Chapter 38

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 " The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. "

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

(Rouen, France, 12:30 AM)

Carol watched her son sleeping peacefully as she remained sleepless. Her mind had drifted to the conversation earlier and sighed. Sitting up and slowly rising up from the bed, the elderly half-Kree took her son's journal and began checking the pages. She smiled in checking the pages which some were written in English, French, and Russian.

" He surely has more stories to tell, " Carol thought and watched the hybrid boy in his slumber. " But he's still looking for his father which I haven't seen him in years. I wish I could tell the truth to him, so he wouldn't wait for the right moment, but I'm not so sure how since the enemies are also after him. Oh, Methie, if you only knew how I got worried about you and your boy, he's beginning to ask questions about you and searching for you. He wants to know where you could be found, but only time will tell. I hope you could find a way to meet him again. "

The elderly half-Kree returned in reading her son's journal. She turned to the page where he wrote his wanderings in Moscow, Russia and began reading it.

" Now, I wonder how this kid got survived the former Soviet Communist Capital, " she looked intently at the written words in Cyrillic. " Perhaps, those past years had made him like that. "


The Kree-Lizard hybrid boy had never seen the Kree-Russian man who helped him two days ago. No news about him, he felt hopeless to see someone generous like him. He survived the harsh cold weather which his Kree genes helped him to endure and adapt, but still he had nothing to eat nor drink. He tried to roam around the streets and positioned himself at the sidewalk. No one even attempted to help him. He kept crying and begging, but everyone ignored him.

He remembered those days when Elder Alexi Shostakov once told him to stay away from those places where trouble was present. He did follow. But everywhere he went, violence roamed around the city where the slave drivers struck their slaves into their tragic demise. The boy felt shattered and bursted into tears when he witnessed such hardships. One time, a Russian lady prostitute for the Kree and Lizards approached him. She was flirtingly speaking and seducing him, thinking the boy was one of the enemies. The hybrid was afraid to deal with her which he couldn't understand a word. So, he ran away and left her.

Almost every day, he was seeing such turmoil and corruption on the streets. He wanted to fight back and save those who got oppressed, but he was too weak, tired, and hungry to do it. He had nothing to prove himself for he was too broken.

That night, he was sleeping back at the alley's dirty grounds. The boy began to wail once again dreaming of 682's murderous exploits. He could not put himself at rest which the constant mental torture from the infamous crocodile had haunted him. Unaware of his surroundings, a green haired woman in a thick fur coat observed him from a distance. Along with her, there was a man with dark colorings on his skin who also watched the Kree-Lizard boy. His hair was velvet as the king's clothing. He was dressed in black like death.

" That's him, " the man pointed out. " I supposed to kill him some years ago in Alaska, but he survived. "

" Yes, " the lady grinned and held her katana. " I knew him too. I was about to take his life too back in Kolyma. Then, I saw him and his friends chattering with that old scumbag."

" Many people think he's SCP-682, the unstoppable lizard, but this one has blue Kree blood. "

" Exactly, that makes me wonder, but our masters wants to take him down. "

" Solaris, shall we? "

" The pleasure is ours, Darkvile. We don't want to waste another opportunity to slay a half-Kree monster! "

The two executioners from Remnant walked over to the boy's position. Solaris Volkova gave her companion a signal to take him down for good. Darkvile was ready to draw his claws as he thought of impaling the victim's head. The green haired lady held her katana and pointed at the boy's tail. The hybrid instantly woke up and saw those persons who were ready to take another life. He wanted to scream and run away as the evil Inhuman pointed his claws on the hybrid's throat.

" DON'T YOU DARE TO SCREAM, " Solaris stressed her words. " OR ELSE, YOU WILL BECOME A CARCASS..."

" W-what do you two w-want from me?! " the boy fearfully asked.

" We need some answers from you, but once you replied wrongfully, you will instantly die. Do not answer, I don't know! Understood?! "

The Kree-Lizard hybrid boy became more intimidated. But despite he learned some fighting skills from Peter Parker or Spider-Man, they weren't enough to retaliate against his enemies. He remained speechless and sweating in confronting them. Darkvile evilly grinned at him as he was eager to take down another life.

" Question number one, did you intend to kill another executioner from our allies? "

" was just an accident..." the boy nervously replied by making any excuses. " I was too careless in meeting some of your people."

" You're just plain careless? "

" Yes..."

" Next question: are you member of the rebel forces? "

" No, I'm no longer part of them! I have come all the way to Siberia! "

" Siberia? "

" YES!! "

Solaris raised her eyebrows in doubt at the boy's answers. She was not that convinced and thinking of cutting down his tail. The hybrid was too uneasy and frightened to deal with his murderers.

" Third question, what were you doing in Old Alexi Shostakov's house? "

" He just invited me for a drink of Vodka with his friends and then I got drunk until your people came to raid us! "

" Really?! "

" YES! "

" Last question, " Solaris indignantly spoke. " We heard rumors of the Kree Eternal and his missing son. Because of your blue blood in your body, we have suspected you as him or his child. Are you related to the Kree Eternal? "

The boy remained silent as the Remnite-Russian woman's question. The powerful man from Hala was being mentioned as his friends once told of him before. The boy has been searching for this man in years to help him gain his good mental health. This time, that question made him to unanswer.


" I don't....know... I really don't know! "

" KILL HIM! " Solaris ordered her companion.

The boy was trembling into tears as Darkvile was ready to slay him again. His claws were about to hit the hybrid's head. Solaris also pointed her katana to the victim's abdomen. He was about to face death when some flames appeared to stop them. It was a dark haired bearded man who made it. He was wearing a blue overall jumpsuit showing the Republic of Remnant's flag and some patches attached on it.

Darkvile and Solaris were afraid to encounter him. They had no choice, but they had to take him down. The Kree-Lizard boy watched how the man fought. Darkvile was about to slash the man, but he failed as the flames weakened him. Solaris took her turn in slaying the boy, but the flamed attacker hindered her.

" YOU! " Solaris yelled.

" Yeah, me? " the man scoffed.

" How dare you ceasing my ways to take him! "

" Oh, really?! " he changed his tone into a serious one and ignited his both hands. " So, you're trying to hurt this street beggar! Go ahead, I'll turn you into ashes if you dare! "

" You don't realize that beggar is something else, " Solaris replied. " But we will get him someday, he will face the truth and his own demise! "

The two immediately left when the man watched them from a distance. He turned to the boy and ceased his flames on his both hands. The boy felt dizzy and fell down on the ground. The man got concerned to see him fainting.

" Hey! Just hang-in there! Wake up! Wake up! " 


The Kree-Lizard hybrid instantly opened his eyes and sat up from his bed. He kept looking around as he moved his head to and fro and never realized he was at an abandoned Russian Space Agency headquarters. The boy scratched his head and felt clueless about what was happening. Suddenly, he saw a young Faunus woman entered the room, smiling at her and bringing food to him.

" Dobroye utro! (Good morning!) " she greeted him and placed the food beside his table.

" What? " the boy raised his voice with a tone which he couldn't understand any Russian word.

" Oh, I'm so sorry, " she sighed and replied. " You never speak Russian. My, I believe you have been experiencing lost in translation here. "

" You may say that, miss. I have lived in this country for more than five years now. I'm struggling to communicate even my friends who were with me before. "

" Well, we both speak in English. That's fine! "

" Not all, I tried begging for alms, but no one heard me. "

The girl perceived what the boy had said. She was watching him eating and composing her thoughts. It took minutes for her as the stillness was present between them. The boy curiously looked at her.

" Is there something wrong about what I said? " he asked.

" No, no! Not at all! " she laughed. " I mean why not trying to learn the language whether you're staying here. So, you can understand what people are saying. "

" Well, that will do. "

" When my family moved here, I struggled to learn the language, but papa and mama tried their best to teach me and my younger brother. "

" So, where are you from? "

" Republic of Remnant. How about you? "

" I'm from Alaska, " he said. " I mean...I have come all the way from California, Canada, and then Alaska. "

" You're a wide traveller, so to speak, " the Faunus girl smiled. " Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Shadra Ryliea. You must be? "

" Well... I don't have a name..."

" It doesn't matter to me, hooded Cossack. "

" Hooded Cossack?! "

" It's just a nickname for now, " Shadra smiled.

" Thanks for the breakfast, Shadra, " the boy smiled back.

" You're welcome! Oh! Papa will talk to you later after you have eaten. So, you need to wait for him. Understood? "

" Okay..."

" I'll see you later! "

Shadra left his room when she closed the door. The Kree-Lizard boy remained silent and blushing while eating. His mind got distracted in seeing the female Spider Faunus. She was too friendly and beautiful. Her smile left him a long-lasting impact which he would never forget. Could she be another Nancy Johnson reincarnated into somebody else? His beloved girlfriend was a moody and sickly person when he met her for the first time. But Shadra, she was younger than Nancy. The hybrid deserved to be with someone else for the second time after more than twenty-five years of wandering and hiding. He was too infatuated, but he wanted to know more about her.

The hybrid finished eating as he drank his water and thought of Shadra. Suddenly, he heard a loud knock on the door and stood-up when he opened it. It was the same old man who rescued him. The boy nervously gulped and smiled in meeting him. The old man instantly and tightly hugged him as he got shocked.


" Uh...Thank you, sir...." the hybrid wryly smiled and chuckled. " That was an awesome greeting! "

" You could have died there, Svet..."

" Svet?! "

" My daughter, Shadra told me you're nameless, right? "

" Y-Yes... Why? "

" Hooded Cossack is too long for your temporary name. Anyways, you will be known here as Svet for the meantime. "

" What does that mean? "

" It means " light " in Russian, " the old man answered. " By the way, my name is Smolder Ryliea, I'm Shadra's father. "

" It's nice to meet you, Old Smolder, " the boy offered him a handshake.

" Likewise, " Smolder grinned and explained. " So, I'm a former huntsman and an astronaut from Remnant. I got assigned here before the Kree and Lizard invasion happened. I was a part of a scientific mission in the International Space Station. "

" Wow! " the boy got bewildered and used his index finger to point upwards. " So, you have been there? "

" Yep, I have been to space three times. My first mission after I graduated from Atlas Academy some decades ago. It took three months and fifteen days in orbit. You know I helped fixing and deploying some satellites. My second one was my first stay in the International Space Station. It lasted eleven months and twenty days. My last mission before that invasion happened was around 765 days, 14 hours, 25 minutes, and 35 seconds. "

" You still remember those? "

" Yeah, I always write my payload duration. That's all astronauts and cosmonauts usually do. "

" How was it like to be up there? " the hybrid asked.

" Well, I saw the bright sun, the moon, the tiny pint-points, and our blue and green
planet covered white clouds. "

" You surely enjoyed yours days, there. "

" Yes, I did. The cosmos is such a vast place, but we only have got our way to the solar system space. Not yet, reaching beyond it. It takes a very long time to take there, " Smolder smiled and nodded. " How about you, Earthbounder? Are you planning to be one after this invasion? "

" I don't know..." he sadly sighed. " I spent years hiding from my enemies including the MTF. I have gone into places where I met some friends who treated me like a family member, but I got lost and ended up here. I never have a real family at all. Everyone thinks I am the ruthless monster who murdured the innocents. I don't know what kind of future I have when our enemies crushes this world. "

Smolder understood and crossed his arms as he intently listened at the boy. He thought of asking him again in order to find his ways in helping him.

" Sounds like, you have seen tough and rough parts of your life, " the old man broke his silence. Look, you're not the only one who feels that way. When I was younger, I used to think like that. I had a father and a sister who were crooked and twisted. All they want is greed and power to destroy everyone. I never followed their path which they despised me. So, I had to make my own destiny. Look at me? I was the first Remnite space explorer who trailblazed along with the people from different nations. I'm still proud of it and I never regret it. "

" Interesting, " he smiled.

" Yeah, maybe you can change your life that makes you really happy and fulfilled. "

" How? "

" It will start from you, Svet, " Smolder pointed at the boy. " You have the freewill to make your own destiny. Learn from the past and get over with it! You have to be strong and determined enough to face every challenges you have. Anyways, what is your greatest dream in life? " 

 " I want to see the Kree Eternal, " the boy answered. " If you can help me find him, I just need to get healed from my illness. " 

" Svet, what kind of illness? "

" Mental...I have constant nightmares of SCP-682 running in my head. Sometimes, I get catatonic. There are episodes which I cry a lot and panic attacks when I see someone being brutally terrorized or killed. There are times I get hallucinations in seeing that monster. My friends in Alaska were supposed to see me into a doctor, but they couldn't find one for me. Only, the Kree Eternal could save me from my messed-up life. "

" I see..." Smolder nodded and crossed his arms. " That must be an unending turmoil. Look, Svet. I'm not a therapist, but I'm glad you met some friends who helped and understood you. Honestly, this is my first time to deal with someone who has a mental illness. You're trying to cope up with the human society and that's good. I can help you to become a better person as much as possible. But always remember, you need to help yourself too. Okay? "

" Right. "

" But about the Kree Eternal, yeah I saw him. "

" When? "

 " Two decades ago, after I married my wife Trifa, " he continued. " I joined the rebel forces in Carol Danvers' faction after the space program was totally cancelled. I was in Atlas City when I encountered some blue skinned people and lizards attacking all the civilians and rebels. I was ready to engage, but I got pinned down by some of the enemies. I was about to die, but a mysterious and powerful Kree man defended me from them and healed my wounds. " Smolder pulled his both sleeves, showing his scars. " These scars reminded me how brutal they were, but the Kree Eternal saved my life. "

" Did you ask for his name? "

" His name was Methu-Selah, a man who lives more than a thousand earth years. He was the only Kree Eternal who survived. I was so glad that I encountered him, but I never saw him again. "

" Why? "

" I don't know, " Smolder shrugged. " Wherever he is, he's the only Kree man who cared for other people. "

" I see, " the boy nodded. " If I have a chance to see him, then I really want to ask a lot of questions for him. "

" Yeah, he can show up as long as he wants to, " the old Remnite astronaut replied and intently looked at the boy's face. " Infact, you do look like him, except for your rough scaly green skin, but you have his emerald irises in your eyes. "

" What are you talking about? " he raised his voice. " I'm just a clone of 682. "

" If you're the clone of that hideous one, then how come you talk like a normal person? I understood you have some episodes of your insanity, but you don't really sound like him at all, " Smolder bluntly answered. " There's something in you that you have never been discovered. "

" What is it? "

" Well, only you and the Kree Eternal will talk about it, " the astronaut replied and smiled. " Like you said, you will ask questions once you see him, right? "

" Right, " the boy nodded without any hesitation.

" So, where are you going after you stay in Moscow for some time? "

" I'm supposed to go to France and find him if I see him. "

" That will be a very long and dangerous trip if you do it alone and on foot. For the mean time, you can stay with my family first and help around. Oh, yeah. Like I have promised, I will help you. "

" How? "

" If you want to be a space explorer, I'm going to let you have your first cosmonaut training experience. It will be tougher than you imagine, but it's worth it! "

" Okay, " he nodded.

" Secondly, my wife and children will teach you how to communicate in Russian. So, when some Russians talk to you, you will never be fooled. Lastly, if you have tried combat training, we're going to update and polish your skills. Understood, Svet? "

" Yes, sir! "

" Okay, cadet, this is your first day of training. So, get prepared! " 

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