Chapter 11

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" If you go looking for a friend, you're going to find they're very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere. "

– Zig Ziglar -

(Two Days Later: Los Angeles, California)

The cold Pacific Ocean breeze met the city's seafront and visited the night-goers. The Kree-Lizard Hybrid boy spent wandering around the alley which he was wearing a grey hooded tunic which Skoúro gave him on his departure. He was looking for something to eat in the garbage which he found some leftover and rotten food. The boy's stomach was loudly grumbling, but he felt disgusted at what he discovered.

" This is really bad for my appetite, but I have no choice, "
he thought and ingested his meal from the dump. He chewed and grimaced when he became discontented to what he ate. He was about to vomit when he heard a loud slump on the ground.

" Hello? " the hybrid boy raised his voice and started walking. " Is anybody here? Hello? "

Was it from the people of the MTF who were hunting him or anyone else? The boy felt such apprehension which he thought of being caught by them. He slowly turned around and saw a long haired and bearded blond man wearing a rusty brown coat, a purple scarf, and a red spandex suit with dark trimmings. It had a dirty yellow star on his chest. The man was sitting on the ground and loudly laughing to surprise him. He was holding a bottle of champagne and gulping some of it.

" What are you doing here? Who are you? Are you the ones who try to hunt and kill me?! " he asked and felt apprehensive.

" Do you think I can do those things to you, huh?! " the drunk homeless man replied and kept laughing. " Come on! I'm tired of those fighting and chasing bad guys all over the cosmos! "

" Why do you say that? "

" Long story, my friend, " the man answered and grinned. " Honestly, I'm not from this planet, but I like living here for good as a homeless bum on the streets! "

" Where are you from? "

" Planet Hala, Pama system, Large Magellanic Cloud. It's far out, isn't it? I'm from the freaking Kree race for crying out loud! You know about the blue or pink guys who look like Earth humans except that they're more different in some ways. "

The hybrid was too clueless to hear and scratched his head. The pink Kree man gave him a hardy laugh and drank more.

" You poor soul, you don't have any idea, do you? "

" I-I don't know anything, sir, " the lizard boy shakingly spoke. " I just escaped from the MTF Containment when someone helped me. "

" Excuse me? What did you just say? Containment? "

" Y-Yes..."

The Kree man intently looked at his humanoid green eyes and the blue scar on his left side of his face. The hybrid's facial features were different from the real 682. The homeless man used his Kree Cosmic Awareness which he sensed loneliness and terrible memories from the boy.

" Oh, I see. You're a very problematic one, aren't ya? "

" How did you know? "

" Look, boy, " the pink Kree explained. " First of, you don't really sound like the murderous lizard which I heard such Earth Urban Legends about him. You may have some bad images and visions from him running in your head which you wanna get them off. Secondly, you have quite resemblance with my greatest granduncle from your handsome gloomy face and your eyes. "

" Who? "

" Eh, that's gonna be a long and an astonishing story to tell. Thirdly, you're not some damn Skrull wandering around in the universe. Man, I hated serving the freakin' Kree-Skrull war. Finally, where on Hala did you get blue blood in your system? "

" I really don't have a clue. "

" So, those guys who locked you up never gave you any information about yourself, your family, or anything? "

" No..."

" Damn, Earthlings, " the alien homeless man angrily muttered and turned to the lizard boy. " I guess it's you and me living and wandering around the streets. "

" So, we're street beggars, now. "

" Exactly and I'm loving it! "

" Why did you say so? Do you have a previous life? "

" Look, I don't wanna talk about my past. I wanna spend my freakin' damn life on Earth as a homeless man. I'm sick of being a Kree hero saving people all over. Carol took my title as Captain Marvel after that accident. "

" Carol? Who is she? "

" She's my biggest crush here on Earth who happened to be a half-Kree! Nah, nevermind! " he sighed and snapped his fingers. " Damn, how rude of me! I forgot to mention about my name! I'm Mar-Vell and you must be? "

" The MTF people call me 682, but I don't have a name. "

" Okay, Boy. Welcome to the Life of Poor and Unknown, where you are now a fully-pledge wandering street beggar until death comes! " he loudly laughed and drank again. " By the way, you have achieved Level 1 in scavenging for a hearty meal! Congratulations! I'm so proud of ya! "

" Uh...yeah, " the lizard boy wryly smiled and scratched his head. " That's much better than being beaten up and experimented inside the containment cell. "

" But as a fully pledge streetrat like me, you promise not to hurt anyone else, Okay? "

" Okay, but what should I do to live like you? "

" Professor Mar-Vell's Street Begging 101: All you have to do is to be consistent in begging for food, money, or anything from the person around you. Present yourself as a hopeless one dying on the streets. Be discrete and don't show up yourself. People may suspect you as 682, " Mar-Vell explained. " Understood? "

" Yes, sir, but are there any other options aside from begging? "

Mar-Vell intently smiled and gently scratched his beard, " That's an interesting question. You can scavenge by the dumps like you have done earlier or secretly steal from anyone. "

" Stealing? " the boy nervously gulped and asked. " What is that? "

" I've understood stealing is a crime here on this planet, " he sternly answered and changed his tone. " But it's very easy to take everything without being noticed! "

" Isn't it a good one or a bad one? "

" Heh! Both, but you can get the benefits! We win some, they lose some, " Mar-Vell replied while holding his bottle. " Where did I get the fancy coat and the scarf? From the dumpsters, of course! The champagne bottle? I secretly stole it! It's you and me, my friend! We're living on the streets of planet Earth, begging for food, wine, and money, and scavenging for more treasures! "

The Kree-Lizard hybrid intently listened and got interested at the homeless Kree which he wanted to live as a street beggar and wanderer. Mar-Vell had found his new recruit as he was smiling.

" So, what do ya say, Boy? Wanna join me to this adventure? "

" Yes, I want to be a full-time street beggar like you, " he determinedly spoke.

" Good! Welcome aboard, then! We're gonna have a fun time together, just stay away from the bad guys who hunt you! Okay? "

" I will. "

Mar-Vell and his new companion remained in the alley as they were finding food in the dumpster. The Kree-Lizard hybrid smelled some, but he couldn't take the rotten scent of mixed garbage. The homeless Kree noticed him and smiled. 

" One thing to consider, Boy: Beggars don't choose.

" Why? " he asked. 

" Just earlier, you were about to vomit some food. " 

" But I couldn't take it, because it's rotten and disgusting! " he moaned. 

" You'll get used to it since you're a street beggar, now. Well, I can get you something to ingest when you find a free food in the soup kitchen elsewhere. "

" What's a soup kitchen? " the lizard boy asked.

" Well, it's a small place with some group of generous Earth people who give free soup or meal, " Mar-Vell explained and suggested. " If I were you, you should stay in the alley and wait. I'll get food for you. You don't want anyone to get you discovered. Am I right? "

" Yes, but when and where we can find one? "

" Okay, it's in a Catholic church at Downtown LA. Some nuns serve free meals every Friday and Saturday. Trust me, you'll enjoy a fresh and home cooked food. " 

" How did you know? "

" Hey! I'm used to go there on those days, Boy! I found some human homeless guys looking for that. " 

" Okay, so what day is it? "

" It's Thursday evening. I guess we're gonna wait until tomorrow. " 

" I don't understand..."

" Oh you poor boy, you don't even know seven Earth days in a week?! " Mar-Vell raised his voice and facepalmed. The Kree-Lizard boy felt ashamed and disappointed at the drunkard and homeless Kree. " Okay, okay, I'm sorry for making you feel bad. It's just I got surprised that no one teaches you everything. " 

" I just don't know about everything. My friend once told me the outside world is a dangerous place. " 

" Yeah, I got your point, " the Kree replied. " When I got here, I was assigned to spy and observe human activities, deceiphering humanity as an ally or a threat to the Kree Empire. Just like you, I didn't have a single damn clue about this world as in everything never made any sense to me at all. "

" So, you find it too complicated to understand. " 

" Yeah, until my greatest granduncle just found and guided me about Earth. He taught me a lot thanks to him. Then, I met some friends here: Carol Danvers, Rick Jones, the Avengers, and whoever I saved before. "

" How fortunate of you to meet people here, " the hybrid boy commented. " Me, I just met an only person who found me. "

" Who? " Mar-Vell asked and finished his drink.

" The Dark Angel, Skoúro Valour. She is the one who freed me from the containment. " 

" Okay, at least you found a friend from there. " 

The Kree-Lizard hybrid slightly smiled, but he still had his lonely green eyes which his new friend noticed. 

" You know, " Mar-Vell continued. " You're a very sad lizard boy who is totally hungry and thirsty for knowledge and truth. Definitely, I can help with you that since you're with me. Being a street beggar is just a stepping stone of your new journey. Trust me, Boy. You'll take a lot of places. There's more to learn and discover until you find out what you really desire in life. " 

" I really don't know what my future will be. It's just so complicated to tell, " the boy answered while looking at the bright star on the sky. " After I escaped the containment area, I saw the same star at night. I didn't even know why it shined. "

" Ya know, it's a sign that you're longing for something or someone. Perhaps, a dream or a goal. "

" What is a goal or a dream? " 

" Okay, how am I gonna explain this? " Mar-Vell muttered while scratching his beard. The Kree-Lizard boy waited for him to speak up, as the homeless alien man kept pondering. Taking so much time, he finally thought of an answer to the boy's question. " Humans have dreams. It could be something they saw while they're sleeping. Another thing, dreams can be something like a goal or a anything that you wanna be or achieve in the future. Somehow, it's like a life purpose. " 

" I see, " the hybrid nodded. 

" Do you desire something in life, Boy? " 

" I really don't know, Mar-Vell, " he sadly sighed. " I just don't know. I really don't have a clue of everything. " 

" Okay, okay, " the pink Kree street beggar gently patted his new friend's back and smiled. " You need more time to think of it. But for now, you're with me. Just keep your heads up and everything will be fine for the both of us. " 

Mar-Vell loudly yawned and moved his mouth like a lion. He was ready to meet his slumber on the rough and dirty street ground. The Kree-Lizard boy turned to him and saw a long card board box for the former hero to lie down. 

" Hey, how thoughtful of you, Boy! " he grinned and took it as he was lying down. 

" Thanks... "

" Aren't ya gonna sleep? We've got some work to do tomorrow. " 

" No, I will sit beside and guard you. " 

" Such a night owl, you are. Thanks anyway and good night! " 

Mar-Vell closed his eyes and set off to his sleep. The Kree-Lizard boy leaned on the wall and looked at the stars. He watched his new friend sleeping and snoring and avoided getting himself to sleep which he would experience such terrible nightmares again. 

Looking up to the clear and starry sky, the stars were talking to him which the hybrid remained sleepless. He thought of Mar-Vell's words for his new life as a street rat like him. 

" Am I really destined to be a beggar? " he curiously pondered. " If this would help me to get away from that vicious one's memories, then so be it. I'm fine living on the streets and surviving the harsh conditions. It's better than being locked-up and harmed after all. If not, what is he talking about my future? Would this help me to break the bondage of 682? Why is he telling me those things? " 

The Kree-Lizard boy was still fighting himself not to fall asleep while still looking at the evening stars including the bright yellow one on the farthest part of the sky. 

" Planet Hala, Pama System, Large Magellanic Cloud? " he thought and scratched his rough scaly head " I really don't understand. Is Mar-Vell mentioning about a place far from this world? What kind of place is that? The Kree? Skrulls? I have never heard of those creatures. Are they more vicious than 682 or civilized like those humans? I have no any clue about everything? How would I survive this world without such knowledge and lifestyle? Is this the way to discover beyond what I have known?! Why did Skoúro never tell me those things before? "

The Kree-Lizard hybrid heavily sighed and looked at the sleeping pink Kree beggar. He bowed his head in shame. 

" I'm so sorry, Mar-Vell. I really felt so stupid in my entire life. You understood I lived in isolation, waiting for my death sentence. I wished you met Skoúro in the first place or perhaps visited me in my containment cell to see what my life was all about. Now you're with me, I hope you will teach me everything. Maybe, being a street beggar is the key for my freedom. " 

He was still up at this moment, but he was fighting against his slumber. He never wanted to see those nightmares. The Kree-Lizard hybrid's eyes were about to close his eyes and yawn. Struggling to be awake, his body called him to rest and eventually fell asleep. 

" I don't want to...sleep. I just need to stay...awake... I don't want to see those things anymore....I just want to stay away from the horrible one's past. If only... "  

He slowly closed his eyes as slumber visited and met him. The Kree-Lizard hybrid clone never wanted to do so, but it called him. He began snoring and joining Mar-Vell's peaceful exploit. 

(The Next Day, 5:30 AM) 

The windy sea breeze wandered around the streets of Los Angeles. Mar-Vell was still snoring on his deep sleep, however, he got interrupted when his new friend was wailing in his dreams. The pink Kree beggar's face grimaced and kept covering his ears. Somehow, he became annoyed at the tall hooded companion.

" Oh crap, what on Hala is going on?! " he angrily thought and quickly opened his eyes. Mar-Vell sat up from his position and yelled. " Oh for crying out loud! Hey, can't ya see I'm sleepin' here?! Damn you, stupid Earthlings! Don't you have a consideration to an old man like me! I'm gonna let you get outta my..."

Mar-Vell paused and never realized the lizard boy was responsible for that noise. He intently looked at his friend and saw the tears flowing from his eyes. The pink Kree beggar sadly sighed and felt guilty for yelling at him.

" Oh crap! This ain't really good for him, " he anxiously muttered and secretly read the hybrid's mind. Then, he approached the boy and began shaking his tail. " Hey! Hey! Wake up, Boy! Wake up! Wake up! "

The Kree-Lizard boy instantly opened his eyes and felt the water coming from them. He immediately rubbed his eyes and got ashamed in looking at the older pink Kree. Mar-Vell was speechless which he couldn't believe in what he had seen.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake up..." he paused.

" No, no, no! I'm just concerned what's going on with you! " Mar-Vell raised his voice and gently patted his back. " Just calm down, okay? Relax! No one's gonna hurt you! You'll be fine! Trust me! "

" I'm not okay! I'm having those nightmares again! "

" Oh cheese! Great Pama! What now? It's that freakin' 682's memories have been bothering you?! "

" Y-Yes... "

Mar-Vell heavily sighed and directly looked at his friend. He thought of something to calm the hybrid down. The Kree-Lizard boy's eyes watered on his face and stared at the old beggar.

" You know, Boy. This is my first time to deal someone with PTSD, " he frankly spoke. " It's a big damn scar in your mind has left you. "

" What's a PTSD? "

" Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It's a mental illness which humans have. I've just heard from people here on Earth. I'm not sure if the Kree or any other races have that same turmoil which you're having. Like you're experiencing nightmares and keeping on wailing on the same horrible flashback happening inside your head. "

" You're right, " the hybrid boy sadly sighed and replied. " I couldn't break free of this bondage. Back in the containment cell, I was being experimented and abused by subjects. Then, I saw 682's horrible acts of killing those innocents. "

" Sorry for the word, you're damned mentally cursed. I'm no psychiatrist or psychologist, but definitely you have a cycle of those nightmares all over. "

" So, what should I do? "

" If you're an ordinary Earthling, I think you should seek some professional help. But you're an extraordinary case like me, I think I'm willing to help you as much as I can. I'm no expert of human behavior. All you have to do is to listen to me and tell me everything of what you really want to do. Okay? "

" Okay. "

" Good, " the Kree beggar nodded and turned around. " Now, where should we start? Ah! Yeah! It's Friday! We can go to the soup kitchen and have our breakfast! "

The Kree-Lizard boy felt grumbling on his stomach and got embarrassed. Mar-Vell heard the loud strange sound and chuckled.

" Hungry? " he asked.

" Yes. "

" Look, I can't leave you behind. If those guys will hunt you again, I think you should stick with me and behave yourself. Don't worry, I'll make lame excuses to save your ass from them. I don't use much of my powers and getting old anyway. I don't wanna cause more trouble. "

" Not a problem, that's fine with me, " the Kree-Lizard boy nodded.

" Okay! We're setting off to Downtown LA! Let's get going! "


Mar-Vell had left his new friend in the alley as he waited for a long line of homeless people on the streets. A group of nuns were busily serving some breakfast. The bearded pink Kree moved his head and turned to his hooded companion from a distance. He sighed and smiled in relief when he never knew an elderly Hispanic nun kept calling his name.

" MAR-VELL! HEY! HEY! " she furiously yelled at him as he got surprised. Everyone laughed at him when he felt embarrassed. " Our consistent alien donee is drunk again! How many times did we tell you..."

" I'm sorry, Sister Maria, " Mar-Vell nervously laughed and joked. " I understood you're a very generous and gracious woman sent by heaven! But that doesn't mean..."

" We have already known your hangover and more excuses! Now, eat up! "

" Right... right. Thank you! I think I need some two servings, " the bearded Kree man confidently grinned.

Sister Maria turned to her fellow nuns and got intrigued at him. They were murmuring as the other homeless glared at him. Mar-Vell felt very uneasy to confront the people around him.

" You have understood that an alien man like me has more appetite than you humans, " he continued. " I already remember the Kree eats eight times than your average three times a day meals. "

" Oh, Good Lord! " the younger nun exclaimed.

" Have mercy upon this lunatic! " the older nun added and made a sign of the cross.

" Please bring back his sanity and remind him of who he was before, " the elderly homeless man continued.

" Sisters, he's right, " a female blue Kree nun agreed. " We should give him the rightful serving of food. He must be really starving. "

The nuns mumbled at each other as the elder Sister Maria sighed. They gave Mar-Vell two apples, two plates of breakfast, and two small cartons of milk. The homeless Kree was wearing a wide smile.

" May the Cosmic Supreme Being bless you, my sisters! Thank you very much! " he happily exclaimed and hurriedly went away.

" Sister Angelica, " Maria turned to the Kree nun and scolded her. " Why did you ever say that? We're supposed to serve only one meal per person. "

" Mar-Vell has a new companion, " Angelica replied and looked at the taller hooded being. " He was just helping out a fellow beggar like him. "

" A beggar that tall? "

" Yes. "

" Bon Appetit, my friend! " Mar-Vell grinned and gave the Kree-Lizard hybrid boy his share.

" Thank you... " he nodded and started eating.

" Trust me, you're gonna have a great meal after this. Then, we're gonna set off to work. "

" Work? You mean begging for money to people elsewhere? "

" Yeah, " the homeless Kree nodded, while eating. " Congratulations, you've achieved Level 2 for answering! You're a pretty clever boy! "

" Thanks...." he slightly smiled. " I just want to live how is it to be one like you. "

" Good! " Mar-Vell beamed. " So, we need some money cans, we're heading off after eating. "

The two went eating and finishing their breakfast. It was the first time when the Kree-Lizard hybrid enjoyed his time with a company. Mar-Vell began to open up of his experiences here on Earth and travels around the cosmos. The boy was very interested to hear of what he learned from his friend. The stories made him felt liberated and happy at the same time. He had never heard of anything from the pink Kree beggar from his entire life.

Later, the two street beggars had set off their journey on the busy streets of the City of Angels and began of their exploits. Mar-Vell found a spot where  they could pretend to be unconscious and sick. The hybrid nodded and followed him when he got an extra cardboard and an empty rusty can. It took a long time for a while to collect money from the people around them. A few of those commuters saw the two lying on different corners as they gave coins and bills in their cans. One person to another, they saw the two and did the same in giving alms. Some of them gave their untouched left-over food and drink. Mar-Vell and his hooded companion were both satisfied as they finished their "work" for the rest of the day.

That evening, they went to the alley when they had their supper from the dump. Mar-Vell started counting his collected money and noticed his companion couldn't count while scratching his head. The bearded pink-Kree sighed and approached him.

" You don't know how to count stuff, do you? " he curiously asked.

" Y-yes... I don't know how to do that, " the Kree-Lizard hybrid embarrassingly spoke and sighed. " I'm so stupid, Mar-Vell! I'm not that wise and street smart like you. Then, I have 682's memories aside from being dumb. "

" Oh come on, Boy! " he laughed and gently patted the boy's shoulders. " Don't feel bad about yourself. You have just learned how to be a street beggar! You're a fast learner and just need to develop some life-skills. Trust me, Boy. You're going to be used to it: numbers, letters, and stuff. "

" What are those? "

" Okay, to begin with. Let's start off with the money, you have. You gotta listen carefully, " the Kree instructed as the boy listened. Mar-Vell demonstrated a bill with a George Washington picture. " This is one. The Earthlings call it One Dollar. Now, can you tell me how many paper bills or how much do I have? "

" One....One Dollar..."

" Good job, Boy! " Mar-Vell praised him and took another bill. " Now, how much do I have? "

" Ummmm...."

" Okay, it's two. "

" Why is it two? "

" You have noticed I took another One Dollar. So that makes two. "

" Two Dollars? "

" Yeah! You got it correctly! " Mar-Vell happily beamed and took another dollar. " Now, this makes it three! "

" I see....three...Three Dollars...."

" I told ya, you're a very clever boy! You're getting there! "

" Thanks...."

Mar-Vell and the Kree-Lizard continued their counting sessions for the rest of the night. They both enjoyed their time together. The hybrid clone boy began counting on his own from one to ten. Then, he kept repeating counting money and objects from the same numbers. Later, he looked up at the sky and also counted the stars. Mar-Vell smiled at him and kept listening.


" What's next after ten? " he asked.

" Uhmmmm....."

" Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. "

" Mar-Vell, that's too much! " the Kree-Lizard boy complained. " I only know how to count one to ten, tonight! I don't know what's next! "

" Just repeat after me, Boy. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. "

" Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. "

" Now, count from one to twenty using those stars at night! "

" What?! It's too many! "

" You can do it! "

The Kree-Lizard boy sighed and looked at the stars at night by pointing them one by one.

" seventeen...eighteen...nineteen...twenty, " he said and exclaimed. " I did it! I can count one to twenty! I...I can't believe it! This is so awesome! "

" You did it! Yeah! " the homeless Kree beggar happily beamed and made a high-five gesture to the boy. " Great job. "

" Thanks... Mar-Vell, I never experienced this ability..."

" Hey, no sweat! As long as I'm here to help and teach you. This is just a next step of your total freedom: learning and acquiring knowledge. "

The Kree-Lizard hybrid was smiling so brightly, repeating to count from one to twenty. Mar-Vell was pleased to see the boy happy for the first time. He kept listening and sitting down. Somehow, the beggar's Cosmic Awareness sensed a spark of joy from the hooded boy.

" Keep doing it, Boy, I know you can do it! " Mar-Vell happily thought. " Someday, you will be free of that bondage and discover who you really are. "

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