inside so he and Kathrine can get some sleep, but what he didn't know was that when Mia put the box away, Dom made his presents known.

Mia heard his footsteps as she look behind her to see Dom, she smiled as she made her way to him and the two siblings shared a hug.

Mia: I told you not to come. They're staking the place out. If they find you...

Dom: They won't. Come on. Look at you.

Dom said with a smile, he then looked around the garage as it was cleaner then he left it as his eyes landed on his Father's 1970 Dodge Charger, it looked to be in repair as Dom looked surprised to see it in such good condition after his crash a few years ago.

Mia: Letty wouldn't let them junk it and Logan wouldn't let it rust. Even though it is a goddamn curse.

Dom ran his hand against the open engine as he took in the fact that Letty got it back and Logan's trying to bring it back.

Mia: When she came back, she was always in here with Logan, working on it day and night.

Dom then looked inside the car to see the cross that he left Letty a few years ago hanging off the rear view mirror.

Mia: It was weird. It was like she knew you were coming back. I think Logan just wanted to help because he loved this car... 

Dom smirked at that as Logan id love it when he, Dom and Dom's Father worked on it together.

Mia: He was kinda pissed when he first saw the condition it was in when he and Kat came back.

Dom smiled as he continued to look at the cross hanging from the mirror.

Dom: I want to see the crash site.

Logan: I'll take you.

Dom stood up fully as he and Logan looked at each other, they then hugged as if they were Brothers coming back form a war.


Meanwhile in an FBI headquarters as meeting is about to start, one that agent O'Conner is part of.

Penning: I just got off the phone with Deputy Director Lawson. If we don't make serious inroads into the Braga case in the next 72 hours, they're gonna shut us down.

This made a lot of the agents in the meeting look a little frustrated as Brian just sighed, then the newbie to his right spoke up.

Trinh: I know I'm a newbie here, but why the clock now?

Penning: Because it's been two years, and the last three agents we sent to infiltrate his organisation came back in body bags.

A screen showed that nothing was known about this Braga and his operation, but that didn't stop Brian from holding on to hope.

Penning: He's moved more heroin across the border than Escobar did in 10 years. This guy is becoming one of our biggest national threats,  and we don't even have a picture of him...

A picture came on the board as it showed three of Braga's highest ranking members along with the informants that went in under cover for them including Logan and Letty, the only difference is that across Logan's picture it said failed and across Letty's it said deceased.

Penning: ... We don't have prints! Not even a goddamn DOB! What's the status on David Park?

Brian eyes looked to the man in charge as it was Brian who brought the name to the FBI.

Penning: Isn't he our ticket into the Braga organisation?

Trinh: We're running the name through city and county databases, sorting the possibilities. We've got over 500 already.

Stasiak: Park's insignificant. Sounds like another jerk-off to me.

Brian: It's not. Without Park, Braga wouldn't have drivers to move his shipments. Cross-check traffic. Illegal modifications. Street racing. This guy will definitely have a record. We'll find him.

Brian said in his defence as the agents around the table listened to his words.

Penning: We better.

The meeting then ended as Brian and Trinh laughed as Stasiak walked past them.

Stasiak: What do you know? Your boy Toretto's red Chevelle has been spotted in his old neighbourhood. I'm going to bring his ass in.

Brian and Trinh watched as he walked pat them.

Brian: Not in your car you're not.

Brian said with a smile as they went a different direction to him.


Dom drove both himself and Logan to the crash scene as Dom drove and Logan was in the passenger seat, Dom parked his car as they both got out, Logan then sat on the hood of Dom's car as Dom walked slightly down the road.

Logan: It's just up the road.

Dom nodded as Logan waited whilst keeping an eye out, if anyone can figure out wheat went on here, it will be Dominic Toretto so Logan just let him do his thing as Dom made his way to the crash sight, Logan watched as Dom seemed to be looking around the cross roads as he tried to in vision the scene, Dom got flashes backs as it showed Letty's car being barged by a similar car but it was dark green, it then did it again but this time sent Letty's car flying off the road, Letty's car rolled a couple of times as the vision stopped, Dom then crouched down and inspected a yellow looking powder on the floor, Logan smiled as he knew Dom would find something.

Dom then seemed to put together the whole crash scene as Letty tried to get away from the fast and clearly more powerful muscle car, once Letty's car stopped rolling a man got out the green car and approached Letty's crash, as Letty crawled out the car, Dom watched as the man put a bullet in Letty's head killing her and ending the flashback, Logan then grined as he saw that look in Dom's eyes, it was the look that no one should be on the receiving end of, Dom then got back in his car as Logan followed.

Dom then drove Logan not far from where the house is so he can sneak back in with out Dom being caught by the police, Dom parked as Logan looked at Dom.

Logan: What you find?

Dom: There were burn marks on the ground. The kind that could only be cause by nitro-meth. I'm actually surprised you didn't find it.

Logan: That's the first time I've been there myself, I just knew where it is. I was going to look tonight myself till I heard Mia and you talking.

Dom: There's only one guy in all of L.A. that sells that.

Logan then sat there for a second as he thought for a second.

Logan: I know you want let it go, but Mia will kick my ass if I didn't at least try to talk you out of it.

Dom looked at Logan.

Dom: Is that your attempt?

Logan: Did it work?

Dom: No.

Logan: Then I tired.

Logan said holding his hands up slightly, but then he turned serious.

Logan: But if you think I'm going to sit in that house as you take this son of a bitch down then you are very wrong.

Dom: I wouldn't have it any other way.

The two then shared another hug as Logan got out the car and jumped accouple of fences as he made it back home for the night, he got in, took of his jacket and headed up to his and Kathrine's room, he opened the door to se her still awake as she sat on the bed.

Kathrine: Your going to help him aren't you?

Logan didn't answer as she already knew the answer, so he just nodded as he took his shirt off and throw it to the side.

Kathrine: You know there's no going back after this.

Logan once again only nodded as he had nothing else to say, except.

Logan: The only difference is that your coming with me, not for this, but after this, we can go where ever you want.

Kathrine smiled at him as he climbed in the bed next to her.

Kathrine: Brazil nice this time of year.

The fell asleep together with little smiles on their faces as Mia was taken into FBI custody as she came back from the store


A few hours later, Brian came into the FBI HQ to see that Stasiak is still questioning a really tired Mia Toretto, Brian approached a nearby desk that happens to belong to Trinh, Brian picked up her desk phone and pressed a few buttons.

Brian: Hi. This is Forsythe in Evidence. I need Stasiak down here right away to sign some greenies. Thanks

Brian then put down the phone as he looked to Trinh and handed her a few files he had in his hand.

Brian: Hi.

Trinh: Hey.

Brian: Okay, I narrowed it down to 50 or so David Parks. What I'd like you to do is run the make and model on each one of them. All right?

Trinh: Okay. All right.

Brain then watched as Stasiak left the room as Brian entered the room and approached Mia.

Brian: Hey, Tyler, we got a transfer.

Brian then looked at Mia.

Brian: You want to come with me?

Mia not seeing any other option reluctantly agreed as she grabbed her bag and followed Agent O'Conner out the interview room.


The next morning Logan woke up early and left Kathrine a note letting her know that he's with Dom as they look for the SOB that took Letty from them, he gave her a gentle kiss on her head as he left out the back as he jumped more fences and met Dom at the same spot that Dom dropped him off at last night.

Logan got in the car as Dom started to drive to the first... interview they need to give.

Dom: Kat know your helping.

Logan: Yeah... she's didn't seem as pissed as I thought.

Dom: It's because you've corrupted the poor girl.

Logan: What do you mean?

Logan asked with a chuckle.

Dom: Only Logan Kenway can make a cop fall in love with him and literally turn her life around and become a wanted criminal.

Logan was about to argue till he realised Dom had a point.

Logan: Well, she isn't wanted now.

Logan defended as Dom arrived at the first spot, this is were they find the guy that uses the nitro-meth, Dom parked his car as they both got out and headed into the backstreet car shop.

They both entered as rock music blurred out the speaks, Dom then walked up to a guy that's laying under a mustang that he is clearly doing work on as Logan sat on the hood of a nearby car and watched as Dom pulled the guy out probably scaring the shit out of him.

Dwight: Toretto. When'd you get back in town?

He then looked to see Logan sat on a nearby car.

Dwight: Kenway.

This isn't knew to Logan that people he's never met before know who he is, Logan just stared at him as Dom asked his question.

Dom: I'm looking for a car you did an engine mod on. Nitromethane tank. Ford full-size. Continental tyres.

Logan then walked around the cars inspecting some as Dom question this nut case.

Dwight: Look, what are you doing coming in here like this, huh?

Logan looked at this guy surprised that he had the balls to stand up to Dom as Logan made his way closure to a engine carrier that Logan had a feeling Dom will be using soon.

Dwight: This ain't your scene any more... or yours...

He said to Logan, Logan just had a grin on his face as he knows this guy will be signing like a cannery in a few moments.

Dwight: ... Don't ever put your hands on me again, okay? 

Dwight then went to slid back under the car, but then he said something that pissed Logan off a little as well.

Dwight: Say hi to your Sister for me.

Dwight then slid under the car but only for a few seconds as Dom pulled him back out and throw him onto the hood of the car that is parked underneath a suspended engine, Logan stepped on the mechanism that's holding the engine up hi as Dom held Dwight on the hood, Logan then caught the chain just before the engine crushed Dwight's stupid little head, and as suspected, Dwight gave Dom and Logan what they wanted.

Dwight: A Korean kid brought it in. David Park. It's a green Ford Torino. Please don't drop this on me!

Dom then dragged him out from under the engine as Logan let the chain go, Dwight layed on the floor catching his breath as Dom and Logan went after their next target...


Mia and Brian are sat in a booth inside of a diner, the conversation was none existent till Mia spoke up.

Mia: I'm almost done.

She said looking in her cup, she then out it down and looked to Brian.

Mia: Why don't you tell me why you dragged me here, Brian?

Brian then sat back as he seemed to be thinking about his next answer.

Brian: You know they're going to capture Dom. Maybe worse.

Mia cheered in her head as the FBI obviously doesn't know that Logan's helping him yet.

Brian: I don't want you getting tangled up in this. So stay away from him.

Mia then took in his words as she didn't want to give away that Dom has help, so she played his game.

Mia: That's what you have to say to me after 5 years? All of a sudden, you care what happens to me.

Brian: What I did to you was wrong. I'm sorry. It was... It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Mia: I'm sorry, too, Brian. I'm so sorry that you had to come into my home and pretend to love me. I'm so sorry that you ripped my family apart. I'm very sorry that, that was hard for you.

Mia got out as she held back her tears as Brian listened to her let it all out.

Brian: I lied to you. I lied to Dom. I lied to Logan. I lied to everybody. That's what I do best. It's why the Feds recruited me.

Mia: Maybe you're lying to yourself. Maybe you're not the good guy pretending to be the bad guy. Maybe you're the bad guy pretending to be the good guy. You ever think about that?

Brian sat there in silence for a few seconds till...

Brian: Every day.

Mia then got her stuff and went to leave, she stood up and made her way towards the door, till she had one more question to ask.

Mia: I always wondered,  why'd you let my brother go that day?

Brian then seemed to think about his answer.

Brian: I don't know.

That answer seemed to be enough for Mia as she left the diner leaving Brian on his own to think about the conversation they just had...


(To Be Continued)

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