Chapter 2

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Swordslice collected her thoughts. It couldn't be Boneclaw...could it? She thought. She tried to convince herself that it wasn't Boneclaw, but she couldn't. She knew it was him, there was no escaping it. It was Boneclaw.

Who was that other cat he was talking to? And why would Bonetail switch deputys? Boneclaw would make a great leader. Besides Bonetail hasn't told the gang anyway...yet. Swordslice thought. She decided not to say anything and to keep her mouth shut, it would be better that way. If Boneclaw or that other cat found out she was eavesdropping AND running her mouth, they would most likely claw her face off. Especially Boneclaw. Swordslice shivered at the thought.

Swordslice poked her head out of the alley and looked around, deciding that she couldn't stay here, hiding forever. She observed her surroundings and saw no other signs of life besides her. She cautiously stepped out of the alley and looked around again. Sensing nothing, Swordslice grabbed the basket filled with filled squirt guns and completely stepped out, still cautious. No matter what she saw, Swordslice couldn't neglect her job. She still had to finish it. and she still had some squirt guns to make. Swordslice decided to head back to camp so she could. Swordslice traced her steps through the Bone Gang territory, back to camp.

Swordslice padded over to her den and placed the basket filled with squirt guns down. The camp was very quiet because hardly any cats were there. They must be out doing their jobs. Swordslice thought. She started to take the guns out and put them in a different basket. This basket was for carrying filled squirt guns. If a cat needed a squirt gun they would just come get one out of this basket. Swordslice then set to making more squirt guns.

Once she was done, Swordslice walked out of camp. She looked up at the sky and saw that it was sunhigh. Swordslice looked around. She had nothing else to do so she decided to head to the city. Swordslice had never been to the city, but knew the way there.

In order to get to the city, Swordslice, instead of going more into the abandoned town, which was the Bone Gang's territory she had to travel out of the territory. Swordslice was at the edge of the Bone Gang territory and saw a cleaner, more kept up road that was bigger than the ones in the territory. She confidently crossed the road and took a few steps until she realized she was on top of a hill and saw the city in the distance. Here we go. Swordslice thought.

She skidded down the hill and crossed some railroad tracks. Finally she was at the very edge of the city. Swordslice took a step into the city. It had very tall buildings that looked much newer than the ones in the territory. It was a lot different then the territory, that was filled with very old, run down buildings. There were a lot of roads and cars driving everywhere and a lot of humans walking around. Swordslice hadn't been around many humans before so she was a bit startled to see this many. She just decided to stay out of sight from them.

There was a loud bark. Swordslice whipped her head around, in startlement towards the direction of the bark. There were some whines next and then a yowl. Many humans stopped to look at where the sound was coming from. Many gasps and voices came from the humans. Swordslice ran to the noise, curious to find out what it was. She stopped abruptly when she saw three cop dogs fighting against four cats!

A blue-gray she~cat with a long tail was on top of one of the cop dogs, holding on with claws and teeth. A silver tom and a flame-coloured tom were fighting fiercely against another. A small white she~cat, who Swordslice recognized as Deathringer, the leader of the fighters dashed under the third and clawed at its belly. Fighters are the ones in the gang that kill and fight who they need to for the gang. These must be the dogs that Boneclaw told Deathringer to kill. Man...their jobs sure are not boring. Not that I don't like mine. Just saying. Swordslice thought.

Blood poured from the dog's wound. It yelped and jumped up slightly. Deathringer turned as the dog pinned her to the ground, it growled at her. She just smiled. Deathringer dug her very long claws into the ground.

She brought her back legs up and dug her back claws into the dog's lower chest. She then dug her front claws into the dog's neck and raked them across. The dog yelped again.

Deathringer jumped up, letting go and attached herself to the dog's back. The dog, very weak now tried desperately to shake her off, but she wouldn't let go.

Still holding on, Deathringer reached her head across to the dogs neck and bit into it. The dog collapsed, dead. Deathringer got of the dog, licked her paw and yawned.

Swordslice looked over at the dog the two toms were fighting against and saw that they were still fighting. Deathringer jumped on the the dog to help them.

Swordslice looked at the blue-gray she~cat and saw that the dog she was fighting against bit into her long tail and threw her against a building. She tried to get up, but fell back down again.

That's when the she~cat's bite wound on her belly showed. Blood oozed from it. The dog slowly walked to the she~cat and growled.

Something came over Swordslice. She didn't know what it was, but she liked it. She unsheathed her claws.

All of a sudden Swordslice dashed to the dog and raked her claws against it's face. The dog stepped back and whined, shaking it's head back and forth, scattering scarlet drops of blood on the ground.

Swordslice crouched, and hissed, gaurding the blue-gray she~cat. The dog turned to Swordslice a barked. Even though Swordslice had never fought before it felt normal to her, as if she fought every day.

The dog ran to her and Swordslice jumped, grappling onto the dog's face. She held on while biting into it's snout. The dog bit into her paw and she jumped off it's face and onto it's back, feeling her paw sting with pain, but adrenaline pushed her forward.

She sliced the dog's ear and spattered more blood on the ground. The dog tried to bite Swordslice, but missed for she moved to the dog's side, still holding on with her claws.

She reached her head around and bit into the dog's neck. The dog tried to shake Swordslice off, but only ended up tearing it's neck up in the process. The dog hit Swordslice off with it's paws as it fell on the ground and didn't get back up. It's breathing soon went shallow then stopped.

Swordslice panted and turned to the blue-gray she~cat. The she~cat's wound was still bleeding. Swordslice didn't know what to do.

She turned around to see the dog Deathringer and the two toms were fighting on the ground, dead. The silver tom looked towards Swordslice then the blue-gray she~cat. He had a look of surpise and slight, almost undetectable fear.

"Sabercharm! Katanafang, look!" The tom yelled. The orange tom, Katanafang shot his head towards the she~cat named, Sabercharm. They both ran past Swordslice and dashed to Sabercharm. They both crouched in front of her.

Swordslice looked back at Deathringer. The small white she~cat sheathed her long, bloody claws, walked to Sabercharm and crouched in front of her.

"She will live. She just needs treatment." She meowed to the two toms. Deathringer stood up and turned to Swordslice. "You saved her life. If you didn't she would have surly died. I am grateful. That was impressive by the way. That fighting I mean. You would make a great fighter." Deathringer acknowledged, dipping her head.

"Thank you." Swordslice replied and sheathed her claws.

The two toms gently put Sabercharm on their backs and carried her out of sight. Deathringer walked behind them.

Swordslice looked up at the sky and saw the sun was close to setting. I should probably head back to camp with Deathringer and the others. She thought and followed Deathringer back to camp.

Once they were back at camp, Deathringer and the two toms, who were carrying Sabercharm went to their den. The fighter den was in a large cupboard under an unworking sink. The toms set her down and sat next to her, Deathringer next to them.

Swordslice looked around the camp and saw everyone at their dens. She decided to go to her own which was right next to the fighter den.

Swordslice noticed that Boneclaw was at one of the dens talking with a light brown tabby tom. The tabby tom smiled a small smile and Boneclaw nodded. Boneclaw turned his sights to Deathringer and walked across the clearing to her.

"Hello Boneclaw." Deathringer greeted and dipped her head.

Boneclaw nodded then spoke. "Hello Deathringer. Did you get your job done like you were supposed to?"

"Yes we did. And I have an interesting and important story to tell you." Deathringer smiled.

"That will be for me to decide whether or not it is interesting and important. Well go ahead, tell me." Boneclaw sat down, still remaining his huge size.

"Well once we found the cop dogs we fought them. We were doing okay, I killed one and helped kill another. Sabercharm almost got killed by the third, but Swordslice..." Deathringer gestured to Swordslice. "Jumped out of nowhere and attacked it! She did amazing and killed it. If she wasnt there Sabercharm would have died." Deathringer mewed and held her head high. "Oh yes. And Sabercharm also needs treatment."

"Well then. I'll make sure to tell Bonetail. You can go ahead and give Sabercharm some treatment. We don't need weaklings in the gang." Boneclaw replied and nodded. He turned to Swordslice.

"Nice job, Swordslice. Did you get your job done today?" Boneclaw asked.

Swordslice nodded, growing shy again. Then a thought came to her mind. Wait...what if...when I was there listening to the conversation...what if Boneclaw could smell me? What if he knows I was there?


Hey guys! Yes I know this chapter was pretty long, but I wanted to give a bit more details on things. I hope this was a better cliffhanger and I'm very sorry if it wasn't. Now I know that the book isn't really getting into the "gangster" side of things, but I'm just trying to introduce the characters a little bit and stuff like that, so don't stop reading because it will get better.

I don't want to seem like I'm self advertising, but I have also made another book called Cat Games, it has the title and a black and white cat on it. It is a Hunger Games fan fiction. My very good friend: Tayter88 has made one too from another character's point of view. Her's has the title and a calico cat on it. Go check her and those books out!

Thank you for reading this kind of long after chapter note. The picture above is what Boneclaw looks like! Please tell me what you think of the book so far!

Vote, comment and enjoy reading!

~SkiBunny05 🐇🐰🐯

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