Halloween Special

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Authors Note- This chapter is dedicated to my two best friends. @synsie author of "Dewdrop" and @Jiinxycatt author of "Dear best friend". They are both amazing writers and I highly suggest you check them out. Love you guys

Disclaimer- This special is not cannon to the original storyline. Minor spoilers up ahead. Read at you're own risk.

"'Cause this is thriller! Thriller night! And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike! You know it's thriller! Thriller night!'" Micheal Jacksons 'Thriller' gets louder as we approach the abandoned house. I smirk knowing half the undead would be trying to reenact the dance but failing miserably.

"Where are we going?" The human behind me asks, as I drag him by his arm. 

"You said you wanted to celebrate Halloween." I open the door to the house, revealing a horde of zombies drinking punch and eating treats. I look behind me to find Caspers mouth agape. I guess it might be a weird sight to see for a human. Heads turned our way and the moans of conversation stopped.

Mothers covered their children's eyes at the sight of  human and a cannibal duo. I place my bat down roughly, causing a thud as the top of the object thumps the ground.

"Alright listen up here-"

"GOD DAMMIT CRAIG! YOU SAID THERE'D BE NO HUMANS AT THIS PARTY! YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE QUITTING FLESH! WERE SUPPOSED TO BE A HAPPY, HEALTHY VEGAN COUPLE!" I look confused at the tall and lengthy zombie women flailing her arms at the guy next to her.

"Well sorry~! How was I supposed to know there'd be a human here!" The guy rolled his eyes and said the word "sorry" with dash of sarcasm.


"hE wASn'T oN tHe guEsT LIst ShaNnOn!"

I snapped out of my confusion. "Thats enough!" I hit the bat on the ground again. They stop and look over at me, startled.

"Listen here, we're here to have a good time and if ANYONE touches this thing-" I poke Caspers shoulder with the bat. "I'll knock your head off, understand?"

Nods and moans of agreement erupt from the crowd. I look at Casper with a grin. "Have fun at your first zombie party kiddo." I ruffle his hair and walk off to get a cup of punch.

\Caspers Perspective/

I don't understand what's happening anymore. The zombies are not only leaving me alone but dancing and socializing like regular humans. Is this a trick? Did Heather set me up for something? 

My stomach growled in starvation. I haven't eaten in two days because of the lack of suppies, and here are a bunch of no good undead eating corn on the cob and bobbing for apples. 

I scrunch my nose up in disgust as the zombies  head falls off, making gurgling sounds in the water with the body looking around for its crown. Were the zombies around him... laughing? I mean, it sounded more like gurgling or groaning but they were shaking as if in laughter. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T KICK OUT THE HUMAN?!" A zombie shouts with it's head held high. For some reason it had a faux fur coat wrapped around Its shoulders.

"I'm sorry ma'm but this is a public event, as much as I dislike it, we can do nothing to kick out the human unless it actually causes trouble." The other zombie replies with a distraught look on its face. Wait, did it just call ME a "it"?

"Why I never! Do you have ANY idea who I am? Hmph!" The zombie with the fur coat waltz off like she owns the place.

Seriously, whats going on here?

"Man, what a drama queen." Heather rests her arm on my shoulder as she bites into...

"Is that a lung?" 

"What? I'm hungry. You don't hear me criticizing your diet Mr. Apple eater." She scrunches up her nose to make a point. I roll my eyes and shrug my shoulders so her arm falls out of place. 

"Weirdo." I grumbled, sighing heavily.




I'm taken aback by her word, mostly because I don't know what it means. "What?"

"I rest my case." She smirks cockily and I glare in return. I don't know why but I feel as if I stepped into a trap of hers.

The undead pair up as Elvis Presleys "Can't help falling in love" begins playing through the speakers. We watch them all sway for awhile before I look at Heather.

"Would you like to dance?"

"Meh, Sure. Why not?" I take her hand and lead her to the dance floor, having to teach her how to dance. She was a quick learner however and before we knew it we swayed to the music in sync. 

"Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help, falling in love~ with~ you~"

"I hate this song" Heather grumbles and I look down to find a slight pinkish tint to her cheeks. I smiled knowingly and hummed along to the song.

As the song slowly came to an end I looked down into her eyes. "Happy Halloween Heather."

"Happy Halloween Casper."

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