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(Warning: Rape )

Chapter 1

Just to warn you, this is not going to be canon to the real show because I really don't want to deal with the black hood or the crazy fucking farm/ G&G. Currently, it's right before Mr. Jones gets sent to jail for covering up the murder of Jason.

Jughead's p.o.v

After we found out that Clifford Blossom killed his son and after it came out my dad...helped cover up the murder I was in shock. My dad was going to prison for who knows how long! No one had believed me that I didn't think my father killed Jason. Well...everyone but my all-time loyal best friends Betty Cooper and Archie Andrews. They had my back...and Betty was called Serpent-Slut for trying to prove my dad didn't kill Jason. 

After finding out the truth Archie drove me home. Odd to call it home, the trailer in the rundown trailer park on the wrong side of the tracks.

"You okay, Jug? Want me to stay with you tonight?" Archie kindly asked, like always. When it comes to my safety my friends are overprotective. But you don't survive on the streets like I did unless you were tough. Yet even then, I am very innocent. How I survive so long? Moreso, how did I manage to keep my innocence? Was it true that everyone in Riverdale took care of the other when needed? Or was I lucky?

Either way, I shook my head. I wanted to be alone.

"No, I'm good, Arch. Just get home safely, okay? Make sure Betty is okay. "

After a bit more reassurance, I got Archie to go back home.

Right now, I am sitting on the couch, staring blankly at the off tv. Thinking about what I am going to do. What will I do with my dad in prison? I could go stay with Archie, but I don't want to be a burden. I could stay here...but dad wouldn't want me to stay so close to the Serpents. Not all were bad news, but those that were usually have something against my dad. I don't know what. Sometimes they'd come to visit and they'd take my dad into his room and pained sounds would come from there. I would usually just run and stay at Archie's for the night. It usually didn't matter how long I stayed with Arch. My father usually didn't notice until a week has gone by.

I was taken out of my thoughts by a heavy knock on the door. I flinch and slowly got up. Opening the door I paled a little when I saw my dad's ex-boyfriend and second in command. I didn't fully trust the guy.

He stood tall, had dirty blond hair, tan skin, blue eyes, and a gruff-looking beard. His eyes held an odd look to it. One I didn't like. His smile looked off. I felt scared. Swallowing as much fear I could I said,

"Hi, Tall-boy. W-what can I-"

I am interrupted when Tall-Boy talked. Answering my question before I finished.

"I need to talk to you, inside...if I may, Juggy?"

He asks, in his way that he always does when he is around me. It made me feel odd. I don't like it. But I ignore it.

With a small nod, I opened the door and let him in. He led me to the couch and locked the door behind him. We sit down and i flinched.

He grinned in an odd way. Looking at me up and down.

"Juggy, I need to tell you, your father pissed a lot of people off. Someone needs to pay for what he did. So, what is going to happen, is that you are going to...give us your assistance. "

He said, with an odd look in his eyes. I look at him innocently.

"I don't...I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know-"

My innocent rambling was cut off as he pulled me into his lap, making me yelp. I've sat in my father's lap, even sat in Mr. Andrews' lap. But I feel icky sitting in Tall-Boy's. Still, he kept me sitting down.

"P-please let me up. Please I-"

I'm cut off my his lips on mine. It made me yelp and try to pull away. He growled and pinned my arms behind me. Tears filled my innocent hazel-blue eyes.

I try to pull away more. But he grows frustrated and started to kiss down my neck. I yelped at the little bites and I started to cry when he rubbed my clothed crotch. I squirmed fearfully.

He chuckled and picked me up, walking to the bedroom.

"L-let me go!! N-No!! No! I-"

I'm stopped when he entered my father's room. I pale when I saw ropes already tied to the headboard. The bed was stripped of the sheets, but the blanket and my father's pillow was still here. As well as a camera. I was so confused.

I yelped and tried to back away when I was sat on the bed. But I was shaking in fear. He locked the door to the bedroom. I started to cry more. In confusion, in fear.

He sighed and took my shirt off, I tried to stop him, but he just stripped me. Stopping at my...underwear.

"Juggy, stop crying. You're a big boy."

He said as he stepped away from me, to take his clothing off. I just hid my face in my hands, sobbing.

Once he was naked, he pinned me down, which wasn't difficult. I was smaller and weaker. He put my hands into the loops for the wrists in the rope and made sure I wouldn't break free.

My sobs only got louder, but Tall-Boy didn't care. He ran one of his large hands down from my chest, across my extremely sensitive nipples, ignoring the whimper I made at him harshly pinching the sensitive buds. Then continued down my chest, rubbing my stomach in almost a soothing way. All the way to the hem or my undies. He smirked down at me and ripped them off.

I started to sob even louder. I begged him to stop. But of course, he didn't. He spread my legs apart, got in between them, then reached into the nightstand and took out a small squeeze bottle.

He put this gel onto two of his large fingers and slid them both in. I screamed at the intrusion, but my scream was ignored.

Remember I said I was innocent? Well, that did mean I was a virgin. My dad must have pissed a LOT of people off. But why did I have to lose my virginity? It's not fair!

I let out another scream as he thrusted the fingers in and out of my tight bottom. He added a third digit and I felt something dripping down from my entrance. He pulled out the fingers, showing me, to my horror, the blood on them.

"If these figures do this to your tight ass then I can't wait to put my dick in that ass of yours. "

He said with a laugh, I sobbed even louder. It wasn't funny, it hurt so badly.

He pulled me into a kiss, my first kiss. I was a shaking mess, I got slapped for not kissing back. He put more gel on his...dick and covered my mouth, thrusting the extremely large appendage in my very tight bottom. Causing me to scream loudly even if it was mostly muffled.

"Stop! Stop, please! It hurts!!"

I begged until my voice was gone. I sobbed as he thrusted in and out. I felt him go quicker and deeper and harder. It made me let out a silent scream that hurt my ruined vocal cords more.

He was moaning as he thrusted. He had a harsh grip on my thighs, there are already marks, but I tried to ignore the pain by focusing on the grip of his large hands. Soon, his thrusting got sloppier and he let out a odd noise and I felt something fill my bottom. He panted for a moment, then pulled out. I felt what was in my bottom dripping out, no doubt mixed with blood.

I was shaking as he took pictures, smirking darkly at the look of hopelessness in my eyes. Then he cleaned his dick off and put on his boxers and the rest of his clothes. Kissing me again, forcing me to kiss back, then...he left. I wasn't tied to the bed anymore. My wrists were bloody from my tugging on the ropes. I was a sobbing mess. I curled into a ball and covered myself with the blanket, yelping at the pain in my lower back. But sighing in silent relief at the familiar smell of my dad. It made me fall into a dreamless sleep.

(I'm sorry Jughead, its just for the story. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Next chapter should be much different than this. )

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