Karlantixx and her pet drone,Max

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 Karlantixx is energetic and young individual. She is a talented master of acrobatics and is pretty smart for her age. She and Classic are really close friends. She also has a pet drone.


 Karlantixx was created by an unknown organization. Her purpose was to serve them in ilegally transporting minerals such as diamonds and making illegal transactions in order to get the group some money. She however was soon arrested by the Hero Factory,however Hero Factory's Paranormal Help Group noticed something extremely weird in her. Notably she was able to control weather to a certain extent. She could've summon lighting bolts or make a heavy rain. After that was found out,she was part of numerous experiments. She got depressed over time. This was until she had a chance to join the Hero Factory's Academy of Potential Heroes,a academy built for bots to learn and possibly become part of Hero Factory one day. She accepted the offer. Soon after,her adventures throrought many cities she explored,she met Classic,who helped her with her negative emotions. Now she lives in New Stellac City.


 Karlantixx got a pet drone on a special birthday. Hero Factory made the drone specifically for her. She named him ''Max''.

" Cmon Max, Let's go!" - Karlantixx calling Max

 Max as a drone can fly really high distances. He can also shoot laser beams or film as if he was a special camera. He is perfect for spying on people.

She can attach him on her back. This allows her to fly up great distances. Although it can tire out Max therefore she doesn't do that very often. Max fly up to 32 km/h.

 She can also hold him like a pistol, and use him as a gun to fire lasers at people!


" I'm strong and independent! ... Well except when I have to do my math homework! Then I reeeeeally need someone's help!" - Karlantixx on her determination

Karlantixx is a powerful robot. Her list of abbilities,talents,feats and powers include:

- Immortality and Robot Physiology (Self explanatory,she's a robot therefore she has more cybernetic/metallic physiology and immortality"

- Master of acrobatics

- Is comparable to many real life athletes when it comes to lifting strenght. However she isn't comparable to any hero ever in Hero Factory's history(The closest she gets is to 1.0 heroes and even that's a stretch)

- Has been shown to be mostly unharmed when thrown against a brick wall(although her right hand fell off,but that's mostly since it was cut before severely)

- Lasers (with Max)

- Flight (with Max)

- Max can film footage of someone doing something,therefore she can spy on others,when she connects Max into her computer(then she gets the files)

- Superhuman reaction speeds

- Oil manipulation (She can cry oil out of her eyes)

- Likes Nephology (Studying clouds,a branch of metereology)

- Weather manipulation (Due to unknown powers she can control weather)


- Scared of bugs

- Not that good at hand to hand combat

- Low confidence in herself and being depressed

- She's mostly wall level in terms of stats[she can harm characters who can harm small buildings,but her durabillity is mostly wall level],so she couldn't destroy a building(maybe with Max,but that's a low chance a single laser would do that much of a damage)


- Protangonist (Is fascinated by him. She isn't that much of friends with him,but his cartoony powers amazes her to incredible extent.)

- Classic (Extremely close friend. Classic has crush on her. She knows she can always trust him,although her low confidence can sometimes lead her to being mean or angry at him)

- Red (Likes him. Thinks he's a really good  friend. Although she's scared of his rage form)

- Edgelord (Dislikes him and tries to stay away)

- Hero Factory (While she doesn't agree on many issues, she is thankful for them)

- Her classmates and other people at school (She likes most people of her class,school and the teachers. But she hates people bullying her.)


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