Chapter 24

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" Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged. "

- Samuel Johnson


In a dark containment cell filled with green acid, a large reptilian being submerged himself. He heard a man's voice from the observation window. The man began asking him questions of why the creature was contained and some from the SCPs and the Foundation. A D-Class personnel was still holding a rod microphone to let the creature answer. The being impertinently answered his interviewer to each question.

" What is your origin? " the interviewer asked.

" The naive little creature wants an answer, " 682 answered. " Its deficient mind can't fathom. "

" Could you put it in terms we can understand? "

" You already possess a piece of the puzzle..."

" What does that mean? You agreed to cooperate. "

" You agreed to indulge me, " 682 sneered..

" Moving on..." the interviewer asked. " Why do you hate humans? "

" What is there to like? "

" Care to elaborate? "

" Loathsome parasites, believing you are the evolutionary pinnacle...masters of your own design... Your delusions of self-importance...laughable...."

" Okay then, " he continued. " So there is no redeeming qualities to be found in Humans? "

" None that I see. "

" Do you really hate all life? If this is true, do you wish to end it? "

" No..."

" Just Humanity? What have we done to warrant your distaste? "

" Putrid creatures of mush...You tout yourselves over me, but..." he paused and mumbled in gibberish.

" Do you have an answer or are you really not willing to share it? "
The monster refused to answer and moved away from the microphone which his voice was not heard.

" Get the mic closer, " the other male voice reminded.

" It's fine where it is, " the interviewer replied.

682 was sinking into the acid as he thought of something. Then, he quickly leapt to attack the rod microphone and growled. Everyone got alarmed to see his violent action.

" [REDACTED] Idiot! It was fine where it was! "

(The Next Day: Port Alcan, Alaska, 4:30 AM)

The Kree-Lizard hybrid instantly woke up from the nightmare he had when he panicked from the bed. His roommates inside the cabin heard him, especially Christopher and Peter got awoke from their sleep. They quickly approached him and found him shaking and sweating in fear.

" Hey, Dude! " Peter or Spider-Man gently patted the boy's arms. " We're here! We're here! Wake-up! Wake-up! "

Christopher took an extra glass of water to let him drink which he saw the boy widened his eyes, still shaking from the horror of 682.

" Friend, please drink this..." the dark-haired Kree-Inhuman hybrid assisted the boy to sit-up as he began to drink a glass of water and finished it. The Kree-Lizard boy took away the glass and panted.

" Are you all right, Bud? " Peter asked. " You're having his dreams again. "

" I...I....want to put him into an end...I want to put him into an end...I want to put him into an end..."

Christopher secretly read the Kree-Lizard hybrid's mind which he saw darkness, fear, and sadness. He sadly sighed and gently patted the boy's back, still hearing the repetitive rants from him.

" Chris, he needs a doctor, " the bearded man suggested. " I have heard a lot of nightmares from him before we came here. "

" Now, I completely understood why he's an insomniac, Peter, " Christopher calmly spoke while rubbing the other hybrid's back. " If his mental illness still persists, then he will suffer in the long run. "

" Right. "

Suddenly, the other people from the rooms got disturbed and heard the wailing in this room. One of them was an old woman approached the gentlemen and entered as she crossed her arms and glared at them. Christopher recognized her and sighed which he got embarrassed.

" Do you three have consideration at the people living in this house?! " she furiously asked. " You have awakened all of us! "

" I'm sorry, Mrs. Crowley. Our new friend is having nightmares recently, " the green-haired humbly replied. " Please you have to understand that he has PTSD. "

" Really? PTSD?! You boys have to be kidding me. "

" Mrs. Crowley, " Peter added. " I have been with him for several weeks and he has this kind of problem. Maybe, you know someone who could help him. "

" I don't know what you boys are talking about, " she sneered and crossed her arms. " If I were you two, I could kicked him out of the cabin for real! "

Christopher and Peter exchanged glances at each other and looked concerned at the tall hooded friend who remained shaking and crying repetitively. Mrs. Crowley and the other residents were still glaring at the three when Gladius and his purple haired wife arrived to see what was happening.

" What's going on? " the long haired mutant asked.

" Mr. Fernal, " Crowley replied. " I want to report this reptilian gentleman and his friends here. He's the one who caused to wake up this early morning. Then, these boys are trying to defend him. Please you have to do something right at instant! "

" Mrs. Crowley, I do apologize for this one, " Gladius calmly spoke. " But I will take my responsibility for our new resident. Please, he's mentally-ill. You have to understand why. "

" You're supposed to take charge of all of us! Not from the enemy. "

" Ma'am, please you don't understand what he had experienced, " Peter reasoned. " He just came all the way from California to escape from his enemies and still has that trauma. Perhaps, if you're in his shoes, you can imagine how he endured that pain especially he lost his a friend and a loved one. "

" Shut up! I don't care what you're saying, young man! "

The Kree-Lizard hybrid heard the argument and bitterly wept. Gladius, Christopher, and Peter noticed him. The old woman had no remorse which some of them agreed with her. Aqune Fernal heavily sighed and turned around.

" Everyone, I think we should stop arguing before it's escalating, " the purple haired woman warned and turned to the other people. " I'm trying to be fair here. Mrs. Crowley, I know you and the others are getting bothered right now, but as much as possible we need to get our new friend to help him cured. Please, this is getting bothersome for all of us. You all need to return to your rooms. My husband and I have to figure out to deal with him. "

Mrs. Crowley became speechless and felt ashamed as she heavily sighed. The other residents headed back to their rooms as the other two men looked at the Kree-Lizard hybrid with a concern.

" So, what are we gonna do with him, now? " Peter asked. " He could be in great danger like anyone else! "'

" Well, I can recommend a psychiatrist for him, " Aqune answered. " Her name is Dr. Elizabeth Hughes. She lives in this town and works in a mental health facility. I'm not sure if he could be confined there. "

" I guess she can help, " Christopher nodded. " Our friend needs to be cured before it worsens him. "

" First of, I'm gonna assign a team to patrol the town from those invaders. One of them can find Dr. Hughes and take her to see the boy, " Gladius explained of his new plan. " If this goes smooth-sailing, then she could join us. "

" But if not? "

" We can plan for the next step. "

The two men nodded as the boy remained catatonic and curled up on the bed.

" I hope he can pull through from this, " the green-haired man sadly sighed.

" Yeah, " Spider-Man stretched his arms. " I hope the doctor can help him. "

(Few Hours Later)

The Kree-Lizard hybrid remained in his room and never ate his meals as Christopher and Peter took care of him. Gladius had assigned his team to search for any survivors including Dr. Hughes. Aqune helped around the household along with the residents. Then, she headed to the room where the two men stayed with the boy.

" So, how was he? " the purple-haired lady asked.

" He never ate his breakfast since earlier, " Christopher replied.

" Yet, he never responded us either, " Peter added..

" I see..." she sadly nodded. " Once he meets his doctor, he can gradually pull through. "

Suddenly, one of the rebel troopers appeared and panted towards Aqune and the others. Gladius followed his subordinate and looked tired.

" We have bad news, " the trooper said. " The Kree-Lizard legion had invaded the whole town. They're moving towards to the nearby towns bounding Anchorage! Gladius and the few others were the only survivors from the attack. "

" What?! "

" It's true..." the long haired mutant added. " We saw Dr. Hughes got killed by a cyborg. "

Peter got surprised to hear what the news had transpired and thought of his friend's only hope to get cured. He sadly sighed at the catatonic Kree-Lizard hybrid and also remembered the one who killed his late girlfriend.

" Is there way for him to get another doctor? " he asked.

" If only the Kree Eternal would be here, " Christopher replied. " He could help our new friend here. "

" Well, that could be one, " Gladius agreed. " But apparently we don't know where he is right now. "

" Let's see if we could find him to meet the boy, " his wife added.

The four of them left the room as the Kree-Lizard hybrid remained lying on the bed. Still staring at the window, his mind went blank after the memories of 682 had haunted him this morning. He left his food and drink untouched. Inside his mind, he was trapped in the MTF Containment Cell where 682 was found. The Kree-Lizard hybrid submerged himself inside the green acid. He was being pinned down by the deceased monster who tried to kill him.

" So, you think your friends can help you, lad? " 682 taunted. " You will never gain from those putrids of mud! "

The hybrid felt being drowned and suffocating from the clutches of 682. He tried to break free from his captor, knocked him down on the elbow, and leapt going to the stairs. The killer monster growled in seeing the hybrid breaking the containment.


The boy opened the escape hatch. Then, he quickly got up and ran away going to the tunnel of light. He saw two figures from the distance and recognized them. His Kree friend, Mar-Vell and his girlfriend Nancy Johnson were standing and confronting him.

" Please take me with you! " the boy wept and hugged them. " I can't stand 682 anymore! I don't want to live with his miseries! "

" Boy, as much as we want to take you, " Mar-Vell calmly replied. " But we're no longer living with you. "

" He's right, we're sorry, " Nancy sadly sighed and kissed his cheeks. " This is your mission, now. "

" But...." he paused and turned to the monster coming from the dark tunnel reaching him. " I'm in big trouble, right now! I can't deal with him anymore! Please, I can't do this alone! "

" My love, please fight for me...." Nancy held her boyfriend's hands. " I know you can't fight him, but you have to. "

" Nancy, he's not the one who killed you! It's the cyborg! "

" I know, but you need to deal with that for yourself. He's the one who tormented you. Then, if you see the one who murdered me, please avenge me..."

" Nancy...."

" I love you...please fight for my justice...and then for your own demon..."

" But I don't know how..."

" Boy, you have to deal with him and your enemies, " the pink-Kree said. " Your beloved one wants you to have courage before you discover your true-self. "

" Mar-Vell, I don't understand...what do you mean?! "

682 found the three and growled. The boy was terrified to see him. Nancy and Mar-Vell exchanged glances and turned to their living hooded loved one. Suddenly, the monster was ready to attack them as the boy instantly closed his eyes. Finally, he returned to his senses and never realized that he was weeping. The boy turned around and noticed no one was inside the room. He wiped away his tears and left when Aqune entered.

" Friend, are you okay? " she curiously asked.

" I need to speak to Peter, " the boy determinedly replied. " Please, I have to avenge my late girlfriend. "

" Wait, you have just come from..."

" Please, I need to do this! "

" But you're ill! "

Aqune got concerned at the Kree-Lizard hybrid's mental health which she was anxious of what he would do next. Her husband came from the battle area and saw the boy recovering from his stillness.

" Dude, are you all right? " he asked. " We got worried for you. "

" Gladius, let me join your group. I want to avenge my late girlfriend, " the boy replied.

" Look, if you're aware earlier, someone wanted to ditch you. I'm sorry for Mrs. Crowley's harsh comments. I understood you have greatly offended, but we're trying to find you a doctor. "

" A doctor? "

" Yes, for your psychological bondage, " Gladius seriously replied. " But I'm sorry she's not going to help you, anymore. "

" Why? "

" She passed away in the hands of our enemies. "

The Kree-Lizard boy bowed in sadness and grief which he remembered his beloved girlfriend who mate the same fate several months ago. Now, there was a reason why Nancy and Mar-Vell had talked to him inside his mind. This time, he had to fight back with the help of his new friends.
Christopher and Peter joined them when they saw him gaining consciousness.

" Hey, Bud. Thank goodness, you're back! " Peter happily beamed. " We got worried when you lost yourself! "

" Peter, Christopher, I'm still mentally disturbed, but I need your help along with Gladius. "

" What is it? " Christopher asked.

" Help me find the cyborg who murdered my girlfriend. "

" Wait..." Gladius snapped his fingers and recalled. " His name is Psycho, the one who joined the Kree-Lizard legion. I'm still wondering why gets involved. "

" How did you know him? " the costumed man curiously asked.

" I met Agent Phil Coulson one time and told me of this marauder. He was a former murderer in Remnant and a HYDRA Agent who got himself into an overall upgrade. He's well-known for his killing spree and acts of terrorism. Ten years ago, he had his received his death sentence before the organization revived him. "

" So, a SHIELD Agent had him before? " Christopher asked.

" Yes. Now, he's more dangerous than ever. You boys should be careful in dealing with him, but I will join with you three to track him down. "

" I'll try my best, Gladius, " the hybrid determinedly replied. " I want to avenge Nancy's death. "

" That's great to hear, bud. We're going to plan for our next operation, tonight. "

(Chicken, Alaska, 8:30 PM)

The small town near Alcan was also invaded and degraded by the enemies. The houses and other establishments were dismantled into debris and fragments. Bloodshed was found everywhere on the streets. The once peaceful town transformed into a place of death and despair. Gladius and the other three men headed themselves to find any survivors to rescue and enemies to battle. They searched everywhere and spent more time, but they found no survivors anywhere.

" Dammit... " Peter heavily sighed and shrugged. " We have wasted time here. I mean is there anything else we can do aside from finding people or bad guys? "

" Wait..." Christopher paused and turned around as Gladius and the tall hooded being looked curious at him. " I'm sensing a person somewhere. "

" Where? "

" That saloon over there, " the green-haired man pointed at the abandoned establishment. " That way. "

The four men entered the Chicken Creek Saloon where they noticed some broken furniture and billiard table. Peter Parker or Spider-Man heavily sighed to see the gloomy environment which it was once a place for merry-making and drinking. The Kree-Lizard hybrid moved his head to and fro while checking for anyone who would dare to attack.

" My friend, are you seeing what am I seeing? " Christopher curiously asked.

" Yes, " he nodded. " He must be coming from that room over there. "

" Hold on...we've got company..." Gladius seriously muttered and turned to his teammates. " Just don't do anything stupid. "

The three nodded and remained silent as they heard footsteps coming from the room. Peter was ready to trap any intruder using his web-slinging from his hands. The Kree-Lizard hybrid took a billiard pole as Gladius and Christopher were prepared to fire-up. Remaining on their position, they noticed a man with a metallic mask and a cybernetic right arm stained with a blue blood. The cyborg was holding a dead body of an exiled Kree man and throwing it on the floor. The four got disturbed in seeing the skirmish of what the man did.

" You fools can't deal with me anymore..." he evilly grinned and scoffed.

" How many lives have you taken, eh? " Spider-Man curiously asked. " Don't tell me that Kree guy is your 10,000th victim. "

" Exactly, the four of you will be next to make it 10,004. I'm just following orders from Commander Yon-Rogg. "

" How the hell did you get recruited for your nut job with them? "

" Simple, I just need more compensation and out of this world perks from those guys. HYDRA is just a bunch of failures ever since I left for my damn upgrade. They don't benefit me more. "

" What are you gonna do now, Psycho? " Gladius asked.

" Just gonna put you guys from ashes to dust."

" How predictable..." Christopher grinned.

" You don't know what I'm gonna do next! " Psycho transformed his arm into a blaster canon and targeted at the Kree-Lizard hybrid boy who was ready to hit him with a billiard stick.

" Dude, look-out! " Spider-Man yelled as the boy quickly dodged into safety.

" So, you learned the hard way, huh? " the cyborg loudly laughed and kept blasting. " Nightmare's just beginning, kid."

The Kree-Lizard hybrid kept evading the mad man's attacks as he was still holding a billiard stick as a weapon. The boy thought of how to retaliate despite of evading his attacks. Psycho was ready to exterminate him when Spider-Man webbed the cyborg which he trapped him multiple times.

" Let me go, you Arachnid freak! " Psycho yelled.

" Dude, take him down now! "

The Kree-Lizard boy had his chance by hitting him with a billiard stick on the cyborg's head, however he instantly broke free and transformed his right arm into a blade which the two nervously gulped. Gladius and Christopher were both ready to fight back.

" Now, it's time for plan B, " the long haired mutant grinned.

" Ready! " the green-haired Kree-Inhuman hybrid nodded and flashed his silver eyes with bright white light as the cyborg got distracted and almost blinded by it.

Psycho was ready to slash and strike the other two. Gladius illuminated his both hands using his purging light and blasted him down. The male cyborg was unhappy to be taken down by a mutant. He thought of pinning him down with his blade. Gladius kept blasting his opponent in several times, however he got wounded on his left leg.

" Dammit, " the long haired mutant grumbled and healed his left leg. " Chris, Peter, take him down, Pronto! "

Peter Parker had an idea as he threw more webs on the cyborg. Psycho got trapped on his legs and arms. The fiber strings from the masked man made it stronger than ever. The mad cyborg had a difficult time in breaking free from those webs.

" YOU FOOLS! " he angrily growled and attempted to remove.

" How about this one! " Christopher illuminated his eyes once more when the cyborg's eyes got blinded.

" My eyes, I can't see! I can't see! "

" Okay, bud, it's your turn, now! " Gladius called the Kree-Lizard boy.

The boy sternly glared at the blinded cyborg and clenched his both fists when he punched the murderer's gut. Psycho loudly yelled in excruciating pain and felt blood coming out of his mouth.

" This is for the people you took their lives! You're worse as SCP-682! " he heatedly exclaimed and kicked the opponent's face. " This is for Nancy! You brutally murdered her! "

" became tougher than I thought, " Psycho scoffed and panted. " I imagined you as a big monstrous loser after all..."

" You are nothing, but a failed pushover! " the boy used his spiky tail in pinning the mad man's chest as blood from his chest was flowing.

" You're gonna bring more failure, kid...I swear... You will fail along with your friends..."

Watching and listening at those final moments, Psycho breathed and passed away. Gladius, Christopher, and Peter sighed in seeing the murderer lost his life. For the boy, he finally avenged his girlfriend and bowed in sadness.

" Friend, you did what you have to do, " the long haired mutant gently patted the boy's shoulders and assured. " You finally got justice for your beloved one. "

" She may finally rest in peace and freedom, " Peter added.

" At least, you had resolved this one for her, " Christopher sincerely smiled.

" I know. Thank you, " the hybrid nodded. " But there's one thing I can request for you three. "

" What is it? " the three men asked.

" Can you help me find a special place where I can offer her some flowers and also for Mar-Vell? "

" You mean a memorial? " Christopher queried.

" Yes. "

" Oh, that will do. "

(Chicken Creek, 12:00 MN)

Just near the town, the four men headed to the river where they spent resting after taking two bunches of Rock Roses at the forest bushes. The Kree-Lizard boy took the flowers and let them float on water. Gladius and Christopher both illuminated themselves and sent the two white lights flying into the starry sky. Peter took some two pieces of gold and gently placed them into the water. They took a moment of silence while watching the flowers going farther away into the river along with the lights in the sky.

" This is for them..." the boy slightly smiled and wept. " They will be always remembered. "

" Well yeah, " Peter said. " It's very sad to lose them. "

" Our sincerest condolences. Here, friend. " Christopher added.

" They have surely passed on, " Gladius crossed his arms while looking at the sky.

Just behind the four men, the Kree-Lizard boy sensed the two energies which he turned around his head. Christopher curiously looked at him and also sensed them.

" My friend? " he asked. " Is there something wrong? "

" I think I found them, " the hybrid replied. " They're telling me something before they're going away. "

" It's just the beginning of your journey. May Tam-Bor guide and help you in your quest for your freedom and truth. Thanks for remembering me, Boy! " a familiar male voice spoke in his mind.

" Mar-Vell...I will. thank you. " he muttered and recognized the voice. " I will never forget you. "

" Dude, I'm sorry our relationship didn't last that longer, but thank you for trying to lift-up my spirit when I was living. You started to fall in-love with me. I felt the same thing with you. Thank you for bringing my justice..." a female voice said.

The Kree-Lizard hybrid was moved into tears when he heard his late girlfriend talking to him. Peter, Gladius, and Christopher noticed him as they understood.

" Nancy... I'm so sorry..." he bitterly wept. " I couldn't save you at first! I really miss you! "

" No, you don't have to be sorry. You did what you have to do to avenge me and that's important. You finally knew how to love someone. Anyway, I missed you too, but it's time to let go...."

" Let go? "

" Yes, you will find someone to love just like you have done for me. I know it's sad, but that person will help you mend your broken heart. You will learn to love for the second time. Someday, you will..."

" I will, Nancy. I will....I love you..."

" I love you too..."

The Kree-Lizard boy felt a cold kiss on his face which it seemed like his first kiss from Nancy. Her spirit hugged him for the last time as he was still in tears. Finally, it was time to let her go. The two spirits had departed from the Earthly ground, going to the vastness of the eternal cosmic blanket. He lifted his head and saw the two bright stars found on the radiant nebulous arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.

" Well, they are surely happy for where they are now, " the long-haired mutant smiled.

" Yeah, " Peter nodded and removed his mask. " Our friend could move forward and find his way to get himself better. "

" I hope so, " Christopher added and looked at the tall hooded being. " It's just a beginning of his new journey while battling his skeletons in his closet. I know he can do it even it will take a long time. "

" He will, Chris. " Gladius assured. " He will. "

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