Merry Christmas! :D

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Hey guys, just wanted to say Merry Christmas!! Hope you have a nice holiday, and for those who don't celebrate Christmas, well...

Happy Holidays! XD

My parents being my parents, I am assuming got me nothing, I am actually typing this on Christmas Eve, so I'll just... find out tomorrow... yeah. I'll continue writing this chapter in the morning and confirm it or something...


Yep, got nothing for Christmas from my family!! Joy.

But! I went to a Christmas party, and my 'sister'(Kinda like a sister from another mister, she's a bit older than me, she's like... 20 something) got me a really awesome Hetalia bag!!! I love it so much!

I spent a whole hour trying to figure out who one of the counties were, and I was doing full on research on the Hetalia wiki, and I figured out it was Czechoslovakia! Of course I never heard of him, because he wasn't in the anime, and I'm not sure if he was in the manga or not. Whatever! Hooray for Czechoslovakia!! It took me a while to figure out how to pronounce that. O-e

But then my annoyed(and annoying) brother wanted to get on the computer, so he pronounced it for me. :D

Typing this on the mobile app on my kindle, the layout is really weird and it has the status thingy, but nobody else can see it, so... I can just look at everyone else's last status updates. >:3

Merry Christmas!! Happy Holidays!!

P.S. Sorry for not updating any of my books ._.


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