24. My heart is beating to have a glimpse of my fuggy....

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If you can, marry the woman who make you go crazy and long for her... But don't forget to love the woman wholeheartedly, you married...

I love you with an unknown beginning and a never wanted ending... You have become a necessary organ in my body and I can't survive without you...

Every woman deserves to have a man who willfully and proudly say to the whole world that " Of course she is my love... My life... My world... My everything... She is the woman of my dreams and a soul whom I longed and carved for... She is the beating of my heart and she is mine forever... "


Abhi is sulking as Purab and Aaliya are way too strict and are not letting him to meet his fuggy.. However hard he tries, they are hell adamant in not allowing him to meet her and Abhi is complaining a lot, as they didn't let him even to talk in mobile too ..

The mere forty eight hours is a deadly torture and living hell for Abhi and his attempts to sneak inside his room to meet his fuggy, always ended up in failure only.. He feels as he has been house arrested and his poor men faces Abhi's wrath, as they keep on talking about Pragya all the time..

Frustrated and annoyed to the core, Abhi's anger turns towards his buddy cum brother in law Purab, who is the sole reason behind all these useless and unwanted dramas... He is pacing too and forth in his room and thinks of a plan to punish purab for playing with him like this...

Abhi's face glowed with a mischievous smirk and a teasing smile lingers in his lips... He is hell adamant to torture Purab with all his might and makes a clever plan to trap him and irritate him to his heartfelt content, for pulling up an unwanted stunt and also for putting a no entry card to meet his fuggy ....

Abhi, after drafting a clear plan enters Purab and Aaliya's room as an unwanted and uninvited guest and without saying any reasons, Abhi drags Purab to the guest room hurriedly... Purab gets the biggest shock of his life, as Abhi said to him that he is feeling  lonely and asked Purab to stay with him till marriage....

Purab: What is this Abhi??? How... How is it possible for me to stay with you??? You know na Aaliya is pregnant and she needs me beside her.... Please Abhi... Try to understand my situation and helpless state....

Abhi fakes as if he is feeling too much sad and sheds some crocodile tears as planned by him already, eyeing Purab cunningly, whether Purab is falling to his clutches or not.... Abhi slowly started his dramas cleverly to make Purab surrender to him without any option....

Abhi: Purab... You too will leave me right... 😩😩😩😩...  I'm feeling way too lonely as I'm used to sleep near my fuggy, for the past two months... I'm really scared now, Purab... What if, I get my nightmares... 😱😱😱😱😱

I feel all kinds of negative vibes haunting me and I don't know why I'm getting restless all of a sudden... Oh my my... Why I'm sweating like this and why I'm feeling pain in my heart.... Purab... You won't leave me na... 😢😢😢😢

Purab really believed Abhi's fake dramas and got scared that Abhi shouldn't get panic at all.. Poor purab got trapped into Abhi's plan unknowingly and he rushes and informs Aaliya and Pragya regarding this and stayed together with Abhi....

Abhi dances happily and laughs hardly as Purab is paying for his behaviour and he mentally apologized to his sister Aaliya for doing so.... With no other option, Purab has become Abhi's space goat and  he didn't let Purab to be in peace after that...


Purab frowns and want to kill Abhi for doing such things... He shooks his head in disbelief and is scolding Abhi under his breath for pulling up all stunts ahead of girls... The giggling sound of Abhi boiled his nerves and Purab hardly controls himself , not to kill Abhi at all....

It's really hard for Purab to come away from Abhi's hold and Purab feels really sorry for his poor state... But, Purab ran away saving his dear life, when he gets a biggest chance... Adding more to his misery, purab gets some information regarding simonika, who is planning to stop the wedding at any cost....

Purab, with full of worry comes near Pragya who is playing happily with the kids in the home (orphanage)... Sensing the seriousness in Purab's look, Pragya moves along with Purab and gets to know everything and she asked Purab not to worry about anything....

Pragya: Dont worry bhai... I will handle it in my own way... You just chill up and enjoy the happiness in our house, bhai... Did you give juice to my darling Aalu??? That's like a wonderful husband of my Aalu...

Go and look after the wedding arrangements, Bhai.... You purply will look after all the  issues.... Arrey... I'm saying right... Nothing can make this wedding to stop... Smile now... How cute my bhai looks, when he smiles...

Purab pouts: Am I looking cute to you my little doll??? What about your Abhi haan???

Pragya blushes: He is mesmerizing and breath taking, if he smiles... One s**y smile from him, I will go all flat.. God.... You are purposely not allowing us to meet... Too bad, bhai.... I will surely take my revenge on you...

Purab: Arrey meri maa... Poor me... Spare me and forgive me for heaven's sake... Already this Abhi is boiling my nerves and purposely doing everything to irritate me... You too don't do anything please.... 😖😖😖😖

Pragya: Bhai... My Abhi is a very good boy... He won't do anything against you...

Purab: You and your Abhi... Grrr... Tooooo tooooo much purply... Even you wouldn't have done all these silly things... Huh... Idiot Abhi... Gone completely nuts and turning like a crazy girl... He is behaving no less than the models....

The whole night, purply...  He didn't even allowed me to sleep a bit too and is troubling and blabbering a lot of things to irritate me... I just slept only 15 minutes... He took me earlier outside to do the spa treatments....

Huh... From head to toe, he is doing all sorts of treatments and didn't even spared a single thing to beautify himself.... Not only that, a lot of dramas and trantrums boiling my nerves....

Now too, the room is filled with beauticians and he is nagging me a lot to say, whether he is looking handsome or not... Aargh... 😤😤😤😤😤... You know what... He is asking me to buy milk, sandal and rose water to have bath , so that he can glow in your wedding...

Isn't it too much purply??? He is not letting the beauticians to even breath too and is torturing them too by finding faults in their works and asked them to repeat everything saying he is not at all satisfied with their works...

They are professionals and famous beauticians and he is irking them to the core by taunting their works and annoying them too much.... It's really hard to make them stay here... God... Save me from your stupid Abhi....

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂 Don't sulk like this bhai... What's wrong in all this??? Tell me one thing... Abhi is happy na... That's it... Let him enjoy everything bhai... We all wished for this only na... So, relax and make my Abhi happy...

Bhai... Please don't mistake me... If you can, please take a video of Abhi and send it to me please... 😊😊😊😊... I can't sleep well or pass my day without seeing my Abhi.... Please.... Please..

Aww... That's like my bhai... Okay let me go and look after the issues... Make sure that Abhi shouldn't know anything about this... This should be kept as a top secret and even Aalu shouldn't know anything regarding this.... Is that clear Bhai...

Purab nods his head and goes to look after the arrangements... He also  asked his men not to spill the matter to Abhi at any cost... In the meantime, Pragya calls her secret sources to have a watch on both Simonika and Dhusyanth and also to have a close look on their next move too...

Pragya made sure that a complete team to work and look after Simonika's men and report her about their every move ... Pragya in between makes a clever plan to trap them and discuss the issues with her trusted sources and made sure that Abhi is not aware of anything....


Purab and Aaliya are sitting nervously, as only an hour is left  for the wedding to take place... Purab is hell scared as Pragya has gone out hurriedly, without minding her wedding too, as the matter is way too serious... Purab is helplessly standing inside his room and is feeling sorry, as he couldn't do any sort of help to Pragya....

Sensing the nervousness in Purab, Aaliya consoles him not to worry at all and asked him to relax, saying that nothing will happen to their purply at all... Both were praying to god that their purply should reach there at the correct muhurth time and they doesn't know how to answer Abhi, if he questions them about Pragya....

Unaware of the missing Pragya at the wedding time, Abhi is getting ready for the wedding in his golden sherwani and is checking his looks again and again, whether he is looking awesome or not.... Satisfied with his looks, Abhi blows a kiss to his fuggy's picture and started to dream about their romantic moments...

Aaliya and Purab comes inside the room and feels happy on looking at Abhi and prays to God to keep Abhi happy like this always.... Aaliya took aarthi for Abhi and fill his maang amd wishes him happiness all his life....

Abhi senses some tension in Purab's face but Purab cuts him off saying that he is worrying that nothing wrong should happen in the wedding... Though Abhi is not satisfied with his reply , he backed off from meeting Pragya, as Aaliya blackmails him saying that it will delay the entry of Pragya to the wedding....


Abhi is sitting near the holy fire and chanting the mantras said by the priest.... But he feels that Purab and Aaliya are hiding something big from him for sure.... Though he is concentrating in the holy mantras, Abhi closely tracks the moves of Purab and his restlessness... He feels fishy as Aaliya is  consoling and comforting Purab for something.....

Abhi is panicking inwardly but he plasters a smile before everyone.... He is sweating a lot and his heart warns him that something is wrong with his fuggy for sure.... He now and then looks at upstairs, whether his fuggy is coming down or not.... Abhi is completely restless and he is not able to breathe before having a glimpse of his fuggy ....


Pragya who is decked up in her bridal lehenga is smirking and glares at the man, who is beaten black and blue and is looking like a torn paper... Pragya blows a kiss on the gun and closes her one eye and aims at him murderously....

The panic in his face makes Pragya to feel extremely happy and she triggers the gun and keeps on his chest .... The deadly glare of Pragya drains the blood in Dhusyanth's face, who is being trapped and is in being brought under  (TP) Pragya's hold...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂.... How is this Dhusyanth??? Seeing your death in front of your eyes na... Just a press on the gun, you will be gone for ever... Shall I do that??? You, heartless, charactless and good for nothing moron....

Come on... Your screaming and cries are not enough and it won't melt me at all... Scream aloud and beg for  your life.... This is a pay back for all your sins.... How much my sweetie (srishti) would have cried in front of you... But, what you did with her 😤😤😤😤😤...

You disgusting creature.... What you think of woman haan.... You are also born from a mother's womb only ... Chee... Men like you are a disgrace to this society...

What can I expect from a ruthless monster like you??? I won't let you to taste your death very soon.... I will torture you a lot and show you a living hell.... Enjoy your death, slowly....

Pragya shouts angrily and pushes the chair in which he is tied up and his head hits the ice bars, which kills him slowly ... Dhusyanth screams aloud and asked her to forgive him for his misdeeds and begged her to leave him alive ....

Pragya fumes and walks out angrily, instructing her men to give a harsh treatment to Dhusyanth, so that he can spit out all the informations regarding their illegal activities and made sure that he didn't escape from their clutches at any time....


As the muhurat time is nearing, the priest asks the woman to bring the bride to the mandap... Abhi clearly sees that Purab is panicking and is not allowing anyone to go and bring Pragya at all.... Aaliya too is worrying and is twisting her saree nervously.....

Abhi's pov.:

What is happening here??? Something is not going fine here... Something is wrong for sure... Purab and Aaliya are hiding a big thing from me... Is it anything about my fuggy???

Oh god!!!! Is my fuggy fine??? I know very well that she can take care of herself.... But, I don't want anything wrong to happen in our wedding at all.... This is the long years of wish of my fuggy and my family and I don't our wedding to be stop at any cost....

Please fuggy... You are not doing any prank on me na... You won't say to me na that you did this to take revenge on me... Stupid Abhi... Don't behave like a fool... If you fuggy knows that you thought like this, she will kill you for sure.....

Abhi... Just calm down man.... Relax.... Come on, smile... Remember your fuggy is here only and getting ready.... Don't think of anything wrong okay... Fuggy will come to you soon... Chill up and think how to make your fuggy to get flat on seeing you....

Oh god!!!! My tension is increasing... My baby brat... Come soon darling... Don't make me to wait so long.... My eyes are carving and longing to see you darling... Fuggy... Fuggy... Missing you badly.... Come quick , sweetheart....

Abbi gestures Purab to come near him... Purab panicks and pretends as if he has got a call and ran away from there...

Minutes are tickling but no one knows why there is a delay in the entry of the bride, Pragya.... The priest for the final time asks to bring the bride down to the mandap.... Aaliya is praying hard that Pragya should come from the room at correct time....


Pragya is driving the car as quickly as she can, as the muhurth time is nearing... She is cursing the heavy traffic and is getting nervous as the time is moving way too fast.... She sighs and takes a short cut to reach the Mehra Mansion quickly....

Adding to the tension, the tyre in the car hits badly by a big needle and the car jerked up with a loud screech... Pragya gets down angrily and hits the tyre rashly... She doesn't know how to reach the MM within ten minutes and she can't even hire a cab too, as it's an isolated place....

Pragya started to run quickly but it's not at all possible for her to move fast , as she is decked up in a heavy bridal lehenga... She dials Purab many a times, but his number is busy for a long time....

Gathering up all her strength, Pragya holds her breath and walks towards MM with all her might and prays that the wedding should happen at any cost....


Abhi is looking up at the stairs for a long time, but there is no movement at all... Abhi glares at Purab angrily and gestures him to spit the matter to him... The impatience in Abhi is making Purab to panic and he finds chances to escape from him but Abhi tightens his hold on him....

Abhi: It's a promise on Aalu and your unborn baby, purab... Answer me... What's going on here??? Why is fuggy delaying this much??? Don't try to act smart and escape from me...

I'm looking at you for a long time... Something is wrong for sure... What are you hiding from me, purab??? Fuggy is fine na... Answer me, idiot... Just a minute, I will give you...

If you didn't answer me, I will go and check my fuggy on my own... No one dare to stop me... 😤😤😤😤... Come on... Answer me...

Purab sweats too hard and is looking down in guilty... He fees as if he is standing in mid of a fire... His guilt is killing him and the accusing look of Abhi is even worsening his state... Purab's eyes blurred uncontrollably and he feels that his world is collapsing...

But the sudden murmers of everyone present there, makes Abhi and purab to divert their attention and their face glowed and a happy smile lingered in their lips as Pragya comes down elegantly stepping down from the stairs.... Aaliya and Purab quickly wipes their happy tears and sighed out of great relief...


Finally, the moment has come for the two souls, who longed and carved for all these years to unite in an unbreakable and eternal bond of marriage... The wedding which is being stopped for a long time is about to resume after many years....

But, Pragya is completely bothered and is sitting adamantly in her place.... She is completely buried in  pool of emotions and her worries and  feelings are making her, not to get up for the shaath pheras too.... Hot tears are oozing out in Pragya's eyes uncontrollably....


So, what's going to happen next????

Will the wedding takes place as expected????

How did Dhusyanth caught into the clutches of Pragya????

What exactly has happened to srishti????

Will Abhi finds out that Pragya is none other than TP????

Will simonika stop the wedding???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....


Came up with a long update, as usual.... Words used: 3200+

Cast your votes and pen down your valuable views, reviews and comments without fail.....


Yours cliffy buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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