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Hwanbi and Jaehwan's days passed by like a blur. Not a single week that they didn't separate. It's either Hwanbi that'll encourage Jaehwan outside or the latter.

"Hey what do you think about that amusement park?" Hwanbi spoke to Jaehwan. Jaehwan was busy with his phone though, not noticing the speaking girl.

"Jaehwan?" Hwanbi stopped on her tracks, but Jaehwan just continued walking. Hwanbi's heart clenched, 'What if I die and he won't even care?' She thought.

A tear fell from Hwanbi's eyes. It hurts to think of dying and everyone else won't remember you.

"Hwanbi? Why did you stop?" Jaehwan turned to see the girl wiping her eyes. He quickly run towards Hwanbi, concerned.

"Are you crying?" He asked, checking on Hwanbi. Hwanbi just shook her head and said, "Something caught in my eye." Jaehwan worried, cupped Hwanbi's face and made it face him.

"Where? I'll blow it away." Hwanbi's tears were triggered again, but she tried her best to not let them fall. She pointed her right eye, as Jaehwan's face become closer to her face she couldn't calm her heart from beating faster.

"T-thanks, Jaehwan." Another tear fell from her eyes. Jaehwan was not docile, but he just wasn't the type to assume quickly. So he smiled to the tearing up girl and patted her shoulder.

"Crying is good to clean your eyes." Jaehwan said still smiling. Hwanbi mustered to smile back. If only Jaehwan knew what Hwanbi fears.

"What were you saying earlier?" The boy asked putting an arm to Hwanbi. She shook her head, saying nothing before casting a bitter smile.

"It's almost 6pm, I'll bring you back now?" Hwanbi being tired of everything, nodded. If only Jaehwan knew her feelings.

On their way home, none spoke. They were both dead silent, the atmosphere was as dead as Hwanbi's hopes.

"Thank's for bringing me back, Jaehwan." Hwanbi bowed her head. Jaehwan cast a small smile before turning his back from Hwanbi.

"I love you Kim Jaehwan." The girl whispered through the air. Staring at the boy's back.

The next day, Jaehwan didn't come to school. Nobody knew why he was absent.

Hwanbi took it in way too much. 'What if he doesn't want to see me anymore?' 'What if he's so sick right now and no one's taking care of him?' 'What if I don't see him anymore?'. The so many 'What-if's' floated Hwanbi's mind throughout the whole class.

Later that night Hwanbi chest hurt. It ached so much she found it hard to breathe. That night also she was rushed in the hospital because she blacked out.

"I'm sorry but you can't discharge the patient." She knew this would happen. Hwanbi didn't like the hospital. It was full of sick people, like her. Full of sad, concerned, or angry relatives or patient. The smell that hurts her nose. The white everything. Everything inside a hospital, Hwanbi despised.

Unlucky for her, she needs to go to it almost everyday. Now, she even needed to stay. She knew going to hospital will lead to this, she was advised to stop school before but she didn't. Hwanbi liked school better than any place.

"If you stayed here before, maybe you won't be like this." Her mother said. She was worried and angry. Hwanbi's pale face stared at it.

"Mom, please don't forget me when I die." Hwanbi's mother didn't take it well and slapped her. A tear fell from Mrs. Park's face.

"After all I've done for you this is how you'll repay me? Park Hwanbi! I didn't carry you for 9 months to only hear you say something like that now!" Hwanbi's mother left the room crying. She was hurt, but Hwanbi is still hurting.

"I want to live. But that's not what the doctor said. I want to be with him. But I can't even confess. I want to go to school. But here I am, in a hospital wearing hospital gown instead of uniform. I want to hope. But there's none for me." Hwanbi hit her legs while saying every sentence. Crying, being weak because being weak doesn't mean you are but means you're brave.

Brave enough to let out your emotions. Brave enough to say your problems. Brave enough to fight the impossible.

The next few weeks, Jaehwan didn't even visited her. What happened to him? She doesn't know. What happened to them? There was no them.

Maybe, she should've told Jaehwan her idea of going in the amusement, when he asked what it was. Maybe, just maybe, she isn't regretting it now or until she dies.

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