Feb #6 Love Struck

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Hey candies,
How are y'all doing... how is your family...school...work and stuff?
Really tiring I know 😂
But oh well...I'm sure y'all might be surprised as hell to see me here...but don't fret...cause remember my last update
The announcement(that sucked, I Know. I hate taking a break from Wattpad)🙄

Okayy I miss you all so much...though I'm not fully back😓
Because of my love for you guys and hello it's a new month, I'm dropping updates...
Two to be precise.
I read the books last night and I'm making sure I deliver the update today

To be honest, you guys and candy are the only ones that make my life not-so-much-depressed
I make sure I cherish all the little moments and friends I have here.

My exams are close and you can imagine the pressure 😓
Wattpad is the only place, where I can successfully escape reality.

Now, my next review is gonna be on Love Struck by favcountrywriting
Well, I haven't even started the review and the write up is gradually becoming an epistle😂
That's how much I miss you guys

Now, honestly I love this book so much... especially the fact that it's from one of my friends here on Wattpad...
*Girly squeal* y'all really need to check out this book, I'm already having a sugar rush by just looking at the cover.
I'm going to be reviewing this book under the following headings.

Character development:
What can I say?
The character development is wonderful. Each character developed at their own pace. There are no too much or too few characters, It's just moderate and it makes a lot of sense.
I love the personality you gave Bella. As the protagonist, she has a nice personality. As a reader I can easily relate, because she's going through a lot. Not everyone enjoys the comfort of a complete family.
I dislike Kayla...like why does she have to be a rotten candy?
It's nice that there's an antagonist.
I have no idea why I can't seem to trust Cole and all his efforts😂 he's a Playboy for crying out loud😩
Those are important elements in a prose or literary work. I give it 5/5

Plot development:
Events are arranged sequentially... They are not mixed up or placed haphazardly, they follow chronologically. I love the fact that the chapters are not to long, and every chapter tells the tale of another interesting detail.
I love the cliffhangers tho, I paid rapt attention and was so anxious to know the next development. Though there are few typos and inversion of words, but apart from that the book is on point.
I love your interaction with your readers, like the author's note after each chapter (even I don't frequently do that in my works😅)
I give it 4.5/5

Book cover:
The book cover is absolutely captivating, I noticed you changed it, that's why I'm speaking about it here😂 even though you told me not to. As a reader, my attention was already seized by the cover. I love the resource image and stuff, interesting tho...I'm giving it 8.5/10

Grammatical erorrs:
There are few typos and stuff, but apart from that the book is on point.
I'm going to be pointing out the corrections in bold. So my suggestions and corrections are going to be in brackets and bolded. Please if you don't understand anything let me know, and I'll attend to it asap.
Here we go:


The grey clouds suddenly get dark, with...(punctuation)

I say asking no one in particular (I think this fits better)

Well I am currently trying to get my sorry ass to my new school, but God...(punctuation)

To make matters worse, I am greeted with intense laughter. (Punctuation...a full stop after laughter fits better)

I wish the ground would open up and swallow me. (Open not widen)

From the crowd of uncompassionate idiots, a blonde girl  makes her way to me. (Punctuation and I think this would fit better)

...pink plum lips accompanied with a toned body, not...(punctuation and I think this fits better)

"You look horrible, I don't know whether...(omitted 'know')

...go and die or something because you are not needed here.(there's meant to be a full stop)

...she turned on her heels like nothing happened, and...(punctuation)

Unshed tears threatened to fall down my cheeks as I dashed off to the girl's bathroom (I think this fits better)

A feminine voice shouts to the crowd of maniacs that call themselves students, but I couldn't...(punctuation)

...as memories of what I had gone through for the past eight years

She has long brown hair, Hazel Green eyes , plum pink lips and a toned body. (This fits better...there's not meant to be "with" before Hazel)

She says with a smile which makes me smile a little.

... I respond with a nod, maybe this day isn't going to be so bad after all (the one in bold fits better)

Chapter 1:

...with a low  heart shaped neckline that showed off her flat stomach and a lot of cleavage, I also need to emphasize that she paired with black combat boots( I think this fits better and "off" not "of")

Kayla stands up boldly looking like she wanted to address the new girl.

I hear a few gasps from behind but I don't care cause my mind was clouded with anger(I think this fits better)

Hold up, I had boxing lessons that's how I learnt to fight Incase you're wondering (this fits better)

Chapter 2
"Well I best be off...I had things to do, people to see and places to be". I say as I start to walk away ("to" not "too")

Can you idiots just leave!

Chapter 4:

I say while gesturing to Kayla who gives a glare

Chapter 5:

I look at my right leg which is starting to swell

Chapter 6:

She slides down the floor and starts to cry. I sit down on the floor next to her (you repeated "I" twice)

Chapter 7:

We both hear the bell for first period, which for us is freaking biology.(punctuation, and this fits better)

...with excited chatter of students, and he claps his hands

He calls and no one seems to answer

Detention for two weeks? Isn't that harsh.

Chapter 8:

I turn around with the doll in my hand

Cole says with the doll in hand, eyeing us suspiciously.

Chapter 9:

Daddy and I were both sad, you were our favourite guest, since you both related to that man you called father

...from the pocket of my dark washed Jeans and hand it to him

I could make your heart melt with a kiss.

Chapter 11:

I'm going wherever your creepy ass isn't

I walk upstairs and search through the bedrooms making sure to knock

General Review:
The book is awesome in general, I love everything and honestly can't wait for your next update. I think I just fell in love more, cause I was totally eating Snickers while reading it😂...I'm so glad I was able to buy it in the afternoon.
I recommend this book to absolutely anyone, looking for a teenage high school book with a lot of twists and secrets.
Overall rating: 8.6/10

Take care of yourself y'all, drink a lot of water, eat candy and oh yes! Don't let your mum or dentist stop you from eating as much candy as your tummy requires...

Oh my thriller_mystery_ is gonna kill me😂❤️...
Please don't forget to vote...we need to get our rank back🤩💪

See ya🤗

Candy Lover

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