Write my Life?

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I was nominated by -UnderHatred- for this...

Le me was born in the November of 2001, as a pretty funny looking chubby baby that had huge friggin eyes.

I lived as a chill baby from there. Didn't really cry much.

When I moved states when I was three, I didn't really care much because I was three.

I spent a lot of my time basically sitting around and watching Spirited Away a lot. When I started going to preschool, I because obsessed with playing Spyro on whatever console it was there. I hated taking naps because the little mats we slept on were extremly uncomfortable and I can reamember clearly of how much I despised them. Stupid mats and disgusting snoring children.

I also was watched over by a lady who my mom had met since they were both Filipino, so they chatted until my mom had to leave for work really early in the morning, and my dad left early too.

They had this really cute dog that I had really loved because... well, he's a dog. 

Anyway, his name was Bently and I swear he was my best friend. Who cares if he isn't a the human speciman. He was much nicer and easier to deal with than other of my own kind.

I also clearly remember him allowing me to ride on his back as we ran around while my babysitter ran after us because she was worried for my safety. i never got hurt though. Bently would always sit outside the door whenever I had to take a nap and he would guard me, so I felt safe enough to actually sleep.

Moving on the kindergarten...

I actually don't remember much, except I had made only 1 friend who eventually moved and then I was lonely. We made butter and ate toast in class together. I also remember trying to sneak two pieces of candy instead of one so that "my brother could have one". Sneaky me. But they made me spit out the one I was laready eating and give back the one I sneaked.

I don't remember anything from First grade except that I also only had one friend who I eventually became very distant with.

In Second Grade I had a teacher whose name was hard for me to pronounce. By this time my mom had gotten a new job where I could actually see her in the mornings.

I don't remember much from later grades, other than I friggin HATED my fifth grade teacher.

Then sixth grade happened... Blah blah blah. I made a bffl (I'm talking to you, blazingtalon!)... Made bad grades... Blah. Then she moved. I was sad.

Seventh grade. I made slightly better grades. Earned 2nd chair violin.

That's it. That's my life.


P.S. I nominate... blazingtalon, FairyTail_PICHU4Ever, and RiverMoon18.

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