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,,I am.... No longer the Protangonist....''

,,I am X,for now I control both lava,fire and water,ice....''

- X after being created for the first time

 X is Protangonist's future form. After Protangonist's death, his corpses remained. Despite being died by cringe,he had a second chance. Nearby there was an enormous forest fire,and by the other side there was a tsunami. Both "elements" mixed into each other,as well affecting Protangonist's original body. This ended up creating a new entity. He doesn't fully posses every power of his previous counterpart but despite that he's stronger.


Not much is shown about X. One thing is known,that he is a much more mature version of his  original counterpart. He just like Red feels somewhat a new duty that he needs to do.

 Despite this, later on in the series it will be shown that X can still laugh at certain things,despite lacking some of his meme abilities.

 He can still act very stubborn,but he still tries to follow path of heroism. He tries to find good in almost everything. He tries to influence people to choose the wrong path. He can sometimes get stress or get angry too much however. Despite that he tries to use his weapons only for good.


- Immortality (as long as he has fire energy or water energy he shall be alive)

- Elemental robotic physiology (since his old body was mixed with element of fire and water,his skin resembles that of organic metal. it's very durable

- Fire manipulation (X can manipulate element of fire. He can throw fireballs,form enormous sculptures out of fire,and create firey weapons)

- Lava/magma manipulation (X is able to manipulate lava and shape it to his will. He can also make volcanos erupt because of this)

- Water manipulation (This abbility allows him to bend the water to his willing. He can also create water)

- Ice manipulation (He can turn water into ice. This allows him to freeze things and create icey projectiles. He is able to freeze the enviroment in 1km radius with full power. He can also change temperature of the air to be cold or hot)

- Resistance to Fire/Ice/Lava/Water Manipulation(these attacks cant harm him since he is the one who posses it)

- Absorption (He can absorb energy from fire,water,ice and lava to power himself up)

- 4th Wall Awareness (Just like his original counterpart(Protangonist),he is aware that he is a fictional character. However despite that he doesn't seem to care that much about it wheter his life is fictional or not)

- Social Influencing (He is good at debating and because of that he tries to turn people into the good side)

- Jumping (Can jump 45 metres up in the air maximum)

- Resistance to Erasure Manipulation (Just like Protangonist he can't get erased from the reality just like that)

- Teleportation ( Can teleport anywhere in 15 metre radius. This power makes him more tired)


- Stress

- Anger Issues

- Can get confused and distracted very easily

- Teleportation makes him extremely tired. Even more so than his other powers.

- Bad stamina

- Overusing his  powers drains his elements which are his life source


-He can put weapons on his back

-Despite him controlling 4 (unless you count fire-lava and ice-water as together so it's 2) elements he can still control them very well.


-Strenght:Ranges mostly from Wall to Large Building Level, at full power City level (At maximum power can destroy a typical city. Way stronger than Protangonist who was small building at maximum)

-Durabillity: City level,possibly Small Island Level ( Can tank some of Red's attacks)

-IQ: Average ( Has more experience that his original counterpart [Protangonist] but despite that he can still act dumb on some occasions)

-Speed: Faster than soundwaves (combat speed), ranges from faster than soundwaves to more Faster than light (reaction speed)

NOTE: faster than soundwaves means his speed ranges directly from subsonic to transsonic speeds


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