22. Don't forgive me... Just forget me..

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If you want me, to forgive you for all the sins you have committed, just show me, how much you can love me...

Love is not about :
how you regret...
But how you forgive...
Not how you see...
But how you feel...
Not how you listen...
But how you understand...
Not how you let go...
But how you hold on...

I'm going to take revenge on you for all the sins you have committed... I'm going to forgive you and make you to love me always...


Abhi with a heavy heart, teary eyes and with shivering legs nears the room of his younger sister Shristi Mehra, fondly called by everyone as sweety.. Abhi had abandoned himself not to near the room for the past five years, after his sister's horrible death...

Abhi doesn't had the guts to go there, as his guilty conscious is killing him for not protecting his sister, when she needed him the most.... He being an indirect reason for all those ugly incidents, made him to get away from nearing the room and he gets panic attack often, whenever he hears srishti's name too...

Knowing Abhi's inner turmoil and health issues, Aaliya and Purab has even removed all the family photos in the living room, so that Abhi will not get any glimpse of the bitter memories, which will make him to go back to his darker shell....


After the tragedic and horrible death of Shrishti, Abhi was broken beyond repair... He lost not only his sister in the ugly mess but his parents Mohan and Sarla are had  also  become a victim for the mistakes, he had committed...

Abhi is completely shattered as he is being used as a pawn to destroy both the Mehras and the Aroras and the four precious lives of Ram Arora, Sarla, Mohan and Shrishti Mehra are being taken mercilessly and way too horribly.... The ugly fact is that Abhi got to see the horrible death of his parents and sister in front of his eyes....

Abhi is not able to tolerate the fact that his close besties, Dhusyanth and Simonika, whom he trusted and blindly believed a lot, way too ahead of Purab, has used him brilliantly for their cheap plan...

But, Abhi curses his ownself as he is not in a condition to save his family, even though all happened before his eyes.... His wrong assumptions and blind trust on the wrong people has pushed him into a darker hell...

It took long time for Purab and Aaliya to bring Abhi back to normal... Abhi was being hospitalized and was given counseling as he tried to commit suicide too...

But, Abhi is not aware that it's Pragya who stood as his pillar of support and protected him without his knowledge too.... The birth of the terror don AP, who is a danger to the sinners, has happened only because of the Terrific Panther (TP) , Pragya....


Abhi with shaking legs enters the room and he is stunned to see the room is being kept very neatly as it's being used by someone often... The photo frame kept in the near by table with the images of the four important women of his life makes his eyes to well up uncontrollably....

Abhi cries hardly and blamed everyone for hiding the biggest truth away from him... He screamed aloud as why they all played such a hide and seek drama with him, by not showing his fuggy's face to him and hidden her from his vision...

But his inner self mocked him by saying that Abhi would have not accepted Purply, if he has seen her earlier too, as all he had at that time is only hatred on her, thinking Purply as a person who snatched away his family from him...

Abhi traces the photo of his fuggy who is smiling beautifully in the snaps, when she is with his family... The closeness of Pragya with his family brings back all the bitter memories and Abhi doesn't know whether to laugh or cry on knowing his mere stupidity, as he thought pragya very wrongly....

Abhi sighs: Why did you do this fuggy??? At least you should have come before my eyes earlier na... See... Where our life has brought us... All happened very nastily and still nothing is sorted out...

You are my precious angel, fuggy... You brought the hope and positivity inside a desert, which has no life at all... You gave me the courage to live and enjoy the life happily, without bothering about anything... You have brought back the long lost Abhi in me...

Why fuggy??? Why did you come again in my life??? I'm blindly addicted to you now and I don't know how am I going to survive without you.... But, I don't deserve to have you fuggy and I'm not blessed to get your love at all... 😭😭😭😭....

I'm so sorry fuggy... I don't know why I hated Purply or Miss. Arora... But I fall for you in the first instance itself, when you struggled hard for your life fuggy... I was dying literally, till I see you hale and healthy, fuggy....

I have madly, crazily and irrevocably fallen in love with you fuggy and that is the reason I've signed as your husband and brought together with me...... I got all the happiness back when you are with me fuggy...

This Abhi's heart, mind, soul and body belongs only to you fuggy... But, I don't deserve to get you fuggy.... 😭😭😭😭😭...  I don't know what to say to you too....

Don't forgive me please... 😭😭😭😭...  Punish me fuggy... Punish me as much as you want ... (Screams aloud and hot tears are mercilessly hitting the ground)... Don't make me more guilty by forgiving me and do forget that no such Abhi exist in this world...

I don't want to ditch you again in marriage, fuggy... But... I... 😭😭😭... I don't deserve to marry a precious soul like you fuggy... Yeah... This is the only way to give happiness and peace to you fuggy for all the sins, I have committed to you... Let me die so that you can live your life happily...

Before Abhi continues his blabbers, he felt a sharp pain in his cheeks, as if he is hit by a big rod... The hard slaps again and again given in his cheeks, made his cheeks to get blood red completely and the finger prints too are clearly visible in his cheeks....

Abhi didn't feel a stinge of pain or anger too , as he knows very well that he deserves this slaps from his fuggy... He gulps hard as he spots his fuggy angrily standing like a ferocious lion, who will rip him into pieces.... Abhi hungs his head down as he is not able to bear the accusing look of his fuggy at all...

Hot tears are flowing from Abhi's eyes and he fells in the floor and starts to scream aloud... Pragya is not in a condition to see the devastated and vulnerable state of her love of life Abhi, who is crying uncontrollably....

Pragya sits near Abhi and caress his head lovingly... Abhi's all stubborness broke out at that time and he hugs Pragya tightly and started to cry aloud... Pragya's eyes too welled up as she is not able to digest the broken state of her Abhi and this is what she fears the most, all these years....

Abhi: Leave me fuggy... 😭😭😭😭... Let me die... I don't deserve to get you at all... I'm a sinner, fuggy... How much I have hurted and bad mouthed about you... But why are you loving me this much fuggy... I am not that much worth to get your love fuggy 😭😭😭😭😭....

Pragya pushes Abhi and glares at him angrily... She folds her hands tightly in her chest and looks at Abhi's eyes deeply... She makes her eyes to mingle with Abhi and she didn't allowed him to move his gaze away from her as she holds his face way too tightly...

Pragya: Look at my eyes and tell me, whatever you want... Go ahead..  I'm all ears.. Haan..  Remember,
I want only my Abhi to talk to me, who loves his fuggy crazily and not this coward Abhishek at all, who want to kill himself...

What did you said??? You want to die haan... Go.... Go and die... Who is going to stop you... Go and kill yourself... I am least bother about this nonsense talks of yours... Why are you staring me , as if you are seeing a ghost...

You only wished to die na... Go ahead... How are you going to die Abhi??? Are you going to hang yourself or going to have poison or are you going to kill you with knife or going to keep fire on you or going to fall from cliff... But, it's very usual and silly idea na...

Let's do one thing.... I will tell you a nice idea to kill you, Abhi and to regret for all the sins you have committed... Here have this pistol... First shoot me and see my death infront of your eyes, happily... Then you do whatever you want...

Who the hell is going to care, whether you are living or dead after that... Come on... Hold the pistol properly... Shoot me... I want to die right now... I don't damn care about anything, when my Abhi is not willing to give his love  to me...

Arrey... Don't cry man... Don't you have heard the   old saying that boys are not supposed to cry... Atleast allow this tears to wip away your sins... You are asking me to forget you haan... Do you know who you are to me, you brainless moron....

You are the beat of my heart, idiot... You are the soul in my body, you heartless moron... You are the reason for my breathe, you dumbo head... You are the happiness in my life... You are the only hope and reason for my survival...

Don't you... Don't you want your fuggy, Abhi... 😭😭😭😭... Now too you are not at all willing to accept me as your soulmate na Abhi... Why are you again and again pushing me away from you Abhi??? Am I that much bad that you don't want me in your life.... Can't you love me Abhi????

Abhi shuts Pragya's mouth with his as he is not able to tolerate to see Pragya talking hopelessly and thinking low of herself... Pragya wriggles under Abhi's grip and tries to come out from his hold... But Abhi is not in a mentality to move his fuggy away from him...

After sometime, Abhi leaves his fuggy but hugs her way too tightly as if air too can't come in between them... Hot tears are rolling from Abhi and Pragya's eyes..  Nothing is said by them but they are wiping away all the bad memories of their life by crying their heart out in the embrace of their soulmates...

Abhi wipes Pragya's tears and entwins his fingers with hers... Pragya didn't utter a word but leans on Abhi's shoulder and closes her eyes as she badly want to cherish the moment with her Abhi... Abhi caress Pragya's head and gave a soft kiss in her hairs...

Abhi hugs her possessively in his embrace and leans on to the head board of the bed and closes his eyes... The silence of the room, their togetherness, their entwined hands, the embrace of each other is bringing calmness and peace inside the two broken souls Abhi and Pragya, who have gone through a lot these years...


Just then, Purab and Aaliya who are searching and worried for Abhi and Pragya rushes inside the MM with full of nervousness and tension... Aaliya is crying hardly and purab is not able to see her cries at all and tries all his might to pacify her...

Purab: Just calm down darling... See... This is not good for your health and it will affect our baby too... Relax darling... Don't you know about our Purply... She would have sorted out everything by this time...

Aaliya: I'm very much scared Purab..  I can't tolerate, if bhai you would have hurted our Purply again..  I won't forgive Abhi bhai, if he even try to ditch my Purply again and think of doing anything stupidly...

Purab: Don't worry Aalu... No such things will happen... Do you think it will be easy for Abhi to let his fuggy to go away from him... Pragya has become like a drug for Abhi..  All the time, he is chanting fuggy like a mantra...

Abhi can't think a life without his fuggy... Your dumbo brother would have come up with some silly reasons to push his fuggy away from him... Who knows that idiot would have thought to kill himself too.. Arrey Don't get panic... Pragya will handle Abhi in her own style na...

Hey Aalu... Look at there..  Sweetie's room is opened at this time.. Oh my goodness... Is Abhi is there??? Come lets go and see, what's going on there....

Purab suddenly picks up Aaliya in his arms and climbs the stairs as she is way too tired, huffing and panting for breath.... Aaliya smiles on looking at her husband Purab and gave a quick kiss on his cheek for his love and care and he too giggles and accept is a compliment...

Purab gently places Aaliya down and she too takes a deep breath and slowly opens the room door..  They saw both Abhi and Pragya are in the embrace of each other and the tear striken face clearly explains Purab and Aaliya what would have happened there... Both gasps in shock to see the loaded pistol to there....

Purab sighs and takes the pistol and keeps it safely in the drawer... He caress Pragya's head and she opens her eyes as she felt the touch of her cousin (brother) Purab near her..  She gave a soft smile and didn't utter a word too...

Purab looks at Abhi keenly who is not aware of his presence too..  Purab's lips curved to a smile and he punches hardly in Abhi's stomach making him to come out from his dream land and scream aloud...

Abhi: Ouchhhhh..  You idiot Purab.. Why are you punching me like this...

Purab shrugs his shoulder and tuns towards Aaliya without bothering to answer Abhi...

Purab: Aalu darling..  Look at your bro's face.... Only less finger prints are na... I expected more in his face.... What is this purply... You should have broken some of his teeth too as I'm damn sure, he would have talked all nonsense stuffs...

Pragya: Haan bhai..  I too thought the same only... But, I let him go as he was crying like a baby..  It won't be nice to beat a cry baby and I don't want my husband to look horrible in our wedding.. I have all my life, bhai... Let me punish this idiot, as much as I want that too in my style...

Hey Aalu darling... Why are you staring at me angrily... I'm sorry baba... I have come here hurriedly, without informing you too.... You know about your dumbo brother na... If I didn't come up early, he would have done something drastic...

Aaliya: Why did you leave him purply??? You shouldn't have forgive this bhai easily... At least you should have given more punches in his face...

Pragya: Who said I've forgiven your bhai... He messed with his fuggy..  He knows how adamant and stubborn his fuggy is... Let me teach him a good lesson to this brainless Abhi, After our wedding...

Purab: What are you going to do Pragya??? Don't say that you are going to stop your suhagraat.... 😂😂😂😂... He will cry more...

Pragya: Wow... What an idea... That's like my bhai... Love you so much puru bhai... Let this Abhi be a virgin all his life and carve for me...

Abhi gasps in shock while the three burst out into laughter uncontrollably and hi-fies irking abhi to the core... Happy tears are overflowing uncontrollably in their eyes and they shared a group hug and cherished their happy times....


After sometime,

Pragya: Purab bhai... Just look after the issue with the press... I'm fed up of all these nonsense ..  Till my wedding, I don't want to hear any such nasty stuffs... Please handle it properly... I'm damn tired bhai... Let me go and take rest....

Pragya talks to Purab and gestures something through her eyes... Purab too understand what she is trying to say... Pragya walks to her room while purab and Aaliya too departs leaving Abhi alone in the room...

Abhi takes a deep breath to calm himself down... He doesn't know what to do next..  Though everything is sorted out, Abhi felt a stinge of pain in his heart as Pragya, Purab and Aaliya didn't talked to him directly... Abhi is not able to tolerate às Pragya avoids to look at his eyes and didn't bother to say anything to him...

Abhi gets up with a stubbornness to win back his fuggy's heart for himself... He is not in a mentality to let his fuggy to go away from him as he wants to give all the happiness, she deserves and he badly wants to prove that his love can wipe away all the sorrows of the past...

Abhi slowly sneaks inside his room and spots his fuggy pretending in the bed, as if she is sleeping... Abhi chuckles and slowly nears his fuggy with a mischievous smirk in his face...

Simonika is fuming in anger and breaking all the things in the room... Dhusyanth tries his level might to stop simonkia but she is behaving like a maniac and is screaming aloud...

"I won't leave you Pragya... You played badly in our lives... You messed up with a wrong person... Are you thinking, you are going to get back your love??? Till this simonika is alive, you can't get Abhi at all..."


So, what's going to happen next???

What is Abhi going to do to win back his fuggy????

What is Simonika going to do???

Will Abhi and Pragya gets married and live happily????

What exactly happened to Srishti and why Abhi is not able to save her????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

Just 8 more shots to go to end this story...

A lot of exciting and shocking things are lining up....

The votes are going to decide when will be your next update...

As I said earlier, I will be busy for a month as Ramadhan is nearing... I will update only the stories, which fulfills my expectations in votes...

Wanna have an update... Vote and comment without fail...

As usual, it's a long update...  Words used: 3200+


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be



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