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Over the following weeks, Joseph had done purposefully annoying things towards Y/n. From knocking over her books to hiding her bike after school. He desperately wanted attention, and she just simply ignored him while her friends mocked his sad behavior.

"Descamps, come back!" He ran further as Y/n tried to keep up with him. He had her textbook in his hands, and there was no possible way he'd give it back.

After a solid ten minutes of running, Joseph had finally gotten tired, and Y/n took her one chance. She pushed him onto the floor, reaching for the book while he extended his arms.

She laid on his chest as she finally got the textbook, until she realized the position she was in.

"If you wanted me like this, you could've asked!" Joseph laughed conceitedly as Y/n quickly got up and backed away.

"You're so disgusting!" She exclaimed as she walked off. Simone and Michèle were definitely waiting for her since they always met up during the gap between their last morning class and lunch.

As she walked off, Joseph had a slight blush on his face. He hadn't expected her to climb on top of him just to get her book. Even if Joseph was flustered, this wouldn't be the end of him bothering her.

As everyone went to lunch, Joseph made an effort to knock Pichon into Annick's lunch. As Pichon panicked and offered his food, the girls had enough of Joseph's behavior.

His friends began to laugh, enabling his behavior towards the girls.

"You knocked him into her food, you should be apologizing!" Michèle shouted at him. After hearing her, his smile faded.

"Should some girl be telling me what I should do? Especially the administrator's niece who probably blamed me to get Laubrac out of trouble!" He retorted back, making Y/n roll her eyes.

"You deserved it for whatever was on that note!" Simone scolded as he smirked. "I'll show you what was on the note." He spoke as he drew with sauce on his food.

When he lifted the plate, it was a poorly drawn image of a woman's chest. "This is just an example of what was in the note." He responded with a cocky smile. Y/n had enough, and grabbed the sausage that laid on her plate.

"Don't worry, I have a perfect example for you too!" She snapped the sausage, looking him in the eyes. He clenched his jaw and looked away, becoming embarrassed.

The girls began to laugh, going about the last few minutes of lunch unbothered. Joseph felt infuriated, but he would get back at her. He left lunch early to begin his plot.

This time, he would be taking it a bit further. He filled a container with water and put it above the door to drench Y/n and her friends, for some retaliation for embarrassing him.

No one in the room would do anything, and he made sure of it. He had his exact underdeveloped plan in his head that he could enact his revenge without any repercussions.

When Y/n and her friends came in, the container dumped all over them, Michèle being most affected since she walked through first. her dress became see-through, and she had no way of covering herself up.

The other two girls had a small amount of water splashed along their tops, but their chests were barely visible.

Joseph proceeded to draw inappropriate images on the whiteboard as Michèle froze in place, laughing at their misfortune. Miss. Couret came minutes later, accompanying her to the nurse's office and covering her up with her jacket. Y/n and simone had left with her, and they weren't present for what came afterward.

Michèle had no extra clothes, so Y/n allowed her to borrow a sweater and pants from her emergency bag. Although Simone and Y/n were also wet, they'd eventually dry off. They weren't too sure about going back to class immediately, so they stayed for an extra twenty minutes before they had to face everyone.

Laubrac eventually came in with an injury, which worried Michèle. He revealed that he wasn't fighting, but Jean-Pierre had came into the class after seeing the girls leave.

Michele's brother, Jean-Pierre, rushed in after seeing her in the hallway and fought the boys involved. He punched into Joseph's glasses, getting shards into his eyes. Mr. Bellanger rushed Joseph to the emergency room for vision loss.

When the girls came back, they heard whispers of what exactly happened. While Y/n thought that losing his eye was a bit far, it didn't erase how terribly he behaved towards her friends. Joseph would probably be recovering for the next few weeks, and she was going to have a break from his torment.

She didn't hate him, but she held a strong resentment for him. why did he have to be so cruel? 

Y/n adjusted her pale yellow dress, smoothing out the wrinkles along the front. She regretted not ironing it the day before, but she had no time.

She decorated her braids with small bows on each side so she wouldn't draw too much attention. The last thing she wanted was drama, and without Joseph there, she thought she'd finally have a day to calm down.

Joseph adjusted the cotton pad that was temporarily on his eye. He had no idea what to think when he looked at himself. Would anyone still like the way he looked? What if things were just never the same?

Although one thing was certain, he would get revenge. Joseph's face had been marred, but he would come to school out of spite.

The students excitedly flood into the courtyard the next day, forgetting the events of yesterday. Y/n, Michèle, and Simone came in together, gossiping about what had happened and what would happen to Michèle's brother.

"He won't show up today, especially after losing his eye! The school will forget about him and get Jean-Pierre off the hook!" As Simone gushed about Jean-Pierre, the two decided to go to the gymnasium early while Y/n wanted to relax a bit before her first class.

Everyone began to look behind the girl, and she couldn't help but see what they were staring at. Joseph had shown up, with a cotton pad covering his eye and a dull look spread across his face.

He adjusted the white compression bandages covering his hands up to his wrists and stared at Y/n. He had an empty expression in his eyes as he walked closer and closer. He used his finger to lift her head as he vocalized his thoughts.

"It's too bad that you're so pretty, it'll go to waste once I'm done with you." Joseph laughed loudly as he sauntered away with his hands in his pockets, leaving Y/n with a pit in her stomach.

She decided to head to gymnasium to get her mind off of his comment. She entered the locker room, sliding off her pale yellow dress and replacing it with the gym uniform.

The gym uniform was loose-fitting, with the faded school colors all along the shorts and t-shirt. Y/n stared at herself in the mirror, her fingers lingering over where Joseph touched.

What did he mean? Was that some type of threat, or a promise? She took a deep breath before preparing herself to go into the gym.

She ran into Simone and Michèle at the rope climbing area, since they had no options for girls. Annick was also there, looking stunning in just regular gym clothes.

Annick usually kept to herself, so there was nothing to talk about with her. While Michèle went to climb the rope, Y/n had decided to sit on the bleachers because of a headache.

Joseph had walked into the gymnasium with Dupin by his side. Jean winked at Y/n, while Joseph rolled his eyes at how obvious he was.

He was ordered to stay on the bleachers while his friend played due to his recent injury. He walked over to the bleachers, sparing Y/n a quick glance before sitting a few rows above her.

The silence was unbearable, especially after what he said. Joseph leaned over and tugged on her braid, making her snap her head back.

"What do you want, Joseph? Wasn't your comment earlier enough? Why do you keep bothering me?" She had finally spoken up for herself instead of ignoring it.

He was taken aback, as he didn't expect her to say anything. "All you do is ignore or act bitter. I don't like girls like you because I can't understand you." he spoke irrationally.

"Is it no fun for you when I act this way? Is that why you're so concerned? You don't know me, or anything about me. You need to mind your business." Y/n replied as she got up from where she was sitting.

If she didn't hate him before, she hated him now. There was nothing more awful than people making false assumptions. As she left, he watched her figure disappear in the distance.

His hands that were once relaxed on his thighs were digging his fingernails into his palm. He knew he had no excuse, but he couldn't help the way he felt. Should he apologize? What good would that even do?

The bell rang, and his classmates began to flood the bleachers to grab their stuff. Joseph stared down at his fingernail marks through all of the commotion.

Dupin had walked up the bleachers and snapped his fingers in his face. "You alright? Where'd Y/n go?" he rambled on as he kept talking about her.

It was the last thing Joseph wanted to talk about, but he didn't want to have him suspect anything. "I'm fine, she probably went to the bathroom or something. We should head to class so we aren't late."

Jean took the bait, and the two were able to go without talking about it.

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