can you relate

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When you go up the stairs to grab something and one minute later you go back up and so on...

When you run into a wall and you say sorry...

When you take all but one chip because your too lazy to throw away the bag...

When your still waiting for your Hogwarts letter...

When you walk into a room and forget what your doing...

When you turn on your phone to look at the time but forget to actually look at the time...

When you drop your Kindle/phone on your nose...

When the dentist asks about School and your like muse mah...

When you go to your friends house and have to knock on the door...

When you call a friend and their mom answers...

When you call a friend and they don't pick up...

When you pretend fight with a sibling and actually get punched in the head...

When you push a door that is pull...

When you get in trouble for reading past your bedtime...

When you prove to your teacher that you were listening...

Hi. I need more things so comment if you have done this or if you have more 'when you's. Thanks.

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