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In a dark forest I walked slowly forward. I see my mother with a big smile on her face.
"Mom!" I ran towards her. Then my mothers eyes turned black. I stopped running. Blood comes from her mouth and she fell. A mewfa hunter laughs. I look at my mother's dead body bleeding. I cry and see that the mewfa hunter is coming closer to me. I stepped backwards but he keeps on coming closer. I then started to run away and see my father. I was happy to see him but someone stabbed him on the back and he fell. I scream in horror.

"DAD!" I wake up. I breath heavily in horror. Just a dream... I thought calming down. I saw that it was morning. I turned to look at my phone for the time. It was 8:00AM. I sighed. I flew my blanket off me and jumped off the bed. I walked into the bathroom to brushed my teeth. After that I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I saw a blueberry yogurt. I sighed and snatched it and closed the fridge. I took a spoon and sat on the kitchen table and started to eat the blueberry yogurt.

I finished eating my yogurt. I thought for awhile what to do.
"Maybe I should go shopping for more food." I said and stood up. I took a shopping bag and went to my bedroom. I change to a white shirt and broken jeans. I went to put my shoes on and opened the door. I snatched a black hoodie and put it on me. I stepped out and closed the door behind me.

(I am very sorry for making this chapter short but next chapter I will try to make it WAY longer than this. Comment, vote and read on!)

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