Chapter 22

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" Time is the justice that examines all offenders. "

- William Shakespeare

(Abandoned Warehouse, Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada)

Some days later, the Kree Lizard hybrid started to have his self-defense training which Peter Parker or Spider-Man thought him. On his first few days, the boy had a hard time to focus and exercise with some drills. He never had an idea in what to do when some attackers tried to hinder him. So, Peter kept pushing him to concentrate instead of complaining.

This time, the hybrid was struggling to break free from the multiple cobwebs covering his body. Peter was observing him from a distance while crossing his arms.

" I CAN'T BREAK FREE! " he cried. " This is too difficult. "

" Keep on concentrating, bud! " Peter smiled. " Come on, you can do it! "

" But I can't! "

" Don't say you can't! Come on, you can do it! "

" How? "

" Okay..." Peter slinged using his web from his hands and approached him. " You have to think of something that you want to break free. It can be something you can be scared of. That will help you to break free from the webs I have made for you. Now, close your eyes and concentrate. "

The boy followed the mutated man's instructions as he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and began thinking. To his concentration, his mind was visiting from his past as an SCP clone experiment. The boy remembered the days of meeting the horrendous 682 inside the containment cell. The monster violently abused him multiple times until he almost met his demise. Then, the boy cried for help and experienced the same scenario with the other deadly SCPs.

Revisiting those skirmish memories, the boy became more agitated and frustrated as the toughest webs began to break and loosen up. Peter widened his eyes in shock in observing the super-strength and endurance which the hybrid had. Slowly getting free of those webs covering the body, the boy was able to let go and opening his eyes. Finally, he got surprised to see his ability which he never knew.

" Man, I'm so proud of you! " Peter happily exclaimed. " You did it! Good job! "

" I did? " the hybrid curiously raised his voice. " But how come? "

" Well, here's the thing, " the man removed his mask and scratched his beard. " I observed you earlier when you looked very pissed. Then, arms and legs started to release that inner strength which the webs got broken. "

" Really? "

" Yeah, " he nodded and asked. " But I'm very curious, bud, what triggered you to do that? "

" It's a very painful one, " the boy sadly sighed and answered. " If you were in my shoes, you wouldn't like it to experience. "

" Oh, I see. That explains. Do you think you can be cured from that trauma? "

" I don't know..."

Peter heavily sighed from what he heard, sitting down and thinking of his new companion's long term psychological trauma. It was his first time to deal with someone who had that kind of dilemma. He intently looked at him and got concerned. The hybrid boy was still suffering from 682's memories, aside from his MTF Containment cell days and the loss of his special someone some months ago.

" Well, I can relate to you, bud, " he replied. " First of, I lost my Uncle Ben when some bad guys killed him on the streets many year ago. It's very traumatic to see someone who perished."

" What did you do? "

" I found and killed them off. "

" For his justice? "

" Yeah, then Aunt May got sick and died before I married MJ, " he continued and sadly sighed. " In this Kree-Lizard invasion, my wife was brutally tortured by those murderers. I was too late to save her. That's why I wandered off elsewhere and sought for her justice. I'm still fighting for the bad guys while helping the homeless until now. How about you? Did your girlfriend lose the same way? "

The boy recalled that fateful day in Vancouver when he got stuck by the same enemies. He saw Nancy being slayed by a male cyborg who assisted the blue skinned and reptilian troopers to start the onslaught on the streets. Until now, that memory lingered in his mind which the boy heavily sighed and clenched his both fists. Peter noticed him and got concerned.

" Bud, are you still okay? " he asked.

" It's very troubling to see it, " the boy answered.

" You know we really have to work for justice to them, but for that terrible shell shock of yours, I'm not sure if I can help you. For now, you have to stick with me while I'm training you to fight and protect yourself. You have to show you're a man enough to deal with them. "

" What do you mean? "

" Get a lot of courage and fight for the right way, " Peter slightly smiled. " If you wanna change your life, you better start within yourself. I don't know if that could heal you, but it will take a lot of time to get some positive results. "

" I hope so..."

" Just like my late uncle said: Great power comes with greater responsibility. I know it sounds very cliché, but you can do it. It always comes from you, " he prepared for a friendly fist bump. " What do you say, Bud? Shall we continue your training? "

" I'm ready..." the boy smiled and responded to gesture.

" Okay, we're in! Let's go! "

Peter and the hybrid boy continued their physical and combat training. The next day, he gave his Kree-Lizard trainee some 20 to 30 push-ups and cargo crate lifting early in the morning. Then, the boy jogged on the streets of Prince Rupert while his web-slinging friend roamed around with him. He was very tired, but Peter continued to cheer him up as he got motivated and kept on running. A week later, Peter made a punching bag out of multiple webs which he spun. His trainee got curious as the web-slinger demonstrated in jabbing and punching. The boy studied the way of attacking the punching bag and waited for his turn to do it.

The Kree-Lizard boy started to copy Peter's moves, but the reaction of the punching bag slammed him and sent him pushing away. He stumbled and fell on the ground. Peter noticed him grumbling and helped him to stand up, so he taught him to maintain his proper posture in fighting and corrected his techniques. He also advised his hybrid trainee to use his tail in case of an attacker got him. Then, the boy started punching the web bag which it took more days until he sparred along with his trainer. Finally, he got used to fight back and made it successfully as Peter smiled at him.


The pine tree forests greeted the two under the foggy evening sky. They headed and spied at the former MTF base where they found some blue-skinned men and reptilians heavily guarding the premises. Peter and the boy went hiding in the bushes and observed their coming and going. They heard a commotion from a distance when they saw a commander talking to them.

" Are you sure this is the right place to raid them? " the Kree-Lizard hybrid lowly asked.

" Yeah, I told you this is your first gig to track them down," Peter replied. " We're gonna distract those guys before we enter. Then, we'll see what we can find in there. Got it? "

" Okay. "

The guards heard some rustling of leaves and bushes as they caught their attention to them. They murmured in their own language and exchanged glanced when they were approaching the bushes. Suddenly, the Kree and the Lizards got trapped by some cobwebs. They loudly yelled for help. The Kree-Lizard hybrid carried and bushed a boulder when the other soldiers came to attack him. He rolled it as they ran away. Finally, Peter and the boy sighed in relief and made a high-five when they easily penetrated the facility.

" What's next? " the boy curiously asked.

" Okay, let's find out what's inside, " Peter whispered. " Now, we have to be discrete as we go upstairs. "

" Right, " he nodded.

The two found some stairs which they decided to spy from above. They got to the second floor where they peeked and heard a commotion from below. From what they saw, an elderly mutated man and his daughter in red were being held captives by the Kree soldiers. The father and daughter were being pointed by weapons. Just in front of them, a middle-aged brunette pink-Kree man dressed in a battlesuit crossed his arms while confronting the two. The Kree-Lizard hybrid and Spider-Man were listening at the discourse.

" Yon-Rogg, please we need to explain! " the woman cried. " You have to listen to us! My father and I were supposed to take the Inhumans for you, but..."

"....Failed..." Yon-Rogg instantly continued in his stern reply. " Cinder, I have asked you and your father to bring fire and let them follow you! It has been days upto months which I have ordered you both! You are nothing, but disgusting imbiciles! How can I report this to Lord Taryan?! "

" Look, Yon, " the mutated man named Alpha reasoned. " We have tried to capture them for your slave trade, but there's someone who has hindered us from that exploit! "

" Tell me, who? "

" It's the Kree Eternal, himself! "

" That damned, Methu-Selah, " Yon-Rogg angrily muttered and clenched his both fists. " You two are supposed to take him down! Why did you let him overpower you both?! "

" His semblance is too powerful, " Cinder answered. " A Kree like him has the power of the light! We can't take him down on our own. "

" But Methu-Selah freed them! " Alpha added.

Yon-Rogg's face darkened and remained silent as he signalled his troops and the reptilians to bring the ultimate weapon. Alpha and Cinder were both sweating in fear as they saw a man with a right metallic arm. He was ready to shoot the father and daughter. The Kree-Lizard hybrid boy intently looked at the executioner as he recognized the one who killed his girlfriend.

" Peter, " the boy whispered to his masked companion. " It's him! He's the one who took Nancy! "

" Wait, what? " Peter or Spider-Man widened his eyes in shock.

" It's him! We need to stop him now or before...."

Turning their heads around, the Kree-Lizard boy and Spider-Man got surprised to hear a fatal laser shot from the cyborg's arms. Former Agent Alpha of the MIB and his daughter, Cinder Fall had ended their lives. Yon-Rogg evily smirked and turned to his subordinates especially to the executioner.

" You did a good job, Psycho. For all the Earthians, you have been a reliable one, " the pink-Kree soldier commented. " I recommend you to take over their place in capturing those potential slaves. Now, promise me not to fail in your mission. "

" I'll do my best in this job, sir, " Psycho grinned in his reply.

" Good! Now, we have more things to do. "

A lizard soldier approached Yon-Rogg and the others as he saluted. The pink-skinned turned his attention to him.

" Sir, our forces found a community of exiled Kree, humans, and other races, " he answered.

" Where? "

" Port Alcan in Alaska, we have to cross the border to capture them. "

" Excellent, " Yon-Rogg grinned and got interested. " Now, we have a new and trusted brutal executioner to deal if they escalate. "

" But we have a problem, sir, " the reptilian continued. " Our guards got injured by a large Boulder and some were trapped in a large cobweb. "

The pink-Kree Colonel hissed in fury as he heard the bad news from his subordinate. He turned around and sensed some intruders. The Kree-Lizard and his mutated companion exchanged glances.

" Now what? " he raised his voice.

" We're gonna be in big trouble, bud. "

" Find them! " Yon-Rogg yelled. " I smelled some rodents infiltrating inside. You have to exterminate them. "

" What about you, sir? " the other Kree soldier asked.

" That's your duty. I have to go to Alaska along with the executioner! I don't need such rodents from Earth who hinder my way! "

" Yes, sir! " the soldiers responded in unison and began searching for the two. Yon-Rogg and Psycho left the abandoned facility. Peter and the Kree-Lizard boy exchanged glances as they knew what to do.

" You know, what to do, bud? " the man donned his mask as Spider-Man.

" Let's do this! " the boy clenched his both fists and nodded.

The soldiers dispersed and began searching within the area. They entered each containment cell, laboratory, storage, and weaponry room. Suddenly, some of them were being pulled by web which they cried for help.

" What the? " the Lizard soldier gasped in shock as he was being tackled and punched by the hybrid.

The reptilian was about to strike him with his spikes, however. The Kree-Lizard boy scarred his face. Then, he lifted the soldier and let him fell down into the ground. The other attackers surrounded him as the boy used his tail to struck them. They others failed to fight back. While doing it, Peter released the webs from his hands and shot another incoming Kree soldier into their faces.

" We still got more, dude, " the web-slinger said.

" Right, " his hooded companion nodded.

Keeping hindering down the soldiers, the boy grabbed the blue skinned one and punched him on the gut which the soldier fell down and failed to retaliate. Then, he kicked another lizard in-front of him and sent pushing and struck down. Peter trapped the others with his web from his both hands as they were struggling to break free. The two faced another last attacker, it was an eight feet tall blue Kree man. The two nervously gulped in seeing him.

" Now, what?! " the Kree-Lizard boy turned to his mentor.

" We have no choice, but to deal with him, " he answered.

The two was being grabbed by the last attacker from their necks. They were struggling to let go as they were being choked to death.

" This must be stopped at once, but we can't get out from his hands! " the hybrid anxiously thought and gasped for air.

" Let us freak! " Peter cried.

The Kree man remained silent as he still held their necks and watched them suffocating. The boy closed his eyes and began concentrating in how to get him and his companion to get released. He used his tail and spikes to pin and strike the man down as he got himself freed. But still, the attacker was holding Peter from left hand.

" Peter! " the hybrid cried.

" Just go, bud! " the web-slinger panted and felt weakened.

" I won't leave you! "

The Kree-Lizard boy punched the attacker's gut as he fell down. Finally, Peter or Spider-Man got free from the murderer as he got his breath back. The tall Kree man waa not satisfied and slowly standing up. He wanted the two to meet their demise.

" He may be a silent killer, but we have to end his life, " Peter said.

" Do you think it's a good idea? " the boy asked.

" We have no choice, but to do it. He's beyond redemption! "

" I guess so. "

The two decided to take him down once and for all as they thought of giving him a final blow. First, Peter leapt and trapped him down using the web from his hands. The boy was contemplating which he got confused in killing him or letting him live. The skirmish memories of 682 and Nancy's demise had made him think further whether he would let the attacker live or die. It took time for him to think as his mentor-friend waited for him.

" Come on, what are you waiting for, Bud? " he called his attention. " Quit stalling around! "

" I don't think it's a good idea to kill him, " the boy firmly replied.

" What do you mean? He almost killed us! "

" I rather injure him instead as a punishment. "

" Bud, you don't understand! He...."

" You said you punish your intruders instead of killing them, right? "

" Oh...." Peter widened his eyes for that reminder he had heard from his friend. He understood and nodded. " Fine, do your own thing! "

The Kree-Lizard boy held the tall blue man's both legs and crushed them. The man excruciatingly yelled in pain. Peter realized punishment was the only way to bring the right justice instead of taking someone's life. The boy made his first umbrage against the enemies. Finally, the two left the abandoned facility.

" So, what now? " Peter asked.

" If someone from the MTF or anyone finds them, let's leave it to them and decide whether what they would possibly do to these people. Then, I'm finding the right time to take down Nancy's murderer. That's the way I could bring back her justice. "

" I guess you're right. By the way, I'm thinking of going to Alaska. We have some people to save there. "

" So, you heard the conversation earlier? "

" Yeah, " Peter smiled. " I have friends there who will help us. How about you? "

" I don't know, " the hybrid sadly sighed as the place reminded of Nancy's dream home. " It's just my girlfriend wanted to live there. "

" Well, perhaps you can revive that thought from her. "

" Right, " he nodded. " If she were still living, she could have been happier to take her with me to Alaska. "

" Oh, you could have done that for her. That's good and thoughtful of you. "

" I still want to do that anyway. She deserves to be remembered and loved even she's... " the Kree-Lizard boy paused and changed the topic. " Nevermind, I heard those people earlier talking about the Kree Eternal. Do you have an idea of who he was? "

" I don't know. We need to find out once we get there. "

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