T-1200 is on target

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...June 5th...


"Can I drive now?" Hannah asks.

"We have a rest stop ahead," Uncle Bob said. "This is a busy road."

"Bob, we did change seats on the road," Hannah reminds Uncle Bob.

"When no one was around," Uncle Bob said.

"How could we possibly know that in the dark?" Hannah asks.

"I didn't get run over," Uncle Bob said.

Our view flies over a couple cars into a black Sadan where Agent Gibbons and his partner Victoria Willis are in. Victoria is driving the car. Agent Gibbons has his eyes on the ipad.

"The suspect is a couple cars ahead," Agent Gibbons said.

"Say that one more time and I am putting this car into a ditch," Agent Victoria said.

"No, you are not!" Agent Gibbons exclaims.

"You are getting on my nerves, partner," Agent Victoria said.

"We can't indicate how many cars he is away from us," Agent Gibbons said. "One more car and we got him."

"We are only tracking the suspect by a stolen pillow with a tracking device," Agent Victoria said.

A pillow is thrown out of the van.

"And there goes our tracking," Agent Gibbons said. "Only a couple cars ahead---"

Agent Victoria drives into a ditch.

"Vicky!" Agent Gibbons exclaims.

________ ________________

....Rest stop...

..June 5th...2015...6:58 AM...

"Oh my god I have to go!" Hannah said.

Uncle Bob parks in a parking lot.

"Then go," Uncle Bob said.

"I mean I have to use the restroom," Hannah said.

"Then relieve yourself in the restroom," Uncle Bob said. "I'm putting on a Joker sticker on the back window to tell apart which vehicle is yours."

"Mine is not alike to every other van," Hannah said.

"It is white, Hannah," Uncle Bob said. "Count how many white vans there are while going to the restroom."

"Fine!" Hannah said, getting out.

Hannah runs towards the rest stop building past the endless cars,trucks, and vans strikingly like a Wal-Mart parking lot. Uncle Bob gets out of the van along with a sticker in his hands. Every Terminator has a specific sticker programmed in their processor to tell apart which model because they each have their unique personalities besides to programming and mission perimeters. Uncle Bob peels off the Joker sticker then places it on the back windshield. He puts another sticker on the front windshield.

Uncle Bob gets into the passenger seat.

Incoming transmission from: 2047.

"Accept transmission," Uncle Bob said.

Transmission: accepted.

The screen opened up to a dark room that is barely well lit. He saw a man in the center on a chair with his head lowered and presumably his hands are tied behind his back. Uncle Bob adjusts the screen settings to cinematic dimming down the light entering his optics. The screen became much clearer showing a man in Resistance Uniform. His prominent cheeks are visible. The light brown curls laid on the man's forehead barely reached the scar on the side of his face to the right. He had recently did some shaving prior.

Uncle Bob saw the man is bound by his ankles.

Uncle Bob recognizes this man without much hesitation.

This is the John Connor who sent him to the past.

"The Resistance must stand down in exchange for their prized leader," Came a voice Uncle Bob had heard on the television.

An actor?


The figure came through the darkness.

Target: T-50000.

The one who had infected the other John Connor.

"...Promise me," Future John Connor mutters raising his head . "Not to die."

Uncle Bob had once seen Future John Connor strong as he could be.

Now, was this message meant for Uncle Bob or the Resistance?

"Humans can die," T-5000 said.

"But not Terminators so easily," Future John said.

Uncle Bob saw a dark figure at the doorway accompanied another figure who has the shadow like appearance of Chris Pine.

"False hope that a Terminator change their mind?" T-5000 asks. "How pathetic."

"Not pathetic," Future John said, with a sigh. "He promised me."

Transmission: end.

"How do I convince a model who doesn't stand a chance to live to join me on a dead mission?" Uncle Bob asks himself.

Our scene returns to 2047.

"Skynet," Came an old voice belonging to a very old model.

T-5000 turns away from Future John Connor towards the source of the voice.

"You two?" T-5000 said. "You should be terminated!"

"Now it will be you," Future T-1200 said, his weapon arm aimed towards T-5000.

A gun blast ripples through T-5000.

"No," T-5000 said,covering his wound.

"Oh yes," An older Uncle Bob said. "You've been terminated."

The T-5000 collapses landing to the ground.

Future T-1200 shook hands with Uncle Bob.

"Till the next time we meet," Future T-1200 said.

"Your existence hinges on me, you know that," Older Uncle Bob said.

"I am sending myself to the past after this," Future T-1200 said.

"Good," Older Uncle Bob said.

Future T-1200 leaves then Older Uncle Bob goes over to Future John Connor. Older Uncle Bob shot off the binds around Future John's legs and hands. Older Uncle Bob helps Future John up with a hand. Future John's leg is injured yet all we can see is a fond expression on the man's face towards Older Uncle Bob.

"About time," Future John said. "Where you been for past couple years?"

"Everywhere you been," Older Uncle Bob said.

"But I didn't see you after Judgement Day," Future John said.

"Trust me," Older Uncle Bob, as they pass under a beam of light where it shows he has gray hair. "I was there."

"What about Hannah?" Future John asks.

"She died last year," Older Uncle Bob said. "...By a T-800. It is hard for the kids."

There is a pause between them as they go through the doorway.

"Is he really dead?" Future John asks in a low voice.

"He is never coming back," Older Uncle Bob said. "That was not the primary T-5000."

"I am not going to ask what kind of bullets you used," Future John said.

"Don't ask," Older Uncle Bob said.

"We should introduce your kids to mine," Future John said.

"That will be a treat," Older Uncle Bob said, with a laugh. A genuine laugh.

"You finally laughed!" Future John said, in shock.

"I have been laughing this way for years," Older Uncle Bob said.

"Hannah must really have helped you out," Future John said. "She is a miracle worker."

The two disappear into the shadows.

"That she was," Older Uncle Bob agrees.

Our perspective returns to the past.

T-1200 is in small pink truck.

"Target is in sight," T-1200 said, lowering his binoculars.

T-1200 puts his arm that is in the shape of a gun on the dashboard aiming it at Uncle Bob.

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