Chapter 18

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" Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts."

- Charles Dickens


The Kree-Lizard hybrid and his new companion, Nancy Johnson, had formed their special friendship, more mutual than ever.  Somehow, his infatuation grew fonder every time they spent their days together as street rats. On the other hand, Nancy enjoyed and developed her feelings for him, however both of them were ashamed to express themselves.  There were days and nights which they spent talking and finding food from elsewhere aside from hiding away from the invaders. Nancy began sharing her stories to him before she became terminally-ill which the boy got interested to hear more.  Sometimes, she made jokes for him to ease the pain of his dreadful memories from 682 as the boy loudly laughed at lot. 

For him, he developed something within him. It was growing and glowing inside his heart which he has been longing and desiring for: LOVE. That state began to let him realize how he had to care and respect someone unconditionally. The late Captain Mar-Vell had already explained to him of how he could love someone despite of his ugliness and purity. The hybrid somehow understood it well. Thus, it applied to his blossoming relationship to the woman he saved at the hospital in Seattle. He sleeplessly spent thinking in the couple of days of how to treat and repay her for he had no idea of how to make it up to her. Until that day,  he intently saw a rusty street poster of a man giving flowers and chocolates to his special someone. The boy thought of doing the same thing to Nancy as he smiled. 

" Maybe, this should do the trick, " he said to himself  and pondered. " But where and how I would get those things to give them to her? I really want to repay her kindness to me. " 

The boy started searching on his own to find flowers or chocolates on the cold and abandoned streets. He went everywhere from the destroyed establishments to the ghost shops. Unsuccessfully, he found nothing and wasted his time to do it. He heavily sighed and sat on the corner. Then, he looked up in the blue skies and clouds.  

" I can't do this! " he furiously thought. " I want to give something special to Nancy, but I failed. Is there a way to find them?! I don't want to make her downtrodden and  empty-handed! " 

Looking behind, there was a nearby park with bushes and flowers of different colors. Finally, this had solved his courtship dilemma. The hybrid boy immediately stood up and walked over. He began picking up those flowers, but he wasn't careful enough and crushing them. Even, he did it several times, it's still ruined into pieces of broken petals and leaves. 

" Why I couldn't get it right?! " he sadly sighed and thought. " I want to give these colorful things to her! It turned out to be unpretty! I'd better get this done and perfectly, so she will be happy to see them. " 

He never gave up in picking the flowers, until he found a bunch of Rock Roses with small circular pink and white petals. The Kree-Lizard boy tried his best to take them as he was very slowly and carefully picking them one by one. At last, he took a bunch of beautiful flowers for Nancy when he got satisfied. The boy got himself back on the streets looking out for his friend. The young woman was peacefully sleeping at the corner. He carefully placed the bunch of Rock Roses beside her when he sat down. 

Nancy moaned while she was having her slumber. Her purple wig was dishevelled as she kept turning and changing her sleep position. She slowly opened her eyes when she got surprised to see the flowers beside her. Instantly sitting up, Nancy fixed her wig, took the bunch, and then turned to him. Her face turned red when she felt astonished and thankful at him. 

" Is...this really for me? " she curiously asked.

" Yes, I want you to have it, " the Kree-Lizard boy answered. " I really don't know what they call, but I saw a picture of a man giving them to a woman. " 

" They're flowers, silly! " Nancy laughed. 

" Flowers? What are those? " 

" Okay, they're parts of the plants that have different colors. You can see them on trees, bushes, and shrubs. Besides, you picked my favorite, Rock Rose. "

" Rock Rose? So, that's what the name of the flower, then. I picked them from the park when I thought of giving it to you. "

" My! You're the most thoughtful and romantic monster, I've ever met! " Nancy beamed and kissed the Kree-Lizard hybrid's scaly cheeks as he got blushed.

The boy remained speechless as he turned to her.  He never felt being kissed by a woman in his life. That kiss raced his heart as it was intensely beating and glowing. Love was the only way to forget SCP-682's memories. He felt liking it: being loved and loving someone back. For the first time, he expressed his true love for her.  He truly understood how to love someone else. 

" Well, thank you..." he smiled and blushed harder. " It was the best way to repay your kindness to me. " 

" Hey, I should be the one who could say that! " Nancy chuckled. " I'm sorry if I was too harsh on the first day we met.  I really understood why you rescued me and brought me elsewhere. Besides, I tried my best to cheer you up. " 

" Well, I do appreciate that, " the Kree-Lizard hybrid replied and carefully held her right hand. " It's just you're the funniest woman I met in my life. " 

Nancy remained speechless and also blushed harder when she heard his words. She also smiled and felt pleased to be with him. Somehow, that same feeling also made her to forget the most extreme pain from her terminal illness. It revived her healthier and livelier days. She also held and grasped his left scaly and rough hands. 

" You're welcome..." she sincerely broke her silence. " You know what? I wish you were born as a normal human being. We could have been together just like David and I did. " 

" I do have the same wishful thinking back in the MTF Containment Cell, " he replied. " I really wanted to know what the outside world is, but someone said it is the harshest and the most dangerous place to live. "

" He or she may be true, but we can make the world the most loving, caring, and safest place to live. It starts within you and ourselves. "

" What do you mean by that, Nancy? " 

" Finding the true beauty within you, that's the key in how to spread love to anyone. " 

" True Beauty? What is that? "

" Okay, how can I explain this, " Nancy muttered and took a deep breath. " True Beauty does not count whether you're handsome, good-looking, pretty, or gorgeous in your appearance. It comes within your heart, mind, and actions. If you're good enough to yourself and anybody, that makes you the most beautiful person in the universe. " 

" Well, I'm not sure if I could consider myself beautiful, " he sadly sighed. " I'm nothing but a monster. "

" You may say that to yourself, " Nancy replied and held his right hand. " You may look like one, but that doesn't mean you're ugly all throughout. You don't realize how beautiful in your own ways, but you still have the chance to discover your true beauty. It will take time to do it. " 

" I will do it, " he answered and sincerely looked at her. 

" Good! I know you can, " she smiled back and thought of something else. " By the way, I wanted to do something special before I slip away this planet. " 

" What is it? "

" I want to have a date with you, is that okay? " 

" What is a date? " 

" Well, it's something a guy and a girl used to hangout together elsewhere and getting to know with each other, " she answered. " So, what do you say? " 

" We usually do that, " he scratched his head. " But why? "

" I want to do it just for the sake of our memories together. "

The boy understood of  the terminally-ill girl's request. Dating with her was the only way to make make her happy and forget everything. He had already understood what she meant. But this time, he would do it to fulfill her wishes before she passed on. 

" All right then, " he nodded. " So, where and how should we start? " 

" Okay, I've been to this place before, but I can be your guide. No matter if this city is a ghost town, we'll just try our best to make it livelier for ourselves. Got it? " 

" Sure. " 

The two headed to the Canada Place where they saw some modern structures in this district. Nancy sadly sighed as she realized the area was no longer inhabited by people coming and going around. The Kree-Lizard hybrid looked at her with concern and thought of something else. 

" Well? " he gave her a suggestive look.

" Let's go somewhere else, " she slightly smiled. " Let's say Vancouver Aquarium. "

" Okay? What could we see there? " 

" Marine animals: Fish, Whales, and other sea creatures. "

" That seems interesting. Let's go. "

On their next destination, they headed to another tourist hotspot, however the city's most prominent structure was already heavily damaged during the first day of the Kree-Lizard invasion. There was no hope of seeing anything beautiful or interesting inside. Both of them heavily sighed as they got disappointed for not going further. 

" Now what? " the boy asked. 

" Look, I'm sorry. It's just the place is no longer good to go, " Nancy sadly replied. " I used to go there when I was a kid. But now, it's nothing but a wasteland. "

" What else? " 

" We can go to Gastown, " she suggested. " But I hope we can see something better. "

" We might give it a try. " 

" Right. "

In their final destination, they headed to Gastown where it was partially damaged and some of the 20th century buildings were left untouched by those invaders. The Kree-Lizard hybrid boy found an abandoned restaurant where they could spend their time together as a dating couple. He found some furniture and let Nancy taking her seat. 

" Enjoy your dinner, Miss. " the Kree-Lizard boy said. 

" Thank you, sir.  " the female cancer patient replied. " But I do wish to find something to eat. " 

" Something to eat? How can we find that? Are we going to scavenge something? "

" No, we can read the menu like any customer does, " she suggested, took the booklets, and turned to him as the boy felt embarrassed. " Hey, Dude. What's wrong? " 

" I can't read anything. I'm so sorry, " he answered and heavily sighed. " All I know is to count anything and tell what day it is. I felt so stupid after all. "

" Hey, don't put yourself down, " she gently patted his back. " There's gotta be a way in learning to read. Maybe, I could teach you if I still have time to do so. Is it good? " 

The Kree-Lizard hybrid glowed his eyes as he wanted to learn to read. Nancy could help him develop more life-skills to him as she wanted to do so. 

" Thank you, I really want to read everything, " he smiled.  " I'm willing to learn everything from you. " 

" You're welcome, " she smiled back. " You somehow sounded more human than anyone else. Yeah, it's nice to hear from you. Oh by the way, we can go to the kitchen and prepare some food by ourselves, since no one is around. "

" Sure, it sounds fun. I want to help you. "

" Let's go to the kitchen, shall we? " 

The  Kree-Lizard boy followed his friend as they began to work in the kitchen. They took some ingredients from the refrigerator. He took a knife as Nancy instructed him to do so. He learned to cut and slice the meat and vegetables. She grabbed a pot and some spoons. They both busied themselves in preparing the appetizer to the desserts. After cooking, they had set the table and taken their seats. Red wine was served for their drinks. 

The dating couple enjoyed eating their meal and conversed each other. Nancy started to share what she knew about ordinary human life:  studying, working,  playing, travelling, and having a family. The Kree-Lizard hybrid began asking so much questions when he got interested to hear this topic. Human life was his point of interest which he wanted to attain in his life beyond the MTF Containment Cell. For Nancy, she was determined to share her experiences before she became terminally-ill. 

After taking desserts, they cleaned up the table and took the dirty dishes. The two washed them all as Nancy noticed him sneezing from the soap suds as she loudly laughed. The boy got embarrassed and went blushing.  Then, they finished the chores when the Kree-Lizard hybrid accidentally bumped a jukebox which Nancy chuckled.  The song was played in A-flat major and in male acapella as an introduction and followed by a piano accompaniment and a drum beat. 

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." he got ashamed.

" Hey, you played my favorite song! " Nancy happily beamed. " This is so cool, Queen! " 

" Song? Queen? What kind of words are that? " 

" My goodness! You don't know anything about music! " she exclaimed and found him too ridiculous. " Okay, nevermind...I understood you have been isolated. So, it's your first time to hear music in your entire life. "

" Well, it is very interesting to hear. " 

" Okay, shall we dance? "

" Dance? What is that? "

" I don't have time to explain everything. I'm gonna show and teach you how to dance, " she offered her right hand to him. The Kree-Lizard hybrid boy was dumbfounded as he got confused but he took her hand. 

The couple followed the slow soft rock tempo while hearing Freddie Mercury's loud tenor voice. The boy was careful not to step on Nancy's feet, but he felt pleased in dancing with her. He gently touched her hands. Nancy was happy as she had forgotten about her dreadful condition. Dancing made them to forget their sadness, pain, and worries.

Listening to the song,  the Kree-Lizard hybrid had slowly understood that feeling of being loved and learning to love someone back. He has been longing it for some time. For Nancy, she found him as her rescuer and helped him to build his new life. She also bounced back from the emotional pain which she and her former boyfriend had. Finally, they both found somebody to love as they were smiling at each other. 


The two went their way on the streets as they enjoyed spending their evening together. The dinner date and dance were the most memorable time they had. The Kree-Lizard hybrid fulfilled her bucket list as Nancy smiled at him and held his hands. He turned to her and thought of expressing his true feelings for her. 

" Nancy...I wanted to tell you something, " he broke his silence as she got curious to see him. 

" Yeah, do tell. Come on, " she replied. 

" The first time I saw and met you in the hospital. You were all alone and afraid to see me, " the boy calmly spoke and recalled. " I knew how it feels being isolated and threatened inside the Containment Cell. I saw myself in you, but I don't want you to put yourself down even you're very sick. I want you to live longer, because you deserve to have a better life. "

" So your point is? "

" I want to grow old with you, Nancy. I'll do whatever it takes to help you in your sickness and make you happy as long as you live.  You have inspired me what life is all about. "

" Well, thanks..." Nancy blushed harder. " I've never heard such a monstrous being who was very determined enough to be with me. You know, no ordinary male human being can't stand a chance like you. You are a human at heart. That's what I like about you. " 

" I'm sorry if I sounded too naive and stupid. "

" No worries, Dude. I just really enjoyed your company. " 

" Nancy...I..." he blurted and sincerely  smiled. " I really mean it. I love you! " 

The cancer patient was surprised to hear from tall hooded being's words as she never expected him to express his true feelings for her.  It took time for her to understand until she smiled and instantly hugged him. 

" I LOVE YOU, TOO! " she happily beamed. 

" You do? No kidding? " 

" YES! I don't care if I don't know your true name! It doesn't matter to me at all! " 

The two spent hugging each other at the middle of the street. Nancy touched the hybrid's rough and  scaly face. The boy intently looked at her and thought of kissing her. They were about to do it when they heard some explosions from a distance. Their sweetest moments got interrupted when the couple saw some humanoid figures holding their pistols. The couple became more apprehensive in confronting someone else. For the Kree-Lizard boy, he was afraid and thinking the MTF Troopers were chasing him again. Nancy looked at him with a concern.

" Dude, what's going on? " she asked. 

" The MTF Troopers... they're about to catch me. Nancy, we need to get out of here. " 

The attackers came closer to them. They were not from the MTF, but some blue and pink-skinned men in battlesuits. The Kree-Lizard hybrid recalled the late Mar-Vell had mentioned of the evil Kree race. He had completely understood of their militaristic and facist attitude. Nancy's head went to and fro as she and her new boyfriend thought of escaping and hiding behind the rubble. They quickly got there, however the Kree soldiers found them.

" We found some runaways! " the Kree trooper saw the two figures scurrying from the rubble.


" What are you waiting for? SHOOT THEM! " the commander yelled. 

The laser gun shots were flying and aiming towards the couple. The Kree-Lizard hybrid grabbed his girlfriend's arms as they were running away and dodging from the attacks. The space humanoid troopers were still firing at them. The boy covered his girlfriend from the gunshots. He was screaming in pain as Nancy saw him and gasped in worry. One of the Kree soldiers had a weapon to strike down and cause someone to bleed.  He aimed at the hybrid and shot his left leg. Suddenly, he yelled in excruciating pain. Then, a gush of blue blood was flowing from his limb. Nancy widened her eyes in fear as she saw her boyfriend's agony.

The cancer patient thought of fighting back against the Kree as she took some stones and debris of building cement. The space invaders aimed her weapons at her. Nancy threw those stones at them in defense for her tall hooded boyfriend. The soldiers covered themselves and dodged at her attack.

" TAKE THAT, KREEPERS! YOU SHOT MY BOYFRIEND! " she furiously yelled and kept throwing more stones at them. 

" That human female is fighting against us! " the trooper turned to his companions. 

" We need to take her down! " the other added. 

" But we couldn't take her way of fighting! " the third one cried. " What are we gonna do?! " 

" Forget it and retreat! " their Commander ordered. " We are just wasting our time with this puny woman! " 

" But what about the lizard, sir? " 

" We'll get him someday! " 

The Kree soldiers quickly went away as Nancy put her hands on her waist and loudly laughed. She watched them retreating from distance. 

" How's that, you cowards?! " she yelped. " You all can't stand a chance against a tough sickly Earthling like me! Now, scram and get outta our planet! " 

Soon, she began to feel weakened and nauseous after fighting against the Kree, but she needed to keep her pace and noticed her companion got wounded and injured. She rushed herself going to her boyfriend.

" Are you all right? " Nancy asked. " You risked my life in saving me. You're bleeding too heavily. We need to get you to a..." 

" It doesn't matter. I have to protect you from them, " he wearily smiled and gently touched her face. " I'll do everything to keep you safe. "

" Yeah, I did the same thing to you, " she replied and also touched his face. " It seems I need to act like Captain Marvel for you. "

" Thank you. "

Nancy's nose began to bleed as her red blood was slowly flowing from it. The Kree-Lizard hybrid boy noticed her when she was becoming too pale. 

" You're bleeding too? " he asked. 

" Hey, don't mind me, Dude. I'm gonna be fine, " she slightly smiled.

" Are you sure? "

" Yes. I'm gonna be all right. Trust me. " 

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