9. The wild lioness inside a naughty brat...

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Life is always a package of surprises .. sometimes we get the unexpected shock in our lives.... We cant figure out how come this is happening and its sometimes hard to believe too...

One such thing happened for me... What else than this story which is giving me sweet shocks from the day I started this story....

Thanks for the immense response to this story and Im overwhelmed with the response and I thank you all for giving your precious votes and comments for this story ....

As this is a short story, I've decided not to drag this story much and I'm not in a mood to turn this story as a ff ... So this story will have a maximum of 20-25 chapters and not more than that...

As of now:

"Can we love???"

No. Of chapters completed: 8

Total chapters: 20-25

Total votes: 1225+ votes

Max. Votes: 120 votes in a single chapter (7 chapters and prologue with 110+ votes)

Total reads: 5000+

Now to shot. 9:

Purab and Aaliya asks Abhi to help Pragya to leave from the room... They moved towards the reception after clearing the stuffs... They settled down the bills and buys the needed medicines and collects the file with the delivery summary of Pragya...

Purab and Aaliya places all the things in the car and waits for abhi and pragya to come out... But it's been a long 15 minutes, still no signs of them to come to the car...

Purab: Huh... What are these two doing??? It's getting late aalu... Why they are not coming up??? A lot of works are pending...

Aaliya: I think our little brat is playing her cards pretty well... 😂😂😂😂... Feeling pity for Abhi bhai... He would be standing there dumb struck and is confused to the core...

Purab: 😂😂😂😂... ya the Great AP fearing for our darling purply (pragya)... After all she is The daring and bold Pragya Arora na...

Aaliya: Of course... Abhi bhai is thinking our naughty girl pragya as an innocent and naive girl... He is feeling really sorry for her condition...

But poor bhai doesn't know the fact Pragya is a terror and a dangerous girl.... Bhai wont believe, if she says who really is pragya, hey na purab...

Purab: Abhi never in his wild dreams would imagine that Pragya is a ******.... She is a terror and a great threat to the *******.... He can't believe that she is his saviour all through his life...

Aaliya: That's true puru... If our darling purply is not with us, I can't imagine how we would have faced and sorted out everything easily... She is really a genius and a strong girl...

I always look at our purply in an admiration... She handles everything very smartly and she has the guts and spirit to face everything, with her brilliance and confidence...

I can proudly say, pragya is my idol and inspiration and what Im today is all because of our darling purply only... She expects nothing in return from anyone for her help... Her smile is enough to forget all the pain and sorrows we gone through na puru...

But our pragya deserves happiness so badly... All through her life, she faced a lot of problems and done all her might to make others happy... The only thing she wishes for her all through her life is the love from abhi bhai...

Puru... Im not letting our purply to go away from us... We have to support our darling and convince, blackmail or do something to make abhi bhai and our pragya to get married... What say???

Purab: Ya... I will be with you always and lets see how our abhi can run away from the clutches of our darling purply... Abhi is trapped very badly and I want him to drown in the ocean of love which our purply is ready to give him...


Abhi somewhat convinced pragya and agreed to her demands to stay in the same room... Pragya with a naughty smirk smiles brightly without the notice of abhi...

Abhi: Fuggy...

Pragya: Whaatttt...

Abhi: I agreed na... Now what's the problem... Why are you angry on me??? You have lot of temper... Huh...

Pragya: Im not angry but Im thinking how to punish you for the mistake you try to make sometime back... Hmmm... Tell me how to punish you...

Abhi: Hoye naughty girl... Lets discuss my punishment in our home... Come we have to go or else purab and Aaliya will kill us...

Pragya: No.. not at all... They will think we are romancing... 😉😉😉😉... Oh no... What will I do if they tease me... I will feel shy you know...

Abhi groans inwardly as his thoughts are turning wild with the way pragya is behaving... The wink, the way she twists her lips, the way she blushes is making abhi's hormones to do somersaults...

Abhi takes a deep breath and ruffles his hair to calm him down and metally curses himself for failing miserably in front of pragya always... He comes near pragya to help her to stand up...

Abhi: come... Lets move... Keep your hands in my shoulder and try to get down...

Pragya tries to get up but she yelps in pain...

Abhi: Is it paining fuggy???

Pragya: ya... Very badly... Just carry me abhi... I cant move now... Please...

Abhi: Fuggy... This is hospital... How can I carry you??? Let me go and take wheel chair and come...

Pragya: abhi... I will kill you if you do so...

Abhi: Okay... You always make me to embarrass in front of others... 😊😊😊😊... Such a naughty brat you are...

Pragya: Oh my blushy blushy hubby... No one will say anything... You are carrying only your wife na... So, no problem...

Abhi sighs and tries to pick up pragya on bridal style but pragya stops abhi and whispers something in his ears making abhi to gasp in shock...

Abhi: whaatttt... 😨😨😨😨... This is not done... I cant do this fuggy... Please...

Pragya: Then Im not coming with you... I will ask everyone what's wrong in doing so and you have to answer me husband...

Abhi: You are one thick headed, stubborn , naughty brat... Always demanding and finally getting what you wished for right... Such an adamant piece you are.

Pragya: Thank you... Thank you... Im pleased to be like that... 😉😉😉😉

Abhi has no choice than to do as pragya said... Everyone present in the hospital gasps in shock on seeing them... Purab and aaliya bursts out into laughter on their purply's naughty demand... Poor abhi has to carry her on his back till car...

Abhi glares at purab and gives a killer look on seeing aaliya... Abhi helps pragya to settle down in the back seat and about to move to front side but pragya holds abhi's hand tightly...

Pragya: Abhi... Sit with me na please...

Abhi: Iv to drive the car fuggy... Leave my hand...

Pragya : purab bhai you know to drive car hey na... Yeah... Oohoo... Let purab bhai drive the car and aaliya bhabhi will be with Bhai in the front... You sit with me na please.... Please... Please my love... My cute hubby please...

Purab and aaliya stiffles their laughter on seeing pragya's naughtiness and controls their smiles as they dont want to irk abhi more... Purab gets the car keys from abhi and starts the car...

Abhi sits afar from pragya and is looking outside through the window ... But pragya gave a goofy smile and sits close by to abhi... Throughout the drive, abhi didn't looked at pragya...

All of a sudden, abhi found that something is weighing his shoulder and his shirt is pulled up abruptly... He sees pragya holding his shirt tightly and sleeping peacefully by leaning on to his shoulder....

Purab puts a sudden break and pragya falls on abhi's lap uncontrollably and stirs in her sleep... Abhi's anger roses and he yells on the top of his lungs...

Abhi: what the h**k... Cant you be careful purab??? See pragya is sleeping now only... If she gets up and whines and demands for anything, I dont mind to kill you too...

Stop your romance and concentrate in road properly... Drive slowly... Don't take the worst short cuts... I don't want anything to spoil pragya's sleep... Is that clear???

Abhi roars angrily and glares at purab... He pats and ruffles pragya's head lightly as she starts to stir up in sleep... He gently holds pragya tightly in his embrace and kisses her forehead...

Purab and aaliya are smiling very happily with the way abhi starts to care for pragya unknowingly... Aaliya looks through the side mirror and sees abhi is cooing the sleeping pragya like a baby and is keeping her protectively in his embrace...

A lone tear escapes from Aaliya's eyes... Purab keeps his hands on aaliya's hands and pats it to calm aaliya down and gestures her not to turn emotional...

They reaches the mighty Mehra mansion... Purab halts the car very carefully and gets down and picks up the things from the back side and enters the house ...

Aaliya gets down from car and looks at abhi and pragya... Abhi tries to wake up pragya but she is in deep slumber...

Aaliya: Bhai... Just move... I will wake up pragya...

Abhi: Its okay aalu... Now only she is sleeping peacefully... Lets not disturb her... May be medicine effect I guess... You just go and open my room and switch on the a/c... I will pick her up and come..

Aaliya: whaattt.... Are you serious bhai??? You asked me to arrange the guest room for pragya... Now what happened all of a sudden...

How can pragya be with you in your room??? Bhai remember... Pragya is not your real wife... You are just acting... How can you both be in the same room???

Abhi: hmm... What else can I do??? Its your demanding bhabhi's order... I've no choice than to agree to that... Let her sleep in my room and I will try my level best to avoid going there....

Aaliya: Is it going to be easy as you think???

Abhi: Not at all.. We have to be very careful or else this naughty girl will easily smell everything....

Aaliya smiles brightly as she knows very well that its all pragya's works to make abhi accept for her demands... She does as abhi said...

Abhi settles pragya in the bed and looks at calm and serene face... Pragya is looking very gorgeous in her sleeping form too and abhi feels that his dark room is glowing brightly all of a sudden with pragya's entry...

Abhi can't control anymore... He slowly bolts the door and lays down near pragya.... He hugs pragya and inhales her natural scent... He gives a forehead kiss to pragya and closes his eye to have a short nap having pragya in his embrace that too in his own bed...


Pragya stirs in her sleep and opens her eyes... She blinks and she couldn't understand where she is... Her eyes spots the most sexy smile of her man adoring the wall... Pragya cant stop drooling her love of life and she fails to breathe too on seeing abhi...

Pragya comes down to earth when she hears a click sound before her face... She blushes very hardly and bends her head down... Purab laughs uncontrollably and sits near pragya and side hugs her...

Purab: oh my god!!!! Is that my little doll purply... Arrey waah... My little munchkin even know how to blush too... Not bad... Not bad... Im impressed... All credits to my abhi...

Pragya whines: Puru Bhai... Dont tease me please...

Purab: ahaan... Hold some breathe darling... Give some time to my buddy abhi... If you give back to back like this means, what he will do...

Pragya: what else... Ask your buddy to marry me soon or else I wont mind to make him as mine in all means before marriage too...

Purab: God... Have some shame
at least... Remember you are a girl...

Pragya: oh now only Im looking a girl hun....  Then why you guys didn't saw me as a girl when I take those dangerous risks...

Purab: My mistake... Sorry... Who on the earth can win an argument with The pragya Àrora... Have some mercy on your bhai and forgive him please...

Pragya: Okay... But you will get your punishment soon okay... Where is my husband??? Did he ran away as he is afraid of me???

Purab: Purply... Just calm down okay... Dont get angry on me... As its urgent, abhi has gone to -----------.... The matter is quite serious and is very complicated...  That's why abhi has gone there....

Pragya: How many times I said you bhai not to send abhi alone??? Dont you know the dangers.... God... What will we do now!!!! If anything happen to my abhi, I won't spare anyone...

Pragya shouts angrily and purab tries all his might to control pragya who is no less than a wild lioness...


So, who really is pragya???

Where did abhi went???

What are the dangers surrounding him???

How is pragya aware of all this???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2260+ words...

Sorry for silly errors and grammatical mistakes if any....

Not proof read...

Cast your votes n pen down your views....


Yours cliffy buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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