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Here is some advice, Never piss off life.

So I drew edgy art with the middle finger twords the word life and ever scince which ever room I go into, I always run into a cockroach. AND LIFE KNOWS VERY WELL THATS MY BIGGEST FEAR. So it hasn't been a very plesent afternoon. I'm going to burn the drawing and get Raid and spray it everywhere.

Me:*is going out to get plum and sees black oval on floor*

*oval moves and runs under door of step-brothers room*

Me:Looks like someone has a surprise when they come this weekend*calls parent to come and kill it anyway*

*an hour later*

Me:* Is using the bathroom* *sees movement and screams*

*Mom kills Coacharoach*"Their were actually two".

*Tryies to use the bathroom again*

*small cockroach crawls out*

Me:*screams, gravbs stuff, and runs out with pants down* IM NOT FUCKING PLAYING THESE GAMES

*10 minutes later after shower*


*looks twords mirrior and sees another cockroach*

*screams again and stands on the sink*THE FUCK

*mom kills it again*

*5 minutes later*

Me: Is in room, paranoid

*cockroach crawls out onto wall*

Me: FOR FUCK SAKE*Is stranded on bed and has parent come and kill it*

*20 minutes later*

*Is going to get a towel from closet to put under door hoping to stop them*

*small bug is chillen on my closet door*

Me:Fuck Me* Throws Flip Flops at it untill its finally killed*

Me:Thats it*goes onto bed, extreamly paranoid*

*looks at door to see another tiny cockroach climbing down wall*

Me: *Smashes it with sneaker and sits on bed* Im not sleeping tonight

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